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DB Cooper

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I have a B.A. in Criminology from a major university, and I work in the investigations field, although I'll be clear that I am not a LEO, and just to put Jo at ease I'm going to come out and say I am also not a scum bag PI either (or a non scum bag PI for that matter).


The quotation above is paragraph 3, post #50020, page 2001.


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Which is it Jo - last night you said I was a PI who had been investigating everything and calling you from random number. Remember you posted how you made funny faces with your mouth when I was supposedly talking to you? Then you say I'm a police officer of some kind who is derelict of my duty. Now you want to me to call you up and talk to you about Alaska, and you exclaim I've never been to Washington to investigate anything?

Grandiose delusions and paranoia can be associated with depression at best, and schizophrenia on the other side of the pendulum.

PLEASE do NOT ADDRESS ME AND I WILL NOT ADDRESS YOU - WITHOUT CREDENTIALS YOU CAN STOP WITH THE DIAGNOSIS SHIT. YOU can stop with your crap - JUST ignore me as there are others in this thread I do communicated with. LEAVE ME ALONE!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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***Jo, if people were after you (which I doubt) they would not come on the internet where things are logged. Mission Impossible is a TV show. this is a thread where we are suppose to go over evidence. I don't see where you put the two together and make it into dark secrets, people after me etc. I think you are scaring more people with your stability vs someone wanting to harm you.


If I may read something into that you meant to say Instability! Well, unfortunately that does NOT exist.
I don't think PEOPLE are after me.

Tell you what why don't I start transmitting to you the communications I had with this man by email. Of course I have nothing of all the phone conversations on it...he really saved the goodies and the teases for the phone...couldn't seem to get him to TALK about them in writing.

If I do that then he will have to DEVELOPE a whole new story - he was really good at it - but when he pulled old photos and told me the women in the back one was his mother -WELL, I have old pictures of Duane's mother and even when he was young she did NOT look like those women and the date of the dresses did NOT fit for the time period of when Duane was a boy.

See what I mean - there are LOTS of things that I have done THAT ARE NOT on this thread....and part of that is 9 to 10 months of communications with this man and the stories he told.

Jo, I believe you have the wrong person in question. you go after every new poster on this form as if you know exactly who they are. you did the same for flyjack. I'm not saying you probably don't get some nutty people contacting you, but they can't be every new poster on here......way to much assuming on this here thread.

I don't know what else to tell you. chasing this as long as you have and not finding anything of real value has got to tell you something? I'm not talking about taking 2+2 and making it into 5 either. it will always be 4.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I have a B.A. in Criminology from a major university, and I work in the investigations field, although I'll be clear that I am not a LEO, and just to put Jo at ease I'm going to come out and say I am also not a scum bag PI either (or a non scum bag PI for that matter).


The quotation above is paragraph 3, post #50020, page 2001.


See, Jo?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Jo YOU ARE A LIAR! You are an absolute liar. I believe that most of the crap you spew has a very small kernel of truth to it, but then you make a choice in your mind to exaggerate it and mold it to fit whatever you want. ***

Never call me a liar - leave me alone!

Want to talk about the little story Bulljax or his alternate personality sent to me.

Not sure of the spelling:
He met with a man by the name of Vincent Marcella in Oregon in BIGGS.

Supposedly this man had gotten intouch with him thru a man out of N.Y. buy the name of Gombalie

Folks I have NO idea how these names are spelled only the sound of them as he only would talk on the phone - he refused to put things in writing.

Tony was supposedly a nephew of Marcella or Marsella.

This man susposedly owned the storage building that was near the airport where a rental was left. The rental was a company out the S.E.

Supposedly when this Vincent met with Bulljax and his multiple other names it was at a small restaurant in Biggs. The man supposedly made him empty his pockets on the table and made sure his cell was off. HE tells him a bunch of garbage and that he has to wait 2 yrs before he tell anyone. Bulljax thinks the man might be ill because of the 2 yrs proposition.

Bulljax claims serveral short trips to WA and one of them was to supposedly to be taken to a place where the proof would be. His converations got real flaky & I felt none of it was true..

Then supposedly this man calls him and tells him to meet a man by the last name of Walt Collins in Alton at the Adventure Hotel to recieve the BOX. I posted a pic of the box earlier.

