mrshutter45 21 #46326 January 19, 2014 377I've never heard of a military 34 ft PEP either. Can't find one in Poynter's book. T10 paratrooper canopy was 32 ft. Twill paratrooper reserves were 24 ft. And if the Amboy chute was from a bailout rig where is the pilot chute? 377 G-14 cargo chute 34' scratch that, developed in the 60's...."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #46327 January 19, 2014 Yep, 1950's was the "A" model, they ran all the way up to "D" model and now the T-11 is being fielded. So, can we all stop talking about a cargo chute found in Amboy? MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #46328 January 20, 2014 So, it isn't a PEP (Pilot Ejection Parachute), and is more than likely, a cargo. A very high probability it is NOT Coopers chute. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #46329 January 20, 2014 377Another reason to rule out the Amboy chute: No pilot chute attached to the apex. I'm not a rigger and don't know much about emergency bailout rigs but I believe the type that Cossey and Hayden supplied used spring loaded pilot chutes attached to the apex of the main canopy. Correct? See attached photos of an MA1 pilot chute. These were common in bailout rigs. 377 An emergency parachute (back, seat, front, whatever) would have ABSOLUTELY had a pilot chute. They were mandatory. However, the chest pack in the early skydiving rigs frequently (or usually) had the pilot chute removed. The reason was based on the idea that if the reserve had to be deployed with the main canopy basically open, that the pilot chute would weight enough to pull the reserve downward rather than upward. So the rule was to deploy the reserve by hand and do whatever was possible to help inflate it as you paid it out. That is the way it was in my case. I had a big time inversion with the canopy folded into the inner part (between the shroud lines) and about one-third of the normal canopy area supporting me. I was rotating and coming down quite a bit faster than normal. As I tried to pay the reserve canopy out, it caught enough wind to pull the shroud lines right through my hands. I had some nice burns on both hands from that. The lesson learned from that was to wear gloves on all jumps. I normally did but just not on that one. And also carry a pocket knife in an easy to reach pocket just in case you have to cut yourself out of the harness after landing in trees. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #46330 January 20, 2014 What a read - pages of bantering. I know NOTHING about CHUTES, but if the front chute provided was a dummy all of this research seems senseless to this OLE 73 yr old dumbo. If it was the dummy - it establishes a perimenter in which Cooper could have landed. If Cooper knew it was useless, he ripped the canvas out & tossed or just kick it aside. OLE Woman logic says he may have used the container for another purpose & was confident the back pack he was using was ample. If Cooper was suicidal - I doubt he cared ONE way or another about the front chute. He may have inprovised the container for another purpose and the Chute itself was tossed before he actually jumped or maybe it was tossed near the aft stairs and was sucked out of the plane after he jumped. OLD woman logic and has Nothing to do with anything other than the Mental stability of the jumper at that time. Can only state what I know regarding how this subject may have reacted to such circumstances during my 17 yr relationship with him. The ditched useless things and utilized things he salvaged in ways others might never have concieved. I witnessed such incidents during our relationship. He was very inventive and didn't panic - all he cared about was the money and getting off the plane. If he didn't survive - so what he felt his life was NOTHING! He was a failure and he knew he would die in the same manner his mother died - NOTHING seemed important to him other than to make his statement. He felt the system had dealt with him unfairly and that he had screwed up his life....the future was very BLEAK - he really expected to die that night even before the plane got off the ground and before he jumped. THe SON OF A BITCH - survived much to his OWN surprise. Cooper was a man with NO LIFE to look forward to...he had failed everyone in his life and everything he ever tried to do...he was depressed and wanted his life to be over with. He survived! He got away, but the incident changed him - perhaps he realized HOW precious life was and his giving nature is what helped him to survive for several more yrs. After the crime Cooper felt remorse about what he did. He knew where Tina lived (this I know). He just said I used to know a woman who lived in Gresham who worked in a Senior Retirement Center. I did not know anything about the crime nor that Tina DID indeed live in the Gresham area when the money was found on the river banks. Maybe his leaving money on Tena's bar was symbolic - perhaps he wanted her to think he was dead so that perhaps she could go on with her life and not live in fear of harm. I have an early rise tomorrow, but I wanted you GUYS to know the thoughts that I had as I read all of that. HOPE none of this bores you - but, I did LIVE with and KNEW this man for many yrs...not the man who spent as many yrs before in multiple prisons. Good NIGHT!It makes me sad and I am so sorry so many of you are spending your time exploring things & I understand - because I also want to know. I just know the man who I spent 17 yrs plus was - could never have been the man who spent that many yrs in multiple prisons. It is a FACT that I now know...It took him several yrs to turn it around, but Cooper did survive and he did live many more yrs as a productive and giving and loving human being trying to right the wrong he did. He got a second chance in life, but he could NOT escape the quilt he felt - otherwise he would NEVER have shared his secret with me. Problem was he waited to late to try to explain it to me....we all think we will go on living for ever, but we know death is inevitable. I only recently realized my will needs to be changed, because as it stands it is NOT what I had hope to accomplish. I hope unlike Duane that I have enough time to make it right! Think about what I have just posted and [red[it comes from my heart with things I know and have learned. I could HOPE he was NOT Cooper, but NOTHING else makes sense out of how he lived his life and the things he told me during those last few days of his life. He Tried! He REALLY tried to tell his story and all I have to tell are the bits and fragments of his life that connect with the known facts of the case and unknown facts only someone who knew Cooper might know. Try touch base tomorrow but Tuesday will be another day like to day; NOTHINS IN THE SYSTMEM CAN NOW CHANGE THE PAST...............BUT SOME ONE MIGHT BE ABLE TO SO IT SOME DAY! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #46331 January 20, 2014 Jo wroteQuoteAfter the crime Cooper felt remorse about what he did. He knew where Tina lived (this I know). "This I know" And you wonder why so much of what you post is seen as not credible? You have a very active imagination Jo. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #46332 January 20, 2014 377Jo wroteQuoteAfter the crime Cooper felt remorse about what he did. He knew where Tina lived (this I know). "This I know" And you wonder why so much of what you post is seen as not credible? You have a very active imagination Jo. 377 iT IS TRUTE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOLEDGE AND YOU TILL CAN PRODUCE MORE YOURSELF - U did NOT Know the Man - I did!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #46333 January 20, 2014 Jo, I know you incapable of believing it, but Duane was not D.B. Cooper and did not have anything to do with the hijacking. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #46334 January 20, 2014 RobertMBlevins ***Jo, I know you incapable of believing it, but Duane was not D.B. Cooper and did not have anything to do with the hijacking. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Robert99 Robert99, I know you are incapable of believing it, but Flight 305 didn't go over Tina Bar on its way to Portland and that's not how the money ended up there. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Personally, if I were R909 I wouldn't even dignify you smarmy attack with an answer - that said, Was this before or after your alleged FAKE interview with Mitchell that never happened!? Huh? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #46335 January 20, 2014 RobertMBlevins *********Jo, I know you incapable of believing it, but Duane was not D.B. Cooper and did not have anything to do with the hijacking. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Robert99 Robert99, I know you are incapable of believing it, but Flight 305 didn't go over Tina Bar on its way to Portland and that's not how the money ended up there. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Was this before or after your alleged FAKE interview with Mitchell that never happened!? Huh? Wrong. Show me where I said I interviewed Mitchell. For the third time now...since you obviously missed the first two times I answered this question: AB sent him a letter with five pictures and a cover message. Notations on the back of the pictures. That's all. You must have me mixed up with the Washington State History Museum. THEY interviewed him. There could be some resemblance I suppose, but I never thought I actually looked like a museum. I have CONSIDERED the idea of interviewing Mitchell, but I think approaching him with a polite letter first might be the best way to go. If he calls me or something, I will talk to him. Otherwise I won't cold-call the guy. If you want to see an interview with him other than the one Poynter did, why don't you call him yourself? He's in the book. Non-Cooper Side Note: Available AB staff and some friends spent the last twenty-four hours hanging out at my place for an NFC Championship Game party. They all went home...finally. Everyone was satisfied with the results. We all agreed it was a mistake for SF quarterback to test Seattle CB Richard Sherman on that last SF play. Sherman not only has a 'tude, he's ruthless on defense. My personal fave part of that game was when Seattle RB Marshawn Lynch ran for the touchdown and bags of Skittles rained down in the end zone. An ESPN announcer has come up with a nickname for Seattle QB Russell Wilson: Little Big Man. This is a reference to his less-than-six-foot height, and the fact that he has now tied Pittsburgh's Ben Roethlisberger's win-loss record for the first two seasons as an NFL QB. Well, I am glad we finally established that. Now you can stop quoting him all the time! As for the rest, woopie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #46336 January 20, 2014 RobertMBlevins Georger says in part: Quote 'Well, I am glad we finally established that. Now you can stop quoting him all the time! As for the rest, woopie.' Established what? That you got it wrong about saying I was interviewing Mitchell? Yes, that's established. As far as quoting Mitchell, that was strictly from Mitchell's testimony as it appears in Skyjack. So I guess you could say I was quoting Geoff Gray. You didn't get that one right either. Woopie? You think it's easy getting to the Super Bowl? Five bucks says you watch reruns of Orange County Housewives on game day. It's hard for me to fault you on that, though. Vicki is certainly hot. Establish this: quote Blevins: Didn't say I 'emailed' or 'interviewed' him. Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter. I did sort of stall on that, yes. Couldn't really decide what I should say in the cover letter. But after I was reminded about this a couple of days ago...I finally had Gayla mail it out on Monday. He should receive it in the next couple of days. Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter... Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoobrothertom 5 #46337 January 20, 2014 Just to say hi!____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #46338 January 20, 2014 while you thought it was funny to yet again take a poke at Robert99. here some things for you to digest. the things in the photo were taken from your site 1/20/2014 You want to tell other people what you think is not true? Really? see attachments. added new photo..."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #46339 January 20, 2014 Robert99Jo, I know you incapable of believing it, but Duane was not D.B. Cooper and did not have anything to do with the hijacking. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Robert99 So Robert you have proof Weber was NOT Cooper! PRESENT IT with the PROOF! Physical Proof. PROOF that is documented. UNTIL then Robert99 - just keep YOUR mouth shut regarding Weber. PRESENT your FACTS! THEY had better be FACTS - with DOCUMENTATION & I do not mean things in this thread. Seems as though YOUR knowledge of WEBER is confined to the THREAD and NOT in LEGAL documents. YOU forget the FBI does NOT have legal DOCUMENTS that cover all of WEBERS history. THEY have sketchy things about several yrs such as 1945 to 1949....In & Out and Probably with UNKNOWN time - escaped and then the file is very very skimpy for that time frame. 1962 - 1966 - Duane WEBER falls OFF the FACE of the earth. EVEN the FBI has NOT produced any documents for that time frame. 1968 to 1972 - Weber was a free lance insurance agent and with little income and odd jobs. You guys who punch a clock do NOT understand the nature of sales. Sales positions in on yr he made less than $1000 - what the hell was he doing. These are the times the prior wife - admitted he would disappear for long periods of time - she did NOT know where he was. SHOW proof of income and employment for those time periods and then YOU can talk about Weber - until keep YOUR technical trap shut. Obviously you know nothing about making an income on commission only and doing odd jobs. YOU could never have lived a life like that an YOU know nothing of that life. NOT the sketchy bits the FBI provided - but ACTUAL income records....showing work schedules and expenses. ACTUAL employment records with details. I try to stay out of the technical posts - BUT some bigot like you only inflames me - claiming things YOU can not prove. This makes you NO BETTER than Blevins and his erroneous information about KC. YOU never had a heart to heart talk with his wife and his stepchildren. You never spoke with the few friends and associates he had - I HAVE! UNTIL YOU PRESENT ACTUAL DAY TO DAY DOCUMENTATION AND INCOMES FOR THOSE YRS. JUST STAY OUT OF ANYTHING WEBER RELATED - PLEASE! YOUR SMARKY REMARKS ARE NOT CALLED FOR - WHO DO YOU WORK FOR THE CIA, FBI OR SOME COVERT GROUP WHO IS SWORN TO DIVERTING THE TRUTHS? YOU ARE A MAN WHO DOES NOT WANT THE TRUTHS KNOWN!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #46340 January 20, 2014 skyjack71***Jo, I know you incapable of believing it, but Duane was not D.B. Cooper and did not have anything to do with the hijacking. Those facts remain the same no matter how many times you claim otherwise. Robert99 So Robert you have proof Weber was NOT Cooper! PRESENT IT with the PROOF! Physical Proof. PROOF that is documented. UNTIL then Robert99 - just keep YOUR mouth shut regarding Weber. PRESENT your FACTS! THEY had better be FACTS - with DOCUMENTATION & I do not mean things in this thread. . . . . . . YOUR SMARKY REMARKS ARE NOT CALLED FOR - WHO DO YOU WORK FOR THE CIA, FBI OR SOME COVERT GROUP WHO IS SWORN TO DIVERTING THE TRUTHS? YOU ARE A MAN WHO DOES NOT WANT THE TRUTHS KNOWN! Jo, Contrary to your allegations, I DO want the truth known. And I would be delighted if you posted ANYTHING to support your idea that Duane had ANY knowledge of the Cooper hijacking prior to its actual occurrence. And any documented evidence of Duane actually having experience or knowledge of aircraft, parachutes, etc., would be a plus. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #46341 January 20, 2014 Jo wrote QuoteSo Robert you have proof Weber was NOT Cooper! PRESENT IT with the PROOF! Physical Proof. PROOF that is documented. UNTIL then Robert99 - just keep YOUR mouth shut regarding Weber. Jo the burden of proof is on YOU. YOU made the claim that Weber was Cooper, YOU must supply the proof. It's not the burden of your audience to prove your claim untrue or otherwise accept it as true. Your latest claim that you KNEW Duane had Tina's address is a fantasy with absolutely no facts backing it up. You portray Duane as a remorseful Cooper, trying to make things right with Tina. Pure fantasy. Wishful thinking, once again trying to cast Duane as a heroic character. Occasionally you return to another fantasy with the same theme of elevating Duane's stature and character. You portray him as a member of an elite covert ops group that used their criminal skills to help make the world a better place. You don't have a single fact to back that up. Pure fantasy and wishful thinking. It's a bit hyopcritcial that you blast a pushy reporter (Bruce) for trying to contact Tina. You called him a criminal stalker and worse. Yet when the terrorist hijacker who actually caused Tina's trauma tries to do the same thing (in your fantasy) you paint him in a glowing light of compassion and redemption. If you want to be taken seriously you need to stop presenting your fantasies as facts. Start by retracting the statement that Duane knew where Tina resided since you have ZERO proof that he did. You also have zero proof that Duane was Cooper or knew who Cooper was, yet you repeat that statement over and over as if repetition will make it more credible. One thing I do find remarkable about Duane was his ability to shift from a habitual criminal into a successful insurance salesman. That is praiseworthy and quite unusual. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #46342 January 20, 2014 QuoteYour latest claim that you KNEW Duane had Tina's address is a fantasy with absolutely no facts backing it up. I have told this for yrs and yrs since I learned that Tina resided in Gresham. In 1979 on that trip Duane pointed across the river telling me he used to know a woman who lived in Gresham and worked for a Senior - retirement or nnursing home. Then I find out Tina was indeed in the Gresham area in 1979. Gresham was NOT a very large place. I do NOT know if the woman Duane was speaking of was TINA, but if fits what he said and the fact he put money on Tina Bar - which I had not thought about until recently (that part is just my thinking). Talking about Tina in Gresham was part of my EARLY conversations with Mr. H. Duane was NO hero - but he did have a conscience and regrets in his later life - that is a given by all he did to try to right his wrongs. QuoteOccasionally you return to another fantasy with the same theme of elevating Duane's stature and character. You portray him as a member of an elite covert ops group that used their criminal skills to help make the world a better place. You don't have a single fact to back that up. Not fantasy at all. I do not think he was elite covert ops - he was part of a group out of TX that worked outside of the government. I met other men also associated with this group. You might call them men in black who worked within the ranks of the unions, the mafia and as informers - they worked independently and with financing from a very wealthy man who felt a strong allegiance & had knowledge of the underworld. He did it his way - he had the power and the money. The FBI knows I have told them this & it is a known fact this man had a very unusual relationship with the U.S. government and Politicians. QuoteIt's a bit hyopcritcial that you blast a pushy reporter (Bruce) for trying to contact Tina. You called him a criminal stalker and worse. Yes, he is a pushy, rude enquirer type writer. I do not and will not change my thinking on that. I hate that kind of is the lowest of the low. Personally I like him - but not his methods. QuoteYet when the terrorist hijacker who actually caused Tina's trauma tries to do the same thing (in your fantasy) you paint him in a glowing light of compassion and redemption. You are speaking of 2 different eras of the life of Weber. I don't think Weber was ever a DANGEROUS man, but he had a lot of good in him. If there had been programs in place when he was a youth - his life could have been much different. He did some terrible things, but he did NOT murder anyone or pull a gun on them - it was always theft. At the time of the SKYJACKING he actually was trying to commit suicide because he could not bring himself to kill himself...I do belive he did NOT think he would make it. If the sky marshalls didn't kill him and if he died in the jump - it made absolutely NO difference to him. Remember how child like he was when the money actually arrived...remember this if you remember nothing else. A hardened criminal intent on harming others would NEVER have allowed this vulnerablity show thru. The compassion and redemption would come AFTER the skyjacking when he later learned about Tina and saw the pictures of the stress in her face. He was fighting his own stress of not getting caught. Frankly I don't think he felt the remorse immediately. The remorse & fear of being found out more than likely did NOT set in until we moved to CO. Knowing Duane personality for 17 yrs - and the fact that my daughter may be responsible for his deciding to attemp redemption. Remember the NIGHTmare in Denver - this is when he started making drastic changes in his life style. My daughter was the spitting image of TINA! Duane was very protective of my daughter and of me. He had a life he had only dreamed about, but had never experienced. Moving to CO - is when he started to CHANGE his life. He was fearful in Denver, but getting to Ft.Collins - he made serious changes in his life and more so after the 1979 trip to WA. I have definitely not painted Duane as any example of the perfect husband, provider or father. He was a hell of a lot NICER to people than Bruce was. He was much more considerate than Bruce as he was aware of the damages that could be caused by his actions. QuoteIf you want to be taken seriously you need to stop presenting your fantasies as facts. Start by retracting the statement that Duane knew where Tina resided since you have ZERO proof that he did. I will not retract that because as soon as I learned Tina was living in Gresham - Mr. H and I had a conversation about this. I do KNOW how Duane knew where Tina was living - there was snitch in CA who worked for a MAJOR credit card company. When Tina got her divorce - the credit card changes where handled by this person (I would stake my life on this). The ex-wife was the one who told ME that TINA got her divorce there! I know Duane was intouch with the EX-wife also after he went on the kidney machine. In 1977 I personally put Duane on a plane to CA - to be sure that he had washed that woman out of him mind...and he came back to Atlanta and he told me when he waved good by to her at the airport he knew it was over! He told her that he would not live for more than 5 yrs. THE big kicker - When Duane went on the machine - he CALLED her from the shop around 1992 (it was on his shop phone bill). She thought he was already dead & told him what she had done (contacting Max)! She admitted this conversation to me, but she did not know when he died...until I located her.... we stayed intouch until 2 months before she died. The FBI would nnot tell me where she was (but he slipped up and said CA). She and I talked about her employment with the credit card company she was working for when he went to CA in 1977. SHE in one her moments told me all about it, but she wouldn't tell the FBI. I, of course told Mr. H and I think I told the FBI. The FBI never revisited her and to my knowledge never asked her about her employment. CAN I prove any of it - hell if the FBI had wired me and let me have paid a casual visit - the truth would have been know YRS ago. The daughter told me she KNEW Duane was Cooper...when she answered the phone one evening and MOM was not there. I believe her. She died of an OD several months later.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #46343 January 20, 2014 I know I'm being hard on you Jo but just call it tough love. You've been getting sloppier in distinguishing facts from fantasies and I'm calling you on it. Friends don't let friends shoot themselves in the foot. This rich man financed private covert ops group that you write about, where is the proof? It sounds like some B movie theme to me. Also, Duane would be the last guy I would recruit if I ran such a group. His record shows a lifelong inability to avoid law enforcement attention and arrest. In covert ops that would be a deal killer for any rational recruiter. You have backtracked a bit on Duane knowing where Tina lived and that's probably the best I can hope for from you. This whole suicide by skyjack story is another fantasy. It does make an intriguing story, but it's nothing more than fantasy without supporting evidence. Duane could know hundreds of aviation folks in WA, be familiar with every trail, airport, microwave tower and DZ and still not be Cooper or have played any role in the crime. Putting Duane in WA is no big deal. You have to put him in a parachute and on the plane. You have presented zero evidence that does either. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #46344 January 20, 2014 377This rich man financed private covert ops group that you write about, where is the proof? It is not covert ops in the way you are thinking. He inflitrated the Mafia and the Unions and other groups who intended to do harm on the home front - like murder a high ranking official within the government or snitch on the actions of certain parties he felt intended to harm. Nothing to do with any efforts against another country of in a war. Only involving dirty politic & organizations trying to out wit the U.S. government and/or swindly U.S. funds. Now one can do what he fought against legally. The government signs contracts all of the time with private industry and private computer companies...such as the NOW 2 different facilitators of the OBAMA care! NOW it is legal to take monies not actually the BP oilspill. Everyone is out to get someone! Now you can do with a lawsuit and what was at one time accomplished by threats of bodily harm and informers.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #46345 January 20, 2014 377 You have backtracked a bit on Duane knowing where Tina lived and that's probably the best I can hope for from you. No Back Tracking on Tina - that is how it has been from day one - I never changed! QuoteThis whole suicide by skyjack story is another fantasy. It does make an intriguing story, but it's nothing more than fantasy without supporting evidence. This is about me knowing the man and more about him than other ever knew. Duane was actually a coward and he could never have killed himself, so he set himself up for someone else to do it. I truely do NOT believe he expected to survive. BUT maybe he was the one on the ground. ONE thing for certain if he was the man on the ground and Cooper was injured - he buried him and the chute. In one of 3 grave yards and 2 places of interest. If Weber was NOT Cooper then you will find Coopers body in one of the 5 places I have spoke of.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #46346 January 20, 2014 Jo, again, it seems you want to corner every angle of Cooper's existence. ok, Duane was the ground guy. why have you shown pictures in the past of a yard sale with his ex holding sunglasses, or the briefcase under the table? what would be the reason for suicide while being the ground man? why would he need to signal microwaves from the ground? or own a watch that could? why would you continue to match his description of Cooper if he was on the ground? where is any proof a airstream, or a another person was involved in this crime? you guys come up with the strangest stories. faulty bank statements, stories of weekend trips (near the drop zone) hard earned money buried and then tossed in the river? dreams about leaving prints on the "aft stairs" ground man? leads that can't be followed, the one's that can end up having an explaination. if you truly believe he could be the "ground man" this could only mean the other stories are not true that you also claim to be true about him actually being Cooper? he can't be both with different positions in the crime. the Airstreaqm and bank statement reflect Cooper pushers in general."