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DB Cooper

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Hard to compare Cooper in 1971 to 9-11. And they did figure out who did it in the end. I don't believe the conspiracy theories. I think the whole thing went down pretty much as reported.

I respect Robert99's expertise and history. But if he's going to try and second-guess NWA's Bill Soderlind and his team, the FBI, ATC, chase guys, etc...this will require something enough to convince those entities that they were looking in the wrong place all along. That, my friend...is a tall order indeed.

For the record, I don't believe a word of Georger's statement saying 'he heard Bill Mitchell never received the package we sent'. He has also quoted Geoff Gray as saying I'm 'untrustworthy' and 'unreliable,' and Gray denied that. He recently stated that I said money was found in Kenny's attic in 2010. You figure it out.

I don't mind addressing legit issues or questions when I can, although sometimes I make a choice not to for one reason or another. Usually I will explain why. On the other hand, neither do I sit here and spout outright lies in a pathetic attempt to discredit people on this thread. For example, when Marla Cooper came along, I suggested she provide just one bit of testimony from just one family member that helped back her story. Then I interviewed her for the Newsvine column, and even edited out her smarmy added comments. It wasn't until she provided zero answers that I finally called her claim a load of BS. You have to give people a chance, not just reject them out of hand. No one has solved the case yet, so all new claims deserve a fair shot. Afterward, when I discovered her true motives via her own posts at Facebook...then she became fair game. But you have to give people a chance.

your missing the point on 9/11. it shouldn't have went as far as it did. everything failed. early warning system? scramble alert? I'm not talking about the problems following it. everyone thought the USA was impenetrable. wrong! that's what we get for assuming. sadly....

were not talking about Marla, Georger, or anyone else. nobody is out to second guess anyone. you have to look at all the evidence Robert. stop putting so much respect into people you don't know. do you know all of these smart people? do they all have perfect records, faultless lives? ever heard the term shit happens? calculation can be wrong, especially under stress. your second guessing the entire FBI with your KC story. who are you fooling here?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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We seem to be talking a bit about Bill Mitchell these days.

So, here's a wrap-up on my efforts to talk to this important witness.

1. Geoffrey Gray gave me a lead to Mitchell a few months back, and when I got the number and spoke to the Bill Mitchell who answered he said he was not the guy on 305. His voice sounded younger than the 62 years-old that the correct Bill Mitchell is these days.

2. Vicki Wilson and I scoured the Internet and phone books for hours looking for Bill Mitchells in the Puget Sound area. There are dozens of them. We called a bunch of likely prospects and couldn't find the right guy.

3. Vicki and I had heard that our Bill Mitchell lived in the Auburn area, so we went up there and started asking around at Starbucks if anyone knew the Bill Mitchell who was a passenger on 305 and had grown up in Auburn and had gone to school there. We had lots of great conversations with folks, but didn't get any connections to our guy.

4. Galen has the contact information for the witness and has interviewed him at length. However, Galen says that he wants to hang onto his information for proprietary reasons and add substance to his book. I respect that request.

5. The WSHM has steadfastly refused to tell me how to get in touch with Mitchell or to tell him that I am trying to make contact. They are pretty stuffy about it, which is surprising since I didn't make a stink when they stole my pix and put them in their exhibit, and I also was the conduit that put Robb Heady on their stage for the symposium, which I believe was widely considered to be the highlight of the gathering.

That said, I am grateful to the WSHM for their contributions here, and more importantly they put on a good exhibit for the public and have developed a superb archive of Norjak information.

It is my understanding that Bill Mitchell has not seen a pix of Mel Wilson, but has seen one of Kenny Christiansen and has stated that KC is defintely not the skyjacker.

Don't know about Duane Weber, but Mrs. Cooper might be able to tell us what Billy Boy told her about her hubby.

I'd be surprised if Galen hasn't shown Mitchell a pix of Gossett, but I have no idea what the outcome of that event has been.

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***'It is my understanding that...' (Bill Mitchell) 'has seen one (picture) of Kenny Christiansen and has stated that KC is definitely not the skyjacker...'

'Your understanding' how exactly? You should provide a source. Otherwise it's just YOU saying it.

Yup, you are correct. I will have to ask my source if he is wiilling to go on the record here. Stay tuned.

But your comments beg the question - how come you haven't shown a pix of KC to Billy? Me, I've been trying but getting no where fast.

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"...Tell me it isn't Galen Cook. Everyone knows you are his proxy at Dropzone. Same guy who told you that Kenny died of Kaposi's Sarcoma, an AIDS-related disease. I had to dig up Kenny's death certificate and the name of his doctor on that one..."

Galen did not tell me that KC died of Karposi Sarcoma, I know that the comment was attributed to me and Galen, but that's not what happened. We were involved in an on-going conversation about KC on a variety of topics as I was looking for Skippy in NYC, and a third party (at least) got involved and the story developed from there.

I truly wish you would develop a greater level of discernment about who says what and the circumstances in which the information is shared.

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Relax Georger, put your avatar back up it was Cute because it represents the thread - Most of us are like the little boy writing home from camp - this is our camp.

If you put the Baboon up you KNOW ;) I will start with the Sweet Baboon replies again. :ph34r:

Regarding Mitchell:
Well, I thought the address they supposedly had was NOT a correct address because the phone numbers attached to it DID not match my contact information for him.

It took my daughter from 1:30 to 12:20 Eastern time to make what is normally a 50 minute trip. Almost 12 hours. Her son called me to let me know she was home and safe! Thank HEAVENS. My grandson told me for the first time in his life. I love you Grandma Jo! What a GIFT that was!
He is 18 yrs old and graduated from high school last yr.

I may put it back up. Blevins even seems to approve! Camp
Grenada has sentimental value for me ... and millions of others.
Is there a human on Earth who hasn't been to a Camp Grenada
of one form or another? Thanks for the vote!!

Duane was NOT DB Cooper! :D

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***"You keep saying that about the 'real action is happening off this forum'. No kidding. I haven't seen anything but bitching, whining, and backbiting around here for weeks. Maybe months. Wouldn't surprise me a bit. I'm sure you'll let everyone know when you offline guys solve the case or manage to move the flight path miles west of the interstate."

who has managed to move the flight path? a lot of the "bitching, whining, and backbiting" always seems to find it's way around you? seems to never happen while you are absent?

The next time you send a package might I suggest certified mail to insure you know it gets there?

Robert99 has stated several times that he believes the flight path is wrong, and that's how the money arrived at Tina Bar...because Cooper pancaked nearby. I can quote this if you wish.

Look, I'm open to this theory, but I haven't seen any proof of it yet. I find it hard to believe ATC, the chase jets, and SAGE radar or whatever got it all wrong. I've heard some stuff about looking for Cooper just east of Woodland. But that area is still EAST of the interstate. My personal belief is that 305 never went west of the freeway at any time while it was north of Vancouver.

I will check with Skipp Porteous on the address for Mitchell. I'm pretty sure we got it right, since our info matched his first, middle initial, and last name, and matched the city where he lived. But you never know. Maybe the address is outdated. No worries. If it was the wrong Bill Mitchell, we will find out soon enough and deal with it. Nothing has been returned yet to our office by USPS. The truth is, Georger may not really know and is just saying that stuff. I will give it a few more days.

EDIT: Glad you're daughter is okay, Jo. I just saw that from you. Cool-cool.

The note about Michell just crossed my desk on Tuesday -
yesterday. That's all I know. It's btwn you and Mitchell etc.
More than that I do not know or really care to know - it is
literally your business!!! I wont say anything further ...

Good luck ...

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Yup, you are correct. I will have to ask my source if he is wiilling to go on the record here. Stay tuned.


All of you writers, poets, screenwriters and associated wannabes plus you DB Cooper sleuths may find the following links interesting. I certainly did.

The main article:


A link to a discussion thread for full-fledged geeks/nerds where I found a link to the article:


Enjoy and be careful; litigation is expensive.

I am not DB Cooper

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*********Well, damn!

So much for getting on Paul's "Cowards List" now. I really wanted to make it on to that list.

He had not come right out and said it ... but I was just this { } close... a skosh more an I would have made it.:ph34r:

The list is short. But those on it are of a rare breed! :P


Am I on it, Matt? I forget. I know you're on it, but I don't know why.

I thought you were the most courageous person at Ariel because you walked over to the DB Cooper Memorabilia corner with GC ALL BY YOURSELF. Vicki was watching your back, I think, and made an intervention after awhile. But you took the first few steps by yourself, and bought his book.

Cajones, I say.

I'm on the list, yes.

But I have no idea what the second paragraph you wrote is about, I wasn't there. That must be someone else.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Frankly I am beginning to believe I actually have MORE contacts than those who are playing the - "WE" game. I do NOT abuse my contacts, but have really been thinking about asking one of them a very HONEST Question and request a HONEST Answer! I would actually love to have that answer in an Email or by Letter, but seriously doubt that will happen.

I do not believe there is a WE group at all. Just a bunch of old coggers who have nothing better to do than play games! Georger and Robt99 have claimed for "how" long now about all of this "research"

They can't extract anymore from the FBI than others - do you actually believe they have an inside?. If you guys depended on release of anymore than these GUYS supposedly received several yrs ago from the FBI, GUESS WHAT? They will be dead and in the grave before you guys wake up.

Frankly - I do NOT believe that SLUGGO is actually still alive! If so he needs to drop me a private email revealing something only he and I know!

The GAME is just to see how long they can get OTHERS to hang on to their words and their promises!

They have NOT been given access to anything that has NOT been released already! CALL them out or CALL the FBI yourselves - NO ONE has been given ACCESS to anything that HAS not been RELEASED to the Public.

COOK managed supposedly using his attorney status to have access to things - but NOW I doubt his Buddy - Buddy connections to the FBI. NOT the indication I got recently!

We never saw a copy of any actual communications between the FBI and any of these guys! That is how the DANGLE their story - promising they have information.

The only information Cook has is what he Cooked UP - That is one SNEAKY snake. YOU GUYS are aware he had UNION contacts and was a union Connected Attorney - ANY OF you have any idea or even realized that - THE UNIONS in the - 60's and 70's were DIRTY! It is a fact Duane had UNION contacts - and the company he worked with had UNION contact - they provided the supplementary insurance for the GUYS!

Pictures of THESE guys with Presidents and Governors! The one with a former AL Governor was taken by - GUESS WHO? Who was acting as a parking attendant when Kennedy and others were eloquently Entertained in an OUT of the way private location along with several movie stars like CHER of Sonny and Cher?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, sometimes it's just better to communicate off the thread while discussing things. no arguments, ego's etc. all left at the door. this is not the only place to go for Cooper discussions, plus it always ends up in arguments about candidates vs evidence on here. I wish the levels of discussion "offline" could happen on here.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, sometimes it's just better to communicate off the thread while discussing things. no arguments, ego's etc. all left at the door. this is not the only place to go for Cooper discussions, plus it always ends up in arguments about candidates vs evidence on here. I wish the levels of discussion "offline" could happen on here.


An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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YOU Bruce Smith would be the LAST person in the world who I would provide contact infomation to. I knew better than to let Vickie have it - because in the BLINK of an EYE - Bruce Smith the INQUIRER man would have been on his door step. NOT over my dead body.

BRUCE to YOU REALIZE your actions and your INTERVIEWS which come across as an harassing interogation - has SHUT all contacts down. They are a small circle & it took, but ONE BULLY to cause all of them to just clam up. NO ONE WANTS you anywere NEAR them or their families.

You definitely NEED to WRAP up your efforts - NO ONE wants to talk to you!


1. Geoffrey Gray gave me a lead to Mitchell a few months back

JO STATES: Don't you get it - Your are why EVERYONE has to change their numbers or alter their life. YOUR aggressiveness is SCARY!


2. Vicki Wilson

JO SENT: Vickies pictures and phone number to Bill. If he wants to contact her - he will. HE HAS been WARNED about YOU! If he contacts her - YOU will never know it.


3. Vicki and I had heard that our Bill Mitchell lived in the Auburn area, so we went up there and started asking around at Starbucks if anyone knew the Bill Mitchell

JO STATES: THIS is why NO ONE will provide you with any information - YOU ACTUALLY went TO a place and ASKED others about a man with the same name -TIME SOMEONE HAD YOU ARRESTED OR REQUIRED A MENTAL EVALUATION. You
are not a book writter - you
are a public nuisance!


4. Galen has the contact information for the witness

GALEN has MORE sense than to let the WHALE and ENQUIRER know privileged information. He knows it would dry up his source.


5. The WSHM has steadfastly refused to tell me how to get in touch with Mitchell

BRUCE print this post out and -put it on the mirror and look at it every morning. NO ONE wants to talk to YOU. YOU just DO NOT SEE yourself - YOU BURNED your last BRIDGE when you confronted TINA and did the pictures! YOU can't undo it - so LIVE with it!

Even Himmelsbach rebuffed you - don't you get it? NO ONE wants or WILL talk to you! You are one sick GUY!

Your personality and crude way of approaching things and you alienate everyone you have contact with for any lenght of time.

YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND - No one wants to talk to you. EVERYone you have interviews with you alienate - you twist their information & news of that makes the circuit.

Mitchell has seen pics of Wilson. YOU managed to cut the source off with your persistent hounding. Had Vickie used other sources - infomation would have been available a LONG time ago. NO one could or would help her for fear YOU would GET in the WAY!

YOU are why NO one will come FORWARD about anything. NO ONE will talk to you as far as the witnesses are concerned. YOU hit one of them and then they ALL know.

Mitchell has seen 100's of picture and it has been 42 yrs. The only problem he had with Weber then and now is the ears....period - NOT one other problem with the pictures and I do mean what I had several yrs ago and the Jefferson that surfaced NO THANKS to the FBI, but because a poster her - had the ability and tenacity to produce what the FBI refused to produce 18 yrs ago.

That 18 yrs the FBI kept the Jefferson Pic undercover - could have made a difference in a witness being able to ID Weber.

The ears are the only thing that has been mentioned regarding the pics. They forget Cooper had longer hair and Duane's pics show prison cuts. The eyes are dead on and the shape of the face and the complexion - it is just the EARS!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, sometimes it's just better to communicate off the thread while discussing things. no arguments, ego's etc. all left at the door. this is not the only place to go for Cooper discussions, plus it always ends up in arguments about candidates vs evidence on here. I wish the levels of discussion "offline" could happen on here.

The only negative posts you are seeing from me relate to the BULLY and when he attacks the witnesses - I just loose it. I have been intouch with most of them over the yrs other than Shaffner and have the contact info for them - but, I do not post or harass or call them. I made an exception for VICKIE because her story touched me and I made the information available to Mitchell and left ALL of the REST to him and to VICKIE. I did NOT give VIckie his contact information - THAT would be going too far. I am sure if he ID the photo he called the FBI - and that would be the right thing to do.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I found it interesting that Cook Supposedly according to Bruce made a statement about not sharing evidence to protect his investment.

I have 18 yrs invested in this - but, what Cook supposedly said made me feel ANGER. ALL he has he got from me - I found things HE could NOT find.

I corrected him when he was going the WRONG way and I have 100's of emaisl to prove this - should he use anything I provided to him to advance another subject - He will pay the keeper.

I am NOT sure I believe everything that Bruce claims Cook said. I do NOT believe Bruce has the tight connection to Cook that Bruce claims.

Cook is a sneaky snake and I do NOT trust him. I do expect he is working on his project (book & movie), but has to get ME out of the way. He may also be protecting Union rights - which in the day involved underground crime.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, sometimes it's just better to communicate off the thread while discussing things. no arguments, ego's etc. all left at the door. this is not the only place to go for Cooper discussions, plus it always ends up in arguments about candidates vs evidence on here. I wish the levels of discussion "offline" could happen on here.

The only negative posts you are seeing from me relate to the BULLY and when he attacks the witnesses - I just loose it. I have been intouch with most of them over the yrs other than Shaffner and have the contact info for them - but, I do not post or harass or call them. I made an exception for VICKIE because her story touched me and I made the information available to Mitchell and left ALL of the REST to him and to VICKIE. I did NOT give VIckie his contact information - THAT would be going too far. I am sure if he ID the photo he called the FBI - and that would be the right thing to do.

Jo, if you have been in touch with all of the witnesses to the crime. why haven't you asked the right questions about Duane being Cooper. reporters have to be persistent in finding answers. they can't take sides of certain issues. unfortunately one of them is privacy. sometimes they have to break that barrier to find answers. do you think it's right for the news to show someone being shot on film 20 times in 5 minutes for the next couple days? the news seems to be more violent than a lot of shows they speak about having to much violence in them?

I'm not stating he is "Bruce Almighty". what exactly did Bruce do, other than knock on her door several times and take some pictures of her without her knowledge? where does the stalking fit in. he is a reporter trying to get some answers. must we take your advice as well as Blevins and make it a law that reporters can't do anything without email , or calling first? shouldn't we also ban Court TV? it's none of our business right? I never really got caught up in Bruce's soap opera about how he contacted Tina. perhaps I missed something, but don't really find it relevant to evidence about Cooper...if he was nasty to her. shame on him. I really don't care one way or the other to be honest.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I wonder what GreyCop will do with all his books? I can't see them selling even as price slashed remainders.
For his sake I hope he didn't print a lot of copies.


GreyCop's book was print to order. I bought one at the University of Washington Book Store. They'll print it while you wait and it takes about 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'm the only one who bought a copy.

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***I wonder what GreyCop will do with all his books? I can't see them selling even as price slashed remainders.
For his sake I hope he didn't print a lot of copies.


GreyCop's book was print to order. I bought one at the University of Washington Book Store. They'll print it while you wait and it takes about 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'm the only one who bought a copy.

you just might be the only one Ha Ha Ha I think he always use to say. glad you made it home safe and sound.....
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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************Well, damn!

So much for getting on Paul's "Cowards List" now. I really wanted to make it on to that list.

He had not come right out and said it ... but I was just this { } close... a skosh more an I would have made it.:ph34r:

The list is short. But those on it are of a rare breed! :P


Am I on it, Matt? I forget. I know you're on it, but I don't know why.

I thought you were the most courageous person at Ariel because you walked over to the DB Cooper Memorabilia corner with GC ALL BY YOURSELF. Vicki was watching your back, I think, and made an intervention after awhile. But you took the first few steps by yourself, and bought his book.

Cajones, I say.

I'm on the list, yes.

But I have no idea what the second paragraph you wrote is about, I wasn't there. That must be someone else.


That was me who went over and talked to GreyCop in Ariel. We're both "M"'s, so easy to confuse. I couldn't make sense of his story. Vicki came over after several minutes and told him they had copies of "Ha Ha Ha" for sale and he scampered right away.

As near as I can tell, the way to get on GreyCop's cowards list is to refuse to call him and talk about the case. I bought a copy of his book to give him a fair chance.

But, it seems like me, Bruce and Matt are the permanent three members of that list.

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******I wonder what GreyCop will do with all his books? I can't see them selling even as price slashed remainders.
For his sake I hope he didn't print a lot of copies.


GreyCop's book was print to order. I bought one at the University of Washington Book Store. They'll print it while you wait and it takes about 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'm the only one who bought a copy.

you just might be the only one Ha Ha Ha I think he always use to say. glad you made it home safe and sound.....

Thanks. I thought you'd be upset with me for crashing and destroying two 727's on your simulator!

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***************Well, damn!

So much for getting on Paul's "Cowards List" now. I really wanted to make it on to that list.

He had not come right out and said it ... but I was just this { } close... a skosh more an I would have made it.:ph34r:

The list is short. But those on it are of a rare breed! :P


Am I on it, Matt? I forget. I know you're on it, but I don't know why.

I thought you were the most courageous person at Ariel because you walked over to the DB Cooper Memorabilia corner with GC ALL BY YOURSELF. Vicki was watching your back, I think, and made an intervention after awhile. But you took the first few steps by yourself, and bought his book.

Cajones, I say.

I'm on the list, yes.

But I have no idea what the second paragraph you wrote is about, I wasn't there. That must be someone else.


That was me who went over and talked to GreyCop in Ariel. We're both "M"'s, so easy to confuse. I couldn't make sense of his story. Vicki came over after several minutes and told him they had copies of "Ha Ha Ha" for sale and he scampered right away.

As near as I can tell, the way to get on GreyCop's cowards list is to refuse to call him and talk about the case. I bought a copy of his book to give him a fair chance.

But, it seems like me, Bruce and Matt are the permanent three members of that list.

Then, I am honored!

Yeah, I would rather discuss facts, and not get into myths.
I truly do not believe the highjacking suspect has been named in this, or the other, thread. There has been no actual evidence or facts to make me believe otherwise.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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*********I wonder what GreyCop will do with all his books? I can't see them selling even as price slashed remainders.
For his sake I hope he didn't print a lot of copies.


GreyCop's book was print to order. I bought one at the University of Washington Book Store. They'll print it while you wait and it takes about 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'm the only one who bought a copy.

you just might be the only one Ha Ha Ha I think he always use to say. glad you made it home safe and sound.....

Thanks. I thought you'd be upset with me for crashing and destroying two 727's on your simulator!

Didn't Vicki tell you I decided to only charge one hours cost to operate a 727. also was not in the position of accepting checks B|:D:ph34r:

I was able to repair the planes you decided to check gravitational pull with. the theory of what goes up must come down was taken literally in your case. B|

all joking aside, I hope you enjoyed the time.....
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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************I wonder what GreyCop will do with all his books? I can't see them selling even as price slashed remainders.
For his sake I hope he didn't print a lot of copies.


GreyCop's book was print to order. I bought one at the University of Washington Book Store. They'll print it while you wait and it takes about 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'm the only one who bought a copy.

you just might be the only one Ha Ha Ha I think he always use to say. glad you made it home safe and sound.....

Thanks. I thought you'd be upset with me for crashing and destroying two 727's on your simulator!

Didn't Vicki tell you I decided to only charge one hours cost to operate a 727. also was not in the position of accepting checks B|:D:ph34r:

I was able to repair the planes you decided to check gravitational pull with. the theory of what goes up must come down was taken literally in your case. B|

all joking aside, I hope you enjoyed the time.....

Only two! :D:D ......... later.

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Why use a simulator? Here is a real 727 jump and crash.


Think dirt cheap cruise missile. Buy a timed out but ferryable 727 or DC 9 for a few hundred thousand. Install a GPS coupler to the autopilot. Take off, jump and it will go where it is programmed to go in 3D coordinates with high accuracy. Range is about 1500-2800 miles depending on model, weight, etc.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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************I wonder what GreyCop will do with all his books? I can't see them selling even as price slashed remainders.
For his sake I hope he didn't print a lot of copies.


GreyCop's book was print to order. I bought one at the University of Washington Book Store. They'll print it while you wait and it takes about 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'm the only one who bought a copy.

you just might be the only one Ha Ha Ha I think he always use to say. glad you made it home safe and sound.....

Thanks. I thought you'd be upset with me for crashing and destroying two 727's on your simulator!

Didn't Vicki tell you I decided to only charge one hours cost to operate a 727. also was not in the position of accepting checks B|:D:ph34r:

I was able to repair the planes you decided to check gravitational pull with. the theory of what goes up must come down was taken literally in your case. B|

all joking aside, I hope you enjoyed the time.....

Yes, I enjoyed it. It was very nice meeting you and seeing the simulator. It was a very impressive set up.

And, to respond to Georger's comment....I only crashed two because MrShutter ran out of 727s!:)

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perhaps I missed something, but don't really find it relevant to evidence about Cooper...if he was nasty to her. shame on him. I really don't care one way or the other to be honest.

Well - 1st have U ever met him?

Have U been interviewed by him?

Have U read things he CLAIMS?

Did U read his approached of Tina?

Do U read his evaluations of her mental status?

Did U read how he lusts after her?

That is all I need to say! U believe then let U live with it when harm comes to others...evidently you condon his actions with people he interviews!

NONE of U will care until U become his victim or know others he victimizes.

He is polite in person, but READ his accounting of the interviews. He gets NASTY with his attitude & pushy, then makes it appear the other individual was the one who was pushy or irrational & ALWAYS claims the other person has a mental problem.


WHY do I complain - and WHY do even acknowledge his postings? HE NEEDS a TASTE of WHAT he DISHES OUT! Note he gets nasty when I do that! I treat HIM the SAME WAY he treats THE individual he interviews and then writes about.

He NEEDS to LEARN to PUT HIMSELF on the other SIDE of his interviews & writings! WHAT I do is PUT him in their position - I corner him & then say terrible things about him - HE needs to KNOW & FEEL the damage HE leaves in his WAKE! It works! Most of the time - he will come back with a polite or lighter post - but it DOES not remove his actions or what he wrote or the harm HIS interpretations of an interview left on his victim.

He victimizes those he interviews with his OPINIONS and most times INACCURATE reportings of the person or what they said or circumstances of the interview.

I TREAT him the way HE treats others who he has interviewed....it is the only way to get thru to someone like that. They will NOT recognize the pain inflicted upon their victim, UNTIL it comes right back at them.....some never grow-up or get the message.

What he does is either a learned process thru association (for instance perhaps how his mother or father treated him) and the other option is he really is deep down that rude demeaning opinionated person his writing indicated. If not one of the above - then he is just a rude mean & opinionated person.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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