There was something about a man connected to a Seattle New paper with a name I never got the spelling of - but sounds like Gave or Gabe.

This Marcella was supposedly in the 70's connected to a detail shop in Vancouver I believe. Remember he does not email me - he talks to me on the phone...but refusing to verify anything by email.

Claims he is related to Elmer Lonn of Endersol Rand. Since this was something Duane had talked about - he got my attention. Elmer was supposedly his great Uncle. Endersol made diesels.

He keeps trying to get the name of man out of me with the first name of Vern - and I keep refusing to give him the last name and he gets angry.

He keeps fishing for this but I never relinquished the last name.

He talked about Ape Cave and a man with Boeing Models. A man who was friend of the family had brought them to Ape Cave when he was in WA with his mother as a child.

This friend of the family worked or contracted with Boeing. He claimed this was in WA when he was 8 yrs old and that the man was Cooper. Explained he wore the jumpsuit (blue/grey) dickeys and he had a silver lighter. Well, it was either gray or it was blue there is no between color with Dickie.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Story told to me many yrs ago:

Now I am going to talk about a man whose name I fear giving. He may be deceased by now. He was skydiving in the 60 doing covert jumps into laos.

This man was QUESTIONED shortly after the skyjacking. He owned a DZ in Idaho.

Claimed that Cooper and he were employed by the CIA to steal planes in Mexico and deliver them to operators in S.A. THIS correspond with a story told to me by Ed Huran the airplane mechanic Duane knew....spoke about being a airplane mechanic.

Could not get verification of this and the FBI didn't give a shit. The man was still alive in 2006....that was 8 yrs ago....perhaps it is time someone tried to see if there was anything to this. Comes out of the same area as the guy who was calling me...that I call Bulljax.

This story is from the eyes of a child:

Bulljax is telling me about the Vern guy and uses something I mentioned - he picks up on things remote. Started to mime me on the information I fed him.

Next thing I know he is claiming witnesses out of Carson, WA. A woman who was 16 /17 yrs old in 1971 and man in his 80's now. Then claims he met with them in Sioux City this last yr 2013. He tells a story about a white Cadillac picking a guy up at the convenience store in Carson on the 3rd day.

The man had asked about a pay phone & he was dirty and he was on the bench behind the store drying out. Had a package wrapped in plastic. Has on a tee shirt and this other clothes are drying on the rail.....

Now does this young man know how ridiculous this sound - Carson 3 days after the jump is cold. Does he even know how Cold it is in Carson 3 days after the jump and the guy is on the porch down to a Tee shirt????? DUH! Claimed the girl said he had tape on his shoes.

He insisted it was true. Now the only way to get there from the jump site is Goverment Road and the old camps thru there and removeable rails - would have been a cold and rough trip in 1971 and walking considering the time of the yr and the weather. Might have been able to get a pump car and used the LOGGING rails most or part of the way. The logging industry had a few cars of their own to transport the guys to and from the sites they worked on to build assemble the temporary rails.

Anyone live in WA who can elaborate on this a little.,...please do. It is the stories like this I have not cirulated, but NOW I do not give a hoot - just get them out and find out if anyone ever heard of a similar story and if there was anything to them.

This person or that person will tell me a story and then tell me not to go talk about it. I am ready to start giving the names were I have names to put out.

Out of courtsey for the individuals dropping these stories - I now want the feed back of the OLD TIMERS to see what they think about the possibliity....probably all bunk - but with no one worring about being prosecuted anymore, why not?

Anyone else ever hear a story similar to this one. This one supposedly was told to a young man who now lives in Iowa, but was about 8 yrs old in 1971 and yet he ventured to spend a lot of money to back up his story - IF he told the truth!

Maybe the new poster knows this guy in Iowa - maybe his alter ego.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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PLEASE do NOT ADDRESS ME AND I WILL NOT ADDRESS YOU - WITHOUT CREDENTIALS YOU CAN STOP WITH THE DIAGNOSIS SHIT. YOU can stop with your crap - JUST ignore me as there are others in this thread I do communicated with. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Jo I'm not going to ignore you. Despite the silly Copyright you have in your signature line, you neither own this thread, nor the D.B. Cooper story. Plus, you decided to put yourself in the public eye by going to US News and for nearly 20 years screaming to the heavens that Duane Weber was D.B. Cooper (along with a CIA operate and such nonsense).

