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377 22
Sailshaw may have more specific info.
georger 247
QuoteAll I know is mud hut (at base of Annapurna?) with his wife in Nov 1971.
Sailshaw may have more specific info.
This caught my attention:
'In 1970 after working for the International Training Consultants developing curriculum on such topic as land reform, and village and hamlet finances, he and his Filipina wife went to Pokhara, Nepal ..."
Let me make one call tomorrow - no game here
this weekend so people are free.
QuoteMarla was attacked by certain members of this thread who are too cowardly to identify themselves, but may discover a quote with their names prominently featured in short order.
I’ll admit some passing interest in Marla, if one is to consider her elfin eyes, bright smile and ‘come hither Farf’ persona interesting. I would like to become more familiar with her story, which beckons me to her inescapable grasp, as every man with red blood pulsing through his veins, is drawn into a universe of delicate blooms containing a hint of jasmine, which serve as constant reminder of what could have been. This place is known as Marla-topia.
Instead this thread is bathed in ‘girl repellant’ and doused with ‘geek lotion’ for good measure, thus we never know the company of someone like Marla or a similar beauty like the ‘Venus de Milo’ or Helen of Troy.
Instead we get to discuss other suspects (not surface of the Sun, scorching hot Marla) like ‘Big Orange Head’. There…… now I’m depressed.
Marla….. call me!
Farflung, get a hold of yourself (maybe you have already). I'm betting your pictures of Marla are sittin' on top of the water tank in your bathroom, all stuck together. Snap out of it, Farflung!
mrshutter45 21
I found nothing Hypnotizing about Marla other than on a MILF scale of 1-10 she would be about a 6!
unfortunately she made more mistakes than Knoss, records show that granny had a very small house in Sisters Oregon (see photo) no other records were found.
Granny was also very ill around the time of the hijacking (not in town baking pies)
she gave two separate locations as to where he jumped. (wooded area.....flat farm land)
she still hasn't explained why LD was born 9/17/31 and brother 8/11/31 all records indicate a 1933 birth. this makes LD only 38 in 1971.
when you put yourself in the public eye you can rest assure that you also open yourself up to judgement and people trying to validate your claims, this includes contacting members of the Family and friends, all part of the game.
not long after Marla's story came out Sisters did there own investigation and was disappointed at the conclusions
sailshaw 0
With regards to Sheridan in Nepal in a mud hut, my friends that trecked and climed in Nepal in those day say they saw no mud huts or knew of anyone that lived in mud huts. Sheridan had to create his "perfect alibi" of being in Nepal and delivering one of his children about the time of the NORJACK caper. A good question is what is the birthday date of Sheridan's son Sheridan Jr? How close to the November NORJACK date was the birth? Snowmman where are you as you always seem to have all the answers.
The delivering his child at the time of NORJACK was the special part of the alibi for the FBI to leave him alone all this time. How close are the two times? It was not common for husbands to be in the delivery room but I was there for both of my daughters and cut the umbi-cord and could have claimed to have delivered the daughters. My daughters were born at about that same area when husbands were allowed to do those things. How convenient for the perfect alibi to be able to add the delivery and the dates. However, what was the delivery date? How close to the NORJACK date?
Bob Sailshaw
smokin99 0
With regards to Sheridan in Nepal in a mud hut, my friends that trecked and climed in Nepal in those day say they saw no mud huts or knew of anyone that lived in mud huts. Sheridan had to create his "perfect alibi" of being in Nepal and delivering one of his children about the time of the NORJACK caper. A good question is what is the birthday date of Sheridan's son Sheridan Jr? How close to the November NORJACK date was the birth? Snowmman where are you as you always seem to have all the answers.
The delivering his child at the time of NORJACK was the special part of the alibi for the FBI to leave him alone all this time. How close are the two times? It was not common for husbands to be in the delivery room but I was there for both of my daughters and cut the umbi-cord and could have claimed to have delivered the daughters. My daughters were born at about that same area when husbands were allowed to do those things. How convenient for the perfect alibi to be able to add the delivery and the dates. However, what was the delivery date? How close to the NORJACK date?
Bob Sailshaw
I don't know how much credence I would give to the fact that no one saw "mud huts".
In 1971, Nepal and surrounds looks like a pretty big place with varied landscape and living conditions to me.....
And this guy had to have a trekking permit to go to Nepal in 1971 so I'm wondering how easy it was to get in and out of there without leaving a paper trail....
However, if anyone could do it...It would probably be Sheridan Peterson

mrshutter45 21
With regards to Sheridan in Nepal in a mud hut, my friends that trecked and climed in Nepal in those day say they saw no mud huts or knew of anyone that lived in mud huts. Sheridan had to create his "perfect alibi" of being in Nepal and delivering one of his children about the time of the NORJACK caper. A good question is what is the birthday date of Sheridan's son Sheridan Jr? How close to the November NORJACK date was the birth? Snowmman where are you as you always seem to have all the answers.
The delivering his child at the time of NORJACK was the special part of the alibi for the FBI to leave him alone all this time. How close are the two times? It was not common for husbands to be in the delivery room but I was there for both of my daughters and cut the umbi-cord and could have claimed to have delivered the daughters. My daughters were born at about that same area when husbands were allowed to do those things. How convenient for the perfect alibi to be able to add the delivery and the dates. However, what was the delivery date? How close to the NORJACK date?
Bob Sailshaw
I don't know how much credence I would give to the fact that no one saw "mud huts".
In 1971, Nepal and surrounds looks like a pretty big place with varied landscape and living conditions to me.....
that was a common structure way before the 70's in a lot of Countries, gotta say myth busted on this one

377 22
QuoteHowever, if anyone could do it...It would probably be Sheridan Peterson He's led a most interesting life.
Sheridan was super qualified for the Norjack jump, but hard evidence linking him to the crime (so far) is lacking. The FBI thought he was an intersting suspect and contacted him several times. Only DNA got them off his back.
Sheridan is very old and seriously ill. I sure wish someone like Bruce could interview him while he is still alive. He's a bit paranoid. I bought him a bountiful holiday basket (delivered by Bruce to friends of Sheridan) for which he was initially pleased and grateful, but soon he was calling me (in posts) FBI-CIA and it went downhill from there. I'm
an old jumper and so is he. I'd just like to trade some yarns with him and see what he thinks about Norjack. Of course he'd never admit to being DBC. I'd just like to hear what he has to say.
I still see a lot of Norjack parallels, subtle ones and glaring ones, in his novel, The Idiots Frightful Laughter. That doesn't make him DBC though.
377 22
QuoteI found nothing Hypnotizing about Marla other than on a MILF scale of 1-10 she would be about a 6!
Care to explain the MILF acronym? I am far from being PC but don't you think publicly rating Marla's desirability as someone you'd like to fk is a bit disrespectful to her? She was pretty brave to present at the symposium, kinda like walking into the lions den. She didn't have handlers and didn't dodge questions. Maybe she has misinterpreted childhood memories and maybe she sought media attention, but I thought she handled herself pretty well. Sure she was attractive but she wasn't using sex to sell her story. Do I think LD was DBC? Nope.
Do I think Marla was a cynical liar seeking to profit from a fake story? Nope.
Flame away. I have a Nomex jumpsuit.
Robert99 50
QuotePhysics of freefall from near space.
If Felix Baumgartner EXCEEDS the speed of sound, it will have to be at very high altitude, 80,000 feet or above. Below 80,000 feet, he will probably be decelerating.
If he doesn't make it past Mach 1 at high altitude, he won't exceed it at all.
The air blast, even at Mach 1, will not be a big factor. The heat rise at Mach 1 will be of little consequence.
Baumgartner should not experience anything that others haven't already experienced during emergency ejections.
Lockheed has stated that SR-71 crew members have ejected successfully at maximum speed and altitude using what is basically a standard ejection seat (not a capsule). The exact speed and altitude capabilities of the SR-71 have never been revealed. However, a speed of Mach 3.2 or 3.3 has been acknowledged and the SR-71 set one public record while flying level at 85,000 feet.
In another case a pilot ejected from a high flying aircraft and had his parachute open above 50,000 feet. He apparently was in a climb during the ejection and the parachute accidently opened at the top of his arc. He lived to fly another day.
The thing that would prevent Baumgartner from exceeding Mach 1 at a relatively low altitude is known as wave drag. Wave drag is also the reason no World War II era propeller aircraft could go supersonic. You may make it to Mach 0.999 but you are not going to get to Mach 1.000.
smokin99 0
QuoteRobert99: That was a good analysis. I was wondering about those factors for Baumgartner's upcoming jump.
Many questions about Baumgartner's jump - equipment,plan,etc. are answered here.
There will also be a live stream of the jump, I think. I had my alarm set to remember it, but looks like they've rescheduled it to Tuesday due to weather.
smokin99 0
QuoteQuoteQuote***Robert99: That was a good analysis. I was wondering about those factors for Baumgartner's upcoming jump.
Many questions about Baumgartner's jump - equipment,plan,etc. are answered here.
There will also be a live stream of the jump, I think. I had my alarm set to remember it, but looks like they've rescheduled it to Tuesday due to weather.
That's right. I would suggest anyone who is planning to watch this live to take that link above and make it into a shortcut on your computer desktop you won't forget.

BTW... I'd like to offer a big thanks to Robert99 for bringing the Stratos jump and web site to our attention. I had been following info about the jump on and off, but then got sidetracked and forgot that it was coming up soon until he mentioned it.
georger 247
QuoteSailshaw says in part:
Quote'With regards to Sheridan in Nepal in a mud hut, my friends that trecked and climed in Nepal in those day say they saw no mud huts or knew of anyone that lived in mud huts...'
Mudbrick huts with thatched roofs in Nepal were in common use years ago, and are still used today in many places. In Nepal, there is Bardia Adventure Resort for example, near the outskirts of Royal Bardia National Park. This is one of many privately-run 'hotels' (a rather generous term) in the area. From a recent review by a foreign traveler who stayed there:Quote'Neighbourhood: Royal Bardia National Park
With its prime location looking out to the buffer zone, this resort has simple thatched mud huts and a large rustic dining hall. The highlight here is the resort’s own animal watchtower...'
This was taken from a review on a travel website. There are many like it, where people mention mudbrick cottages with thatched roofs, although today the majority are using more modern construction. A picture of a typical Nepali mud hut is here: Additional picture attached below.Quote
More RobertMBlevins miss-information.
You guys need to learn something about Nepal!
Note the palm tress in Blevins' "mud hut" photo
taken from the southern Chitawan rainy district.
That is not the area Peterson lived in or describes.
Peterson lived far north of the Chitawan in the arid
Annapurna Diustrict (a different climate zone!)
The Chitawan where Blevin's socalled mud-hut photo
comes from flanks northen India's tropical zone!
There are five or more distinct climate zones in
Nepal, from the monsoon jungles of southern Nepal
to the arid high mountains of the north, with steps
in-between. Housing construction varies from zone
to zone. Thatch has to be imported into the northern
arid zone!
Peterson presumably lived in the Pokhara Annapurna
district. Attached are typical housing photos from
that region ... no mud huts. Housing there is
constructed from mud and straw bricks, or stone
often with an outer white plaster. White is a holy
Moreover there is no single Annapurna but the
Annapurna Range! Five+ distinct peaks depending
on how you count. [a typical mistake of arm chair
experts]. There is a series of vallies that runs east-
west, south of the Annapurna range; each valley
dotted with villages since ancient times. (the
socalled original urban zone of Nepal). Which area
in this vast area did Peterson live in ?
Farflung 0
Her story is much more appealing with its supple, pouting appearance complete with a British sports car instead of some station wagon pulling an Airstream, because station wagons pulling Airstreams do much better on snow covered mountain roads.
Plus she said her uncle lost the money, and helllllooooooo….. no one knows where the money is. Much more believable than the other poorly crafted bits of fiction found on this thread.
Did anyone take note that she is the ONLY person to have seen the Dan Cooper comic during a plausible time frame? Another example of how much truer her story is than the ‘others’ which have Big Orange Heads.
Farflung 0
“Yet no one else at the house will verify this story, or the comics, not even her mother…”
Soooo…… ummm…… yeah…… gosh (ugh)….. If that’s so important regarding Marla’s story and used to impeach what she said, then I guess I’ve got to get on board and violently agree since I’m a man, and a man who does what he says, because I’ve got a pair. That being said…….
Since Lyle, a brother of a suspect, won’t back up the story, as he said during an interview on 920 AM, then that makes for the immediate and total elimination of Kenny from the suspect pool for the exact same reason.
What say you RobertMBlevins?
georger 247
QuoteQuote'In the interest of discussing ‘other suspects’, I want to check out Marla, then review her tale. The fact that her family won’t back up her story is a non-sequitur. RobertMBlevins knows this truly doesn’t matter in the least...' matters quite a lot. Marla has claimed that LD and his brother returned to the house on Thanksgiving morning and that LD was injured in an accident. Yet no one else at the house will verify this story, or the comics, not even her mother, and LD was temporarily living at mother's house. Had his own bedroom. One of the things I said about this supposed accident, and the fact that no one who was at that dinner table that night...don't you think someone would have noticed that LD was bleeding all over his turkey dressing? Sister, mother, brother, all were there. None can confirm any of this happened.Quote'Her story is much more appealing with its supple, pouting appearance complete with a British sports car instead of some station wagon pulling an Airstream, because station wagons pulling Airstreams do much better on snow covered mountain roads...'
Never said that IF the trailer and wagon were used, and IF KC was the guy...that he was picked up in the woods. I suggested that he probably walked out to either the main highway, or the nearest telephone. It is only Marla who claims LD was found by his brother in the woods. Using an MG sportscar, no less, without GPS, in wintertime.Quote'Plus she said her uncle lost the money, and helllllooooooo….. no one knows where the money is. Much more believable than the other poorly crafted bits of fiction found on this thread...'
In the first version of her story, Marla said LD landed near Sisters, OR. When it was pointed out to her that the money on Tena Bar could be a problem for that story, she changed the DZ to Washington state...and near the Tena Bar money.Quote'Did anyone take note that she is the ONLY person to have seen the Dan Cooper comic during a plausible time frame? Another example of how much truer her story is than the ‘others’ which have Big Orange Heads...'
Who says he had the comics and that she saw them? Nobody at the house says so except Marla. And where exactly did he obtain these French-language comics? They were mostly distributed in Europe and in parts of French-speaking Canada. It's also very convenient that Marla came forward not a whole long time after the existence of the comic was made public in 2008 by the FBI. When I asked Marla how he may have gotten them, her reply was that 'LD had a car' and probably drove to Canada to get them. LOL.
Wake up, Farf. You've seen her Facebook postings, her gloats about the media and 'capitalizing'. She also claims to take meds for AAD in one of those posts. Her brother, who was there, won't go near her story. Figure it out. I'm sure she's a nice lady in person, and yes, I will agree it took some guts for her to appear at the Symposium. But the FBI found her story without merit, and her publisher figured out the same thing.

QuoteQuoteI just said somethings I deleted - and it is hard to keep all of this inside.
Farf - I hope you have to CRAP in a thicket of Poison Ivy and Blackberry thorns and a bed of FIRE ants! Then on that evening have to appear at your own Wedding without A/C and be dressed in a Tuxedo.
Jo, Is the above part of your Kentucky charm? I'll bet Duane loved you for your genteel qualities.
Genteel - definitely NOT!
Crude - only because circumstances and time are NOT on my side.
I grew up a lady and remained a lady until I had to deal with the FBI. In the beginning when I first contacted them in 1996 I just offered up what I had to help, but the letter of 1998 - showed they had done NOTHING.
Then by 2000 with the help of the media and some good friends - I had enough to confront the FBI, but again they used lies to cover lies. Then I had NO choice but to go public.
Between the computer and age and this thread - yea, I've had to put on the "charm" (translated to get down and get dirty without using a lot of nasty words) to make my point. If nothing else works and I feel bad - play the sympathy card to get some help.
I have thought more "bad" words and written more "bad"words in this thread than I ever thought possible for me. If someone in the past used certain words I turned and walked away - not anymore . I do sometime try to say what I am thinking in a sarcastice way, but never quiet got the hang of it.
If some of the things I say make me sound mean - then so be it. I learned sitting still and being polite was NOT getting me anywhere with the Cooper thing. I have never been one to pull things together and able to present them in an organized way - I needed help. Because of the yrs involved and my age - even my files are scrambled.
I feel I have failed and that makes me feel hopeless. So excuse me if I do NOT beat around the bush gently when there is something I need to say.
Farflung 0
I try and stay at mom and pop motels when I travel and found such an enterprise on the west side of town. It was a sprawling, single story motel named the Lovelock Inn and was built by Errett L. Cord. I had no idea that he was associated with this establishment which he built as a logical stop over, for people traveling Route 40. He was known to me for building one of the most beautiful automobiles in the form of the self named- Cord 810. Understated elegance which perfectly reflected the art-deco styling of the late 30’s, powered by a Lycoming engine, which would go on to be one of the most reliable, light aircraft, engines still produced today. I was astonished at the connection between that motel, my favorite car and an aircraft engine in the remote high desert. What more would Lovelock have to offer?
In town, I found a place to eat which had two women engaged in a shouting match, in the parking lot. They both had raspy voices which carried their limited vocabulary a great distance so everyone could appreciate what a ‘dumb ass bitch’ someone was being. Oh well. At least the lunch was a superb value with service that was second to none.
Next stop placed me in the casino where I would build a fortune like Cord’s, using nothing more than moxie and my brilliant ability to beat and humiliate, a blackjack dealer. The dealer asked how long I would be visiting since he had never seen me before. I told him about my interest in history and how I was staying at Cord’s motel, with a pedantic lilt. So you’re staying at the Lovelock Inn, he said without hesitation. He went on to suggest several historical places of interest while simultaneously draining my gambling budget. Then some rough hewn, chain smoker, ran into the table and coarsely planted herself in a chair. The dealer informed her that it was a two dollar minimum as she fingered through some change while a cigarette dangled from her mouth, dropping ashes down the front of her shirt. She kept counting and dithering with her cash for an inordinate amount of time while oblivious to the surroundings. After realizing she didn’t have enough, she asked me for a ‘loan’ and I awarded her with a dollar slug. This was both a way to appease this woman and served as a sort of admission price for watching an ad hoc, freak show. I was not disappointed as she began to cough and hack, while elbowing me and saying ‘look at that’, displaying her hand of cards. “Give me a little one” she shouted with the same raspy voice the women in the parking lot possessed, and made me wonder if there is some sort of contagion drifting through Lovelock. “Yeah!” she shouted as the dealer threw down a card that brought her total to 25. “You busted” the dealer flatly responded as she bent down for a closer look at the cards before exiting the table, then hissing something about “other pucker”, or some quote from Voltaire, I’m not quite sure. Mattered not, as I was off to sight see and try to get less stupid.
After failing at getting less stupid, I figured a little bottle of Jim Beam may serve as a sort of liquid library. I found a convenience store and stood in line behind several more of these Lovelock lovelies, with tattered T-shirts, tattoos and utterly no peripheral vision as they groped and grabbed at bags of chips and candy bars with the same detached air of being oblivious to their surroundings. They too were women in the most minimal of inclusion. Coarse, demanding, repugnant and void of anything approaching feminine traits, why did this tiny town have such a schizophrenic populous? It was like the entire village was acting out some sort of ‘Twin Peaks’ existence, with oddly normal and pleasant people mixed with abject troglodytes. I needed a drink.
So I’m sitting outside the Lovelock Inn and sampling some ‘Tung Oil’ when an employee comes out and asks how I’m enjoying my vacation. I told him the good things and then smoothly brought up my observations about the ‘women’ of the city and what an odd dichotomy it represented. He nodded and said my viewpoint was on target regarding the women folk. Thinking that it was the product of nuclear testing or some ground water contamination, I asked “What happened?”
He said that a new prison was built outside town and they were all looking forward to the much needed income and jobs which the institution would deliver to tiny Lovelock. But it turned out to be more of a Faustian deal than anyone could have anticipated. For not only do prisons bring the most contemptible, loathsome, bottom feeding and repulsive animals to live in a human zoo, they also bring their ‘families’. I was stunned since employment would prove problematic for these people. He went on to tell me that most of them are scamming Welfare or Social Security along with any housing vouchers they can obtain. They move into already distressed properties, since descent people don’t want to be near them, and proceed to “push the walls over”. Could this be? I had never even considered the possibility of prison groupies and the economic disease they would unleash on such a location. Stunning, simply stunning.
So there I sat, in the umbra of a Spanish tiled roof, which was financed by an automobile mogul who created beauty with his designs, while experiencing the retrograde arc of total ugliness, resulting from the arrival of a prison, and the associated ‘wives’ of these vermin. For these ‘women’ built an invisible prison for all the normal citizens of Lovelock to serve a never ending term, with crass and coarse individuals who possess a detached sense of entitlement, as uninvited and unwelcomed residents. Weird, I wonder what made me think of this. Oh well.
PM or post me some dates and places as exact as
you can, rather than me having to dig this out of
Sail's posts. Especially anything about the route
he took in if that is known, what village(s) he lived
in ... anything of a factual nature.
I can definately make a few inquiries and it wouldnt
take much to get the ball rolling.
Has Sailshaw made any inquiries he can share?
Below was previously posted - - -
'In 1970 after working for the International Training Consultants developing curriculum on such topic as land reform, and village and hamlet finances, he and his Filipina wife went to Pokhara, Nepal where he wrote an eight hundred and twenty-six page novel protesting the Vietnam War. It was an eye-witness documentary detailing the grisly crimes committed by our troops and secret agents. Publishers would have nothing to do with it. The reading public did not want to know such things, they contended. Ignorance is bliss.
Peterson's two and a half years in Nepal were the happiest time of his life. He and his wife lived in a mud hut near the base of Annapurna. They had no running water, electricity, sewerage, nor heat. What's more they had no idea what was going on in the world, and he loved it. His two children were born in Nepal. Sheridan Jr. was born at the Sanabuwan Missionary Hospital in Katmandu. It was an ancient Rana Palace on a mountain top overlooking the city. His daughter, Ginger, was born at the Shining Mission Hospital in Pokhara. It was comprised of a dozen tiny British World War II Quonset huts. Peterson made the delivery. The British doctor, a very tough woman lib, declared that it was the duty of every father to deliver their child. Peterson insists that it was the most nerve racking experience of his life.
In 1973 broke, Sheridan returned to Vietnam and got a job designing curriculum for Lear Siegler Aircraft Ltd. at Bien Hoa Air Base...'
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