quade 4 #47126 February 9, 2014 BruceSmithAs for behavior at the DZ, what I glean from Quade's actions is that ... No. It appears you did not read what I wrote. Here, let me post it one more time. QuoteTalk about the subject, disagree with the theories, but for goodness sake cut it with the attacks on each other. There is no loophole here. There is no "permission" for you to attempt to find one. If you'd ALL like to be banned that's okay by me because every single one of you have committed more than one offense. It's serially ridiculous for any of you to whine or moan about anyone else, so just stop.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #47127 February 9, 2014 propblast******For those that exited a 727. How hard is it to get off the staircase while in flight? Is it easy to get out and onto the hill with a semblance of body control? Just curious? I jumped the Perris DC 9 at WFFC 2006. I assume it was quite similar to the 727 jump-wise. Piece of cake exiting, no wind at all until you were completely out. Then once clear you hit the slipstream and it's FAST. I think our jump run was about 180++. it sure wasn't like a Twin Otter exit. Some folks tumbled for a few sec. A few accessories were lost, goggles, fanny packs and a wrist altimeter that had worn out Velcro. My goggles were stripped off my face but the helmet kept them from detaching. The DC 9 had the stairs removed for the jump. There are YouTube videos of WFFC 727 and DC 9 jumps. It cost $100 but was worth every penny. The speed and single file exit put some jumpers quite a way off the DZ for their landings. Later loads did two passes to minimize the spread. 377 As I suspected. I think that moneybag took off or took him for a ride. Yeah...I'm with ya on that. Kinda always been my thoughts on it, I have jumped the 727 and even as an experienced jumper who had been briefed regarding the exit by people who had done it before..it was an eye opener! I also do a lot of demos and am quite adept at attaching things to my harness etc. Using good rigging technique with plenty of thought, planning & time...still throws me a surprise from time to time. Tying a couple knots with 550 on a 20 pound satchel would be about my LAST method of securing anything for that kind of jump. ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #47128 February 9, 2014 airtwardo*********For those that exited a 727. How hard is it to get off the staircase while in flight? Is it easy to get out and onto the hill with a semblance of body control? Just curious? I jumped the Perris DC 9 at WFFC 2006. I assume it was quite similar to the 727 jump-wise. Piece of cake exiting, no wind at all until you were completely out. Then once clear you hit the slipstream and it's FAST. I think our jump run was about 180++. it sure wasn't like a Twin Otter exit. Some folks tumbled for a few sec. A few accessories were lost, goggles, fanny packs and a wrist altimeter that had worn out Velcro. My goggles were stripped off my face but the helmet kept them from detaching. The DC 9 had the stairs removed for the jump. There are YouTube videos of WFFC 727 and DC 9 jumps. It cost $100 but was worth every penny. The speed and single file exit put some jumpers quite a way off the DZ for their landings. Later loads did two passes to minimize the spread. 377 As I suspected. I think that moneybag took off or took him for a ride. Yeah...I'm with ya on that. Kinda always been my thoughts on it, I have jumped the 727 and even as an experienced jumper who had been briefed regarding the exit by people who had done it before..it was an eye opener! I also do a lot of demos and am quite adept at attaching things to my harness etc. Using good rigging technique with plenty of thought, planning & time...still throws me a surprise from time to time. Tying a couple knots with 550 on a 20 pound satchel would be about my LAST method of securing anything for that kind of jump. If not mistaken wasn't it you that tied some cord around your waist with some weight and jumped up and down with the weight coming loose showing this wouldn't be a good idea the way they suggest Cooper did it? I remember reading this not to long ago back in the thread."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
propblast 0 #47129 February 9, 2014 airtwardo*********For those that exited a 727. How hard is it to get off the staircase while in flight? Is it easy to get out and onto the hill with a semblance of body control? Just curious? I jumped the Perris DC 9 at WFFC 2006. I assume it was quite similar to the 727 jump-wise. Piece of cake exiting, no wind at all until you were completely out. Then once clear you hit the slipstream and it's FAST. I think our jump run was about 180++. it sure wasn't like a Twin Otter exit. Some folks tumbled for a few sec. A few accessories were lost, goggles, fanny packs and a wrist altimeter that had worn out Velcro. My goggles were stripped off my face but the helmet kept them from detaching. The DC 9 had the stairs removed for the jump. There are YouTube videos of WFFC 727 and DC 9 jumps. It cost $100 but was worth every penny. The speed and single file exit put some jumpers quite a way off the DZ for their landings. Later loads did two passes to minimize the spread. 377 As I suspected. I think that moneybag took off or took him for a ride. Yeah...I'm with ya on that. Kinda always been my thoughts on it, I have jumped the 727 and even as an experienced jumper who had been briefed regarding the exit by people who had done it before..it was an eye opener! I also do a lot of demos and am quite adept at attaching things to my harness etc. Using good rigging technique with plenty of thought, planning & time...still throws me a surprise from time to time. Tying a couple knots with 550 on a 20 pound satchel would be about my LAST method of securing anything for that kind of jump. Completely agree. I have jumped with a bit of weight before. Getting the load symmetrical and tight are so important. I can't see it being done in the fashion claimed without a lot of luck.Propblast Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #47130 February 9, 2014 So far the method used is speculation, yes? Since we really don't have a good eye witness account and description, we kind of make assumptions based on the limited testimony. Just like the "he died-he survived" discussions. Both sides, of both arguments, are possible. Heck he could have survived and lost the money, or kept the money and died, etc. Honestly, Vickie's uncle seems a better suspect at the moment, since we have no body, and with that, no answers. It all fits. (And I do not mean that in a facetious way) MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47131 February 9, 2014 Quote"...Completely agree. I have jumped with a bit of weight before. Getting the load symmetrical and tight are so important. I can't see it being done in the fashion claimed without a lot of luck...." How about pulling on the stairs and letting the canopy squid out into the slip stream, thus getting pulled off the stairs and avoiding the tumble through the slipstream? 377 has given a very comprehensive analysis of this method of exiting a 727, replete with videos of training missions in Cambodia during the Vietnam War where troopers exhibited this style of jumping from a 727. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
propblast 0 #47132 February 9, 2014 BruceSmithQuote"...Completely agree. I have jumped with a bit of weight before. Getting the load symmetrical and tight are so important. I can't see it being done in the fashion claimed without a lot of luck...." How about pulling on the stairs and letting the canopy squid out into the slip stream, thus getting pulled off the stairs and avoiding the tumble through the slipstream? 377 has given a very comprehensive analysis of this method of exiting a 727, replete with videos of training missions in Cambodia during the Vietnam War where troopers exhibited this style of jumping from a 727. Different style of jumping in those videos...( unless it's a set I haven't seen)That plane was going super slow and was rigged for dropping. But as stated above, who knows anything is possible. I just wanted to talk about the skydiving aspect of this mystery.Propblast Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47133 February 9, 2014 quade***As for behavior at the DZ, what I glean from Quade's actions is that ... No. It appears you did not read what I wrote. Here, let me post it one more time. QuoteTalk about the subject, disagree with the theories, but for goodness sake cut it with the attacks on each other. There is no loophole here. There is no "permission" for you to attempt to find one. If you'd ALL like to be banned that's okay by me because every single one of you have committed more than one offense. It's serially ridiculous for any of you to whine or moan about anyone else, so just stop. Well, let me pose a DB Cooper-based theory to you Quade, on the behavior of the posters here, their role in Norjak, and the broader question of the impact this forum has in the Norjak investgation. How do you suggest that we investigate Jo? She claims that her husband confessed to being DB Cooper, yet she has no conclusive proof. Further, she has extensive relatlonships with principals in the case, which arguably can be considered to be evidence that she is much more than a befuddled widow and is an insider. Jo may be someone's eyes and ears to keep track of guys like me. Further, your highly prejudicial treatment of Jo also makes you suspect in my eyes. You are heavy-handed with some posters but Jo Weber can seem to do no wrong in your eyes. What's up with that, Paul?. Why do you protect Jo so vigorously? I think that is a fair question and a suitable submission for discussion on these pages. Plus, there is one Big Question unanswered about your conduct here. Why did you kick out two of the most knowledgeable posters on Norjak - Snowmman and Galen Cook? Yes, Snow was obnoxious In Extremis, but I learned to tolerate him and push back when he went too far. As for Galen, who knows more on Coper than him? Geoffrey? Sluggo? Maybe, but the DZ lost a valueable contributor when you butted him out. You have to take responsibility for those travesties. If this post gets me me booted from the DZ, then shame on you, Quade, I do not tolerate bullies, either in the form of crazy old 73-year old women, or high-handed moderators who have a very skewed view of fair play and effective investigation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47134 February 9, 2014 propblast***Quote"...Completely agree. I have jumped with a bit of weight before. Getting the load symmetrical and tight are so important. I can't see it being done in the fashion claimed without a lot of luck...." How about pulling on the stairs and letting the canopy squid out into the slip stream, thus getting pulled off the stairs and avoiding the tumble through the slipstream? 