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DB Cooper

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I never said you got Carr demoted. I said that it seemed you were the reason he stopped being a valuable contributor to this forum. It seems he got told to stop posting here. Did you or did you not complain about him to someone in the FBI? Simple yes or no is all that is required.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I never said you got Carr demoted. I said that it seemed you were the reason he stopped being a valuable contributor to this forum. It seems he got told to stop posting here. Did you or did you not complain about him to someone in the FBI? Simple yes or no is all that is required.

Read the post prior to your post and the answer to your question is there. If they told him not to post here - that was their choice. You will NOTE that before he left the thread he was keeping his statements to fact and leaving out opinions.

The publication of FBI agents' opinions in public media complicate cases. The opinion of the agent becomes a matter of record - hence myth or theory becomes fact and/or so entertwined the facts become obscured.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I may have stated sarcastically that I got Carr fired. The written word does not inflect emotions..

Thanks for your admission - finally!

You broke the news - no one else.

Your announcement caused a lot of people to
scramble to find out from Larry and the FBI
what was going on.

As for the rest of your venomous allegations which
disrupt and harm people's lives while you laugh
behind the scenes - it defines your credibility and
your motives, as well as 'your' credentials and your
stories claiming a Cooper suspect.

That you would go to such lengths is a story in its
own right.

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I am the one who CHOSE to take my stand in this thread because it was less intrusive into my life.
Now I feel there is NO choice other than to confront the FBI in person and by going public.

Jo - You keep talking about choice. So I say the same thing to you as to Jerry - quit talking about it and do it. No more excuses.

It is also your choice to keep interacting with Jerry (code word for baiting) on this forum. No one forced you to do anything.

As far as Carr - The very fact that you feel you have to make statements about the role that you did or did not play in Carr's firing/ demotion/ transfer/ leaving the forum/ whatever should make you realize that words can harm. At the very least, the perception (created by your own postings and emails) is there.

I don't for one moment think that Jerry Thomas is a physical threat to you. All I attempted to do with my Posts #26577 and 26584 was to harken Jerry to the way posts can come across to the objective observer.

Much like the very sound advice Orange1 recently gave to you and Blevins:

"Blevins - Cooper may be a small part of your life but as has been pointed out - it doesn't really change the perception of your arguments here. You, like Jo, need to get someone with an objective eye to read over your posts and see the way they come across to a disinterested individual."
(Bold added by me)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The publication of FBI agents' opinions in public media complicate cases. The opinion of the agent becomes a matter of record - hence myth or theory becomes fact and/or so entertwined the facts become obscured.

Are you stating this as FACT or your personal

How in hell do you know!?

Who appointed you the authority to decide!?

You attacked Larry for one single reason: because
he undercut your ability to maneuver and prosecute
your bullshit here at Dropzone, after the Moderator
refused to intercede and Moderate you! You attack
anyone and everyone who undermines your claims,
according to your perception.

You even say Duane asked you to "STOP" before
he died! Obviously you decided todo otherwise
and came up with an excuse to continue.

Your whole case is one pile of excuses piled on
top of the last pile of excuses.

And, if Duane Weber was not DB Cooper then what
is all of this for?

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Well Jo so you did complain. You may not think he was a loss because he didn't tell you what you wanted to hear - though unfailingly polite in the face of your rancorous rants. The rest of us thought he was very valuable. You did the forum a huge disservice.
This also means you have blatantly lied in the past about this.
Trying to justify it now just makes you look worse, not better.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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This also means you have blatantly lied in the past about this.
Trying to justify it now just makes you look worse, not better.

Be careful! Jo calls them WHITE LIES.

White lies are not 'lies' ???


These were not white lies. They were told to try protect a vindictive woman from the scorn she fully deserves. I am livid.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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This also means you have blatantly lied in the past about this.
Trying to justify it now just makes you look worse, not better.

Be careful! Jo calls them WHITE LIES.

White lies are not 'lies' ???


These were not white lies. They were told to try protect a vindictive woman from the scorn she fully deserves. I am livid.


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Jo Stated


The publication of FBI agents' opinions in public media complicate cases. The opinion of the agent becomes a matter of record - hence myth or theory becomes fact and/or so entertwined the facts become obscured.

Georger is asking:

Are you stating this as FACT or your personal opinion?

Answer: Both!

Georger Stated:

You attacked Larry for one single reason: because
he undercut your ability to maneuver and prosecute
your bullshit here at Dropzone, after the Moderator
refused to intercede and Moderate you! You attack
anyone and everyone who undermines your claims,
according to your perception.

What is wrong Georger - is your world falling apart? What Larry was doing in this thread was NOT investigating. He was creating evidence and there is a difference.

The comic books are the best example of this. Look what the FBI did - they put it in their site and then this woman comes along claiming her Uncle was Cooper and had the Comics on his refrigerator. The FBI investigators who came after CARR did not get it and spent our $$$'s checking her Uncle out.
Note the Uncle was in his 30's?

FBI agents participating in public media need to be sure they are NOT putting their own opinions out as FACT. They need to stick with facts stated in the file and leave their OPINIONS in the drawer. I did NOT hide my feelings about that and stated it on the thread.

Duane did NOT ask me to stop anything. He got mad at me for NOT understanding what he was trying to tell me. Again - more misinformation. You have heard JT say this so much that you actually believe that is the way it happened. YOU are a victim of repetition by others and influenced by suggestions of others. JT is the ONE who said that NOT me.

This is an example of exactly what was happening.

You are right the case is one big pile of excuses - but, NOT on my part - on the part of the investigative departments. They couldn't, wouldn't or should have investigated Weber a little more closely. The time line was there, but they didn't look at that. There was MORE there for Weber than there was ever for any other suspect - but, they chose to look the other way.

I gave them all the time they needed, but they continued to spend money on things like Dan Cooper Comics and dna on suspects whose backgrounds did NOT support their being Dan Cooper. Not a good thing in this economy---especially when the source of the DNA was questionable.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Well Jo so you did complain. You may not think he was a loss because he didn't tell you what you wanted to hear - though unfailingly polite in the face of your rancorous rants. The rest of us thought he was very valuable. You did the forum a huge disservice.
This also means you have blatantly lied in the past about this. Trying to justify it now just makes you look worse, not better.

I didn't care what he said as long as it was fact from the files and not his opinion. I stated this in the thread many times. His opinions were being taken as FACT - not only in the thread, but by the media. That was wrong.

Blatanly lied - about what? I stated my opinions right here in this thread. Individuals who know and have studied the crime for yrs complained to the FBI. The DAN COOPER COMICS became part of the FBI files. NO one said nothing about anything until this little contoction became part of the FBI Official Site and story about Cooper. I was NOT the only one who noted that myth had become fact on the official FBI site.

The source of the MYTH was this thread and the FBI. NOT a good thing!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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These were not white lies. They were told to try protect a vindictive woman from the scorn she fully deserves. I am livid.

What Lies did I tell? That I didn't know where Tina was - QUILTY!

All the buzz about Cook and Bruce approaching Tina and finding Tina. Jo found her in 2002, but did NOT contact her until 2003. There is BLACK and PINK PROOF of this. Georger you know this for a fact!

Those who really know me outside of this thread knew about my contact with TINA and so did my husband. He was alive at that time and I asked for his permission provide her the land line phone number in his name and NOT my business number.

There are those who do NOT participate in this thread who knew ALL of this. Most of the communications with these individuals is by email and verifiable. We laughed when all the publicity was credited to Bruce and Galen for find Tina.

I told Galen where to find the Divorce records and that the rest of it was a CAKE walk. I knew the husbands name when you guys went on about talking to Tina's husband - and yet you didn't even have his name right. Now that was a vivid imagination - creating a conversation with a man who was not her husband.

Get over it - accuse me of lies, white lies to protect. See what happened when they did find Tina. The vultures could not contend themselves - they swooped down on her.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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And yes, if she had anything to do with Carr gettin transferred, that is beyond the pale. I personally would hate to think that the FBI would stoop to that based on anything Jo had to say.

I doubt he was transferred or demoted on anything I had to say. I do know that "others" also complained about the DAN COOPER COMICS becoming part of the OFFICIAL FBI SITE. There are those who READ this thread - such as retired FBI agents, book writers, producers, individuals who have followed the subject for yrs.

I have a personal friend who is well known in the Writers Association in another area. She was contacted by 2 FBI agent who are also writers in her area...regarding the "Cook & Bruce" find regarding Tina. She produced PROOF that JO had Tina's location and address and phone number for many yrs. JO is not a Vulture.

NO my "friend" is not writing my story or a story about Cooper - just someone I have shared things with since we were kids. She is NOT a published writer.

The point is that I took measures yrs ago to protect my sources. I am really pretty stupid about some things and I waited for the FBI to make a move in the right direction. I thought it was happening, but I can't wait for the FBI - I am running out of time. I was not looking for fame or fortune - all I ever wanted was to know the truth about Duane L. Weber - aka John C. Collins aka Dan Cooper.

When the agent of records spends time with the likes of certain individuals - then IT is time to MOVE MOUNTAINS...or find out what WAS on Green Mt. that was SO important certain individuals claimed this place did NOT exist and has tried to discredit me for 15 yrs.

JT claimed no knowledge of this Green Mt. Georger claimed NO knowledge fo this MT. Sluggo claimed NO knowledge of this MT.
YET, it existed exactly where I told them it was. It appeared in 1979 exactly as I desctribed it.
Anyone raised in the area knew exactly what I was trying to describe Now does that NOT make some of you ponder - COVER-up, but WHY would so many individuals be involved in a cover-up. Maybe they claimed knowledge of an area they actually had little to no contact with in the 40's to 70's. You Think?

One individual knew exactly what I was talking about and WHY I had to be discredited. Why would this be? What was on that MT that was so important convincing me it did NOT exist and discrediting me to the FBI and others was of the utmost importance in this persons life?

Now you guys figure it out!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo I'll see you on Friday. You have been sent all info for my visit. Jo you only have 3 day's at most to prove your Lie's Admit your lies or Submit a Apoligy for your deception it is up to you. Jerry Ps Mark what do you think about Shelly's Birthday Present. We just found out that the car is one of the rarest mustang for that year. only a few made with that motor and carb. Jerry

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Jo Lieing again I have the tapes of our conversation that proves you are lieing One more thing Duanes best friend in georgia that sold insurance with him will verify your atempt to fraude this case.

:)I got this email from the "friend". He has made similar replies in the past when I have mentioned JT continueing his rage claiming I had lied and what Bill supposedly told JT. NOTE that Jerry always references this friend. If part of what JT says is a lie then the rest of is probably a lie - right!

Subj: Re: Bill the ADDICT is at it again his attacks are killing me
Date: 9/5/2011 7:45:10 AM Central Daylight Time

I never said or implied you did any thing to (fraud) misspelled, as he did also with the word (lieing) misspelled. This guy is a f+++++g moron.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 3:54 AM

I have other messages Bill has sent over the last few yrs. Bill did NOT meet Duane until 1972. In the past we have communicated after one of JT's rants, but this is the first time I tried to put one in the thread. NOW you know the REST of the story.

Jerry's threats have gone too far and he is dangerous. The page in Geoffrey's book about the gun - was sufficient cause.
By his own admission Jerry is coming to this area and he will end up in the county Jail or in 72 hour retention at a mental facility...if I press charge he will be held till trial since he lives out of state...no bond.

This will be classified as Senior Abuse in the STATE of FL.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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For this who are not aware, the Daily Mail is a tabloid....

And given their reputation, I would not immediately jump down Bruce's throat about him being referred to as an "expert". (and even I know that witness protection doesn't involve putting someone in a "nunnery" without bothering to change their name or without hiding which convent she is in!)

As for Tina leaving...well I daresay it was not a calling but an escape for her so not surprising it wasn't lifelong.

The article in general looks like a typical Daily Mail article: utter hogwash.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo : Sorry it's over for you . Back Off or suffer the conseqenses . Stop your BS . Jerry

Jerry, stop horsing around and upload the the transcripts or the tapes. As others have stated you can upload the audio to plenty of online sites. Why are you dodging the issue? kinda makes you look like a fraud. You always accuse Jo of being a liar. Be a man, step up to the plate and show us your evidence.

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It’s obvious that Bruce Smith is now officially an ‘Investigative Reporter’ as is stated in the Daily News of New York.

For all of you who bathe in name dropping and puffing, here are some facts about the fifth largest newspaper in the United States of America. It has won ten Pulitzer Prizes and that is very important to writers because the average person does not know and does not care about this distinction. But it is used as a form of validation and the Daily News has ten of them and that is a lot.

Since there isn’t an ‘Investigative Reporter’ certifying body or license, a newspaper which publishes stories from live people is like graduating from an Ivy League institution. There simply is no argument here. Bruce Smith got some national media coverage with his story about Tina which should validate his credentials and ability as a journalist.

Yet something tells me there will be amendments and sour grapes associated with this subject. I base this on the conduct from the preceding thousand pages of comments.

Apparently there is some sort of tacit inference that because a story gets a certain number of hits, is on some nebulous list or Amazon ranking that there is an inherent quality to that data point. There is a book that was published in 1998 which ranks consistently high and has over 180 reviews, 690 pages and would qualify as a must read to those who subscribe to this viewpoint. Perhaps others would learn a great deal from ‘Mein Kampf’ and the ultimate value of group think (Arbeit macht frei). I think those reading ‘Mein Kampf’ and associating page hits or ranking with quality would be deserving of an ‘Irony Cross’.


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For this who are not aware, the Daily Mail is a tabloid....

Yeah, I know, but tabloids do serve a function.

I need to know if Jennifer Anniston is pregnant. I need to know if Angelina is cheating on Brad, or vce versa. That info is available nowhere else.

My wife will not stand in a grocery checkout line with me unless I promise not to pick up the Inquirer and read it while waiting.

There is a reason why the Economist is not stocked near the cash registers.

Bruce deserves some credit as an investigative reporter, at least that's how I see it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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For this who are not aware, the Daily Mail is a tabloid....

Yeah, I know, but tabloids do serve a function.

I need to know if Jennifer Anniston is pregnant. I need to know if Angelina is cheating on Brad, or vce versa. That info is available nowhere else.

Indeed, because contrary to popular opinion (or desire), many papers actually like to print the truth :S

Me, I'm on the fence. I understand wanting to give credit to Bruce. On the other hand, I look at the paparazzi photos of Tina and think... this is exactly why this story has ended up in a tabloid. >:(

People here say tabloids serve a function because people who otherwise would never read newspapers, do. Me, given the crap they write here (which makes the Daily Mail look like the Guardian) think it actually might be better if they didn't read anything :|
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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For this who are not aware, the Daily Mail is a tabloid....

Yeah, I know, but tabloids do serve a function.

I need to know if Jennifer Anniston is pregnant. I need to know if Angelina is cheating on Brad, or vce versa. That info is available nowhere else.

Indeed, because contrary to popular opinion (or desire), many papers actually like to print the truth :S

Me, I'm on the fence. I understand wanting to give credit to Bruce. On the other hand, I look at the paparazzi photos of Tina and think... this is exactly why this story has ended up in a tabloid. >:(

People here say tabloids serve a function because people who otherwise would never read newspapers, do. Me, given the crap they write here (which makes the Daily Mail look like the Guardian) think it actually might be better if they didn't read anything :|

Is Dropzone a tabloid?

Is NPR's Science Friday a tabloid?

Is amateur astronomy a tabloid vs. professional
astronomy ?

Are pharmaceutical ads on TV a tabloid?

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