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Robert99 says in part:



The money location and the placard are the only two physical "facts" about the plane's location between Seattle and Portland. Yet you basically dismiss their importance because they don't fit into your scheme of how things had to happen.

Normally, investigators let the evidence speak to them. You are telling the evidence that it is not believable because you have other ideas...'

There are others Blevins besides U and myself who have read Kaye's work and DO not interpret it the WAY Robert99 does.

Have U noticed that there are only 3 guys who post regularly besides U and myself. George is the 4th, but he has NOT made much sense in a while (since none of us know him personally perhaps he has issues also as U and I are constantly accused of having - MORE LIKELY just utter frustration with the direction of the thread and the personalities of the posters). Maybe he just gave up trying to preserve the truths. U nor I have been easy to deal with.

:(In a NUTSHELL[RED] the poster atmosphere has become hostile.

I don't agree with U, but as of recent you have NOT harped on CK. Hostile posts breed hostile posts and these individual are NOT interested in the crime - THEY are here to be heard.

U and I came here (your own motive in the beginning was the same as some of the recent postings by others). You have only recently changed your mode and I do like that.

NONE of these posters - who are harping on the money find are qualified to even give an opinion.Georger is NOT part of that group, but he like the rest of us who try to deal with logic has become agitated.

There are certain posters in the thread who are here for ONLY one reason - to destroy an informational site and make it a troll site. These people only wish to agitate and cause controversary.

Robert99 - has no credentials to interpert Kaye's findings and about a YR ago Kaye made a brief appearance in the thread to straighten out some of the controversaries (such as these guys introduced) to make it clear what he was saying. It didn't work now there are TROLLS attacking his work.

This thread is NO LONGER about SOLVING this crime - IT is about who can take facts and twist them. They are TROLLS and their only goal is to destroy logical and real work done by many people over these last few yrs and leave only the twisted opinions of themselves. They have no real interest in this case being solved - all they are trying to do is confuse the facts and get individuals upset.
It is how they get their jollies off!
[:/][:/] Sad - so sad!

IN the process they have destroyed real work and personal interests most of us have regarding this case. [redThey have slowly replaced FACTS with Trivia and their own self-importance with the research of those who have been doing this for many yrs.

Per Certain individuals who have been posting - I am considered a fantasy story teller and liar and supposedly telling lies about people I have spoke with and that nothing I ever claimed happened - if I do NOT present proof and disclose on this thread my witnesses and all of my research.

Why would I do that? To cause harm to those who have trusted me with information & provided paths for me follow. Absolutely not! These trolls just need someone to bully and to control. When they picked on a 70 plus old lady who actually has lived this story for 17 yrs - the picked the wrong person!

I like many others will be moving on - because of the trolls and the constant distortion of facts. No real researcher wants to come here any more. Unfortunately some of the deliberate mis-nomers made by the trolls will become part of the History the younger generation will digest as truths. This case like others - has now been so distorted in the presentation that no one will be able to ever make a truth known.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It could have been a plant.


I for one really have a problem with the 'plant' idea, that's throwing 'hard earned' away on a maybe...I wouldn't do that.

Given the 'flight path' would it be possible for the money bag to have been inadvertently dropped from altitude & it splashing down there or upstream?

Or how about...

You're off your intended drop zone and in unfamiliar toolies. It's dark & raining, ya lost your shoes when the parachute opened, and you tweaked your ankles bad and strained your back slightly.

This isn't going to plan...survival mode kicks in.

Any boy scout would probably try to head for water...you can drink & heading downstream will always bring to civilization....Mexico maybe but eventually you'll hit something.

You find water and rest, you're getting the hell scratched out of you bopping around wet, hurt & in the dark...

What 'I' would do... fashion some footwear from anything I still had with me. Bury the money near the water in a memorable spot...and start heading south.

My bet is no matter 'how' the money that was found got there - the rest was/is not real far away undiscovered.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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It could have been a plant.


I for one really have a problem with the 'plant' idea, that's throwing 'hard earned' away on a maybe...I wouldn't do that.

Given the 'flight path' would it be possible for the money bag to have been inadvertently dropped from altitude & it splashing down there or upstream?

Or how about...

You're off your intended drop zone and in unfamiliar toolies. It's dark & raining, ya lost your shoes when the parachute opened, and you tweaked your ankles bad and strained your back slightly.

This isn't going to plan...survival mode kicks in.

Any boy scout would probably try to head for water...you can drink & heading downstream will always bring to civilization....Mexico maybe but eventually you'll hit something.

You find water and rest, you're getting the hell scratched out of you bopping around wet, hurt & in the dark...

What 'I' would do... fashion some footwear from anything I still had with me. Bury the money near the water in a memorable spot...and start heading south.

My bet is no matter 'how' the money that was found got there - the rest was/is not real far away undiscovered.

Well...hmm. Lot of suppositions there. I suppose any of them are possible. I would like to address one of them. One possible motivation for a plant is to make the FBI think you died in the jump. This would be a cheap price to pay if it worked. The alternative is forty years in prison. Also...remember he did offer Tina some of the ransom.

Tena Bar Money: Don't think about it too many hours in a row. It'll give you a headache for sure. :)

Just spit-ballin' ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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NONE of these posters - who are harping on the money find are qualified to even give an opinion.
Robert99 - has no credentials to interpert Kaye's findings and about a YR ago Kaye made a brief appearance in the thread to straighten out some of the controversaries (such as these guys introduced) to make it clear what he was saying. It didn't work now there are TROLLS attacking his work.

Jo, Please list YOUR qualifications for EVALUATING Tom Kaye's experiments and conclusions.

Also, please list YOUR qualifications for IGNORING Tom Kaye's experiments and conclusions. And that is exactly what you are doing.


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"I like many others will be moving ON"

If you can't handle "posters" on here, how do you expect to
confront the FBI? you call it hostile, I call it evidence that was
found and presented. every time you are challenged you become
another person with name calling and long posts!!

conflict, disagreements go hand in hand while getting to the bottom
of a subject, story etc. there should be no reason what so ever for you
to act the way you do.....

moving on? your not fooling anyone!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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It could have been a plant.


I for one really have a problem with the 'plant' idea, that's throwing 'hard earned' away on a maybe...I wouldn't do that.

Given the 'flight path' would it be possible for the money bag to have been inadvertently dropped from altitude & it splashing down there or upstream?

Or how about...

You're off your intended drop zone and in unfamiliar toolies. It's dark & raining, ya lost your shoes when the parachute opened, and you tweaked your ankles bad and strained your back slightly.

This isn't going to plan...survival mode kicks in.

Any boy scout would probably try to head for water...you can drink & heading downstream will always bring to civilization....Mexico maybe but eventually you'll hit something.

You find water and rest, you're getting the hell scratched out of you bopping around wet, hurt & in the dark...

What 'I' would do... fashion some footwear from anything I still had with me. Bury the money near the water in a memorable spot...and start heading south.

My bet is no matter 'how' the money that was found got there - the rest was/is not real far away undiscovered.

Well...hmm. Lot of suppositions there. I suppose any of them are possible. I would like to address one of them. One possible motivation for a plant is to make the FBI think you died in the jump. This would be a cheap price to pay if it worked. The alternative is forty years in prison. Also...remember he did offer Tina some of the ransom.

Tena Bar Money: Don't think about it too many hours in a row. It'll give you a headache for sure. :)

Blevins, Are you going to continue to use the phrase, "If the money landed in the river . . . ."?


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Well...hmm. Lot of suppositions there. I suppose any of them are possible. I would like to address one of them. One possible motivation for a plant is to make the FBI think you died in the jump. This would be a cheap price to pay if it worked. The alternative is forty years in prison. Also...remember he did offer Tina some of the ransom.

I absolutely loved the statement you made below! It was fantastic and I only know one person who would have done what Cooper did.

I can picture the face of Duane Weber when he did that. I probably have a picture somewhere of an older Weber with the expression he must have had on his face when he offered the money to her. It would have been a childlike expression - one of GLEE!

"Tena Bar Money: Don't think about it too many hours in a row. It'll give you a headache for sure. This would be a cheap price to pay if it worked. The alternative is forty years in prison. Also...remember he did offer Tina some of the ransom."
JUST had to repeat IT!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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NONE of these posters - who are harping on the money find are qualified to even give an opinion.
Robert99 - has no credentials to interpert Kaye's findings and about a YR ago Kaye made a brief appearance in the thread to straighten out some of the controversaries (such as these guys introduced) to make it clear what he was saying. It didn't work now there are TROLLS attacking his work.

Jo, Please list YOUR qualifications for EVALUATING Tom Kaye's experiments and conclusions.

Also, please list YOUR qualifications for IGNORING Tom Kaye's experiments and conclusions. And that is exactly what you are doing.


THIS is what I mean! You are a TROLL - I would never try to explain what Kaye meant by the statements he made, but YOU do inject YOUR interpertation as being what Kaye meant. Precisely what U just did with my post. U Robert99 CLAIMED you were qualified to make an interpretation and U did SO in this thread.

THIS IS TROLLING the way U present your opinions and attack others who U know are NOT projecting an opinion about the statement of KAYE. WHEN I do I am very explicit and separate what is said from what I think and I usually QUALIFY my opinion.... with I think, but I do NOT judge what Kaye said NOR do I twist what KAYE SAID in the manner in which U and others have done.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, I'm not trying to make your life miserable, but facts are facts!

just be ready for the new age of computer geeks!!!

I think the moderator and the DZ would consider your post above not only inappropriate, but a threat.

The OLD original DZ owners & moderators would have addressed the post above made by Mrshutter immediately. Never has the Cooper thread been allowed to get this far out of hand!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, I'm not trying to make your life miserable, but facts are facts!

just be ready for the new age of computer geeks!!!

I think the moderator and the DZ would consider your post above not only inappropriate, but a threat.

The OLD original DZ owners & moderators would have addressed the post above made by Mrshutter immediately. Never has the Cooper thread been allowed to get this far out of hand!

this is exactly how you misread things Jo! where is the
threat in those two sentences?

do you even know what that means? you are amazing to say the least Jo!

Denial: which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. ring a bell?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, I'm not trying to make your life miserable, but facts are facts!

just be ready for the new age of computer geeks!!!

I think the moderator and the DZ would consider your post above not only inappropriate, but a threat.

The OLD original DZ owners & moderators would have addressed the post above made by Mrshutter immediately. Never has the Cooper thread been allowed to get this far out of hand!

Same owners Jo, same moderator too - but it's skydiving season, Quade is jumping!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Robert99 says in part:



The money location and the placard are the only two physical "facts" about the plane's location between Seattle and Portland. Yet you basically dismiss their importance because they don't fit into your scheme of how things had to happen.

Normally, investigators let the evidence speak to them. You are telling the evidence that it is not believable because you have other ideas...'

No. One of those pieces of evidence, the placard, we can agree probably helps establish a portion of the flight path.

The money does NOT, because it cannot be established for certain that this money fell out of the sky to that location. You cannot say that without being able to prove that's how it arrived there. It could have been a plant. Either is possible. No one really knows at this point. This is why I said it would answer a lot of questions if someone ever discovers just ONE more piece of evidence on the ground that can be linked to the hijacker. It might even be better as evidence if it wasn't more of the money. Something else entirely perhaps.

Yakety Yak - dont talk back!

If nature obeyed your laws, there wouldnt be Life in
the Universe, quite literally.

You need t go back to Kindergarten and figure a few
things out - and stop fighting the teachers!

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Jo, I'm not trying to make your life miserable, but facts are facts!

just be ready for the new age of computer geeks!!!

I think the moderator and the DZ would consider your post above not only inappropriate, but a threat.

The OLD original DZ owners & moderators would have addressed the post above made by Mrshutter immediately. Never has the Cooper thread been allowed to get this far out of hand!

Same owners Jo, same moderator too - but it's skydiving season, Quade is jumping!

Jo has just defined her whole case.

It is based on Privilege.

Maybe that fits a lot of peoples hereo, trying to wedge
their fables through the eye of a needle, then bitching
when their nose gets twisted and bloody ?Whose fault
is it? Dr, Spock's?


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Yakety Yak - dont talk back!

If nature obeyed your laws, there wouldnt be Life in
the Universe, quite literally.

You need t go back to Kindergarten and figure a few
things out - and stop fighting the teachers!

Try to be nice - Blevins is trying to keep low key about KC and his book and his company. At least his post have been better quality than Meyer and Mrshutter recently....and he is trying to be objective. U my sweet BABOON have not made many quality post lately - what is wrong? U used to be a great source of information.

Why do you not go to bat for Kaye? U know that the opinions stated do NOT reflect what Kaye was stating nor what he was trying to interject into the mix.
U know Kaye - perhaps U could get him to make a simple short statement explaining his statement about the one yr condition of the money - so it will not continued to be battered upon.

He needs to gear the language for Trolls and Geeks and help bring them down before they trash his research to pieces. I realize he is NOT part of this, but he did invest a lot of time and money - and his words need to be defended...and perhaps explained a little more so others will grasp the meanings he intended.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo has just defined her whole case.

It is based on Privilege.

Maybe that fits a lot of peoples hereo, trying to wedge
their fables through the eye of a needle, then bitching
when their nose gets twisted and bloody ?Whose fault
is it? Dr, Spock's?


Hey Sweetie - I might get a little disjointed once in a while, but I stay in the saddle - haven't been throw off the horse yet! As for wedging fables - NOT hardly. Did you read about Camino? Did you read about the beginning of the smoke jumpers? Did you even note or try to read between the lines - that I also KNOW much more than what I put on the thread? A lot of pieces have fallen into place - enough that the FBI will GET that letter I hesitated to send with PHOTOS!

U have NO idea what is coming down or is going to happen. U are concerned JO did make a link she WAS not supposed to make.

I won't do anything to damage the memory of any one person. He did the RIGHT things and was NOT responsible for actions outside of his watch. He was admired and did what was right. He will not be part of this sordid story about a wayward young man. If you had opened your damn emails to me I would not have had to post this in forum. Remember I talk in riddles and I am off my rocker so who would believe me anyway.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Decided to delete this one. Some comments don't deserve a response.

'If you can't be an example, serve as a warning...'
(From an article about Lindsay Lohan)

deserve ??? Lohan?

"wage earner sheeple", ?

Kenny Christiansen was DB Cooper ?

Yakety Yak. Dont step back.

(words & music by george weiss - hugo peretti - luigi
creatore, sung by Elvis Presley & Lindsay Lohan)

Wise men say
only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you


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"I like many others will be moving on"


denial at it's best"

I would be Tom Cruise...
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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*Obvious baiting* posted above courtesy of Georger. :S

Robert: *yawn*

Sorry, the fish aren't biting today. While you are waiting, perhaps some reading to pass the time?

how can I bait: WITH YOUR OWN WORDS! ????

They are YOUR words and concepts. Not mine!

Are you denying your own words again?

Why dont you like your own words played back to you?
You wrote them.


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*Obvious baiting* posted above courtesy of Georger. :S

Robert: *yawn*

Sorry, the fish aren't biting today. While you are waiting, perhaps some reading to pass the time?

Current posting stats for last 12 month period break down as follows:

Blev & Jo share fully +50% of all posts, with Blev at
~22% and Jo at ~28% ! The thread is being run by
Blevins and Weber based on actual stats of postings
during the last twelve months.

Blev and Jo also hold the most posts per day at
3.3ppd Blevins and 3.8ppd Jo Weber.

Georger comes in a distant third about 15% of all
posts in the last 12 months at the rate of 2.6ppd.

Here is the breakdown:

Blevins: 22%, ~3.3ppd
Weber: 28%, ~3.8ppd

Georger: 15%, 2.6 ppd
Shutter: 9%, 2.3 ppd
Robt99: 9%, 1.7 ppd
377: 15%, 2.1 ppd

There it is.

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*Obvious baiting* posted above courtesy of Georger. :S

Robert: *yawn*

Sorry, the fish aren't biting today. While you are waiting, perhaps some reading to pass the time?

'If you can't be an example, serve as a warning...'
(From an article about Lindsay Lohan)

how can I bait: WITH YOUR OWN WORDS! ????

They are YOUR words and concepts. Not mine!

Are you denying your own words again?

Why dont you like your own words played back to you?
You wrote them.


I tried to understand your post, but it mostly sounded like this.

'If you can't be an example, serve as a warning...'
(From an article about Lindsay Lohan)

Here you go Lindsay -

Current posting stats for last 12 month period break down as follows:

Blev & Jo share fully +50% of all posts, with Blev at
~22% and Jo at ~28% ! The thread is being run by
Blevins and Weber based on actual stats of postings
during the last twelve months.

Blev and Jo also hold the most posts per day at
3.3ppd Blevins and 3.8ppd Jo Weber.

Georger comes in a distant third about 15% of all
posts in the last 12 months at the rate of 2.6ppd.

Here is the breakdown:

Blevins: 22%, ~3.3ppd
Weber: 28%, ~3.8ppd

Georger: 15%, 2.6 ppd
Shutter: 9%, 2.3 ppd
Robt99: 9%, 1.7 ppd
377: 15%, 2.1 ppd

There it is.

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I tried to understand your post, but it mostly sounded like this. :S

I can't believe you actually took the time to break down 'posts-per-day' in a rather lame effort to establish that someone 'runs' this forum. It's a public forum, none of the people you listed are the moderators, and anyone can post anytime they want. No one 'runs' this place except the owners of the site.

However, the vast majority of your PPD's lately have been well...let's just say 'non-productive,' maybe 'melodramatic,' possibly even juvenile? Your cut-and-pastes from websites hosting the lyrics to songs where we all know the words anyway? Lame. If you do this, does this mean I get to post up a song, too?

Sure, ABSOLUTELY post up a song.

At least it would be a real-world experience from
you for a change, as opposed to your regular menu of
made up straw men and other nonfactual editorials
passing as Noble Prize winning super-intelligence!.

As for the stats they are what they are. They also
address your previous complaints that "I" am doing
all the posting in this thread steering it into oblivion,
since I guess only RobertMBlevins knows "the right
path" this forum should take, which is: his way or the

I know you don't like math or actual data on anything!
SciFi and circus vendettae are your game. Sorry.

The stats are real whether you like it or not!

Here they are again since you saw fit to actually delete them out intentionally in your reply.

Current posting stats for last 12 month period break down as follows:

Blev & Jo share fully +50% of all posts, with Blev at
~22% and Jo at ~28% ! The thread is being run by
Blevins and Weber based on actual stats of postings
during the last twelve months.

Blev and Jo also hold the most posts per day at
3.3ppd Blevins and 3.8ppd Jo Weber.

Georger comes in a distant third about 15% of all
posts in the last 12 months at the rate of 2.6ppd.

Here is the breakdown:

Blevins: 22%, ~3.3ppd
Weber: 28%, ~3.8ppd

Georger: 15%, 2.6 ppd
Shutter: 9%, 2.3 ppd
Robt99: 9%, 1.7 ppd
377: 15%, 2.1 ppd

There it is.


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*Looks around the room*

How about it? Okay. There is some approval I think. So here's my song contribution. Fair is fair you know:

***The Ballad of K.P. Christiansen

(sing to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies)

Let me tell ya all a story ‘bout a man named Ken
Slavin' on an airline, hardly makin’

You couldnt even post a real-world song!

Had to borrow somebody else's!

Just as Gray, Jo, and others predicted!

Play it again Sham Wow.

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You really should get back to Cooper and leave off with this fixation you have on me. It's getting you nowhere.

'If you can't be an example, serve as a warning...'
(From an article about Lindsay Lohan

The fixation is clearly yours and Jo Weber's!
The stats prove it.

Yes. Why don't you and Jo Weber let this thread get
back to Cooper.


Here they are again since you saw fit to actually delete them again intentionally out of your reply.

Current posting stats for last 12 month period
break down as follows:

Blev & Jo share fully +50% of all posts, with Blev at
~22% and Jo at ~28% ! The thread is being run by
Blevins and Weber based on actual stats of postings
during the last twelve months.

Blev and Jo also hold the most posts per day at
3.3ppd Blevins and 3.8ppd Jo Weber.

Georger comes in a distant third about 15% of all
posts in the last 12 months at the rate of 2.6ppd.

Here is the breakdown:

Blevins: 22%, ~3.3ppd
Weber: 28%, ~3.8ppd

Georger: 15%, 2.6 ppd
Shutter: 9%, 2.3 ppd
Robt99: 9%, 1.7 ppd
377: 15%, 2.1 ppd

There it is.

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What the heck! Don't U have anything better to do?:)

Last wk I had 2 nights of HELL! HUGE BonFire next door. Just kept the doors closed and my mouth shut.
The the following NITE another bigger Bon Fire and smoke in my house!
Called the fire dept and the police. I had fell asleep on the couch with my sliding door open and the people next door built another BON FIRE (not just a pit fire). They burned TRASH - the ashes were flying all over (lots of paper). These lots are less than a quarter of an acre. Very small lots and the houses very close together.

IT was 3PM the next day before I could breath. That afternoon another neighbor was in touch with me. They had confronted the offender about the fire (while the fire dept was there) and her husband missed a day of work because of the smoke.

Well it was a quiet wk and we thought because the fire dept and the police dept had been out last wk the neighbor would understand we didn't do those kinds of things around here.

Well, it started again tonight - at first the fire was like a pit fire, but after I asked them to put it out - they must have FED it trash and they GOT really loud (only about 16 ft from my bedroom).
I step out on to my screened porch and couldn't breath. I saw the fire and asked them to put it out since my screened in porch is inside of my house walls and under my roof. Only one side is screened - 2 sides are walls are bdrms and the back wall is glass windows into the living area. There are 2 skywindows on the porch area.

Well it was filled with smoke! I came inside and called the fire dept - WELL, seems like there is NOTHING I can do. I am allergic to smoke, perfume, after-shave and most deordorizers....and even though we have convenants others did NOT want to form the association - so these neighbors can do ANYTHING they want as long as there is a NO burn warning out. The neighborhood consist of 17 homes - in a closed cul-de-sac and most of us have been her for yrs. Less than 1/4 acre lots.

The fire dept told me they had NO jurisdiction and the deputies came twice and told me the same thing. Asked if there was someplace else I could go - I just looked at them - I have lived here in peace for 13 yrs & now I am supposed to go else where while the punks burn down my house and smoke it up and make loud noises until 2 P.M.

I am doing a letter for the neighbors and putting them on their door. They didn't want to form the association because they didn't want to pay dues.
There are covenants and restriction (too many) but without an association we cannot inforce them.

Well, it will be pay dues or pay for me a room away from the area everytime these KIDS burn trash and party all night! There are at least 3 unrelated people living in the house and a 7 yr old child. I think there is a 4th adult also but my house is L shaped so I don't pay much attention toward that end of the street. LOTS of cars -and the person who was affected by not being able to back out of his driveway was the ONE who demanded NO ASSOCIATION. The covenants are recorded, but certain others in the neighbohood didn't even care about the insurance & liability on the lights and fixtures

I just looked at the officers from the floor of the kitchen which was the only place away from the noise other than in the computer room...and said "I have been here for 13 yrs - just what am I supposed to do. I am 73 and and I own my home and NOW I can't live here because of SMOKE and NOISE till 3 AM in the mornings. THEY said they cannot do ANYTHING! Both the fire dept and the officers CANNOT do anything - because there is no association to enforce the covenants. WHAT a mess!

After the fire dept left - they got louder and built the fire BIGGER!
I step out and asked them to please cut the fire down - THEY laughed and laughed - so I called the police dept back, but I didn't feel it would do any good for them to go back over there as the 1st time only encited them to be more agressive. I cannot go thru this every weekend.

I can't sleep because I am coughing - takes a few hours after exposure for my lungs to clear out as it sets up the allergic ractions like certain perfumes, aftershaves and allergen do.

Yrs ago DATING was a joke and people who knew me made bets on HOW long it would take me to leave a location when certain element presented themselves.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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