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If any of you have any reasonable, not-TOO-technical questions you would like me to ask 305 co-pilot Bill Rataczak, send them to me in a private message.

You should do this by Saturday, June 2, 10AM, Seattle time.

Uh, no...I won't be asking him if he was part of a grand conspiracy to improve airline safety. I'd rather he didn't hang up on me. :S

How did you draw that flight? Sign up?

Did you see any flares from the helicopters behind?

Were the FBI guys polite? Did they inspect your briefcase?

Had you ever flown that route before?

Why didn't Scott go back to inspect the situation like the books says he should have?

Where are Cooper's first notes to the cockpit?

It seems this crime has played a major role in your life ever since 1971. Do you regret staying involved? Has it been a trying ordeal? How has it affected your family?

How would you like to see the case resolved?

Do you see a cause and effect relationship between Cooper and McCoy and President Nixon's Executive order for passenger boarding and baggage control?

What is your favorite movie, "The High and the Mighty?" What is the name of the black and white movie made by two Minneapolis pilots in the mid 80's? If you know?

How many service flights did you rack up in the Air Force? High altitude jumps? Do you still have your squadron jacket? Did you stay in touch with the guys? What is most memorable about your time in the Service?

You had only one close call in your commercial flights, not of your making, so you have a perfect flight record?

You were always there to stand up for your fellow pilots and lend a helping hand. Most people don't know that. You were a leader. Safety was a big issue about the time of Cooper, right? I have it by the grapevine that you were the one who came up with the Cooper Vane. Is that true? That is an amazing device. When did you come up with that? You had other inventions too, right?

If you had everything to do over, what would you do differently?

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Was this "tendency to split" before of after ripstop materials started being used in canopies? Also, "steerable by pulling on the front chords"? Did you have the parachute on backwards?

Yes, you are an expert and I am not. I agree. I know nothing of which I speak when it comes to technical aviation stuff. But I do remember the basic content of what was discussed. I don't have to be a rocket scientist to relay basic information. I'm sure you can readily correct anything I may have to offer and put the right terms in play. Please accept my lack of 'higher' learning in this atmosphere. I'm a groundling.

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I am not suggesting any thing, just using actual. observed, science and fact.

The Co-pilot had to be hard of hearing if I understand your current theory for the "suggested" stall. But as he is also "TOG" (Your claim remember?), it confuses me. So, is he a less than competent pilot and a world renowned parachute rigger?


Got it wrong again. I give up. You just twist everything intentionally to make me mad again. No, you are not correct in you assumptions of what I claim. Please stop trying to cram words in my mouth. I agree. You are confused. I don't care to try to unconfuse you again. You are a trouble maker for everyone.

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I am not suggesting any thing, just using actual. observed, science and fact.

The Co-pilot had to be hard of hearing if I understand your current theory for the "suggested" stall. But as he is also "TOG" (Your claim remember?), it confuses me. So, is he a less than competent pilot and a world renowned parachute rigger?


Got it wrong again. I give up. You just twist everything intentionally to make me mad again. No, you are not correct in you assumptions of what I claim. Please stop trying to cram words in my mouth. I agree. You are confused. I don't care to try to unconfuse you again. You are a trouble maker for everyone.

Then correct it, these are all YOUR "FACTS". None of them add up, they have all been shown to be incorrect and yet you persist.

Now Blevins has an interview set up with "TOG" and you get "nice", after slandering him for, how long now?

Do you not understand why I said "hard of hearing"?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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If any of you have any reasonable, not-TOO-technical questions you would like me to ask 305 co-pilot Bill Rataczak, send them to me in a private message.

You should do this by Saturday, June 2, 10AM, Seattle time.

Uh, no...I won't be asking him if he was part of a grand conspiracy to improve airline safety. I'd rather he didn't hang up on me. :S

Ask him, if he seems willing to answer, what all the false accusations have done to him and his family's reputation? Did he hurt his career,or post career life, in any way?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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If any of you have any reasonable, not-TOO-technical questions you would like me to ask 305 co-pilot Bill Rataczak, send them to me in a private message.

You should do this by Saturday, June 2, 10AM, Seattle time.

Uh, no...I won't be asking him if he was part of a grand conspiracy to improve airline safety. I'd rather he didn't hang up on me. :S

Ask him, if he seems willing to answer, what all the false accusations have done to him and his family's reputation? Did he hurt his career,or post career life, in any way?


I doubt he is aware of Bobby's little game, another reason he is stuck on here, maybe it's time to blow this out into the public a little more so these guys can see what BK is saying about them! Knoss mention's in Skyjack that is was worried about a law suit, this was way before he has used so many names publically.

Following the infamous D.B. Cooper skyjacking in 1971, aircraft makers created a device called a "Cooper Vane", that made it impossible to lower the rear stairs during flight. That's just one of many changes mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration over the years in response to increasing security problems. A year earlier, for example, in September 1970, Palestinians threatened to destroy four hijacked airplanes, two of them American.

In response, President Nixon put "sky marshals" on select flights to deter hijackers. David Leach was one of the first sky marshals. He says back then, commercial flying was still a novelty.

But sky marshals couldn't ride on every flight, and the hijackings didn't end. So in December 1972, the FAA gave the airlines one month to begin searching all passengers and their bags. Dennis O'Madigan, then Director of Security for Piedmont Airlines, says metal detectors known as magnetometers were rigged up from a device originally used by loggers.

August 5, 1974, Nixon signed into law the Anti-Hijacking Act of 1974
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Thanks Robert, keep us posted B|

By all means - play it again Sham. The sham needs

must continue ... Rat has already talked to others

ad nauseum. Is there something NEW! ? In a pig's

patout? Lacking any opening for decades to come in

a stagnated Depression, there is no real news, so

"pretense" became a point of view. I think I will call

up Marla and ask for an interview - Blevins was

impatient, frivolous, and combative thereby missed

his opportunity, forever.


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If any of you have any reasonable, not-TOO-technical questions you would like me to ask 305 co-pilot Bill Rataczak, send them to me in a private message.

You should do this by Saturday, June 2, 10AM, Seattle time.

Uh, no...I won't be asking him if he was part of a grand conspiracy to improve airline safety. I'd rather he didn't hang up on me. :S

Ask him, if he seems willing to answer, what all the false accusations have done to him and his family's reputation? Did he hurt his career,or post career life, in any way?


I doubt he is aware of Bobby's little game, another reason he is stuck on here, maybe it's time to blow this out into the public a little more so these guys can see what BK is saying about them! Knoss mention's in Skyjack that is was worried about a law suit, this was way before he has used so many names publically.

Following the infamous D.B. Cooper skyjacking in 1971, aircraft makers created a device called a "Cooper Vane", that made it impossible to lower the rear stairs during flight. That's just one of many changes mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration over the years in response to increasing security problems. A year earlier, for example, in September 1970, Palestinians threatened to destroy four hijacked airplanes, two of them American.

In response, President Nixon put "sky marshals" on select flights to deter hijackers. David Leach was one of the first sky marshals. He says back then, commercial flying was still a novelty.

But sky marshals couldn't ride on every flight, and the hijackings didn't end. So in December 1972, the FAA gave the airlines one month to begin searching all passengers and their bags. Dennis O'Madigan, then Director of Security for Piedmont Airlines, says metal detectors known as magnetometers were rigged up from a device originally used by loggers.

August 5, 1974, Nixon signed into law the Anti-Hijacking Act of 1974

Gray says, "small room." He was wrong there, it was the south side of a big room, with black curtains around the area. The rest is as I stated, yes. Bill's son, Jim confirmed that Bill was the designer of the Cooper Vane, although it is assigned to another inventor. It was invented before the Cooper hijacking. He has had a number of clever inventions. I'm getting really tired of these badgering comments. You are not being productive. Let's discuss something helpful? If you spent as much time checking out McCoy's Medallion, we'd be over that by now. But you have an agenda to "wipe me out", so you waste everyone's time. You have wasted more time on this forum that everyone else combined. Cut it out, please! You are not being fair to the others.

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"Then correct it, these are all YOUR "FACTS". None of them add up, they have all been shown to be incorrect and yet you persist."

You have shown NONE of my comments to be incorrect. You have only voiced your own opinion. Since I was the one to personally witness what I offer, I definitely believe it, and can not be swayed by your opinions. Is that clear enough?

Your understanding of the case is minimal and not sufficient to convince anyone of anything other than the ARMY position on case. I did appreciate your velocity comments, however. That's about it. Like Quade says, I have to learn to ignore you. I need to try harder.

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The rest is as I stated, yes. Bill's son, Jim confirmed that Bill was the designer of the Cooper Vane, although it is assigned to another inventor.

No one in the group of five at Boeing had a son
named Jim! I know Richard personally. He is still
alive. He refuses to come to Dropzone because of
phonies/trolls like you.



Made out of wholeclothe by you and only you.

Grandiose Fabrication is not a "point of view".

Im going to call Richard up and read him your post!

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"Then correct it, these are all YOUR "FACTS". None of them add up, they have all been shown to be incorrect and yet you persist."

You have shown NONE of my comments to be incorrect. You have only voiced your own opinion. Since I was the one to personally witness what I offer, I definitely believe it, and can not be swayed by your opinions. Is that clear enough?

Your understanding of the case is minimal and not sufficient to convince anyone of anything other than the ARMY position on case. I did appreciate your velocity comments, however. That's about it. Like Quade says, I have to learn to ignore you. I need to try harder.

None of your comments have been proven or shown correct, how do you not see that?

The Army has no position, I only represent myself here.

The Velocity comments and wear comments are science, observable, and provable as fact, remember.

I think, IIRC, Quade's comment may have been to us i regards to you.

In another post above your proven to be false in a statement you claim is fact, that in most cases is called "Lying".

You say we badger you? we prove your conspiracy is wrong daily and yet you keep bringing it back in here. We put up with your insults yet after a short ban your back in here.

You claim the POTUS ordered this, yet he staff and records prove that to be, false.

You claim to be of perfect memory, yet can't remember your own written words.

You calm to have been "recruited" when, maybe thinking about whispering a threat to your draft board, and then they arrested, tried, sentenced, commuted sentence and blackmailed you to participate, all with NO RECORD to work on a none-existent project, Named after it happened,
You claim the Co-Pilot/TOG to be a co-conspirator yet nothing backs you up.

McCoy is dead, yet you say you speak to him. No one else does, not even his family. Witnesses and family identified his body, as well as forensic tests. Yet, your pic of a news paper article is to convince he is alive?

Science and fact have shown, over and over, that your conspiracy is wrong and has no bearing. Time to move on.
There are more recent ones you could hang you hat on and many would join your charge.

You can continue to insult me personally if you wish, it is your choice, it only shows your character though.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Bob has a problem and seems to be increasing with every post, he incorporates what is said to him.

I asked him if he knew what a False Flag was, he replied.
"Never heard of that before. No, I won't adopt a new name for it" April 7th

In the message to you he relies:
Re: harness
From: BobKnoss
Date Sent:
Apr 29, 2012, 4:24 AM
No, I am saying TOG planned a "false Flag" Government Operation authorized by Nixon.

he shows a pattern of this through out his postings, the can to a milk can that turns into a milk can in very good condition!

The Drafting process goes from Induction to exam (backwards) "I went right to the front of the line" "I was the last one there"

Mid March into the first week of April, on and on, circle around circle going nowhere.

The location of Janet was way off from DOCUMENTED reports.

everything he says has a hitch to it so it can not be confirmed, "I saw it, but you will have a hard time finding it, Rataczak invented the Cooper vane but, Bob carefully puts this clause in: "although it is assigned to another inventor"

These are just a few examples of signs of deception or possibly someone with a severe problem!

People claim that it is just a story and he has a right to post? well I find this problematic because nothing can be checked for validation, others make claims on here and have some sort of evidence to back up there claim.

we all jump on the Knoss band wagon keeping him fueled for continuing this "story" backing your statements is just a little higher on the scale of a "story" IMHO.

If this thread is to get back to any true points of interest, Bob Knoss can not be a part of it! where does it end?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Well, I've missed a few pages since my last visit.
I see that TIGHAR is on to something with Amelia Earhart. Can DBC be far behind?

The only thing that TIGHAR is on to is their discovery that they can raise money for their vacations in the south seas by claiming that Earhart is in the Gardner Island area.

If they were interested in finding Earhart, they would be searching the area very close to Howland Island.

So don't hold your breath in expectation of TIGHAR finding any actual trace of Earhart in the Gardner Island area.

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BK did NOT know Duane Weber and he relates only twisted tid bits on this thread. Anyone believing one word of his rants and raves - needs to come SEE me and review the research including the communications I had with BK.

BK would state - there was NO Tommy Gunn then several months later Gunn is a key factor in his mind.

That is just ONE example.
BK did NOT know Duane Weber or D.B. Cooper. Perhaps BK knew McCoy and was the snitch who told the FBI where he was. Perhaps this is why BK is so driven about the Cooper case.

BK is dealing with his own conscience - and his own guilt! Now that is a total new approach to BK and maybe a little bird just dropped this on me. You will NEVER know if you don't know Now!

Each one of you need to examine WHY BK is involved in the Cooper story at all. Obviously he was NOT part of the Cooper Caper. Why is he driven to make McCoy part of the Cooper story? Guilt!


PS: The only way BK can handle his guilt is to keep McCoy alive......so much I want to say, but so little I can say!

Do you guys think I invented this angle? Not Hardly! Secrets are not usually kept forever.



How a bucket became a milk can!

In 2001 - a TV crew took me to an area on the Columbia. There was a house there with an open 3 space shed. In the back of this shed was a shelf with BUCKETS on it. I theorized perhaps Duane obtained a bucket from this shed since it was in very close proximity to the place Duane actually took me to. The daughter of the man who owned the above property would lead me and the locals to another location not from from this river front home that met the criterior I had put forth to the FBI and the crew. This was done AFTER the crew left and the following day with these wonderful locals who reached out to me.

The FBI did NOT investigate this.

This is the story BK took and altered ALL out of proportion. I had mentioned dairy farms - but in reference to our trip thru Washoughal near Lake LaCames.
I mentioned dairy cattle but this was NOT near the Columbia.

Immediately BK is jumping on his milk can "thing" and I have repeatedly tried to explain in the thread and to him. NO WAY!

The dairy farm area was in the Washougal area near the lakes.
The Cottage (Not there in 1979) was on the Columbia River across the river from the PDX, but West of the PDX.

Hence - HOW BK takes things and tries to make them what he wants them to be - his QUILT regarding McCoy.

I am FED UP with BK.
The story I have told about the cabin and the Washougal is DOCUMENTED in this thread and in emails to Doug and my letter to Himmelsbach. I stated these things LONG LONG before BK started erroneously using this information to CREATE "milk bucket" his story.

In a phone Conversation (a few yrs ago) I TRIED to set him straight on this, but he was so deep into his McCoy obsession - listening to reason was beyond him. Then he came to this thread spewing the same vile story he was telling me over the phone.

Yes, regarding the River House - it was theory that Duane may have used a "bucket" from that open shed...only because of his statement in the hospital that he put 100 and some odd dollars in a bucket and he couldn't find the bucket. ]This is the ONE statement that ANNE (one of Duane's workers) did hear. I heard one figure and she heard another. This was the DAY AFTER his confession and he was heavily sedated by that time.

Anne asked me what he was talking about and I told her I did not have a clue. It was then I told her about what he had said the day before. SHE nor I had any knowledge of Cooper - I simply told her he had been rambling on ever since the started the Morphine after his out burst - saying "Oh, Fxxx Let Die With Me".

This is also where JT gets confused claiming that Anne was present when he confessed.

Telling me he was Dan Coooper and that he jumped out of a plane was the day the told the Dr. he wanted NO MORE dialysis and produced his living will. He had refused all Morphine and any drug other than the blood pressure meds for 2 or 3 days.

It was the NEXT day that Anne came to see him - AFTER they started the heavy doses of morphine. I called Anne and Jim and others and told them if they wanted to see Duane they needed to come now - not later.

The statement about putting money in a bucket was made after he had started the morphine back and the day after his confession when Anne was present. Anne heard NO confession - only the statement about money in a bucket and he couldn't find the bucket. I assumed at that time the ramblings and delusions of morphine - she also thought this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please ask him. When he mentioned seeing the lights of Vancouver - WHAT WAS is best idea of his location. WAS in near Orchards when they made a turn - remember he was sitting in the Co-Pilots seat...not the Pilot's Seat. Perhaps you might ask him this as I think this is were a LOT of the confusion come from. I could NOT get on-line until today to get this to you.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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BK stated:


The rest is as I stated, yes. Bill's son, Jim confirmed that Bill was the designer of the Cooper Vane, although it is assigned to another inventor.

Georger Replied:


No one in the group of five at Boeing had a son
named Jim! I know Richard personally. He is still
alive. He refuses to come to Dropzone because of
phonies/trolls like you.

Im going to call Richard up and read him your post!

I could just love you to pieces, when you make a post that really puts the screws to BK. We all know he is a phony and has made life for the Co-pilot and his family miserable (especially since he lives in that area).

Heaven Forbid BK lived in my area and my friends and family had to deal with him. He would already have been in jail or committed or sued. What he does is actually harassment and slander. IF any of the key factors sue him - I will support it and also make my own case against him. LOTS of paper and a lot of it is right here in this thread and other threads. Knoss liked to talk by way of phone - because he thought NO ONE could get him on that one, but his delusion led him to make claims on the internet regarding the same individuals and myself.

Bill has a kind heart and has dealt with all of the enquiries as best as he could. He had to put a stop to a lot of things because of his health and his wife's heath - everyone has their limits. BK has NO compassion for Bill or his family or anyone for that matter.

I only hold dear to my heart what the co-pilot did tell me. Something he said gave me Hope and only my best friends know what this was.

It is my Hope that all will End Well.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Question: "What was Flight 305's position as it crossed the Columbia River?" I want to hear his answer to that for myself. East of the city, or west.

The official position is: "305 flew right down the
center line of V23 on autopilot, which goes straight
over PDX".

Or, you could ask Rataczak something important

"Why are you always embroiled and engaging in
flame wars with fake posters at Regina's crap blog
site - and why are you still blaming and trying to
involve J Warner and Bob Knoss for those fake
posts, after all these years" ?

It's peculiar you will name and blame people for
things in one place you think is your private
turf but not here and elsewhere - openly in the
clear light of day.

Maybe Rataczak has the answer to that ?

Ask Rataczak this: "Have you been advised or
asked not to talk to RobertMBlevins, and by whom,
and why. Question mark. Why did you rely on
Porteous to talk to Rataczak in the past, instead of
directly yourself? What was that all about? Social
media minds are curious!

You could ask Rataczak this - he may have an
answer: "Why are moths attracted to flames" ?
It seems a completely appropriate question and
on topic, in the DB Cooper social media matrix,
today in the current epoch. A shortlist of the names
of the moths is unecessary because they have made
themselves well know all on their own, seeking
flames I guess? And the pupae of their miss-
adventures is all over the surface of the Internet.

It has been a ghetoizing experience!

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Dear Professor Georger:

You TOTALLY lost me with your post. What the XXXX are you talking about. Who pretends to be you and others and at what site. Has anyone pretended to be me? I only post HERE on DZ.

I was unaware the co-pilot posted anywhere...regarding the Cooper subject.

Just call me CLUELESS or perhaps Hopeless. Whatever!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Dear Professor Georger:

You TOTALLY lost me with your post. What the XXXX are you talking about. Who pretends to be you and others and at what site. Has anyone pretended to be me? I only post HERE on DZ.

I was unaware the co-pilot posted anywhere...regarding the Cooper subject.

Just call me CLUELESS or perhaps Hopeless. Whatever!

This site Jo, read the comments at the bottom

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Dear Professor Georger:

You TOTALLY lost me with your post. What the XXXX are you talking about. Who pretends to be you and others and at what site. Has anyone pretended to be me? I only post HERE on DZ.

I was unaware the co-pilot posted anywhere...regarding the Cooper subject.

Just call me CLUELESS or perhaps Hopeless. Whatever!

This site Jo, read the comments at the bottom


GEEZE! :o That site is a bunch of CRAP. The complete site is nothing but CRAP. Most of the posters sound like 2 individuals posing as more than one person - note the syntac and words used. :|
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The only thing that TIGHAR is on to is their discovery that they can raise money for their vacations in the south seas by claiming that Earhart is in the Gardner Island area.

Other than the bit about the south seas, how is that different than some other posters here?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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