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DB Cooper

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You must remember that I am just reviewing other people's writing here, such as Geoffrey and Tosaw, sprinkled with my observations of what is posted here, and my few interviews with principals.

The gist of what I have read is that Nyrop set the tone of cooperation in the early stages by insisting on cooperation with the skyjacker, paying the ransom, and not challenging Cooper.

However, the nitty-gritty of complying with Cooper and flying him where he wanted to go was up to Soderlind, who seems to have been a major player in the background.

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I see lots of ambiguities that I chose not to address is this and the last section. I will note verification of information assigned incorrectly here to Scott, which I reported:

" Even more confounding, FBI agent Russ Calame, in his book on the skyjacking, titled, DB Cooper – the Real McCoy, writes that Captain Scott told Ralph Himmelsbach, at the latter’s retirement party from the FBI in April, 1980, that 305 was flying much further west than first reported – over Woodland, Washington and miles outside of Victor-23 – and about 30 miles west of where Himmelsbach now claims 305 flew."

No comment at this time, other than to express a certain loss of respect for a friend.

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Skyjack 71 says in part:


'Max Gunther's book is a NOVEL...'

Yes. This means he made it up and it should not be considered a part of the Cooper investigation, any more than Harry Potter should be considered a real person.

What this means: Comparing Duane somehow with Gunther's book makes as much sense as comparing your own cat with the infamous Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.

You do NOT get it at all. Max went to the FBI before he wrote the book. I suggest you read the book with OPEN eyes...and read Max's letter and the notes I made regarding our phone conversations.

Only 6 phone calls from a woman who seemed to be a little intoxicated (she had to reinforce herself to even talk to him) and the FBI was involved at a later date after MAX became intrigued by her story only after doing what he could on his end to verify the things she told to him.

She feared being prosecuted and remain in fear for many yrs after that. The basis of Max's book came from a woman who claimed she knew Cooper and he went to the FBI BEFORE even considering writing a book.

Max did all he could to investigate the things he was told by Clara. The Penzer story was not known to him initially, but upon contacting Mark he learned - what Clara had told him was indeed true. THIS is when he tried to investigate and contacted the FBI - Clara made only ONE contact after Max went to the FBI - because she got cold feet. Not because she was lieing, but because she had been told she could be prosecuted. She made a choice to WALK away at that time.

Clara and the friend of Duane's had to be one and the same - because of the stories within and what Max verified as information actually given to him by Clara - Stories I had been told before the book was ever published. Duane Weber did not make the stories up...same stories told to Max by Clara 1982 and Max did NOT publish his book until 1985. This is what peeked Max's interest and he wanted to know how to contact my source. After I divulged the location months later - he made a trip to the area and shortly thereafter Max and I had our LAST communications.

Not long after the events above the source entered a nursing home and BEGGED me for my address so she could send me something. A decision I have regretted for 8 yrs. Later I tried to call her I found she had died very suddenly 2 hour earlier.

She took with her many secrets and because I did not trust her with my home address - I will never know what she had to send me....What was so urgent?
I was dealing with my own problems here because my husband was fighting cancer and that is my only excuse for dropping the ball.

I had already contacted the FBI, but they refuse to interview this person and another individual connected to her. Now they are both gone, but I do appreciate the memories they shared with me. Two women with the same story - NO ONE wanted to HEAR! A story the FBI did not want ANYONE to hear, much less believe.

So Blevins until you have spent 17 yrs investigating your subject and he is actually investigated by the FBI - DO NOT think for one moment any of this is contrived or poke "NOVEL" at me.

You also need to add 17 yrs more - that is how long I was married to Duane. I met Duane in 1977 and he died in 1995 and now it is 2012 and I have NOT backed down (if you stick to the trruth there is NO reason to do so). In August of 2012 I will have devoted 37 yrs to the subject...Duane L. Weber and his confession and the story he left me with and the secrets he took with him.

You FORCED information about KC in your interviews and in your book and continue to do so on a regular basis in this thread and to the media. So who WROTE a Novel? Your NOVEL was contrived.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Still trying to SELL your book!

When you read Max's book you will EAT your words. Within the book is the only map I had of the flight PATH and please not it shows the Vector going EAST of Vancouver.

A copy of the Village Bulletin Board where Max left his message for Clara.

There is a letter supposedly composed by Cooper to Max in 1972. This was Max's 1st contact and then the contacts ceased until 1982 when Clara contacted Max again.

When you read the letter supposedly written by Cooper and compare it with thing Duane Weber wrote in the later 70's and 80's you will see a strong relationship in the wordin and his use if the back space to make a correction....as compared to things typed and written by Duane L. Weber. Something the FBI did NOT ever come see and ignored. If you could read something by Duane Weber - you will see that the composer of this letter was the same person.

In this letter he mentions his regrets about another jumper who died - doing what he did.
In the letter Cooper is exactly the way Duane was - trying to make something good out of something bad. He spent the rest of his life doing that. Failed miserably at times but in the end he actually won the battle between right and wrong...except for the Kool Aid (just keeping in practice).

I just noted something else - the letter is postmarked in February of 1972 from N.Y. The letter was the START of Max's interest.

Then 10 yrs later Clara contacts Max by phone. Clara had not seen Cooper for 10 yrs and truely expected he was deceased.

In 1982 Clara writes a letter to Himmelsbach (how she was able to mail them without a post mark or if she had someone else mail them - I do not know).
The envelopes are probably in Max's file or perhaps discard as most of us do an envelope. In a busy office the trash is trash and no chance of retrival.

I have letters from Duane's friend - that could have been written by Clara. Clara is insisten Cooper wore walking shoes and not loafers...Duane preferred the ankle boot with a zipper on the side. Again the words sound like Duane's old friends notes to me.

The FBI never offered to have a person trained in this type of stuff to compare the written documents for wording and use of words. I have things written and composed by Weber and by this special friend. She give herself away when she writes - by stating "Cooper had his own reasons for giving me some false details of his early life or the hijacking". She is admitting that much of what she knows was relayed by Cooper to her and yet she is insistent he wore walking shoes. That is the coy way the Friend of Duane's wrote.

Then the ICING on the CAKE!
"We all have some larcency in our hearts, don't we?" The very same words used by Duane's friend - the VERY SAME.

The short letter to the Group from Cooper is a match to letters Duane wrote to people he did business with. I threw away an old manual typewriter Duane had when we moved from Ft. Collins to Mobile. Duane I thought was going to kill me when he found out I got rid of the thing - I had a newer typewriter and some things had to go...it was the newer typewriter we used for Office Memos. The old thing he has was in bad shape.

The FBI has NEVER viewed nor asked for copies of these communications from the lady friend or that Duane wrote to compare with those in the FBI files...Max provided them with. I have to assume he as least sent copies if not the original communications to validate what he was telling the FBI.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Before I address your comments, let me say this. I don't believe the Gunther version of Cooper. If Gunther's story, and Clara's story were really true, the FBI would have come with warrants, and they would have started bringing people in for questioning.

If Duane actually went to a certain location in 1977 - I am sure he told this lady (Clara) - he only had 5 yrs to live as that is exactly what he told me.

Why she waited till 1982 to contact Max again.

As for phone records - not so easy in 1972 and even in 1982 to trace a call in a busy office.
Please READ the book. When you read it with open eyes it will warm you.

Just not posting links to your book is NOT good enough. You still use this thread to promote your book....not your subject. You have not added one bit of PROOF to substantiate your suspect, yet you continue to bash Duane or any other suspect by repeating your recital on KC.

[:/]Excuse me if I did NOT have access to all of the recording equipment and was not able to travel to interview witnesses. I left that to the FBI - oh, woe is me for doing so, but I neither had the resources or skill to do such.

[:/]Bernard Wayne Geestman may be hiding something - but it does not regard KC being Cooper. He is an old man doing the last rodeo (ask him and maybe he will tell you) if he can actually remember what he did a month ago...much less 40 yrs ago.

Geestman getting caught in one lie after another should tell you SOMETHING. Only a liar gets caught and it does really take a genius to get away with a lie. My father drilled this into us as children and I have found it to hold true through out my life.

You are also dealing with 2 (Geestman and his former wife) personalities whose attitudes are governed by fear and jealousy even thought they may not admit it. They are still blaming each other for their own actions thru out their lives.

As for as getting the FBI to interview witnesses in a timely manner - FORGET IT! It will never happen. They waited until my informants died.
I hesitate to use the word WITNESS.

Again you continue to admonish me for not finding evidence on Weber. THAT was the FBI's JOB not mine. I live clear across the country and had little money to research or hire someone to do it for me. Duane was elusive and he left only a few footprints and yes he did KNOW what a ripcord was...and he had a lots of knowledge about the 727. Remember Duane Weber was a con man!

Blevins you stated:
"Only weeks into the investigation on KC that I began to suspect I was onto something". :|"ONTO SOMETHING" - do you know how old and tired[:/] that expression is in this case? That is also Florences favorite expression!:D

I was "ON TO SOMETHING" that night in May in 1996, but NO one heard ME...nor did I have the mean to do the investigation myself - but in 17 yrs I have learned enough to know - KC was not Cooper. It is just a matter of common sense and judgement.

Frankly you guys have NO IDEA what is coming down - This is going to fall so hard it will shake the very foundation of the Cooper case. The answer was right infront of the investigative forces for many yrs, but they looked right over it. Paper will win every time...if it involves OLD crimes! Computers is exactly why a young investigator told me "your husband was never in McNeil" "That serial number belonged to WAVY GREEN - your husband was never in the army."

PAPER - PAPER that was how things where recorded in 1924 to 19xx. Many OLD records have never been place on computers within the private sector including some government records .
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote


Frankly you guys have NO IDEA what is coming down - This is going to fall so hard it will shake the very foundation of the Cooper case

Now where have I heard that before? ;) Still waiting.

BTW, the Cooper case has no foundation to shake. It's an amorphous free floating entropic organism that morphs constantly.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Are you kidding? You actually BELIEVE the Gunther book's version of events? Tell me you are joking. Tell me you are not grasping at straws.

I lend more credence, by far, to the Bobby Dayton version of Cooper than Max Gunther's unsupported novel.


That means someone made it up.

Who is 'Clara'? I mean her real ID. She is the only witness in the book and last time I heard she's anonymous.

Jo wrote
Frankly you guys have NO IDEA what is coming down - This is going to fall so hard it will shake the very foundation of the Cooper case

Now where have I heard that before? Still waiting.

BTW, the Cooper case has no foundation to shake. It's an amorphous free floating entropic organism that morphs constantly.


One of the first conversations we had was to listen to how bad that book was and how it was complete hogwash, nothing right, total fairy tale. Now it is all true. Amazing, absolutely amazing. "Tell her a story and pretty soon she will come back with the same story like it is her own." Sound familiar? 180° turnaround on Gunther. Maybe there is hope for me yet!

The only ripple that could shake the humongous pile of Cooper fiction is a tell-all co-authored book by McCoy and TOG. Based on recent false testimony, the indications are THAT won't happen. Guess the ball's in my court. You lucky, lucky people! Hey, Badger, still nothing from St. Louis, but I have a couple hundred classmates that had to do the 15th birthday interview thingie for automatic sign-up at 18. You want names and numbers? Betchca not, huh? Not interested in truth, only argument. Not important anyway. What's your connection to the Cooper Cover-up? I've got Jerry Thomas, Matt, Blevins and Georger figured out along with the SA's and the perps. What's your connection? Trainee? Waterboy? :)

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Jo wrote

"Frankly you guys have NO IDEA what is coming down - This is going to fall so hard it will shake the very foundation of the Cooper case" I did state that but not the other things you make it APPEAR I stated:

Below is a statement made by 377 and NOT by me.

"Now where have I heard that before? Still waiting.

