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377 22
QuoteThe trip the CB received the message from a plane was NOT to Gillett or Jasper. We were on our way WEST from Cheyenne to Rock Springs.
Seriously, how do you KNOW the message you and Duane heard on the car CB came from an airplane?
Tell me how you are certain about your conclusion.
Are you willing to consider the possibility that it did not come from an airplane? If not why not?
377 22
I've never heard one operate on CB, but it could.
Famous air racer Lloyd Hamilton (deceased) had friends in the Bodega Bay commercial fishing fleet. When he was flying 707s for Pan Am he'd sometimes call on a marine HF frequency inbound to SFO near the CA coast. It was informal, no callsigns, just first names and a very brief chat with his fishermen friends. As I recall it was on 2638 KHz.
Neither a 618T HF set or any CB could operate on normal aviation VHF frequencies.
mrshutter45 21
Jo says: "WHY did he carry an extra car size battery in the trunk?" here you are asking why.
Jo say: "I DID NOT state that the CB was connected to that big battery. I understood it to be a
back up encase we got stranded" here you are explaining why.
Jo goes on to say: "He knew how to make a car CD communicate with small aircraft." here you explain first hand. (CB not CD)
Jo again: "What kind of system would he have needed to do this? AND still communicate with the truckers" here you ask as if you have no idea.
you are all over the board about subjects???????
one possible scenario that could have happened "bleed over"
ARRL reported last summer about an Alaska CB hobbyist whose base station had been interfering with aircraft communications over the North Atlantic (!), raising the ire of air traffic controllers and pilots alike. The FCC used directional signal-finding equipment to pinpoint the location from which the transmissions were broadcasted and confronted the operator. They found him to have a radio unauthorized for use on the Citizens’ Band hooked into a 200-watt linear amplifier capable of boosting the radio’s output signal.
By law, an FCC-certified CB radio can only have a maximum output of up to 4 watts. A malfunction in the Alaska operator’s setup had reportedly caused his radio, which the operator said he had been operating on Channel 6, to bleed over into an air traffic control frequency. (Channel 6 is located at 27.025 MHz while the air traffic control channel was located at 21.964 MHz.)
now, this was with 200 watts and it was the CB bleeding over, not sure if the reverse would happen?
377 22
As an aside, back when the forum was debating whether Coopers 727 carried radio teletype (RTTY) gear, I contacted a retired NWA 727 captain who flew in 71. He said none of the NWA 727s had RTTY gear and medium range NWA aircraft that were used exclusively on domestic routes didn't carry HF radios. In 71 727s were not used on long range trans ocean flights by any US carriers.
Also, HF aviation radios use SSB modulation (USB). If you receive SSB on a CB receiver set up for AM reception what you hear is unintelligible. HF radios used to operate on AM but FCC, FAA and ITU regs mandated a change to SSB, sometime in the mid 60s as I recall.
In summary, I believe that what Jo thought was an aircraft transmission coming through Duanes CB was not coming from an airplane. CBers spoof and impersonate all the time. A guy driving an old VW will tell others that he is a trucker driving an 18 wheeler. Maybe some CBer thought it would be fun to pretend he was a pilot talking from the cockpit.
I've asked Jo to tell me what evidence she relied on for her conclusion that the communication she heard actually originated from an aircraft. She hasn't yet replied. I'm being EXTRA nice and won't hound her or ridicule her response.
377 22
Aircraft dropping retardant on fires are equipped with VHF FM radios such as Wulfsberg 9600 models. They use these to communicate with spotters, other tankers, ground fire crews and trucks. I visited an air tanker base at Chester CA a few years ago and all the planes had this gear installed. As I recall their channel cards showed freqs in the 160-170 MHz region.
Here is more info:
BobKnoss 0
QuoteHere ya go Bob, if you're stating your story is fact.
Call this number (931) 552-1018
Tell it to these guys, on record, subject to perjury and civil suit, of course. If any part of your story is false, you won't be able to call this number. If it is all true, they are the ones who can get you "Whistle Blower" Status and Protection.
So this is your last chance. Call the number, go on record and place all your cards on the table, or leave the thread and all of the "Cooper" followers, investigators, theorists, and fans of the story alone.
Why Tenn.? We went much further than that. The answers I got were basically, we know, please be quiet. Go away. (Including Carr.) So threaten me some more. Doesn't change any facts. Fact is that it was Pentagon sponsored assisted by the FBI Agents at the request of the FAA, authorized by the White House. That is what no one will admit and what you and your buddies try to bury. Jo Weber has some of the story, but her ability to investigate is not so hot. There were no CB communications. The appearance of Cooper was a surprise to most everyone. It was, according to everyone, not expected. But it was planned. At little new info for MrShutter. Go figure.
georger 244
Excuse me for living, but reviewing your last fifty
posts, ... I would say the 'venom' tag belongs to you
more than me.
I don't have a problem with people being wrong, but
I DO have a BIG problem when they simply make up
lies to forward a personal agenda.
How long did it take you to "reviewing your last fifty
posts" ? When did you do this - just now, in the last
5 seconds?
Then you say: "I DO have a BIG problem when they
simply make up lies to forward a personal agenda."
I see a contradiction:
So its OK when you make stuff up but not OK
when 'they' make stuff up?
But you never make stuff up... you just reviewed my
last fifty posts, at the speed of light, and you never
make stuff up ...
But, quoting you: "but the only person I ever 'picked
on' was Marla Cooper. And the reason I did that was
because I don't have a problem with people being
wrong, but I DO have a problem when they simply
make up lies to forward a personal agenda."
You "picked on Marla" ... after reviewing her last fifty
But since you only picked on Marla you dont pick on
other people you dislike or feel threatened by ...
like Galen Cook and the FBI ...?
and you are the sole determiner of truth, for
yourself and everyone else and have no personal
The Church of Adventure Books & Bobert Miracle
"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."
Marilyn Monroe
So, tell me what the subjects of the 13th and 37th
of my last fifty posts was, and what I said ? I am
curious to know! This would certify that you are a
true genius and not just some common liar making
stuff up as others do but never you, "to forward a
personal agenda"..
My prediction is: you will say: "I never said that" ...
And THAT in a nutshell defines the current stalmate
everything is in, and has been in for several years,
here at DZ, trying to discuss the Cooper case with a
bunch of wannabe's around who have a deep seated
personal agenda of one kind or another ... from
radios to "Duane was at bu Dop in 1968 and I'm
dying and too sick to not post 6000 times " !
I've asked Jo to tell me what evidence she relied on for her conclusion that the communication she heard actually originated from an aircraft. She hasn't yet replied. I'm being EXTRA nice and won't hound her or ridicule her response.
I haven't replied because I go to bed earlier now than I did before.
Remember we have a 2 hour time difference.
What was said was directional lingo & I don't remember much more. It was coming from the plane above us and we were going in the opposite direction. THE SOUND WAS DIFFERENT AND WHY IT GOT MY ATTENTION.
Same kind of communications I have heard when I flew in small craft over the yrs. Only a few times - private planes...some business and one gentleman friend.
Also having serious problems staying on line - I keep loosing the thread and have to sign on 2 or 3 times just to finish a post.
The response Duane gave them was something about frequencies. That is all I remember.
THis was 1978 in WY. Some how that communication came in on our CB.
Whatever - I am tired of hashing it over. I have told you what I know and yet, you guys keep tearing apart what I try to say and then twisting the words as someone did above in another post. That is sense-less...since I know nothing about this other than what I have told.
I know it happened and that is all.
THe weather was cold and crisp - no snow or storm in the area the day the plane passed over head and the transmission was picked up on the CB.
There was another trip when we got caught in a storm between these to towns.
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