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #46347 January 20, 2014 I kind of wonder what your position in this would be if Duane was alive and someone else was accusing him of this crime? what would you do? same would go for Blevins. I wonder just how hard he would proceed in his endless rants of KC being Cooper? I'm guessing a lot of defense for Duane and a lot of nothing from Blevins. the dead are very easy to pick on. Just wondering..... "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #46348 January 20, 2014 skyjack71 QuoteYour latest claim that you KNEW Duane had Tina's address is a fantasy with absolutely no facts backing it up. I have told this for yrs and yrs since I learned that Tina resided in Gresham. In 1979 on that trip Duane pointed across the river telling me he used to know a woman who lived in Gresham and worked for a Senior - retirement or nnursing home. Then I find out Tina was indeed in the Gresham area in 1979. Gresham was NOT a very large place. I do NOT know if the woman Duane was speaking of was TINA, but if fits what he said and the fact he put money on Tina Bar - which I had not thought about until recently (that part is just my thinking). Talking about Tina in Gresham was part of my EARLY conversations with Mr. H. Duane was NO hero - but he did have a conscience and regrets in his later life - that is a given by all he did to try to right his wrongs. ***Occasionally you return to another fantasy with the same theme of elevating Duane's stature and character. You portray him as a member of an elite covert ops group that used their criminal skills to help make the world a better place. You don't have a single fact to back that up. Not fantasy at all. I do not think he was elite covert ops - he was part of a group out of TX that worked outside of the government. I met other men also associated with this group. You might call them men in black who worked within the ranks of the unions, the mafia and as informers - they worked independently and with financing from a very wealthy man who felt a strong allegiance & had knowledge of the underworld. He did it his way - he had the power and the money. The FBI knows I have told them this & it is a known fact this man had a very unusual relationship with the U.S. government and Politicians. QuoteIt's a bit hyopcritcial that you blast a pushy reporter (Bruce) for trying to contact Tina. You called him a criminal stalker and worse. Yes, he is a pushy, rude enquirer type writer. I do not and will not change my thinking on that. I hate that kind of is the lowest of the low. Personally I like him - but not his methods. QuoteYet when the terrorist hijacker who actually caused Tina's trauma tries to do the same thing (in your fantasy) you paint him in a glowing light of compassion and redemption. You are speaking of 2 different eras of the life of Weber. I don't think Weber was ever a DANGEROUS man, but he had a lot of good in him. If there had been programs in place when he was a youth - his life could have been much different. He did some terrible things, but he did NOT murder anyone or pull a gun on them - it was always theft. At the time of the SKYJACKING he actually was trying to commit suicide because he could not bring himself to kill himself...I do belive he did NOT think he would make it. If the sky marshalls didn't kill him and if he died in the jump - it made absolutely NO difference to him. Remember how child like he was when the money actually arrived...remember this if you remember nothing else. A hardened criminal intent on harming others would NEVER have allowed this vulnerablity show thru. The compassion and redemption would come AFTER the skyjacking when he later learned about Tina and saw the pictures of the stress in her face. He was fighting his own stress of not getting caught. Frankly I don't think he felt the remorse immediately. The remorse & fear of being found out more than likely did NOT set in until we moved to CO. Knowing Duane personality for 17 yrs - and the fact that my daughter may be responsible for his deciding to attemp redemption. Remember the NIGHTmare in Denver - this is when he started making drastic changes in his life style. My daughter was the spitting image of TINA! Duane was very protective of my daughter and of me. He had a life he had only dreamed about, but had never experienced. Moving to CO - is when he started to CHANGE his life. He was fearful in Denver, but getting to Ft.Collins - he made serious changes in his life and more so after the 1979 trip to WA. I have definitely not painted Duane as any example of the perfect husband, provider or father. He was a hell of a lot NICER to people than Bruce was. He was much more considerate than Bruce as he was aware of the damages that could be caused by his actions. QuoteIf you want to be taken seriously you need to stop presenting your