skyjack71 0 #48276 May 9, 2014 Starting to be an effort to make a post so I have to start limiting my posts to one or 2 per day. There is NOT a LOT more I can say, but I will hang in as long as I can. Frankly I am really getting scared about some things and would like to talk to some of you OFF line about throat surgery. I have seen people, but said OH no - NOT me I would rather be dead! Right now it is highly suspect plus the fact I hAVE BEEN A LONG TERM SMOKER. ALWAYS HAD AN EXCUSE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO QUIT. I have to have someone take me to procedure and bring me home and I have to PAY for that - I can't afford to pay - but they won't let you drive yourself. CATCHE 22 I have no idea what is going on - just that it is NOT good and I am scared. I stood with 2 husbands to fight the demons, but this time I will be fighting for my self and with NO ONE to Back me up. Who the hell would miss me any way. I am just that crazy old delusional woman who claimes her husband was Dan Cooper. NO one cares about the truth but me - and if I can't produce the proof - it all dies with me. MY Cancer markers have been running high, but the didn't go looking for the source and I didn't think there was much to the markers.... but evidently I was wrong. I would have been pushing my husbands to pushed the drs., insistening on certain tests but I am just a woman and the doctors have ignored me..2 yrs ago it might not have been too late - now I think it is too late....and any surgery will be too much too late. But the verdict is still out - have 2 more major tests to be done. ...before I cry or sigh. I hope it is some thing they can get with little or no problem - but, most of what I have seen in that area is really rather devastating. The other problem is a little something the surgeon left undone. JUST an inconvenience and it won't kill me.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48277 May 9, 2014 RobertMBlevins ***Blevins: The reference photo of Kenney Christensen in a group of four people shows how short he was and could no way be DB Cooper. He was 5ft 8in and too short to be the 6ft that Cooper is. Your own photo is the evidence of this problem and therefore he is not a valid suspect! KENNEY WAS TOO SHORT, TOO SHORT, TOO SHORT, TOO SHORT Bob Sailshaw Reference you say: "I've sent the attached picture to Bruce Kitt. It's a picture of Kenny with some of his co-workers, and was taken before red uniforms for stews were implemented." How do you know for sure that Cooper was six feet? Because a witness told you so? I've seen those items. The descriptions varied. We've been over this point many times. Blevins you haven't seen any FBI testimony! All you have "seen" are a few anecdotal remarks "about" witness testimony. So stop making things up. Likewise you have never given any thought to what "varied" means in this matter. And yet you are hanging your whole argument on the word "varied". Varied how? My guess is you do not want this examined or want to know ... because my guess is your socalled theory would go right out the window - poof! For example, is the variance linear between 5'6" and say 6'1"? What's the standard error based on n-number of witnesses whose testimony you claim to have seen (Ive seen those items)? What is clear is that you don't know what the fuck you are even talking about! Forget how tall Cooper was or how tall KC was ... you don't even know how to judge and evaluate witness testimony on height. You have no concept of standard error in this matter, you wouldn't know where to even apply it, and very specifically if Cooper was only 5'8" tall, you can't even tell us what standard error would have to apply for those witnesses saying Cooper was 6foot to 6'.1" ! Think about it! It matters! When you can tell us what "varied" means in some concrete way that applies to the Cooper case, or any other case, come back and tell us. Because, you might as well be arguing that Cooper could have been a "sheep" due to the "varied" witness testimony you have seen ((Ive seen those items)! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48278 May 9, 2014 RobertMBlevinsI'm not going to quote over your comments, Georger. I will only say this. I don't 'make things up' and what I said about the varying witness descriptions is quoted from Geoff Gray's book. He was allowed access. His words in that book are public knowledge. You want to question him on whether he is quoting the witnesses accurately? You've quoted him on OTHER things, such as your claim that he made negative comments about me. So why don't you believe his statements now on what the witnesses actually gave as descriptions for Cooper? Or perhaps you think Gray is truthful when it's convenient for you, and a liar at other times? Should I quote those sections from Gray's book again? Haven't you seen them enough already? Have you not READ THE BOOK? All three stews gave different combinations from the FBI's Facial Identification Catalog. At least two gave varying descriptions on height. Neither did the passengers agree on the description of the hijacker, or how tall he was. Gray says this in his book. It's plain as day. So shouldn't you be going to the source instead of me? I believe Gray when he said he met with the Seattle FBI and was allowed access to the original witness reports. And