377 22 #48326 May 13, 2014 G wrote to BlevinsQuote'Good luck polishing toilets...' I worked as a factory janitor in my youth and cleaned lots of toilets. Can't say conclusively that it helped my career but it might have. You can't act too stuck up if you have that kind of work on your real resume', the one that totally chronicles your life not the one you submit to propective employers. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #48327 May 13, 2014 Jo wroteQuoteTo think this supposed attorney [Galen Cook] in 2003 made lot of SLANDEROUS claims and his recent threats has my family and friends up in ARMS! Attorney's, former Governors and the FBI. Oh my! Galen had better head for a country that has no extradition treaty. Bhutan perhaps? Jo's powerful friends probably have him on a no-fly list already. I'll bet he is really sweating and wishing he had never taken on Jo Weber. Fugitive life is no picnic. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48328 May 13, 2014 Blevins has driven everyone away from the thread - even ME! EVERYone is very very tired of his beating a dead horse! Jo (me, myself and I) doesn't even try anymore - all she does is defend herself. GIVE her credit she didn't try to write a book or do a movie script. She explores as she explored before - AND she ADMITS she can't prove most of it other than to find circumstancial supporting clues and some documented things.... No one heard Duane say "I'm Dannn Coooper". No one heard the story he tried to tell me. Witnesses did hear ramblings they nor I understood. The only time his "friends came to see him in the Hospital" - was right after they hit him with all of the morphine after his out burst "Oh, Fxxx LET it DIE WITH ME!" IT was several more days before he died. One of those individuals is deceased and the other one may also be deceased as I have been unable to contact her in the last few yrs. None of us understood the ramblings until I came forward. The local FBI didn't know the right questions to ask the man who bought the van, the woman & the man who spoke to him before he died. I didn't know the right questions. IF any of us had knew what he meant or what he was talking about - we would have recorded him...or have contacted the authorities. If I had understood what he meant - the things I disposed of I would have kept and I would have had the FBI go over the van before I sold it. ALL of those things - I cannot prove. I will SWEAR by all that is living that what I told the FBI in those contacts was the truth and nothing but the truth so help me GOD! Later there were explorations by myself and by others - we often surmised what Duane could have & would not have done. THAT is a natural process and NOT one open for condemnation. If the FBI had truely listen to me in those first 2 yrs instead of relying on the records and contacting all the wrong individuals....this case might have been solved. I guess the FBI thought I had privey information to the facts of the case - all I had was what was in 2 or 3 articles that others had found for me and what was in some books. I had been to WA one time in my life at that point. At that time it would have been well worth it to have arranged for me to have gotten to WA & even if it had been an off duty law person who knew the area well - to have tired to have helped me retrace that trip as I did in 2010 - ALL BY MYSELF! And with monies I could ill afford to spend. As it stood - in 2000 and 2001 when I went public things had changed, but I was still able to feel my way around in 2010 on my own. The TV crew in 2001 actually confused me - that is because NONE OF THEM was local except for one and he was a student who had only been there for 2 yrs. THAT was my investigative TV crew???? They knew less than I knew about the crime & the area.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #48329 May 14, 2014 377G wrote to BlevinsQuote'Good luck polishing toilets...' I worked as a factory janitor in my youth and cleaned lots of toilets. Can't say conclusively that it helped my career but it might have. You can't act too stuck up if you have that kind of work on your real resume', the one that totally chronicles your life not the one you submit to propective employers. 377 You know how it goes.. some are too self important and would use that kind of low personal attack at the drop of a post... over and over because they seem to feel they are far better than those around them. Some people remember where they come from.... others.. well I think you get it 377. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48330 May 14, 2014 Galen Cook does NOT know when to shut up! After his last public statements he better have some proof of his status with the FBI - he is going to need it. What Galen Cook a supposed ATTORNEY at LAW in the state of WASHINGTON is doing....more Slander and more Public Destruction should never ever be allowed! Self Proclaimed FBI insider to the Cooper case in WA. does NOTHING other than use his supposed connections to the FBI to slander the FBI & anyone who comes forward with a suspect or a confession. Then he goes into the character asssassination tactics which because of his supposed exposure to FBI agents & the files - some individuals will believe. The horrid slanderous things this man states need to STOP! The COOPER CASE is now only writers slinging trash at each other. I am not a writer - just a woman whose husband showed & told her things & made a confession she did not understand. Galen Cook cannot deny he continues his slandering & hashing of the life of a victim who came forward with what her husband told her. Things she didn't even grasp or understand for well over a year & only learned the meaning of the confession by pure coincidence - one yr and 2 months later. I swear by all I love that Duane Weber did tell me he was Dan Coooper. I swear that the things he showed me & told me I have repeated to the best of my knowledge. Galen Cook has reduced himself to slandering my past - my life - my ever being & claims the FBI has proof of a checkered past. LIKE what? Perhaps the fact I got mad & threw a weed wacker that didn't work & a neighbor calls the Sheriff - when I said "They Shoot Dead Horses - Don't They?" Just a nosy lazy neighbor who rather than get up off his ass & offer to help calls to report a threat....to what a weed wacker that doesn't work? I said that to the Weed Wacker as I threw it in the Garbage Can... During a period of time when Duane fell and hurt himself -& not co-operative it was necessary to get some relief in the house - so I could continue to work. I ended up loosing my job because I could not take care of him & worked 10 hrs a day 6 days out of the wk. He time was coming and he was scared & he acted out because I could not be there ALL day. My Boss helped all he could. I couldn't be there all the time - we had bills to pay. At that time I HAD to get some help in the house & to get him some counseling...he turned it around, but the aids who came in - readily recognized the problem. I assumed it was a change and/or addition of new med & the pain ...in a few days he was himself again. Just when I think I can BREATHE the Galen dragon attacks & sucks the breath out of me. I CAN HANDLE NO MORE of this. I have a BIG medical test to be done and it is scary. At this point I decided if it is bad -- THERE WILL BE NO SURGERY! I will GO TO WA with my last resources & I WILL stay until the FBI hears me! So far I have just been a person in an email or on the phone - they don't know me. Doing this TEST with the STRESS Cook is putting on me by attacking me & telling people I have a CHECKERED past - that Is more harmful than anything anyone could ever do to me. I pride myself on my honesty and being straight forward. Got to GO - CRYING TOO HARD! There are some MEAN people in this world. One can attack my story, but NEVER ever attack my credibility or my honesty - checkered past????? NO WAY! Galen has NO CHILDREN or GRAND-CHILDREN, but he supposedly has a CAREER. I have held Insurance and Real Estate licenses in several states - my finger prints are on file - and I have never had my credibility doubted. I have handled large sums of money & I am bondable. I have never stolen or harmed anyone nor have I ever committed a crime. What DIRT has JO ever presented about anyone? GALEN is the one throwing dirt with his statements. All I do is defend myself. What GALEN does NOT know is that "Crazy, Delusional and Off Her Rocker" is HOW I describe myself - simply because NO one believes the truths that I tell. Now I just introduce myself that way - makes life easier. Insane - Well, to live in Cooper World or to survive in Cooper World we are all insane. As for the other slanderous things Cook states...would he call his MOTHER insane if she was living in COOPER WORLD? Galen has had MULTIPLE suspects? I have a name & a picture of man he claimed was Cooper. ALL in BLACK & WHITE! This is in a letter with a picture of the man. Probably just something he cut out of an business magazine. It is NOT insane that GALEN has continued his search with MULTIPLE Coopers for yrs - more yrs than I have persued Duane's confession. GALEN COOK HAS A PROBLEM - HIS OBCESSION STEMS FROM CHILDHOOD & HIS SEARCH HAS GONE ON SINCE HE WAS ABOUT 10 YRS OLD! If Galen was really an ATTORNEY - anyone reading this would raise their eyebrows about his ethics. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48331 May 14, 2014 Amazon ***G wrote to Blevins Quote ..' I worked as a factory janitor in my youth and cleaned lots of toilets. Can't say conclusively that it helped my career but it might have. You can't act too stuck up if you have that kind of work on your real resume', the one that totally chronicles your life not the one you submit to propective employers. 377 You know how it goes.. some are too self important and would use that kind of low personal attack at the drop of a post... over and over because they seem to feel they are far better than those around them. Some people remember where they come from.... others.. well I think you get it 377. 'Good luck polishing toilets". was edited out of my post on the first round ... Blevins was quick to freeze the first post. Now here you are freezing his freeze. Likewise 377! There is no honor among smut grabbers/peddlers with an agenda and no facts! So, here it is again in your honor! So let's summarize. You issued "25 Reasons" why KC was DB Cooper, included in your so-called report to the FBI. The core issues you claimed (within your "25 Reasons") and what came of them are listed below. Unexplained excess funds ----- failed Missing on weekend of ------ failed/revised Cooper comic exposure Shemya ----- failed Witness said he might have been ----- hearsay Geestman lied to Blevins/Decoded ----- no relevance shown Gray credibility/article ----- not relevant FBI did not interview NWA employees ----- hearsay Paratrooper background ----- no relevance shown Amboy parachute ----- no relevance to Kenny shown Marla case ----- no relevance to Kenny Kenny matches FBI description ----- hearsay - FAILED! Had a Big Secret – he told Lyle ----- hearsay – never told You have failed on every point that matters, Blevins. Your case has no merit. Lyle started out with a good idea to make a movie script and you are continuing with that theme, having failed to show anything that connects KC to the DB Cooper case. So good luck with that good idea for a movie script. Polish that! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #48332 May 14, 2014 Jo, You keep hinting that Galen isn't a real lawyer. He's been an active WA bar member since 2004 and has a spotless record. Nobody outside of a handful of folks (on a site that is so obscure you can't Google it) knew about Galen's alleged slander of you until YOU republished it here. I advised you to ignore him and all you did is expand his audience. I STILL can't find Galen's statements but I have no trouble finding your references to them. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #48333 May 14, 2014 Georger wrote Quote 'Good luck polishing toilets". was edited out of my post on the first round ... Blevins was quick to freeze the first post. Now here you are freezing his freeze. Likewise 377! We liberated lower caste folks are hyper sensitive Georger. We lay in wait. We hunt and pounce on those who belittle us. You didn't have a chance trying to delete the slur. A simple apology to us current and former toilet polishers would suffice G. I say dumb things from time to time. But the consequences are minor as I don't own an NBA team. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48334 May 14, 2014 377 Georger wrote Quote 'Good luck polishing toilets". was edited out of my post on the first round ... Blevins was quick to freeze the first post. Now here you are freezing his freeze. Likewise 377! We liberated lower caste folks are hyper sensitive Georger. We lay in wait. We hunt and pounce on those who belittle us. You didn't have a chance trying to delete the slur. A simple apology to us current and former toilet polishers would suffice G. I say dumb things from time to time. But the consequences are minor as I don't own an NBA team. 377 I don't own an NBA team either and wouldn't if I could. I have cleaned and polished toilets and septic systems my whole life! I grew up on a farm. Everyone in my family still cleans their own toilets. I am one of those "wage earner sheeple" and "slapped down red haired step orphans" Blevins talks about! That is where my angst with him began! So don't talk to me about cleaning and polishing toilets! It's just that along the way I learned not only how to clean, repair, and instal one, I also learned how to calculate the volume and flow, just in case I would ever have to make one myself!. Farmers in the 50s were like that. We did everything we could to keep life going for ourselves and our family, our neighbors, and everyone else. And we still do! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #48335 May 14, 2014 Georger wroteQuoteI am one of those "wage earner sheeple" and "slapped down red haired step orphans" Blevins talks about! That is where my angst with him began! So don't talk to me about cleaning and polishing toilets! OK. Glad to know you aren't putting on airs. Or methane. One big happy family again on dropzone. G and Blevins friendly. Jo forgiving Galen. Sheridan friending me. Q liftng Snow's permaban. And then I woke up. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48336 May 14, 2014 377Georger wroteQuoteI am one of those "wage earner sheeple" and "slapped down red haired step orphans" Blevins talks about! That is where my angst with him began! So don't talk to me about cleaning and polishing toilets! OK. Glad to know you aren't putting on airs. Or methane. One big happy family again on dropzine. G and Blevins friendly. Jo forgiving Galen. Sheridan friending me. Q liftng Snow's permaban. And then I woke up. 377 Personal issues should have no place on this thread - period. But that's impossible here. That is what most people object to. imho. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #48337 May 14, 2014 Frankly my dear I think you are doing quite enough "polishing".... of something. Perhaps you can get some tissue's from your buddies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48338 May 14, 2014 377Jo, You keep hinting that Galen isn't a real lawyer. He's been an active WA bar member since 2004 and has a spotless record. Nobody outside of a handful of folks (on a site that is so obscure you can't Google it) knew about Galen's alleged slander of you until YOU republished it here. I advised you to ignore him and all you did is expand his audience. I STILL can't find Galen's statements but I have no trouble finding your references to them. 377 2003 was when I had him checked and he was then claiming to be an attorney and they found nothing at that time. The were in the process of moving the thread to one it could be found with a search...evidently you do not read it. Had been several problems with it and I do not know what they have finally decided to do...I refuse to leave this world with my name smeared like that. Say what you may about me. I am going to let them do the test - but, it is NOT looking good. YOU know my cancer marker have been up and that the EBV Ig G is over 5.0 and the normal is .9. At that time it was 17 days after my last surgery and I thougt I was infected with mono when they tubed me for the surgery in April of 2012. I kept going back to doctor and he didn't look down my throat - they would just do a CT or MRI and sonar tests. Finally I have gotten so weak and kept insisting there was something there. My dentist put his gloved finger and he found it just like I found it....but no one did any thing. I figured they had scratche my thoart, but it didn;t get any better. The kept giveing me medication that did help. I was sent to a grastro enologis and he ignored me. NOW they can't ignore it anymore.....my fatique is on the floor. It wears me ou to go to the grodery story and I am down to 123 in weight. Finally they are getting read to Scope me and then do a PET....but I think it is too late. I am too tired and the blood work keep moving on up. Had never had blister on my lips and in my mouth and never had sore throats The neck hurts inside and out and at the back of the neck. Had a braim mri - so it is not in the brain,but with the ear ache and problems swalllowing it is there and it is moving. Also swollen on the side the neck feels numb and that part of my face doesn't come up to my smile. Even if they get it all I wll be disfigrued. u have seen individulas who have this type of surger and it is NOT preety, Uusually they take the voice box also and most of the teeth. If you are ludky you get a tube that you put your finger on to out side to breath thruf. With any luck you get a placde you can cover with you finger ssp upi cam learn to speeks or breath thru. Lots of drooling, and loss of hearing and loss of taste. The are NO pushing this test as hard as they can to have it asap......why didn't they do that 6 month ago and ther ewould have bee much less loss.;;;;;;They do not pay for the replace ment of teeth. I have lost lots of weight becuase I have been having a diffucult time eating. Of course it is probably in my liver and colon also. ON can point and tell them what you see and feel and they ignore you if you are over 70. WE become a liablity at that time. IT seems to consume the entire Quillostis. Thy Lymphs had been elarged but they just ignore that and treated me for a sore ThroaT - ALLERGies WHEN YOU do not go out the door. Blister you have never had. Raw places all over my body that look GROSS. Very tired...................very hard!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #48339 May 14, 2014 AmazonFrankly my dear I think you are doing quite enough "polishing".... of something. Perhaps you can get some tissue's from your buddies Barada Nikto, Sheena. Now go back to Zetan with your collection of scalps! Booooya. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #48340 May 14, 2014 RobertMBlevins I shelved Cooperland permanently for now. Now, that sounds like something Yogi Berra would say. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #48341 May 14, 2014 MarkBennett *** I shelved Cooperland permanently for now. Now, that sounds like something Yogi Berra would say.It from the same source who often tells us 'I am never coming back here for a while."We indeed have our own Yogi Berra. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48342 May 14, 2014 I read the horrible things Galen had said after I had taken my pill. Well, that was just too much. I tried to make a post & it ended up horribly - NONE of it made any sense at all & simply my fear of the worse. Yes, I am having some procedures done that should have been done MONTHS ago, but the Drs no longer communicate. I did not know to connect the dots. I figured it was from the tube they put down my throat in the last surgery or my teeth (in 3 visits the dentist couldn't find anything wrong with my teeth). My family physician suggested a bite problem, but the cysts in my neck kept showing up & increased in size. I was assured by the prior ENT none of this was significant. I was unaware the blood test taken for the last 2 yrs should have been taken into consideration. I knew the blood tests were not good, but did NOT know they were specific markers for anything other than the abdominal & liver. I was prepared for other things - but NOT this! I cannot think of a more HORRIBLE location nor a more horrible surgery. Of course I am off the wall WAITING for them to schedule these things - they were ordered the end of Feb. & I did all the logical things within 2 wks & they were OK. But getting these 2 test scheduled has been a long drawn out process. I needed a specific location & specific Dr. Finally after a LONG ordeal - and with the help of my Dentist - this is all being scheduled...Lost several wks because A GLITCH in communications. Now have to wait for approval!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #48343 May 14, 2014 Jo, I guess you are fearing throat cancer, kinda hard to tell from your description of symptoms but whatever it is sounds grim. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I am sure I speak for others here as well. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48344 May 15, 2014 377 Jo, I guess you are fearing throat cancer, kinda hard to tell from your description of symptoms but whatever it is sounds grim. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I am sure I speak for others here as well. 377 Fear is a mild word - how about TERRORIZED! First surgery regarded the abdominal pains - they were looking for a particular cancer due to the Celiacs... does not make itself visible until it escapes the small intestine. They FOUND a surprise - massive adheisons - they released those and removed my appendix. Because of the underlying problem I needed to be monitored carefully, but was setting out to live my life my way. A BRIEF reprieve! The OBGY felt I needed to have some repairs made. Trusting others always gets me in to trouble! Well it went bad & 3 months later I am back in surgery. He forgot a little something he was supposed to do first...remove a cysts. That little surgery failed creating a big problem. Seventeen days after that surgery I couldn't put one foot in front of the other - the blood test came back repeatedly bad. The fatique coupled w/the problem created by the surgery - BROKE me emotionally and left me sitting in limbo with NO direction & no quality of life. Now I have major problems to cope with. The extreme fatigue & sore throat & the BAD blood test & lesions continued on & on. My quality of life became nothing - they told me I would aways test positive, but the other problems would go away. The other problems esculated. Then the CANCER marker test became positive - two of them. I even switched ENT's. I thought I told him about the blood test, but maybe that was the first ENT... The pain was localized & I kept getting strangle & feared I would choke to death & no one would find me until the papers piled up & the mail collected in the box or the kids didn't hear from me every couple of days. Now, I am aware those blood tests are indicators of Lymphoma & Nasopharyneal carcinoma of the thyroid & throat. I had never tested positive for something like that before...obviously the records do not go back 10 yrs plus...my threshhold of exposer is limited - because I am not out in the public much because of my allergies & never around children. The family Dr. was monitoring my thyroid, as I kept complaining about the neck & throat... The testing results indicated a minor increased in size - the last one was worded differently & I took that to mean it need more tests. In Feb the ENT went down the nose with the scope and he ordered 2 test, but also referred me to a Neuro for 2 other tests because of the lightning strikes in my left eye & a problem with the ear. Also had an extented eye exam. The brains scan and the Carotid - both done with the results in 2 wks. I set the appt. w/Gastro Drs, but there seemed to be communications break & weeks had gone by & NO tests scheduled after the initial visit. I contacted them & learned about a communications problem. I was testy the day of the appt as the office had NO bathroom & you had to go down the elevator to a one hole restroom. What a ridiculous experience in a Dr.s office - NO restroom for the patients to use. It was in their lease? I asked what the OBGY's in the building did. Evidently it is to the disgression or the office because a pregnant woman would not go down the elevator & wait in the hall for a one hole in a exam gown. The leasees NEED to address the BUILDINGS owner! THERE should be a sign on the front of the building & at the elevator warning you to go to the bathroom before checking in with your Dr and to withhold all fluids so there will be no need to eliminate for 2 hrs. GUYS that is NOT funny if you are a woman & pregnant or old with a bladder problem! I got side tracked about the Bathroom issue & I guess one individual thought I did not want the test. I had Questions for the DR! The PA provided a negative answer to my questions. I wanted to be able to speak with the Dr. before the procedure to point out the location of the place...and to be sure he was the DR who was doing the procedure - he had done a procedure on me 9 yrs ago to diagnose the Celiacs... Why would anyone allow someone to do a procedure with risks it they personally could NOT speak briefly with the DR & be acknowledge regarding the procedure. If I had done what a PA wanted done yrs ago & HAD not demanded to speak with the surgeon a very unnecessary procedure would have been done. The PA told me I would be a parapelgic if I didn't have the procedure done. After loosing several wks of valuable time some wonderful woman called me and YES, I would see the Dr & be able to show him the location before the procedure. Some people praise the PA's, but I have only seen 2 in my life and a bad experience both times.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48345 May 15, 2014 Robert I did a little rearranging for you there - seems like I have nothing better to do tonight...at least I get my mind off of shit! You had them out of sequence! Found a Glich - when did Bernie work for FOSS Tugs - OH! by the way they used the green Tank that was there on the river in 1979 to replenish their GAS. The little dock next to the big GREEN tank that is where the TUGS refueled - DUANE TOLD ME ALL ABOUT IT RIGHT THERE AT THAT LOCATION - AND HE MENTION F0SS TUGS. WONDER WHY? HOW DID I KNOW THIS & WHY DID IT HIT ME TONIGHT? WELL IT JUST TOOK YOU PUTTING IT ALL IN ORDER. By the way I told about this on that long forgotten stint on 101 and I told Mr H about it. In 2010 the tank was still there, but no longer accessible because it was all privately owned by the man whose wife I spent some time with at the condos they had for sale in 2010 - she was supposed to mail me an ariel of it, but she never did.June 1946: Kenny gets out of the US Army. September 1946-June 1949: Kenny attends the University of Minnesota, majoring in journalism. He does not graduate. August 1949: Kenny takes a job as a road salesman for the Publishers Continental Sales Corporation. He goes to three different cities to sell books. It doesn't work out. The job lasts less than a month. September 1949 - April 1954: Total dates of service for Kenny on Shemya Island. He quits NWA and returns to his family in Minneapolis for a while. September 1949: Answering an ad in a Minneapolis newspaper, Kenny applies for a labor position with Northwest Airlines. He is sent to Shemya Island and assigned to work with Bernie Geestman, who is already a certified mechanic there. Geestman does the maintainance, Kenny does the oiling, fueling, and clean-up work. WHEN AND WHERE DID GEESTMAN GET HIS MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE - BE VERY CAREFUL - DO NOT MAKE SOMETHING UP? Validate it! Sometime in 1951, exact date not known: Geestman finishes his tour on Shemya and goes to Seattle to continue his work with NWA there. In 1959, he quits NWA and hires on with Boeing. June 20, 1955 - November 19, 1955: Kenny takes a job offer as a civilian worker for the military. He is sent to the Bikini Island area and works as a telephone operator. He is there in the year directly between the famous Castle Bravo (1954) and Redwing (1956) nuclear testing series. November 1955: Kenny quits the job and returns to Minneapolis. He is out of work for a while. March 19, 1956: Kenny attends Flight Attendant Training in hopes of becoming a purser. April 16, 1956: Kenny is re-hired by NWA and assigned to work in Seattle. Soon afterward, he looks up Bernie Geestman and they take up the friendship they left behind on Shemya. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48346 May 15, 2014 Quote The timeline isn't really about Bernie, but Kenny Christiansen. Bernie went to work for Foss not long before he got married in 1968. That's what his ex-wife said, and the log books from Foss started from the same year. You are NOT listening to anything but the sound of your own thoughts. You are not listening or viewing what I said with an OPEN mind and Open Heart. Listen to someone for a change - really listen and do NOT be so pointed. I tried to tell you - FIND Margie Geestman - NOW. IT is urgent she speak to me ASAP. I have asked repeated for you to ask someone if they ever knew her to wear a blue suit. Not Navy - a dark-medium blue with a hint of teal & wish I had a swatch that closely matches the blue I remember. It is dark and it is blue, but it was not blue. It was a very tailored suit. She appeared somewhat like the picture of her with Geestman, but she was younger and her hair was dyed a darker color, but NOT harse dark. The style she carefully chose to match a style she had in her past....because she came to see an old friend. Find a picture of Margie GEESTMAN from around 1990 to 1993 - this is the most important assignment you will ever have. She was active in Twisp - surely someone has pictures of her as she was active in the community. Someone else was there, but they were NOT there. Is not one of the women you interviewed related to Margie? Find pictures of Margie. I have never read your book and I do NOT want to, but maybe I should have. Go back to Twisp and ask around - find out if anyone was close to her and if they remember her making a trip to Fl around 1990 to 1993. (For GOD's SAKE dequise yourself or let your girl friend do the snooping. It was before Duane closed the shop. One Flew in and the other drove in. They were meeting there - she mentioned a Red pickup. Who had the red pick up around that time - Geestman or Kenny? Duane asked how he had been doing as he had a health problem. She said a name, but I do not remember the name. Hopefully you have NOT alienated all of them and someone who know them or who read this will tell them to call me. Will I tell anyone what they tell me. That is your call and all of the writers calls out there - some of us just want resolutions. They came to Fla on business or to see an old friend. On drove and one flew. I know you thought I was making this up, about the Foss Tugs thing - verify when Geestman was there. Sometimes God has a way of making things the clearest when we least expect it and from the mouth of someone I really have started to doubt. As Florence said "I think U are on to something". I have NOT read your book - and I will not read your book. I did NOT want to poison my memory. I am HARD on you, but I have to be because I only want truths and much of story is contrived, but NOT false in its entirety. Lyle has something to HIDE and I will BANK on that. He was too ready to flip his own Brother for $$$. I have spoke to LYLE more than once - probably 4 to 5 times. Kenney was NOT involved. All Kinney could possibley have concieved was perhaps finding things that Margie Geestman had KEPT. She had Secrets! Why do you think Geestman was upset about Kenny being in his house. Like many women of the day she had Secrets & so did her husband. If they didn't know what Cooper's real name was - they knew who Cooper was not and it was not Kenny. You thought I was lieing about Foss Tugs, but I do swear before all on this thread - that Duane Weber talked about Foss tugs at the Green Tank on the river. If you enquire and ask if anyone has OLD records back to 1979 - it was there and someone must have pictures of it. I find it VERY odd that Duane spoke and mad a point about Foss Tuggs and I do NOT remember if he said the name of the man he used to know - but face it in 1979 I nor you had ever heard of Geestman. You nor I had ever heard of the woman who rode Horses! Mine was 1st hand. So is or was it a conspiracy thing - and perhaps OLD what his face is not so WAY out and odd as we think....maybe that mind control thing actually had something to do with this. Do you think? DIG harder into the history of Mr. & Mrs. Geetsman. I think you will find they had solid connections in the Puyallup area. Oh that is right - you told me they went to a Wedding there - but you didn't tell us the name of the people. Did you? Do YOU actually know their names or was that the OTHER guy who went to a wedding in Puyallup? I am not messing with your mind - just something went CLICK CLICK TICK TICK TICK and then POP! Maybe I am really CRAZY, DELUSIONAL & OFF MY ROCKER and remember this I am the first one to call myself that - yrs ago. Ask Gray if you really communicate with him! Yes Galen borrows my name calling of my self as his OWN...like everything else he has done. Galen is the only fraud out there except for Bruce. I actually believe parts of your story because they match some fragments of Duane's story - the ONLY thing we HAVE to do is find the dots that connect the dots. NONE of it makes any of them Cooper but it does PUT all of them some place in the past in a setting in which it was discussed. I have caught the links and thought it was me not remembering correctly and that I had false memories created by all the Garbage that has floated pass me in the last 15 yrs...but I had LITTLE to NO information from 1996 to 2001 - but I told about some of the very things I have just discussed above with other individuals before these things were ever public knowledge....or written about. What I am saying above is unbelieveable, so unbelievable even I don't believe it, but my old spirals I kept during those first 4 yrs along with my logs - it is all there. I have NO KNOWLEDGE of anyone every mentioning some or these things prior to those yrs. and yet some many of those things are now incorporated into the stories of suppected Coopers. What if they were ALL part of it? Some of us have snips of the story but none of us have all of the story - WHY? By design or just co-incidentally because they broke their pledge or got so old they didn't care. Better find out what Lyles background was? Mrs Geestman maybe in a nursing home not far from me or in California - did she have a son who lived in Fla at one time? Are any of them connected to KNOSS? GOD, I hope not - now that guy is a really way out guy - he is really looney. You can BET he will take this story - true or false and CONNECT everyone of the damn Dots! Want to wager a bet on it? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #48347 May 15, 2014 QuoteThe only way I could find Margie Geestman today is by driving up to Winthrop, WA and interviewing her best friend again. And that's one hell of a drive from where I live. Hell I drove over to Gustavs in Leavenworth for din din last night. Reuben Reuben with saukrat on toasted rye. Top down on the convertible with fresh green tree growth along Hwy2, clear blue sky and temps in the 60's at the pass and still huge piles of snow at Stevens.( chiilly breezes coming down from the slopes on the other side of the pass...bbbrrr). The Wenatchee River is running high and fast.. plenty of whitewater for a few hardy souls who were yakin the river. Saturday we are driving over to Winthrop on the North Cascades Hwy that they opened last week. There should still be 30' snowbanks that they cut thru with the big snow munchers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #48348 May 15, 2014 AmazonQuoteThe only way I could find Margie Geestman today is by driving up to Winthrop, WA and interviewing her best friend again. And that's one hell of a drive from where I live. Hell I drove over to Gustavs in Leavenworth for din din last night. Reuben Reuben with saukrat on toasted rye. Top down on the convertible with fresh green tree growth along Hwy2, clear blue sky and temps in the 60's at the pass and still huge piles of snow at Stevens.( chiilly breezes coming down from the slopes on the other side of the pass...bbbrrr). The Wenatchee River is running high and fast.. plenty of whitewater for a few hardy souls who were yakin the river. Saturday we are driving over to Winthrop on the North Cascades Hwy that they opened last week. There should still be 30' snowbanks that they cut thru with the big snow munchers The Wenatchee River brings back some childhood memories. If I remember correctly, the water was still ice cold in the middle of summer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #48349 May 15, 2014 Robert99 *** Quote The only way I could find Margie Geestman today is by driving up to Winthrop, WA and interviewing her best friend again. And that's one hell of a drive from where I live. Hell I drove over to Gustavs in Leavenworth for din din last night. Reuben Reuben with saukrat on toasted rye. Top down on the convertible with fresh green tree growth along Hwy2, clear blue sky and temps in the 60's at the pass and still huge piles of snow at Stevens.( chiilly breezes coming down from the slopes on the other side of the pass...bbbrrr). The Wenatchee River is running high and fast.. plenty of whitewater for a few hardy souls who were yakin the river. Saturday we are driving over to Winthrop on the North Cascades Hwy that they opened last week. There should still be 30' snowbanks that they cut thru with the big snow munchers The Wenatchee River brings back some childhood memories. If I remember correctly, the water was still ice cold in the middle of summer. Yes it is... that is the melting 30' or more of snow up on the mountains that does not melt all at once on the shaded slopes with the big trees on them.Watched one yaker who went thru about 60 feet of VERY white water attempting to do a roll before he bailed. As soon as he hit the pool below his buddy threw him a rescue line and pulled him to shore. I know he was cold because he was very slow crawling out and was not wearing a dry suit or wetsuit below his yak skirt. At least he had a helmet and flotation and a wetsuit vest... I do not think some peolple realize just how cold that stuff is in May when the best water is running. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #48350 May 15, 2014 I have done all of that - and the numbers we found for individual we though might be related are unlisted. One of these was CA. Since I do NOT know the names of her children or Geestmans Children - it was only shots in the dark & went NO where. If you will contact this best friend or at least let me know the area she is in - I will run an AD asking her to contact me. Margie is OLD now - older than I am. I need to contact her & meet her in privacy on my dime...what we talk about will probably never be known...If she the woman who came to see Duane - she will need tell me no more & it will go no further...I left out part of the short conversation I had with this woman & one deliberate lie - because SHE and I are the only ones who would recognized the specific thing - that is if she still has her mental capabilities. If she reads the things I told about the meeting - and she is Margie there is something she will remember & where I sitting during this brief conversation. She will remember the name of the Shop and what was infront of the shop. She will remember me. I do have a picture taken between 1990 and 1995 so that will help. No it will not be made public on this thread. That photo will be only provided to Margie in a sealed envelope.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites