FLYJACK 725 #52626 May 18, 2019 (edited) Here we go........................... Aviation Week Dec 6, 1965 ran an article on a 727 prototype testing for the military (727M)... including a ventral drop test. "Air drop tests with the 727 prototype indicate that loads up to 30 x 55 x 135 in could be dropped through the rear stairwell" Also mentioned in Flight Global March 4, 1965 Edited May 18, 2019 by FLYJACK Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52627 May 20, 2019 Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss DB Cooper's ability to move around unnoticed. Facebook: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJG78 0 #52628 May 20, 2019 7 hours ago, EJU said: Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss DB Cooper's ability to move around unnoticed. Facebook: I looked at your site and I am now seeing what others have said, that all you are doing is setting up Sheridan Peterson as DB Cooper, and it looks as if the reason is that you are writing a book. If this is the case, you have stated that you investigated this case for 10 years. If you do publish, people may want to see proof of your research, especially given that there have been others who discussed Peterson before you. Do you have proof of any research from ten years ago. I can find nothing online that shows you in any articles, any chat rooms, Facebook, anywhere. Am I wrong? Saying you've been investigation for 10 years could come across as an exaggeration and raise some questions about your credibility. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4lcy0ne 0 #52629 May 21, 2019 On 5/18/2019 at 2:45 AM, RobertMBlevins said: It's probably coincidence of course, but it was almost exactly a year after I delivered those materials to the Seattle FBI when they finally closed the case. They closed the case less than a month after I sent them the tips on Edwards. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52630 May 21, 2019 2 hours ago, JJG78 said: I looked at your site and I am now seeing what others have said, that all you are doing is setting up Sheridan Peterson as DB Cooper, and it looks as if the reason is that you are writing a book. If this is the case, you have stated that you investigated this case for 10 years. If you do publish, people may want to see proof of your research, especially given that there have been others who discussed Peterson before you. Do you have proof of any research from ten years ago. I can find nothing online that shows you in any articles, any chat rooms, Facebook, anywhere. Am I wrong? Saying you've been investigation for 10 years could come across as an exaggeration and raise some questions about your credibility. Eric believes Cooper was Sheridan Peterson, he doesn't match. The ONLY known suspect that matches the description of Cooper is Hahneman. Honduran mother, German father. Cooper was olive, swarthy and latin in appearance, characteristics and descent, also described as possible Mexican or American-Indian. and don't give me the suntan in late November nonsense. FBI PART 11 P 1922 FOLLOWING COMPOSITE TAKEN FROM INTERVIEWS OF WITNESSES WHO WERE IN A POSITION TO SEE UNSUB. RACE, WHITE; SEX, MALE; AGE, MID FORTY'S; FIVE FT TEN TO SIX FT . , ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY TO ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY POUNDS, AVERAGE TO WELL BUILT, OLIVE COMPLEXION, LATIN APPEARANCE, MEDIUM SMOOTH COMPLEXION, DARK BROWN OR BLACK HAIR, NORMAL STYLE, PARTED ON LEFT, COMBED BACK; SIDEBURNS, LOW EAR LEVEL; EYES, POSSIBLY BROWN, FBI PART 11 P 1982 DESCRIBED AS WHITE, MALE, MID FORTIES, SEVENTY TO ONE EIGHTY, OLIVE COMPLEXION, OR BLACK HAIR, NORMAL STYLE, PARTED ON SMOKED RALEIGH CIGARETTES. FBI PART 11 P 2036 Mr. MILNES said the hijacker was described as white, male, American, olive complexion, Latin appearance, black hair, normal hair style parted on left, age middle forties, six feet tall, 170 to 175 pounds, average build, brown eyes. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt, narrow black tie, black rain-type overcoat, black dress suit, and was carrying a dark briefcase. FBI PART 11 P 2047 UNSUB described as white male, mid-forties, five ten to six feet, one seventy to one eighty, olive complexion, latin appearance, dark brown or black hair combed straight back in normal style, parted on left, smoked Raleigh cigarettes. FBI PART 11 P 2056 that he has average eyes, of Latin appearance, with a sort of disinterested look FBI PART 11 P 2224 WHITE, MALE, MID 40's, 5'1011 TO 611 , 170 Tel 180 lbs., AVERAGE TO WELL BUILT, OLIVE COMPLEXION, LATIN APPEARANCE, MEDIUM SMOOTH, DARK BROWN OR BLACK HAIR, NORMAL STYLE, PARTED ON LEFT, COMBED BACK, SIDEBURNS, LOW EAR LEVEL, POSSIBLY BROWN EYES, DURING LATTER PART OF FLIGHT PUTr DARK, WRAP-AROUND SUNGLASSES WITH DARK RIMS. LOW VOICE, SPOKE INTELLIGENTLY; NO PARTICULAR ACCENT, POSSIBLY FROM MIDWEST SECTION OF THE U.S., HEAVY SMOKER OF RALEIGH FILTER TIP CIGARETTES, WEARING BLACK OR BROWN SUIT; WHITE SHIRT; NARROW BLACK TIE; BLACK DRESS SUIT; FBI PART 11 P 1987 COMPLEXION: OLIVE, SWARTHY, THE LATIN TYPE FBI PART 11 P 1841 COMPLEXION: OLIVE, LATIN APPERANCE, MEDIUM SMOOTH FBI PART 18 P5497 RACE WHITE, SEX MALE, AGE MID FORTIES, HEIGHT FIVE FEET TEN INCHES TO SIX FEET, WEIGHT ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY TO ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY POUNDS, BUILD AVERAGE TO WELL BUILT, COMPLEXION OLIVE, LATIN APPEARANCE, MEDIUM SMOOTH; HAIR DARK BROWN OR BLACK, NORMAL STYLE, PARTED ON LEFT, COMBED BACK, SIDEBURNS, LOW EAR LEVEL; EYES POSSIBLY BROWN. FBI PART 26 P 8545 He was unable to determine from the photograph the complexion of ______ but again emphasized the hijacker had a swarthy or Latin type complexion and it appeared to him might have such a complexion. FBI PART 26 P 8574 OLIVE OR LATIN COMPLEXION· Key witnesses generally agree that unsub had an "olive or Latin" complexion.- One witness indicated a Mexican-American or possibly Indian complexion and characteristics. In addition, unsub expressed a desire to go "anywhere in Mexico”. FBI PART 26 P 8881 She thereafter remained in the cockpit where she prepared thirteen pages of notes concerning the hijacking and in which she described unsub as in his fifties. She later said he appeared to be of Latin descent. FBI PART 19 P 5934 "Enclosed is an artist's conception of the hijacker who extorted two hundred thousand dollars from Northwest Airlines on November 24, 1971. This man is described as follows: "Race-white; sex-male; age mid-forties; height-five feet ten inches to six feet; weight-170 to 180 pounds; build-average to well built; complexion olive, latin appearance, mediurn smooth; hair-dark brown or black; normal style, parted on left, combed back; sideburns, low ear level; eyes-possibly brown. FBI PART 10 P 1683 said that the man appeared to be Latin descent FBI PART 27 P 9104 To date 475 suspects have been developed based on appearance, as well as other features. Many of the suspects were developed because of their resemblance to the artist's composite of UNSUB. A great number of these suspects have turned out to be in their 20s or early 30s, with light or fair complexion. According to witnesses, UNSUB's age is in the mid-40s and his complexion is olive or Latin in appearance. The artist's composite clearly looks like a man in his late 20s or 30s and his complexion is difficult to determine from the black and white sketch. FBI PART 27 P 9390 In NORJAK case, witnesses describe subject's complexion as olive, Latin appearance, medium smooth. FBI PART 9 P 919 ALL OFFICES ARE TO BEAR IN MIND WHEN CAPTIONED CRIME WAS ON NOVEMBER 11, 1971, UNSUB AKA. B. COOPER WAS DESCRIBED AS BEING A WHITE MALE, 5 ' 10 " TO 6 ' 0 “ , 170 POUNDS, OLIVE AND LATIN APPEARANCE. FBI PART 27 P 9327 In view of the fact that unsub in this matter had a swarthy complexion and was tentatively identified by several witnesses as possibly having Mexican ancestry, the following lead is being set out: FBI PART 13 P 3159 which he feels more closely depicts the nose and cheeks of the unknown subject, whom he feels was of Mexican-American descent with possibly lndian blood. FBI PART 33 P 12115 indicated that the unsub's complexion was somewhat swarthy indicating that he might have possibly been an American Indian or Mexican American. FBI PART 26 P 8882 believed unsub was a Mexican-American. She had a short encounter with the unsub prior to her deplaning at Seattle FBI PART 29 P 10072 similar Mexican-type facial features FBI PART 11 P 2135 CHEEKS TOO FLAT, SHOULD BE MORE ROUNDED TO GIVE MEXICAN-AMERICAN APPEARANCE. FBI PART 28 P 9541 lacks the Mexican or Indian characteristics that ____ noted in the hijacker. FBI PART 28 P 9559 further advised that the hijacker definitely had some Indian or Mexican blood in him. He would guess about one quarter Indian or Mexican blood. FBI PART 28 P 10037 FACIAL FEATURES: Should reflect a Mexican or Indian ancestry FBI PART 11 P 2039 Race: Caucasian, believed to be of Mexican-American descent wih possibly some American Indian blood FBI PART 34 P 13102 In view of the fact that UNSUB in this matter is possibly of American Indian descent, the following leads are being set forth pursuant to referenced communication: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52631 May 21, 2019 (edited) 6 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said: I have read all these witness descriptions you posted. Sometimes it is hard for people to remember that witness descriptions are notoriously unreliable, are often plain wrong. Like most witness descriptions, they probably hit the mark on some things and miss it on others. I am not here to judge them too harshly, but those are facts. In the Cooper case, I have offered up something most people don't realize. A fair number of people who weren't sitting in the confines of an aircraft cabin got a pretty good look at Gary Ridgway as well...the infamous Green River Killer. The King County Green River Task Force drew up a composite based upon those descriptions. They posted them everywhere, even at local 7-11's. No one matched a sighting to the composite. No one came forward, although it is known now that Ridgway had a job, a wife (sometimes), friends, and did much of his shopping openly in the Des Moines, WA area. When Ridgway came into the offices of the Task Force and was asked to give a saliva swab (pre-DNA), he sat there and gave the sample. His composite and description were plastered all over the walls at the Task Force's own offices. No one working with him at the Task Force even suspected he was the same guy, the guy in the sketches, the very person they were looking for. Just saying. I was about 28 when Ridgway started his little spree and I was IN THE SHIT as the guys in Vietnam used to say. In 1982 I was living in Federal Way, right up the road from Des Moines, and traveled Star Lake Road on a daily basis, the spot where they found at least one of the bodies. We (everyone in the area) looked at each other all the time. You looked at strangers. You wondered if someone you knew was the killer. Sometimes you even looked at your friends. Everyone was looking for a clue. This was not a one-off crime, nor was it anything like the Cooper case. This guy was actively KILLING WOMEN time and again, and time and again the news was full of the warnings, finding of the bodies, and stories about the futility of the cops. In fact, when Gayla and I first moved in together in 2000, we lived in apartments two blocks away from where Ridgway lived before he was finally caught in November 2001. We lived in Silverwood Park in Des Moines. Ridgway lived right up the street. After he was caught, I thought back to how many times Gayla had gone off in that neighborhood alone. I have watched about half of the Cooper Bites. I did not downvote or negatively comment ANY of them at YouTube. The one where Eric speculates that he believes Cooper actually flew into the Portland Airport was the first time I considered a downvote and a negative comment. Out of respect for the guy, I decided not to do that. But the idea still seems not only far-fetched, but foolish. Individual witness statements can be off, things like height and weight. People are asked to recall so they estimate. In this case it is clear and consistent and overwhelming across all, Cooper didn't just have olive/swarthy colored skin but had Latin/Mexican/Native America characteristics, features, appearance and descent. That isn't an estimate. These characteristics are very hard to capture in sketches, they had to redo the well known inaccurate "Bing" sketch which unfortunately became the face of Cooper. This is the elephant in the room,, everybody is ignoring it. Edited May 21, 2019 by FLYJACK Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52632 May 21, 2019 Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the matches that Cooper used to light his cigarettes and what they can tell us. Facebook: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52633 May 21, 2019 Eric asks for qn's or comments but doesn't respond to anything that doesn't fit his highly speculative narrative. The "Sky Chef" matches might have come from one of their terminal restaurants, however, they were also supplying catering on various airlines. Sky Chef was owned by American Airlines... Cooper could have also obtained the matchbook during a flight serviced by "Sky Chef". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJG78 0 #52634 May 22, 2019 9 hours ago, FLYJACK said: Eric asks for qn's or comments but doesn't respond to anything that doesn't fit his highly speculative narrative. The "Sky Chef" matches might have come from one of their terminal restaurants, however, they were also supplying catering on various airlines. Sky Chef was owned by American Airlines... Cooper could have also obtained the matchbook during a flight serviced by "Sky Chef". Flyjack or RobertMBlevins: Maybe you can help. When did Eric come on the D.B. Cooper scene? The farthest I can go back and find anything is around November 2018 in relation to the D.B. Cooper Conference in Seattle. Where was he before and where does this 10 years of research come from? Skydivers have been talking about Sheridan Peterson and his exploits for decades. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52635 May 22, 2019 11 minutes ago, JJG78 said: Flyjack or RobertMBlevins: Maybe you can help. When did Eric come on the D.B. Cooper scene? The farthest I can go back and find anything is around November 2018 in relation to the D.B. Cooper Conference in Seattle. Where was he before and where does this 10 years of research come from? Skydivers have been talking about Sheridan Peterson and his exploits for decades. Sounds about right, it was SAILSHAW who pushed suspect Sheridan Peterson for many years... Eric hasn't added anything new other than speculation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52636 May 22, 2019 10 hours ago, EJU said: Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the matches that Cooper used to light his cigarettes and what they can tell us. Facebook: Wrongo,, Cooper used two books of matches.. “He also wanted the empty matchbook cover from which he was lighting his cigarettes and had thrown into the back pouch of the seat in front as she said she would normally do with trash. She indicated that he had another book of matches the cover of which was blue and said, “Sky Chef.” from which she had pulled matches to light his cigarettes. He retained this book of matches.” Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52637 May 22, 2019 Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the tie and tie particles. Facebook: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJG78 0 #52638 May 23, 2019 20 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said: The most likely time is just prior to his first post at Shutter's forum. If you have viewing rights there, you can track the date of his first post. But don't get me wrong. Just because he might be a relative newbie doesn't mean he can't offer good stuff to the case. It's results that count, not how long you've been in Cooperland. I meet people (mostly via email or at the campouts) who have barely HEARD of Cooper, and then became interested in the case. Most weren't even born when Cooper happened, or at least a majority of them. The problem is whether someone has an agenda that does not include cooperation, even though they claim they don't have an agenda. Or ignores really GREAT ideas because they don't fit with that agenda. Someone who uses an event to their own purposes rather than being the leader in a bigger event. I've always had differences regarding these 'conventions,' and one of them is they don't seem to recruit new fans to the case. The first gathering by Geoffrey Gray was the closest to do so. The annual Ariel Store party was The Biggie. Now we have Eric. ideas were a lot better, frankly speaking. At the time AB staff were working on this 'Cooper Party' idea, we knew that Eric was probably going to hold a convention anyway, and on the same weekend as the Cooper Party. My first idea was to move OUR event to a different weekend so as not to conflict. Brunberg hinted to me that maybe we should do a combination event instead of being at odds with Eric's attempts on a straight convention. Our ORIGINAL job, the one assigned to us, was to come up with a replacement for the annual Ariel Store party event, not so much to hold a straight convention. However, I saw the sense of combining the two events (Eric's convention and Brunberg's Cooper Party) into one and I was buying into it. would make it easier to get the speakers we needed as part of the program. Brunberg decided to put Eric in charge, in order to save him from having to rent a venue, and because such an approach made sense. So, okay. That was done. I was surprised, but I was fine with it. It solved a lot of problems, and the November event would be the biggest Cooper thing to hit the Northwest, possibly an annual event that got bigger each year. I liked it. Ariel was gone...and this could be an even BIGGER replacement to it. Since then, there has been absolutely nothing said, and there is six months to go. My emails went unanswered and pretty quick I got the hint and AB withdrew its support for the event. Now you are left with whatever Eric comes up with that can either equal or top what we had planned. He doesn't even have to do that. He just needs to make sure the public actually shows up. If he can do this all on his own, even with a modicum of success, then kudos to him. This is extremely doubtful, I think. There was a good reason why we ran things by committee at the Auburn Days Festival, i.e. this committee handled this event, another handled this facet of the event. Because otherwise you get overwhelmed and have to settle for crap. And crap does not bring the bodies to the door. It's possible that Eric will copy some of our original plans and then try to take credit for them without a whisper about AB of Seattle coming up with a lot of them. This is actually his best chance for success, and that is also the main thing. Success...not whether someone gets credit for it. But six months isn't very long to go. He may simply ride on Jim Brunberg's coattails using the Mississippi Studios venue, and although it probably won't be as good an event as the one we were planning for Brunberg, it could still work. Problem far Eric has no public statement at all regarding what he actually plans to do in order to make the program a success. He should do a short video on THAT. I do not have viewing rights on that forum and am unable to see when Eric Ulis's first post was on there. From what I can tell, he did not post anything on the old DropZone. Eric Ulis-do you have any documentation showing you have investigated this case for 10 years or do you decline to answer this question? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52639 May 23, 2019 57 minutes ago, JJG78 said: I do not have viewing rights on that forum and am unable to see when Eric Ulis's first post was on there. From what I can tell, he did not post anything on the old DropZone. Eric Ulis-do you have any documentation showing you have investigated this case for 10 years or do you decline to answer this question? Now why would I waste my time on midless $#!t like this? Really? I'm going to supply "documentation" that I started researching DBC 10 years ago or first became interested in the case about the time of the money find? What is this an inquisition? Either take my word for it or roll. I really could care less. Cheers! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52640 May 23, 2019 Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the notion that the real DB Cooper is one of the suspects that the FBI has considered over the years. Facebook: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52641 May 24, 2019 Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the witnesses descriptions of DB Cooper. Also, I invite people to submit short videos advocating for their suspects. Facebook: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52642 May 24, 2019 5 hours ago, EJU said: Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the witnesses descriptions of DB Cooper. Also, I invite people to submit short videos advocating for their suspects. Facebook: Brilliant… Cooper aka Sheridan had a skier’s tan in late November,, flew in from Tibet,, had a beard just before the hijacking,, changed the thickness/wave and colour of his hair,, wore brown contacts, faked chain smoking, ate fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches on the way to Portland.. while imagining daisy chaining the dummy chute before flying back to Switzerland to deposit loot in his numbered account. NO witness said a tan, they overwhelmingly described Latin/Mexican/Native American features/characteristics/descent,, that is not just skin tone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dudeman17 341 #52643 May 25, 2019 So, what are you saying, Robert? That Peter-san (not Sheridan) was Cooper? Faked his own death in Viet Nam a couple years earlier to ensure he'd get away with it? Geez, and I was starting to think 7 hours ago, FLYJACK said: ...and don't give me the suntan in late November nonsense... that it was George Hamilton. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #52644 May 25, 2019 8 hours ago, dudeman17 said: So, what are you saying, Robert? That Peter-san (not Sheridan) was Cooper? Faked his own death in Viet Nam a couple years earlier to ensure he'd get away with it? Geez, and I was starting to think that it was George Hamilton. George is orange. but it isn't just skin tone,, witnesses described olive, swarthy, AND Latin/Mexican/Native American features/characteristics/descent... None mentioned a tan.. NONE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EJU 3 #52645 May 27, 2019 Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the notion of a government cover-up in the DB Cooper case. Facebook: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #52646 May 27, 2019 "Why would they announce they were closing the case, and then say they would still look at evidence if it were submitted?" Why?, because the evidence they are looking for doesn't skirt around the fact of real proof. the parachute, money, notes etc. that would link the person to the crime is all they will accept. they grew tired of the same old "he was a skydiver and missing that weekend" the 302's are littered with suspects just like the more popular ones. it got very old I'm sure.. The case is NOT closed. they don't have agents actively working on the case. it's a put up or shut up kind of offer.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #52647 May 27, 2019 That's nonsense. the fact of a suspect being dead has no bearing on closing a case secretly. I think just about every unsolved case ends up with people trying to link a conspiracy to it to be the main reason it was never solved. since nothing can be verified it's only hearsay. nothing more. people try and push it as fact though.. It's very simple to those who don't have suspects or agenda's. the FBI has tried to solve the case for decades. this is a new time and age. no room for an old unsolved hijacking to waste manpower or money on with endless rabbit holes of suspects. as I mentioned before. they drew the line... Put up or shut up...they just don't want to hear the same old tune anymore... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #52648 May 27, 2019 I also find it amazing that some believe the public is the answer and yet none of them have come forward with a valid suspect. I guess all the witnesses on 305 don't have internet to see the known suspects where they would jump up and say "that's him" dozens of television shows on suspects the witnesses always seem to always miss? Jo Weber...Cooper is her husband Marla Cooper....Cooper was my uncle RMB....Cooper was Kenny Tom Colbert.....Cooper was Rackstraw Bob Sailshaw (R.I.P.)...Cooper was Peterson McCoy was Cooper Reca was Cooper...... I guess I'm probably wrong about the FBI tiring of the same old, same old... Yes, the announcement was in Seattle that came down from conspiracy there either.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #52649 May 27, 2019 (edited) Robert, you are NO different than the all. Lady and Gents: Hope you're all revving up the BBQ or joining family/friends today. It's beautiful in Los Angeles (after yesterday's rains). This holiday always leaves me grateful to those who have helped serve the public. Whether on the battlefield, from a squad car, in a classroom, in a courtroom -- or even while working a stubborn cold case for justice -- thank you. You folks have been so generous and patient during my years on the Cooper learning curve. In that regard, I wanted to alert you to a long-form investigative article that's coming (5-7000 words) in the next month or two, focused on Rackstraw's Cooper and CIA connections. This journalist has been digging up details and FOIA records for four months now -- details my (now disbanded) team missed. He asked me for all nine press-release summaries -- I've decided to post them for all, including Forum members, up at the "Smoking Gun" section of our website homepage. I suggest you particularly scrutinize the back pages on the 2/1/18 news release: I also suggest you read the short new summary, posted below the video link, here: With hat in hand and all due respect, I just want you all to be prepared for the inevitable conclusions that are coming. Comments always welcome. Until then, all my best. God bless, Tom Edited May 27, 2019 by mrshutter45 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #52650 May 27, 2019 Yes. I would call that 'putting up'. What have you done lately? Any negative stuff doesn't count. Only the positive or the publicly-informative, public-interaction stuff counts. I don't steal idea's from others for one. can you say that? I research the case. I have no desire to prove anything to anyone. that question is not valid.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites