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DB Cooper

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Supposedly he forged a federal check from a woman he met in a bar in CA. She was a military wife in a bar while her husband was at war. So that is a federal crime.

It is a moral crime she was in a bar cozying up to other men, but that is my opinion.

Since if was a Federal check - he went to a Federal prison and he was barely 19 yrs old. I have been told by the family the judge had NO feelings for a man who had been discharged as a Undesirable regardless of the reason.

Duane was in the Navy first - and was put out on a bad conduct discharge for hitting an officer in a bar off base for feeling up his girl. I have the papers where the family fought and fought to have this discharged.

The somehow Duane managed thru pulled strings to get into the ARMY - but they found him out in a few wks - and then it was out as an undesirable.

He wanted to be in the service.
Tried to enlist before he was of age. He wanted to be a pilot.
The 2ed discharge was because of the 1st discharge. The family records were very extensive and they fought the battle for him.

Back in the day NO ONE would hire him to even pick apples with 2 discharges like that - he couldn't find work so I guess he resorted to stealing. All of his wives were drinkers and pretty rowdy from what I Know. WHY the hell he picked me I will never know...I did NOT fit the profile.

I have always thought it might have been because of my name and my grandfathers name - the same as his alias of 6 yrs.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Supposedly he forged a federal check from a woman he met in a bar in CA. She was a military wife in a bar while her husband was at war. So that is a federal crime.

It is a moral crime she was in a bar cozying up to other men, but that is my opinion.

Since if was a Federal check - he went to a Federal prison and he was barely 19 yrs old. I have been told by the family the judge had NO feelings for a man who had been discharged as a Undesirable regardless of the reason.

Duane was in the Navy first - and was put out on a bad conduct discharge for hitting an officer in a bar off base for feeling up his girl. I have the papers where the family fought and fought to have this discharged.

The somehow Duane managed thru pulled strings to get into the ARMY - but they found him out in a few wks - and then it was out as an undesirable.

He wanted to be in the service.
Tried to enlist before he was of age. He wanted to be a pilot.
The 2ed discharge was because of the 1st discharge. The family records were very extensive and they fought the battle for him.

Back in the day NO ONE would hire him to even pick apples with 2 discharges like that - he couldn't find work so I guess he resorted to stealing. All of his wives were drinkers and pretty rowdy from what I Know. WHY the hell he picked me I will never know...I did NOT fit the profile.

I have always thought it might have been because of my name and my grandfathers name - the same as his alias of 6 yrs.

once you turn 18 you go to the big boys prison, Duane was 19 so off he went, since it was a Federal crime this makes sense on him being able to leave CA.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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There is definitely some misinformation there. I haven't been able to locate my file on this as I cannot lift more than 5 lbs and what I did has caused me much suffering. One of the accountings was from one of the 555 himself. There is also the accountings of the Balloon Bombs on record. Perhaps that would be a more reliable source.

Read about the Balloon Bombs and you will find my dates are correct - but, I could be wrong. Maybe it has been too many yrs since I reviewed this stuff...but, even if the dates are NOT right on my part it does NOT change anything about the HOWs and WHYs. If it was later as they are claiming it only enforces the stories Duane told me...because we know Duane was in WA by July of 1945....this is per family records which are detailed. His parents never threw anything away. The brother John sent me lots of stuff regarding Duane that was kept in the family Journal. That Journal is in the hands of a relative who will not allow me access to them - so all I have is what John (Duane's brother told me). John was an engineer and represented Boeing for 6 yr as a consultant while he was in the Army.

John was either 12 yrs or 13 yrs older than Duane. Duane could never live up to the standards of the family. The brother went to College - Duane did NOT graduate from highschool. The brotherx had not spoke to each other in 38 yrs when Duane died.
John had ordered Duane OUT of his mothers home in 1958 and they never set eyes on each other again.

The sister and I arranged for the 2 of them to talk before Duane died after his removal from the machine 11 days before he died.
Duane was beaming when he was on the phone with John. Two brothers re-united by Duane's battle with the kidney disease his mother died of.

John after the fact was very proud of what Duane had finally done with his life and this culminated in my getting to meet John in 2004 when my last husband and I went to CA to the Loma Linda University for proton radiation for his cancer. Our visit was very brief as Duane's sister had a heart attack while my husband and I had dinner with John and his wife.

She had shared things with John after finding out about Cooper and she didn't want anyone to know. She never dreamt I would make it to CA and that John and I would arrange a meeting. John had something to share with me, but I never got to find out because the private meeting he and I were to have after dinner did not get to happen.

John was almost deaf and his wife was going to entertain my husband in the living room while John and I went to his Office in the home (so he could use his amplifier) as he had something to share with me.

We never got to have that private time.... At dinner that night - John had asked me if I had ever met Richard Tosaw. I told him I had spoke to him on the phone, but Tosaw was a difficult man. John and his wife knew Tosaw very well from another city in Ca. they had lived in. He went to the same Church and the two belonged to the same boating club. John's wife attested to his. They also knew the sister of Tosaw. John informed me that Tosaw was a private investigator and he had aquired something I needed to see. Duane's sister did NOT want him to share this with me.

Because of her heart attack I never found out what it was about. I did get a letter from the sister BEGGING me to leave the past in the past. She was very proud of her social position and did not want anyone to know what only she knew.

The sister lived in Modesto when the jump occurred. Remember that one of the letters was mailed only a few miles from her home. The sister thought until that night at the hospital that I was the other wife she had met in 1971 - she beamed that night in the hospital when she met me.

I had told her I had never been to CA but she kept insisting I was in CA with Duane. I had explained to her many times I was not that woman and I had never been to CA. She looked at me that night in the hospital (John went in the room and she said she wanted to meet me) and the relief in her eyes and voice was overwhelming. She finally realized that was his other wife and not me...!

The visit was very very brief and she was relieved. John never got to share with me what he had found out about Duane, but would tell me over the phone being only able to hear every other word I said - he told me that Duane had paratrooper training...1940's.

I have to assume this is what he wanted to share with me on my visit. But, like the song Duane used to sing to me as he did on our wedding night "You'll Never Know, If You Don't Know Now".

I feel half decent tonight and even though I have shared these moments before - I decided it was time to share them again.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I don't think they are going to be wrong on their own site?

Like I said - it doesn't make much difference with the things I know. It is trivial. Please go back and read the long post I just made about Richard Tosaw and my visit to California with Duane's brother and sister.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Has anyone heard anything?

[:/]I know when I spoke to him last he had been having migrain headaches and I was worried about his having a stoke or worse.

He is a BIG guy for those who do not know. I described him to my family as looking like a logger guy - tall and big. We spent a day together on my 2010 trip to WA. He was with me when we found my Mountain but it was raining to hard for us to go up.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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they were based in Pendelton Oregon, this is where they did the training, they covered lots of states because it was so hard to know where the balloons were coming from some were shot down others went boom.


over 9,000 balloon bombs went sent over and very few exploded...see map attached.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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they were based in Pendelton Oregon, this is where they did the training, they covered lots of states because it was so hard to know where the balloons were coming from some were shot down others went boom.


over 9,000 balloon bombs went sent over and very few exploded...see map attached.

The Map just did me in. I am elated - all of the places he took me and the places he showed me and talked about the Balloon Bombs - it is all there. When we went down thru Oregon - all of the places he talk about the GUYS it was all of those balloons.
We or the guys Flew in this airport or that airport. It is all there. So now I know how he knew all of the places - it makes more sense now than it ever did.

So - were are the Balloon Bomb records. Surely there were some kind of records or pictures made by the government! Duane will be in one or more of those pictures. Surely there is someone still alive that might remember him - but he was very young himself in 1944-45.

Now I know he was connected to the Nickles - not in them, but many of the forestry workers and the prison work programs - I am sure where completely enthralled with them. Duane had shown me a picture in a book I could never find - he showed me a bunk and told me that was were he used to stay and there was a room for folding the chutes and a picture of the mock-up and training towers. I found similar books but I never found that particular book....I did not get to see the cover - just a few of the pictures he showed me. He even claimed there was one of him in it, but it had been torn out. This was after we had moved to Virginia I believe around 1985 - it was about the time the Books came out. I forget the dates now, but I am tired.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Oh Robt that was sick but not as sick as I feel after being on the computer trying to find a new house. Iugggj - these people do not take care of the homes and the yards are crap. Funky colors on the walls with dark cabinets and little windowa. Give me light and bright and open and airy with a green well cared for yard.>:( Maybe I wait too long to make a move!:S

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am not lecturing him - he has a lot of misinformation, but is the same information past down for 60 yrs now - things change.

For Matt's information I have no idea what is going on in the video's as I cannot down load them. I only have dial-up. Would love it if someone would put them on a disk and send them to me. The written word and still pics are all I can do.

Don't tell me to go to a library - we barely have one and I live a fairly private life - so would not ask anyone locally to do it for me.

I am NOT lecturing Matt on parachuting, but on his sources.
I have always said I know NOTHING about parachuting and why I came to the DZ was for that reason. Matt did finally realize after reading that the 555's did have to obtain some additional training after arriving in WA in 1945. Nothing they had been trained for prepared them for what was ahead of them (one of the 555's said just about these same words).

Your question was what in my background made me qualified to lecture Matt on military parachuting...I just provided him with a lesson about respect for research. His experience was not in the 1940's - he did NOT take that into account. I don't care if he is an aerial jumper - we have a couple of those lofting around and they don't blow and puff up tooting their words and know how like Matt did.

Matt was not around in 1940 - in fact he was NOT even BORN YET. Jump training changed and Matt hopefully just learned a valuable HISTORY LESSON.

I learned not to trust you. You want to be married to a hijacker so bad you won't accept facts.

You don't understand the Military History, the Parachuting History and my written words.

Retype out page 124, not your summary (even though your summary served well), but all of it.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I don't think they are going to be wrong on their own site?

Like I said - it doesn't make much difference with the things I know. It is trivial. Please go back and read the long post I just made about Richard Tosaw and my visit to California with Duane's brother and sister.


Well, since May of 1945 is a fact, adjust and retell, then.

I am ignoring all the PA's, they aren't really a reflection of me any way.

I taught and lived Paratrooper History for 21 years. I sat with the members of the ABN Test Platoon, Original Triple Nickles, Easy Company and others numerous times.

I take all their stories the same, memories from a proud bunch, glowing over time. Just like mine. Then I look up the official documentation and lay out the facts, their stories are the emotional meat to it.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I don't think they are going to be wrong on their own site?

Like I said - it doesn't make much difference with the things I know. It is trivial. Please go back and read the long post I just made about Richard Tosaw and my visit to California with Duane's brother and sister.


Well, since May of 1945 is a fact, adjust and retell, then.

I am ignoring all the PA's, they aren't really a reflection of me any way.

I taught and lived Paratrooper History for 21 years. I sat with the members of the ABN Test Platoon, Original Triple Nickles, Easy Company and others numerous times.

I take all their stories the same, memories from a proud bunch, glowing over time. Just like mine. Then I look up the official documentation and lay out the facts, their stories are the emotional meat to it.


Nobody questions your background or expertise.

What people do question is the relevance of any of
this to Jo Weber's fables, and conjectures of fables.

There has never been anything regarding the
name Duane Weber, that interfaces with any of this
in known reality in the known world.

You might as well be asking and investigating if
Jo Weber herself could have been Marylin Monroe!

Or if Kenneth Christiansen, a stamp collector, was
ever the Postmaster General, or George Washington
or FRD whose faces appeared on stamps!

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She was just trying to justify her theory that Duane gained the skills necessary to commit the hijacking by observing the 555th.

The problem is she can't prove her position that Duane worked with them.

Each tidbit she posts is not inline with the 555th's historical facts, where they happened to be posted when they deployed is not where she says Duane was at the time. Go further back and the connection at the camps doesn't work out in the SE.

He might have been a fire fighting con, working like the "hot shots" do, but as of this time no such proof exists.

And even if Duane was such a savant, who could learn by observation only, his life story counters that pretty well. And if he was such a savant, he would still need to learn (from observation), a few more skills just to exit the plane.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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She was just trying to justify her theory that Duane gained the skills necessary to commit the hijacking by observing the 555th.

The problem is she can't prove her position that Duane worked with them.

Each tidbit she posts is not inline with the 555th's historical facts, where they happened to be posted when they deployed is not where she says Duane was at the time. Go further back and the connection at the camps doesn't work out in the SE.

He might have been a fire fighting con, working like the "hot shots" do, but as of this time no such proof exists.

And even if Duane was such a savant, who could learn by observation only, his life story counters that pretty well. And if he was such a savant, he would still need to learn (from observation), a few more skills just to exit the plane.


We knew that years ago.

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my understanding is Duane was in Wa
the 555 was in Oregon

I'm sure they went there on calls" but they trained in Pendelton Oregon.

Like BK's story why would they feel the need to use convicts in training exercises, my guess is they would use there own guys sort of like a job by starting from the bottom and moving up, or if they did use them it would have been something that was larger than they could handle themselves.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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And yet she persists and no one else pointed out the issues.

I recently spoke to a gentleman who "profiled" cooper.
In the near future I will transcribe the conversation and post it, his name with held.

The gist is; his profile makes "Cooper" either a Special Operations connected individual, or an old school skydiver with woodsman/survival experience. He also believes he lived through the jump, evaded, and settled some where with the remaining cash and lived frugally, but comfortably.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I agree that they may have passed each other on calls.
The Triple Nickles already there fighting a fire when the USFS lead effort arrived.

Records with the USFS shows the cons didn't do training with the Nickles, they got trained as a ground unit, like the hot shots, and bused in.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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And yet she persists and no one else pointed out the issues.

I recently spoke to a gentleman who "profiled" cooper.
In the near future I will transcribe the conversation and post it, his name with held.

The gist is; his profile makes "Cooper" either a Special Operations connected individual, or an old school skydiver with woodsman/survival experience. He also believes he lived through the jump, evaded, and settled some where with the remaining cash and lived frugally, but comfortably.


I would go with option two, "old school" I still can't get past the "X" chute problem.

have you seen a chute with a "X" on it? can't seem to find one, the only thing I found was this photo?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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And yet she persists and no one else pointed out the issues.

I recently spoke to a gentleman who "profiled" cooper.
In the near future I will transcribe the conversation and post it, his name with held.

The gist is; his profile makes "Cooper" either a Special Operations connected individual, or an old school skydiver with woodsman/survival experience. He also believes he lived through the jump, evaded, and settled some where with the remaining cash and lived frugally, but comfortably.


I would go with option two, "old school" I still can't get past the "X" chute problem.

have you seen a chute with a "X" on it? can't seem to find one, the only thing I found was this photo?

Yep, a big red "X" to mark a demo container, not to be used for jumping.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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And yet she persists and no one else pointed out the issues.

I recently spoke to a gentleman who "profiled" cooper.
In the near future I will transcribe the conversation and post it, his name with held.

The gist is; his profile makes "Cooper" either a Special Operations connected individual, or an old school skydiver with woodsman/survival experience. He also believes he lived through the jump, evaded, and settled some where with the remaining cash and lived frugally, but comfortably.


I would go with option two, "old school" I still can't get past the "X" chute problem.

have you seen a chute with a "X" on it? can't seem to find one, the only thing I found was this photo?

Yep, a big red "X" to mark a demo container, not to be used for jumping.


Hmmmm maybe if I use the word "demo container" I have tried several different wordings and found nothing. (photo wise)
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Yup- the DZ I taught at in the 70's had a wart with an X on it.

For training only - hanging harness stuff. The container was sewn shut, it was (as you know Matt) for EP practice on the reserve ripcord.

Yep, common at military and none military facilities still today.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I learned not to trust you. You want to be married to a hijacker so bad you won't accept facts.

You don't understand the Military History, the Parachuting History and my written words.

Retype out page 124, not your summary (even though your summary served well), but all of it.


Why don't you BUY the BOOK and READ the WHOLE book!

I didn't want to be married to a skyjacker - if you knew anything about me U would know that was the farthest thing from my mind.
Remember this - in 1995 when he died I had no knowledge of DAN COOPER (the name he used in the hospital) and it would be 1 yr and 2 months before I learned the skyjacker USED that name. I had heard of DB Cooper but just was NOT interested in crimes of any kind.

Learn to TRUST something besides WHAT U read on a SITE.
Without an open mind you will miss a lot in life.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to type a whole page from a book? Of course not - you still have the eyesight of a young man and an able body!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Well, since May of 1945 is a fact, adjust and retell, then.

I am ignoring all the PA's, they aren't really a reflection of me any way.

I taught and lived Paratrooper History for 21 years. I sat with the members of the ABN Test Platoon, Original Triple Nickles, Easy Company and others numerous times.

I take all their stories the same, memories from a proud bunch, glowing over time. Just like mine. Then I look up the official documentation and lay out the facts, their stories are the emotional meat to it.


WHAT IS A PA? I need to see documentation other than what is on a SITE - for the date the 555 went to WA. I had always been told it was in Late 1944 or that could be when they got the orders to go and then went to WA in January of 1945.

Snow was still on the ground - they were in training mode in the mountains! Look at the pictures.
Look at the attire they are wearing. Was this a training session or a tape of an actual fire fight?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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once you turn 18 you go to the big boys prison, Duane was 19 so off he went, since it was a Federal crime this makes sense on him being able to leave CA.

What was the Federal Law on the age in 1945? I have been told it was 21...in 1945.

You are a CA attorney - find the correct answer to this problem.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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