fantasies as facts. Start by retracting the statement that Duane knew where Tina resided since you have ZERO proof that he did. I will not retract that because as soon as I learned Tina was living in Gresham - Mr. H and I had a conversation about this. I do KNOW how Duane knew where Tina was living - there was snitch in CA who worked for a MAJOR credit card company. When Tina got her divorce - the credit card changes where handled by this person (I would stake my life on this). The ex-wife was the one who told ME that TINA got her divorce there! I know Duane was intouch with the EX-wife also after he went on the kidney machine. In 1977 I personally put Duane on a plane to CA - to be sure that he had washed that woman out of him mind...and he came back to Atlanta and he told me when he waved good by to her at the airport he knew it was over! He told her that he would not live for more than 5 yrs. THE big kicker - When Duane went on the machine - he CALLED her from the shop around 1992 (it was on his shop phone bill). She thought he was already dead & told him what she had done (contacting Max)! She admitted this conversation to me, but she did not know when he died...until I located her.... we stayed intouch until 2 months before she died. The FBI would nnot tell me where she was (but he slipped up and said CA). She and I talked about her employment with the credit card company she was working for when he went to CA in 1977. SHE in one her moments told me all about it, but she wouldn't tell the FBI. I, of course told Mr. H and I think I told the FBI. The FBI never revisited her and to my knowledge never asked her about her employment. CAN I prove any of it - hell if the FBI had wired me and let me have paid a casual visit - the truth would have been know YRS ago. The daughter told me she KNEW Duane was Cooper...when she answered the phone one evening and MOM was not there. I believe her. She died of an OD several months later. Total Nonsense. Take it to Bollywood or AB Books of Seattle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #46349 January 20, 2014 RobertMBlevins ******Georger says in part: Quote 'Well, I am glad we finally established that. Now you can stop quoting him all the time! As for the rest, woopie.' Established what? That you got it wrong about saying I was interviewing Mitchell? Yes, that's established. As far as quoting Mitchell, that was strictly from Mitchell's testimony as it appears in Skyjack. So I guess you could say I was quoting Geoff Gray. You didn't get that one right either. Woopie? You think it's easy getting to the Super Bowl? Five bucks says you watch reruns of Orange County Housewives on game day. It's hard for me to fault you on that, though. Vicki is certainly hot. Establish this: quote Blevins: Didn't say I 'emailed' or 'interviewed' him. Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter. I did sort of stall on that, yes. Couldn't really decide what I should say in the cover letter. But after I was reminded about this a couple of days ago...I finally had Gayla mail it out on Monday. He should receive it in the next couple of days. Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter... Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter Said I sent him a letter with several pictures and a cover letter Hatred, bitterness, and sniping from the shadows never works, and your chain can be pulled as easily as I walk my cat. He's leash-trained, too. And there IS the problem. "as easily as I walk my cat" People do not walk cat's, Blevins. Cats walk people! It's known as a Random Walk. And it explains everything you have done here at Dropzone and elsewhere... since you and your cat entered this picture. Take your cat off the string and stop following your cat! And stop asking people to follow you, being walked by your cat, in what you call Kooperland! You are tasking people to follow your stupidity being lead by your cat! The graphic attached shows your random walk vividly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #46350 January 20, 2014 Mr. Shutter writes about JoQuoteleads that can't be followed, the one's that can end up having an explaination. if you truly believe he could be the "ground man" this could only mean the other stories are not true that you also claim to be true about him actually being Cooper? he can't be both with different positions in the crime. As you pointed out, Jo is trying to cover all her Norjack bases to be sure Duane fits in somehow either in the plane, on the ground or otherwise involved. Good point about Duane's alleged "prints on the stairs" dream. That kinda rules him out as the ground man. Don't you agree Jo? Time to drop the ground man claim? He was either Cooper or not involved at all. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites