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DB Cooper

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12 minutes ago, EJU said:

Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss where the DB Cooper case goes from here.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DBCooperChannel



Well, I generally agree but the "partial" DNA is useless. 10-20% of the population. There needs to be a new test with new tech.

The problem with getting the FBI info is..  they already have it and couldn't or wouldn't take a case to the DOJ for prosecution.

Either they didn't have a strong enough case or the DOJ squashed it.

I am Canadian so not entirely familiar with US Federal Prosecutions but my understanding is the FBI does the investigation then sends it to the DOJ for consideration, they decide on a prosecution. The DOJ can be pressured or influenced outside the strict application of the law.


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1 hour ago, The Cooper Vortex said:

Nice work FLYJACK. I'm absolutely fascinated by the Dan Cooper comic connection. 

If you want to track "Dan Cooper" and Albert Weinberg around Seattle google "Objectif Jumbo" for images or better yet pick up a cheap copy on EBAY...

He even toured the Boeing plant...  the Lake Tipsoo image (and another) were in a different Dan Cooper comic.


The takeaway is... the French Canadian angle is not the only one..  Dan Cooper comics were published for Mexico in Spanish.. a more likely source for exposure, if at all, considering the legit Latin/Mexican descriptions of Cooper.


Is that black figure in the back on the right (visual left) DB Cooper??


Edited by FLYJACK

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There is evidence that the SN was not from fingerprinting. It is possible, but it could have been from marking/spraying the money bundles with an SN solution prior to giving them to Cooper.

These bills are inconsistent with SN fingerprinting....   partial/random staining..




db-cooper-random-skyjacking-note STAIN.jpg


lf copy 3.jpeg

Picture 9.png

Picture 10.png

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13 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said:

About the bills:  It is also possible some of the silver nitrate was washed off after the Ingram family got hold of them. There are reports that they tried to wash the bills in their kitchen sink, prior to calling the authorities. 


SN is permanent on money.. and the Ingram's washed the money prior to the FBI getting the money for fingerprinting.

Apparently they used Clorox which contains sodium chloride, it reacts with,,,,  SN.


But,, Let's look at the facts..


Tom Kaye found SN on the bills.

An FBI agent told Tom SN was generally used for fingerprinting in the 1970's.

The FBI never admitted to using SN on the Cooper bills and there was no record of it.

Tom looked for evidence of blackened bills before the FBI got them and didn't find any.

Therefore, Tom assumed the SN was from SN fingerprinting.


The irregular and partial staining on some of the bills (like I posted above) in inconsistent with the SN fingerprint process.

This and some other bills with irregular/partial staining pattern is inconsistent with the SN fingerprinting process. 



SN was an old school method for marking ransom money. It can be sprayed with a SN diluted solution which will stain the money over time with UV exposure. A covert method to mark money.


If the FBI did mark the money with SN, that would be something they would hold back.

Facts, there was darkened/blackened money mentioned by Brian and the Fazios prior to the FBI getting it for fingerprinting.

Some of the staining patterns on the bills is consistent with SN marking and inconsistent with SN fingerprinting.


SN fingerprinting was an assumption, the staining pattern on some of those bills is inconsistent with that,,  where did the SN come from??  Marking the bills with SN is consistent,, is there any other explanation??


Edited by FLYJACK

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Silver Nitrate is not going to stay dormant for years until light hits it. the lab probably did this during testing. nobody knows if they decided not to touch any of the bills prior to handling or separating of the bills. the lab will handle the evidence much different than the agents. 

Tom said it turns immediately. he see's no value in it and claims they had dyes back then they could of used. I don't believe SN will transfer they way you believe it will. 

About silver nitrate

Silver nitrate (AgNO3) reacts with the chlorides in skin secretions to form silver chloride, which turns gray when exposed to UV light. Developed prints must be photographed immediately because the reaction will eventually (and permanently) fill the background. Silver nitrate is useful on paper, cardboard, plastics, and unvarnished, light-colored woods. It is not useful on items that have been exposed to water.


The lab probably knew this as well only checking a few of the bills. 

Edited by mrshutter45

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53 minutes ago, mrshutter45 said:

Silver Nitrate is not going to stay dormant for years until light hits it. the lab probably did this during testing. nobody knows if they decided not to touch any of the bills prior to handling or separating of the bills. the lab will handle the evidence much different than the agents. 

Tom said it turns immediately. he see's no value in it and claims they had dyes back then they could of used. I don't believe SN will transfer they way you believe it will. 

About silver nitrate

Silver nitrate (AgNO3) reacts with the chlorides in skin secretions to form silver chloride, which turns gray when exposed to UV light. Developed prints must be photographed immediately because the reaction will eventually (and permanently) fill the background. Silver nitrate is useful on paper, cardboard, plastics, and unvarnished, light-colored woods. It is not useful on items that have been exposed to water.


The lab probably knew this as well only checking a few of the bills. 

There is no record of the FBI using SN..  but, that doesn't mean they didn't. 

I carefully examined the images and tried to find the bills id'd as the top ones of those initial 12 piles. Those would have been the best candidates for SN fingerprinting. I couldn't find them as blackened,, the blackened ones seemed random and internal. This is odd.

There were reports of blackened bills prior to the FBI getting them.


Applying SN to fingerprint would not leave an inconsistent pattern like that shown on some of the bills. Diluted SN solution was an old school method to mark ransom money. 

Some bills are partially stained, some very light, some random, some very dark, some edges only.. that doesn't suggest SN fingerprinting.

Something else happened to cause that inconsistent staining. The only thing I can think of is SN marking, though washing the bills in Clorox may have done something.

I am skeptical that all/any of the staining was from undocumented/unreported SN fingerprinting. The patterns on some bills don't match.


Something undisclosed happened here. Perhaps not all the staining is actually SN..

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1 hour ago, EJU said:

Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the questioning of findings and assumptions in the case.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DBCooperChannel



The irony, Eric is doing exactly what he claims other's are.. 

Eric doesn't address the evidence but attacks the messenger (ME), he is trying to push his extremely speculative narrative..

Eric goes beyond ignoring facts contrary to his narrative, he tries to discredit the messenger.


the FBI walked back the Cowlitz Sheriff claim that the placard came from NORJAK, the placard is inconsistent with 727 internal emergency airstair placards. There is no confirmation the placard came from NORJAK, NONE.  This was stated after the FBI investigation.



The wind...

Eric ignores the source for the wind data... and claims it is a fact. It was a guess, a proxy, they used the wind data averaged over an hour 8-9PM from Salem and Portland.. far from the placard and the LZ area. In fact, wind data 7-8PM had the wind ESE to S closer to the Placard and LZ.

The wind was shifting, it was not a known fact. This is clearly stated in the FBI files.




The chutes, 

There weren't six chutes delivered to Cooper.

FACT.. According to the packing card, the back chute returned to Hayden does not match the description/SN found on the back chute left by Cooper. That means at some point there must have been more than 2 back chutes involved somewhere.


The airstairs,, Eric can't read the transcripts.. which are far more accurate than the 302 summaries he relies on to advance his bogus theory.

Cooper's initial demand was to have stairs lowered in flight, there is no question about it.




The pilots were the ones that suggested lowering for takeoff as a means to convince Cooper to allow Tina to leave so they could escape.



Eric is being completely dishonest, he does have a Cooper docufiction to sell..

Disagreements are one thing, this is self serving goal seeking.


Eric is a "Cooper Con"



Edited by FLYJACK

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On 6/7/2019 at 11:33 AM, EJU said:

Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the questioning of findings and assumptions in the case.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DBCooperChannel



Who is making money off this case? No one.  I hear you speak about agendas.  Don't you have an agenda? This is the pot calling the kettle black.  You are promoting yourself and a book and a suspect and using your convention as a method to do it.  

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Here I go again, breaking another cardinal rule which is to avoid engaging people who are breathtakingly ignorant. That said, I will clean-up the mess that Blevins is making with his reckless and false comments.

1) Given that I founded, organized and paid for CooperCon, how is it that you have the stones to suggest that Brunberg "assigned" or "gave me" any job? I own the damn thing.

2) If you listen--not even very carefully--to the June 6th Daily DB Cooper Bite, at the 2:25 point, I clearly state that CooperCon will be taking place in both Portland and Vancouver. Get your facts straight before you comment.

I have no problem with people who aren't very bright. However, when ignorance is laced with malice, then it becomes inexcusable.

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None of this nonsense belongs on here Robert. 

FYI, a conference is a conference. nothing more. it's limited to "the public" since it's in a local area. perhaps you should start a tour around the states to get the word out properly? televison programs, and internet carry the load much more or better. no, I'm not saying they have no meaning either. 

The first one by Grey was to promote his book. the second one was to promote WSHS. you are trying to make it out like some large corporate move. It's a conference. 

When I read the emails you say you had a very small part..either let the cards fall where they may, or take it over and show the world how it's done? 

try actually discussing the case and not the members. filling up pages with with personal attacks is why this thread was closed the last time. yes, you are attacking a member. repeatedly. 

Edited by mrshutter45

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1 hour ago, EJU said:

Daily DB Cooper Bite. I discuss the quest to determine the specific time that DB Cooper jumped.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DBCooperChannel



The FDR has a "little bob" at 8:09 so that is the lower bound time.

The rear door closing is an old theory..

I doubt Cooper would have closed the door himself, however the door may have swung partially closed... maybe it was swinging,,  some planes have an open lock mechanism.. but I don't see one here on this early 727..


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5 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said:

Seen recently elsewhere:


What I do is ask legitimate questions and confront the issues that few of you have the guts to do. You’re a clique. I’m the guy who doesn’t buy into that scenario because it goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing. I do more interaction on Cooper with the public on a monthly basis than most of you have done since you started exploring the case. I also think I have somewhat more fun doing it. In the real world, that is. 



5 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said:

Seen recently elsewhere:


What I do is ask legitimate questions and confront the issues that few of you have the guts to do. You’re a clique. I’m the guy who doesn’t buy into that scenario because it goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing. I do more interaction on Cooper with the public on a monthly basis than most of you have done since you started exploring the case. I also think I have somewhat more fun doing it. In the real world, that is. 

Robert, get off your high horse and stick to the case. you are breaking the rules here in several ways. 

Edited by mrshutter45

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14 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said:

What I do is ask legitimate questions and confront the issues that few of you have the guts to do. You’re a clique. I’m the guy who doesn’t buy into that scenario because it goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing. I do more interaction on Cooper with the public on a monthly basis than most of you have done since you started exploring the case. I also think I have somewhat more fun doing it. In the real world, that is

Your contribution to the cause has indeed been yuge.

(You should never post this in Speaker's Corner - you might just get confused with someone else.....)




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