So you're going to have to face the reality - unless they ban me, I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I was given such a nice welcome, I think I'll stick around and contribute. At the very least I'm going to vocally expose whatever flawed ideas I read about, and that includes Duane (Johnnie Collins) Weber being D.Bl Cooper.

You may have been able to scare off other people with your shrill threats of PMing moderators and calling the FBI, but I bet they're about as tired of your wolf cries as I am, and I've only been around it for less than a week.

While it's highly unlikely that this case will ever be solved, there are some people who would like to entertain rational discussion of actual evidence. That doesn't include your 3am rants that sound like the back of a bad novel. 'Everything hurts, her mind is fogging, will the answers ever come? Or did they die that day in 1995 with the only man that ever mattered her? The answers are in the records in Puyallup. The answers are in the vaults at the CIA!'

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PLEASE do NOT ADDRESS ME AND I WILL NOT ADDRESS YOU - WITHOUT CREDENTIALS YOU CAN STOP WITH THE DIAGNOSIS SHIT. YOU can stop with your crap - JUST ignore me as there are others in this thread I do communicated with. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Jo I'm not going to ignore you. Despite the silly Copyright you have in your signature line, you neither own this thread, nor the D.B. Cooper story. Plus, you decided to put yourself in the public eye by going to US News and for nearly 20 years screaming to the heavens that Duane Weber was D.B. Cooper (along with a CIA operate and such nonsense).

So you're going to have to face the reality - unless they ban me, I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I was given such a nice welcome, I think I'll stick around and contribute. At the very least I'm going to vocally expose whatever flawed ideas I read about, and that includes Duane (Johnnie Collins) Weber being D.Bl Cooper.

You may have been able to scare off other people with your shrill threats of PMing moderators and calling the FBI, but I bet they're about as tired of your wolf cries as I am, and I've only been around it for less than a week.

While it's highly unlikely that this case will ever be solved, there are some people who would like to entertain rational discussion of actual evidence. That doesn't include your 3am rants that sound like the back of a bad novel. 'Everything hurts, her mind is fogging, will the answers ever come? Or did they die that day in 1995 with the only man that ever mattered her? The answers are in the records in Puyallup. The answers are in the vaults at the CIA!'[/quote

Do you know about DNA
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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PLEASE do NOT ADDRESS ME AND I WILL NOT ADDRESS YOU - WITHOUT CREDENTIALS YOU CAN STOP WITH THE DIAGNOSIS SHIT. YOU can stop with your crap - JUST ignore me as there are others in this thread I do communicated with. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Jo I'm not going to ignore you. Despite the silly Copyright you have in your signature line, you neither own this thread, nor the D.B. Cooper story. Plus, you decided to put yourself in the public eye by going to US News and for nearly 20 years screaming to the heavens that Duane Weber was D.B. Cooper (along with a CIA operate and such nonsense).

So you're going to have to face the reality - unless they ban me, I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I was given such a nice welcome, I think I'll stick around and contribute. At the very least I'm going to vocally expose whatever flawed ideas I read about, and that includes Duane (Johnnie Collins) Weber being D.Bl Cooper.

You may have been able to scare off other people with your shrill threats of PMing moderators and calling the FBI, but I bet they're about as tired of your wolf cries as I am, and I've only been around it for less than a week.

While it's highly unlikely that this case will ever be solved, there are some people who would like to entertain rational discussion of actual evidence. That doesn't include your 3am rants that sound like the back of a bad novel. 'Everything hurts, her mind is fogging, will the answers ever come? Or did they die that day in 1995 with the only man that ever mattered her? The answers are in the records in Puyallup. The answers are in the vaults at the CIA!'[/quote

Do you know about DNA

Or handwriting
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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PLEASE do NOT ADDRESS ME AND I WILL NOT ADDRESS YOU - WITHOUT CREDENTIALS YOU CAN STOP WITH THE DIAGNOSIS SHIT. YOU can stop with your crap - JUST ignore me as there are others in this thread I do communicated with. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Jo I'm not going to ignore you. Despite the silly Copyright you have in your signature line, you neither own this thread, nor the D.B. Cooper story. Plus, you decided to put yourself in the public eye by going to US News and for nearly 20 years screaming to the heavens that Duane Weber was D.B. Cooper (along with a CIA operate and such nonsense).

