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If I called you the names I am verbalizing here in my office I would be Banned for Life on the thread - so I refuse to let the LIKE of you to continue to encite me.
I have taken MY pain medication at this time because I had a hard day, but I would LIKE to see an EXPLANATION FROM YOU BEFORE I LEAVE!
georger 244
what the witnesses told the FBI after the hijacking.
I've already mentioned a list of people who, according to Gray, gave widely varying descriptions
Robert Gregory,
between Tina and Flo.
"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."
Marilyn Monroe
There you go again, Marilyn, exaggerating the size
of your horn section ...
Witnesses! LOTS OF EM!
Robert Gregory
Tina/Flo (close in height)
Thats one helluva a large list Marilyn. Witnesses, all
two of them.
So let me assist. Add Simmons and his wife -
maybe. Guess Geoff left Simmons off the long liost
running five pages... but I will add him and the Mrs.
Now you have 2 1/2.
Add the college kid across from Cooper. Now you
have 3 1/2
You need more witnesses, lists, and horns, Marilyn.
Try Victoria's Secret. There must be an outfit in the
closest never seen before... put it on and trot it out
on the runway ............ make sure the batteries
mrshutter45 21
let's take a look at the suspects all together?
Robert99 50
Jo, For the record, I have spent plenty of time on multiple visits to Salt Lake City at the Family History Library, which is just across the street on the west side from the Assembly Hall. And also at the former Hotel Utah (now the Joseph Smith Building) just across the street on the east side from the Temple itself.
mrshutter45 21
Robert99 50
And I am waiting for a reply from you about your claims that "someone", obviously meaning me, had altered one of your posts.
In fact, you altered your own post and then edited it. Since you usually claim ignorance in these matters, a summary of this is in post 38655.
What is your reply?
If you need PROOF that pic was made in Salt Lake with the Assembly Hall as background I have the pictures, but do NOT post private images of myself on the thread or elsewhere. You KNEW it was the Assembly Hall, but I do not understand why you would deny it was. IF YOU SPENT THE TIME YOU CLAIM AT AT SALT LAKE YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHERE THE PHOTO WAS MADE.
QuoteCan we have a quick refresher here? WHY is this photo important? Just asking, that's all.
Because Duane knew the man and did not want him to see him.
Whoever this man is - is the link to the past of Weber...whatever that is.
We went to the Visitors Center and he found his name on the roster and went down the hall.
He came back and said the man was just leaving. He quickly took me to the site this man had to pass to get to his car. He did NOT want the man to see him, but told me where he would becoming from and that he would have a briefcase - the man had to go this way to get to his car.
Duane left - I was never sure where he went to...but he disappeared quickly.
After the film was developed and I was putting the picks in the album he asked me where the negatives were. I told him in the safe as I always did (my family lost a lot of photo due to a fire so I was fire cautious.).
Then after we moved to Fl in 1988 I was redoing the albums and again Duane asked about the prints. I searched 50 yrs of negatives. The ONLY missing are the negatives of the pictures I made of this man. He could NOT take the ones out of the album without arousing my curiosity.
Whoever this man is - he is connected to Duane's past and the pictures he needed for a purpose - I want to know what Duane's history with this man was and who he was.
QuoteI think the answer to Tina ... is in the rest of her life.
I have been an instructor in a few adventure sports and a participant in many more. The USAF gave me 8 years of putting highly trained MOSTLY college boys in life threatening situations ( with the caveat that I could not break them beyond repair) while never forgetting I was there to impart my knowledge of staying alive no matter where and under what situations they might find themselves in.
People respond to stress and the influx of adrenaline in far different ways.
Some of us LIVE for that... others.... end up in a convent.
I think she did a whole lot of praying on that plane that night. I think Dean Martin could have been the hijacker and she would not have been able to describe him. Her focus was not on him... it was on just how close she, as a young woman, could very well end up not growing one day older.
