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377 22
Sheridan is perfectly qualified to be DBC and bears a resemblance to the sketches, but we have no evidence that puts him in the plane. He has no criminal record that I could find. Also he appears to abhor violence.
Sheridan certainly does look good in his 2011 photo. I sincerely hope he is healthy.
Sailshaw has recently flown in a wind tunnel and I must say he showed really great form. I saw a photo of him in a stable belly to earth position pivoting on the helmet of the instructor standing below him. OK Sailshaw, you are definitely ready for the real thing.
Robert99 50
Skyjack 71 says in part:
'Duane only had a few wks of chemical warfare before the Army found him out (all I have to go on is the letter he wrote home to his mother about his clothes and needing his watch in the field and noting the chemical end was okay...'
I'm not sure what they did in Basic Training in WW2, but here's what 'chemical warfare training' amounted to in the mid-70's:
They showed you how to use a gas mask. You put it on.
They marched us into a poorly-lit room about the size of a Quonset hut.
An officer wearing a mask was dropping pellets or something into a tuna can over a hot plate. A surprisingly small amount of vapor emanated from the can. They called it 'CS'.
They told everyone to take their masks off.
People started choking and tearing up.
They told us to put our masks back on.
They marched everyone out. Next group went in.
Took less than an hour.
Blevins, You description of gas mask training in the 1970s is also the way it was done in the early 1950s and probably in WW2 as well.
Jo is describing what would have been known in WW2 as "Chemical and Biological Warfare Training" (Radiological Warfare was added to this after Hiroshima).
But Duane Weber did not have any skills or training (did he even finish high school?) that would have been useful in CBR warfare.
Jo's claim that Duane was working in CBR with less than two months in the Army and without even going through basic training just simply doesn't wash. Do people do brain surgery before they start medical school?
georger 247
Cant you read English you pompous fool? Any
common five year old understands what I said
and what it means, silly man.
No redirection -
No deflection -
No straw man -
No useless personal attacks -
I was speaking for myself! NO PROOF REQUIRED!
Just as you speak for yourself - NO PROOF
You are the biggest MARLA that ever dropped into
COOPERVILLE! And you aint Santa!
Be the The Sham Wow King. For a day or two. Until
the next one! Enjoy your sci-fi life, what's left of it!
georger 247
Sailshaw says in part:
'The whole story can be cleared up by the FBI by comparing Sheridan's DNA with the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent just after NORJACK...'
I don't have anything against this idea. It's possible that they might discover who wrote the letters, even if it isn't Sheridan Peterson, because there are a great many people on the worldwide DNA databases. These are mostly set up on a national level. As of 2010 about 7 million people are in the British database, for example. More than that for the US database.
This is an opinion only, .
Then why say trash-talk like this if you havnt the
faintest idea what you are talking about?
You are the kid in the back of the room that wont stop talking and whinning!
Dont freak out (know you wont!) but tell us how dna
analysis is done, here or in Britain ? Being the
expert bullshitter sci-fi guy you are ?
Hmmmm? Blevins?
Problem is, Mr. Cooper, your socalled opinions and
pseudo expertise arent worth two-cents. Is Mrs.
Cooper up? Jo Weber? You two are a pair - Mr & Mrs
Cooper. Happy Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Cooper.
Your haooy marraige here at has been recorded for all time . . .
mrshutter45 21
March 2011, 361,176 forensic profiles and 9,404,747 offender profiles have been accumulated, making it the largest DNA database in the world
United Kingdom population: 63,181,775 March 27, 2011
The United Kingdom National DNA Database consisted of an estimated number 5,512,776 profiles of individuals as of March 2011
18E 0
Q: Why was the hijacker concerned about radio currents accidently detonating his explosive device?
Q: Is this a true concern with the in-flight technology of 1971?
Q: Does this infer that the explosive device was real?
Q: If so, does that also infer that the hijacker was trained in both the construction and use of explosives?
Q: Is his concern based on experience? Professional expertise? Knowledge/research?
Q: Was it simply a ruse to lead the crew to believe that he in fact had a real bomb when if was only a prop?
Q: Shouldn't this have been something he planned for if it was a real concern?
Q: What does an accidental detonation because of radio wave interference tell us about the kind of explosive device he may have been carrying?
You say:
"You keep stressing the importance of those envelopes. Isn't it possible the envelopes were a hoax, possibly from some hapless geek with a lot of time on his/her hands -- who wasn't Cooper? No doubt you have considered this. DNA analysis/comparison would certainly rule Peterson in or out."
My answer is that the four letters to the newspapers had some interesting things. Like "the system that beats the system". That was the mantra that I heard over and over from Sheridan while he was at my home. When I learned of the letters and that mantra, I knew the letters were probably from Sheridan and he made the jump and was OK. As you say the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps if compared with Sheridan and had a match would blow his "PERFECT ALIBI" about being in Nepal at the time of NORJACK. Sheridan was employed by Boeing up to the point of the cancellation of the SST "Super Sonic Transport" (1971). I think Sheridan was layed-off at the cancellation as I find no record of his continued employment at Boeing. The lay-off would have added to his "Grudge" with the system and might have sparked the skyjacking that he had been developing for possibly ten years.
Blevins tries to down play Sheridan as a suspect because Blevins is committed to having Kenny Christansen be Cooper. KC is certainly not DB for at least three big reasons. 1) KC was too short at 5ft 8in, 2) wrong skin color being white and not olive, and 3) color of eyes blue and not brown. That is why the FBI has dropped KC as a suspect despite how much Blevens needs KC as DB for the sake of his book. Geof Gray had never heard of Sheridan when I talked with him at the book signing meeting. Had Geof and Blevens knew as much as they do today, they would not have tried to make KC the focus of the book.
However, Blevens has added some knowledge about Sheridan by the research he has done. Blevens conclusions are way off about Sheridan as the perfect alibi has given him what he needs to not consider Sheridan. The whole story can be cleared up by the FBI by comparing Sheridan's DNA with the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent just after NORJACK.
Come on FBI we need you help by just sending the last untested evidence to the labs at Quantico, VA. and comparing with the DNA you have on Sheridan.
Bob Sailshaw
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