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DB Cooper

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and yet you call a woman that will not come forward completely with her story of seeing a man on the stairs of a plane at 10,000 feet at night in a storm, that does say flares came off the plane and you claim a helicopter shot them? Proof? OOOOkkkk

YUP! Read Ralph, guys. PLUS Mac told me the same thing on the phone. Good enough???? Good!

didn't see Matt's post until after mine, let the record also show 2.5 miles away!

At 45°, distance is not 2.5 miles for 10,000 ft, Einstein. That's LINE of SIGHT! It's less than 2 miles distance and less than 2 miles elevation. It is impossible to discuss anything with Matt because he can't understand it. He has his crew duties that get in the way all the time. If you can't win with facts, then bury 'em in BS. I get the facts on the table and the subject changes to a dead topic with the same old line. Sorry, Matt. You are out of chances. You burned your bridge. See ya.

It was one of your posts where you said 14,000' feet (accounting for the additional distance created by the angle, you know like a triangle), the post you went back and reread to get the angle and altitude.

14,000' divided by 5280' = 2.65
Plus we are talking about a Congruent Right Triangle.
I rounded down. It benefited your story, but still it proved wrong for you.

Do I get to make a personal attack and call you a sarcastic name now?

BTW, where are you going?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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what am I looking up Bob, this again had nothing to do with the question, you like to skew off the point when things are asked! the whole thing is not worth the argument! it's impossible what she has claimed, I don't need 337's post or any other post to conclude this, just another reason why her story is in the background! end of this part of the story.

No. The point of Janet is not that she saw a jumper, but that she saw the plane. Cook's witnesses saw it also. The fact that it was seen on THAT course verifies TOG's statement to Ralph and to me, that Janet is correct, and vice-versa. It is prima faca to a misrepresented flight path and a path to the actual jump site which is dead on to Tena's Bar. It is not dismissed. It is key evidence that I will not sweep under the rug. If you guys won't do it, I'll hire it done myself. The facts are there and easily reproduced. Take your choice.

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what am I looking up Bob, this again had nothing to do with the question, you like to skew off the point when things are asked! the whole thing is not worth the argument! it's impossible what she has claimed, I don't need 337's post or any other post to conclude this, just another reason why her story is in the background! end of this part of the story.

No. The point of Janet is not that she saw a jumper, but that she saw the plane. Cook's witnesses saw it also. The fact that it was seen on THAT course verifies TOG's statement to Ralph and to me that Janet is correct, or vice-versa. It is prima faca to a misrepresented flight path and a path to the actual jump site which is dead on to Tena's Bar. It is not dismissed. It is key evidence that I will not sweep under the rug. If you guys won't do it, I'll hire it done myself. The facts are there and easily reproduced. Take your choice.

someone claiming they saw flares and stairs and people at 10,000 can not be trusted to verify a flight path! not buying it!

Does anyone know if Portland was looking out at the tower trying to see the plane? seems they would of seen the sky "lit up"
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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14,000' divided by 5280' = 2.65
Plus we are talking about a Congruent Right Triangle.
I rounded down. It benefited your story, but still it proved wrong for you.

Line of sight, NOT distance. Crow Flies stuff. Bye.

So, you want to discount FACT and science now?

It is simple math and science, it also proves the story to be WRONG.

The Facts prove the flight path Story to be wrong.

So, now we have to wrongs...

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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someone claiming they saw flares and stairs and people at 10,000 can not be trusted to verify a flight path! not buying it!

As stand-alone testimony I would agree, but it is supported by TOG, Ralph, McCoy, Janet, Cook and me.

Does anyone know if Portland was looking out at the tower trying to see the plane? seems they would of seen the sky "lit up"

Good question. I was told there was no communication from the tower. I do not believe that. I believe it was deleted. 305 was given instructions to stay out of Portland's air space over populated areas. According to the 'official' map they flew right over Portland's east side. THAT did not happen. With the true path, they neatly circled the west of Portland just as purdy as pie.

The shift in location was facilitated at no change in air speed by in the change in wind speed from negative to positive, making up the time loss and making ground distance to the new western shift in actual position. The position on paper, which the FBI had was left in the dust 35 miles to the east. That's how TOG got Duane to a search free area right by the river intersections west of Tena's Bar. You HAVE to do a sepia transfer to see what I'm telling you.

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someone claiming they saw flares and stairs and people at 10,000 can not be trusted to verify a flight path! not buying it!

As stand-alone testimony I would agree, but it is supported by TOG, Ralph, McCoy, Janet, Cook and me.But only one person saw this, so only one person can testify to it.

Does anyone know if Portland was looking out at the tower trying to see the plane? seems they would of seen the sky "lit up"

Good question. I was told there was no communication from the tower. I do not believe that. I believe it was deleted. 305 was given instructions to stay out of Portland's air space over populated areas. According to the 'official' map they flew right over Portland's east side. THAT did not happen. With the true path, they neatly circled the west of Portland just as purdy as pie.

Not facts in evidence again. There is no data to support this.
Try to keep up.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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where do you think he jumped?

Find Tena's Bar. Go upstream to farmland. Quite close, not too far. West side of the river, perhaps. I'm not looking at maps, I'm strictly using logic. If the river ever flowed backwards, we must throw that into the calculations.

He supposedly walked 15 miles, so 10-15 upland would be the probable landing site. First point of triangulation would be a oil line pumphouse by power transmission lines that run east and west. A fix from that point and radio fixes in the mountains to either side points to the clear-cut fire-trail for the pipeline I think he jumped in. That's a wide straight line down to the fork in the river and over to Tena's Bar.

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where do you think he jumped?

Find Tena's Bar. Go upstream to farmland. Quite close, not too far. West side of the river, perhaps. I'm not looking at maps, I'm strictly using logic. If the river ever flowed backwards, we must throw that into the calculations.

Then where does the 15-20 mile hike come into play if he was so close to Tena Bar? plus don't forget Janet saw in on the stairs over Vancouver?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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where do you think he jumped?

Find Tena's Bar. Go upstream to farmland. Quite close, not too far. West side of the river, perhaps. I'm not looking at maps, I'm strictly using logic. If the river ever flowed backwards, we must throw that into the calculations.

Then where does the 15-20 mile hike come into play if he was so close to Tena Bar? plus don't forget Janet saw in on the stairs over Vancouver?

NO-NO- PORTLAND. Not Vancouver.

He supposedly walked 15 miles, so 10-15 upland would be the probable landing site. First point of triangulation would be a oil line pumphouse by power transmission lines that run east and west. A fix from that point and radio fixes in the mountains to either side points to the clear-cut fire-trail for the pipeline I think he jumped in. That's a wide straight line down to the fork in the river and over to Tena's Bar.

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where do you think he jumped?

Find Tena's Bar. Go upstream to farmland. Quite close, not too far. West side of the river, perhaps. I'm not looking at maps, I'm strictly using logic. If the river ever flowed backwards, we must throw that into the calculations.

Then where does the 15-20 mile hike come into play if he was so close to Tena Bar? plus don't forget Janet saw in on the stairs over Vancouver?

NO-NO- PORTLAND. Not Vancouver.

He supposedly walked 15 miles, so 10-15 upland would be the probable landing site. First point of triangulation would be a oil line pumphouse by power transmission lines that run east and west. A fix from that point and radio fixes in the mountains to either side points to the clear-cut fire-trail for the pipeline I think he jumped in. That's a wide straight line down to the fork in the river and over to Tena's Bar.

Janet had her hair done at the salon and didn't give much thought to the news as she drove to her home in nearby Vancouver, Wash. where did you read Portland?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I believe that is misinformation. I got an address in west Portland. Cook was the reporter, Bruce has access. I think Bruce has a phone number. You can Google phone numbers for location.... But what do I know? Everything gets changed nowadays, clips for pins, KC's for DW's, don't know what's goin' on any more, huh?

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I believe that is misinformation. I got an address in west Portland. Cook was the reporter, Bruce has access. I think Bruce has a phone number. You can Google phone numbers for location.... But what do I know? Everything gets changed nowadays, clips for pins, KC's for DW's, don't know what's goin' on any more, huh?

Ok, even worse now, we have a witness spotting a man on the stairs in west Portland area, correct? what does her husband say about all of this, he was there too? or is this another Marla triangle? or should I say...circle!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I believe that is misinformation. I got an address in west Portland. Cook was the reporter, Bruce has access. I think Bruce has a phone number. You can Google phone numbers for location.... But what do I know? Everything gets changed nowadays, clips for pins, KC's for DW's, don't know what's goin' on any more, huh?

Ok, even worse now, we have a witness spotting a man on the stairs in west Portland area, correct?

With his weiner sticking out, if you remember.

No. A plane in the sky on a circle around Portland, not Vancouver. You have no interest in the truth, do you?

Nap time.

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I believe that is misinformation. I got an address in west Portland. Cook was the reporter, Bruce has access. I think Bruce has a phone number. You can Google phone numbers for location.... But what do I know? Everything gets changed nowadays, clips for pins, KC's for DW's, don't know what's goin' on any more, huh?

Ok, even worse now, we have a witness spotting a man on the stairs in west Portland area, correct?

With his weiner sticking out, if you remember.

No. A plane in the sky on a circle around Portland, not Vancouver. You have no interest in the truth, do you?

Nap time.

"I got an address in west Portland."

come on Bob, this is getting wacky, even for you! please don't do any calculations on the weiner FACT.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I would challenge anyone to put two planes side by side in the daytime at 10,000 feet and glance up and tell me which one had a human on the bottom of the plane!


I acknowledged that, 377.

Witnesses have a tendency to enhance their testimony sometimes, I suspect ol' Janet did that with her jumper.

Look it up.

When can we do the Brigham Young Medallion thingy?? Huh? HUH? Or do I have to hire a navigator to redo Robert99's re-plotting of 305 using wind data from the other airliner?????? Wanna know where it puts 305???? Read Cook. 35 miles west of the FBI search area, right where TOG said he flew!!! Right where Janet claims to have seen the plane, right where Mac said it was. Then there are Cook's witness of the flight over the west of Portland. Come on, guys, this is too simple. and you claim to want to throw it out because she bragged about seeing Duane's Wienner?

The wind direction that Captain Bohan claimed for that night was within a couple of degrees of being from the straight south (true direction or grid line direction). Basically, that would not blow him anywhere except maybe straight north.

And you still don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you should check with that mental hospital you mentioned earlier today. Perhaps they could give you your own room.

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what am I looking up Bob, this again had nothing to do with the question, you like to skew off the point when things are asked! the whole thing is not worth the argument! it's impossible what she has claimed, I don't need 337's post or any other post to conclude this, just another reason why her story is in the background! end of this part of the story.

No. The point of Janet is not that she saw a jumper, but that she saw the plane. Cook's witnesses saw it also. The fact that it was seen on THAT course verifies TOG's statement to Ralph and to me that Janet is correct, or vice-versa. It is prima faca to a misrepresented flight path and a path to the actual jump site which is dead on to Tena's Bar. It is not dismissed. It is key evidence that I will not sweep under the rug. If you guys won't do it, I'll hire it done myself. The facts are there and easily reproduced. Take your choice.

someone claiming they saw flares and stairs and people at 10,000 can not be trusted to verify a flight path! not buying it!

Does anyone know if Portland was looking out at the tower trying to see the plane? seems they would of seen the sky "lit up"

There was an overcast at 5000 feet in the Portland/Vancouver area and additional heavy cloud layers below that.

No one on the ground in the Portland/Vancouver area could see the airliner when it passed over. And the flight crew has been quoted as saying they could not see the lights of Portland/Vancouver when they flew overhead.

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