So you're going to have to face the reality - unless they ban me, I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I was given such a nice welcome, I think I'll stick around and contribute. At the very least I'm going to vocally expose whatever flawed ideas I read about, and that includes Duane (Johnnie Collins) Weber being D.Bl Cooper.

You may have been able to scare off other people with your shrill threats of PMing moderators and calling the FBI, but I bet they're about as tired of your wolf cries as I am, and I've only been around it for less than a week.

While it's highly unlikely that this case will ever be solved, there are some people who would like to entertain rational discussion of actual evidence. That doesn't include your 3am rants that sound like the back of a bad novel. 'Everything hurts, her mind is fogging, will the answers ever come? Or did they die that day in 1995 with the only man that ever mattered her? The answers are in the records in Puyallup. The answers are in the vaults at the CIA!'[/quote

Do you know about DNA

Or handwriting[/quote

Your right you are crazy
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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Thanks for the welcome everyone, I appreciate it!

As far as Auburn goes - my wife would scream! She started at Alabama and then transferred to the school we both graduated from, but the Auburn hate still runs deep. Haha.

As far as Blevins goes, I don't think I mind him at all. I just wanted to point out some disagreements. I feel sort of bad that I was harsh.

As far as Jo goes, well, she's half the fun of this thread. I just hope the rest of you don't get angry with me for goading her. (PM me otherwise)

Well, I'm off to the dinner table. It's a nippy 49deg here :-)


BTW Jo - either get your eyes checked our your cognition checked. I SPECIFICALLY SAID I WAS NOT A LEO (law enforcement officer). If you show me a post otherwise then I'll give you a nickel.

Funny - the Auburn thing. Nothing to worry about! It's settled.
But what a game!! :D:D

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Guru, apparently ever one of the 19 redactions was done to remove information that would help locate the airliner at a specific time.


Because of the constant bickering and other BS in this thread, I admit to not following as closely as I have in the past and maybe I missed the speculations regarding the "why" of the redactions.

377...what do you think is the reason? Anyone else?

I find this "redaction issue" one of the more fascinating parts of the DB puzzle.

I have wondered about this and I found this: http://simplyforgotus.blogspot.com/2013/07/redact-without-purpose.html

Doesn't really answer the question but interesting read.
So our questions to ponder:

Is the redaction directly related to the flight path info (as in purposefully excluded to keep public from discerning flight path? In which case you have to say...to what purpose?

Or...did those entries contain names? EDITED TO ADD: But names are included in the other documents. :S

Or..did those entries contain some type of information that auto triggered a redaction? The people that do the redactions, in many cases, have no special knowledge of the document. They are simply people who are following a generic procedure and are taught to redact if it looks like this or like that.

So has anyone been able to aquire the dictations and then we can try to fill in the words just by using the spaces they back-out. It is worth a try - if there is even a printed version available.

I am goint to tell you guys something I am NOT susposed to know - I didn't realize I actually knew this until now. I started to tell it and then erased it knowing NO one would ever believe me.

So instead - I will ask you guys to see if you can find the names of the guys in the Towers during the skyjacking. Something Duane told me - ONE of them was on loan from Atlanta - he went to see him before we left for CO. I assumed it had to do with insurance as the company he had worked for was able to write them coverage at a fairly decent rate. The air traffic controller premiums were out of this world and most companies would not even write them.

Something about seeing that picture Blevins posted triggered the memory. I have repeatedly told you guys my memory is visual and triggered by things I see - like a road sign or a building or something else unusual. I do NOT know why this keeps bugging me.

Remember I couldn't find the Ledbetter road - all it took was for me to see the area and then the sign in 2001 and bingo I was on the lake. The crew had already left - just 4 old ladies and one driver....1 is deceased so that leaves 3. Both are older than myself...NO one cares if the Cooper case is ever solved.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Was called to my attention I made serious mistake in this post.
Change added in RED.


Otterly Ridiculous!

Since I am trying to be very serious here about recent information that needs the input of REAL investgators & skyjumpers who are familiar w/ communication technology of the 70's, I am getting Otterly disgusted.

WHERE is 377? Older jumpers & those with familiar with Communication systems used by Intermountain Communications headed up by Richard "Paperlegs" Peterson. Start up was in 1962 and disbanded - Oh heck I forgot the yr but in the 70's. They started training in Canon City around 1972 (correction 1962) - Duane had taken me there and told me about the operation - he did NOT mention he had been in prison there.

