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Like when you started talking about cross dressing or whatever on Christiansen merely because I posted up how to do a link. The guy has a family you know, and one of them reads this thread. He doesn't post because he didn't know Kenny that well, but I have spoken to him occasionally.

Quote me the chapter and verse that says: "Thou
shalt not talk about a gay man being gay for fear his
family may read the newspaper", re- articles written
by: RobertMBlevins on Dropzone.com and
Newsvine.com! !

I could give similar-better advice!


You are the guy who wrote the book and milked it to
death and are still milking it to death - you hypocrite.

Get your facts straight!

You do know, don't you? You do have the option of
shutting up about all of this crap. Since you are so
non-hypocritically concerned about the welfare of
Dropzone,com and the "work-for-wages sheeple" at
Dropzone? Because, the chances of anyone else
bringing it up here is next to zero, since everyone but
you is sick to death of it!


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(5) Note that if this chute really WERE Cooper's...that this would narrow down considerably the possibilities on how the Tena Bar money came to be.

Blevins, If the "Wallings parachute" really was the one that Cooper used, it would ELIMINATE the possibility that any of the money could have ever made it to Tena Bar.


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(5) Note that if this chute really WERE Cooper's...that this would narrow down considerably the possibilities on how the Tena Bar money came to be.

Blevins, If the "Wallings parachute" really was the one that Cooper used, it would ELIMINATE the possibility that any of the money could have ever made it to Tena Bar.


I believe Blevins is saying the "Wallings parachute"
PROVES the money was hand buried at T_Bar, as Kaye
concluded somehow.

Missing of course is any factual linkage which
constitutes real proof. One might as well also say:
the fact the money was in a bag proves the money
was (had to be) buried at T_Bar, because one must
first withdraw money from a bag, to have three
bundles of that money be found in the sand at
or some such thing.

These issue of what constitutes proof is being used
very loosely here.

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(A) There are OTHER ways the Tena Bar money could have arrived besides natural means, or by dredging. Even the Citizen Sleuths have said that, not that this makes it true, but they have suggested it.

(B) Aren't any of you the least bit curious why the Seattle FBI tried to sweep the chute under the virtual carpet with such a lame explanation and no public verification allowed? .

Your A ^ B above have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

There is no logical connection between the two -


A: There are OTHER ways the money could have
arrived at Tena Bar.

B: Samson slew the Philistines with the jawbone of an

C: Therefore, the T-Bar money was buried (by
Samson) with the jawbone of an ass !

argumentum ad absurdum

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Uh...I don't see anywhere back there where I came up with conclusions about the Tena Bar money. You are the one making the assumptions and associations. So you can put own your name behind those, thank you.

You are the one who juxtaposed your separate issues
A^B. Your record is to connect such things, whether
they connect or not. Your strawmen of which you have
a daily record here going back three years.

And you have connected these two issues (Amboy
parachute) and T-Bar money before. So your
connecting the two is already on the record.

Lets file this under your: "I never said that", again.

But I'll give you something to not think about.

Lets assume the money was buried back in ____\year
uncertain. Money found in 1980. Bills is condition D-
deteriorated. Erosion factor involved E=c/t(d). In order
to bury something a hole must be dug - yes? Palmer
said the site at the Ingram find was pristine, showed
no evidence of mixed strata.

Your conclusion/solution is: ______________________?


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The Amboy parachute and the Tena Bar money ARE connected. But the problem is that the FBI-provided information regarding the parachute doesn't wash.

Until that question is settled, there is no way to reconcile the two.

*Question Everything*

So, you now admit your A^B were connected. Why then
take me to task and deny the connection (you have
made many times previously, just as you now do
again above).

So, what is the connection you see, again? Refresh our
memories to avoid a further charge we are putting
words in your mouth.

You could also comment on the previous real-world
puzzle I posed. If one digs a hole pre-1980 and
sticks three bundles of money into it, then covers the
hole, then waits for erosion to act and finally in 1980
the money is exposed ... which sand is found around
the money? 1980 sand. Or older different colored
sand? Palmer found a smooth transition of strata
with no evidence of a previous "filled hole".

How do you bury something on one date and some
time later the item is exposed by erosion, and no
evidence of mixed sand, ie. the hole?

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You can also left click & shade over the link - then just hit the url button one time and it automatically puts the hyperlink shortcut at both ends of the 'address'


Thanks Airtwardo - I swam around the alligator and you just jumped right over him. So far I'd say you're the winner in the click reduction conversation! :)And thanks for the link, it will be very helpful for everyone.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The Amboy parachute and the Tena Bar money ARE connected. But the problem is that the FBI-provided information regarding the parachute doesn't wash.

Until that question is settled, there is no way to reconcile the two.

*Question Everything*

So, you now admit your A^B were connected. Why then
take me to task and deny the connection (you have
made many times previously, just as you now do
again above).

So, what is the connection you see, again? Refresh our
memories to avoid a further charge we are putting
words in your mouth.

You could also comment on the previous real-world
puzzle I posed. If one digs a hole pre-1980 and
sticks three bundles of money into it, then covers the
hole, then waits for erosion to act and finally in 1980
the money is exposed ... which sand is found around
the money? 1980 sand. Or older different colored
sand? Palmer found a smooth transition of strata
with no evidence of a previous "filled hole".

How do you bury something on one date and some
time later the item is exposed by erosion, and no
evidence of mixed sand, ie. the hole?

Blevins, Your statement above, "The Amboy parachute and the Tena Bar money ARE connected.", indicates you are certain about it. Where is your proof? Keep the FBI out of this. It is YOU making that claim.

What is your reply to Georger's statements about the consistency of the sand layer?

Also, I am personally certain than anything, money or otherwise, that goes through a dredge's pump and piping is going to be showing some signs of wear. Yet the Tena Bar money seems to be rather well organized and undisturbed.

So there is no evidence that the money was buried at Tena Bar, that it was in the dredged material, or that it walked down from Amboy on it's own. So what is your explanation as to how the money ended up at Tena Bar? Don't say you haven't made such claims when your very first sentence above is such a claim.


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Blevins, Your statement above, "The Amboy parachute and the Tena Bar money ARE connected.", indicates you are certain about it. Where is your proof? Keep the FBI out of this. It is YOU making that claim.

What he said!

I can barely contain myself while waiting for your response.

I am not DB Cooper

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Blevins, Your statement above, "The Amboy parachute and the Tena Bar money ARE connected.", indicates you are certain about it. Where is your proof? Keep the FBI out of this. It is YOU making that claim.

What he said!

I can barely contain myself while waiting for your response.

Hmm. They are connected THIS way:

IF it were determined somehow that the Amboy chute, contrary to what the Seattle FBI has stated under suspicious conclusions, DID belong to Cooper...

Then this would prove the money did not arrive at Tena Bar by natural, non-human-involvement means, or as a result of Cooper drowning in the Columbia.

But this connection cannot be established because of the lack of information on the Amboy chute. It's not my fault the Seattle FBI tried to push off that initial story about the chute. (Belonged to Walling, which is impossible) Or, that they have become quite secretive about the chute. (No response to inquiries, refusal to allow Sleuths or local chute experts to examine and publish findings)

As far as the Amboy chute, the way the FBI dealt with the whole thing does not lend itself to credibility on their results. They try one story, then another, then bring in Cossey with his silk-not-nylon story. It's almost like Maxwell Smart and his 'would you believe...' routine.

And yeah, it could be coincidence...but ask yourself how many parachutes are buried along the flight path right at the approximate location Cooper probably jumped. See attached map. It's a hell of a coincidence, wouldn't you say?

To settle this question once and for all, what is needed is for a major skydiving organization in the Puget Sound area to step up and request a look at the chute. I don't see the need for secrecy on it by the FBI. Think about it: If it's just a junk chute, a cargo chute or whatever...then what's the big deal letting some local experts take a look?

Unless there's something more to it than that. My main issue here is that there is a bit of a shadow still hanging over the whole thing. That problem is the fault of the Seattle FBI, who have IMHO been a little less than forthcoming on the chute.

Blevins, You claimed a connection between the Amboy parachute and the Tena Bar money.

Now you say:

"IF . . . . ." and

"But this connection cannot be established because of the lack of information on the Amboy chute."

Get yourself a dictionary and look up "fact" and "speculation". What you have been calling fact is actually speculation.


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Hmm. They are connected THIS way:

IF it were determined somehow that the Amboy chute, contrary to what the Seattle FBI has stated under suspicious conclusions, DID belong to Cooper...

Then this would prove the money did not arrive at Tena Bar by natural, non-human-involvement means, or as a result of Cooper drowning in the Columbia.

But this connection cannot be established because of the lack of information on the Amboy chute. It's not my fault the Seattle FBI tried to push off that initial story about the chute. (Belonged to Walling, which is impossible) Or, that they have become quite secretive about the chute. (No response to inquiries, refusal to allow Sleuths or local chute experts to examine and publish findings)

As far as the Amboy chute, the way the FBI dealt with the whole thing does not lend itself to credibility on their results. They try one story, then another, then bring in Cossey with his silk-not-nylon story. It's almost like Maxwell Smart and his 'would you believe...' routine.

And yeah, it could be coincidence...but ask yourself how many parachutes are buried along the flight path right at the approximate location Cooper probably jumped. See attached map. It's a hell of a coincidence, wouldn't you say?

To settle this question once and for all, what is needed is for a major skydiving organization in the Puget Sound area to step up and request a look at the chute. I don't see the need for secrecy on it by the FBI. Think about it: If it's just a junk chute, a cargo chute or whatever...then what's the big deal letting some local experts take a look?

Unless there's something more to it than that. My main issue here is that there is a bit of a shadow still hanging over the whole thing. That problem is the fault of the Seattle FBI, who have IMHO been a little less than forthcoming on the chute.

Blevins you have a one track mind and are mixing
apples with oranges. That you do this for three years
certifies your conspiracy theory based mental system.
You sound so official! B| and wrong! [:/]

Even if Cooper landed where you say and the
Amboy chute is Coopers, that 'still' does not require
that the money at T_Bar was 'buried'. There are many
other options involving not only Cooper but others as
[This fact was noted by the agent and others
at Vancouver-Portland at the time, in 1980]

Let's assume for the moment for the sake of
argument the T-Bar money was buried and we have
independent proof of that, which we don't, that still
does not require it was Cooper who did the burying, or
that it was buried at all vs thrown on shore from a
passing boat... !
[That fact was noted by the agent
and others at Vancouver-Portland in 1980]

If the Amboy chute is Cooper's that does not require
that the T-Bar money was buried!

If the Amboy chute is Cooper's
and the money
was buried, that does not require that the T-Bar
money was buried
by Cooper!

** Moreover, you have yet to give us a date when
you say Cooper buried money at Tina Bar. Was it
1971, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1980, or at 3:30pm on the
afternoon of January 10th 1980 according to Lord
Usher 1637 ?

ps: Let me throw this in for the helluvit because quite
frankly all of these conspiracy theories thrown around
here by Blevins, Knoss, Weber, etal, try to connect
distant abstract alleged factoids which no ordinary
thinking process could connect ... a central fact seems
to be being avoided! Shouldn't the money find site
itself say something about whether money was buried
or not, and by what possible means, if burying has
anything to do with this? Why are we looking at some
parachute at Amboy, some alleged death confession
in another State, .. we might just as well look at
variable stars in the Andromeda Galaxy too!

Focus on the thing itself and stop all of this conspiracy
driven bullshit which tries to connect things which can't
connect and very likely don't connect at all!

Now either Tom's Kaye Science Team generated some
core facts about the money site itself, or it didn't!
That was it's mission as mandated by the FBI.

Everything else is Gullible's Travels.

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If I remember the news reports from the time of the parachute find, the FBI didn't put forward the Walling story. They basically just said "hmmmm, yeah whatever...it could be -- but we're through with it and we're not going to investigate it anymore". In other words, for whatever reason (I'm assuming Cossey, but we really don't know if he was the only one who looked at it) they were satisfied that it was not Coopers, but they did not exactly join in on the speculation of whose it was. I might be incorrect but that's what I remember. If anyone can prove otherwise, please do.
I don't necessarily like the lack of detailed information that the public was given about the chute anymore than the next person, but rearranging news reports to suit one's take on something doesn't hurt the FBI's credibility, just yours.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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From the Seattle PI article:

***'FBI spokeswoman Robbie Burroughs said it's "definitely possible" Walling's chute is the one they have, but the bureau does not plan to further investigate it...'

Apparently, the FBI already knew (at time article was published) the repacking date (or DOM, whichever you believe) was months after Walling's jump. But they still issued that statement. Sloppy, at best. I have to stand with what I said in that previous post.

This isn't 'Reading Comprehension 101'. It's Verification 101. Not done.

Envision the FBI with a broom and picking up the carpet...

Bull ---it reads exactly as I remembered....Definitely possible equals anything's possible, but we're not pursuing it anymore. Period. It's Burrough's way of saying Get a Life. B| You can read more into it if you want but that's all it is - nothing more. Other accounts basically say the same thing and add that we've had some folks look at it and we don't think it's Coopers.

You do realize that the FBI could close up shop on anything Cooper at anytime and say that the case is closed due to the fact that they consider him dead and will not expend anymore costly resources on this case. And no one except us die hards would really care. They didn't have to keep it open as long as they have. Some folks cherry pick the FBI's nuggats of information taking what will bolster their case as gospel and nay-saying that which doesn't. You nor I have enough information to know how they investigated the chute - or that they are sweeping anything under the rug -- it's all just more speculation.

Sigh.... I'd love to have more info about the chute but do I think it's a coverup? which is what you do when you sweep something under the rug?? Nah.. I hear they just have more important things to worry about.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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From the Seattle PI article:

***'FBI spokeswoman Robbie Burroughs said it's "definitely possible" Walling's chute is the one they have, but the bureau does not plan to further investigate it...'

Apparently, the FBI already knew (at time article was published) the repacking date (or DOM, whichever you believe) was months after Walling's jump. But they still issued that statement. Sloppy, at best. I have to stand with what I said in that previous post.

This isn't 'Reading Comprehension 101'. It's Verification 101. Not done.

Envision the FBI with a broom and picking up the carpet...

Bull ---it reads exactly as I remembered....Definitely possible equals anything's possible, but we're not pursuing it anymore. Period. It's Burrough's way of saying Get a Life. B| You can read more into it if you want but that's all it is - nothing more. Other accounts basically say the same thing and add that we've had some folks look at it and we don't think it's Coopers.

You do realize that the FBI could close up shop on anything Cooper at anytime and say that the case is closed due to the fact that they consider him dead and will not expend anymore costly resources on this case. And no one except us die hards would really care. They didn't have to keep it open as long as they have. Some folks cherry pick the FBI's nuggats of information taking what will bolster their case as gospel and nay-saying that which doesn't. You nor I have enough information to know how they investigated the chute - or that they are sweeping anything under the rug -- it's all just more speculation.

Sigh.... I'd love to have more info about the chute but do I think it's a coverup? which is what you do when you sweep something under the rug?? Nah.. I hear they just have more important things to worry about.

Sloppy investigation and sweeping something under the carpet because it's convenient is NOT a conspiracy. You already admit you'd like to know more about the Amboy chute.

FYI: That was a direct quote from the PI article. Here's the rest of the article. There are other, similar articles out there about it.

I researched just about every article that came out on the Amboy chute. It's the reason I finally published the article about it at Newsvine, which illustrates better than I can here my position on it.

We are closer on this than you think. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I just think the whole thing was investigated poorly and then swept under the carpet. Perhaps they were right. The chute wasn't from the hijacking. But the fact remains that they haven't really established that very well, as least publicly. My question remains the same: If the chute is no big deal, some discarded cargo chute or something...then why would it hurt to let outside experts have a look at it? Even the Sleuths were wondering about it, and make mention of it. So I don't think my suggestion is something out of left field.

I never said that you said it was a conspiracy. I said exactly what I said, nothing more. I'm not gonna tit for tat with you trying to get in the last word.
Just saying you rely on that one article and said that the chute was only examined by someone that was biased. I say that other articles from the time talk about other examiners INCLUDING Cossey. Also that they were still in the process of having it examined AFTER Cossey made his statements. Just saying you can't always weed out the stuff that doesn't match. I'll make it easy for you - go to Sluggo's site - there are several articles on the chute find there.

Just saying --we can bitch about not getting to define the way the FBI investigates, and call that sloppy investigating but that doesn't mean jack squat since we really don't know how they investigated it.

Have you tried going at it another way -- like trying to find out where the parachute did come from? You got a serial number and a date. Go for it.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Watching the 70s on VH1 classics - it's interesting to see what shows were playing on tv in 1971. All in the Family debuted that year along with Soul Train, Sonny and Cher, Columbo and mcMillan and Wife.
Mayberry RFD, Green Acres, Lawrence Welk, and Beverly Hillbillies cancelled.
The final cigarette advertisement aired in US that year on Jan 1 during the Johnny Carson show.

Next time you play Trivial pursuit or jeopardy and get one of the 1970 questions right, you can thank me. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Watching the 70s on VH1 classics - it's interesting to see what shows were playing on tv in 1971. All in the Family debuted that year along with Soul Train, Sonny and Cher, Columbo and mcMillan and Wife.
Mayberry RFD, Green Acres, Lawrence Welk, and Beverly Hillbillies cancelled.
The final cigarette advertisement aired in US that year on Jan 1 during the Johnny Carson show.

Next time you play Trivial pursuit or jeopardy and get one of the 1970 questions right, you can thank me. :)

There was also a show on called O'Hara, US Treasury. Guess which episode aired on Nov 26, 1971? "Operation: Hijack" lol...what are the odds? B|
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Question to the skydivers out there. I'm assuming, since the dummy chute was "sewn shut", the FBI would know by looking at a chute that it was not a dummy chute. But then again, I really have no idea since I've never seen one.
Would it be reasonable to assume that a whuffo could tell a dummy chute from an operable one?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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***'There was also a show on called O'Hara, US Treasury. Guess which episode aired on Nov 26, 1971? "Operation: Hijack" lol...what are the odds?...'

Well, since every LEO officer and organization was hunting him for a murder he didn't commit...and made his life a living hell for years...Treasury decided to give David Janssen a job on the other side of the law. His medical practice was going nowhere anyway. B|

Look, I searched all the articles, including the ones at Sluggo's website. One says the FBI was going to bring in other experts to 'make sure', but they were going solely on Cossey. Cossey thought it was funny when he told the Seattle Times the chute WAS Cooper's. (he later took it back, saying it was a joke)But if the FBI went to 'other experts' they never said anything about it later. And the Times reporter almost got fired for publishing a false story. That Cossey...a laugh a minute.

???? Quote where it says that they were going solely on Cossey. I'm not seeing it.
Plus Ckret also said on here that they wanted to wait before announcing to get further confirmation but Cossey jumped the gun after he was asked to sit on it for a couple of days.

Breaking my cardinal rule but...From Seattle Times April 1, 2008 article on SLuggo's site:
Cossey examined it on a Friday, On the next Tuesday.... "FBI Agent Robert A. Burroughs in Seattle said Monday that agents had not ruled out the possibility that the chute was from Cooper."
"We haven't made a determination one way or the other yet," Burroughs said. "We're still in the process of finishing up what investigative steps we think are necessary to feel certain about calling it one way or the other."

And it's a small point but one that illustrates the reading comprehension thing..... :)
NO one said the reporter was almost fired. Cossey said that a reporter told him he (the reporter) could be fired for filing a false story.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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***'There was also a show on called O'Hara, US Treasury. Guess which episode aired on Nov 26, 1971? "Operation: Hijack" lol...what are the odds?...'

Well, since every LEO officer and organization was hunting him for a murder he didn't commit...and made his life a living hell for years...Treasury decided to give David Janssen a job on the other side of the law after they caught the one-armed man and cleared his name.

His medical practice was going nowhere anyway. B|

I hope he didn't give up his license - looks like the show only lasted one season. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Did I use the word 'conspiracy' when referring to the Seattle FBI's investigation of the Amboy chute? NO.

These facts remain: The chute was discovered. The FBI says they never noticed the DOM tag, and then says they think it's Walling's. Later, they backtrack on that, notice the DOM. Then they bring in Cossey, who says it can't be Cooper's because it's a silk chute. This claim is highly doubtful.

Webster: "A conspiracy theory explains an important
social, political, or economic event as being caused or
covered up by a covert group or organization. (2)
Methods employed by or attributed to some group to
effect a cover up or deny access to the truth.

You may deny yours is a conspiracy theory but it
is up to outside reviewers to determine! Otherwise
there would be no prisoners in any jail.

Stop reviewing your own books!

Heel thyself, physician!

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Blevins: You say:
"IF it were determined somehow that the Amboy chute, contrary to what the Seattle FBI has stated under suspicious conclusions, DID belong to Cooper...
Then this would prove the money did not arrive at Tena Bar by natural, non-human-involvement means, or as a result of Cooper drowning in the Columbia."

I would like to chime-in on these two subjectts (Amboy chute and Tina Bar money).

The Amboy chute should be looked at by Hayden the Stunt Pilot who claims to have actually supplied the "two Back Chutes". He needs to examine the Amboy chute and determine if it is one of the two he supplied. Earl Cossey's story that it was silk and not nylon does not hold water and he is also too quick to claim that DB died in the jump. The mfg numbers on the Amboy chute should be sent to the manufacturer of the chute to find out what they know about the material it is made from.

The Tina Bar money was kept all together as a package by something that might have rotted away. My belief is that the three bundles of 20's complete with their rubber bands, were in fact the three bundles offered to the crew by DB and then the crew refused to accept them. DB in discuss (and all ready suited up with the money bag tied to him) then would have stuffed the three bundles into the paper bag he carried aboard with him and into his shirt. The blast of air in the jump could have blown the paper bag and three bundles of 20's away from DB and into the trees below. The bag could have then provided the move of the money to Tina's Bar including floating in the Columbia. With time the paper bag could have degraded to nothing leaving just the three bundles neatly stacked all together.
Possibly Bruce can verify the three packs of 20's being offered to the crew. Then what would DB have done with them when refused?

Bob Sailshaw

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Hmm. They are connected THIS way:

IF it were determined somehow that the Amboy chute, contrary to what the Seattle FBI has stated under suspicious conclusions, DID belong to Cooper...

Then this would prove the money did not arrive at Tena Bar by natural, non-human-involvement means, or as a result of Cooper drowning in the Columbia.

But this connection cannot be established because of the lack of information on the Amboy chute. It's not my fault the Seattle FBI tried to push off that initial story about the chute. (Belonged to Walling, which is impossible) Or, that they have become quite secretive about the chute. (No response to inquiries, refusal to allow Sleuths or local chute experts to examine and publish findings)

As far as the Amboy chute, the way the FBI dealt with the whole thing does not lend itself to credibility on their results. They try one story, then another, then bring in Cossey with his silk-not-nylon story. It's almost like Maxwell Smart and his 'would you believe...' routine.

And yeah, it could be coincidence...but ask yourself how many parachutes are buried along the flight path right at the approximate location Cooper probably jumped. See attached map. It's a hell of a coincidence, wouldn't you say?

To settle this question once and for all, what is needed is for a major skydiving organization in the Puget Sound area to step up and request a look at the chute. I don't see the need for secrecy on it by the FBI. Think about it: If it's just a junk chute, a cargo chute or whatever...then what's the big deal letting some local experts take a look?

Unless there's something more to it than that. My main issue here is that there is a bit of a shadow still hanging over the whole thing. That problem is the fault of the Seattle FBI, who have IMHO been a little less than forthcoming on the chute.

Blevins you have a one track mind and are mixing
apples with oranges. That you do this for three years
certifies your conspiracy theory based mental system.
You sound so official! B| and wrong! [:/]

Even if Cooper landed where you say and the
Amboy chute is Coopers, that 'still' does not require
that the money at T_Bar was 'buried'. There are many
other options involving not only Cooper but others as
[This fact was noted by the agent and others
at Vancouver-Portland at the time, in 1980]

Let's assume for the moment for the sake of
argument the T-Bar money was buried and we have
independent proof of that, which we don't, that still
does not require it was Cooper who did the burying, or
that it was buried at all vs thrown on shore from a
passing boat... !
[That fact was noted by the agent
and others at Vancouver-Portland in 1980]

If the Amboy chute is Cooper's that does not require
that the T-Bar money was buried!

If the Amboy chute is Cooper's
and the money
was buried, that does not require that the T-Bar
money was buried
by Cooper!

** Moreover, you have yet to give us a date when
you say Cooper buried money at Tina Bar. Was it
1971, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1980, or at 3:30pm on the
afternoon of January 10th 1980 according to Lord
Usher 1637 ?

ps: Let me throw this in for the helluvit because quite
frankly all of these conspiracy theories thrown around
here by Blevins, Knoss, Weber, etal, try to connect
distant abstract alleged factoids which no ordinary
thinking process could connect ... a central fact seems
to be being avoided! Shouldn't the money find site
itself say something about whether money was buried
or not, and by what possible means, if burying has
anything to do with this? Why are we looking at some
parachute at Amboy, some alleged death confession
in another State, .. we might just as well look at
variable stars in the Andromeda Galaxy too!

Focus on the thing itself and stop all of this conspiracy
driven bullshit which tries to connect things which can't
connect and very likely don't connect at all!

Now either Tom's Kaye Science Team generated some
core facts about the money site itself, or it didn't!
That was it's mission as mandated by the FBI.

Everything else is Gullible's Travels.

Hey Blevins, scientific analysis and logical deduction are just not your strong suit. Give it up already. In your argument above re: the Amboy chute v. T-Bar money find, once again you have confused your assumptions with fact. Georger always notices the flaws in your logic, and responds accordingly (vehemently, actually -- every frickin' time). You just keep on keepin' on, you little trooper, no matter what.

Observe how Georger laid out his argument above -- his deductions and conclusions are based on sound logical analysis. That's his thing, he's good at it. Stick with what you know -- book reviews, publishing, cleaning, Subarus, getting lost in the woods, and skin magazines (Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was the first Playboy centerfold. Even in my adolescence, I had sense enough to keep that particular issue, but I can't get the pages unstuck -- still, to this day. What's the deal with that?).


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The Tina Bar money was kept all together as a package by something that might have rotted away. My belief is that the three bundles of 20's complete with their rubber bands, were in fact the three bundles offered to the crew by DB and then the crew refused to accept them. DB in discuss (and all ready suited up with the money bag tied to him) then would have stuffed the three bundles into the paper bag he carried aboard with him and into his shirt. The blast of air in the jump could have blown the paper bag and three bundles of 20's away from DB and into the trees below. The bag could have then provided the move of the money to Tina's Bar including floating in the Columbia. With time the paper bag could have degraded to nothing leaving just the three bundles neatly stacked all together.
Possibly Bruce can verify the three packs of 20's being offered to the crew. Then what would DB have done with them when refused?

Bob Sailshaw

Well this 'anecdote' about 'the three bundles offered to the crew by DB' has always been quite convenient, but may not be true. Three bundles offered Tina vs. three bundles found at T-Bar.

I know of no record which says 3 bundles were offered
Tina, or even 'bundles' necessarily, 'just a wad of
cash' has also been quoted, and of course the further
established fact is that more than three bundles was
found by Ingram at Tina Bar, if you count each bundle
as containing $2000.00.

This internet folklore about 3-bundles has yet to catch
up to proven reality! That is why websites like this can
sit here for years _ people come and go _ and nothing
ever changes despite people doing actual research
and FBi agents with facts even coming and going!

Secondly: Possibly Bruce can verify the three packs
of 20's being offered to the crew. Then what would DB
have done with them when refused?

How? None of the crew will talk to Bruce. Flo may not
have witnessed the event. (was she already gone?)
And Tina specifically won't talk to Bruce.

And Tina never said "three bundles".

If it wasn't three bundles on either end then the whole
theory falls apart.

And you still haven't accounted for how any
money got to Tina Bar, or a method for deciding that.
The method is turning out to be as exciting and
potentially important as the money found itself, in this

First you have to prove there were 3 bundles given
Tina. That may not be easy. Then you have to prove
there were 3 bundles found at Tina Bar. That is going
to be impossible because counter proof exists. Then
you have to come up with a method that clearly
decides how money got to Tina Bar.

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Robbie Burroughs is a female FBI agent. I was going on several different articles. Some say this, others say that.

Did you see in any of those articles where these 'other experts' said anything publicly, either on their own, or through a statement by the FBI? No one even knows for sure if anyone besides Cossey examined the chute.

It's really not my place to query the Seattle FBI for a second examination of the chute by outside witnesses. They should be approached by a pro skydiving association in the Puget Sound area, not RobertM the Book Guy, who knows next to nothing about parachutes. There are some skydivers who read this thread...and some of them are local to the Issaquah or Kapowsin DZ's? Those are both USPA outfits. I think the Citizen Sleuths should be there for any examination as well. I know they WANT to. They've said so.

I know who Robbie Burroughs is. I also went by several articles, the majority of which say that the FBI had Cossey AMONG OTHERS look at the chutes, AND they came out with that statement that they had not reached a conclusion AFTER Cossey made his opinion public AND Larry Carr said in an interview with ABC news that forensic testing was being performed on the chute AFTER Cossey made his statements. I don't know how much clearer it can be.
I doubt very much that they will re-examine a chute based on your request either. Apparently they also don't feel the need to give us a blow by blow of how they determined it wasn't Coopers, but it sounds like they've examined it and case closed as far as the chute is concerned. Might not make sense but there it is. And I'm done responding on this even if you continue to post incorrect information from articles about it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.:)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Question to the skydivers out there. I'm assuming, since the dummy chute was "sewn shut", the FBI would know by looking at a chute that it was not a dummy chute. But then again, I really have no idea since I've never seen one.
Would it be reasonable to assume that a whuffo could tell a dummy chute from an operable one?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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