You're so melodramatic Amazon. Seems to me Tina had her wits about her pretty much the whole time. She followed every one of DBC's instructions -- to the letter. The crew credited her with saving their lives. She talked to Cooper, lit his cigarettes, even joked around with him. When the money came, she asked, "Can I have some? Just kidding." When Cooper handed her a bundle of money she said, "No thanks, I'm not allowed to take tips." That hardly sounds like someone paralyzed by her fear.
Tina was incapacitated by the sheer terror and peril of the moment? No way, that's ridiculous. The evidence and testimony do not support that conclusion. And I would also go out on a limb and say her testimony and descriptions afterwards were probably pretty reliable. Airline crews are trained to deal with emergency situations in flight -- that's their job. I would trust her assessment of the ordeal.
This is not to say that she didn't suffer from PTSD later on. PTSD can be a delayed reaction -- weeks, even months after the fact. This is quite possible in Tina's case, and it's probably what happened.
But she was on her game those 5 hours on 11/24/71 with DBC -- I have no doubts about that.
Quotewell, it's bad enough we have different descriptions from eyewitnesses, we also have people matching photo's to the sketches, some have an exact match? I don't think the odds are that good on a exact match from sketch to photo.
let's take a look at the suspects all together?
Why did you use the one picture I do not know the source of and it has all kinds of reflection on.
Try ONE of these if you really want to be objective.
QuoteQuoteQuoteAlso, please remember that the Chief Psychologist for the FAA in Washington, DC had passed the word to the flight crew that Cooper would probably take a hostage with him and blow up the airliner when he jumped.
What an idiot. Like a PhD in psychology qualifies him to predict this. I wonder if he predicted the exit point and deployment altitude too.
Looks like he was wrong on all fronts. Amazon would call him a "college boy". I'd be less kind.
I have to agree. Most shrinks will tell you they need to see someone in person, or at least a case record. Also, the limited amount of communications between the hijacker and Everyone Else doesn't reveal many clues to his personality.
Example: The shrink hears that the hijacker has killed two of the hostages, shoved them out onto the tarmac, and now the plane is in the air again. Crew says he's going crazy in the back of the plane, shouting, making threats. Then you might be able to make a reasonable prediction like that.
There you go again Blevins -- sure about what you just said?? MeyerLouie
georger 244
No, the answers were given in the previous post -
which you conveniently ignore, just as always ignore
people's posts and what they say - so you can build
a bigger BILLBOARD.
Just like you posted then amended, thewn took
down three posts last night (a) announcing you are
sending your material to the Seattle FBI and the
Seattle Times, (b) then took that down and posted
the actual letter (which was funny), (c) then took
that down and left a hollow space saying "I am Not
Afraid" at the top ... which still resides on DZ for all
to see.
And you call me Alice in Wonderland?
Did you get your letter sent to the FBI today? Or did
you chicken out ?
American wants to know! (thats your line)
Is there anybody in there? (thats your line)
Do you actually think anyone gives a shit? (Thats
my line).
QuoteQuoteagreed, but IMO the PTSD had not set in on Tina right after the left the plane and spoke with the FBI, and whether she is suffering from it or not, nobody knows for sure.
my observation is it's possible that Tina's perception is much different from Flo's, you don't need a traumatic event in order to have different conclusions to what someone has seen. you would think since Tina spent more time with him that she should have a good description, yet years later Flo says none of the sketches really looked like Cooper, which one is suffering a traumatic event, one or both? or did they both have a bad perception of describing Cooper? can we blame it on stress, or just bad judgement?
I agree that this has probably damaged Tina over the years, but I'm not sold has to the amount of damage right after the crime, if that makes sense?
Many people right after a life threatening event are essentially babbling idiots.
Why the melodrama? C'mon -- Tina was not a babbling idiot right after the event. MeyerLouie
georger 244
QuoteCan we have a quick refresher here? WHY is this photo important? Just asking, that's all.
WE dont need a refresher - only you do.
Why? Dont gets you diaper in a dither.
Standard Operating Procedure.
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