We made other stops on this same trip.

I do NOT concentrate my posting on DW much anymore - just things I hope others will contribute to. I want to tall about Microwave Communication Towers in the 70's and it has been explained to me the communication we received on the CB somewhere between Laramie to Rawlins, Wym was probably a Microwave tower.

The plane communication to the CAR that you guys said was impossible - was possible.

Now I find the 3 Dams on the Lewis river had microwave communications and Duane had mentioned this on the trip.I did not understand how the Communications being from a Microwave tower could be received by a CB. Now I know they can

Remember the CB Duane had was very sophiscated as it had to be worked on after we moved to FL. One day I had to stop to make a collection a that CB shop and reminded him he has worked on my husband's CB. The man told me he could not understand why Duane needed a system like that.

I didn't understand what he was talking about - NOW I know Duane's CB had been modified to receive microwave signals. I still do NOT understand how they are different.

I have forgotten the discussion details as I said I didn't understand them....not until someone recently explained to me this was possible.

After coming to this thread I went back to the shop, but the shop was closed and out of business. I had the route the shop was on around 1991. Duane was alive and he had disposed of the CB to get a CELL PAC.

Can someone please explain to me how a CB can be modified to work on Microwave lenths and with the towers and what modification would look like. CB's are non existent now - and I know no one to ask.

Curious! The 3 towers plus others were operational in 1971. Of course this means there would have to have been more than on person - right or is it possible with only one person?

I would not think so.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I keep asking myself why I know this shit and why those records keep bugging me! What about all of this is eating at me - it is a memory I can't pull. I know what the memory is - but when it happened is very important and I am not making a fool out of myself until I remember when - a certain memory was created.


This is an important read regarding all of the above postings!

Over the yrs there was one man who told me that the records where turned over to NWA and as far as he thought they had the only copy. When they were released to the FBI the information had already been redacted by NWA. He knew of no other copy of these transactions. I do not remember all the details of the conversation...and realize I really did NOT know what they meant....but IT was the transactions you guys are speaking of.

THis man was xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx who was involved in the transmissions and/or trainee or supervisor.

This goes back yrs ago and someone I was told to get in contact with. I hope I have the contact information written as there was no emails with this person and he spoke off the RECORD and that our conversation could never be repeated. FOR some reason the man felt I needed to know this.

Since he is probably deceased - I feel I can tell this...I hope I can find the name, but there is so much of this crap and I just cannot go thru it all. My communications with this man was BEFORE 2002 (believe if my time memory is serving me anymore) and before I sold my home....therefore I can only hope I made notations in my old planners.

I mentioned this before - but didn't realize it had not been finally made available....he said the only people who would have it was NWA. There was a change of command and many things just in my words went Poof!

You guys I hope realize there is so much trapped inside of my brain and being the dumb broad I am - didn't realize the records you guys are looking for were NOT part of the file you had already obtained.
I though all you geeks had obtained it all.

Until NOW! There was something said about airtraffic controllers being brought in from other parts of the country (I want to say Atlanta) & they had that end of it. Northwest REQUESTED or TOOK them (the originals)....may have been the only copy or recording available.

Wish I could remember enough of this to talk intelligently about this - but, I can't and I know you guys will say this is fabricated. BUT, I swear to you it is not....I didn't know what I was supposed to be trying to obtain from him...but, he knew. He spoke to me only because he knew who I was and told me he could loose his job if I mentioned our conversation.

Yrs later I would call that number and ask for the man - and he was not longer there.

I still do NOT know what I am talking about, but it is I believe what you guys are looking for. Nothing was ever made available other than the re-dacted information. I thought we dicussed this in the thread at one time!

Poor Blevins in his post above is so wrong - I know what you guys are looking for and there WAS no copy of the un-redacted information made. What the man said was that evidently with a change of command at N.W. or by employees that they just destroyed these old files/or recordings not realizing an un-redacted version had never been made available. He thought it odd, but it was at the Demand of N.W.

Later it seems that it may have been the insurance company that had to cover the financial loss for N.W....what ever - the original or originals were destroyed or at least never found by N.W.

Forgive the trusion - this is just DUMB BROAD memory. I think perhaps if you go back to Sluggo days - it may have been discussed at that time. NO unredacted copies survived that anyone knows of.

In retrospect has all the markings of an inside job, cover up before or after the fact and stupidity on the part of the N.W. Employees or the Insurance Company. The shift in airtraffic controllers regarding this is what go my attention - but, Hell I didn't even know what I was supposed to be looking for.

Remember Duane had a friend who was an Air Traffic Controller who worked in WA in the 70's on a temporary lone during the time of the skyjacking! THAT was odd and that I had knowledge of this only because of a comment Duane made and I didn't realize it could have been about a skyjacking - I had little to no knowledge of the crime and not something I followed in the Newspapers.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You ARE VERY aware I know Geestman's address and the phone number provided, but his phone number was changed right after that TV program. The property records are not available so NO one can even verifiy he still lives there or if he is even alive. I have not been provided with the name of the woman who road horses - maybe it was Geestmans wife. I DID NOT read your book - it was too far off to concern me or anyone really serious about doing the research. THE ONLY reason anything about your story got my attention was the mention of Paradise Park and the Woman who rode Horses standing & that Geestman had move to Port Angeles. I knew about these people BEFORE I ever heard anything about your story!

I dare anyone who lives in the N.W. to go find them and talk to them - put them on the phone with me and have the pictures I send you in your possession and their seeing them as we talk. What their faces (if they are NOT too far gone) and you will see the eyes of recognition within their faces. They may even have old pictures that will prove - they knew Dusty.

YOU want to WAIT until they die...so NO one can ever dispute YOUR story. IT may only be that Weber knew them - and nothing more.

If I knew he was still in Port Angeles and still alive - and I was physical able I would be on a plane there.

I have things in Puyallup that need to be taken care of also. Strangely I did NOT know that every one Duane told me about had Puyallup connections until the last few wks.

I am in distress because I cannot get on a plane & GO there and look at the county records and talk to the people I need to see FACE TO FACE before they are all dead.

Even if everything I think is there - the FBI will NEVER acknowledge any of it....because the lid was put on this before the ink was dry on the initial reeports. YEA, everything I have found is pointing at PUYALLUP connections - too many of them. Problem was I did NOT know about all of these Puyallup connections until the last 2 yrs.

Maybe it was just the meca Center of theories and subjectives, but enquiring minds want to know - at least while there are still individuals who might hold minor memories which when they are a put together spell - Cooper.

Puyallup was the ONE place everything I was ever told goes back to and I mean the things Duane WEBER told me on that trip....ALL of which is documented before I ever read any book other than the MOSTLY fictional book by Max Gunther...based on 6 phone calls of approximately 45 minutes each - made by a woman stoned out of her mind by alcohol and needing to tell someone about what happened.

The FBI ignored Max & the letters & the story he told. HIS book was a last resort...he had taken the infomation to the FBI & felt he needed to some how tell the story this woman tried to tell him. With little to build his story on he incorporated within his book details that only Cooper would know. When CLARA was communicating with Max - she believed that Cooper had already died.

"Clara" did not know Cooper was still alive until she received a phone call from him after the book was published. HOW do I know this or am I making up the most fantastic story ever told about this crime? I had questioned a phone call to CA on his shop records.....

WELL, I will be leaving NO book behind me nor a movie.I leave behind me what I have written in this thread & the papers I have collected and HOPES someone someday who has the tenacity to read thru 10's of 1,000's of pages I have in my files - even I would never attempt to tackle all this CRAP, therefore I expect the truth will die with me.

NO one wants the truth - they are LOST in the myth.

Since the world is closing in on me I get very emotional when I post to this thread - but I am running a race with time and I have to say what has to be said. My quality time on this earth is over and what is left will be to try to communicate thur this thread what I DO know - if anyone is interested.

Max had a secret - one I have never publicized, but one that some of you might already know. Since he is deceased and most of the individuals involved are also deceased - I will now tell you WHY Clara contacted MAX.

Max and the only love of his life - his wife were swingers and they enjoyed the life style. Clara never told Max why she contacted him - but he felt it was someone he had met on one of his ventures...with the only love of his life he ever had...and one he could never ever forget. It was something Clara said that cause him to pick up on this. More than one statement was made that indicated Clara had met Max and his wife.

Clara and Cooper shared a kinky life and in one or more of those ventures Clara had met Max. EVER wonder how Clara had a private phone number for MAX?

Fact or Fiction? There was a completely separate article that was in an old magazine - Weber got very angry at me throwing out. It had an article written by Max and then another article about hidden identities.

I was puzzled by the age of the book in the 60's and why Duane would be so attached to such an old magazine.

One of the articles was about hidden identities and how one could do this.
Max thinks perhaps Max Gunther had written that article or had something to do with that magazine - it was dated in the 60's.

The other magazine Duane had hidden in that old metal box was the original magazine with an article about "The Man Who Knew To Much" THis article would be repeated again in later additions of Soldier of Fortune. NO MAX had NOTHING to do with this article or that magazine.

TWO unusual Magazines for a man to keep in a metal box for so many yrs. THen when he brings them into our home - I did NOT know how important they were...I read them and then threw them away. Duane was raging, but he couldn't let me know why. He then found a copy of one of the books and put it in a safe deposit box - "The Man Who Knew Too Much".
was the same article that was in one of the books I threw away.

Duane had told me to read the article about the man with the secret identity.
It was during this period he starts to tell me things about his life - this is when I learned he had been in Jefferson and used the name John Collins. I worked many hours a wk to help keep us going - I had little time for frivilous things or reading or dwelling on his past...I was working 10 plus hours per wk...still cooked all of his meals so all he had to do was warm them up....because I would still be working at dinner time.

VERY tired and I will NOT bother to go back and check my spelling or my wording because everything I am telling is the truth. Time confuses some of the dates and the facts - I am doing the best I can.

Time for someone else to finish my job...I can't do it - I am too tired and to stressed and I am miserable, but I cannot let go - I have to tell what I know and HOPE someone remembers something and will be able fill in the blanks someday. I HOPE beyond all HOPE this will happen while I am still alive!

It is getting pretty Dusty in Puyallup.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Mr. Blevins - Fist let me say there is nothing at all wrong with making money, and I think you can make money and still be credible. I see why you did what you did with the media gigs, but we both agree now you should have done differently.

Also being that was your first attempt at writing on a subject matter of that type, you must have done an alright job because of the attention you have gotten. I pointed out the type of problems I had, I don't think I need to beat a dead horse.

With regard to the $25k - you did the right thing 100% because that would have shot your credibility. Buying Lyle's rights to the story though, at least in my opinion, did cause some credibility issues. Don't get me wrong though, I believe that your goal was to solve the case and I believe that at least at the time of writing your book you firmly believed KC was your guy.

Regarding the counter top, I think mrshutter45 has spoken volumes. Also I mentioned that the insulation up there is blown-in insulation that is not of the early 70's era. I'm going to give you my most honest opinion. I believe KC had the counter top installed that you have. When those counters were torn out after the home transferred ownership, the new building owner wanted to use the attic for storage, and they built that area with scrap to serve as a platform for something odd-shaped or heavy.

Last thing about that counter top. I don't know if it matters or is worth the time or possible expense, but I know of two possible ways of determining the year of manufacture. First, I would start with Formica Group. They probably keep an archive of their products and with a reference point on where to start they may be able to date it for you. The second option is a private lab called ITEL Laboratories. Identifying and matching construction material such a carpet, shingles, laminate, stone, etc is their specialty. Again if it matters to you or would help the accuracy of your book, give either of them a call and they may have you send them a sample.

One other thing. I read a post on here where someone said KC was gay. Is that true? If so, did he have a domestic partner - someone regularly in his life that could put some closure on the KC question?

In my head I have a profile of who Dan Cooper would be, and truthfully KC very nearly fit that bill. There were just a few things that, to me anyway, have basically excluded him as a suspect.


Oh and as far as the Noles' and spitting out football wins... It's not actually FSU, it's Florida itself. Down here we grown oranges, strawberries, and football players.

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"2) A picture taken in KC's kitchen in 1992 shows the counters as basically the same color, white. But the picture is not enough to say they are an exact match."

months back while arguing this point you claimed you had a "Professional" ID the countertop being the one in the picture and not just the wood itself.

then you went on to claim there was nothing done in the attic. I showed a picture of the attic while Decoded was up there and you could clearly see newer 2x4's in which you responded with it being a lighting issue.

you also claim that the "sheetrock" or drywall was original. the house was built in the 40's and looking again at the interior I can say the drywall is not original. in fact it was not a very good installation.

the piece is jagged because it was torn out of the house during remodeling, how or why it got in the attic is not an issue with me.

how do you say it, Reality Hotel check in time?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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There has been no suspect identified as the hyjacker. Dan Cooper died in the jump that night. All other stories presented on this forum is false especially Jo Webers and Blevins. Jerry Thomas

Jerry, how well do you know Paul Geivett. he claims he knows you and that you agree with his findings? just thought I would ask for the record.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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There has been no suspect identified as the hyjacker. Dan Cooper died in the jump that night. All other stories presented on this forum is false especially Jo Webers and Blevins. Jerry Thomas

Hi Jerry,

Welcome back! I missed you at the symposium and Ariel this year!

I did see your recent TV appearance.Looking good!!

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Dan Cooper died in the jump that night. ...Jerry Thomas

You whuffos really make me laugh. What "proof" do you have that he died?

The jump would not be difficult nor would it be dangerous. As I've written previously, thousands of jumpers could pull it off.

On the other hand, a non-jumper, as this guy most likely was, would have great difficulty with the money bag and attaching it to himself. Even an experienced jumper would have trouble with tying the bag to his body/harness.

I'm a rigger and I would have had an impossible task tying that money bag to myself without an extra pair of hands to support the bag while tying.

My "proof" that he lost the money bag either on exit or on opening is the presence of the money find.

Occam's razor, folks. Something that you whuffos disregard on a regular basis with your ignorant speculation.

I am not DB Cooper

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The situation had simply gotten out of hand.

A number of people, mostly anonymous posters, had essentially "taken over" and felt it was their right to do whatever they felt in that thread no matter how many times I had warned. Further, I had received numerous, shall we say, extremely rude PMs from various people involved in the thread questioning any moderation at all.

Let me just make it perfectly clear that this web site is not a democracy nor is any part of it the property of anyone to do with as they please except the owner and to a limited extent his moderators.

Anyone posting in this site does so at the pleasure of the moderation team and control will be maintained one way or another. People can moderate their own actions or . . . we can do it for them.

If you'd like to continue to chat about DB Cooper, feel free to do so in this thread. If you don't like the rules or moderation, please feel free to go to another web site.

End of discussion.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Which is it Jo - last night you said I was a PI who had been investigating everything and calling you from random number. Remember you posted how you made funny faces with your mouth when I was supposedly talking to you? Then you say I'm a police officer of some kind who is derelict of my duty. Now you want to me to call you up and talk to you about Alaska, and you exclaim I've never been to Washington to investigate anything?

Grandiose delusions and paranoia can be associated with depression at best, and schizophrenia on the other side of the pendulum.


Your post did say you were law enforcement. As I was replying to your post it went poof, but only for corrections. You throughly realized you could not make threats and claim to be law enforcement in one breath.

Under NO circumstance do I wish to speak to you or interact with you......

USING your own words back in your face - this applies to you and the other persona I spoke to over the phone & in emails for over 9 months:

Grandiose delusions and paranoia can be associated with depression at best, and schizophrenia on the other side of the pendulum[:/]

[:/]:|I expect these words are part of your own case file....and if it was not against the rules - I would use your REAL name....(if the name you gave me was even real). No one makes all the trips you made and being the church going family man you claimed to be - one would have to be finanically well off to have made all of those 2 day trips from supposedly Iowa to WA and back to spend a few minutes interviewing a man by the name of Marsella (sound alike).

You never produced ONE thing that was proof of any trip at all. You entertained me - that is all!

Guys - this started in late Jan or Early February of 2013 and did not end until Nov of 2013. His highs and lows corresponded with events and special occassions. Always during the wk - never on a Sunday,

No commentment by email only by phone (but he does slip up a few times)...let the fantasy roll on! It is not my fantasy!

As long as he VOWS not to speak about me - then fine - you guys will eventually find the truth out on your own. He has multiple personalities and he gets very angry when things do not go his way or you confront him.

IF he is the same man - he may very well be willing to act out his threats - he creates things and places and characters...his animosity runs high at times.

Just a WARNING - and the REQUEST he NOT talk about me or address me in his postings. This is my last post addressing him & I do so only to defend myself in the event - he goes completely OFF his ROCKER.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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