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DB Cooper

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I'm an admitted newbie to this forum, but not to the Cooper story. Is anyone one aware of any serious follow-up to the story suggested in Max Gunther's DB Cooper: What Really Happened? It addresses many of the issues raised - including shoes etc. Has Gunther ever been debunked? I'm fascinated by that story - even though it does not point to a specific suspect, it does appear to address all the issues and questions.

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I don't know who said this Blevin or Georger:


Instead of blabbering on and on...you could have just checked this on your own with a phone call. As far as whether it would keep Weber out of Spokane, probably not.


Weren't not me - try his Majesty Blevins.

I dont post recipes, My Tunes, and stool softeners.

As usual another post that gave me my chuckle for the day and Heaven only knows I really needed a chuckle today. Reason had NOTHING to do with Weber or Cooper or the Cooper Saga, just needed a diversion away from the crazy things going on in my life right now.

Thanks for the Chuckle!:)
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This should put the final nail in your pathetic Coffin! in the last year you claim to know and speak to McCoy, however on Jo's thread 6 years ago you sign in as DBcoopercather and talk to yourself in another name we all know as Caretaker Al, DBcoopercatcher spells Marshal as Marshall, gee who does that on here, oh yea, Bob Knoss, back to McCoy, you then state
this "Mac gave me two pictures of himself before he died and authorized their use for specific purposes"

so know The FBI killed him in 1974, you claim he died while talking on a thread in 2006 and yet 2011/12 rolls around and you are still talking to him :$;)

Not that it hasn't been......but the gig is up truth seeker B|

Caretaker Al......R.I.P. 12/26/2012 B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I'm saying necessarily true -- he was a nut, a bonafide sociopath, bar none. I don't see a normal, mentally well-adjusted person doing what he did -- the extortion, the skyjacking, the bomb threat. And we haven't even talked about the weather, the way he dressed, and just how crazy you would have to be to actually jump into a storm from 10,000 feet up, dressed in basic black with dress shoes. Now that's crazy!


A nut - maybe! It took a nut to think the damn thing up or someone hell bent on suicide by Sky Marshall. Perhaps he just wanted enough money to keep him off the streets until he die and if he was caught alive - he would at least not be sleeping on the streets or in homeless shelters.

A sociopath - maybe not. It could have been stress and a diagnosis he could NOT escape from. If an individual had found they would die a horrible slow death with renal failure and then diaylsis - in those days with the rudimentary treatments - I think perhaps he may have temporarily have been off his rocker!

It was evident from Weber's background he was NOT well adjusted considering some of the things I have been told about his activities as a youngster.

1. One of these things: The sister told me about Duane when he was only about 11/13. There was this hill with rocks (small boulders). She was with him but around 6/8. I forget the actual ages.

Duane put a board under a large rock and disloged it when a car came by. She never told me what the consequences were of his action - if someone got hurt or worse. The problem was she witnessed this and she was just a small child. That is ALL I know about the incident.

2. The incidence where he took a large upright piano and shoved it down a flight of stairs - because he hated his music teacher. Age about 8 when this happened.

3. He took a baseball bat and smashed all of the windows out around the same time as the incident with the piano.

The above stories tell me Duane was a very troubled child and these stories were told to me by his sister. The brother knew about the piano and the windows, but only she knew about the rocks (she called them boulders - but remember she was just a child). This was her big brother.

Perhaps these incidents to things going on in his life made him a sociopath, but I know nothing about the disorder.

He was a very disturbed child - needless to say. I wonder how many other thing he did she did not know about and was never told.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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no matter how good or smart you think you are, the longer you try to
run your story, the more trouble you will run into trying to remember it!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Like Jo Weber, We know Blevins all too well here

Well, Georger you don't know me at ALL. If you read the above posts about Duane's escapades as a child - you will know I am trying to be as objective as I can.

You will also realize there are THINGS I never told, although I do believe I have mentioned the 3 incidences above in the past.

It is they just fit the conversation we are having now a little too conveniently. Do they not?

MeyerLouie's opinions have so far been very objective and we need a lot more of that in this thread.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm an admitted newbie to this forum, but not to the Cooper story. Is anyone one aware of any serious follow-up to the story suggested in Max Gunther's DB Cooper: What Really Happened? It addresses many of the issues raised - including shoes etc. Has Gunther ever been debunked? I'm fascinated by that story - even though it does not point to a specific suspect, it does appear to address all the issues and questions.

Max Gunther's book about Cooper was how I found out the name used by D.B was Dan Cooper. I have many written communication made to me by MAX and we had many many phone exchanges. Key in Max Gunther and you will find the story about Max and I can support the things he told me.

That was the book I was reading the night I called the FBI because a friend who I told the story about what Duane said before he died "I'm Dan Coooooper" I did not know who the hell Dan Cooper was.

He suggested I look the guy up and this was the only book available in our local branch on D.B. Cooper.

I was on the phone to the FBI after just a few pages - now 18 yrs later I am still at it and no one cares. Max walked me thru his book page by page as to what was actually what Clara said and what was not.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm saying necessarily true -- he was a nut, a bonafide sociopath, bar none. I don't see a normal, mentally well-adjusted person doing what he did -- the extortion, the skyjacking, the bomb threat. And we haven't even talked about the weather, the way he dressed, and just how crazy you would have to be to actually jump into a storm from 10,000 feet up, dressed in basic black with dress shoes. Now that's crazy!


A sociopath - maybe not. It could have been stress and a diagnosis he could NOT escape from. If an individual had found they would die a horrible slow death with renal failure and then diaylsis - in those days with the rudimentary treatments - I think perhaps he may have temporarily have been off his rocker!

Perhaps these incidents to things going on in his life made him a sociopath, but I know nothing about the disorder.

He was a very disturbed child - needless to say. I wonder how many other thing he did she did not know about and was never told.

Traits of a sociopath.....Now Jo can compare the disorder to Duane's behaviors.

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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The prison photo:

I cannot make high quality photos to post and that was a zerox that was scanned and sent to me by an investigative reporter. I have all of Duane's prison records and each one records his height.

Duane's height I would have to look up on all of the files - this is a matter of record. You read into anything you want to, but the criminal files are correct. Duane's height like anyone of age and with kidney dialysis shrunk. I was 5'7" now I am barely 5'5" plus...how ever much I stretch.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The prison photo:

I cannot make high quality photos to post and that was a zerox that was scanned and sent to me by an investigative reporter. I have all of Duane's prison records and each one records his height.

Duane's height I would have to look up on all of the files - this is a matter of record. You read into anything you want to, but the criminal files are correct. Duane's height like anyone of age and with kidney dialysis shrunk. I was 5'7" now I am barely 5'5" plus...how ever much I stretch.

just simply stating Jo, it is my opinion of looking at a blurred photo and tried to put some justification into it, that is why I said I am calling it that way because of the blur I can't be 100% sure. but if the lines are correct, he is over 6 feet, I would love to see the document.......
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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This should put the final nail in your pathetic Coffin! in the last year you claim to know and speak to McCoy, however on Jo's thread 6 years ago you sign in as DBcoopercather and talk to yourself in another name we all know as Caretaker Al, DBcoopercatcher spells Marshal as Marshall, gee who does that on here, oh yea, Bob Knoss, back to McCoy, you then state
this "Mac gave me two pictures of himself before he died and authorized their use for specific purposes"

1. That thread WAS NOT started by Jo Weber.

2. dbcoopercatcher was a young man whose subject was actual Mayfield. I believe he or the other guy Awsi Dooger started the thread. There were 2 guys and one of them died.

3. Mr. Motto was Knoss and I don't know if this was the thread he also tried to use Caretaker Al on.

This thread ran from July of 2005 until late 2006 - Mr MOTTO caused the thread to close.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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well the catcher guy spelled Marshal as Marshall, I have only seen one person spell it that way, I simply said Jo's thread because it surrounds you and was made for you, so naturally one would call it yours B|

yes Mr motto is at the end of the thread........
Cartaker is no doubt Knoss, the thread just ends, no monitor speaking about anything relating to closure....no biggie, Knoss is Knoss....a fraud.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Vicki, the article had a disclaimer to it - but, it is something I want to look into. Might go to the library and see what they have.

Duane certainly was not a good man all of his life, but there were enough little things noted that I did NOT associate with much of anything.

Some of the other stories I heard about Duane make a little more sense now. On ex-wife hated his guts and the other ex thought he was the best thing since sour apples, she had her share of problems...so their life was always on the run. For some reason - he was different with me.

Yes, I saw anger and discontent at times and his behaviour was not always acceptable, but I wasn't perfect either....but, he had this strong urge to please me and to be accepted by my family and others. He sometimes went to the extremes for acceptance - I did not realize he was over compensating for his past.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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No, you haven't. You've told fables and hurt Jo, insulted many here (should be on a life time ban for it), been kicked off other web pages for your issues, lied, and have slandered a few innocent individuals, but never have proven any thing.


I have to agree with Matt here. Regina Winkles, the author of the KC/Cooper article at Wordpress, has deleted more than 200 of the comments to the article in the past week, many of them filthy beyond belief. Some of them were about Gayla, my parents in Phoenix, you name it. She's still working on it. Hatred is rampant in Cooperville, obviously.

One of Regina's emails to me about this situation says that she's traced the three IP's belonging to the posters who made the majority of the really bad comments. One belonged to Knoss. The other two almost certainly come from people who post here, but she doesn't know their DZ identities. She's banned all three IP's from further posts, however.

I made a PDF of the comments when they were all in place, and sent it to Regina a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, she hadn't checked the article in a while, and she was shocked that people would do this. I told her it was just part of Cooperland...:)
Bottom line: Knoss' comments were SO bad, that if I posted them here, Quade would ban me like that. (*snaps fingers*)

... and you brought it (your shit) here!

People here just want it (and ___) to GO AWAY! ADIOS...

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well the catcher guy spelled Marshal as Marshall, I have only seen one person spell it that way, I simply said Jo's thread because it surrounds you and was made for you, so naturally one would call it yours B|

Mr motto is at the end of the thread........
Cartaker is no doubt Knoss, the thread just ends, no monitor speaking about anything relating to closure....no biggie, Knoss is Knoss....a fraud.

You are talking about Unsolved Mysteries. There were 2 threads there. I entered a thread about Cooper ( and dbcoopercatcher was NOT Knoss). It was dbcoopercatcher who set up the other thread for me hoping Mr. Motto would leave.

Mr. Motto showed up as CaretakerAl and crashed the new one. Best I can remember without dragging the huge albums out.

Why I was so upset when he found this thread. Thankfully you guys read through him and ignore him - plus if you go back you will find his story grew and grew and grew. His obsession with McCoy just got out of hand.

I even bought into it until I learned the history behind McCoy and walked on his postings. Back then - I could be REAL NICE. Now I am not nice when someone deliberately makes up garbage and I make my disclaimers known.

I will note there is a poster who calls himself night clerk in the second thread Catcher set up for me, but, the story told by that particular night clerk is NOT the story the REAL nightclerk told me.

dbcoopercatcher who ever he was was very nice to me. He set the thread up and even came to the thread to help me along - he was very pleased I learned how to get the pictures in the thread.

The thread was put there so I could tell my story without messing up their thing...but, Knoss found it! So it went to HELL!

Popeye and dbcoopercatcher would come in and ask a questions on occasion to keep things going. One of these guys I believe was one of the Guys who finally came forward with Mayfield as a suspect. Awsi Dooger I believe was also part of that group.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm an admitted newbie to this forum, but not to the Cooper story. Is anyone one aware of any serious follow-up to the story suggested in Max Gunther's DB Cooper: What Really Happened? It addresses many of the issues raised - including shoes etc. Has Gunther ever been debunked? I'm fascinated by that story - even though it does not point to a specific suspect, it does appear to address all the issues and questions.

You would have to go way back in the thread.
Gunther was discussed there but not since.
Jo Weber tried to use Gunther to validate Duane..
Jo lashed out when people (Snowmman) could not
follow her.

I think the consensus was that Gunther was made-
up nonsense.

That is about all I can say about 'Gunther'. Sorry.

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well the catcher guy spelled Marshal as Marshall, I have only seen one person spell it that way, I simply said Jo's thread because it surrounds you and was made for you, so naturally one would call it yours B|

Mr motto is at the end of the thread........
Cartaker is no doubt Knoss, the thread just ends, no monitor speaking about anything relating to closure....no biggie, Knoss is Knoss....a fraud.

You are talking about Unsolved Mysteries. There were 2 threads there. I entered a thread about Cooper ( and dbcoopercatcher was NOT Knoss). It was dbcoopercatcher who set up the other thread for me hoping Mr. Motto would leave.

Mr. Motto showed up as CaretakerAll and crashed the new one. Best I can remember without dragging the huge albums out.

Why I was so upset when he found this thread. Thankfully you guys read through him and ignore him - plus if you go back you will find his story grew and grew and grew. His obsession with McCoy just got out of hand.

I even bought into it until I learned the history behind McCoy and walked on his postings. Back then - I could be REAL NICE. Now I am not nice when someone deliberately makes up garbage and I make my disclaimers known.

Nobody but you and Blevins anda few other have
ever been UPSET about Knoss, unless he posts too
much. Its like getting upset about 'dust'. If its a
dustbowl, yes. Otherwise ....

You got upset about Knoss because he's on your level and took you on. The same for Blevins.

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caretaker and Motto are both on there, I know it was Knoss, end of story,
I just think you look to hard into things rather than sitting back and thinking
How long did you believe Knoss, took me reading about half way into his first
post I ever read.

It's a lot harder for you which I understand,but, just like the height thingy
you want to say Duane shrunk? you have battled with Georger when he
has claimed Duane was sick back then and you said he wasn't,the odds of
a shrinking 40 year old are slim.

you need to separate yourself from Duane when questioning his actions,
I know it's hard not to be protective or believe anything someone tells
you. I just believe myself there is explanations more than you tend to
believe about Duane, these years you have now should be the best you
have had instead of chasing all of this, I realize this was placed upon you
but, how much life have you missed out on? regardless of what you think
of me, I still like ya Jo.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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You got upset about Knoss because he's on your level and took you on. The same for Blevins.

Well, Georger - perhaps YOU should have read the thread and then tell me that. There was NOT a moderator to control him there.

As for Gunther - the guy can check in this thread and I have the book with the mark-ups given to me by Gunther!

Perhaps it is YOU who cannot handle things. I have and will never reduce myself to the level of Knoss.

Would you like to come to my home and see the marked up book Max walked me thru and read his letters? YOU might find them interesting!

Have YOU ever talked to Himmelsbach about Max? He was blatant in his disbelief - but Max presented the letters and the Himmelsbach rebuffed them.

Sure wish the FBI had kept the letter Clara wrote and the envelope - bet I could point them toward the DNA - or at least familia DNA. You know that Max went to CA after asking me how to find the woman he thought might be CLARA. It was after his trip to CA - he ceased contact with me only after walking me thru the book and one last letter...I kept all of his letters.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Gunther was discussed there but not since. Jo Weber tried to use Gunther to validate Duane..
Jo lashed out when people (Snowmman) could not
follow her.

I think the consensus was that Gunther was made-
up nonsense.

That is about all I can say about 'Gunther'. Sorry.

Sluggo was here - Sluggo saw the letters and he knows the truth on this. I still have and will always have Max's letters and the Marked up book he went thru with me. There was also several long phone calls. Max was a nice guy! So yea, I get huffy when someone like YOU speaks ill of him.

There are pictures of the letters in the book - and the one for Clara is what got both MAX and I.
The same expression Clara made - "We all have a little larcency in our hearts". That was WHY Max went to CA before he died.

Duane's ex stated that on the phone to me and in a note she wrote me. Max listened to a tape of her voice and he thought they were ONE and the SAME. Only fractions of Max's story are real.

He composed the story with only 6 phone calls lasting about 40 minutes to 1 hr. He did NOT have call tracing abilities back then and she would call late at night and she would have been drinking - just like the ex of Duane's did to me.

She had Max's private number and we figured out how she got that. The calls came in the night and not at work. The ex told me about New Years in NY and Duane told me about New Years in NY. She talked about it and when I did the math there was ONLY one yr they could have had the opportunity to be in N.Y. New Yrs 1972.

The parts of Max's book are dead on with things the ex told me about Duane and about herself.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Navy - age 16 -5'11"
Jefferson 1966 6'1"
San Quentin 6'0"
Georgia D License 6'1"

That is just what I could lay my hands on. As a young boy he had not matured to his full height.

I cannot read the markings on the Canon file, but he had on shoes - do we know what he was wearing in other measuements.

As far as I know Duane's height was always 6'1" and then of course when he started to shrink in his 60's as I have and with the way diaylisis and the meds the took - they ate away at the bones and he shrunk a lot in the those last yrs.

Dialysis plays hell with the calcium and the bones.

Still that where it will do U the most good. :P

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Navy - age 16 -5'11"
Jefferson 1966 6'1"
San Quentin 6'0"
Georgia D License 6'1"

That is just what I could lay my hands on. As a young boy he had not matured to his full height.

I cannot read the markings on the Canon file, but he had on shoes - do we know what he was wearing in other measuements.

As far as I know Duane's height was always 6'1" and then of course when he started to shrink in his 60's as I have and with the way diaylisis and the meds the took - they ate away at the bones and he shrunk a lot in the those last yrs.

Dialysis plays hell with the calcium and the bones.

Still that where it will do U the most good. :P

well that sounds like I'm probably correct about the Canon photo, typically you have a one inch shoe heel
Duane was pretty young in the Navy pic from what I recall, puts him over the Cooper limit but within the
guidelines. DL can be anything close, they never check, they just ask how tall are you. he was young
during his service years, still growing.

I was looking at the pic today and that is when the lines caught my eye, seemed he was over the 6 foot mark.

so to best sum it up Duane was 6-1 to 6-2
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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No, you haven't. You've told fables and hurt Jo, insulted many here (should be on a life time ban for it), been kicked off other web pages for your issues, lied, and have slandered a few innocent individuals, but never have proven any thing.


I have to agree with Matt here. Regina Winkles, the author of the KC/Cooper article at Wordpress, has deleted more than 200 of the comments to the article in the past week, many of them filthy beyond belief. Some of them were about Gayla, my parents in Phoenix, you name it. She's still working on it. Hatred is rampant in Cooperville, obviously.

One of Regina's emails to me about this situation says that she's traced the three IP's belonging to the posters who made the majority of the really bad comments. One belonged to Knoss. The other two almost certainly come from people who post here, but she doesn't know their DZ identities. She's banned all three IP's from further posts, however.

I made a PDF of the comments when they were all in place, and sent it to Regina a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, she hadn't checked the article in a while, and she was shocked that people would do this. I told her it was just part of Cooperland...:)
(*snaps fingers*)

Remind us again Mr. Blevins, of why we or this
thread on DB Cooper should (or must) be concerned
with all of your personal stuff/problems ?

a- we deserve it?
b- it is owed you?
c- you are a celebrity & important?
d- you saw a ufo and wrote about it?
e- you own a cat and clean up houses for a living?

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Answer: None of the above. Did I hit a nerve with this or something:


Georger says in part:


'You have chided me for almost a year saying that Gray told me you were a mental case, and totally untrustworthy...'

Well, Mr Honesty, that's because Geoffrey Gray never said those things to you about me. I was going to post up publicly how I recently discovered this, but I decided against it in the interest of world peace.

You should probably refrain from quoting Gray any further with false statements about me. :S

I'll give you a hint. Gray says he hasn't spoken to you in three years. And other things. None of which support that statement you kept attributing to him. I still have a certain amount of respect for you, but I think we should move on now.

Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

Well let's see - Just picked one at random, not the
most recent, date is: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 1:50 PM.
That is 2 years +

But you are raising another straw man.

Your posts here at DZ say it all. Gray knew
something about you, apparently .. but Im covering
old ground. He obviously didnt like or trust you.
Fellow competitors in the book business?

Bring Gray here. I will be happy to reply to anything
he has to say, or not say, or suggest, or whatever.

As I see this you are simply rearranging chairs on
your Titanic. The end is inevitable.

Your record is here on DZ and in your book and elsewhere.

Try to have it otherwise. Im sure you will as the
water rises.

Its self evident.

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well the catcher guy spelled Marshal as Marshall, I have only seen one person spell it that way, I simply said Jo's thread because it surrounds you and was made for you, so naturally one would call it yours B|

yes Mr motto is at the end of the thread........
Cartaker is no doubt Knoss, the thread just ends, no monitor speaking about anything relating to closure....no biggie, Knoss is Knoss....a fraud.

I am Caretaker Al but not Catcher. I have numerous pictures given to me by McCoy, ONE embedded in Rocky V credits, referred to as a "Get out of Jail Free" card. And I have spoken to Mac recently, yes. Doesn't make me a nut, just one Hell of a lot better investigator than you. I'm not trying to cover up or change anything, just submit the facts. It helps like crazy to actually have experienced it first hand. Sort of gives you insurmountable power of total confidence when there is no question about what really happened. Another tidbit: Mac said he never knew anybody who ever worked for both the FBI and the CIA. He was assigned to Special Services. He was also friends with Jim Jones and attended his church services in the States. He was in Guyana a week before and a week after the suicide. Oh, and bite me! Sorry I forgot to make your day with that. Do some real investigations and impress everybody. You make Blevins' phony story sound professional. Sorry, Robert, nothing personal. I'm not your poster culprit. If I have something to say. I'll say it.
No minced words or cloaked inferences. I was told by this other guy your story is a total fabrication, er, fiction. I totally believe him, as HE knows everything.

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