377 has given a very comprehensive analysis of this method of exiting a 727, replete with videos of training missions in Cambodia during the Vietnam War where troopers exhibited this style of jumping from a 727. Different style of jumping in those videos...( unless it's a set I haven't seen)That plane was going super slow and was rigged for dropping. But as stated above, who knows anything is possible. I just wanted to talk about the skydiving aspect of this mystery. Eh, propster, it sounds like you are equivocating.... If Cooper knew more about the 727 than the pilots or Northwest Orient, don't you think he knew how to exit safely with twenty pounds of twenties? C'mon, put your thinking cap on! Give it your best shot! How would you do it, for instance? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47135 February 9, 2014 Quote"...It's a small point, but if the hijacker had died in the jump, then someone has to go missing. No one is an island. The hijacker had to have at least some friends, perhaps family, a place to live, bills, and a life.." I strongly disagree, Robert. You are approaching this discussion with what Sluggo called "cultural goggles." Namely, you tend to think of the world as filled with people like you. Not so. Lots of folks are islands unto themsleves. Loners, drifters, psychiatric patients, recluses up in the widlerness areas, ex-pats wandering the globe, escaped convicts, guys on the run. Then we have islands of community that are separate from the mainstream world - Indian reservations, military bases, homeless guys under the bridges of America, gypsy encampments. If anyone went missing in these communities they could be missed but the cops would never know about it because these folks have little interaction with the police and not much interest in doing so. Consider the SOG guys. Do you really think those guys would talk about a brother who pulled off the Cooper heist? How about the elite elements of SOG - the Super-SOG guys, whose lives depend on silence every day and routinely don't speak to anyone about their work. Sure Billy Waugh and John Plaster told me about the rumors of Ted Braden, but now that I'm digging into it they are much less chatty, and Billy has effectively clammed-up on me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
propblast 0 #47136 February 9, 2014 BruceSmith******Quote"...Completely agree. I have jumped with a bit of weight before. Getting the load symmetrical and tight are so important. I can't see it being done in the fashion claimed without a lot of luck...." How about pulling on the stairs and letting the canopy squid out into the slip stream, thus getting pulled off the stairs and avoiding the tumble through the slipstream? 377 has given a very comprehensive analysis of this method of exiting a 727, replete with videos of training missions in Cambodia during the Vietnam War where troopers exhibited this style of jumping from a 727. Different style of jumping in those videos...( unless it's a set I haven't seen)That plane was going super slow and was rigged for dropping. But as stated above, who knows anything is possible. I just wanted to talk about the skydiving aspect of this mystery. Eh, propster, it sounds like you are equivocating.... If Cooper knew more about the 727 than the pilots or Northwest Orient, don't you think he knew how to exit safely with twenty pounds of twenties? C'mon, put your thinking cap on! Give it your best shot! How would you do it, for instance? I don't see where I'm waffling. Norjack wasn't rigged for a staticline drop. I wouldn't have pulled this stunt. Two many variables. I have exited at high speed with a lot more weight. It can be an experience, even with the correct equipment.Propblast Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #47137 February 9, 2014 propblast ********* Quote "...Completely agree. I have jumped with a bit of weight before. Getting the load symmetrical and tight are so important. I can't see it being done in the fashion claimed without a lot of luck...." How about pulling on the stairs and letting the canopy squid out into the slip stream, thus getting pulled off the stairs and avoiding the tumble through the slipstream? 377 has given a very comprehensive analysis of this method of exiting a 727, replete with videos of training missions in Cambodia during the Vietnam War where troopers exhibited this style of jumping from a 727. Different style of jumping in those videos...( unless it's a set I haven't seen)That plane was going super slow and was rigged for dropping. But as stated above, who knows anything is possible. I just wanted to talk about the skydiving aspect of this mystery. Eh, propster, it sounds like you are equivocating.... If Cooper knew more about the 727 than the pilots or Northwest Orient, don't you think he knew how to exit safely with twenty pounds of twenties? C'mon, put your thinking cap on! Give it your best shot! How would you do it, for instance? I don't see where I'm waffling. Norjack wasn't rigged for a staticline drop. I wouldn't have pulled this stunt. Two many variables. I have exited at high speed with a lot more weight. It can be an experience, even with the correct equipment. Kenny did it! Duane did it! Just suspend physics and all other aspects of ordinary reality, and claim it for years! Who needs experience, reality, or rules? Just issue a few THREATS and you can have it 24/7 and fuck up people's lives for thrills too! That is the only FACT that matters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #47138 February 9, 2014 BruceSmith******As for behavior at the DZ, what I glean from Quade's actions is that ... No. It appears you did not read what I wrote. Here, let me post it one more time. QuoteTalk about the subject, disagree with the theories, but for goodness sake cut it with the attacks on each other. There is no loophole here. There is no "permission" for you to attempt to find one. If you'd ALL like to be banned that's okay by me because every single one of you have committed more than one offense. It's serially ridiculous for any of you to whine or moan about anyone else, so just stop. Well, let me pose a DB Cooper-based theory to you Quade, on the behavior of the posters here, their role in Norjak, and the broader question of the impact this forum has in the Norjak investgation. How do you suggest that we investigate Jo? She claims that her husband confessed to being DB Cooper, yet she has no conclusive proof. Utilize the scientific method. I really don't understand what your problem is. http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml If her conclusions don't match yours, the solution isn't in who is yelling the loudest. The solution is who HAS the best proof. Stop trying to yell the loudest. Try to find the best proof and you can safely ignore everything else. You don't "win" by being the biggest loudmouth.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47139 February 10, 2014 Quote"...This may sound obvious, but I don't think a SOG guy would come to the Cooper party dressed in a suit and loafers. Same goes for Sheridan Petersen. Only someone with little to no chute experience, or someone who had not jumped in a long time would be foolish enough to risk their lives in such a manner...." No, Robert, it is not obvious. As far as we know, no one has died doing a Cooper jump. Certainly no copy cat. In fact, Richard LaPoint made it to the ground wearing less than Danny Boy. Plus, LaPoint jumped in January in Colorado, north of Denver. He was wearing cowboy boots, a shirt and slacks. I'm curious, how much of my book did you read? I've written extensively on these issues. Yes, I'm a little miffed - I gave you five years of free research. The least you can do, in my view, is read what I've written. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47140 February 10, 2014 quade*********As for behavior at the DZ, what I glean from Quade's actions is that ... No. It appears you did not read what I wrote. Here, let me post it one more time. QuoteTalk about the subject, disagree with the theories, but for goodness sake cut it with the attacks on each other. There is no loophole here. There is no "permission" for you to attempt to find one. If you'd ALL like to be banned that's okay by me because every single one of you have committed more than one offense. It's serially ridiculous for any of you to whine or moan about anyone else, so just stop. Well, let me pose a DB Cooper-based theory to you Quade, on the behavior of the posters here, their role in Norjak, and the broader question of the impact this forum has in the Norjak investgation. How do you suggest that we investigate Jo? She claims that her husband confessed to being DB Cooper, yet she has no conclusive proof. Utilize the scientific method. I really don't understand what your problem is. http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml If her conclusions don't match yours, the solution isn't in who is yelling the loudest. The solution is who HAS the best proof. Stop trying to yell the loudest. Try to find the best proof and you can safely ignore everything else. You don't "win" by being the biggest loudmouth. Your actions are pretty loud, too, Paul. So is your silence. You dodged my questions. To whit: 1. Why do you treat Jo differently than others? 2. Why did you kick off Snowmman and Galen, for what are arguably minor infractions of proper conduct in public. All Galen did, really, was ask Ckret if he was posting on company time. They are major investigators in Norjak, and you have crippled us - for what? 3. How do you recommend exploring Jo's 17-year contribution to the Norjak investigation? Just write her off as a crazy lady and move on? Don't you wonder how she got Tina's address and phone number before anyone else? Is she that good an investigator? Or did she have help, which is what she claims. That then begs the question of why anyone would help a "crazy old lady," and expose someone who had been hiding for 30 years. That opens up a whole other line of inquiry and Jo steadfastly stonewalls that. And you seem to support her, which makes your actions suspect, too. You may not like to hear that, but that's the way this game is played. You may wish the DZ was a debating society, but we ain't. This is a real game. We're not jumping out of airplanes to get a thrill. We're investigating a serious felony crime, where many people have been seriously impacted. In fact one principal may be dead because of what he said and didn't say. Worse, the federal investigation has been severely compromised - lost evidence, disappeared agents, lies and deceptions, and possible mind control activities. What do you think. How should we proceed here? What does your scientific method say to these aspects of Norjak? I say push, dig and stir the pot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #47141 February 10, 2014 Bruce, If you do not like the moderation here, then leave. Period. If you continue to complain about it, then I will see to it you do leave. Is that clear?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47142 February 10, 2014 Quote"...This may sound obvious, but I don't think a SOG guy would come to the Cooper party dressed in a suit and loafers..." Bottom line, Bobby. Do you think a SOG trooper could make it to the ground wearing loafers and a business suit? If you say yes, then why wouldn't such an operative wear the best disguise possible to get himself on a 727 undected in PDX at Thanksgiving. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47143 February 10, 2014 quadeBruce, If you do not like the moderation here, then leave. Period. If you continue to complain about it, then I will see to it you do leave. Is that clear? Well, since it's your football I guess we have to let you be quarterback. But remember, I have the pen and I get the last word. Those are the rules of the bigger game. I didn't make them, but that's the way it is. To whit: You're still dodging my questions and that gets my full attention. Do you call such behavior "moderating" or is it something else? Such as aiding and abetting a cover-up? Bottom Line: Do you wish to have only a safe and sanitized discussion here or do you desire something more meaningful, which is what I'm offering. Is that clear? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47144 February 10, 2014 Quote"...You didn't give me much research..." Bobby, I gave 100,000 words and 400 pages. Direct interviews or correspondence with 14 FBI agents involved in the case and 2 PIOs. 11 other SAs were contacted and researched. Who you got? Geestman and his sister? C'mon, Bobby. For the record, here's who I discussed Norjak with: 1. Larry Carr 2. Curtis Eng 3. Ralph Himmselbach 4. Dorwin Scheuder 5. Mike McPheters 6. George Grotz 7. John Detlor 8. Lee Dormuth 9. Mary Jane Fryar 10. Nick O'Hara 11. Gary Tallis 12. Bob Sale 13. Sid Rubin 14. Russ Calame Plus Ayn Dietrich and Robbie Burroughs. Still trying: 1. Charlie Farrell ( family) 2. Ron Nichols 3. Ralph Hope 4. Eric Muelller 5. J Earl Milnes ( family) 6. Nicole Devereaux 7. Ron Glasser 8. Tom Manning ( family) 9. Dan Steele 10. Julius Mattson ( family) 12. Red Campbell ( family) 13. Bernie Rhodes (federal sentencing officer for McCoy) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #47145 February 10, 2014 Bruce, Take a few weeks off to consider things. Cya.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #47146 February 10, 2014 BruceSmithQuote"...This may sound obvious, but I don't think a SOG guy would come to the Cooper party dressed in a suit and loafers..." Bottom line, Bobby. Do you think a SOG trooper could make it to the ground wearing loafers and a business suit? If you say yes, then why wouldn't such an operative wear the best disguise possible to get himself on a 727 undected in PDX at Thanksgiving. One could see it as a brilliant disguise. With layers underneath, even in those days they new that method. The stairs operation incident would rule out any one who flew on those planes for a living and had operated them before. It could also rule out any one directly involved in any super secret agent guy testing, wouldn't you say? Now a well trained SOG guy who heard of the testing, bingo. Or a some what researched skydiver, who had a little survival knowledge, oh another bingo! Of course those two types can be placed in training and parachutes. One could even say, an old has been, who just speculated as he sat on the ramp one day that the stairs could be lowered. Then he hatched an idea, and drew on his old military training for parachute choices. After watching a Stewardess lower the stairs on a previous flight, figures he has it all worked out. The hard part, putting a name on the criminal who was acting as a terrorist. So far, that has not happened, not even in this thread. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47147 February 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins Don't pick on the mod. How would YOU like to have that job? Not me, brother. IMHO he's got the patience of Job...but even that sort of patience has a limit. Blevins - this girl is trying to be real good. I really have stumbled into 2 really strange lead lately. I just do NOT understand why some people get so upset with me and what I have been able to do. I really do have DUMB BLONDE SYNDROME. I just get lucky once in awhile. One person sent me Duane's entire family history a few yrs ago. The poster was the one who had been hired to HOAX me and couldn't do it. Another sends me information that is very informative about certain subjects, but it is just info and NOT specific to Weber. What I have is that I lived 17 yrs with a man who confessed to the crime and what I have is 17 yrs of digging and going forward with little to no help, just my memory. NO one here knows how valuable this thread had been regarding information. I REALLY do have DUMB BLONDE SYNDROME - why the hell else would Cooper marry me! What do I have to go on and what started my search - He confessed to being Dan Cooper and tried to explain to me what he had done....I just didn't GET IT. Why in the world would I make up an elaborate story like that? It destroyed my career as a real estate agent and my last husband was actually lofting on the thread, but I did NOT know that until he died - until I had to clean up his computer. Maybe he thought I was having an affair on the computer. I hope NOT. He did one time say to me that he thought I love Duane more than I did him....hopefully he was assured that was not true. I loved them both, but in different ways...but the same. I have put my heart and soul and my life into this - I REALLY could NOT make all of the stuff up regardless of what certain individuals think. You have your subject and your book, but NOT ONE TIME have you ever BASHED me or tried to DISCREDIT ME. Now that is what I call a gentleman...even when I come down hard on you - you still are always kind. Always nicer to me than I am to you. Just wanted to say that just encase the thread goes POOF!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #47148 February 10, 2014 Matt, if I was all knowledgeable on how to exit a 727 I would feign lack of knowledge to throw the investigation off and tell the flight attendant what cooper told her and I'm paraphrasing here..I need help opening the airstairs. I personally don't think Cooper survived...but he certainly could have survived...I give him a 50% chance of survival...he either lived or died and with either outcome I don't think he had the money on impact...ah...I mean landing. hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47149 February 10, 2014 I have NO idea who some of the interviewed individuals are Bruce interviewed Mr. H. only last a very few moments & he was asked to leave. Curtis Eng - he is a man of few words & I do not believe there was an extensive interview there. larry Carr - well, we all know how I feel about him Lee Dormuth - well, I didn't talk to him but I was on the phone while Bruce was on his door step - we all know that did NOT go well. Bob Sail - even I have spoke to him - just briefly Ralph Hope - yes Eric Mueller - yes ( I think he was the one Doug did the interview with on a program along with Hope). Yes I was there, but not able to handle it...so I let Doug do it and I stepped down. Early Cossey - several times. Sheridan Peterson - 3 or 4 times The other guy who 2 of the chutes belonged to - 2 or 3 times. Crew members - 2 of them It WAS never necessary I keep a record of who I spoke with. They were NOT interviews...I just wanted more information. I wasn't writing a book so there was NO need to keep a record...or record a conversation. WHY is one woman's 18 yrs search such a threat. Hasn't threaten other writers - such as Geoffrey Gray or Robert Blevins or D. Summers or others - I have spoke with so many people over the yrs - and NOT one time did I keep a record other than scratched notes for my own benefit. HOW can I be a threat to anyone? Especially since I am a Crazy, Delusion, Off my Rocker, Dumb Blonde, Liar, Fantasy Story Teller - I am sure some of you can add to that list! BUT, don't!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47150 February 10, 2014 MY Mouth is hanging OPEN. My God! I came in and posted were things left off - but I did NOT READ BACK to see WHAT had happened! Did I get a SHOCK! "Jo may be someone's eyes and ears to keep track of guys like me." Now that one REALLY had me laughing & there is no emotioncon for Cough, cough! Amusing! might be a good word! I will not quote the rest of it, but perhaps I need to keep reading back and see what all transpired! Just Glad I was not feeling well and not on the computer when all of this was coming down! My MOUTH is still open in amazement at the postings today by Bruce. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites