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DB Cooper

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proof of Duane being Collins has been documented by the FBI.
why don't you ask 377 about the DNA testing? he said something
about his son being involved in this if I'm not mistaken. might
have been lab testing and not DNA??
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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The FBI and balloon bombs? this would be a military control,
not the FBI? Robert99 told you many times they were not a

The Balloon Bombs did have secret beginning . . .

If Robt99 had the information about all of the different groups involved - why hasn't he posted them?


Your wild imagination about balloon bomb secrets, forest fire fighters that required security clearances, and "information about all of the different groups involved" is complete nonsense.

No firefighter needs a security clearance to fight a forest fire.

Stories about the balloon bombs were initally printed in newspapers and even national magazines in the US. Finally, the US Government asked the media to embargo those stories. But there were plenty of other ways that the news about the bombs could be, and was, circulated.

In my particular case, having seen one of those balloon bombs in flight, the word was passed to the kids at school to notify the police if they found one of the balloons out in the brush.

Reportedly, the first information the Japanese had about the balloons arriving in the US was from a story in a Thailand newspaper.

"All the different groups involved" that you mentioned consisted of only the normal police and law enforcement officals plus the military services. There were no "secret" groups set up as a result of the balloon bombs as far as is known.

Jo, Here is a question for you. What event caused the Japanese to develop those ballon bombs in the first place?

Finally, it is typical of Jo Weber to believe her own imagination about supposed events even when eye witnesses to those events do not support her version. Jo's imagination takes precedent over facts that don't support her version of events.


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You've written before about Sheridan Peterson. Interesting legal question. Most of the proposed hijackers are written up in Wikipedia. Is Peterson not there because he's still alive and could sue for libel?

If you just called him a highly qualified candidate rather than accusing him of a crime he wouldnt have much of a libel case. Threats of lawsuits abound on the Internet but 99.99999% of them never result in real litigation. It's too damned expensive. No lawyer would take a case like that on a contingency and the hourly rates would bankrupt most ordinary people.

I don't know why Sheridan is largely ignored in the Cooper lore. He is one hell of a candidate. The FBI thought so too and only dropped him after running his DNA.

On the other hand, Sheridan seems like a guy who after being in Viet Nam and witnessing atrocities, wanted nothing to do with violence. One self selected online moniker is Peacenik Pete. Frankly I have a hard time envisioning him threatening to kill innocent people with a bomb.

Sailshaw, a retired Boeing engineer, is certain Peterson is DBC. He recalls Sheridan quizzing him about the 727 stairs years before the skyjack. Peterson went to work at Boeing in tech documents after Sailshaw was unable to give him 727 info. Sailshaw was working on the 737. Peterson was a USFS smoke jumper, expert skydiver, ex Marine, had night jump experience and a BIG grudge related to US atrocities witnessed in Viet Nam.

His semi autobiographical novel has some striking parallels to Norjack.
After I pointed this out on this forum he took down the web purchase site and wouldn't answer my inquiries about buying one. As far as I know sales were tiny and now it cannot be purchased.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You say:

"Sailshaw, a retired Boeing engineer, is certain Peterson is DBC. He recalls Sheridan quizzing him about the 727 stairs years before the skyjack. Peterson went to work at Boeing in tech documents after Sailshaw was unable to give him 727 info. Sailshaw was working on the 737. Peterson was a USFS smoke jumper, expert skydiver, ex Marine, had night jump experience and a BIG grudge related to US atrocities witnessed in Viet Nam.

His semi autobiographical novel has some striking parallels to Norjack.
After I pointed this out on this forum he took down the web purchase site and wouldn't answer my inquiries about buying one. As far as I know sales were tiny and now it cannot be purchased."

I would like to add that Sheridan was living at my house in Seattle for one month and about ten years before NORJACK. This was when his planning was just getting started and the 727 was on the horizon as a jumpable plane complete with Aft Airstairs. From his experience in the Marines he knew that a well planned mission was to be a perfect mission. The Perfect Crime. In his planning he knew about finger prints, so he left none, however DNA was not known about at the time and I believe the DNA on the four envelopes and under the stamps/flaps will break this case wide open and finally solve the crime.
Sheridan not only worked at Boeing in the Manual and Handbooks Group but he started the Boeing Employee Skydiving Club that used the Issaquah Skysports location for their jumping. Sheridan even received his Instructor certification there. That was also the same place the four parachutes requested actually came from. Sheridan actually did a demonstration jump dressed much like DB Cooper (including loafers) and with a bag of flour between his legs while at Boeing.
Sheridan worked in the Boeing 9-101 bldg where he had to pass by the scrap tub skids each day on the main floor to get to his office on the second floor. Those tub skids had aluminum and titanium machining scraps and fragments in them that Sheridan's tie could have easily picked-up the aluminum and titanium particules found by microscope on the DB Cooper tie. When Sheridan leaned over to look into the tub skids, his tie could have brushed against the metals in the tub skid.
The DNA on the tie clip is probably not that of DB or Sheridan but that of someone helping him get dressed. However, the DNA on the four envelope flaps/stamps of the letters sent just following NORJACK will I am sure match Sheridan's that the FBI has on file. That will prove that he was not in Nepal writing his book but at the Scene of the Crime

The FBI needs to move quickly on this as Sheridan is in his 80's. He is an English major and I also believe that when he writes part 2 of his book, it will tell how the caper was done. Part 1 tells about why he had a "Grudge" and part 2 will be the "Revenge". All English Majors want to write the great American Novel and I believe Sheridan will do that and have fooled the FBI smart guys for all these years.

Bob Sailshaw

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You say:

"Sailshaw, a retired Boeing engineer, is certain Peterson is DBC. He recalls Sheridan quizzing him about the 727 stairs years before the skyjack. Peterson went to work at Boeing in tech documents after Sailshaw was unable to give him 727 info. Sailshaw was working on the 737. Peterson was a USFS smoke jumper, expert skydiver, ex Marine, had night jump experience and a BIG grudge related to US atrocities witnessed in Viet Nam.

His semi autobiographical novel has some striking parallels to Norjack.
After I pointed this out on this forum he took down the web purchase site and wouldn't answer my inquiries about buying one. As far as I know sales were tiny and now it cannot be purchased."

I would like to add that Sheridan was living at my house in Seattle for one month and about ten years before NORJACK. This was when his planning was just getting started and the 727 was on the horizon as a jumpable plane complete with Aft Airstairs. From his experience in the Marines he knew that a well planned mission was to be a perfect mission. The Perfect Crime. In his planning he knew about finger prints, so he left none, however DNA was not known about at the time and I believe the DNA on the four envelopes and under the stamps/flaps will break this case wide open and finally solve the crime.
Sheridan not only worked at Boeing in the Manual and Handbooks Group but he started the Boeing Employee Skydiving Club that used the Issaquah Skysports location for their jumping. Sheridan even received his Instructor certification there. That was also the same place the four parachutes requested actually came from. Sheridan actually did a demonstration jump dressed much like DB Cooper (including loafers) and with a bag of flour between his legs while at Boeing.
Sheridan worked in the Boeing 9-101 bldg where he had to pass by the scrap tub skids each day on the main floor to get to his office on the second floor. Those tub skids had aluminum and titanium machining scraps and fragments in them that Sheridan's tie could have easily picked-up the aluminum and titanium particules found by microscope on the DB Cooper tie. When Sheridan leaned over to look into the tub skids, his tie could have brushed against the metals in the tub skid.
The DNA on the tie clip is probably not that of DB or Sheridan but that of someone helping him get dressed. However, the DNA on the four envelope flaps/stamps of the letters sent just following NORJACK will I am sure match Sheridan's that the FBI has on file. That will prove that he was not in Nepal writing his book but at the Scene of the Crime

The FBI needs to move quickly on this as Sheridan is in his 80's. He is an English major and I also believe that when he writes part 2 of his book, it will tell how the caper was done. Part 1 tells about why he had a "Grudge" and part 2 will be the "Revenge". All English Majors want to write the great American Novel and I believe Sheridan will do that and have fooled the FBI smart guys for all these years.

Bob Sailshaw



Your information quite compelling. Those series of "coincidences" are impossible to ignore. And Peterson lived with you too.

You keep stressing the importance of those envelopes. Isn't it possible the envelopes were a hoax, possibly from some hapless geek with a lot of time on his/her hands -- who wasn't Cooper? No doubt you have considered this. DNA analysis/comparison would certainly rule Peterson in or out.

This question has probably been dealt with, but please bring me up to speed .... don't you think the FBI has already considered this and done the DNA analysis on the envelopes? I can't imagine this kind of significant evidence being put on the back shelf -- unless the FBI has just ruled Peterson out as a possible suspect and see no reason to continue pursuing their investigation of him (which I would find unbelievable, but which I've heard has already happened-- for whatever reasons). If so, how do you get Sheridan Peterson front and center, at the top of the list -- or at least front and center enough to get the DNA anyalysis completed on the envelopes? If he really is DBC, it seems there would be evidence somewhere, somehow, and in some remote way linking him to the crime. If he did all those things you described, he was too close, too involved, and too social to not leave something behind. Maybe this needs another look -- it probably deserves a much closer look, again.

The other thing that bothers me is why Cooper didn't worry about being recognized. It seems reasonable that someone(s) from Boeing would have recognized Peterson (from the composites) or noticed his absence from the groups and clubs and social organizations he belonged to.

It makes me wonder if Cooper did, in fact, significantly disguise his appearance -- which is a whole new topic for another time.


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proof of Duane being Collins has been documented by the FBI.
why don't you ask 377 about the DNA testing? he said something
about his son being involved in this if I'm not mistaken. might
have been lab testing and not DNA??

If what you are saying is TRUE - I have NOT been notified of the actiivities of John Collins from 1962 to 1966 and he was encarcerated under that name and recieved a commution of sentence uder the name John Collins and Not Duane Weber.

The online site was NOT available when I started and then when they put it ON-LINE they WASHED the file. Therefore if they knew he was Duane Weber then I am ENTITLED to a commutation of sentence for Duane L. Weber from Jefferson.

This needs to be OFFICIAL and as it stands Duane L. Weber was NOT commuted.

I have the enclosure they left with the returned DNA tested items - date and individual doing the testing. STRANGE 377 NEVER told me his son did the DNA testing....I am NOT supposed to lift anything or bend my head, but I am going to find that report.

What you are stating are things that if they are true I was NEVER told - so how do you come by this knowledge or hearsay!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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your favorite person, Carr posted Duane's alias's

Duane Weber
Duane L Weber
Duane Lorin Weber
Duane Larin Weber
Duane Loren Weber
John Collins
John Chalk Collins
John Claudin Collins

back then you could just change one letter in a name
and throw everything off your real name, very hard to
do now. the FBI has all of his names believe it or not.
you really need to get with the FBI and clear this up Jo.
you will be a little shocked at what they really know about
Duane in my opinion. I know you don't believe them so you
must see them. B|

as I mentioned Jo-Jo, 377 said something about his son, I'm
not sure if he just works in a regular lab or not? ask him.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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The FBI and balloon bombs? this would be a military control,
not the FBI? Robert99 told you many times they were not a

The Balloon Bombs did have secret beginning . . .

If Robt99 had the information about all of the different groups involved - why hasn't he posted them?


Your wild imagination about balloon bomb secrets, forest fire fighters that required security clearances, and "information about all of the different groups involved" is complete nonsense.

No firefighter needs a security clearance to fight a forest fire.

Stories about the balloon bombs were initally printed in newspapers and even national magazines in the US. Finally, the US Government asked the media to embargo those stories. But there were plenty of other ways that the news about the bombs could be, and was, circulated.

In my particular case, having seen one of those balloon bombs in flight, the word was passed to the kids at school to notify the police if they found one of the balloons out in the brush.

Reportedly, the first information the Japanese had about the balloons arriving in the US was from a story in a Thailand newspaper.

"All the different groups involved" that you mentioned consisted of only the normal police and law enforcement officals plus the military services. There were no "secret" groups set up as a result of the balloon bombs as far as is known.

Jo, Here is a question for you. What event caused the Japanese to develop those ballon bombs in the first place?

Finally, it is typical of Jo Weber to believe her own imagination about supposed events even when eye witnesses to those events do not support her version. Jo's imagination takes precedent over facts that don't support her version of events.


:). When the military first came - it WAS hush hush until it was official a few weeks later (they did NOT want to alarm the public about what they were investigating and they did use a remote facility) to assemble and to put the search underway. At every siting a trained crew was sent out to do what-ever was needed to retrive the balloons entact. The crews wore gas masks when approaching the balloons and this retrival at that time was not limited to Wa, but into other states. A base command site was use was in Wa. And as Duane mention many time about he "airports".
These crews flew in smaller planes to accessible airstrips close to the sitings.

Explains what Weber was doing?
He was unofficially working with the government and they were aware of his background and his brief basic training in chemical warfare and that a relative of his help with the developement of the chemicals in WW1.

When I asked a question about why he flew into Redmond - he told me he couldn't talk about it. Just something he was involved in with a group of guys.

Duane pointed our every airstrip regardless of how remote it was or I doubt if some of them were even on the maps in 1945.

Tdid NOT want to alarm the public about the fear of Chemical Warfare....the Army pulled Chemical Warfare developers from WW1. They were called up during this time frame and Lyman had a wife and children - he only served a few months and I forget what they classified his serving as (I am doing this from memory not with the papers in front of me).

All of this transpired around the time Duane was sent to McNeil.
Duane only had a few wks of chemical warfare before the Army found him out (all I have to go on is the letter he wrote home to his mother about his clothes and needing his watch in the field and noting the chemical end was okay).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"This needs to be OFFICIAL and as it stands Duane L. Weber was NOT commuted."

I'm going to take a shot at this Jo, If Duane went to prison under
John C, one thing come's to mind, they didn't check his prints, back
then it was a high possibility, I had several DL's back in the 80's,
I also have been arrested (minor infractions) and have had
bench warrants during my stay at the local County fun house
guess what, I was released on bond or given a NTA (notice to appear)
they never ran my prints and found the other goodies.

If they didn't check John Collins out completely, they might have
seen no previous record and released him early, this could of
taken years to find out back then. Today they match everything
all the way down to your photo, no duplicate can be made anymore.

this could have came to light once they started uploading all the
old information into the new system and Duane's prints and his
photo under Collins sent a flag up indicating a duplicate.

this would be the reason they know about his alias name of John Collins,
it will be quoted as a alias

this is one very good possibility to look into. B|

" (all I have to go on is the letter he wrote home to his mother about his clothes and needing his watch in the field and noting the chemical end was okay). "

why would someone mix clothing and a watch with Chemical Warfare?
sure he wasn't talking about toiletries?

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"This needs to be OFFICIAL and as it stands Duane L. Weber was NOT commuted."

I'm going to take a shot at this Jo, If Duane went to prison under
John C, one thing come's to mind, they didn't check his prints, back
then it was a high possibility, I had several DL's back in the 80's,

If they didn't check John Collins out completely, they might have
seen no previous record and released him early, this could of
taken years to find out back then.

I have explored that theory and of course go NO where with the FBI or the facility!

Remember that after he served his time he stayed only briefly in Kansas and then they went to CO. where his wife had family.

I do not know how much time expired. Both he and his wife had jobs in CO.

When the sister of the wife called her husband and told him the FBI had been there. The brother-in-law called Duane and his wife (the man's sister-in-law) and told him to take a car out of his warehouse (not sure where this car was stored) and leave.

The wife and her children left with him for N.Orleans...they had 2 cars and abandoned one along the highway. They stayed with an individual for about 2 wks and then then got an apt. He worked as a busman and doorman. Later moving to Alabama where Duane obtained a job as a INSURANCE SALEMAN - in the state. The FBI never bothered them and he was licensed under the name of Duane L. Weber. When the hurricane (Camile - I think it was if my memory serves me) they headed for Atlanta, Ga where he then went to work for the SAME company (a company known to hire many ex-cons).

Your explanation works, but WHY did they not pursue this 5 time felon who had spent 17 yrs in prison?

While in New Orleans he worked as a bus boy in a resturant and a doorman for a hotel there in the beginning and he over heard a conversation. He passed this information to authorities and this was when he went to AL with a job as an unsurance agent and the FBI never bothered him again.

I would later after finding out more about the man who owned the company that hired Duane - that this is ALL pausible. The ex-wife swore it was the truth and the things I found out about the company who hired him and taught him to use his con skills to sell insurance - a career that basically provide him with a future.

He was arrested after that only when he was passing thru Jax, FL
He was in the middle of a nasty divorce and because someone pulled some strings he did NO time for the offense you guys provided regarding 1976. I knew some of this story - but knew nothing about a the theft or gun.

I was told he had a DUI and that is all I would know until many many yrs later. Unless someone pulled some strings - Duane should have gone STRAIGHT back to prison. Like a monopoly game - which by the way was a game he excelled in but, was told prisoners played lots of monopoly when not on detail.

Therefore - U may be right as that fits right into what I know.

Now U know the other things that happened and there are few other explanation - one just does not go from being a "MOUSE" (read into that what you will) to being a successful insurance salesman - without some help. 1971 was a bad yr because he got sick - and was diagnosed with PKD.

His marriage to the woman with him in CO and AL fell apart. I will never know everything that happened that yr., but the parts I have been told were hard to handle. A child was born to his step-daughter and was "given" to the father of the baby as the 15 yr old mother would not have been able to provide for him.

The income for both of them was less than $2000. I have provided the work detail of that yr on this thread. They were living from day to day and I am sure he had to have been back at his old occupation - but just did not get caught.

I think the baby and his inablility to provide income - was the breaking point. He alway spoke very fondly of the 8 yr old boy and the 15 yr old girl and what she went thru. He told me about how horrible it was to see a child giving birth to a child.

This child, Tina and my daughter all had similar appearances. Long blond hair and very fragil looking.

This was the yr he did the JOB!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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:). When the military first came - it WAS hush hush until it was official a few weeks later (they did NOT want to alarm the public about what they were investigating and they did use a remote facility) to assemble and to put the search underway. At every siting a trained crew was sent out to do what-ever was needed to retrive the balloons entact. The crews wore gas masks when approaching the balloons and this retrival at that time was not limited to Wa, but into other states. A base command site was use was in Wa. And as Duane mention many time about he "airports".
These crews flew in smaller planes to accessible airstrips close to the sitings.

Explains what Weber was doing?
He was unofficially working with the government and they were aware of his background and his brief basic training in chemical warfare and that a relative of his help with the developement of the chemicals in WW1.

When I asked a question about why he flew into Redmond - he told me he couldn't talk about it. Just something he was involved in with a group of guys.

Duane pointed our every airstrip regardless of how remote it was or I doubt if some of them were even on the maps in 1945.

Tdid NOT want to alarm the public about the fear of Chemical Warfare....the Army pulled Chemical Warfare developers from WW1. They were called up during this time frame and Lyman had a wife and children - he only served a few months and I forget what they classified his serving as (I am doing this from memory not with the papers in front of me).

All of this transpired around the time Duane was sent to McNeil.
Duane only had a few wks of chemical warfare before the Army found him out (all I have to go on is the letter he wrote home to his mother about his clothes and needing his watch in the field and noting the chemical end was okay).

Jo, The whole story above is not believable. The first thing you do when entering the Army, whether WW2 or today, is go through about two months of what used to be called Basic Combat Training. Advanced Training of one type or another would follow that.

You said a few days ago that Duane was only in the Army for a couple of months before his enlistment fraud was discovered and he was booted out. It is HIGHLY unlikely that Duane had any type of chemical training except maybe a few minutes of tear gas exposure as he was learning to use a gas mask (assuming he even made it that far).

Duane didn't acquire any military skills during his time in the Army. If he claimed otherwise in a letter to his mother, he was conning her just as much as he apparently conned you.


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:). When the military first came - it WAS hush hush until it was official a few weeks later (they did NOT want to alarm the public about what they were investigating and they did use a remote facility) to assemble and to put the search underway. At every siting a trained crew was sent out to do what-ever was needed to retrive the balloons entact. The crews wore gas masks when approaching the balloons and this retrival at that time was not limited to Wa, but into other states. A base command site was use was in Wa. And as Duane mention many time about he "airports".
These crews flew in smaller planes to accessible airstrips close to the sitings.

Explains what Weber was doing?
He was unofficially working with the government and they were aware of his background and his brief basic training in chemical warfare and that a relative of his help with the developement of the chemicals in WW1.

When I asked a question about why he flew into Redmond - he told me he couldn't talk about it. Just something he was involved in with a group of guys.

Duane pointed our every airstrip regardless of how remote it was or I doubt if some of them were even on the maps in 1945.

Tdid NOT want to alarm the public about the fear of Chemical Warfare....the Army pulled Chemical Warfare developers from WW1. They were called up during this time frame and Lyman had a wife and children - he only served a few months and I forget what they classified his serving as (I am doing this from memory not with the papers in front of me).

All of this transpired around the time Duane was sent to McNeil.
Duane only had a few wks of chemical warfare before the Army found him out (all I have to go on is the letter he wrote home to his mother about his clothes and needing his watch in the field and noting the chemical end was okay).

Jo, The whole story above is not believable. The first thing you do when entering the Army, whether WW2 or today, is go through about two months of what used to be called Basic Combat Training. Advanced Training of one type or another would follow that.

You said a few days ago that Duane was only in the Army for a couple of months before his enlistment fraud was discovered and he was booted out. It is HIGHLY unlikely that Duane had any type of chemical training except maybe a few minutes of tear gas exposure as he was learning to use a gas mask (assuming he even made it that far).

Duane didn't acquire any military skills during his time in the Army. If he claimed otherwise in a letter to his mother, he was conning her just as much as he apparently conned you.


The admission records and the letter and the other papers we acquired would tend to argue your point successfully. I cannot explain these things, but that is the way it was. I do have the PROOF regarding the Army part.

It is still unclear how long he was at Camp Seibert and if he went there from another facililty. Perhaps basic was not done - and he was given a second chance and blew it - I don't know.

We do have the letter stating knowledge of his escapades on base - by commandeering a superiour officer's vehicle for a joy ride. The man reporting this was a reputable man who remained in the Army until he retired many yrs ago as an officer.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Again I will sign off before taking my "stupid" pills. I cannot allow myself to be pulled into a conversation and I have to get more rest than I have been getting. I have a long long haul ahead of me in a few wks - so I need all the emotional and physical strength I can muster.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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MeyerLouie says in part:



Your information quite compelling. Those series of "coincidences" are impossible to ignore. (Regarding Sheridan Petersen as a possible suspect) And Peterson lived with you too.

But there is a major fly in the ointment here. Current available evidence shows that Sheridan Petersen was quite likely residing in Nepal at the time of the hijacking. One of his children was born shortly before the hijacking (daughter), the other afterward, (son) and both Peterson and the doctor who did the delivery in Nepal mention he was there for the birth of the daughter.

From Sheridan's Twitter page, where he advertises he is a DB Cooper suspect. (If he really WAS Cooper, he probably wouldn't advertise it on Twitter, since Air Piracy carries a 40 year prison sentence or more. :S)


'Sheridan Peterson


Veteran For Peace, Progressive, Civil Rights Advocate, Mississippi, 1965, Sky Diver, lic. 2024, W W II Marine, USAID Refugee Adviser, Vietnam 1966 -1973, journalist.

Self-post, 2011, Online Meetup Group:

What are your core competencies? Languages, platforms, etc.


I have an A.A. from Santa Rosa Jaycee, a B. A. from the University of Missouri, and some creative writing graduate study from Pulitzer prize winning authors Walter Van Tilberg Clark and Leslie Fisher. The served as a Marine during World War II, was a Forest service Smokejumper and am a skydiving instructor although I haven't made a freefall in eleven years. I was a journalist for 3 years, a secondary instructor for 13. I taught ESL in Japan for 8 years, China 4, Saudi Arabia 2. I ran the learning center for Bell Helicopter in Iran for a year and a half and witnessed the Revolution when the Shah was kicked out. I spent a year in the jungles of Papua New Guinea as a training supervisor for Bechtel, and two and a half years in Pokhara, Nepal writing a protest nevel of the Vietnam War. That's where my children were born. We lived in a mud house near the base of Annaperna. We had no heat, no running water, no plumbing, no electricity, but they were the happiest days of my life...'

From Sheridan's bio when he was running for a school board post in California. Make careful note of the dates. His life is pretty well detailed between 1970 and 1980, and none of it mentions anything about dropping in at Portland International Airport to hijack a plane for money.

Notice also he names a lot of companies he worked for during this period, many dates are given...and remember...he HAS been investigated...and dismissed as a suspect...by the FBI. With so much overseas travel and so many companies with which to check any alibi, it probably wasn't that hard for the Feds to figure out he wasn't in Portland, Oregon on 11/24/71.


'In 1970 after working for the International Training Consultants developing curriculum on such topic as land reform, and village and hamlet finances, he and his Filipina wife went to Pokhara, Nepal where he wrote an eight hundred and twenty-six page novel protesting the Vietnam War. It was an eye-witness documentary detailing the grisly crimes committed by our troops and secret agents. Publishers would have nothing to do with it. The reading public did not want to know such things, they contended. Ignorance is bliss.

Peterson's two and a half years in Nepal were the happiest time of his life. He and his wife lived in a mud hut near the base of Annapurna. They had no running water, electricity, sewerage, nor heat. What's more they had no idea what was going on in the world, and he loved it. His two children were born in Nepal. Sheridan Jr. was born at the Sanabuwan Missionary Hospital in Katmandu. It was an ancient Rana Palace on a mountain top overlooking the city. His daughter, Ginger, was born at the Shining Mission Hospital in Pokhara. It was comprised of a dozen tiny British World War II Quonset huts. Peterson made the delivery. The British doctor, a very tough woman lib, declared that it was the duty of every father to deliver their child. Peterson insists that it was the most nerve racking experience of his life.

In 1973 broke, Sheridan returned to Vietnam and got a job designing curriculum for Lear Siegler Aircraft Ltd. at Bien Hoa Air Base. The company was training injured Vietnamese pilots to teach aircraft maintenance. During the next year and a half, he saw the country crumbling all about him.

In 1975 Saudi Arabia was not a welcome place and teaching Saudis was an arduous task. His students were angry. They hated their royal family. According to the students, before Saudi Arabia suddenly became an oil rich kingdom, these princes were nothing but Bedouin nomads who robbed pilgrims on their way to Mecca. Since they became wealthy, they were Moslem in Name only. They had degenerated to drunkards, gamblers, and womanizers. And whose fault was it? The U.S. Government, of course. Peterson's students insisted that the king was a stooge of the CIA. What's more they were certain that Peterson was an agent of the CIA. It was a most uncomfortable situation. What could he say?

In 1977 Peterson and the children drove to Tehran, Iran. His wife, who had returned to the Philippines to care for an ailing mother, died of pneumonia. It was May and by noon the temperature was one hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit. At Kuwait, the Iraqi Counsel told Peterson that he would have to wait six weeks for a visa in order to drive through Iraq. They needed time to check him out. He might be CIA. Peterson only had a three day visa in Kuwait. What would he do? They advised him to put his car, a Soviet Lada, on a dhow, an antiquated boat, and cross the Persian Gulf. For ten days they drifted across the sea. In addition to his car, there were five Toyotas being smuggled across Iran to Pakistan. There was no room to move about, so the crew walked on the vehicles' roof tops.

At Khorramshur, they drove north through opium poppy fields to Tehran. Peterson was hired by the regional training director at Bell Helicopter International to run the learning center. His Iranian students were also suspicious of him, but they were a good natured people. It was not so astir a society as Saudi Arabia. However, one day his students were furious. President Carter had placed his arm about the Shah and said: "I know that the people love their king." They made it very clear to Peterson that his president had no business saying such a thing; that they most certainly did not love their king. not in the least. Like the Saudis, they considered the Shah a puppet of the CIA.

Peterson and the children left the day the Ayatollah Khomeini returned. It was the first time he had witnessed a revolution. It was an exciting time. All one day he watched millions of dark clad people march down Eisenhower Boulevard with raised fists protesting the Shah's despotic rule. One day Peterson's Bell Helicopter bus was burned by the Revolutionary Guard, and he had to hike across Tehran dodging sporadic fire.

(Shah fell in 1980)

Well thank you for all that vital, though unsolicited, information. When you supposedly quote someone, always cite your sources. Actually I was hoping to hear from Mr. Sailshaw.

And, of course, Blevins it's okay to believe everything you read and hear about what Peterson said. He said it, his friends verified it, so it must be so.

With all that irrefutable information about Sheridan Peterson, there can only be one, irrefutable conclusion: Ken Christiansen is DB Cooper. All of those incredible coincidences re: KC (that prove absolutely nothing, by the way). I'd say there's a fly in the ointment of your theory. The only reason it has any credibility at all is because of Geoffrey Gray. He thinks KC is the guy too.

Bad move on GG's part -- to go out on a limb like that -- I think that, and sharing the stage with Marla, really hurt his book sales, maybe even his credibility. Not to mention GG tried to make his book read like a novel. Only the best writers, novelists, can pull that off -- making non-fiction read like a novel. His attempt was noble, you have to give him credit for that. As a newpaper, magazine writer though, he probably should have stayed with what he knows best. He does not possess the skills to be a good novelist.



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For the record, Geoff Gray (like me) only wonders whether KC was the hijacker.

But he never states a guess or any conclusion on whether he was or not.

The last thing I heard from him about it was a silent response at Third Place Books in Seattle.

He shrugged. He just doesn't know. Neither do I.

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

So, he shrugged means "He just doesn't know".
Could his silence and shrug with you, mean
something else? Du ja think?

He wasnt silent with me about it. He hasnt been
silent with others about it! The FBI hasnt exactly
been silent about it!

Maybe it's just people giving Blevins the silent
treatment? Du ja tink? Americans wanna know!

Play it again Sham Wow. Build that Straw Man.
Anythingto make your monkey dance. Playit again, Sam.

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

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You say:

"You keep stressing the importance of those envelopes. Isn't it possible the envelopes were a hoax, possibly from some hapless geek with a lot of time on his/her hands -- who wasn't Cooper? No doubt you have considered this. DNA analysis/comparison would certainly rule Peterson in or out."

My answer is that the four letters to the newspapers had some interesting things. Like "the system that beats the system". That was the mantra that I heard over and over from Sheridan while he was at my home. When I learned of the letters and that mantra, I knew the letters were probably from Sheridan and he made the jump and was OK. As you say the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps if compared with Sheridan and had a match would blow his "PERFECT ALIBI" about being in Nepal at the time of NORJACK. Sheridan was employed by Boeing up to the point of the cancellation of the SST "Super Sonic Transport" (1971). I think Sheridan was layed-off at the cancellation as I find no record of his continued employment at Boeing. The lay-off would have added to his "Grudge" with the system and might have sparked the skyjacking that he had been developing for possibly ten years.

Blevins tries to down play Sheridan as a suspect because Blevins is committed to having Kenny Christansen be Cooper. KC is certainly not DB for at least three big reasons. 1) KC was too short at 5ft 8in, 2) wrong skin color being white and not olive, and 3) color of eyes blue and not brown. That is why the FBI has dropped KC as a suspect despite how much Blevens needs KC as DB for the sake of his book. Geof Gray had never heard of Sheridan when I talked with him at the book signing meeting. Had Geof and Blevens knew as much as they do today, they would not have tried to make KC the focus of the book.

However, Blevens has added some knowledge about Sheridan by the research he has done. Blevens conclusions are way off about Sheridan as the perfect alibi has given him what he needs to not consider Sheridan. The whole story can be cleared up by the FBI by comparing Sheridan's DNA with the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent just after NORJACK.

Come on FBI we need you help by just sending the last untested evidence to the labs at Quantico, VA. and comparing with the DNA you have on Sheridan.

Bob Sailshaw

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"The system that beats the system" text in the purported DBC letter was not pieced together from individual cut out words. The entire phrase was contained in a Playboy ad for KLH stereo systems. It doesn't prove anything but it raises the possibility that the writer saw the phrase (perhaps for the very first time), liked it and clipped it.

Sheridan is perfectly qualified to be DBC and bears a resemblance to the sketches, but we have no evidence that puts him in the plane. He has no criminal record that I could find. Also he appears to abhor violence.

Sheridan certainly does look good in his 2011 photo. I sincerely hope he is healthy.

Sailshaw has recently flown in a wind tunnel and I must say he showed really great form. I saw a photo of him in a stable belly to earth position pivoting on the helmet of the instructor standing below him. OK Sailshaw, you are definitely ready for the real thing.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Skyjack 71 says in part:


'Duane only had a few wks of chemical warfare before the Army found him out (all I have to go on is the letter he wrote home to his mother about his clothes and needing his watch in the field and noting the chemical end was okay...'

I'm not sure what they did in Basic Training in WW2, but here's what 'chemical warfare training' amounted to in the mid-70's:

They showed you how to use a gas mask. You put it on.

They marched us into a poorly-lit room about the size of a Quonset hut.

An officer wearing a mask was dropping pellets or something into a tuna can over a hot plate. A surprisingly small amount of vapor emanated from the can. They called it 'CS'.

They told everyone to take their masks off.

People started choking and tearing up.

They told us to put our masks back on.

They marched everyone out. Next group went in.

Took less than an hour.

Blevins, You description of gas mask training in the 1970s is also the way it was done in the early 1950s and probably in WW2 as well.

Jo is describing what would have been known in WW2 as "Chemical and Biological Warfare Training" (Radiological Warfare was added to this after Hiroshima).

But Duane Weber did not have any skills or training (did he even finish high school?) that would have been useful in CBR warfare.

Jo's claim that Duane was working in CBR with less than two months in the Army and without even going through basic training just simply doesn't wash. Do people do brain surgery before they start medical school?


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Since you are now speaking for Geoff Gray, 'others,' AND the FBI, you have some proof of these statements, right?


Cant you read English you pompous fool? Any
common five year old understands what I said
and what it means, silly man.

No redirection -
No deflection -
No straw man -
No useless personal attacks -

I was speaking for myself! NO PROOF REQUIRED!

Just as you speak for yourself - NO PROOF

You are the biggest MARLA that ever dropped into
COOPERVILLE! And you aint Santa!

Be the The Sham Wow King. For a day or two. Until
the next one! Enjoy your sci-fi life, what's left of it!

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Sailshaw says in part:


'The whole story can be cleared up by the FBI by comparing Sheridan's DNA with the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent just after NORJACK...'

I don't have anything against this idea. It's possible that they might discover who wrote the letters, even if it isn't Sheridan Peterson, because there are a great many people on the worldwide DNA databases. These are mostly set up on a national level. As of 2010 about 7 million people are in the British database, for example. More than that for the US database.

This is an opinion only, .

Then why say trash-talk like this if you havnt the
faintest idea what you are talking about?

You are the kid in the back of the room that wont stop talking and whinning!

Dont freak out (know you wont!) but tell us how dna
analysis is done, here or in Britain ? Being the
expert bullshitter sci-fi guy you are ?

Hmmmm? Blevins?

Problem is, Mr. Cooper, your socalled opinions and
pseudo expertise arent worth two-cents. Is Mrs.
Cooper up? Jo Weber? You two are a pair - Mr & Mrs
Cooper. Happy Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Cooper.
Your haooy marraige here at Dropzone.com has been recorded for all time . . .

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U.S. population as of September 2012: 314,395,013
March 2011, 361,176 forensic profiles and 9,404,747 offender profiles have been accumulated, making it the largest DNA database in the world

United Kingdom population: 63,181,775 March 27, 2011
The United Kingdom National DNA Database consisted of an estimated number 5,512,776 profiles of individuals as of March 2011
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Something I have been thinking about:

Q: Why was the hijacker concerned about radio currents accidently detonating his explosive device?

Q: Is this a true concern with the in-flight technology of 1971?

Q: Does this infer that the explosive device was real?

Q: If so, does that also infer that the hijacker was trained in both the construction and use of explosives?

Q: Is his concern based on experience? Professional expertise? Knowledge/research?

Q: Was it simply a ruse to lead the crew to believe that he in fact had a real bomb when if was only a prop?

Q: Shouldn't this have been something he planned for if it was a real concern?

Q: What does an accidental detonation because of radio wave interference tell us about the kind of explosive device he may have been carrying?

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