I believe his assessment of the same. If you don't, if you believe he never had access, and his eval on them is either a lie or inaccurate, you should take it up with him. Fair enough. So if Gray is vague about this and cant define "varied" in any meaningful way, and you are relying on Gray, well then .... Ive mentioned before that Gray has little or no technical background. Tom and I (and others) ran into this with him. But, rather than run you or Gray down, I need to say issues like this really do matter. Here's another example. Where would the greatest error in witness testimony about height be? 5'6"-6'.0", 5'8"-6'.0", 5'.10"-6'.1"? Would a person 5'8? next to two tall women be more likely to be judged less than 6' tall than a man 5'10" inches? This is where variance enters the picture in a very real way, and more error is more likely to occur between 5'10" and 6-feet, than say between 5'6" and 5 feet. It's the difference between a gross comparison vs. a fine comparison. Gray never defines what he means by "variance". Or among all those who gave testimony on the subject what the actual range was and who fell where in the range. Gray would probably never think to parse the matter is those terms. Gray is making a very gross statement which may have little meaning at all. Its fertile territory for discussion and Im sure there are a thousand opinions ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #48279 May 9, 2014 RobertMBlevins The sketch is not a photograph. The descriptions varied a bit depending on who was giving it. One guy saw Cooper going to the bathroom a number of times and said he was sure Cooper was no taller than five-nine. The question is how literal do you want to take that statement. "No taller than five-nine" would allow for a person to be five-eight, but also five-two, four feet, or even one inch tall. I suspect that what the witness was really saying was he believed the hijacker to be about 5'9". That is the shortest of any of the witnesses, but because he added "no taller than", you use that to include a suspect shorter than every witness's recollection. Also, some of the descriptions (particularly the flight attendants) were not just something they were asked to recall later. They most likely purposefully made mental notes about the height, hair color, weight, etc. of the suspect contemporaneously. And, as Carr says, the descriptions given by Flo and Tina are very similar. Even you have to admit, Robert, you have to squint pretty hard to make Kenny fit as a suspect -- too short, too white, too bald. And, by all accounts -- especially yours since you interviewed many of his friends -- he was a good guy. A guy who never showed any inkling of attempting this kind of major crime. It's interesting...if, when you were interviewing Bernie Geestman, and you brought up that you researching Kenny being tied to the hijacking, if he would have said "That's pretty funny. I used to kid him all the time because he looked just like that picture. But, Kenny and I were camping together when it happened, so I think I would have known about it if he did it", you probably wouldn't have written your book. But because he didn't want to admit what they were doing, you've tied him to a major hijacking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParrotheadVol 70 #48280 May 9, 2014 Why is "the picture" important and who put Feburary on it?"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48281 May 9, 2014 One of those pictures you got from JO WEBER - HOW do I KNOW that? Study if very very well - I can prove one of those is a COPY of one I used that the FBI sent me! Remember I had them with me when I had my AUTO accident! The NOTE book went crashing to the floor of the car...IN all of MY pain it took ALL I could do to secure those pictures and my note book - I refused to let go of it. Even in the ER I refused to let it out of my site.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParrotheadVol 70 #48282 May 10, 2014 Robert, if Kenny was not the hijacker, would you still expect Bernie to remember being with him on that weekend???? Obviously, if they did the job, he would remember that. But, if they simply went camping, would you really expect him to remember that he was with Kenny on that particular weekend, 43 years ago??? I'll buy your explanation of "the picture". But, I see nothing in that picture that ties Kenny to the hijacking. Nothing."They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48283 May 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins ***Robert, if Kenny was not the hijacker, would you still expect Bernie to remember being with him on that weekend???? Obviously, if they did the job, he would remember that. But, if they simply went camping, would you really expect him to remember that he was with Kenny on that particular weekend, 43 years ago??? I'll buy your explanation of "the picture". But, I see nothing in that picture that ties Kenny to the hijacking. Nothing. Bernie EDIT: Do you think we could discuss something BESIDES Kenny Christiansen? I'll assume most of the folks who post here are convinced he wasn't Cooper. So if you are convinced of that, why bring him up? All the basic info on him has been made available. He has not been proven as Cooper. You want to know if he was? Contact the Seattle FBI and ask them to look into it for real. Don't expect me to hand it to you on a silver platter. I did what I could, and after August 9th I will be officially OUT of the DB Cooper business. So stop posting about KC! People are only replying to your posts - you made! Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48284 May 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins *********Robert, if Kenny was not the hijacker, would you still expect Bernie to remember being with him on that weekend???? Obviously, if they did the job, he would remember that. But, if they simply went camping, would you really expect him to remember that he was with Kenny on that particular weekend, 43 years ago??? I'll buy your explanation of "the picture". But, I see nothing in that picture that ties Kenny to the hijacking. Nothing. Bernie EDIT: Do you think we could discuss something BESIDES Kenny Christiansen? I'll assume most of the folks who post here are convinced he wasn't Cooper. So if you are convinced of that, why bring him up? All the basic info on him has been made available. He has not been proven as Cooper. You want to know if he was? Contact the Seattle FBI and ask them to look into it for real. Don't expect me to hand it to you on a silver platter. I did what I could, and after August 9th I will be officially OUT of the DB Cooper business. So stop posting about KC! People are only replying to your posts - you made! Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh? You feel threatened by the possibility Kenny was Cooper? Sounds like it to me. I understand this better than you think. Actually solving the case would mean you would have nowhere to go, nobody to slam on. I'll bet your biggest fear is that the Seattle FBI might actually check out Kenny and question the witnesses. If you were any kind of 'real' civilian investigator into the Cooper case, you would want this. Chances are it would end up as KC not being Cooper, and that we were all wrong about him. This concept of checking KC officially seems to scare you to death, and it is nothing but puzzling. You've slammed on me regarding Marla Cooper, who came to the table with nothing but old memories supported by exactly no one else who was there. What have you to fear on Christiansen? You are afraid. That is for sure. This also proves that it is not the truth you seek so much, but the chase for the answer itself. But anything that might offer the finish line on that chase you avoid like the plague. You want to know if Kenny was Cooper? The answer is obvious. He has to be checked out, the witnesses questioned, as I've said all along. Oh! Ok so there you go again violating your own request to stop talking about KC! Funny. Play it again Sam - including the requests to stop talking about KC which you can't stop doing! Simon says: You're nuts Blevins. And have zero credibility. Nobody cares. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48285 May 10, 2014 Blevins NO ONE on this thread feels threatened by the possibility of KC being Cooper. NOT ONE person has found any credibility regarding YOUR story. IOTA! Your PRIME witnesses IF one could call them that - will NOT make themselves available. As the writer & interviewer - IF YOU can NOT document what U have written - U are the one telling a fantasy story. YOU have living witnesses - so you say! WELL, time is wasting - MONEY talks & U know DAMN well u CAN find Geestman. Getting him to talk to anyone after U twisted everything for a story -that is another story. AS it is YOU have written a fantasy & you WILL NOT make any ATTEMPTS to bring your WITNESSES (or KC's accusor) forward). I HAVE nothing, BUT, I have MORE than you have. All I Have is the life I LIVED with Duane, his past & his confession. I CANNOT prove the confession - but, AT LEAST I have my memory & I remember the stories he told me & the things he said & what others told me & my 18 yr research about his secret life. A man who could for 18 yrs KEEP his past from his wife - has to be PRETTY GOOD at covering his ASS! Unlike many women - I take the person for what they are....Duane was a loving and giving person and he always tried to please everyone. Duane Weber told me "I'mmm Dannn Cooooper". I will never forget those words as LONG as I will - not ever! I am not out there co-ercing any possible witnesses or writing a book or promoting Weber. Every day of my life - I ask myself & look at his picture and ask "WHY ME?" WHY didn't you just keep your DAMN secret?" I put his picture & memories on a shelf BEHIND a door and packed the other stuff up - but the question will haunt me for the rest of my life. IF U really wanted to solve this you would contact and find Geestman or make it possible for others to do so. I do NOT want to discredit you. I want to talk to Geestman & his ex-wife & I have a personal reasons - because of the things Duane said to me on that trip. I just found it ODD regarding the woman who rode horses, the park and the fact that Geestman was according to you living in the very place Duane told me about - and Geestman worked for Foss. Duane took me to a place on the river - a green tank - guess what that tank was for? This is when he told me about the tug boats & Foss! In 1979 - I was told these same things, but the name of the man was not mentioned.....this strange co-incidence is the ONLY reason I have to contact him - NOT to discredit you. I expect Geestman is getting pretty old now & in poor health. The ONLY thing I want RIGHT NOW in my life is to come face to face with Geestman & Margaret ALONE with no recorders....complete privacy! They can record it if they wish for their own protection - I will not. He may never have known the REAL name of his old friend, but he will remember him - perhaps it was more than just an old friend? HOW much do YOU know about GEESTMAN's past? YOU have NOT ever stated GEESTMAN's entire history - where he was born and where he went to school and if he was ever in trouble as a boy or in jail for anything! Was he in the service - when , where and how long. What Jobs has he held since he was 18 yrs old. YOU tell the READERS and the PUBLIC nothing about your KEY "Witnesses" and your witnesses will NOT talk to anyone and you keep their locations secret. Well, how is the FBI supposed to investigate? Odd I knew about the woman who rode horses and the man who worked with the Tugs - Odd that in 1979 Duane told me about the park - ALL in one CONVERSATION! As for Margaret - I think I actually met her between - 1990 and 1993. WHY the fricking HELL do you think I asked about pictures of how she looked during that time frame. Why did her husband of the time or boy friend of the time or son bring her to SEE Duane? Only the woman was there when I arrived & I only had a few moments. One had driven in and the other had flown in (I just remembered this at this very moment). When the memory is forced to remember things it can do so! There was something about a rental and waiting for the other party. WHY I asked for pictures of Magaret during that time frame - BUT you ignored me. I describe the suit she had on and that her hair appeared to be dyed at that time. (I have even tried to describe the suit she had on). Need to know the name she uses - I need to find both Magaret and Geestman...and for my own personal reasons. What they tell me can be behind closed doors - with no recordings and with pre-arranged confidentially papers signed. I just need to know how Duane knew them...and under what name they knew him. I need to know who the man was I spent 18 yrs of my life with. Duane was a thief, but he was REALLY not a bad man! Stange Cocktail that is. He was loved by all who know him - NO ONE other than one Ex-wife had ONE bad word to say about Duane L. Weber or "Johnnie" as one called him. If anyone can arrange for me to meet with them or help me find them....I think Margaret might be living in my area....or in CA -please help. The woman who came to see Duane had family or friends here...she knew Duane from WA and Duane mentioned the horses right in front of me...The woman was a sweet person. I was in a rush and had to get back to work - I spent all of 10 minutes if that long at the shop that day. ANYONE WHO THINKS THEY CAN HELP ME FIND THESE PE0PLE - PLEASE DO SO. WE WILL HAVE ONE MEETING & THE RESULTS OF THE CONVERSATION ARE UP TO THEM...IF THEY WANT TO KEEP IT BETWEEN THE 3 OF US - THAT IS OKAY, I JUST NEED SOME ANSWERS - THAT IS ALL. I want only peace in my life right now for what ever remaining time I might have on this earth...I am 74 yrs old & the people who knew Duane if they are still alive would be 16 yrs older than myself. 90 yrs old plus - so what is the FRICKING chance (if they are still alive) their mentality is still entact? I guess I will never know the truths - but it is NOT fair....Damn Weber, why did he have to marry me? Damn those who hold secrets - just DAMN Damn Damn. Someone else stated this about Blevins and I KNOW it is true: " Actually solving the case would mean you would have nowhere to go, nobody to slam on. I'll bet your biggest fear is that the Seattle FBI might actually check out Kenny and question the witnesses. Your lies about Geoff Gray and hundreds of personal (and negative) comments about me shows you have a personal agenda and its name is Robert. Perhaps if you hadn't gone 110% negative on every post, people might listen to you. But your agenda is obvious." So very very true & I agree 100%Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #48286 May 10, 2014 What about when he calls you a liar which I find funny *** he's lying-Bernie Geestman on decoded referring to you which I find funny Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48287 May 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins Do you think we could discuss something BESIDES Kenny Christiansen? I'll assume most of the folks who post here are convinced he wasn't Cooper. So if you are convinced of that, why bring him up? All the basic info on him has been made available. He has not been proven as Cooper. You want to know if he was? Contact the Seattle FBI and ask them to look into it for real. Don't expect me to hand it to you on a silver platter. I did what I could, and after August 9th I will be officially OUT of the DB Cooper business. How MANY TIME HAVE WE HEARD YOU SAY SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THIS? "I did what I could, and after August 9th I will be officially OUT of the DB Cooper business" You have never done the MOST important THING. VALIDATE your witnesses! ALL we have is YOUR word and YOUR witnesses won't even TALK to anyone! You humiliated them with your story - they never expected you to twist their words they way you did or to make the interpretations you did. AUG 9th - at least WE have a countdown date - HOW many TIME have U said something similar to this? Why NOT right NOW? WHAT are you WAITING for - well, U are waiting for your KEY witness to die! That is what you are waiting for. YOU are COLD and CALCULATING!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48288 May 10, 2014 Everytime Blevins gets backed into a corner - Danielle POPS up. I think Danielle is actually Blevins or his girlfrend - it is a tactic used to break the cycle every time Blevins has strongly been put on the offensive. This pattern for Danielle does NOT fit. Remember that I have a granddaughter with a similar issue & I am aware each case is different. Therefore Danielle if I am wrong I apologize up front. Danielle conveniently shows up when Blevins has been sizzling on the grill for several hours. Generallly there is a pattern, but with Danielle there is NO pattern - just when Blevins is taking the heat. Note the time of the days or nights of the postings. Danielle has no pattern....only when Belvins is backed into a corner. Would be interested to know exactly how the DZ can track these things. I was told others can't track me because I use a telephone connect thru AOL. And since Blevins is so computer savy though maybe he was using a telephone line with a different computer to make these short postings (note they are always short). I just find the postings ODD due to the context, time of day or nite. Just ODD this kid is always there and presumably reading everything that is written. I think it is Blevins himself - he uses the KID to get him out of TIGHT spots & needs to make disconnects (in thoughts). Also unusual that a Gmail address is used. To Danielle: Danielle. sorry if I am wrong, but when one is checking out the creditability of someone - involved in making statements about an old crime - leave NO stone unturned....when you find something with a specific pattern - check it out. I believe Blevins only REASON for being involved is to PROMOTE a book. He didn't even show up here until he was writing his book.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48289 May 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins Quote 'Simon says: You're nuts Blevins. And have zero credibility.' That's what YOU say. It's a personal opinion on your part and nothing more. Here's what I believe: People have generally seen through you. You're a shill who has pulled out all the stops in a pathetic effort to discredit. You falsely quoted Geoff Gray with negative comments about me (scores of times) without offering a shred of proof. You've been slamming on other people since your 2009 posts at Science dot com, you are scrabbling in the gutter but no longer have any answers. You should just admit you lied about Geoff Gray before I get tired of it and post his emails. How about that? You want to talk credibility? We can start there. You really should offer an apology and we can move forward from that point. You changed on a dime. Within 24 hours. Where is the mild mannered logical personality that was posting. Tonight we have the confrontational illogical personality? How many of you are there - at least two? Different people or different personalities? Both posting under your name at different times. I can't be the only one who has noticed this. Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats. Mairzy = patient, nonconfrontational, logical = Gayla ? Dozy = confrontational, illogical, attack mode = Robert ? Either there are at least two people writing under your name or there are two distinct personalities of you - which is it? You can't fool some some of the people some of the time and all of the people all of the time! Ive noticed this since an RobertMBlevins + first came here four years ago. And again, I can't be the only person noticing this... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gkc1436 3 #48290 May 10, 2014 Quick....Somebody call CNN!!!!! Cause this thread just went into the VOID! The VOID of paranoia ......... However......The whole Me Me Me thing is sort of skydiving related... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48291 May 10, 2014 gkc1436Quick....Somebody call CNN!!!!! Cause this thread just went into the VOID! The VOID of paranoia ......... However......The whole Me Me Me thing is sort of skydiving related... me me me me do re me fa so la ti doh? Forver, and ever, and ever, and ever Hallejulya Hallejulya Hallejulya Hal le lulllllllllllllllllllll yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #48292 May 10, 2014 gkc1436 Quick....Somebody call CNN!!!!! Cause this thread just went into the VOID! The VOID of paranoia ......... However......The whole Me Me Me thing is sort of skydiving related... BINGO! MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48293 May 10, 2014 RobertMBlevins Quote 'YOU tell the READERS and the PUBLIC nothing about your KEY "Witnesses" and your witnesses will NOT talk to anyone and you keep their locations secret. Well, how is the FBI supposed to investigate?...' I didn't quote over all of the things you said only because it's pretty long and all. Look...there is a bottom line here. Either Christiansen was Cooper or he wasn't. Either he was the hijacker and Bernie Geestman assisted him (with later complicity by MRS. Geestman) or it's the biggest set of coincidences in frickin' history. And I do not know which statement is true. Because of the amount of my personal involvement with these people, sure...I lean to the idea that KC may have been Cooper. But I can't prove it. The only people in those families who know for sure (and are still living) are Bernie and Margie Geestman. One bailed town, the other is not talking. Maybe the FBI will finally get around to checking them out, but I doubt it. I don't even care much about it anymore. Frankly, I'm tired of chasing this thing. Let someone else, either from law enforcement, or from the media, figure it out. On August 9th of this year I will present the most accurate information I have on all of this, and then move on to something else besides frickin' DB frickin' Cooper. Look! You keep posting about KC! Habitual Behavior. In order to move on you must stop posting about KC? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh? and then move on to something else besides frickin' DB frickin' Cooper. Well sorry, whoever you are today! This IS a DB Cooper thread! What do you command be discussed? Noah's Ark? Ding Dong the Arc is dead. The ark is dead. The ark is dead. Ding Dong the ark is dead. Let's discuss Noah Ark. Look! You keep posting about KC! Habitual Behavior. In order to move on you must stop posting about KC? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #48294 May 11, 2014 Robert is the picture of Kenny with Margie before he died the last picture of Kenny and how many years did Kenny work for Northwest Airlines Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48295 May 11, 2014 Danielle1010Robert is the picture of Kenny with Margie before he died the last picture of Kenny and how many years did Kenny work for Northwest Airlines I believe Danny is Blevins himself! Blevins was the one who presented the profile regarding Danny and because of my own grand-daughter the postings do not fit the profile of an individual with the condition described. The pattern does NOT fit nor do the questions. Obcessive and compulsive are part of the profile. The fixated on KC fits, but the replies - the time and dates and the reason for responding do NOT fit the profile of such an individual. Evidently Danny never sleeps or has very irradical sleep patterns. The timing of the postings do NOT fit the profile of a young person with the disabililty as was explained to us. If I did NOT have PERSONAL connections to the condition - I would be unaware of this. My grand daughter will be up late into the night GAMING all over the world, but she has to sleep and - you will not find her on the net after 4am. Obviously there is NO adult supervision & considering the condition this not a good thing. They cannot remember to take their meds at the appropriate times and there are other medical condition that go along with this that need attention. Usually a high degree of intelligence but focused on specific things. My grand daughter can NOT comprehend math, but she reads the Newpaper everyday and tells you about everything that is going on in the world. Her fixation is gaming and art and world affairs. Danny does NOT fit any of the profiles due to the ODD times he posts and the question he asks...and the timing of his question which always pop up when Blevins has been on the computer for several hours....and has backed himself into a corner. I believe Danny is Blevins, himself. I will say NO more about this - but surely the DZ has a way of checking this out. Blevins knows how to use an ON LINE phone to access Gmail and make these posts himself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #48296 May 11, 2014 How many years did Kenny work for Northwest Airlines Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #48297 May 12, 2014 RobertMBlevins But no one in the family can explain how Kenny went from having nothing to obtaining a house, loaning out thousands to Dawn Androsko, etc. Let's assume that everything in your story is true. How did Kenny buy a house? We know he assumed a mortgage for half of it. What about the other half? Maybe the sellers carried the contract. Who knows? This was during the Boeing bust and sellers had to be very creative. And, Kenny, who bought timber land a decade before seems like just the type who would look for such a deal. As far as the loan to Dawn Androsko, you kind of jump to the conclusion that it was Kenny's money, so he must have come into it somehow. Maybe it wasn't his money. Maybe he was a go between. Without some sort of documentation, it's all speculation. There is nothing in Kenny's actions, financial situation or circumstances that don't also have some logical simple explanation. Now, if for your August presentation you've discovered new information, I might change my mind. But, so far, I just don't see it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #48298 May 12, 2014 I did a calculation and how Kenny got all that money he probably added it altogether Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #48299 May 12, 2014 Okay Robert what's about the movie about Kenny called Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle1010 0 #48300 May 12, 2014 Cool could you send me a first draft of the script when it's done Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites