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DB Cooper

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Others have 2 eyes but multiple focus - and more than 5 is just fine also.

and a patridge in a pear tree -

Yea, I have a few birds in the tree and a temper to boot, along with a lot of charged emotions.

The Cooper forest is very complex and there are so many paths that go no where and some take you right back where you started...other seem to go in directions you have not traveled before, but you are still lost.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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'Blevins, was the unnamed "skinny blonde" you referred to at Ariel Marla Cooper?'

No, not Marla. She's easily recognizable. Someone else. Younger than Marla, and kind of freaky. She was really animated.

And you didn't even inquire about her book and who she was???

Freaky skinny blonde who is into DB Cooper? Bruce, did you also ignore her?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Then WHAT are you doing here?

You imgamed within the space of your mind (saw!)
that Duane Weber was DB Cooper, and ... you have
been tearing people an asshole about it ever since
going on 15 years plus!

If that isnt remote seeing I dont know what is.

The same applies to this other compulsive, Robert
M. Blevins ....

:)My memories are NOT remote viewing as I understand it.

You, Georger have memories of the past - are those Remote Viewing? That is what I have - my memories and as long as I have them nothing or no one can take them from me except time and age.

If Duane was not Cooper as I am consistently told - how did those memories get there? Why do the correlate with things that are known about the crime? Remember I knew basically nothing about this old crime in 1996 when I made that phone call to the FBI.

Are they dreams or nightmares? Of course not - just as that family reunion or birthday party or a family trip is a memory so are my memories of the past with Duane. I am telling things I experienced in real time and in my life - this is life and not some science fiction trip to Alaska or China.

I am here BECAUSE what Duane told me - explained his life, but it took me 14 of the 18 yrs to realize Duane told me about his life in 3rd person. The forum disclosing the St. Pete news article was when I realized this.

Since then - I have explored all of the 3rd party stories Duane told me - and they connect right back to his life's story as recorded in the criminal records and what the family shared with me.

Some of the stories have yet to be explained - because they are in the "Hidden Yrs" those yrs that even the FBI cannot or will not explain. I am able to put a time frame on the stories and have found validations - such as the programs mentioned on 2 or 3 occasions in this forum regarding McNeil Island Federal Prison. The lost yrs - Duane did spend some of those lost yrs in the N.W. WHY is the FBI unable to disclose those yrs along with 3 other yrs of Weber's life?

I just deleted 2 long paragraphs because they go where I do NOT want to go and where the FBI does NOT go. Why? Because it is so illogical - Weber was just a criminal, but for a criminal who supposedly always got caught and just got old - he always seemed to come out on top...after 1971.

Even an arrest in 1976 in possession of a firearm and stolen goods - he walks away?
In 1990 he walks away with a drivers license in another man's name - and the authorities turn their heads the other way.

This is a man who confessed to an unsolved crime - and the FBI did NOT actually pull the files and past of this man together. The FBI left themselves open to being scrutinized and to be addressed in a negative way.

So maybe the last part in blue is remote viewing?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Meyer Louie wrote


You made your point about what you think of Jo's theory, leave it there. You don't need a baseball bat to kill a fly.

Point taken, I'll try to be nicer to Jo. I do like her.
Her insistence that Duane had a special CB that could operate on aviation freqs and CB just got my goat. I'll let it go.


You're a good man 377. I enjoy your informative, insightful posts. You make complex technical things understandable -- you'd be a great professor for sure. MeyerLouie

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The Ariel update is on the Mountain News, with lots of pix - of Blevs, Meyer, Dona, and of course, Christie!




I enjoyed your writeup about our fun, fun day at DB Cooper Days in Ariel. It was a blast! It just kind of evolved as the day went on, and we met some really interesting people. And to top it off, I got to get up and sing a couple of songs with the band and have beautiful Christie join in with some great backup harmonies. She's good.

I also discovered Robert Blevins is a pretty good guy. He says he's laid back. Actually he is, in real life (as opposed to how he can be here). We had some good conversation and we ended up shaking hands at the end of the day.

