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DB Cooper

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Tina's story is going to come out - you think? Perhaps she is going to captalize on the story for her retirement....when the Crew tells WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!

So, what really happened?

You've never told us, Jo. All you ever said was that Duane did it.

So, how did he do it? How did he get away? Did he have any help?

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Tina's story is going to come out - you think? Perhaps she is going to captalize on the story for her retirement

You ever wonder why Tina never got an unlisted phone number? Or why she is still in the phone book? And keeps her name?

I guess she ain't ascaird.

But she is cranky. And triggered by certain words, as you have alluded. I have experienced her switching instantaneously into an icy rage when she hears: "DB Cooper, Flight 305," or "that night."

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"...if you need a condensed list of where I stand on this whole thing, it is attached..."

Bobby, all I need is a little refresher.

Kenny spent 20K on the house, gave 5K to Bernie's sister, and took the boys to dinner and bought them chatchkes.

But else did he do with the moolah?

Did he give any to Bernie? If so, how come Bernie didn't give his sister any dough?

Did he buy the house with twenties? Did he launder it?

Or did he just buy a lot of stamps? Do you know who has the stamps now? I'd love to see them. Or should I just ask Lyle?

Could be a cool angle on your follow-up book: DB Cooper's Stamp Collection - The True Story.

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"...Cooper? Ha...no one will ever get rich off that story I guarantee it..."

Don't give up on the money so fast, Bobby. You could serialize the whole story. You could do a whole line of books:

"Serving Drinks in First Class all the Way to Tokyo - My Life After Being DB Cooper."

"Making Amends for the Skyjacking - My Life Saving Runaway Boys"

"Hobbies of the Homosexual Lifestyle - My Life as a Gay Stamp Collector"

"Skydiving in Loafers - A Guide to Parachuting in the Pacific Northwest"

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So Robert, I'm confused about something else. I read the word about Margie "spilling the beans" and I have to ask what this means. Did she say that Bernie was absolutely involved in the hijacking, or did she say he could have been involved? Big difference.

Also, since Kenny was supposedly missing that weekend, did anyone check his house to see if maybe he was just hanging out at home?

And about Kenny and Bernie being together, was that hearsay or did someone actually see them together that particular weekend?

"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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Jo wrote:

The Drs do not want to accept the reduced payment Medicare pays now. So the Dr.s want to kill off the old folks...not enough money in it...so they experiement with the eldery.


That is a very serious accusation. You seem to throw around murder accusations quite lightly. You think Bruce may have killed Cossey and now you are accusing surgeons of deliberately killing their old patients.

I work with surgeons a lot and none I know fit your evil description. The ones I know are truly obsessed with good outcomes. They are constantly training on advanced techniques that offer better results. No way would they want to "kill off" a patient. Many highly skilled surgeons work for HMOs, county hospitals, VA, BIA, academic institutions and other low paying places. There are bad apples in any profession but your generalization about uncaring money hungry homicidal surgeons is way off base.

I do hope you fully and quickly recover from whatever procedures are needed and that your surgeon doesn't want to "kill you off".

Jo wrote:

I am ASCARD just as Duane was when he jumped that night in 1971.

You have Z E R O proof that Duane ever made ANY parachute jump let alone the NORJACK one. ZERO. None. Nada.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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***So Robert,I'm confused about something else. I read the word about Margie "spilling the beans" and I have to aske what this means. Did she say that Bernie was absolutely involved in the hijacking, or did she say he could have been involved? Big difference.

Also, since Kenny was supposedly missing that weekend, did anyone check his house to see if maybe he was just hanging out at home?

And about Kenny and Bernie being together, was that hearsay or did someone actually see them together that particular weekend.


This is the second or third time you've said you were confused. I'm sorry about that, but everything we know is in the (again) attached document. That's the extremely condensed public version. You can get your answers from that. This investigation has moved beyond me answering questions individually about that document because I have other considerations now. I provided it as a courtesy only. It's where we stand. If you want to check out the details, that's up to you and I encourage you to do it. But not through me. Go to the sources named in the document. Do your OWN research. That doc has been on my Facebook page for a while now.

I have to be frank here. Some of you I no longer trust. And the more some of you try to trash me at the alternate site, the more the media begins to think we might be right. Some of you have either received a wake-up call, or realized that more people view Dropzone than you believe. It's the first stop for anyone considering doing anything Cooper-related for media, for example.

Georger, aka Jerry Warner, is telling you at the alternate site that I used to call him up and blast YouTube videos in his ear. Do you believe that? Do you think I am the sort of person who would do such a thing? If so, then you should hang out with the other hate-mongers and liars. He said I did that on the same videos I have occasionally posted links to here. And that claim is a load of horseshit.

I'm going to tell you something, ParrotVol. People in Cooperland might not like hearing what I have to say, but I don't lie to them either. Or to the public. Or to the media. In the end, you have to decide who is giving you the straight scoop, and who is just simply being hateful. Cooperland is a reletively small group. The public and the media are much larger. And they do count, because in the failure of the FBI to solve the case, they can sometimes assist. And both those entities take a blind eye to hate, or to bullshit in something like this. Cooper Royalty is both self-delusional and a myth. It is cooperative back-slapping at Ariel, and a couple of minor websites. It is not the truth. Those folks have an agenda that goes beyond actual work, or solving the case. One minute they are making reasonable discussion. The next they are going after others.

But the problem is: Both the media and the public see through that stuff for what it is. EASILY.

Robert, I do not reside in this fictional place you like to refer to as Cooperland, nor do I believe in such a thing as Cooper royalty. I think those are both things you use as tools to avoid answering not so tough questions.

You say that Margie spilled the beans. But in the past, you have said that she admitted that Bernie "could have been involved". I'm just asking for some clarification.

Secondly, if no one checked to see if Kenny was at home, then no one can say he went missing.

If Kenny said he was with Bernie, perhaps he was lying about that. You have already established that you think Kenny was a liar as well as Bernie. So how do we really know these two were together? Who saw them?

While we are on a roll here, who originally stated that Kenny paid cash for his house? I've been trying to get to the bottom of that lie for a while.

"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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Can anyone tell me exactly where Victor 23 is?

I understand it is an aerial flight corridor eight miles wide, but in the jump zone what are the boundaries?

As for the flight path, for Cooper to have landed in the Ariel area he must have jumped a few miles south and west to account for his drift back north and east in the winds. If Cooper landed in the Ariel-Amboy area that means he jumped south of Woodland and pretty close to the I-5.


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Robert Blevins asks:

Georger, aka xxxxxxxxxx, is telling you at the alternate site that I used to call him up and blast YouTube videos in his ear. Do you believe that? Do you think I am the sort of person who would do such a thing?"

My answer: I have no idea. I have not seen any posts by Georger saying that. I don't know what kind of person you are. My gut feeling is that you are a decent guy that wants his suspect to be "the guy" so bad that he takes things of little significance and blows them way out of proration. That's as good of answers as I can give, having never met either of you.
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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WHAT do I have to be afraid of. Perhaps you are the one who is afraid of the truth.

Are you Ascard - Well, I am not. When you have told the truth - why be ascard!

That is what I have done - tell the truth & when YOU can prove that I am wrong - just sit back and go along for the ride.

In your case you might get kicked off the Bus on a mountaineous trail.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There are bad apples in any profession but your generalization about uncaring money hungry homicidal surgeons is way off base.

I do hope you fully and quickly recover from whatever procedures are needed and that your surgeon doesn't want to "kill you off".


Well, I met one of the BAD apples & he lied. He is quilty of medicare fraud. Then he covers his ass - and also rewriting the medical report to include information not known to him at the time of the incident.

He ended up screwing himself....after the Attorney Generals office got wind of it. Nice to have a former governor as a friend &
relatives & an old friend who are retired attorneys.

We had a governor in our family, but that goes way back - the individual has been deceased for yrs. I believe she was the 1st female governor. My father had her autographed photo...and I often wonder if my brother still has it. It is part of history.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"...We had a governor in our family, but that goes why back - the individual has been deceased for yr. I believe she was the 1st female governor. My father had her autographed photo...and I often wonder if my brother still has it. It is part of history..."

Jo, when you were married to Jim, did you use his last name? If so, how come you've reverted to using Duane's surname?

Just askin.'

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Greetings Everyone!

I just received an interesting question from a college student named Kyle doing a paper on DB Cooper. He asked me for my opinion on what are some of the mosts bizarre theories or aspects of the case.


I gave him a few, but I'd love to hear yours!!!

Uncle Brucie's Bizarro Moments:
1. Barb Dayton reverting to her male persona to do the heist.
2. FBI called LD Cooper their "most promising" suspect even though they have no corroborating evidence.
3. Kenny continuing to serve drinks in 1st class on the way to Tokyo for another 25 years after the skyjacking.

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***OLE RAG head Bruce should have used his contact with Tina to the best advantage. EX: First hand knowledge of her reaction of certain phrases & words.

Ole rag head? Me?

I'm not sure what it means, but I think it's better than being called "Fat Boy," or "Stinky."

I'm not ascaird of telling Tina that I'm "ascaird of knocking on her door," but I am ascaird that Bobby might think I'm harassing witnesses again. Gawd knows that I don't want to do that ever, ever again!!!

What is a RAG? Think - you are supposed to be the writer - right?

At least it stumped you if only for a short while. When you GET it let me know.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"...We had a governor in our family, but that goes why back - the individual has been deceased for yr. I believe she was the 1st female governor. My father had her autographed photo...and I often wonder if my brother still has it. It is part of history..."

Jo, when you were married to Jim, did you use his last name? If so, how come you've reverted to using Duane's surname?

Just askin.'

Rag Head that has been explained before. Go back to a couple of yrs ago when the REAL ID law was being promoted.

I use both names. It is a matter of privacy.
Not everyone takes the name of their spouse - the world is different than it used to be. When I was single the first time and I told someone my name was Jo Jones - it was "SURE BABY sure - Now what is your real name?".

They thought I was giving them a fake name to brush them off.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There are bad apples in any profession but your generalization about uncaring money hungry homicidal surgeons is way off base.

I do hope you fully and quickly recover from whatever procedures are needed and that your surgeon doesn't want to "kill you off".


Well, I met one of the BAD apples & he lied. He is quilty of medicare fraud. Then he covers his ass - and also rewriting the medical report to include information not known to him at the time of the incident.

He ended up screwing himself....after the Attorney Generals office got wind of it. Nice to have a former governor as a friend &
relatives & an old friend who are retired attorneys.

We had a governor in our family, but that goes way back - the individual has been deceased for yrs. I believe she was the 1st female governor. My father had her autographed photo...and I often wonder if my brother still has it. It is part of history.


Must you always speak in innuendo and riddles? Bragging about all your friends in high places doesnt give any info about what actually happened. Was the surgeon prosecuted for Medicare fraud? Yes or No? If so what was the surgeon's name? Just fact checking Jo.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo Weber started posting on the web before I started the 1st thread on the DZ about Weber & Cooper. That one got shot the hell out of & Quade started this one with SPECIFIC rules.

Larry Carr hen invaded the DZ. He was exploiting Cooper & himself. Such as when he presented the history of WEBER he left out the most important thing - the Jefferson file & intake photos plus he promoted a background void of the truths. I still have never seen the out-take photos. ONE needs to ask WHY Carr did NOT present that file. Shutter yrs later presented the intake photo - but the out take seems to be lost forever - wonder why?

The FBI agent did not last long because his actions were NOT supported by the FBI. The only subject he demeaned was the one who was the primary suspect at that time. His demise was his own undoing...between the FBI, the agent and the moderator.

Evidently Carr was acting outside of his auspices with the FBI & was re-assigned. Jo was not responsible for his having to leave, but has been blamed. Carr did this himself.

NOTE it took Shutter only a short time in this thread to produce the intake pictures of Weber at Jefferson in 1966 - but NO ONE has BEEN able to locate the OUT-TAKE photos.

Had CARR offered up that information he would still be here. Jefferson was the prison the FBI received more than one “Cooper was here” contact.

The reports of the 2 local agents who went to Jefferson to interview these informers - conveniently GOT LOST. Yet, other reports from others survived in the files.

Note: Weber was incarcerated as John Collins so the FBI was chasing a man that did not exist….by then he was Duane L. Weber again. The suspect from Jefferson went POOF.

For the RECORD:
Jo was not responsible for the log dam that clogged the thread - that was a man who came here to promote a book so void of facts it was pathetic.

The thread started to deteriorate when Georger (aka Jerry Warren) began bickering back & forth with Blevins in an attempt to get him straight on the facts.

We built a monster DAM with that & this is when Georger started to get out of hand with his totally off topic postings of useless riddles and songs. Georger was responsible for his own demised - no one else.

Now Geo blames those of us who remain for his demise but it was his own rhetoric & useless postings of ridicule …

This thread actually helped Blevins, but he never even said Thank You or gave the DZ any acknowledgment. He stayed to PROMOTE, promote, promote! This thread became his podium & we all regret that. Continued to promote a book in the DZ should be out lawed. The repetitions & promotions are why no one wants to come here for any serious discussions.

The DZ just walked away & left us to suffocate. Blevins just consumed all of the oxygen and the thread slowly started to die.

The only thing holding us together right now - is the hope of survival. I am tired of being suffocated. We can't have any fun or serious conversations exploring the crime or other supects.

Just Blevins reciting his book - he says he is going to leave, but he never stays gone very long. Even when he is going camping - he is still here...that one is a puzzle!

It is one thing to have been married to a suspect who confessed and it is SOMEHTHING else to be so dominate when one knows nothing about a suspect other than what he recites over and over and over.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I can't provide that information and you as an attorney are very aware of that...I will say Medicare was billed & paid for equipment not used or provided...not sure that has been corrected, but it was reported to Medicare. Outside of that you KNOW I cannot and will not say anymore.

Check your email.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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1) Geestman, who was friends with, and Best Man at the Grimes' wedding...puts Kenny and the Grimes' couple together on the house. May have vouched for him, even though Kenny was only earning $512 a month before taxes.

2) Kenny liked to tell people he made more than he actually did. (Dawn Androsko, others) Grimes allow Kenny to sign a note, then use that to leverage a mortgage. Plus ten bucks. Whatever.

3) Note is paid off reletively quickly by Kenny. How he did that and managed to loan Bernie's sister another five thousand is in question, of course.

4) For some reason, Kenny stretches out a mortgage with SeaFirst of less than ten thousand dollars into almost 19 years of payments. But he could have paid that off long before that. He was doing pretty well by the late 70's and had picked up on two other properties. My theory on this is he stretched it out for appearances, to not draw attention to himself.

The actual details appear to be different.

Kenny did not use the promissory note to leverage a mortgage with Seafirst. (That doesn't make much sense, anyway. If I borrow $7500 from someone else, how does that give me leverage to get a bank to lend me MORE money?)

If you look at the attached document, you can see that mortgage was originated not by Kenny, but by the Grimes and it was assumed by Kenny.

The more likely scenario is this. The Grimes wanted to sell their house. Kenny wanted to buy it. The Grimes were willing to finance half of the balance, but Kenny didn't have any money.

I suspect this:

1) The Grimes took out a $7500 mortgage against the house.
2) The Grimes kept the $7500.
3) Kenny assumed the $7500 mortgage and gave the Grimes a note for the other $7500.

The net result is Kenny was able to buy the house for $0 out of pocket. The Grimes ended up with $7500 at closing and the rest as Kenny paid off the note.

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Rag Head that has been explained before. Go back to a couple of yrs ago when the REAL ID law was being promoted.

Rag Head has been explained before? Really? I must have missed it. Maybe I was on vacation, either from the DZ or in NY with my mommy.

From my journalistic sources, they tell me that Rag Head is a pejorative term for Iraqis, especially insurgents during the 2003-2009 period. Then it switched over to the more common moniker, Hajis.

Perhaps you're going to say I have a swarthy complexion and look faintly Jewish or Arabic and that I should be investigated for the 9-11 attacks, after the authorities wrap up their investigation of whether I whacked Cossey or not.

Are you Anti-Semitic, Jo?

Just askin'.

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I can't provide that information and you as an attorney are very aware of that...I will say Medicare was billed & paid for equipment not used or provided...not sure that has been corrected, but it was reported to Medicare. Outside of that you KNOW I cannot and will not say anymore.

Check your email.

Have you dropped the boom on these doctors, yet?

C'mon Jo, what the hell are you waiting for? Hundreds of seniors are going die if you don't take action!!!

Quit bitching on the DZ and do something REAL.

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Rag Head that has been explained before. Go back to a couple of yrs ago when the REAL ID law was being promoted.

Rag Head has been explained before? Really? I must have missed it. Maybe I was on vacation, either from the DZ or in NY with my mommy.

From my journalistic sources, they tell me that Rag Head is a pejorative term for Iraqis, especially insurgents during the 2003-2009 period. Then it switched over to the more common moniker, Hajis.

Perhaps you're going to say I have a swarthy complexion and look faintly Jewish or Arabic and that I should be investigated for the 9-11 attacks, after the authorities wrap up their investigation of whether I whacked Cossey or not.

Are you Anti-Semitic, Jo?

Just askin'.

Geeze you want me to spell it out for you.
A Rag is a Rag!
What do you do with a RAG?
Rags get dirty.
Rags as applied to printed material is a WHAT?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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