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Made a bunch of jumps yesterday. Beautiful fall weather. Using a small 5 watt walkie talkie I talked to dozens of hams some over 100 miles away while cruising under canopy. Photo below.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Made a bunch of jumps yesterday. Beautiful fall weather. Using a small 5 watt walkie talkie I talked to dozens of hams some over 100 miles away while cruising under canopy. Photo below.


10 meter band? I assume 10 since you were talking to Ham operators?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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2 meter. 146.430 MHz FM. Dozens of contacts. 5 watts.

Tried 75 M also 3885 KHz AM but no comms. Only had 0.2 watts.

One contact yesterday on 2M was 278 miles away! Was at about 12000 ft when that contact was made.

Will try a 1971 vintage CB walkie talkie sometime.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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A lot to say about the things recently posted, but I am NOT feeling very well right now.

I knew without a doubt after Vickie posted her article on the other Cooper place that - there was a definite connection between her father and Duane.

Even the Titanium makes sense - but I do NOT know if the Ti was acknowledged by the FBI or just something the sleuths found and the tie contaminated over the yrs.

I really have to go, but I copied a lot of the postings about Vickie and the Ti and I will be contacting the FBI, but first I need to get some of the old records together of my own.

NOT feeling very good at all - difficulty breathing & feel like I have a temp. Probably just the excitement of the cumination of things and one of my flushes due to the carcinoid syndrome.

377, was that post for REAL - or are you just adding kindling to the fire? Next time be sure it is an old walkie talkie.

Good Night guys - REALLY do not feel well, but you know if I died in my sleep tonight - I would die knowing I did connect the damn dots....!

None of it makes Duane Cooper, but recent finds by others & the relating of subject matter co-oraltes all of the things I have been telling for 17 yrs. At

Flushing and nauseated. I did break a rib the other day and dinner didn't taste right tonight.

Bye! REALLY have to go....See Ya Soon - I HOPE!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If you are having difficulty breathing drive yourself to an ER or call 911. Seriously.

Yes, the radio jumps last Sat were real. Nothing magic about new gear. Just smaller. 71 radio gear would get similar results.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Robert, lets get a few things straight that you are obviously lying about!

1) Only one person is blocked from viewing that site. that is YOU.

2) I have no blocks on the forum, no hidden area's!

3) Nobody from the forum has been banned from here. Cook is no longer with the forum.

4) Georger asked to be removed, as did Meyer, who hasn't posted in months.

5) A college was on the forum yesterday. I took a screenshot seen below!

Nobody, I repeat, nobody is saying anything that wouldn't have been said here! stop the lies. you have "cyberstalking" written all over you with your constant intrusions, constant whining about little things
said about you!

What exactly is the "public" going to pickup by reading either forum? certainly nothing about Cooper on this forum! they only find some whinny bitter, spiteful posts while stopping here.

You better find an alternate idea to slow the traffic at my site. coming up on 20,000 views. granted about 5-8,000 are spam. I get emails just like you with people asking "what is that Robert guys problem".....I simply reply....SPITE (smiles) some are PM's from here!

You constantly claim nobody cares, or reads the forum, but it bugs the hell out of you because you mention it
on almost every post (laughs)

2327 post and 100 or so are about your "so called investigation" maybe about 50 or so from Cook, some I removed. lets be generous here, shall we? 350 post about Robert Blevins. not very good numbers percentage
wise Bobby! it's basically the same discussion that was on here. nobody believe you, or your phony witnesses that are scared to come forward and help you prove your case!

So, in conclusion. I'm not worried about who see's the forum. everyone can easily except you, but, we all know you can view it any time you wish, but, again you will be lying if you continue from this point on. remember you said you were going to stop. we ALL know that's another lie, don't we? (giggles)

EDIT: I forgot I have a school member. they only look in and never posts'. joined months ago...

Drop a little...well you know the rest ;)

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Hi all!
This is my first post to this forum. I live in Northern Michigan and do a bit of researching on missing ships and aircraft. A couple years ago I came across an obscure missing person case that caught my eye. On October 29, 1969, Robert Richard (Dick) Lepsy disappeared. He was a married father of four. His car was found at an airport a few days later unlocked, with keys in the ignition and half a pack of cigarettes on the dash. He has not been seen or heard from since.

He was described as about 6 feet tall, about 180 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. Attached is a photo of Dick Lepsy with his children circa 1963.

Are there any suspects out there that haven't been seen since Cooper's jump?

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Hi all!
This is my first post to this forum. I live in Northern Michigan and do a bit of researching on missing ships and aircraft. A couple years ago I came across an obscure missing person case that caught my eye. On October 29, 1969, Robert Richard (Dick) Lepsy disappeared. He was a married father of four. His car was found at an airport a few days later unlocked, with keys in the ignition and half a pack of cigarettes on the dash. He has not been seen or heard from since.

He was described as about 6 feet tall, about 180 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. Attached is a photo of Dick Lepsy with his children circa 1963.

Are there any suspects out there that haven't been seen since Cooper's jump?

Yup...This guy, Melvin Luther Wilson.

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Hi all!
This is my first post to this forum. I live in Northern Michigan and do a bit of researching on missing ships and aircraft. A couple years ago I came across an obscure missing person case that caught my eye. On October 29, 1969, Robert Richard (Dick) Lepsy disappeared. He was a married father of four. His car was found at an airport a few days later unlocked, with keys in the ignition and half a pack of cigarettes on the dash. He has not been seen or heard from since.

He was described as about 6 feet tall, about 180 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. Attached is a photo of Dick Lepsy with his children circa 1963.

Are there any suspects out there that haven't been seen since Cooper's jump?

Oh...is this the book that you wrote?

http://www.amazon.com/Still-Missing-Rethinking-Mysterious-Disappearances-ebook/dp/B00K0UGQ6W ;)
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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That it is. I'm interested in missing persons from that era. Is the missing person your father?

Yes he is my father.

I see you subscribed to my YouTube channel. I also have a video from Unsolved Mysteries that was taped over the 1996 Thanksgiving weekend.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I like how you continue to use me as an excuse for the actions you did to get banned. it's your fault you got banned.

I told you the blocks have been off for months, and by your last post it appears you are STILL viewing the site. I think it's time to write Comcast, and a few others.

Double standard time: you see how you "control" the You Tube video's. I'm doing the same, but it appears to be ok with you, but not me. I never commented on your video's. you block the public from viewing any reviews on them. what you did on my site is what you are trying to stop on the comments of the video's!

You continue to view and then go to another site to whine about them. you don't belong there. it's none of your business. learn to deal with your mistakes. it's all your fault that you can't comment on my forum. nobody is going to stop discussing Kenny, or anything else because of your mistakes. it's been spite this entire time. you read that you were not going to be welcome, so what did you do? you joined under a false name purposely in order to hide who you were. you constantly LIE about what you are going to do in the future. "I'm leaving Dropzone, I'm removing the shortcut, I'm out of the Cooper biz for good August 9th, I will not go there anymore", on, and on it goes. you left here so many times they took the hinges off the door!

Cook has been gone for a while, but you were blind in seeing this because you have tunnel vision and only look for your name in postings there. public forums are like driving, it's a privilege. you lost that privilege by your own actions. just like your YT video's. "I know better" you are just as much trouble off the forum as you would be on that forum with the constant whining! like Jo said, I don't understand how they allow all of this.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Shutter says in part:


'I like how you continue to use me as an excuse for the actions you did to get banned. it's your fault you got banned.

I told you the blocks have been off for months, and by your last post it appears you are STILL viewing the site. I think it's time to write Comcast, and a few others.

Double standard time: you see how you "control" the You Tube video's. I'm doing the same, but it appears to be ok with you, but not me. I never commented on your video's. you block the public from viewing any reviews on them. what you did on my site is what you are trying to stop on the comments of the video's!...'

I have no idea what you are talking about, and probably...neither does anyone else. I'm fine with your ban on posting or whatever. I stopped by and saw some discussion on how I don't enable comments on any Cooper videos I upload at YouTube. You and Georger were recently discussing this at your site. So I simply answered your question on WHY, and pointed out that OTHER Cooper video posters, like Safecracking PFL, do the same thing. I actually complimented you (sort of) for dropping your block on VPN's, in case you didn't notice. You are making a mountain out of a molehill here. Since Galen Cook is no longer posting his outright lies there about my co-author Skipp Porteous (claiming email messages from Skipp trashing me, messages which never existed in reality) I no longer have a problem.

Didn't spend much time looking around or anything. I don't care that much what goes on there anymore, since all of that from Cook stopjped. As far as any Cooper videos you have going, I haven't seen any of them anyway. Didn't even know you had any uploaded. But if you tell me that (generously) 350 out of the total of 2500 posts at your site are about me personally or Kenny Christiansen, you should have expected I would at least drop by and take a peek. To think anything else would be unrealistic. After I did, I wasn't concerned about anything going there. As I said, everyone is entitled to opinions and discussion on any Cooper subject or personality. I just didn't like seeing those lies by Cook, but you seemed to have handled that fine.

I have commented on Safecracks YouTube videos before, and gotten a response from him. If he is blocking comments, that is a recent change, probably due to the fact that he truly is out of the Cooper biz now (supposedly).
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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See pic from one of my jumps on Sat 10-11-14. No tumble or spin. Bag was big enough for the Cooper loot. See it in photo near my left leg. Olive drab color. Photo attached.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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See pic from one of my jumps on Sat 10-11-14. No tumble or spin. Bag was big enough for the Cooper loot. See it in photo near my left leg. Olive drab color. Photo attached.


Great - just what we need. So we know the jump could have gone down and have done well. But, I knew that all along.

I couldn't sleep - so much going on.

Ribs are killing me - bones hurt. So hard to cough, but I have to force myself to cough....if I get a cold or can't caugh up the mucus I will end up in the hospital so I guess I should try to get some sleep.

I want to GO back to WA so bad I can taste it - but out of the question now.

What a total disregard for the well being of the public - and I am referencing that nurse getting on a plane after treating a person with ebola and prior to the restrictions being lifted.

Now the goverment has to spend 100's of thousand finding all of those passengers on her flights to and from. Ridculous some people just can't follow the rules....like some of the posters in this thread.

Tired of all of these exchanges between Blevins and others. It has been evident all of these yrs - Blevins was just wanting to SELL his story.

He thinks NO ONE will solve the case & yrs from now he would be remembered for writing the true story about Cooper after all of the facts regarding the jump or incident have long been buried within the false information provided over the yrs.

This whole thing is just pathetic.
Blevins will NOT allow anyone to have a conversation about a suspect unless it is his unlikely character....and when the conversation goes to another suspect he goes into his repetitious posting we all know by heart. No one wants to post here anymore - not even me.

The thread has been reduce to useless repetitions by Blevins. If any of us try to take the thread in the right direction - he backs it up with his trivial repetitious unsupported story about KC.

What is wrong Blevins? When it comes down to the line - it is time to reveal your sources and let them speak for themselves.

Good Grief - if I had the supposed witnesses Blevins claims to have - the FBI would be all over it and they would have been questioned by the FBI...but, not one of his "witnesses" has been interviewed by the FBI....not one.

How do I know this?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Thanks for the kind words everybody. I appreciate it. As most of you know, I've recently written a book which includes the story of a missing Michigan man by the name of Dick Lepsy. Some say Lepsy resembles the Cooper suspect, but I think it's open to interpretation. Unfortunately, many people here in Michigan don't seem to share our fascination with the Cooper case and I haven't got much feedback concerning whether or not he could be possible decent suspect. Attached is a photo of Lepsy with his family, and a close up of his face compared to the Cooper Crosby sketch. The photo was taken around 1963.

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Photo versus composite:

That was not the composite the crew agreed on, but has been used a lot.

The shape of the face is per the photo just about right, but the eyes are off. Cooper had a distinct appearance to the eyes in shape & one seemed just a little different than the other.

What I see is - the eyes & the eyebrows are different. Cooper had an arch to his eyebrows which was evident in all composites & your guy seems to just have eyebrows that are thick & without that distinct arch.

Men have been known to pluck their eyebrows & that is what it would take to make a good match - so it is possible.

What do you know about the man's background? What kinds of work did he do? Was he ever in the military? What locations did he live in over the known yrs? Who were his friends and what is his family background?

More background is needed and what yr was that photo taken?

Lots of men just disappeared during those yrs although I never understood why.

Did your suspect have a criminal background?

What was the home situation like when he disappeared?

Was he a loving father & did his wife have any idea why he would just go Poof?

What was going on in his life when he disappeared and what was his employment circumstances at that time? Was he a heavy drinker?

What occupations did he work at in the past?

The car being at an airport with smokes left in it & unlocked seem to indicate a sudden abandonment of the vehicle. Was the auto a newer car or older car at the time it was abandoned?

From what you have stated it seems like the car just might have been dropped at the airport if it was an old car. Did he carry large sums of monies in cash? What area did he disappear from? What was his movements just prior to his coming up missing? Was he known to frequent airports for any reason?

Was he living with his wife at the time of the disappearance? Or were they separated?

I am sure others would like to know the answers to these questions before giving an opinion.

What kind of friends did he have and were they questioned?

If he had cashed his pay check - it could be a robbery that went bad and the other parties dumped the car. The circumstances going on just before he came up missing versus the time frame before his car was found seems to be important to me - if I was looking into him as a Cooper Suspect.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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In that OTHER place Georger keeps repeating a post that I have addressed before - so would some one be sure he is provided with the facts.

Georger stated:
"I guess this article is one of the first reports about Jo Weber's claim her husband was Cooper. I noticed some things have changed over the years. she is quoted saying "leaving fingerprints on the plane" and not on the "aft stairs" also no dramatic response about Duane telling her he was "Daaaaaan Coooooper." "

Georger, writers have a way of expressing themselves & I have explained this before. I do not know which article you are referring to or who wrote it. I had NO control over what others wrote or what they state....I made a couple of complaints, but once the article is done it is done. Rarely do they make retractions on such a small error. It was duely noted by me to the writers when they made such mistakes - after a while I just let them go.

It is a known fact & I made a detailed posting not long ago regarding this... the same story has been told for yrs - since 1996 when I contacted Himmelsbach.

In 1978 shortly after Duane and I got married he had a night mare and he woke up screaming "I left my prints on the Aft stair - and a blood curdling scream "I'm going to die". This was in 1977 and has NOTHING to do with his confession before he died.

He explained the aft stairs as a stairway in a jail. Well, at that time (1977) I had no idea he had a record. He was visibly shaken & took some medication. I asked what AFT STAIR WAS and he told me it was a stairway in a jail...I was shocked and said "JAIL!".
He then told me about he and some other guys getting in some trouble & he spent some time in jail. He did not tell me how long & I do not remember if I asked. He made it sound like he was a young man & it was just a couple of months. I assumed county jail & never concieve it was a Federal Prisons.

I accepted this explanation & let it go. I would not know about his checkered past until 1990 & then only about Jefferson. I would not know about the OTHER prisons until the FBI got involved in 1996....over a yr after he died.

Had I known in 1978 about his multiple prison stays my daughter and myself would have been gone in a heart beat. Some how we would have made it back home.

DUHHH! Georger you are connecting dots that do not connect. That was 1978...when the AFT stair comment was made.

In 1995 he was in the hospital and had been there for a couple of wks and had started refusing diaylsis.

He had refuse any drugs for 2 days and made this CLEAR to the Dr. as he pulled the papers from his brief case with the documents he had prepared in 1990 when he started on the machine. He noted the dates on the documents to the Dr. and his Nurse and the hospital administrator.

It was after this issue was resolved and they moved him to the Skilled Nursing Facility, but it would be 2 days before they did that.

After the above conversation Duane told me we had to talk before it was too late.

He asked me if there was anyone in the Room...and I went over to the hall doorway (which he could NOT see from the position of the bed).

That is when he told me "I'mmm Dan Cooper" - I had NO clue who Dan Cooper was. He rattled on trying to tell me what he was talking about, but being the naive person I was - I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. In exasperation he shouted out "Oh, F---! Let it die with me!" VERY LOUDLY!

He was trying to tell me about jumping out of a plane - and I said "you jump out of a plane".
He was angry because I didn't understand. I do NOT remember him stating anything about an AFT WAY at that time.

The staff hear him shout out at me & immediately started to give him heavy doses of morphine...yet for 2 day he kept talking about strange things & his friend who came to the hospital to say good bye asked me what he was talking about. I told her I did not know.

THAT WAS 9 days before he died....not 2 days!

He would later again pretend to take the meds & I found them under his pillow 2 days before he died. He told me again we had to talk...well, stupid me told the nurses and they started making sure he had swallowed the pills. It would be 2 or 3 days after that he died.

I hope someone provides Georger with this information so he will stop it with his misconception or deliberate distortion of the facts.

The circumstances and sequences are NOT what Georger portrays or states.

This is what SECOND hand statements do to a crime - others twist the words & even the dates & circumstances - just to discredit another person.

The prior post I made about this gave a day to day accounting from the log I kept - no need in repeating that again.

Enough is enough regarding the twisting of the things Duane told me and the sequence of such.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I want to venture some short opinions on Duane Weber's alleged deathbed statements. To a certain extent, I believe SOMETHING happened in this regard, i.e. that Duane may have said some things that MAY relate to the idea that he was either Cooper, or fantasized that he was, while in a morphine-induced state or very ill.


He did inform the Dr. that he had been refusing medication for 2 days and therefore was clear of mind...I do not know what those medications were, but may have been morphine or some other pain medication...perhaps Duane was aware they had decided to help him along....but Weber was a man you faced head on and not behind his back.




It is upsetting that some of you SUPER Sleuth do NOT understand the health situation Duane was living under. A lot has changed over the last few yrs - and have any one of you sat with a kidney patient the last 3 wks of his or her life? Until you do - DO NOT pretend to know what it is like.

If they are willing to take the morphine - then the Dr.s can make the passing a little bit better, faster and easier. If the person is NOT ready to go - and realizes the morphine will kill them as it builds in the body with no kidneys or machine to remove the toxins...they will hold on until it become unbearable to see another day....this is what Duane did.

I am NOT going to talk about this again - and NONE of you have walked in Duane's shoes nor have you walked in mine. EVERYONE of you who put your two cents worth into this process needs to volunteer with end stage kidney patients - NOT tell me what could or did happen. I WAS there! NONE of YOU were there!

Please be sure this is copied and pasted and sent to Georger...all of the gross details and tell him to back OFF!

I won't re-live this again just to satistfy creeps who were NOT there and who have NEVER experienced this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo.....I understand you spoke with Bill Mitchell and showed him pictures of Duane. What was the outcome of that conversation?

I spoke to him yrs ago and sent what I had when he was still working - forget the yrs.

This last time was after I got the Jefferson pic and he was sent a new batch.

I do not remember what he said with the first batch yrs ago, but probably posted in this thread.

This last time (with the Jefferson pic added to the batch) he was basically non-commital - that it had just been too long & he had seen 100's of pictures. I frankly do not remember his wording...unless I posted it soon after in the thread...clearly it was not a definity answer.

Evidently you have finally got through to him - what did he tell you about your dad's pics. I never heard from him after I sent your Dad's pictures to him & wondered if he was just not opening them or just wanted to stay uninvolved.

DID you get thru to him? What did he say if you did? Curious! Something to take my mind off of the horrible memories some of the stupid guys are causing me to relive.

I do remember Mitchel was not negative & he is a very kind man.

He did tell me he had reviewed 1000's of photo - I do remember him telling me on the 1st batch - he had a problem with the nose, but I didn't have the other pictures that showed his nose at a different angle - I think the last batch solved the nose problem....but, he was non-commital.

I probably still have the email he sent to me - if I find it I will forward it to you by regular email.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I guess at this point I'm saying Dick Lepsy may resemble the FBI sketches of the Cooper suspect. I see nothing in Lepsy's past that would make him a suspect or tie him to the skyjacking.

Here's what I've been told about Lepsy. He was born and raised in Chicago, them moved to Grayling Michigan to finish high school. He married his high school sweetheart "Jackie" when they were both 19 years old. They had four children. Dick was the store manager at a local grocery store named Glen's Market.

Allegedly, when Dick disappeared, so did $2000 in cash from Glen's Market's safe. After his abandoned car was found at the airport, authorities interviewed airport staff and tracked down all the passengers that left on the day he vanished. All were identified but two, a male and female. The male fit Dick's description. There final destination was Mexico.

All police records of the incident have been purged over the years. Dick Lepsy was never charged. Lepsy wasn't considered a missing person until 2011, because authorities had considered him a voluntary leave.

Attached is another photo of Lepsy and his children, taken around 1962, and another comparing Lepsy's face with the FBI sketch.


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