skyjack71 0 #47776 April 9, 2014 After 3 evenings without a computer - I really do not feel I have to update others about what is going on. I am going to say - Duane Weber was telling the actual Truth when he said "I'm Dan Cooper!". In recent conversations with an old friend & my daughter the consensus is I have thrown way the last 17 yrs chasing this....A time I should have been finding new adventures & exploring & enjoying my life. In 2007 when my last husband died - I should have moved on, but there was this necessity to clear my name & prove I was not lieing about any of what I have told. It is now April 8th 2014. I wish Duane Weber had never told me "I'm Dan Cooper" and I wish I had never learned D.B.Cooper actually called himself Dan Cooper. It is bitter sweet & a double edge sword situation. All I have told is the truth so HELP me GOD! These last 8 yrs I should have been enjoying my life & living it to the fullest. Now I am in the very last phase of my life & with my health compromised to the point what is left of my life will not be much fun...therefore I have made some serious DECISIONS! I sacrificed the quality of my life to seek the truth. It is evident the system is so broken it cannot be fixed. Hopefully the USA government will finally reveal WHY they along with N.West Airlines felt the need to conceal the truth all of these yrs. The Government knew who Cooper was, but found it necessary to continue their charade. The FBI just didn't have a clue...the truth was put infront of them, but they did NOT GET it! Some of them GET it now! Cooper was not just the SKYJACKER who GOT away! It was a STATEMENT that flies in the face of the government. There was more than ONE man involved! More than ONE man pulled this escapade off! They did IT in the FACE of the government - knowing full well that Cooper could never be prosecuted without revealing the Governments dirty hands. How many of them were actually involved? One thing is for certain - THE Government was NOT going to touch them....if any of these guys had been revealed - our government could never SAVE face! As long as one of them was alive they could NOT tell "What Really Happened!" That is the story that Gunther should have told in 1985. Duane was the last man down! Or was he? Odd that certain ex-cons had such good jobs in their later yrs. They weren't rich, but they didn't lack for anything. One had died before 1979 and another died around 2004 after Duane died in 1995. He like Duane tried to tell his story, but didn't want to hurt his family in doing so! The public will be the judge and jury....America's Foundation is on trial! The truth is so bizzard NO one WILL ever believe it! Is this what Uncle Sam is banking on? With what is going on right now in DC - and world affairs - the last thing the Government needs is more of their DIRTY past thrown out there for the rest of the world to see and read about. Going public is the ONLY way the truth will ever be told! Not sure I have the time, but the story NEEDS to be told and it will be TOLD!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #47777 April 9, 2014 RobertMBlevins The problem is.... Even though you believe in your heart of hearts that Duane was the hijacker, you still haven't presented one solid lead that can be realistically followed in real time with a real person. You know much about what Duane was doing long before, and long AFTER the hijacking...but you cannot account for what he was doing the year of the hijacking. You haven't provided a single witness who can be interviewed to support anything you say. The FBI investigated Duane and found zip. And even though you dispute their methods and results, you have to admit they made an effort. If he was Cooper, with his record...they would have discovered the truth. If you say their conclusions are wrong, then there are only two possibilities. They screwed up or it's a conspiracy. I don't believe it was a conspiracy. I think the FBI would like to solve the case. If you are right about Duane, I favor the 'screwed up' theory. And I'm still not buying the Amboy chute story, excuse me. It's full of holes from start to finish. That's an opinion. The reason the media hasn't been contacting you is because they want second sources. And you haven't, or aren't willing, to provide them. NEWS: We have an interested entity in the KC screenplay. I just got the message this evening. We are moving forward with this. I referred them to my AAR rep and said it wouldn't be ready until August, anyway. I should probably not beat this dead horse again, but Robert everything you say applies to you also. None of your witnesses has ever claimed to have any direct knowledge of the hijacking. The Decoded episode (in the book as well as the episode itself) refer to Geestman as YOUR theory and both say they believe Geestman -- and say it definitively. Much of your claims of KC's financial riches have fallen apart or can not be documented. Believe Jo or not, but she does have a witness who claims to have knowledge of the hijacking (Duane himself). That's one more than you have. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 245 #47778 April 9, 2014 MarkBennett Believe Jo or not, but Jo does have a witness who claims to have knowledge of the hijacking (Duane himself). That's one more than you have. Really? Where? Duane didn't leave anything that proves he claimed to be Cooper or knew anything about the hijacking! The claim in behalf of Duane is Jo! It's Jo's claim. Not Duane's claim! There is nothing from Duane Weber that proves or even implies he ever said he was DB Cooper or knew anything about the hijacking. If there is nobody including Jo Weber has ever shown the evidence .... because it does not exist. The claim is Jo Weber's; not Duane Weber's! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #47779 April 9, 2014 Jo wrote: QuoteI am going to say - Duane Weber was telling the actual Truth when he said "I'm Dan Cooper!". You can say it all you want Jo but until you produce probative evidence its just a guess on your part. Pure speculation and hope. Not one speck of unequivocal physical evidence. "Poofed" items such as parachute heardware, parking stubs and airline tickets do not count. All the so-called evidence you have produced wouldn't support an indictment much less a conviction. People have spent much of their lives chasing the Loch Ness Monster, ghosts, alien abductors, etc. Was this wasted time? Depends on how you look at it. For some the hunt is sufficient. They dont need a capture or a kill. If Duane was DBC you have left a legacy of leads that will survive forever thanks to the Internet. If you were right you will get ample posthumous credit. Its not too late to enjoy the rest of your life without chasing Cooper. Give it a rest and take a vacation. It will still be here when you return. You've been posting hints of your imminent death for years now Jo and I am pleased that you seem to be outliving all of them. As I see it you have spent nearly two decades in passionate pursuit of a goal, proving that Duane was Cooper. Passion is a gift Jo and you lack for nothing in this department. Lets say you had just shrugged off Duane's death bed admission and lived your life doing something else. Would it have been much better? More satisfying? More passionate? I think you have lived a passionate intense life in your pursuit of the truth about Duane. Don't knock it. It may have been a lot more satisfying than travelling, playing Bridge and other common golden years pursuits. You've never had to experience isolation, you are a central part of a vibrant vital community albeit mostly online. So try taking a different perspective Jo, one that celebrates your pursuit rather than denigrating it. I'd have never known you if not for your Cooper involvment and I enjoy your company a lot. I am sure others share that opinion, even those who, like me, disagree with your thesis that Duane was Cooper. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47780 April 9, 2014 Quote You can say it all you want Jo but until you produce probative evidence its just a guess on your part. Pure speculation and hope. Not one speck of unequivocal physical evidence. "Poofed" items such as parachute heardware, parking stubs and airline tickets do not count. All the so-called evidence you have produced wouldn't support an indictment much less a conviction. If Duane was DBC you have left a legacy of leads that will survive forever thanks to the Internet. If you were right you will get ample posthumous credit. Its not too late to enjoy the rest of your life without chasing Cooper. Give it a rest and take a vacation. It will still be here when you return. Passion is a gift Jo and you lack for nothing in this department. I think you have lived a passionate intense life in your pursuit of the truth about Duane. Don't knock it. It may have been a lot more satisfying than travelling, playing Bridge and other common golden years pursuits. You've never had to experience isolation, you are a central part of a vibrant vital community albeit mostly online. So try taking a different perspective Jo, one that celebrates your pursuit rather than denigrating it. I'd have never known you if not for your Cooper involvment and I enjoy your company a lot. I am sure others share that opinion, even those who, like me, disagree with your thesis that Duane was Cooper. 377 Portions of the above post have been edit to make this more brief and to the point. My health: I now sleep a lot and I am having more tests, but the out come will not be favorable....I am just a little more perceptive about my body than others. The surgery they would end up requiring is NOT one that I will do, because it only delays the inevitable and with serious debilitating consequences. We knew the Cancer Markers have remained high - now it looks like the focal point is the worse case senario! NOW about COOPER: Do you guys remember the places Duane talked about on our 1979 trip and all of the things he told me...well, they have ALL just fell into place. These points will not be in the order they were shown to me, but in order with the flight path and the possible landing zones for Cooper. I had NO idea the flight path went over or near these places until last night and then my vivid 2 part dream this afternoon (NON Cooper related dream), A two part dream was about a wonderful man who I fell in love with before I met Jim, but just let go of as he seemed to have a life that did not include me. He recently came back into my life and I concieved it as a final Goodbye to all of the people who had touched his life over the yrs. I did not verbalize this to him, but changed the subject. NOW back to Cooper and Duane L. Weber. Think I will put it in a second post as I need a few minutes to compose myself and I am crying right now. WHY so much so late! Damn the Government, just Damn them!