Dona is a character, I sure enjoy talking to her, she's somethin' else. I talked with about the possibility of allowing us to have a little DBC Symposium right there in the bar. We (Bruce, Robert Blevins, and I) discovered that the festivities (drinking, eating, music, and the like) don't really gear up until after 5 or 6 pm. There's available space and time (like 3-5 or 6pm, or 2 - 5 pm) to have a symposium at the Ariel bar during the DB Cooper Days celebration. I asked Dona for permission in our first conversation, confirmed it in a later conversation. Incidentally, in the third conversation I asked Dona to help me get up to sing with band (and she did, thank you).

I'll be happy to help organize a symposium at Ariel. But first thing first:

1. Do you want a symposium in the afternoon of Saturday DBC Days at Ariel?.
2. How many would attend? We'd need enough folks to make it worth our while and effort.
3. If so, what would you like to have presented on the agenda? Dona said we could hook up our computers, Powerpoint, projectors, anything as needed.

Best of all, she won't charge us a dime. So, I think a good way to say thank you would be to patronize her business -- she has food, drink, books, t-shirts, souvenirs, and the like. I'm pretty sure she'd be happy if we just patronized her business as best we could. No dues, fees, or charges will be required.

What do you all think? Wanna do it? I'll be happy to work with Dona over the next several months to help put things together. Tell me what you need, I'll try to get it for you -- it's your symposium.

Some suggestions for an agenda so far have been:

1. Q & A panel comprised of "DB Cooper Royalty";
2. Overview of the facts and history of the case,
3. Presentation of any new developments or
findings in the past year;
4. Keynote presenter and other presentations -- as
time allows.
5. Dona should give a presentation of the history of
the DB Cooper Days celebration at Ariel.

Some have suggested an Ariel symposium should be casual and informal.

Please provide some response to the questions above. Remember, it's what you want that counts. Tell me, and I'll try to get it for you. If there's enough interest and attendance, I will work to make it happen -- that's a promise.


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Amazon, you ever see one of these?

Definitely military and the innards look 60s 70s era circuit wise. No ICs. Hand held with pistol grip.

It's a hand held radio direction finder. Powered by a standard 9 VDC transistor radio battery. Crystal has no freq marking. This DF is mentioned in a patent as being an ELT DF.


See photos below.


Not a design we used while I was in... The only radios we commonly used were Motorola Bricks.... and USAF survival radios that that did guard channel .( training models were on training channels to keep USAF SAR and USCG happy)

As a side note

Pre EPIRB 406 MHz beacons.... there were lots of boats that had beacons that worked on 121.5 and 243.0...I have a couple of the oldies out in the shed with the other old outdated boat electronics.

I did some digging.. found this about Leigh Instruments... Black Box guys out of Canuda ...eh


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how are you going to get a 10GB file on You Tube? I think the max is 2Gigs.
at 1080 you will have to break it down into 4 or 5 clips and hours of
upload time.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Please provide some response to the questions above. Remember, it's what you want that counts. Tell me, and I'll try to get it for you. If there's enough interest and attendance, I will work to make it happen -- that's a promise.


Unicorns. A unicorn band.

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how are you going to get a 10GB file on You Tube? I think the max is 2Gigs.
at 1080 you will have to break it down into 4 or 5 clips and hours of
upload time.

remote seeing -

Good One B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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RobertMBlevins jumps the shark with:

Today you could probably set that up easily, but in 1971? I don't know.”

What possible value is that statement? You can’t leave well enough alone, ever.

The comment about CBs and aviation radios being combined was as initially answered…. STUPID. I realize how sensitive everyone is and how delicate they all are, but I also notice these same people have not sensitivity when it comes to bullshitting. Why stop there? How about a flashlight, with an HF transceiver that uses the switch as a CW key? But wait there much, much more. It also handles voice on the Citizens Band along with Nav and Comm freqs from the FAA. Know what this flashlight does when tuned to a VOR? Doesn’t matter because I’m going to tell you; it vibrates!

Right back to square one on this moronic subject with the addition of the planet covering HF band. See what being all Polly Prissy Pants about this garbage devolves into? It happens every time, without fail, E-V-E-R-Y time, and there always some sickening cheerleader for this humiliating tripe.


Then RobertMBlevins condescends about 377 with:

He's even nicer in person, and so is his lovely wife.”

Is he really RobertMBlevins?! And his wife too! Pleas say yes!


How very nice of you to point out how very nice 377 is along with his lovely wife. You are very nice to point out how nice everyone is, and that’s nice of you to be so nice, and that makes me puke.

I notice that you failed to mention (because you apparently don’t know) that 377 has an EE, one of the higher HAM tickets, and apparently dabbles with RC devices too. He repeatedly answered this question across the span of years (plural YEARS, take note Meyer Louie) and was painfully clear about why the answer is NO (NO!). How nice of you. Isn’t being nice, nice? Is there a place that is any nicer, filled with niceness?


Not compared to the DBC thread, Hooray for nice!

This would be nice too RobertMBlevins, instead of just shooting your mouth off, you could back up what you say with a source! I’m feeling even more niceness about this subject which was dead, but thanks to some really nice people (take note Meyer Louie), it’s back and bigger than ever! Hooray for Planet Nice! Yay for us! Yippie! Sorry, I was basking in all the self created niceness, floating in an ocean of crap, I call Island Nice. But here’s what YOU can do RobertMBlevins to impress everyone:

Craft a simple, but workable schematic of a CB radio which has been modified to work on the air bands. Oh man, I’m starting to develop a really nice throbbing.. umm… oh, that’s not very nice (laughs)! Gosh, why can’t everything be this nice RobertMBlevins? But since you’re so nice and sincere and smart, I know you will create that schematic, and not avoid the subject like a coward, or deflect, or do the things you have such a nice reputation for now. Plus, that wouldn’t be polite (makes sad face, sad face I’m making) would it (tee hee, laughing at how polite and nice I am)?

Yes, I think seeing a workable paper model of a CB/NAV/COMM would reflect great credit upon you and Meyer Louie, who collectively felt so compelled to breathe fresh life into this maggot riddled corpse, spawned by some imbecilic notion that its very existence, would buttress yet another wild assed piece of fiction. And that after 377 nicely answered this reborn, loser of a theory several times. Good luck to you both, I’m sure your sense of self righteousness will be your nice guide. Have a nice time drawing up your nice radio.

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RobertMBlevins jumps the shark with:

Today you could probably set that up easily, but in 1971? I don't know.”

What possible value is that statement? You can’t leave well enough alone, ever.

The comment about CBs and aviation radios being combined was as initially answered…. STUPID. I realize how sensitive everyone is and how delicate they all are, but I also notice these same people have not sensitivity when it comes to bullshitting. Why stop there? How about a flashlight, with an HF transceiver that uses the switch as a CW key? But wait there much, much more. It also handles voice on the Citizens Band along with Nav and Comm freqs from the FAA. Know what this flashlight does when tuned to a VOR? Doesn’t matter because I’m going to tell you; it vibrates!

Right back to square one on this moronic subject with the addition of the planet covering HF band. See what being all Polly Prissy Pants about this garbage devolves into? It happens every time, without fail, E-V-E-R-Y time, and there always some sickening cheerleader for this humiliating tripe.


Then RobertMBlevins condescends about 377 with:

He's even nicer in person, and so is his lovely wife.”

Is he really RobertMBlevins?! And his wife too! Pleas say yes!


How very nice of you to point out how very nice 377 is along with his lovely wife. You are very nice to point out how nice everyone is, and that’s nice of you to be so nice, and that makes me puke.

I notice that you failed to mention (because you apparently don’t know) that 377 has an EE, one of the higher HAM tickets, and apparently dabbles with RC devices too. He repeatedly answered this question across the span of years (plural YEARS, take note Meyer Louie) and was painfully clear about why the answer is NO (NO!). How nice of you. Isn’t being nice, nice? Is there a place that is any nicer, filled with niceness?


Not compared to the DBC thread, Hooray for nice!

This would be nice too RobertMBlevins, instead of just shooting your mouth off, you could back up what you say with a source! I’m feeling even more niceness about this subject which was dead, but thanks to some really nice people (take note Meyer Louie), it’s back and bigger than ever! Hooray for Planet Nice! Yay for us! Yippie! Sorry, I was basking in all the self created niceness, floating in an ocean of crap, I call Island Nice. But here’s what YOU can do RobertMBlevins to impress everyone:

Craft a simple, but workable schematic of a CB radio which has been modified to work on the air bands. Oh man, I’m starting to develop a really nice throbbing.. umm… oh, that’s not very nice (laughs)! Gosh, why can’t everything be this nice RobertMBlevins? But since you’re so nice and sincere and smart, I know you will create that schematic, and not avoid the subject like a coward, or deflect, or do the things you have such a nice reputation for now. Plus, that wouldn’t be polite (makes sad face, sad face I’m making) would it (tee hee, laughing at how polite and nice I am)?

Yes, I think seeing a workable paper model of a CB/NAV/COMM would reflect great credit upon you and Meyer Louie, who collectively felt so compelled to breathe fresh life into this maggot riddled corpse, spawned by some imbecilic notion that its very existence, would buttress yet another wild assed piece of fiction. And that after 377 nicely answered this reborn, loser of a theory several times. Good luck to you both, I’m sure your sense of self righteousness will be your nice guide. Have a nice time drawing up your nice radio.

Why everyone is so NICE I am moved to song:

this old man he
played one
he played knick-knack on my drum

with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played two
he played knick-knack on my shoe
with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played three
he played knick-knack
on my tree
with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played one
he played knick-knack on my drum

with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played two
he played knick-knack on my shoe
with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played three
he played knick-knack
on my tree
with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played one
he played knick-knack on my drum

with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played two
he played knick-knack on my shoe
with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

this old man he
played three
he played knick-knack
on my tree
with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

baruq Adonai...

Tommy and Fommy and Gommy and Bobby will be
rollin home ....

with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

with a knick-knack-paddy-wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home

baruq Adonai ...

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Farflung wrote


How about a flashlight, with an HF transceiver that uses the switch as a CW key? But wait there much, much more. It also handles voice on the Citizens Band along with Nav and Comm freqs from the FAA. Know what this flashlight does when tuned to a VOR? Doesn’t matter because I’m going to tell you; it vibrates!

Ron Popeil's next RONCO product! But wait , there's more. If you order now, we will include absolutely free: a (fill in the blank please Farf). ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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That’s a nice song georger! I would like to sing along too. But I think the song would be even nicer if it named RobertMBlevins. Cuz he is the nice-y-est!

My medium dog’s name is ‘Speedy’…. because he is the speed-en-est.

My big dog’s name is ‘Barker’…. because he is the bark-in-est.

And my little dog’s name is ‘Liberace’….. because his is the pianist.

Isn’t that nice? All my dawgies have nice names. I can’t wait to see RobertMBlevins’ CB-Nav/Comm schematic that is ‘easy’ to make. Gosh, he’s so nice to do that.

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Farflung wrote

377 has an EE, [and] one of the higher HAM tickets

Thats right, an EXTRA class ham ticket. It govt certifies me as EXTRA, so it's no wonder that Blevins noticed I was extra nice. Snow has one too, and we all know how nice he is. Sailshaw too, I think. Dunno what license class Geoger has or Sluggo either.

Pilots licenses dont have adjectives like EXTRA in front of them. Pilots are way too cool for that ego stroking nonsense.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farflung wrote


377 has an EE, [and] one of the higher HAM tickets

Thats right, an EXTRA class ham ticket. It govt certifies me as EXTRA, so it's no wonder that Blevins noticed I was extra nice. Snow has one too, and we all know how nice he is. Sailshaw too, I think. Dunno what license class Geoger has or Sluggo either.

Pilots licenses dont have adjectives like EXTRA in front of them. Pilots are way too cool for that ego stroking nonsense.


Well put! Pilots are already so full of themselves that no further ego massaging is needed.


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Farflung wrote


377 has an EE, [and] one of the higher HAM tickets

Thats right, an EXTRA class ham ticket. It govt certifies me as EXTRA, so it's no wonder that Blevins noticed I was extra nice. Snow has one too, and we all know how nice he is. Sailshaw too, I think. Dunno what license class Geoger has or Sluggo either.

Pilots licenses dont have adjectives like EXTRA in front of them. Pilots are way too cool for that ego stroking nonsense.


A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse, of course,
Unless, of course, the horse, of course,
Is the famous Mr. Ed! who is an Extra Class
of course of course, the famous Mr. Ed! dah dit dah
dit of course. My friend of course is Mr. Georger
of course who is an Extra + Commercial Class of
course, the famous Mrl. Georger! His dad was 4JY
of course, the famous 4JY! Retired from 4JYAFB in
'66 of course, the famous horse 4JY! dit dit dit dah.
Had a black Cadillac of course with *4JY* plates ...
until the day he died of course. How nice of course
the famous horse, 4JY!

Have a nice day.

_..._. ..

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My only hope is that this thread ends. It's been taken over by a few ocd people and has no value to the 305 hijack. the petty bickring has gone far enought,farflung,really.

blues jerry


(License expired)
Jerry L. Namchek, N7JTR


Technician Plus Class

Previous Callsign: KB7BGN
Previous Class: Novice Class
License Status: Expired
Granted Date: 08/11/1987
Expire Date: 08/11/1997
Cancellation Date: 08/16/1999
Effective Date: 08/11/1987
Last Action Date: 08/16/1999
All of this publicly available data is taken from the

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I guess the secret is out about the work I’ve been doing with Ron Popeil (thanks 377), since we share a passion for radios, hair and whipped cream.

That’s right, the CB radio combined with some VHF Nav/Comms has been perfected and rendered to a product that actually makes the entire world happy. The best part is; it isn’t stupid.

We’ve all been there. You’re driving down the road with the wife, and you see an aircraft in distress. You need a VHF radio to help, but the car companies and the FCC forces you to the lowly frequency of the CB radio. Not any more, thanks to technology, inspiration and a customer base which knows no bounds for shameless ignorance, you can now own a “CB-GLC-Nav/Comm-HF-Whip-ator”!

You read it right, introducing the “CB-GLC-Nav/Comm-HF-Whip-ator” in a can!

Now you can enjoy all the bounty this great nation has to offer while tending to some more base activities like vanity, hunger and…. umm…. self adulation. Let’s face it, that’s all life is about anyway, and as long as it’s all about you, why not own something that reflects exactly that?

Finally the eternal argument is solved for both genders about what to bring on vacation. Is it the HF transceiver, Reddi-wip or vibrator? Now you get all three in one convenient package. But there’s so much more! You also get the full 40 channel Citizen Band along with the 760 channel communications and navigation system so coveted by people in cars. All this with a month’s supply of ‘Good Looking Hair’ spray for men! Now you can touch up that bald spot, or entire pate holding that baseball cap in place.

And for those who order in the next ten minutes, we’ll include a minimum 3 DB gain, pair of underpants to use with your “CB-GLC-Nav/Comm-HF-Whip-ator” radios! But hurry, supplies are limited.

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Farf, you've reached new Photoshop heights with the picture of your CB-GLC-Nav/Comm-HF-Whip-ator product. Blevins was right, it can be made. You've proved it. Its just a short engineering jaunt from your protype mockup to a production run. Snowmman can design the chips and work out the RF bugs, in a weekend at most. As far as beta testing of the vibrator, well... I'll put that task in your happy hands.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And the manual (written or updated in 1991) also has a lot of info on which radar systems record data and how long the data is retained. This isnt 1971 info, but I found it interesting as it listed a lot of recording radar sources that hadnt occurred to me.

This book has a good explanation of how searches are conducted based on last known position, dead reckoning etc. Some of it would apply to how the Cooper search was planned and executed.

Definitely worth a skim read by Copper sleuths.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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