BTW, the Cooper case has no foundation to shake. It's an amorphous free floating entropic organism that morphs constantly,"

Attention mr BK:

The next issue is your saying I bad mouthed Max's book: BULL, anyone who knows me - knows better than that! Using your word HOGWASH!

I explained to you that MAX and I had conversations and exchanged communications. I knew most of Max's book was fiction because he only had 6 one hr phone conversations with Clara.

He went thru the book with me in detail - and we discussed the things that stood out. We did this with my markers and my notes. I NEVER told you any differently. What I wrote in the previous posts on this occasion and on other occasions over the yrs are all the same as I told you. YOU were and ARE the one who - MAKES up THINGS as you do every time you post.

THIS is just another example of how your mind is TWISTED! You want to DRIVE everyone insane and you want SO VERY BADLY to be part of the COOPER story that YOU will STOP AT NOTHING.

YOU know you are NOT and were NEVER connected to Cooper or to Weber....if you could prove you actually knew him - MAYBE someone would listen to you.
If you had ONE ounce of proof - you would have been all over the media like a vulture therefore you are nothing. but a mole who buries himself in hole feeding off of others....you have never produced ONE document - NOT one.

I have dug up documents and photos and Blevins did the same thing with his subject....YOU on OTHER HAND - continue to FEED like a VULTURE off of others when it comes to Cooper. The only things you have to SAY are to SLAM others and distort their story if you can't make yourself part of their story.

The only part of my story you have is that you are a VULTURE and the creep who caused the FBI to drop any investigation into Weber with THE NONSENSE you created. YOU and YOU alone are the REASON no one wants to present a subject and the FBI has a HAND OFF attitude regarding any subject you mention.

YOU angered me on another thread causing that thread to be closed as you did one before that. I don't care if you POST but PLEASE LEAVE DUANE WEBER AND JO OUT OF YOUR POST AND IF YOU SAY I SAID THIS OR THAT - PROVE IT! DON'T JUST CLAIM IT WAS IN A PHONE CALL.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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No, you don't.


Matt - you are right! BK has NOT figured you out at all. The man is oblivious to what is going on.

I banter with Blevins and others, and present my case versus theirs and show their weaknesses as I show my own, but I do NOT make myself part of their "story". What I know is what I know and that is how I tell it.

I had to feel my way around and explore things and I had to play "games" with individuals to find out who they where and what they were all about.

Sometimes I change my opinion about something after I have toyed with it (doing what research I am capable of doing.
I call that toying).

I have taken the time to listen to almost everything and everyone who contacted me over the yrs. My only mistake was being to sympathetic to some of them.

I give poor Blevins a hard time and visa versa (also Bruce) and others - we agree to disagree, but WE do not make each other part of the other's story other than in jest. It is bottom feeders like BK that make themselves part of Someone Else's story or life because they have no life of their own nor do they actually have anything about their subject...in BK's case - didn't even know the subject (Duane L. Weber) he claims was Cooper.

I think there should be a stipulation regarding BK's postings regarding his interjecting HIMSELF into the story of Duane Weber - that he have to produce EVIDENCE he actually knew the person (Duane Weber).

If I interjected myself into the Kenny Christian story or the DL Cooper story - I would be shut down in a NY minute.

I do not care if BK wants to discuss Cooper...but he has to stop quoting me (erroneously) which makes it come down in future posting that I actually said what he claimed. If he wants to continue to discuss Cooper and stay - then he has to STOP injecting himself in to the story about Duane Weber until he can prove he knew Duane Weber. To continue doing so I believe is slander and harrassment.

The choice is not mine, but it would put an end to his constant attacks on me and senseless posts that hamper anyone learning anything new and having objective communications about a subject.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"It is bottom feeders like BK that make themselves part of Someone Else's story or life because they have no life of their own nor do they actually have anything about their subject...in BK's case - didn't even know the subject (Duane L. Weber) he claims was Coop."

I tell the truth. TOG was standing right beside me and asked "Coop" his real name for my benefit. I have numerous other witnesses I have listed in the past, but they choose to keep the 'secret' as Nick O'Hara calls it. You just elect not to believe the truth because you only want the truth to be YOUR half-true STORY!! Does not work that way. I don't tell YOUR story, I tell THE story. You were kept out of the Project's inside circle by everyone including Pasternak. Lord only knows what you could do or say. Nobody will hand you that credibility. They are really happy you don't believe me. Big relief. I think the whole thing is an expensive waste of time played by retired people who put on the scam like a herd of grifters reliving their favorite scams. Kind of a Players Liar's Club. Everyone tries to create a more sophisticated fabrication than the last person and fights to the death to make it fly. EVERYONE avoids the real truth, or you're banished. Liar's don't tell the truth, even if it is more interesting than the best lies. I guess I'm the exception, because I dislike lies and ignorance with a very serious passion.

"You also need to add 17 yrs more - that is how long I was married to Duane. I met Duane in 1977 and he died in 1995 and now it is 2012 and I have NOT backed down (if you stick to the trruth there is NO reason to do so). In August of 2012 I will have devoted 37 yrs to the subject...Duane L. Weber and his confession and the story he left me with and the secrets he took with him."

2012 minus 1997 is only 15 years on the Cooper Case. I was privy to Project Norjak and Duane Weber in 1968. 2012 minus 1969 is FORTY-THREE YEARS. I was not 'devoted" to Duane, but I sure had a lot of Cooper exposure. I'm awful damned good at repeating important conversations. McCoy is even better! He is a Master!

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Bruce Smith:

My reply on your web site was:

"Good job Bruce. As you know I have been trying to find a way to break the DB Cooper case wide open and get it solved before suspects like Sheridan Peterson die. I believe your web site might just be the place and offer the opportunity to do just that.
I believe the FBI is stuck on “stop” and are doing nothing. I believe DNA evidence can solve the crime in one instant step by the FBI.
A SMOKING GUN Yes, there was no gun used in the DB Cooper caper but the smoking gun DNA evidence that would break the case wide open lays dormant in the “Four Letters” sent to the Portland newspapers by the skyjacker and signed as DB Cooper. One of the letters had a salutation of “The System That Beats The System” which Sheridan had said many times in the past. The FBI is only one step away from solving the mystery by using DNA left on envelope flaps/stamps on the four letters. The FBI has DNA from swabs of Sheridan’s mouth and if they would test the four envelopes/stamps and get a match, it would blow Sheridan’s “Perfect Alibi” of being in Nepal at the time of the skyjacking.The four letters were sent from the Portland area and would prove that Sheridan was at the scene of the crime within days after the skyjacking and “not in Nepal”. With a positive DNA match, the FBI could charge Sheridan with lying to the FBI, a federal crime. He could be threatened with jail for the rest of his life (he is in his mid 80′s now), unless he confesses.
So, what do you think Bruce? I think this is possibly the only way to get the FBI moving again to solve the crime. Their whole theory that he died of exposure, crashed into the ground is just a big cover-up for not being able to solve the crime. Sheridan is the very best match of the descriptions by the Flight Attendants including his very olive complexsion and his mild gentleman like manners.
Thanks again,
Bob Sailshaw"

This might get the case off dead center as the FBI would like us to believe that DB died in the jump. Surely they would like to solve their only un-solved crime!:(

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Bruce Smith:

My reply on your web site was:

"Good job Bruce. As you know I have been trying to find a way to break the DB Cooper case wide open and get it solved before suspects like Sheridan Peterson die. I believe your web site might just be the place and offer the opportunity to do just that.
I believe the FBI is stuck on “stop” and are doing nothing. I believe DNA evidence can solve the crime in one instant step by the FBI.
A SMOKING GUN Yes, there was no gun used in the DB Cooper caper but the smoking gun DNA evidence that would break the case wide open lays dormant in the “Four Letters” sent to the Portland newspapers by the skyjacker and signed as DB Cooper. One of the letters had a salutation of “The System That Beats The System” which Sheridan had said many times in the past. The FBI is only one step away from solving the mystery by using DNA left on envelope flaps/stamps on the four letters. The FBI has DNA from swabs of Sheridan’s mouth and if they would test the four envelopes/stamps and get a match, it would blow Sheridan’s “Perfect Alibi” of being in Nepal at the time of the skyjacking.The four letters were sent from the Portland area and would prove that Sheridan was at the scene of the crime within days after the skyjacking and “not in Nepal”. With a positive DNA match, the FBI could charge Sheridan with lying to the FBI, a federal crime. He could be threatened with jail for the rest of his life (he is in his mid 80′s now), unless he confesses.
So, what do you think Bruce? I think this is possibly the only way to get the FBI moving again to solve the crime. Their whole theory that he died of exposure, crashed into the ground is just a big cover-up for not being able to solve the crime. Sheridan is the very best match of the descriptions by the Flight Attendants including his very olive complexsion and his mild gentleman like manners.
Thanks again,
Bob Sailshaw"

This might get the case off dead center as the FBI would like us to believe that DB died in the jump. Surely they would like to solve their only un-solved crime!:(

What was the date again, that Sheridan Peterson
made his supposed statement in your presence -
The System That Beats The System - ? Before or
after the hijacking?

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I wonder how many shrinks log into this thread daily to watch and salivate over potential clients.

I know of one who was watching the conspiracy boy!!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bruce Smith:

My reply on your web site was:

"Good job Bruce. As you know I have been trying to find a way to break the DB Cooper case wide open and get it solved before suspects like Sheridan Peterson die. I believe your web site might just be the place and offer the opportunity to do just that.
I believe the FBI is stuck on “stop” and are doing nothing. I believe DNA evidence can solve the crime in one instant step by the FBI.
A SMOKING GUN Yes, there was no gun used in the DB Cooper caper but the smoking gun DNA evidence that would break the case wide open lays dormant in the “Four Letters” sent to the Portland newspapers by the skyjacker and signed as DB Cooper. One of the letters had a salutation of “The System That Beats The System” which Sheridan had said many times in the past. The FBI is only one step away from solving the mystery by using DNA left on envelope flaps/stamps on the four letters. The FBI has DNA from swabs of Sheridan’s mouth and if they would test the four envelopes/stamps and get a match, it would blow Sheridan’s “Perfect Alibi” of being in Nepal at the time of the skyjacking.The four letters were sent from the Portland area and would prove that Sheridan was at the scene of the crime within days after the skyjacking and “not in Nepal”. With a positive DNA match, the FBI could charge Sheridan with lying to the FBI, a federal crime. He could be threatened with jail for the rest of his life (he is in his mid 80′s now), unless he confesses.
So, what do you think Bruce? I think this is possibly the only way to get the FBI moving again to solve the crime. Their whole theory that he died of exposure, crashed into the ground is just a big cover-up for not being able to solve the crime. Sheridan is the very best match of the descriptions by the Flight Attendants including his very olive complexsion and his mild gentleman like manners.
Thanks again,
Bob Sailshaw"

This might get the case off dead center as the FBI would like us to believe that DB died in the jump. Surely they would like to solve their only un-solved crime!:(

What was the date again, that Sheridan Peterson
made his supposed statement in your presence -
The System That Beats The System - ? Before or
after the hijacking?

"THE SYSTEM THAT BEATS THE SYSTEM" text in the anonymous letter was lifted in its entirety from a KLH stereo ad in a Playboy Magazine. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcq305ozsUI

To this day I wonder how the YouTube guy figured this out, pinpointing the exact magazine from which the text was cut.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Bruce Smith:

My reply on your web site was:

"Good job Bruce. As you know I have been trying to find a way to break the DB Cooper case wide open and get it solved before suspects like Sheridan Peterson die. I believe your web site might just be the place and offer the opportunity to do just that.
I believe the FBI is stuck on “stop” and are doing nothing. I believe DNA evidence can solve the crime in one instant step by the FBI.
A SMOKING GUN Yes, there was no gun used in the DB Cooper caper but the smoking gun DNA evidence that would break the case wide open lays dormant in the “Four Letters” sent to the Portland newspapers by the skyjacker and signed as DB Cooper. One of the letters had a salutation of “The System That Beats The System” which Sheridan had said many times in the past. The FBI is only one step away from solving the mystery by using DNA left on envelope flaps/stamps on the four letters. The FBI has DNA from swabs of Sheridan’s mouth and if they would test the four envelopes/stamps and get a match, it would blow Sheridan’s “Perfect Alibi” of being in Nepal at the time of the skyjacking.The four letters were sent from the Portland area and would prove that Sheridan was at the scene of the crime within days after the skyjacking and “not in Nepal”. With a positive DNA match, the FBI could charge Sheridan with lying to the FBI, a federal crime. He could be threatened with jail for the rest of his life (he is in his mid 80′s now), unless he confesses.
So, what do you think Bruce? I think this is possibly the only way to get the FBI moving again to solve the crime. Their whole theory that he died of exposure, crashed into the ground is just a big cover-up for not being able to solve the crime. Sheridan is the very best match of the descriptions by the Flight Attendants including his very olive complexsion and his mild gentleman like manners.
Thanks again,
Bob Sailshaw"

This might get the case off dead center as the FBI would like us to believe that DB died in the jump. Surely they would like to solve their only un-solved crime!:(

What was the date again, that Sheridan Peterson
made his supposed statement in your presence -
The System That Beats The System - ? Before or
after the hijacking?

"THE SYSTEM THAT BEATS THE SYSTEM" text in the anonymous letter was lifted in its entirety from a KLH stereo ad in a Playboy Magazine. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcq305ozsUI

To this day I wonder how the YouTube guy figured this out, pinpointing the exact magazine from which the text was cut.

There seems to be a communication problem here -

My question was/is:

What was the date again, that S H E R I D A N
P E T E R S O N made HIS supposed statement in
your presence - The System That Beats The System -
? Before or after the hijacking?





I ASKED ABOUT SHERIDAN PETERSON making is supposed statement HIMSELF,

and nothing else.

something Sailshaw is supposed to know about ...


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CBS Films Acquires ‘Skyjack: The Hunt For D.B. Cooper’ For Will Gluck To Direct

By MIKE FLEMING | Wednesday June 13, 2012 @ 1:05pm EDT

EXCLUSIVE: Easy A helmer Will Gluck is at the center of a deal that CBS Films is making for the bestselling Geoffrey Gray novel Skyjack: The Hunt For D.B. Cooper, which was published by Crown. Gluck is in talks to direct and produce via his Olive Bridge banner, and Keith Bunin will write the script. Bunin scripted episodes of the HBO series In Treatment, and is writing for Universal and Illumination Entertainment a live-action film about the life of Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss) as a vehicle for Johnny Depp to star in and produce.

The Skyjack novel is an action-comedy that follows the story of D.B. Cooper, who on November 24, 1971, hijacked a Boeing 727, demanded $200,000 and parachutes, and jumped out over the Pacific Northwest. He was never caught and hailed as a folk hero. The book tracks his story from the perspectives of three different people claiming to be him. Gluck most recently co-wrote, directed and produced Friends With Benefits, the romantic comedy that starred Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. He is in the middle of a Sony Pictures deal for movies and series, and this is a rare project outside that arrangement.

Gluck is repped by UTA. Bunin is repped by Kaplan/Perrone and CAA, and CAA reps the author as well. CBS Films execs Maria Faillace and Mark Ross are overseeing the film.

For CBS Films, which has made acquisitions a big part of its slate, it becomes another filmmaker-driven homegrown project, much like the upcoming Seven Psychopaths by In Bruges helmer Martin McDonagh.


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For CBS Films, which has made acquisitions a big part of its slate, it becomes another filmmaker-driven homegrown project, much like the upcoming Seven Psychopaths by In Bruges helmer Martin McDonagh.


will they "acquire" The Jerry Sandusky Story ?

and show it at 11:00, after Skyjack at 8:00,
after "Blast" at 3:00, after "Osama Rides Camels"
at 1:00 ?

should we shed pharmaceuticals and buy CBS
& Crown Cola?


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CBS Films Acquires ‘Skyjack: The Hunt For D.B. Cooper’ For Will Gluck To Direct

By MIKE FLEMING | Wednesday June 13, 2012 @ 1:05pm EDT

EXCLUSIVE: Easy A helmer Will Gluck is at the center of a deal that CBS Films is making for the bestselling Geoffrey Gray novel Skyjack: The Hunt For D.B. Cooper, which was published by Crown. Gluck is in talks to direct and produce via his Olive Bridge banner, and Keith Bunin will write the script. Bunin scripted episodes of the HBO series In Treatment, and is writing for Universal and Illumination Entertainment a live-action film about the life of Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss) as a vehicle for Johnny Depp to star in and produce.

The Skyjack novel is an action-comedy that follows the story of D.B. Cooper, who on November 24, 1971, hijacked a Boeing 727, demanded $200,000 and parachutes, and jumped out over the Pacific Northwest. He was never caught and hailed as a folk hero. The book tracks his story from the perspectives of three different people claiming to be him. Gluck most recently co-wrote, directed and produced Friends With Benefits, the romantic comedy that starred Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. He is in the middle of a Sony Pictures deal for movies and series, and this is a rare project outside that arrangement.

Gluck is repped by UTA. Bunin is repped by Kaplan/Perrone and CAA, and CAA reps the author as well. CBS Films execs Maria Faillace and Mark Ross are overseeing the film.

For CBS Films, which has made acquisitions a big part of its slate, it becomes another filmmaker-driven homegrown project, much like the upcoming Seven Psychopaths by In Bruges helmer Martin McDonagh.


If they intend to represent this as a comedy - they better know this story is about REAL people with a large portion of their lives involved. They will have a BIG problem on their hands. The individuals Grey interviewed are REAL LIVING individuals and if they intend to do this as a Comedy - they better think TWICE.
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CBS Films Acquires ‘Skyjack: The Hunt For D.B. Cooper’ For Will Gluck To Direct

By MIKE FLEMING | Wednesday June 13, 2012 @ 1:05pm EDT

EXCLUSIVE: Easy A helmer Will Gluck is at the center of a deal that CBS Films is making for the bestselling Geoffrey Gray novel Skyjack: The Hunt For D.B. Cooper, which was published by Crown. Gluck is in talks to direct and produce via his Olive Bridge banner, and Keith Bunin will write the script. Bunin scripted episodes of the HBO series In Treatment, and is writing for Universal and Illumination Entertainment a live-action film about the life of Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss) as a vehicle for Johnny Depp to star in and produce.

The Skyjack novel is an action-comedy that follows the story of D.B. Cooper, who on November 24, 1971, hijacked a Boeing 727, demanded $200,000 and parachutes, and jumped out over the Pacific Northwest. He was never caught and hailed as a folk hero. The book tracks his story from the perspectives of three different people claiming to be him. Gluck most recently co-wrote, directed and produced Friends With Benefits, the romantic comedy that starred Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. He is in the middle of a Sony Pictures deal for movies and series, and this is a rare project outside that arrangement.

Gluck is repped by UTA. Bunin is repped by Kaplan/Perrone and CAA, and CAA reps the author as well. CBS Films execs Maria Faillace and Mark Ross are overseeing the film.

For CBS Films, which has made acquisitions a big part of its slate, it becomes another filmmaker-driven homegrown project, much like the upcoming Seven Psychopaths by In Bruges helmer Martin McDonagh.


If they intend to represent this as a comedy - they better know this story is about REAL people with a large portion of their lives involved. They will have a BIG problem on their hands. The individuals Grey interviewed are REAL LIVING individuals and if they intend to do this as a Comedy - they better think TWICE.

Are they going to audition all of the 922, or whatever the current number is, of the people who claimed to be Cooper? If so, the competition for the three roles should be intense.

Is an "action-comedy" vehicle the way to go? I suggest these people film it in Bob Knoss' nut house and star in it themselves. In any event, I predict that Marla will be involved.

Blevins, is Gray's book actually a bestseller or is this just PR baloney?

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