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47781 April 9, 2014 Remember all the places I tried to describe & talked about over the yrs. I was describing them in the sequences Duane showed these area, but never knew they were in the flight path. NOW will try to do this as I have an overlay of the flight path on a map which I then marked the specific places Cooper took me to, but NOT in the order they appeared on the map. The Vortac is in Meadow Glade. Duane took me there after we had gone to areas East & North of there. He commented about an airstrip North of the VOR, but I did NOT see it & we had were then East of the VOR. I did not find the airstrip on the maps but was told it existed - perhaps for small private planes - a field. The Vortac was in the flight path. When we left there We passed a road that went SOUTH & Duane commented about Homan & he knowing someone who left a car there one time...but that "we were NOT going there". He goes EAST which I now believe to be UNION NE 119 and we ended up in the Orchards area. In the Orchards area he mentions a BAR (the name of which escapes me at this moment}. "A place the GUYS used to go". Then we go East again on the main HWY (the LOOP from Washougal to the Express Way) & we are going back toward Sifton which he had pointed out earlier on the leg of the trip going WEST (when he told me about the China Ditch earlier that day).... He again mentions the Airport on the South Side of the hwy. A small airport and what was South of that AIRPORT. The intersection of LARGE POWER LINES What else was behind it? It was the Green Mt. he had taken me to earlier that day...the ONE JT claimed did NOT exist!The tower Duane claimed he put something on one time...the Ghostly place at the top of a trail with a Wire fence (the old fashion kind) with big squares and a wooden gate. Tall ghostly Trees and large Rocks - made one think it resemble an old indiane burial ground. From the main highway I could see the airport.... a special kind of airport - you guys said did NOT exist until someone explained what it was - I was NOT delusional....and my Green Mt was behind it. We went EAST past Sifton & then we ended up going WEST again, but do not NOW remember where he turned around. We are on the new Hwy going EAST when he points out an area that was still vacant at that time. He mentioned there used to be a jumpfield there & he again mentions another car being left along the highway at that location. There was an airstrip near the jump field I could NOT see because of the trees. This was North of the Hwy....but Duane told me it was there. I found ALL of that DID exist as I saw it in 1979. In 2010 it was all built up. The man who owned it tried to help a man who tried to contact me in 2001...the man wanted immunity for information about Cooper. The state said he had to apply thru WA DC. He died in 2004. The name was the name - of the person I had searched for but the spelling was not how it Margie and I dissed it. Even today the name escapes me - it was Indian for Jack and then the last name was a sound alike that I had searched for yrs to find in my memory banks. I finally learned the name - I have to look it up....& Georger did make a post which he deleted many yrs ago about this man. We continue on the road toward the Interstate & he AGAIN mentions Homan ....before we get to the access to the Interstate. Remember this & it does NOT take into consideration the things he showed me on the first leg of that trip when he took me to Heisson and north of there and the tower in the wood that was no longer there. WHY am I going to this part of my mind and the trip again....BECAUSE of the maps being used to retrace the flight path! THINK about this - the plane was in that area & making a turn in the Orchards area. Now consider the wind speeds & directions. Right before Orchards the plane was turning to the West just ever so slightly which then made the plane cross the Columbia in Vacouver. COOPER was ALREADY GONE BEFORE the PLANE reached the Columbia. I do not know how this explains the sighting of flares in the Mills Plains area, but COOPER was already gone. For YRS you guys have told me there was NO way & many of you have probagated the Columbia and Tena's Bar as the location the plane went over the Columbia. The plane would have had to make a drastic turn to be on the West side of the Interstate. Cooper was already gone by the time the plane reached the N.E. Plains road. If the lights were on in the cabin maybe the witnesses saw that - not flares. Cooper needed the lights on to prepare for the jump. Seriously doubt he would announce the time and location of his jump! THe money on Tena's bar was put there by Duane L. Weber in 1979. Does that make him Cooper? NO! Also NOTE the place Duane took me to on the return trip from Seattle. The place he went down to the RIVER where a house used to be that was not there in 1979. The FLIGHT went RIGHT over that per the flight maps. NOT Tena's bar. The flight wanted to put down in Portland, but with the fear of a bomb on board they could not...and they were NOT certain Cooper was gone..... PLEASE SOMEONE HEAR ME BEFORE I AM SILENCED & CAN NO LONGER TELL WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47782 April 10, 2014 To everyone: PLEASE HEAR ME & WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY! PLEASE LISTEN * TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TELLING YOU. I WILL NOT HAVE A VOICE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ASK THEM NOW! To Blevins: [RED]BLEVINS SHUT UP! You do not care about this case being solved - all you want is the fame and you have no scruples - you are accusing an innocent man of a crime he did not commit.[/RED] WHAT IS THE CRIME? YOU KNOW HE DID NOT DO IT AND THAT HE DOES NOT EVEN MEET THE NECESSARY CRITERIOR OF EYE COLOR or COMPLEXION or HEIGHT! There is NO one to defend him - even Kyle his own brother says he was NOT Cooper. He has repeatedly told other - He thought it was a good story...why he sent his letter to a movie producer and not to SKIP or maybe SKIP is behind all of this. Maybe SKIP set all of this up - knowing that someone someday might want the crime to appear to have been solved.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47783 April 10, 2014 Quote"...To Blevins: [RED]BLEVINS SHUT UP! You do not care about this case being solved - all you want is the fame and you have no scruples - you are accusing an innocent man of a crime he did not commit.[/RED] WHAT IS THE CRIME? YOU KNOW HE DID NOT DO IT AND THAT HE DOES NOT EVEN MEET THE NECESSARY CRITERIOR OF EYE COLOR or COMPLEXION or HEIGHT! There is NO one to defend him - even Kyle his own brother says he was NOT Cooper. He has repeatedly told other(s) - He thought it was a good story...why he sent his letter to a movie producer and not to SKIP or maybe SKIP is behind all of this. Maybe SKIP set all of this up - knowing that someone someday might want the crime to appear to have been solved..." This is not what Lyle Christiansen has told me repeatedly. Lyle has sent me many emails and a snail mail package or two fiercely proclaiming that his brother was DB Cooper. His alleged confession that he was only interested in a movie deal, or thought this was a "good story" is not what he has professed to me. Quite the opposite. He has sent me reams of information supporting all the KC attributes as DBC. As for the movie angle, Lyle is also highly invested in being famous. Out of the blue one day he asked me to help him make contact with Hollywood folks so that a local starlet (in his eyes) could launch her film career. All that glitters is not gold, but there is a lot of sparkle being pumped out of Minnesota. Lyle also reminds me of other family members involved in this vortex - they neither admit that their loved one had the cajones to threaten to kill 42 people nor have they apologized in any public or overt manner for the traumas inflicted by the skyjacking. Not even a hat tip to Mr and Mrs Taxpaying America for picking up the tab on the official search. Somebody's gotta pay Ralph, et al, their 60K-plus pension checks... One final nit-pickin' detail. Kenny C's surviving brother is named Lyle, not Kyle. Also, the intrepid investigator who teamed with Bobby B to produce "Blast" is Skipp Porteous, not Skip. Why the two "p's" is one of the many Norjak mysteries that remain unsolved. Perhaps Mr. Skipp is just a zippity-do-dah-day kind of guy; I trust his good friend and colleague, RMB, will inform us one of these days. Let's clean up the Cooper Mysteries that we can, people! C'mon!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #47784 April 10, 2014 When Bernie dies I'm gonna piss on his corpse Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #47785 April 10, 2014 RobertMBlevinsWell, name isn't 'Bobby'. It's ROBERT. Sometimes Rob to my friends. Since you're so nit-picky on names, I thought I would toss that out to you. It's Robert. And sometimes, while you troll profiles on Facebook, you like to be called Jane....Jane Smith.;postatt_id=138986Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47786 April 10, 2014 Danielle1010When Bernie dies I'm gonna piss on his corpse I'm sure Robert appreciates your support, but I've got to this truly the only contribution that you are capable of making to this conversation? lol..what am I saying.... it is about as intelligent as some other childish banter we've seen on this thread. But really ...desecrating a corpse?? I'll bet your mom is real proud of that. Get another line.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47787 April 10, 2014 Quote"...You see, Vicki...while everyone else was sucking up to her and the FBI was promoting her in the media as a 'viable witness,' no one here - or at the FBI - had the common sense to go to the one place where people post up the most self-serving shit they will usually do on the internet... Their Facebook page...."Not exactly true, Bobby B / Robert. I found Marla and her family's Facebook pages an extraordinary treasure trove of information during her prime, Aug-November 2011. Also, the remarkable santizing job that occured in early Decemebr 2011 was also impressive. By the way, I think everyone should have a nick-name here at the DZ. It shows a kind of intimacy between us that balances all the defensive back-stabbing. Hence, you can call me Cousin Brucie anytime. Or, Uncle Brucie as Georger and some others prefer. I answer to both while I grit my teeth. But at least I know you love me. Just don't call me "Stinky." As for Vicki, well, honey you can call me anything your little ol' heart long as you call me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #47788 April 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins ******Well, name isn't 'Bobby'. It's ROBERT. Sometimes Rob to my friends. Since you're so nit-picky on names, I thought I would toss that out to you. It's Robert. And sometimes, while you troll profiles on Facebook, you like to be called Jane....Jane Smith.;postatt_id=138986 Yes...that's right. I used that ID to take screenshots of Marla Cooper's Facebook page right at the time she went public. It was a fair amount of work. You see, Vicki...while everyone else was sucking up to her and the FBI was promoting her in the media as a 'viable witness,' no one here - or at the FBI - had the common sense to go to the one place where people post up the most self-serving shit they will usually do on the internet... Their Facebook page. I found out a few things. She was only trying to make a book deal, and based on lies at that. She told people the FBI would be closing the case soon, according to Eng. They haven't, and he never said that...I checked with the Seattle office. And other things. People on this thread check up and research things on me (and everyone else around here) all the time. I'm no different. You have to remember about Marla. She claimed comics on the wall. She said her family was all there. She gave a detailed scenario on how the hijacking went down, including the getaway. Problem was, no one in her family would back a single bit of her story. They still don't. She made fools out of the Seattle FBI. Because of HER, they aren't saying much publicly anymore. Pre-Marla, they even returned peoples' phone calls when they had Cooper-related questions. Now you are lucky to get an answering Email. Marla caused that. She hurt everyone who has, or is currently investigating the Cooper case. That is a fact. And when I was done I never used the Jane ID again. You may as well see the remainder of the screenshots again...Marla accepted my friend request AND I used my real name a week after she went public. No need to deceive and use a fake profile. Sooooo....I can look at her page anytime I want. I do not need to see the screen shots again. If fact, I (or anyone else here) did not need a regurgitation of what happened in August of 2011. Find William Mitchell yet? He is probably on Facebook too! or maybe not. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47789 April 10, 2014 Danielle1010When Bernie dies I'm gonna piss on his corpse As someone who has pissed in a lot of places during my life - it's one of the advantages of being 64 years old and urinating a lot - I have to ask, Danielle, why would you like to piss on Bernie's corpse? Not only am I an elder spokesperson on Norjak, some even say Cooper Royalty, I also have a unique perspective on pissing in strange places. Once I pissed in my garden the day I was discharged from the hospital after my heart attack. I passed out while I whizzed and had to be re-hospitalized. No one told me that men who have heart surgery can get light-headed and pass-out when they piss standing up. Now I know, and so do you, Danielle. So, be careful when you whiz away. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47790 April 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins ******When Bernie dies I'm gonna piss on his corpse I'm sure Robert appreciates your support, but I've got to this truly the only contribution that you are capable of making to this conversation? lol..what am I saying.... it is about as intelligent as some other childish banter we've seen on this thread. But really ...desecrating a corpse?? I'll bet your mom is real proud of that. Get another line. Danielle is actually a kid, and a guy. He suffers from autism and gets emotional sometimes. It's like some of the emails I get from readers. My hope is that they drag in Geestman and the other witnesses for questioning BEFORE they die. That would actually be better. I'm glad you're standing up for the kid, Bobby. It also makes me ask the question that was asked a while back. How come you're not investigating Bernie? He could make your case, no? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47791 April 10, 2014 Quote"...You are confusing her butt for her brain. I don't hate Marla, but I don't like her either. The reason is she did serious damage to civilian investigators of the Cooper case, by causing the Seattle FBI to close its open-door information policy on Cooper inquiries. You can fantasize all you want about her butt. Try dealing in reality occasionally with her, or stop calling yourself a legit Cooper investigator...." My, Bobby, you speak so authoritatively! I'm impressed. You may be the John Wayne of Norjak! Maybe we should call you "Duke," eh? So, I gather that you think ol' Twisty Butt train-wrecked the FBI's intimate relationship with all of us private sleuths. Hmmm. You don't think the Curvy One was set up by the feds for their own purposes? Do you really think that the FBI thought LD Cooper was the best suspect that had come forward in 40 years - even before they had fingerprints and DNA tests completed? If so, please tell us more! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47792 April 10, 2014 Quote"...Marla got a few shots on national media by lying..."No, Bobby, that is not true. Marla was made famous directly by the FBI via the statements they made to the journalist Alex Hanaford when PIO Ayn Dietrich told him in their two-hour interview that the Bureau had recently gotten the "most promising lead" ever in the Norjak investigation. That statement was published in Hanaford's paper, the Sunday London Telegraph, I believe. Then Casey and the gang at the PI and Seattle Times jumped on the story within a few hours, and somebody (WHO!?) leaked Marla's name and Uncle LD to them. The rest was journalistic history and Marla was on the front page of every English-speaking newspaper on the planet within 24-hours. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47793 April 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins ******When Bernie dies I'm gonna piss on his corpse I'm sure Robert appreciates your support, but I've got to this truly the only contribution that you are capable of making to this conversation? lol..what am I saying.... it is about as intelligent as some other childish banter we've seen on this thread. But really ...desecrating a corpse?? I'll bet your mom is real proud of that. Get another line. Danielle is actually a kid, and a guy. He suffers from autism and gets emotional sometimes. It's like some of the emails I get from readers. My hope is that they drag in Geestman and the other witnesses for questioning BEFORE they die. That would actually be better. Robert, unlike some on here who shall remain nameless, I actually read posts. I am well aware of posts made by Danielle stating his age, his sex, where his username derives from, and that he has autism and ADD, as well as posts that demonstrate that he is certainly capable of participating in a constructive manner. I have in the past had extremely close tutor type relationships with several autistic teens with ADD, OCD and Tourette's and other assorted DSMs. I preferred to look towards their capabilities rather than their disabilities. I am confident that Danielle is intelligent and capable of contributing more than random posts about pissing on a corpse if he only thinks about his posts before he makes them. Maybe I was too tongue in cheek in my response to him, but Jo tried the mama route and it didn't help much. I tried the cooler older sis thing. Autism and ADD are challenges, especially in social skills, but if he is capable of participating in a forum I would imagine that he is capable of being instructed in appropriate usage of same. So Danielle, I certainly hope that you continue to post and that you remain passionate about learning about things - but perhaps you would enjoy the forum more if your could steer your enthusiasm more towards the case and less towards Bernie.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #47794 April 10, 2014 Quote "...Robert, unlike some on here who shall remain nameless, I actually read posts. I am well aware of posts made by Danielle stating his age, his sex, where his username derives from, and that he has autism and ADD, as well as posts that demonstrate that he is certainly capable of participating in a constructive manner. I have in the past had extremely close tutor type relationships with several autistic teens with ADD, OCD and Tourette's and other assorted DSMs. I preferred to look towards their capabilities rather than their disabilities. I am confident that Danielle is intelligent and capable of contributing more than random posts about pissing on a corpse if he only thinks about his posts before he makes them. Maybe I was too tongue in cheek in my response to him, but Jo tried the mama route and it didn't help much. I tried the cooler older sis thing. Autism and ADD are challenges, especially in social skills, but if he is capable of participating in a forum I would imagine that he is capable of being instructed in appropriate usage of same. So Danielle, I certainly hope that you continue to post and that you remain passionate about learning about things - but perhaps you would enjoy the forum more if your could steer your enthusiasm more towards the case and less towards Bernie..."Nice touch, Smoke. You make a great older sister. Speaking of which, do you have any advice for lonely old guys diagnosed with Major Depression? Just askin' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #47795 April 10, 2014 BruceSmith Do you really think that the FBI thought LD Cooper was the best suspect that had come forward in 40 years - even before they had fingerprints and DNA tests completed? If so, please tell us more! According to Marla, at the time the FBI said LD Cooper was the best suspect to come forward in 40 years, they already had completed the DNA tests (no match). The fingerprint testing wasn't completed until 18 months later. I don't know why I bother engaging Robert. He'll repeat his stories, even though the entire history of the forum showing otherwise is still right here for all to read. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #47796 April 10, 2014 BruceSmithQuote "...Robert, unlike some on here who shall remain nameless, I actually read posts. I am well aware of posts made by Danielle stating his age, his sex, where his username derives from, and that he has autism and ADD, as well as posts that demonstrate that he is certainly capable of participating in a constructive manner. I have in the past had extremely close tutor type relationships with several autistic teens with ADD, OCD and Tourette's and other assorted DSMs. I preferred to look towards their capabilities rather than their disabilities. I am confident that Danielle is intelligent and capable of contributing more than random posts about pissing on a corpse if he only thinks about his posts before he makes them. Maybe I was too tongue in cheek in my response to him, but Jo tried the mama route and it didn't help much. I tried the cooler older sis thing. Autism and ADD are challenges, especially in social skills, but if he is capable of participating in a forum I would imagine that he is capable of being instructed in appropriate usage of same. So Danielle, I certainly hope that you continue to post and that you remain passionate about learning about things - but perhaps you would enjoy the forum more if your could steer your enthusiasm more towards the case and less towards Bernie..."Nice touch, Smoke. You make a great older sister. Speaking of which, do you have any advice for lonely old guys diagnosed with Major Depression? Just askin' Advice from sis - notice I didn't use the word older in this context :)....... Don't go whizzin in strange places. Depression is ten times worse in the lockup..... Write some more articles for your website..... Call someone, go out and dance...... Volunteer in a homeless aids shelter.... Wait for spring, it's coming.... And then there's counseling and meds Not much help, huh? btw.....Did you ever visit . The site with the parachute expert, self-publishing guru with free resources on his site who has also worked with the FBI and CIA.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #47797 April 10, 2014 Listen up BRUCE SMITH - I am not allowed to post on the other thread because U refused - it was YOUR CHOICE. You come here & SAY BAD things about me - remember you got put on vacation. They created the other thread & I can't post there because of you won't sign off. You come here to the DZ to aggitate...I RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED U not say one word about any post I made on the DZ & not to reference me in anyway. Your posting are now getting as sassy as they were before. I personally spoke to Lyle not one time but several times over the yrs - and he stated more than ONE time that He was watching a TV program about Cooper and he thought it would make a GOOD STORY...why he mailed his request to a movie producer who turned it over to Skip. By the way MAYBE part of this is on a RECORDER! You know he has had surgeries and that his mind is not as good as it used to be. YOU also know his wife is a writer...but, you will use anyone U can. "There is NO one to defend him - even Kyle his own brother says he was NOT Cooper." "He has repeatedly told other(s) - He thought it was a good story...why he sent his letter to a movie producer and not to SKIP or maybe SKIP is behind all of this. Maybe SKIP set all of this up - knowing that someone someday might want the crime to appear to have been solved..."] Maybe I have those statements on a recorder! You THINK? NONE of the people need to apologize to anyone - YOU are the ONLY ONE who has inflicted damage on the VICTIMS! You will say anything to get what you want & U only want to sell your story and why U are here along with Blevins. YOUR tactics are for the ENQUIRER - not for a book about REAL - everyday people. In fact the Enquirer has cleaned up their act - doubt they would even hire you as you would violate the protocol they use and they could get sued. TINA is not a public figure just because U think she is and that she OWES U an interview - SHE OWES U ZERO. U have not sent even ONE apology to any of the people whose lives you disrupted and for the lies & bad things you said about them. Does Tina and her family know about the THINGS U wrote about them in your BOOK and have they signed off?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #47798 April 10, 2014 I have become obesessed with getting Bernie Geestman put in jail Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 245 #47799 April 10, 2014 skyjack71Listen up BRUCE SMITH - I am not allowed to post on the other thread because U refused - it was YOUR CHOICE. Not true - was never true. It was a CONSENSUS of the group. Bruce was just one vote. There was a MAJORITY who said they would not participate in the new group if you were allowed there. And of course Blevins was the other primary reason. So you can stop peddling your falsehood above too! Or, you can continue to peddle gobblewobble. Nobody really cares. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #47800 April 10, 2014 Yeah I guess you know why he has lied about Foss tugs the loan the house saying he hardly knew Kenny and though he was a dishwasher calling his sister and asking her to take back everything she had said for the book appearing on decoded not answering the questions staring at them when asked where he was saying he thinks Kenny could be the hijacker when he was with him calling you a liar (which I find funny) and saying he didn't do it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites