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DB Cooper

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Nobody has more experience watching people on the exterior of aircraft than skydivers. When we are on the ground and hear a plane on jump run we usually look up.

Janet's story about seeing a person on the 727 stairs is simply not credible. Just a reminder.

As I recall Georger backed this up with some Rayleigh's criteria and aperture analysis.

I just know from experience what you can and can't resolve visually. I've watched a few hundred 14,000 ft jet exits from the ground and thousands of exits from prop aircraft at altitudes ranging from 2800 ft to 24,000 feet.


- read the thread -

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You guys are getting a taste of what I put up with for 15 yrs....regarding this man who calls himself the record keeper and caretaker.

I own an old TV with a convertor box and an antennae in my attic. I rarely watch TV anyway. I only have dial-up and cannot watch the clips anyone attaches.

Until Knoss is GONE, this thread is useless for anyone. I was a pain, but at least I have never proclaimed to be an expert on anything. Just telling what I did know from Weber and my memories of my life with him. I like the rest of you explored the theories of the what if's.

I am serious about needing help with the research in the coming months. I go back to surgery (# 3) in a few wks. I hope I can make another trip to WA, OR and ID before the fall. Have to work around my money, health and hurricanes. This time there will be a focus on only 4 places and there is lots to do (old archived files to search), but at least we know what we are looking for now. The footprints are there - we just need to validate them.

Anyone willing to volunteer their time in these archives is welcomed and appreciated. If I could have done this 15 yrs ago, I could have put this case to rest or at least have proven to the FBI that Weber did have a backgound in Wa and was exposed to the criteria that made it possible for him to commit this crime. Most of these file were NOT available to the public even 10 yrs ago and now due to the diligence of historians a lot of old files are now available.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Had to return for a moment.

D.B. Cooper: Why Kenny Christiansen is NOT a Suspect — Unsolved Realm...
The usual suspects are people like Bob Knoss (says the hijacking was a government conspiracy to improve airline safety) and perhaps Jerry Warner, aka ‘Georger’ at Dropzone.
www.unsolvedrealm.com | 03.04.2012

Solar Salamander: First Vertebrate with Photosynthetic ...
Robert Blevins said Word is that Bob Knoss, the author of many of the... Robert Blevins said Funny comment by Kent Clark. Even I can’t sa... recruiting said Is this the
www.unsolvedrealm.com | 03.04.2012

Who's the asshole? Bleepins.

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I believe that is misinformation. I got an address in west Portland. Cook was the reporter, Bruce has access. I think Bruce has a phone number. You can Google phone numbers for location.... But what do I know?


I do not have Janet's phone number nor her real name; hence, I do not have her address.

However, Galen told me where she lived in 1971 when she saw what she saw, and that was a neighborhood east of I-5 in the then-suburban Vancouver area, off of Mill Plain Rd, as I recall.

THANK YOU Bruce,,,, Bob, anything to add? B|

So, since you didn't know where Janet really lived, how did you come up with your calculations that fit so perfectly (according to you) B|

I typed her phone number into MapQuest and got a location in West Beaverton. South Vancouver is nowhere near the true flight path, right? or wrong? Cook referenced witnesses in the north of Vancouver that reportedly sighted 305. THAT makes sense, as the flight took a loop west around Portland. A Janet in southern Vancouver would NOT be approximately 2 miles from the flight path, would she?? Maybe? I did not scale anything to check what I believed to be more changed evidence. I do not trust anyone's info when it comes to this case. If I don't have it first-hand it is questionable. If Jo took that approach, she'd be a lot more correct. Deductive reasoning should verify any supposition if it is really true. BS rarely fits into a hand carved puzzle hole, and it won't light up.

Get her phone number from 1971.

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There was an overcast at 5000 feet in the Portland/Vancouver area and additional heavy cloud layers below that.

No one on the ground in the Portland/Vancouver area could see the airliner when it passed over. And the flight crew has been quoted as saying they could not see the lights of Portland/Vancouver when they flew overhead.

That is a very bold statement, Jerry. I recall the report was an opening in the clouds. Wrong again? Seeing only one mosquito does not mean that squishing that mosquito will insure you are not bitten. Confusedus.

TOG's confession is at odds with the record. We know the records were changed, some by TOG himself. That discredits all of the evidence that COULD be falsified. Ralph is careful not to fabricate very much. I like Ralph. I believe what TOG gave me. I believe McCoy and I accept the basics of what Janet reported, minus her embelishment
about Duane's weiner. I'd be surprised if she could even see the stairs.... but maybe... no, it couldn't be!! Not Duane! That's not possible.

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Bob Knoss says "I do not trust anyone's info when it comes to this case."

That pretty much goes for everything you say Bob.

Bob, "NO-NO- PORTLAND. Not Vancouver."
Bob, "I typed her phone number into MapQuest and got a location in West Beaverton."

Bruce Smith, "However, Galen told me where she lived in 1971 when she saw what she saw"

Bruce, "east of I-5 in the then-suburban Vancouver area, off of Mill Plain Rd, as I recall."

Bob says, "BS rarely fits into a hand carved puzzle hole, and it won't light up."

Dave, that is correct Bob, much like the sky in your world, the sky did not light up either!

I'm sorry Bob, nothing you say can be trusted, your story has many holes in it and don't think you should continue beyond this point, I don't think you are a bad person Bob, just someone lost inside a story that you just might of started to actually believe yourself.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bob Knoss says "I do not trust anyone's info when it comes to this case."

That pretty much goes for everything you say Bob.

Bob, "NO-NO- PORTLAND. Not Vancouver."
Bob, "I typed her phone number into MapQuest and got a location in West Beaverton."

Bruce Smith, "However, Galen told me where she lived in 1971 when she saw what she saw"

Bruce, "east of I-5 in the then-suburban Vancouver area, off of Mill Plain Rd, as I recall."

Bob says, "BS rarely fits into a hand carved puzzle hole, and it won't light up."

Dave, that is correct Bob, much like the sky in your world, the sky did not light up either!

I'm sorry Bob, nothing you say can be trusted, your story has many holes in it and don't think you should continue beyond this point, I don't think you are a bad person Bob, just someone lost inside a story that you just might of started to actually believe yourself.

Minor difference in locations. Don't change any facts. You throw out everything on a minor point? You show your adgenda, and it is NOT to investigate any new avenues, it is to disprove everything but what you believe, or maybe even are told to believe. I have a similar position on what I KNOW to be the truth and have my own adgenda, to simply expose what really happened. I will do that, because it is right. You seem to jump at the smallest opportunity to torpedo. That's not an investigation, that's back to Kangaroo Court, just a little more subdued. For a while I thought you were fair. You are another Mattie in sheep's clothing, huh? Everybody knows who runs the show, but you won't even mention it. Kinda obvious, don't you think??? The No. 1 suspect from the beginning. Who do you think you are fooling? Who is there left to fool? The evidence is all compromised. Time and lies and planted evidence have buried everything except my words. I really fail to see any valid point. Nobody else has ever been able to stir up this much dander, because nobody else has ever told the truth other than Jo Weber in the beginning. Simple fact. Simple truth. Obvious. If I weren't right, you'd just ignor me. You consider me a risk for some stupid reason. I can cause no harm. You do that by calling attention to my claims, like 377 says. You flatly REFUSE to investigate the points I make. We get close to exposing something, as soon as you see it fitting together, you throw all the cards on the floor and yell, "Game Over!!" That's not the way to play fair, or to search for truth. You hear a person out and evaluate the total sum of the story. Nothing is perfect, Not even TOG. Case in point, a $75 bottle of Channel #5. ("French whore perfume") That was mean.

Feed me, I'll go away.

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I had a feeling you would respond, Bob, Take the map given to you and put a little circle around the area you think Cooper jumped.

I am more than fair with you Bob! and you know it, I have only begun to hit you with hard questions, so put your seat belt on and let's shift gears!

#1 actual date the Induction letter was sent
#2 actual time you went to Induction (careful)
#3 try to remember your Doctor's first name (very important)

your story starts from this point, so it is very important to validate these time frames.

"You flatly REFUSE to investigate the points I make"

what did we just go through checking?

also, do you know what a False flag operation is? don't start using it now either!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I had a feeling you would respond, Bob, Take the map given to you and put a little circle around the area you think Cooper jumped.

I am more than fair with you Bob! and you know it, I have only begun to hit you with hard questions, so put your seat belt on and let's shift gears!

#1 actual date the Induction letter was sent

I did not keep a copy. If I have to guess, I'd guess March 15, 1968. I drove my 54 Ford to the place. We bought a 1967 Volkswagen, new that I received right after that, so I know it was not 69. Could have been 1967 though because I had a 58 T Bird in between. I remember my birthday as being the date. Best to find the records.

#2 actual time you went to Induction (careful)

I did not keep a copy. If I had to guess, I'd say on a Saturday morning, maybe 8AM. Traffic was very light, no pedestrians.

#3 try to remember your Doctor's first name (very important)

He did not use a first name. There is no memory of something that did not exist. I look up current info and I get an EA Thayer and that sounds right.

your story starts from this point, so it is very important to validate these time frames.

I suspect you could get this information from Selective Services and be more accurate that I can be without any records. I had no interest or reason to memorize that information, it was not important at all to me. It was 44 years ago and I did not TRY to remember it, I had not been hypnotized yet, and was not instructed to remember that. If you think it is that important, let's get copies of the original information and be accurate. I can not be 100% certain without the actual paperwork. My guesses are only that. I think you are being overly dramatic here.

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Bob, showing your Induction and draft verification process would be and very good sign that your story could be true from that point forward!

when you call them they ask you for your SS number and can check it from that point, very simple process!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bob, showing your Induction and draft verification process would be and very good sign that your story could be true from that point forward!

when you call them they ask you for your SS number and can check it from that point, very simple process!


Transferred to another page to fill out a form to request records to be snailed to St. Louis. Filled out and sealed ready to mail. Asked for the complete file. They will call for credit card payment. I do not see what this proves.

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Bob, showing your Induction and draft verification process would be and very good sign that your story could be true from that point forward!

when you call them they ask you for your SS number and can check it from that point, very simple process!


Transferred to another page to fill out a form to request records to be snailed to St. Louis. Filled out and sealed ready to mail. Asked for the complete file. They will call for credit card payment. I do not see what this proves.

It could PROVE your story, but if you won't try, then it makes the rest fall apart.

Make the effort, get the records, then post them, along with your proof for the rest of the story, prove us doubters all wrong!

Until then, it is all fiction or a delusion.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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"You flatly REFUSE to investigate the points I make"

what did we just go through checking?

We didn't go THROUGH anything, you STOPPED, remember? I don't claim perfect data and Janet is not perfect. Her sighting WAS enough to alarm McCoy and get him to her front door, so she HAS validity to the story no matter what gets thrown at her. Weiner vision or no. She absolutely substanciates the west path, ABSOLUTELY! Cook says 35 miles, I have not verified that. TOG said 15-20 miles. Don't have Towsaw's opinion, but it sure ain't consistent with the 'most trustworthy' FBI claims.

also, do you know what a False flag operation is? don't start using it now either!

No. Please explain. I waive a white flag, you pop your head up and I blow you away with a precalculated shot?
Or, I fly a French flag to draw you in, then blow your French panties off? Not sure. I'm straight arrow, Dude. No snakes in the woodpile. This stuff is post-jump and put together from reports from McCoy and TOG coupled with bits and pieces from a multitude of sources, a little Cook, a little Ralph, a little Jim, etc. I never left the yard, like 377 said.

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#2 actual time you went to Induction (careful)

I did not keep a copy. If I had to guess, I'd say on a Saturday morning, maybe 8AM. Traffic was very light, no pedestrians.

Knoss, do you remember what country (NOT county) you were inducted in? It obviously wasn't the United States.

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#2 actual time you went to Induction (careful)

I did not keep a copy. If I had to guess, I'd say on a Saturday morning, maybe 8AM. Traffic was very light, no pedestrians.

Knoss, do you remember what country (NOT county) you were inducted in? It obviously wasn't the United States.

Hennepin County, (Minneapolis, MN.) And yes, last time I had to check, it was in the United States of America, the country where everybody is supposed to have rights. Cute. Can't even check out wind directions correctly. Do it again, Sam.

Mark the map where Duane jumped.

Will do better than that. You show the flight over Vancouver. Attached is the FBI path NOT over Vancouver, but four miles away....from Blevins. Will attach my stuff too.

I verified the railroad track marks that represent the flight path according to Blevin's checked against the FBI map. The transfer west is based on TOG's confession to Ralph and me, confirmed by Googling Janet's phone number, and by McCoy's report that Janet actually saw the plane west of the location they desired to create a search area where they actually put it. Cook says 35 miles east of the real jump, TOG says 15-20 miles. I'm just taking notes and making records. This map is an exercise in what Robert99 should have done and didn't. I am no expert.

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#2 actual time you went to Induction (careful)

I did not keep a copy. If I had to guess, I'd say on a Saturday morning, maybe 8AM. Traffic was very light, no pedestrians.

Knoss, do you remember what country (NOT county) you were inducted in? It obviously wasn't the United States.

Hennepin County, (Minneapolis, MN.) And yes, last time I had to check, it was in the United States of America, the country where everybody is supposed to have rights. Cute. Can't even check out wind directions correctly. Do it again, Sam.

Knoss, so you were inducted on a Saturday morning in 1968? In case you haven't heard, it is highly unlikely that anyone in 1968 was inducted on any day except Monday through Friday. The draft board and most of the federal government works on a five day week.

Your ignorance of how draft boards work matches your ignorance of everything else you have been claiming on this thread.

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Mark the map where Duane jumped.

Will do better than that. You show the flight over Vancouver. Attached is the FBI path NOT over Vancouver, but four miles away....from Blevins. Will attach my stuff too.

Knoss, so you and Blevins are weather experts and claim that the winds were from the southeast?

If either of you knew how to read aviation weather reports, you would know that the winds were from the southwest in the Portland/Vancouver area on the evening of Cooper's hijacking.

Keep up the good work.

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Knoss, so you were inducted on a Saturday morning in 1968? In case you haven't heard, it is highly unlikely that anyone in 1968 was inducted on any day except Monday through Friday. The draft board and most of the federal government works on a five day week.

Your ignorance of how draft boards work matches your ignorance of everything else you have been claiming on this thread.

Don't argue about facts, look them up. You sound like Matties little sister, making like a motorboat with the pablem. Wait for the facts rather than spit all over the floor. Act like a grown up.. Choke it down.

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Mark the map where Duane jumped.

Will do better than that. You show the flight over Vancouver. Attached is the FBI path NOT over Vancouver, but four miles away....from Blevins. Will attach my stuff too.

Knoss, so you and Blevins are weather experts and claim that the winds were from the southeast?
If either of you knew how to read aviation weather reports, you would know that the winds were from the southwest in the Portland/Vancouver area on the evening of Cooper's hijacking. Keep up the good work.

Not according to the pilot of the airliner behind 305. Check Cook. What was the pilot's claim for 305???? I KNOW you are missing the facts because the pilots said so.

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Your ignorance of how draft boards work matches your ignorance of everything else you have been claiming on this thread.

THAT is why I politely asked you to do what I stumble through. Your big ego refused to consider any other possibility. YOU were absolutely RIGHT! Remember??
The difference is that I KNOW where it should be, you are able to figure out HOW it got there. You have a mind block.

Move the reported flight path 20 miles west and watch it coincide with the oil pipeline clear cut. Watch the flight path circle the Portland population. Watch the jump spot land just north of Tena's Bar. Watch the TRUTH light up in front of your face!! Now YOU tell me about the winds and the seat of the pants fly-by-reckoning "fake crabbing" the pilot was reporting to the navigator. I suggest that pilot had his hands full with calculations from umteen sources to get to his destination without anybody detecting it. I suggest he was a master at deception, and he deceived you, too. Please look at it again, now that you know what really happened.

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Mark the map where Duane jumped.

Will do better than that. You show the flight over Vancouver. Attached is the FBI path NOT over Vancouver, but four miles away....from Blevins. Will attach my stuff too.

Knoss, so you and Blevins are weather experts and claim that the winds were from the southeast?
If either of you knew how to read aviation weather reports, you would know that the winds were from the southwest in the Portland/Vancouver area on the evening of Cooper's hijacking. Keep up the good work.

Not according to the pilot of the airliner behind 305. Check Cook. What was the pilot's claim for 305???? I KNOW you are missing the facts because the pilots said so.

Knoss, what airliner are you talking about? If you are referring to Captain Bohan's aircraft, he was in all probability on V-23E and not V-23. V-23E is a different airway is case you didn't get the message.

The pilots said that I am "missing the facts"? I never met those pilots.

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Your ignorance of how draft boards work matches your ignorance of everything else you have been claiming on this thread.

THAT is why I politely asked you to do what I stumble through. Your big ego refused to consider any other possibility. YOU were absolutely RIGHT! Remember??
The difference is that I KNOW where it should be, you are able to figure out HOW it got there. You have a mind block.

Move the reported flight path 20 miles west and watch it coincide with the oil pipeline clear cut. Watch the flight path circle the Portland population. Watch the jump spot land just north of Tena's Bar. Watch the TRUTH light up in front of your face!! Now YOU tell me about the winds and the seat of the pants fly-by-reckoning "fake crabbing" the pilot was reporting to the navigator. I suggest that pilot had his hands full with calculations from umteen sources to get to his destination without anybody detecting it. I suggest he was a master at deception, and he deceived you, too. Please look at it again, now that you know what really happened.

Knoss, my ego considered all the possibilities. And navigation was not a problem since they were basically just tracking down V-23.

Also, I hate to be the one that has to tell you this, but the airliner navigation was being done by the people flying the aircraft. The airliner did not have a separate navigator.

One thing can be said with absolute certainty, you don't have a mind block. You obviously have mental and emotional problems, but you can fabricate impossible scenarios in a flash.

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