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DB Cooper

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Do you remember WHY U were put on vacation? U are the ONLY one in this thread making slanderous statements. What happened did you get time out on the other thread or are you just here to agitate?

Evidently you are NOT allowed to antagonize individuals on the other thread or you have been given time out there also?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I cannot do code - what I unraveled with the numbers was because I saw the message in the back of his address book, but only when I learned his Army number did it make any sense to me.

I do get Bluffdale ID out of this and twice a reference to Jo and JW & JT which is Jerry Thomas. I expect JT is the one who put this together. He couldn't resist using letter so very familiar....yet, perhaps it is just random things scramble just to entertain.

Being a Vet JT would be very familiar with the code - like going into a gate and having to ID yourself with the code and then being told not to look under the canvas of the jeep you drove into an area you were NOT supposed to be in. Strange things went on in Vietnam.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Do you remember WHY U were put on vacation? U are the ONLY one in this thread making slanderous statements. What happened did you get time out on the other thread or are you just here to agitate?

Evidently you are NOT allowed to antagonize individuals on the other thread or you have been given time out there also?

I never really knew why I was put on vacation for six weeks. Quade didn't explain it. He only said something about sexual harrassment, which I don't quite get. I suppose it had something to do with asking folks who had sex with whom in the Norjak case and if it affected the investigation in any way.

Besides, the skydivers here seem to boast about their sexual experiences and unbridled libidos - at least back in the 60s. Oh well.

As for antagonizing individuals here and elsewhere, let me ask you - do I antagonize people more intensely than you do, about the same, or less than?

I'm confused, because I have never called for anyone to be tortured or to have any of their body parts mutilated, as you have.

Just sayin', Mrs. Cooper.

Speaking of which, Mrs. C, I've never had a spouse threaten to kill 42 people. What's that like? It would make me a little circumspect, such as, how the hell did I marry someone like that???

Maybe that's your book:

"Why I married a skyjacker - My life with DB Cooper."

Forget Duane (no 'w', no 'y'). The real mystery is you!

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"...If you ask nicely, I'll post up an excerpt from the new book. But you have to ask...."

Thanks, Bobby, but I'll pass. I'm waitng for the edition that details your extensive and successful probe of Bernie Geestman - who he really is, why he lied, and where he was on November 24, 1971, and of course, what he was doing.

Let me know when that book is ready. I'll buy a hard-back edition. Signed, of course. Anything less, and I'll skipp it.

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YOU are discusting. Evidently they booted you out of the other thread, so you are now here to incite.

Well, I don't have time for your uncouth postings & this is NOT the place for them.
If you want to talk filth find yourself an appropriate site to do that. NOT here.

Your posting are distasteful & you make things up like the ENQUIRE used to do, then you take photos in secret YOU invade the privacy of innocents and other because you have integrity.

I have more important things to do right now. Your posts have only one intention - to make a shambles out of the thread.

We used to ring the pigs at their snout to keep them from rooting thing up. Cook has a ring in your nose and he will lead you to the slaughter....

Cook has led you just like JT did me the first few yrs. This thing goes far deeper than you can even imagine! SECRETS!
The American people are FED up - we are tired of what WA does in the name of PEACE.

Americans are rebelling & America need to WAKE UP.

This nation is on the brink of bankruptcy & it may be too late to pull it out.

WA stays silent on the budgets and medical availability & will not tighten the belt because they fear a physical revolution....it has already started.

Seniors who thought they retired with sufficient incomes to substain them for yrs & leave some behind for the kids - are struggling.

The seniors are now suffering...as one medical specialist after another is monitoring what they dole out or how many medicare patients they accept.

Many of the physicians are now using this tactic...refusing to see patients unless they go see pain management. The pain management industry is useless. I know seniors who had to change their vacation - because the day to show up was at that time....or it falls on a Holiday wk-end and Pain management is NOT available or that Dr takes a vacation and NO one sits in his place.

The State of FL providing notices to Drs regarding individuals who had received multiple prescription - a drug with 5 refills, but the person only refilled it 3 times in and in some cases never refilled because of their reaction to the drug. YET, the state of FL has the patients report to managed pain Drs and they don't care that the person has to drive a long distance and with a limited budget....every month to get their medication. The Pain Drs are NOT qualified to decide - who needs what or when they need it. Many seniors are suffering...because the proper monitors were NOT in place.

Yes, there are those who fill their scripts every month because the need it. Why all of this happened is because some individual filled all of their scripts and then turned around and sold their meds on the streets.

Rather than contact the individuals and ask for the individuals to give them permission to obtain their actual 2 yr records from the drug store - seniors are being called in like they are criminals. Many did NOT refill their meds because they made them sick and some just did not have enough income to buy them every month.

Now innocent seniors who only filled the the original script & perhaps 2 refills on one that had 5 refills are being treated like addicts...Senior will not tolerate this for very long. Some Drs are using this to limit their medicare patients. All the government does is creat jobs at the expense of victimizing seniors and others who just follow the Dr.s orders.

Those who only filled the script one or two time are being sent to pain management.
We did NOT work all our lives to have to report to a probation type Pain Manage. WE take a fall and the Dr writes the script with 2 or 6 refills. MOST of us never refill the original.

Just because it was prescribe the person is placed under pain management. Seniors in the STATE of FL are rushing to the drug stores to get a list of drugs they have actually filled in the last 2 yrs in anticipation of being called or told to go to pain management.

If you are over 75 - good luck getting a procedure paid for by medicare...such as bronchioscopy. Now they can use the least little thing to say NO & then that person mortagages the house to get the test done else where and find out they are terminally ill. The specialist do NOT want medicare patients anymore. They use very tactic in the book to fire these patients.

Warning to all senior who take prescription meds. Go to your drug store & ask for a transcript of all the medication you have filled in the last 2 yrs. This way when you get your call you can prove you did NOT buy all of the refills and/or you stopped taking the drug for some reason - usually it is because of how they reacted to it or they no longer needed it. Maybe their budget was tight and they only took 1/2 of the dosage. THere are multiple reasons and too many honest principled seniors are being called to task and prove themselves.


If the government wants to control the drugs taken - then do it thru the drug stores. ONLY inviduals who actually REFILLED multiple pain meds need pain management.

That won't keep some seniors from selling their drugs, but the honest senior has NO problem presenting by mail a transcript of the drugs they actually purchased...but, to disrespect us just because we are OLD and have to take some medication just to exist - that is a CRIME! To make us report to painmangement is an expense and an inconveniet.

Medicare is rejecting simple tests senior need to have done - to monitor they meds.

That is a crime. To cause seniors who are already feeling the financial crunch of aging and then to burden them will more financial hardships is a CRIME against SENIONS.

ALL of you will be there some day!

How will you feel when you have to report to a pain management Dr. to get the number of pills he things you should have. OH and what I have heard the most humiliating part is they have to PEE in cup each time they go! OH MY GOD.
Honest hard working senior who are trying to enjoy their live than have be treated like criminals....




Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Thanks its a school in which there are nearly no girls and all boys

Say Dannie Ten-Ten, would you like a digital copy of my book on DB Cooper? I've sent a copy to plenty of people here, such as Bobby, and he could send it to you.

BTW, you still haven't aswered any of my previous questions. What's up with that?

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***That isn't blevins I am not blevins that is the truth from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas I'm a 15 year old with autism who gets emotional

No worries, Andy. Nice school you go to by the way. I saw pictures of it in a news article.

If it gives you any comfort, Geestman's family mostly isn't talking to him anymore. His sister Dawn, Dawn's daughter and her three grandsons...all think he was involved in the hijacking. They are not happy that he called his sister and told her to take everything back she told me in her interview.

Here's a picture of his sister Dawn, at the time I spoke to her at her house on Fox Island, WA. (attached)

Dawn Androsko told Marisa Kagan of History Channel that she wouldn't take back what she said, but that she couldn't bring herself to go on television against her brother. Neither would witness Helen Jones. Jones told History Channel she was frightened of Geestman. But the old lady has guts. She drove up to where they were shooting film in Bonney Lake and spoke to Pete Berg.

Jones tells Berg that Kenny smoked Raleighs, and that Kenny admitted to her six weeks after the hijacking that he had been with Bernie Geestman the entire week of the hijacking, when the two men disappeared. Geestman claimed they went camping. This is doubtful at best. :)
Why is this "doubtful, at best"? People go camping all the time.

Question: Did Bernie know Kenny was gay? You say his family did, but did Bernie?

Another question: Who originally claimed that Kenny bought his house with cash? And why did Lyle not correct them? Surely Lyle knew whether this was true or not. Did it perhaps come from Lyle originally?

Money Find: No one claims that the money find is not puzzling, it certainly is. But it isn't a case of either (a) the three (two, four, five...however many bundles) arrived independent of each other at the same spot, OR, (b) human intervention had to put the money there. The third and most likely possibility is that the whole bag arrived there, and then some money became separated from it. You seem to never mention this option, in an effort to promote a plant.

Planted money, by the way, is the most ludicrous Copper theory out there. A plant only works if the money is found. How did the planter pull that off???
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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"..Why is this "doubtful, at best"? People go camping all the time.

Question: Did Bernie know Kenny was gay? You say his family did, but did Bernie?

Another question: Who originally claimed that Kenny bought his house with cash? And why did Lyle not correct them? Surely Lyle knew whether this was true or not. Did it perhaps come from Lyle originally?

Money Find: No one claims that the money find is not puzzling, it certainly is. But it isn't a case of either (a) the three (two, four, five...however many bundles) arrived independent of each other at the same spot, OR, (b) human intervention had to put the money there. The third and most likely possibility is that the whole bag arrived there, and then some money became separated from it. You seem to never mention this option, in an effort to promote a plant.

Planted money, by the way, is the most ludicrous Copper theory out there. A plant only works if the money is found. How did the planter pull that off???"

You ask some damn good questions Parrot Head. Yea, how would a planter know that someone would find the plant? Hmmmmmmm. That kinda puts a cramp in my The FBI Did It theory.

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******That isn't blevins I am not blevins that is the truth from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas I'm a 15 year old with autism who gets emotional

No worries, Andy. Nice school you go to by the way. I saw pictures of it in a news article.

If it gives you any comfort, Geestman's family mostly isn't talking to him anymore. His sister Dawn, Dawn's daughter and her three grandsons...all think he was involved in the hijacking. They are not happy that he called his sister and told her to take everything back she told me in her interview.

Here's a picture of his sister Dawn, at the time I spoke to her at her house on Fox Island, WA. (attached)

Dawn Androsko told Marisa Kagan of History Channel that she wouldn't take back what she said, but that she couldn't bring herself to go on television against her brother. Neither would witness Helen Jones. Jones told History Channel she was frightened of Geestman. But the old lady has guts. She drove up to where they were shooting film in Bonney Lake and spoke to Pete Berg.

Jones tells Berg that Kenny smoked Raleighs, and that Kenny admitted to her six weeks after the hijacking that he had been with Bernie Geestman the entire week of the hijacking, when the two men disappeared. Geestman claimed they went camping. This is doubtful at best. :)
Why is this "doubtful, at best"? People go camping all the time.

Question: Did Bernie know Kenny was gay? You say his family did, but did Bernie?

Another question: Who originally claimed that Kenny bought his house with cash? And why did Lyle not correct them? Surely Lyle knew whether this was true or not. Did it perhaps come from Lyle originally?

Money Find: No one claims that the money find is not puzzling, it certainly is. But it isn't a case of either (a) the three (two, four, five...however many bundles) arrived independent of each other at the same spot, OR, (b) human intervention had to put the money there. The third and most likely possibility is that the whole bag arrived there, and then some money became separated from it. You seem to never mention this option, in an effort to promote a plant.

Planted money, by the way, is the most ludicrous Copper theory out there. A plant only works if the money is found. How did the planter pull that off???

Apparently the PLANTER :S wanted the money found - some
time, any time, whenever, wherever, maybe, or never! That is
some sophisticated PLANTER:S. Most plants have discovery
somewhere in the plan ? Isn't discovery in a new location part of
what a plant is all about? Duhhhhhhhhhhh?

People with Planter Conspiracy Theories need to come to terms
with the principle of THE HOLE!

Attached is an illustration of - A HOLE!

Blevins says he reviewed the Palmer report detailing the
excavation at Tina Bar but Blevins evidently didn't learn much
from it, especially the part that deals with "A HOLE"!

Excavators dug HOLES! (to look not only for other money but to
look for evidence of - HOLES! (prior disturbances)

They found no HOLES somebody had dug! They looked really hard
almost as hard as conspiracy theory makers work!

They found no evidence of A HOLE where Ingram found the
money. They found no evidence of prior disturbance from a...
HOLE, ie prior plant. They looked REALLY HARD!

What they did find was evidence of undisturbed strata for the
whole length of the beach where they looked. sadly, SADLY, NO

If conspiracy mongers are going to peddle PLANT they really
need to get on top of the principle of - THE HOLE! And examine
their own HOLE they are trying to manipulate others into!


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I feel very good about all this, because it is more productive than chasing Cooper. Five years' attention span is my limit...and that limit has been reached today. It was June 2009 when Porteous first emailed me.

Following Georger's advice, I've been going back and reading the thread.

Robert, do you know when you first pointed out you had other interests and were done with DB Cooper?

August 22, 2010! And, I didn't just find one random one, there are several!


"Sometimes I just get tired of chasing this stuff, and I will be honest here: I will be glad when the History Channel guys finish filming (Sept 8-12 in Seattle) and the modifications to the book are uploaded. Then I can move on to something else. My next project is a series of interviews with a young lady who was in horrible car accident in Tacoma at age 19. "

Don't tell us you don't have the Cooper curse!;)

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*** I feel very good about all this, because it is more productive than chasing Cooper. Five years' attention span is my limit...and that limit has been reached today. It was June 2009 when Porteous first emailed me.

Following Georger's advice, I've been going back and reading the thread.

Robert, do you know when you first pointed out you had other interests and were done with DB Cooper?

August 22, 2010! And, I didn't just find one random one, there are several!


"Sometimes I just get tired of chasing this stuff, and I will be honest here: I will be glad when the History Channel guys finish filming (Sept 8-12 in Seattle) and the modifications to the book are uploaded. Then I can move on to something else. My next project is a series of interviews with a young lady who was in horrible car accident in Tacoma at age 19. "

Don't tell us you don't have the Cooper curse!;)

I didn't even know that! Amazing! Didn't he just register on Aug 1
or 10th or something like that of 2010?


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On a side note, it's always been amazing to me how the same Cooperland folk who will backstab you, lie about and insult you, try their pithy and pathetic efforts to silence you...

You have more than 5000 posts. I don't see how anyone is trying to silence you.

But why do you attract so much vitriol? Well, when Porteous brought you in to the KC book, there was only so much research he could do remotely from New York, so you got a partnership in the book and screenplay in exchange for doing the local leg work. Please correct if that an inaccurate assessment.

Early on, you reported on this forum that you had proof that Kenny had bought his house for cash. It turned out you made that assertion knowing you had not made even rudimentary research of property information. If someone else had done something like that, you would have call them a liar and challenged their motives. Even now, you say you've done all you can - but you still won't follow up on the property records - presumably because they might undercut your narrative.

Still, on this site, you post whatever you want as often as you want. Doesn't sound like you're being silenced to me.

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Re: [Danielle1010] Please Don't Shoot the Messenger [In reply to] Quote | Reply
Danielle1010 wrote:
If Bernie won't say that he was the accomplice then this person will make him tell the truth

OK, Danielle - I am about 75% convinced you are who you say you are. Since Blevins had done so many sneaky things it the past you took the brunt of my skepticim. Sorry if I offended.

Over the last 18 yrs many individuals have tried to scam me - so forgive me if I was wrong.

As I have told you before I have a granddaughter who is 24 yrs old and she also has a disability - she can't count money and Math got her everytime.

She is a great artist! But NO art school will accept her unless she can pass the GED,

Like yourself she spends hours & hours on her computer talking to people all over the world and playing games.

Bet you she can beat you at any game!

Are you also an artist?

She has a defect which affected her growth...very nicely proportioned but just small. She still wears childrens clothes, but now since the childrens style are on the equivalency with teenagers - she is finding stylish apparell in her size that is acceptable for a young woman of 24 yrs.

She travels to lots of meetings - but she cannot drive because her judgement is NOT always acceptable. Beautiful girl!
She comes to Georgia 2 or 3 times a yr to go to conventions.

She is embarrassed about her teeth - what few teeth she has. The parents nor I can afford to send her to CA where they help young ladies like her. Per Shands and other organizations in FL her jaw will have to be broke and re-aligned in order for her to even have false teeth,

SHE IS BEAUTFUL, but she is embarrassed about her smile, but it does NOT keep her from smiling - she is sweet and beautiful.

If I found out you were a phony I would be real upset.

I am concerned about the hours of the day you are on the computer and wonder how you made it thru a day at school and still be alert.

I really hope your parents monitor your particpation with this forum on the computer. Due to the language you quiet freqently resort to - I doubt, your parents are aware of your activities on this forum.

Clean up the POTTY mouth! I still think perhaps you are just another one of Blevins' personas as I find it hard to believe your parents sanction your activity on this thread.

I do NOT allow my own granddaughter to come to this thread - it is NOT a healthy place for someone so young and so easily influenced. The sites she visits are heavily monitor for her protection.

Even though you are supposedly a young boy - there are predators out there looking for someone like you who is vunerable and accessible. Bad things can happen to anyone, but young men and women like you and my granddaughter are especially vunerable to these predators.

I would feel much more confortable with your participation on this thread if your parents would contact QUADE who is the monitor and give their specific permission for you to particate in the thread.


If not I am sure some of us will try to contact the school, to make sure you are receiving the proper parental supervision on this thread.

NO more threats toward Geestman.
NO more potty mouth.
NO more posts when you are supposed to get up and go to school the next day,

Summer time - any time! OKAY.

P.S. I am also aware that if YOU are ABLE to comprehend Blevin's book that your are able to read and reply to this post. I would appreciate a NICE well mannered post.

Word of caution - do NOT PM anyone is this thread or reply to anyone in a PM.
It is the normal process for parents to make sure NO one has access to their children thru something that cannot be stated in public.

I am skeptical your parents have knowledge of your participation here and that does distrub me.

Have a good day

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014 by Jo Weber

(This post was edited by skyjack71 on May 31, 2014, 11:08 PM)

Can you tell Jo weber to stop picking on me

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Aug. 6, 2010

Skipp Porteous sent me a message today about Kenny Christiansen's purchase of the house in Bonney Lake for cash. Until now, the only verification we had on this was the word of a couple of people who knew Kenny. Porteous says he now has hard proof. I have asked him to forward this to me, and as I soon as I hear back from him, I will post the information.

Oct 6, 2013

FYI: Yes, I know the sale was for cash because I have seen certain items about it. However...since none of you are willing to take the time to do your own research and ask The Source (Geoff Gray), I have done it FOR YOU. I emailed him this morning. I also asked Porteous to send me what he has, to make sure it matches what I have.

Oct 15, 2012

There are things which have been proven in the case of Christiansen. For example, we can prove he lent the alleged accomplice's sister five thousand in cash less than six months after the hijacking. We can prove he spent 16k in cash on a house less than eight months after the hijacking.

$14,500, $16,000.....$400,000- $300,000...$30,000 different numbers all over the board on the house, and collection. should we use the LIAR clause? nothing is adding up with different numbers recorded. no proof has ever surfaced showing any proof of a loan, or cash deal on the house.

some sites I have visited claim Lyle started the cash story. isn't that the guy nobody can trust?

Amazed B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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You keep asking about Christiansen's house. If you remember, it was Geoff Gray who first said he bought it for cash, not me. I only took his word for it, i.e. he was the former reporter for the New York Times. Seemed like he was a good bet to be telling the truth.

I re-skimmed both Geoff's article and the book "Skyjack". I don't see any reference to Kenny's finances. Further, I think we had talked about this last year, so I asked Geoff directly at the 2013 Symposium whether he looked at Kenny's finances at all. He said he didn't. So, I have to think that information originated with Porteous.

Regarding your witnesses, you still don't have any that will say definitively that Kenny was the hijacker or even that they know who is. So, far, I sense a lot of rancor between the former Geestmans, but nothing specifically about the hijacking.

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Robert, just because a bunch of people have a similar story doesn't mean they are truthful. you have sent all this to the FBI who has to look at leads coming in. what has happened? nothing. that tells the story right there, plus a lot of the information was incorrect leaving your credibility with them damaged.

END of story.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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The real issue is whether or not people such as Dawn Androsko, Helen Jones and her daughter, Carol Tyner, Ann Grimes, Mrs Geestman, and others are telling the truth. Bernie Geestman? No question there. I already know he's a liar.

So, Dawn Androsko is relevant because Kenny allegedly lent her $5000. But, the money Kenny supposedly had to pay for the house is not?

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********* I feel very good about all this, because it is more productive than chasing Cooper. Five years' attention span is my limit...and that limit has been reached today. It was June 2009 when Porteous first emailed me.

Following Georger's advice, I've been going back and reading the thread.

Robert, do you know when you first pointed out you had other interests and were done with DB Cooper?

August 22, 2010! And, I didn't just find one random one, there are several!


"Sometimes I just get tired of chasing this stuff, and I will be honest here: I will be glad when the History Channel guys finish filming (Sept 8-12 in Seattle) and the modifications to the book are uploaded. Then I can move on to something else. My next project is a series of interviews with a young lady who was in horrible car accident in Tacoma at age 19. "

Don't tell us you don't have the Cooper curse!;)

I didn't even know that! Amazing! Didn't he just register on Aug 1
or 10th or something like that of 2010?


And didn't YOU register even EARLIER? So what?

You're right. I've always had other interests besides Cooper. Anyone who doesn't is obsessed or crazy. I am neither.

I've already taken all the actions I need to in order to extricate myself from Cooperland. The script, the screenplay, the book for free (final edit), the KC report for free (same thing). And then Kenny Peter Christiansen can become someone else's problem. I did all I could, and provide enough information so that someone in the future, should they choose to do so...could finally get to the complete truth on him.

I would call that better than anyone else has ever done on a suspect in the case. No man is an island, but one man can make a difference. :)
On a side note, it's always been amazing to me how the same Cooperland folk who will backstab you, lie about and insult you, try their pithy and pathetic efforts to silence you...

Are the same folks who have their hands out for anything they think you can provide that they feel is owed to them. :)
Blevins brags:

I did all I could, and provide enough information so that someone in the future, should they choose to do so...could finally get to the complete truth on him.

I would call that better than anyone else has ever done on a suspect in the case. No man is an island, but one man can make a difference. :)


I would call that better than anyone else has ever done on a suspect in the case.


Even better than the FBI has done on any suspect?

Your work is better than any work on a suspect the FBI has done?

How would you know?

Which suspect? Broncho Billy?

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True enough, I think. I saw pretty quick that some people over THERE are using OVER HERE simply as the place they dump their garbage. You should tell them to just stay over THERE, Shutter. I understand you only control THAT site, but there's nothing I hate worse than phonies. And some of your posters are certainly that...or liars.

Robert, first of all, the anger of your denial to that forum is outstanding. is there a liars qualification here? does one get interviewed prior to coming onto this forum? why are you so hung up on trying to discredit the site? between your whining about my site, and constantly trying to prove something about KC on here. when will this forum really get into the discussion of DB Cooper?

try and understand that a lot of traffic you see on this forum is probably from the members since the population is pretty big here. so, what part of the public are you speaking to when posting here? what is it, maybe a couple times a year a newbie joins in for a week or two? where is your public? you have dozens of emails a week on Cooper, millions who view your site, and yet one little kid pops up?

for the (lost count) times, the forum I started, and it's purpose was to get away from you, and discuss DB Cooper. yes Cook shot off his mouth. it has stopped. you try and discredit by saying lies like many of the people on that forum have been banned from here. is that right. have you looked at the names on there? you might be a little surprised. I'm not into it for numbers, I'm not into it to control every single post. when things get out of line. warnings will issued.

does Quade get rid of phonies and liars on here? everyone knows Knoss is full of it. does this give me the same rights to bash this forum like you do mine? how many times have you been on thin ice here and banned for one reason, or another, but feel compelled to state people on my forum were banned from here, really? I can just imagine if you do get banned from here, and the things you will say to discredit this forum, but certainly not while you can still post though! you have called me a liar, georger a liar, probably Jo, and god know who else on this forum. we are all still here? is this forum full of phonies and liars? you constantly lock the forum up with this BS, I'm not going to allow you to do it on my forum, or all of your advertising you do that's against the rules here.

DB Cooper just isn't everyone's cup of tea. I seriously doubt the majority of the public even knows this forum is here, unless they are into the sport of skydiving! keep on hammering. the public needs your complete control of the discussion of DB Cooper.


"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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