Hominid 0 #47001 February 5, 2014 georger It's all in the thread - - - Along with all else known to mankind Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47002 February 5, 2014 Hominid *** It's all in the thread - - - Along with all else known to mankindunderstatement of century, maybe! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47003 February 5, 2014 RobertMBlevins Wow, that was a quick copy/paste/reply by Georger, even though I decided to delete it five minutes later. Guilt feelings? Waiting to strike on a post by Robert? You are SO predictable, I swear. LOL. Leave it up. I don't mind giving it to people straight, whether they like it or not. The Master's words must be preserved and revered. That's how you taught us! Anger Management issues? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47004 February 5, 2014 georger ******Robert can you take a picture of Margie's letter and put it up plus pictures of Kenny and other related stuff I am no longer releasing anything new concerning Kenny Christiansen. There are a couple of reasons. First, although the vast majority of the information that has been released about him (contrary to popular opinion) is TRUE, it is also true a few mistakes were made concerning his financial transactions during the one-year period following the hijacking. Most are minor, and don't really affect the testimony of the witnesses, or the basic fact that Kenny was loaning out thousands of dollars to the *alleged* accomplice's sister and somehow managed to buy a house along the way. So...we are investigating that facet of Kenny's life further. So is Shutter. I still have a strong suspicion that Kenny was Cooper, but until we get the stuff on his house purchase right, no more goes out about him. I've been asked: 'Okay...so when do you plan to do this? When will you update these things?' Fair question, and here's the answer: On Saturday afternoon, August 10th, at the Auburn Avenue Theater, Auburn WA, during the annual 'Auburn Days' festival. It's well-known I have trust issues going with some Cooperland residents. And I have perfectly good reasons for this. For example, the first time I was scheduled to present the infamous Kenny Christiansen slideshow at the Ave for that particular year's festival...someone called up City Hall and made threats. The city responded by calling up both me and festival director Connie Henke and giving us a heads-up. A plainclothes cop hung out in the lobby. We put on the show anyway and nothing happened. But this is the kind of lowlife, crazy shit you get from *some* people in Cooperland. Or they post up shit comments on every Cooper article they can find until mods step in or the poor author is forced to delete the article. Trust? I don't have that in Cooperland. I trust 377, Amazon, a few others here. Some I don't. Especially the two who forgot that not only can I occasionally call on the services of a certain PI, but who forgot IP's can be traced. I won't mention names publicly. One of them I haven't seen a post from in months. The other is a regular at Dropzone and not a skydiver. Yesterday I was asked to create an official Facebook community page for the Adventures in Literature event that I co-chair at the Auburn Ave Theater. So I did. Another Cooper-type book author will be making an appearance and doing his own slideshow. I was asked to follow that with an updated version of the Kenny Christiansen slideshow, and I have agreed to that. The other author is not Bruce Smith, Geoff Gray, and certainly not GreyCop. Other than that, I can't tell you until late June when we print up the speaking schedule. Warning: That FB page is admin'd by some fairly smart people, and unlike outside articles, you have to sign in to Facebook to post. And that means even if you create a bogus account to make shit comments, you can be traced easily. My techie guy Greg at AB says so, and I believe him. He types code at 70wpm and has been making computers jump through hoops for him since Windows 3.0. Besides, we would just shut you off, delete your post, and report you to Facebook. If they find out you have ANOTHER account from the same IP, your REAL account at FB will vanish quicker than a fart in the wind. This is Seattle baby and we know how to do tech around this town. You think this is harsh. Maybe it's unreasonable you say? I call it keeping people honest. Cooperland is full of trashers, phonies, and two-faced folk who present one side publicly and then show another face when they think no one is looking. Problem is: Someone is looking. Beyond all the Cooper crap and backbiting, if you live in the Seattle area you might consider attending Adventures in Literature for this show. Some of the authors who are scheduled to appear...well, you probably have a book around your house they've written. The literary event will be followed by two films, and not only are the snacks and drinks free...but the whole thing is free to the public. First of all...unless Robert's website has been corrected, many if not the vast majority of the allegations that he has made have been shown to be inaccurate and many of the others are not backed up by anything that can be proven. Kenny bought a house with a mortgage, he owned land that he bought in the 60s on a mortgage, and the money and estate that he had at the time of his death were likely a result of the HUGE profit he made off the sale of this property acouple of years before he died. This property was land that he had been paying for since the 60s - long before the hijacking. His coin collection was also likely amassed over a long period of time. Kenny has been profiled as that kind of person. There are other factual errors on Robert's website as well - which for some reason he does not feel compelled to correct. Additionally, when Robert is speculating about someone's actions or motives, he doesn't always make it clear that he is speculating. Therefore, the unwary would assume that these are facts. They are not. That is why we try to keep the record straight. Robert is not the only one that does this - and not the only one that gets challenged - he just happens to post more than the rest do. I can't speak for others but I am not attacking Robert personally. I am attacking his data. Though I must add..... if you haven't noticed, Robert tends to bring a lot of animosity upon himself with his own snarkiness. So, to keep the facts straight and the players honest, when he makes statements like the above, as I told him, I will feel obligated to correct the record to preserve some element of integrity to the whole KC saga. Hey, it might turn into a fun game. No scorekeeping though. I can't be here 24/7. As to the Crazy Cooperland stuff -- have you ever noticed that almost no one else has these consistent problems with crazy people? Blevins is just one of many...no more special than other posters or other writers - a general public if you will, so why him? Really, at some point you have to ask yourself - is it real or is someone trying to create drama for themselves - maybe a marketing ploy? I don't know, but that has certainly been wondered about by several people. All I do know is these occurrences apparently happened a couple of years ago and everyone else just ignored it as asinine internet bull crap and everyone forgets about it ---- until GUESS WHO brings it up again and again and again and again. It's like he wants to keep it out there...so you have to wonder why? I think that's a fair question whether it ever gets answered or not. I mean it's not just Cooper crazy - there's crazy crap all over the internet. Sure you can try to combat it when it happens if you have the energy, but after a couple of years have gone by...why not just fuggettaboutit and quit calling attention to it years after the fact? Just saying..LOL...some obsessions know no bounds and the Cooper vortex keeps spinning round.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47005 February 5, 2014 RobertMBlevins Wow, that was a quick copy/paste/reply by Georger, even though I decided to delete it five minutes later. Guilt feelings? Waiting to strike on a post by Robert? You are SO predictable, I swear. Oops didn't realize you deleted it. Quote LOL. Leave it up. I don't mind giving it to people straight, whether they like it or not. LOL. I don't either. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47006 February 5, 2014 Contrary to what has been posted, and I know what Himmelsbach is alleged to have said, I read somewhere that at least one Northwest person and a couple of Boeing people were questioned shortly after the event. I can't locate the article or post now and it might have been two separate articles or posts. Does anyone else remember this?but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47007 February 5, 2014 smokin99********* Problem is: Someone is looking. Beyond all the Cooper crap and backbiting, First of all...unless Robert's website has been corrected, many if not the vast majority of the allegations that he has made have been shown to be inaccurate and many of the others are not backed up by anything that can be proven. Kenny bought a house with a mortgage, he owned land that he bought in the 60s on a mortgage, and the money and estate that he had at the time of his death were likely a result of the HUGE profit he made off the sale of this property that he had owned since the 60s - long before the hijacking. His coin collection was likely amassed over a long period of time. Keep in mind, Blevins revised (downsized) the actual value of the alleged 'stamp & coin collection'. And regardless of that, Blevins presented nothing to substantiate the 'value' of that collection, or even if it was a collection, ... in other words, we literally know nothing about that alleged property except Blevins tried to claim a large "value" for the so-called "collection" citing it as one more example of Kenny's sudden acquisition of "great wealth" without any logical explanation. The whole thing, once again, is hearsay - Blevins used. No documentation of the appraisal of the collection, or even a note from someone certifying Kenny was interested in and collected (spent time on) stamps and coins! Not one record of him ever purchasing stamps and coins from anyone! For all we know he have may have acquired this socalled 'collection' in a trade, for services rendered ... and there is no record Kenny knew anything about stamps and coins, ever talked about them, traded in them, etc. Blevins might actually have gone further had he claimed that Kenny and Geestman were staying at Paradise Park during Thanksgiving 1971, and some stranger came to their door and died in their arms! Whereupon they took the man's body to the Columbia and took the man's ransom money he was carrying! And that 'that' was Kenny's big secret. But alas, an ordinary story is not good enough. Something beyond Blevin's control requires it be an epic lie worthy of years of debate and controversy and angst! The story has taken on the traits of its teller! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47008 February 5, 2014 georger.............. Blevins might actually have gone further if he has claimed that Kenny and Geestman were staying at Paradise Park during Thanksgiving 1971, and some strange man came to their doorstep and died in their arms! Whereupon they took the man's body and put it in the Columbia and took the man's ransom money he was carrying! And that 'that' was Kenny's big secret. But alas, an ordinary story is not as good an an epic lie! Not sure about it being Kenny and Bernie, but that scenario or one where someone finds a body and chute and dumps that and keeps the money is as plausible as some of the other theories that abound. Maybe even more so in some cases.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47009 February 5, 2014 smokin99***.............. Blevins might actually have gone further if he has claimed that Kenny and Geestman were staying at Paradise Park during Thanksgiving 1971, and some strange man came to their doorstep and died in their arms! Whereupon they took the man's body and put it in the Columbia and took the man's ransom money he was carrying! And that 'that' was Kenny's big secret. But alas, an ordinary story is not as good an an epic lie! Not sure about it being Kenny and Bernie, but that scenario or one where someone finds a body and chute and dumps that and keeps the money is as plausible as some of the other theories that abound. Maybe even more so in some cases. A scenario like that is exactly what some of my family in WA and OR thought, especially if Cooper had been on foot carrying his ransom and wandered into hobos and such which lined the shoreline in encampments, on both sides of the river, during that period of time. That is one scenario that could connect Cooper landing north of Vancouver then some of his money winds up discovered ... at Tina Bar of all places! But ten years after the fact who are you going to question? With a rail line connecting both areas. But let's say that never happened! Then there is a missing link, as Sluggo used to call it. Sluggo's admonition still rings in my head! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47010 February 5, 2014 RobertMBlevins ******.............. Blevins might actually have gone further if he has claimed that Kenny and Geestman were staying at Paradise Park during Thanksgiving 1971, and some strange man came to their doorstep and died in their arms! Whereupon they took the man's body and put it in the Columbia and took the man's ransom money he was carrying! And that 'that' was Kenny's big secret. But alas, an ordinary story is not as good an an epic lie! Not sure about it being Kenny and Bernie, but that scenario or one where someone finds a body and chute and dumps that and keeps the money is as plausible as some of the other theories that abound. Maybe even more so in some cases. It's true that at first Skipp Porteous and I thought that Mr. Geestman may have ended up at Paradise Point State Park. Then we found out later that Geestman owned property down in Oakville, WA and for some reason he felt compelled to park his newly-purchased trailer on that property only a few weeks prior to the hijacking. Of course, when Mr Geestman disappeared over the week the hijacking occurred, giving his wife a BS story about going camping...and six weeks later Kenny Christiansen told Helen Jones he had BEEN with Geestman that week...we did find that suspicious. Especially when Geestman went on Decoded (national TV) and said he thought Kenny could be the hijacker. We saw this as simply Geestman in a moment of desperation (caught in multiple lies) and tossing Kenny under the bus. You think this. You think that. You think it's all a lie? That I misrepresented the testimony of the witnesses and lied? You think Geoff Gray is full of shit? You want 'evidence presented'? Fine. But here's the problem. SOME of you can't be trusted. So...I'm no longer going to post new things publicly on the internet regarding Ken Christiansen. At least for now. You want to know the truth of the allegations, you can either come and ask me in person at the Auburn Ave, like a real human being, or you can download the KC report PDF and research it, check it for yourself. Anyone can be located when they are legit and a real name is provided. I have no problem with that. But after all I have seen and heard and read, very few of you deserve the respect I would give a stray cat. You brought that on yourselves by your underhanded and discourteous behavior. Didn't your mother teach you any manners? Mine did. There is nothing I can do about that. But what I can do is to refuse you courtesies you no longer deserve. Personally, I don't give a shit whether you like it or not, or believe or not that Kenny belongs on the suspect list. You want to know if Kenny Christiansen was the guy? Start doing research on your own and quit relying on me. Everything I have to present at this time is either in the PDF or the book, such as they are. Anything else, see me at the Ave on August 10th. And be nice or stay home. Didn't your mother teach you any manners? Mine did. ??? So our mothers are our problem? That will go over big with MADD! No wonder you perjured them too! You are a real class act. Do you consider yourself an extension of Kenny Christiansen, as Jo does Duane? Are you speaking for Kenny? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #47011 February 5, 2014 "or the basic fact that Kenny was loaning out thousands of dollars to the *alleged* accomplice's sister and somehow managed to buy a house along the way." several problems here. he says "alleged accomplice" but doesn't say that for the "alleged" loan. nothing has proven the loan ever took place. on here he says Kenny some how purchased a house. his website says "he paid $16,500 in cash for a house in Bonney Lake, Washington within eight months after the crime." I also find it interesting that the police would spend the tax payers money on someone reporting a threat on the phone and actually put manpower in place. not that it wouldn't be the right thing to do, but I don't see the cops putting that much trust in a phone call. maybe Florida is different, or when a woman calls the police in fear of there husband/boyfriend they don't seem to put manpower protecting them. they might drive past the house more than often, but that's about it. then we have to be reminded of this remark, "It's well-known I have trust issues going with some Cooperland residents" I'm sure he also is aware that he can not be trusted either."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #47012 February 5, 2014 RobertMBlevins *********Robert can you take a picture of Margie's letter and put it up plus pictures of Kenny and other related stuff I am no longer releasing anything new concerning Kenny Christiansen. There are a couple of reasons. First, although the vast majority of the information that has been released about him (contrary to popular opinion) is TRUE, it is also true a few mistakes were made concerning his financial transactions during the one-year period following the hijacking. Most are minor, and don't really affect the testimony of the witnesses, or the basic fact that Kenny was loaning out thousands of dollars to the *alleged* accomplice's sister and somehow managed to buy a house along the way. So...we are investigating that facet of Kenny's life further. So is Shutter. I still have a strong suspicion that Kenny was Cooper, but until we get the stuff on his house purchase right, no more goes out about him. I've been asked: 'Okay...so when do you plan to do this? When will you update these things?' Fair question, and here's the answer: On Saturday afternoon, August 10th, at the Auburn Avenue Theater, Auburn WA, during the annual 'Auburn Days' festival. It's well-known I have trust issues going with some Cooperland residents. And I have perfectly good reasons for this. For example, the first time I was scheduled to present the infamous Kenny Christiansen slideshow at the Ave for that particular year's festival...someone called up City Hall and made threats. The city responded by calling up both me and festival director Connie Henke and giving us a heads-up. A plainclothes cop hung out in the lobby. We put on the show anyway and nothing happened. But this is the kind of lowlife, crazy shit you get from *some* people in Cooperland. Or they post up shit comments on every Cooper article they can find until mods step in or the poor author is forced to delete the article. Trust? I don't have that in Cooperland. I trust 377, Amazon, a few others here. Some I don't. Especially the two who forgot that not only can I occasionally call on the services of a certain PI, but who forgot IP's can be traced. I won't mention names publicly. One of them I haven't seen a post from in months. The other is a regular at Dropzone and not a skydiver. Yesterday I was asked to create an official Facebook community page for the Adventures in Literature event that I co-chair at the Auburn Ave Theater. So I did. Another Cooper-type book author will be making an appearance and doing his own slideshow. I was asked to follow that with an updated version of the Kenny Christiansen slideshow, and I have agreed to that. The other author is not Bruce Smith, Geoff Gray, and certainly not GreyCop. Other than that, I can't tell you until late June when we print up the speaking schedule. Warning: That FB page is admin'd by some fairly smart people, and unlike outside articles, you have to sign in to Facebook to post. And that means even if you create a bogus account to make shit comments, you can be traced easily. My techie guy Greg at AB says so, and I believe him. He types code at 70wpm and has been making computers jump through hoops for him since Windows 3.0. Besides, we would just shut you off, delete your post, and report you to Facebook. If they find out you have ANOTHER account from the same IP, your REAL account at FB will vanish quicker than a fart in the wind. This is Seattle baby and we know how to do tech around this town. You think this is harsh. Maybe it's unreasonable you say? I call it keeping people honest. Cooperland is full of trashers, phonies, and two-faced folk who present one side publicly and then show another face when they think no one is looking. Problem is: Someone is looking. Beyond all the Cooper crap and backbiting, if you live in the Seattle area you might consider attending Adventures in Literature for this show. Some of the authors who are scheduled to appear...well, you probably have a book around your house they've written. The literary event will be followed by two films, and not only are the snacks and drinks free...but the whole thing is free to the public. LOL some people really get upset when you post something positive on this thread. Not only will we do the Book Swap like last year, but we're also doing a childrens' book drive all summer for the event that will raise THOUSANDS of kid books to be set up in mini-libraries in family shelters and a certain Kiddy Hospital located in the Puget Sound area. Bitter, angry, full of crap. YOU. Positive, hopeful, helpful. ME. And that is the difference between your current program and mine. (sigh) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47013 February 5, 2014 mrshutter45"or the basic fact that Kenny was loaning out thousands of dollars to the *alleged* accomplice's sister and somehow managed to buy a house along the way." several problems here. he says "alleged accomplice" but doesn't say that for the "alleged" loan. nothing has proven the loan ever took place. on here he says Kenny some how purchased a house. his website says "he paid $16,500 in cash for a house in Bonney Lake, Washington within eight months after the crime." I also find it interesting that the police would spend the tax payers money on someone reporting a threat on the phone and actually put manpower in place. not that it wouldn't be the right thing to do, but I don't see the cops putting that much trust in a phone call. maybe Florida is different, or when a woman calls the police in fear of there husband/boyfriend they don't seem to put manpower protecting them. they might drive past the house more than often, but that's about it. then we have to be reminded of this remark, "It's well-known I have trust issues going with some Cooperland residents" I'm sure he also is aware that he can not be trusted either. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47014 February 5, 2014 Mark, I see that you have posted an avatar that looks a lot like Christopher Walken. Yes? I just saw a wonderful movie with Walken, "Stand Up Guys." Have you seen it? It's on Netflix. Also stars Al Pacino. I loved it. You? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #47015 February 6, 2014 BruceSmithMark, I see that you have posted an avatar that looks a lot like Christopher Walken. Yes? I just saw a wonderful movie with Walken, "Stand Up Guys." Have you seen it? It's on Netflix. Also stars Al Pacino. I loved it. You? Bruce....Oh, the things you miss when you go on vacation! A new poster came on suggesting he had a new suspect and he posted a picture of him that I thought looked a lot like Christopher Walken. Then, I posted a RobertMBlevins-esqe post listing all of the many reasons why Christopher Walken was a good suspect in the Cooper hijacking. So, Georger posted side by side photos of the original suspects photo and Christopher Walken, and I just used the Walken photo as my avatar. And do you know what the strange part is? Even though my post was totally in jest, it was not the weirdest one on here! I don't have a favorite Christopher Walken movie, but I was recently watching "Annie Hall" and I forgotten that he was in that! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47016 February 6, 2014 So, let's recap Duane Weber as DB Cooper and Jo's legacy in Norjak. 1. Ckret was unable to confirm Jo's story that any John C Collins stayed in any motel near PDX on or about Nov 24, 1971. 2. No one else has been able to confirm Jo's story about the "night clerk," who says he had a Duane Weber/ John C Collins that night who looked like DB Cooper, and that the night clerk saw Duane's pix in the paper in 2001 and remembered the face. 3. No confirmation of Duane's alleged 1995 confession to Jo of being "Dan Cooper," nor an explanation of who "Dan" was. It was DB Cooper, according to Jo. 4. Duane never indicated to Jo that he had a second identity as John C Collins despite 17 years of marriage and being a nice guy during that time. 5. Jo has been diligent in her Cooper research since 1995 and is arguably the Godmother of the Resurgent Investigation into Norjak. After her came DNA testing, Internet research and investigations, death-bed confessions (ala KC), and the de-classification of covert ops in Vietnam. She was also a founding member of this forum, and responsible for the subsequent exchange of copious amounts of Cooper information. 6. According to Jo, she has extensive relationships with principals in the case - Himmelsbach, Rataczak, Tina, Lee and Jane; also, Margie Boule of the Oregonian and a former writer from the Seattle Times named Susan Gilmore. She is in constant communication, or attempts to engage: me, Galen and the gang at the DZ. 7. Gilmore confirms extensive phone correspondence with Jo. Sgt M Billy Waugh also confirms that Jo was in contact with him circa 2009, before I or anyone else knew about his role in SOG. 8. Lee Dormuth confirms that Jo was in contact with his wife, Jane, and had an extensive phone conversation with her the night before my arrival at their home, which Jo minimizes. 9. Jo has allegedly conversed with Tina. Further, Jo knew Tina's contact information before any other reporter - before me, Galen, Geoff, or Gilmore. 10. Jo says that she got a lead on Tina's whereabouts due to the unsolicited intervention of a "high governmental official" using the moniker of Robbie Clampett. Jo resists all efforts to confirm this link. Further, Jo has apparently not offered an apology to any skyjacked principals for her husband's alleged actions. 11. Jo claims that she had a prior conversation with Duane about DB Cooper in the woods north of Lake Camas, during the Sentimental Journey of 1979. This would be the exchange about Duane being "His (Cooper's) ground man." Her later claim that she had never heard of DB Cooper until Duane's confession fourteen years later in 1995 seems to be lost in the haze of denial, obfuscation, explanation, and side-stepping. 12. Gilmore has confirmed the nature of her relationship with Jo. Boule has not, and may be deceased. 13. Jo actively resists having her picture taken. She also resists writing and publishing her story for the public. She is seemingly content to tell her tale here on the DZ to the 750 or so folks who read the DZ currently. 14. Jo has extensive knowledge of the case. She is also cognizant of JM Wave and the actions of parties in New Orleans associated with the JFK assassination. She is also familiar with MKULTRA-type of operations. 15. By her postings here on the DZ, we know that her physical health is poor and that her personal life is rife with struggle, ie: multiple car accidents, little or no social support, such as car rides to doctors, etc. 16. Jo is relentless in her character assassinations here at the DZ. She has lambasted just about everybody at some point, and I am one of her current favorites. 17. Jo rarely introduces new information here at the DZ, but carefully weaves in new Duane Weber narratives as tag-along pieces to current topics and personalities. 18. Jo frequently characterizes herself as a dumb-blonde, but she is arguably as sly as a fox. She solicits and receives much technical and investigative support from the DZ. 19. Jo is a featured personage of Geoff's book, Skyjack. 20. Jo is allegedly been part of at least one DB Cooper documentary. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47017 February 6, 2014 MarkBennett***Mark, I see that you have posted an avatar that looks a lot like Christopher Walken. Yes? I just saw a wonderful movie with Walken, "Stand Up Guys." Have you seen it? It's on Netflix. Also stars Al Pacino. I loved it. You? Bruce....Oh, the things you miss when you go on vacation! A new poster came on suggesting he had a new suspect and he posted a picture of him that I thought looked a lot like Christopher Walken. Then, I posted a RobertMBlevins-esqe post listing all of the many reasons why Christopher Walken was a good suspect in the Cooper hijacking. So, Georger posted side by side photos of the original suspects photo and Christopher Walken, and I just used the Walken photo as my avatar. And do you know what the strange part is? Even though my post was totally in jest, it was not the weirdest one on here! I don't have a favorite Christopher Walken movie, but I was recently watching "Annie Hall" and I forgotten that he was in that! Yikes. Not the weirdest one? Whew. Yeah, I missed this whole thing. Wow... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParrotheadVol 70 #47018 February 6, 2014 Bruce, you forgot one: skyjack71 The TICKET Weber had read Dan Cooper on it."They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #47019 February 6, 2014 ParrotheadVolBruce, you forgot one: *** The TICKET Weber had read Dan Cooper on it. Aug 14, 2009, 11:47 PM "Orange, you had asked why I didn't remember the name on the ticket. This is a question I have asked myself many times. I was just impressed by how old the ticket was and I was very pressed for time during that part of my life. I do not know if I noted the name - but then Dan Cooper didn't mean anything to me around Feb of 1994." Aug 15, 2007, 12:10 AM Jo Replies: I never said the ticket said Dan Cooper. I have an unique ability to remember things from the past...which has been exhibited by my recall in not only this incident, but thru out my life. The date was February of 1994 that I found the ticket. she also claims many times the ticket said "Sea Tac" where exactly did it say that?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47020 February 6, 2014 mrshutter45***Bruce, you forgot one: *** The TICKET Weber had read Dan Cooper on it. Aug 14, 2009, 11:47 PM "Orange, you had asked why I didn't remember the name on the ticket. This is a question I have asked myself many times. I was just impressed by how old the ticket was and I was very pressed for time during that part of my life. I do not know if I noted the name - but then Dan Cooper didn't mean anything to me around Feb of 1994." Aug 15, 2007, 12:10 AM Jo Replies: I never said the ticket said Dan Cooper. I have an unique ability to remember things from the past...which has been exhibited by my recall in not only this incident, but thru out my life. The date was February of 1994 that I found the ticket. she also claims many times the ticket said "Sea Tac" where exactly did it say that? Yes, the saga is vast. Thanks for the additions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47021 February 6, 2014 I understood it to be a card. NOT a book. I know it was a card - very busy today and tomorrow but I do have his emails.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47022 February 6, 2014 georger Ckret's post about this whole matter was, quote: Ckret: I have not found anything in any of the files about a hotel clerk nor are there any items in evidence relating to a hotel register. I always find it amazing that it seems anything or anyone related to claims of DB Cooper (not just Jo, all claims); everyone is dead, out of the country, the evidence was there once but gone now....... JO states: Ckret Could NOT even find who made the rounds of the hotels nor even if it was FBI or other LAW ENFORCMENT - HE DOES KNOW THEY CHECK THE MOTELS. THE DETAILED REPORTS HE DID NOT FIND. The man then sent a statement tome after he go back to CHINA because I asked for it. I believe I sent a copy to Carr. Carr interviewed the MAN in the STATE of WASHINGTON. The man was in the VA hospital in WA for the removal of a kidney due to cancer. I may have recited his letter in the thread but I have a time line tonight. I still have the letter he sent me. Did you have a BRAIN transplant? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #47023 February 6, 2014 what was the name of the hotel where the clerk was ffrom, and where was it located?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47024 February 6, 2014 Hi Georger. I got your PM, but I am unable to reply. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47025 February 6, 2014 RobertMBlevins ***"or the basic fact that Kenny was loaning out thousands of dollars to the *alleged* accomplice's sister and somehow managed to buy a house along the way." several problems here. he says "alleged accomplice" but doesn't say that for the "alleged" loan. nothing has proven the loan ever took place. on here he says Kenny some how purchased a house. his website says "he paid $16,500 in cash for a house in Bonney Lake, Washington within eight months after the crime." I also find it interesting that the police would spend the tax payers money on someone reporting a threat on the phone and actually put manpower in place. not that it wouldn't be the right thing to do, but I don't see the cops putting that much trust in a phone call. maybe Florida is different, or when a woman calls the police in fear of there husband/boyfriend they don't seem to put manpower protecting them. they might drive past the house more than often, but that's about it. then we have to be reminded of this remark, "It's well-known I have trust issues going with some Cooperland residents" I'm sure he also is aware that he can not be trusted either. There are several witnesses to the loan. How many do you want? The three grandkids who were raised in the home and knew how their single mom bought the house? How about Bernie Geestman? He admitted knowing about the loan. He should...it enabled his sister to take she and her kids someplace else instead of living with he and his wife. Or Dawn Androsko herself, who freely admitted receiving the money, said what she did with it, why she borrowed it, and how long she took to repay it. Don't believe it? Think they're all lying? Why don't you hunt down Mrs Androsko and find out for yourself. I said she lived on Fox Island and that narrows it down a bit. As far as the house, this is what I know at this time. There was a substantial cash down. The rest was financed. But you probably knew that. Personally, I don't care if Kenny did half or all or whatever, because that's not really why Kenny ended up on the suspect list. As has been pointed out, maybe he was a drug dealer or a bank robber. (*laughs*) Doubtful, but possible. I can't be trusted? I have made the occasional mistake investigating Cooper and Christiansen. So name one person who has got it all right. Because if they had, the case would be solved by now. And it's one of the reasons I said 'whoa, Nellie' to any more new info being released on KC until we verify anything and everything, whatever can be verified. For example, I have one more interview to do with a local resident that concerns the house. This person will know the 'real deal' about it. I haven't gotten around to setting up the interview, but I will. (Not Bill Mitchell, someone else) Trust...okay. Let's say Bruce Smith decides he wants to do a slideshow and a presentation on his new book at the Grange in Eatonville. Do you think I would call in threats to the Grange? Answer is NO. The only people who really knew I was going to do the slideshow at that time were people here at Dropzone. Nothing was in the paper yet, nothing was on the AB website, the programs had not been printed, the posters were not yet created for the theater. Only a few committee members knew, and regular posters at the Cooper thread. So those calls came from someone who posts HERE. There is a lot of garbage in Cooperland. A lot. And in my upcoming book I will be discussing this subject. The only real 'Cooper Fans,' the true and honest ones, are the locals who show up to the Ariel celebration. 'Cooper Royalty' my ass. It's a myth. Dona Elliot is Cooper Royalty. Geoff Gray, the Citizens' Sleuths. Many of the rest (although not all) are lowlifes, bottom feeders, or just plain weird. It's part of the reason I no longer am interested in attending any strictly Cooper-related events with the exception of Ariel. Most of the people at Ariel have no agenda and are normal. They just celebrate Cooper, they keep the legend alive. THEY are the Cooper Royalty. Not me, not you, not even Bruce Smith. A while back I was working with the Dormuths down in Shelton here and there. They were *this* close to allowing me not only an interview, but to provide large blow-ups of Christiansen for Tina Mucklow to examine. They were going to accept the photos and present them to her at the right time. Not right away, but SOMETIME. ('These things must be handled delicately...' Wizard of Oz.) But after Smith got through with them, and both the Dormuths and some of their other family members saw the Mountain News article, they closed the door and locked it to all further interviews or discussions regarding Mucklow. People don't like it when I call it like it is. They also don't like it when I call them out on Cooperland Crap. Well, that's too bad because I hate Cooper Phonies. Those are people who post here politely, or at least don't get so nasty they get banned, but behind your back they do the lowest shit imaginable. It is made worse when they hustle and bustle to present a different face entirely. Which makes them a phony. ('You're Not Sorry You Did It...You're Sorry I Found Out' - Actual Facebook Page.) Quote Shutter says in part: 'I also find it interesting that the police would spend the tax payers money on someone reporting a threat on the phone and actually put manpower in place. not that it wouldn't be the right thing to do, but I don't see the cops putting that much trust in a phone call...' Excuse me, but duh. The calls (more than one) came into City Hall. The calls concerned an upcoming public festival with thousands of people milling the streets for three days. What did you think they would do? Quote 'Trust is a hard thing to come by these days...' Kurt Russell, from the film The Thing. Let's face it. Some folks just need to grow up a bit more. You are a bottomless pit of chaos; just surrounds and engulfs you apparently, and everyone around you, every place you go, apparently ... you claim... apparently! ? Maybe the USWS and NASA need to set up a monitor station on top of your head and declare you "The Blevins Vortex". Have you considered donating your Chaotic Effect to science? You are one of a kind! That is for certain! (according to you). Blevins quote of the night: Quote: 'Trust is a hard thing to come by these days...' Kurt Russell, from the film The Thing. WTF is that supposed to mean or portend? Here on the Dropzone DB Cooper forum, of all places!? Should you be calling President O-Bama and the Governor of your State? Calling out the National Guard? Consulting with your medium chancellery, calling the Coast Guard, notifying Geoff Gray, ... or sending an emergency Fax to the International Astronomical Union!? When will your asteroid hit !? Quit fucking around and just tell us! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites