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georger 247
QuoteQuoteQuoteBlevins said:
MeyerLouie: You are whining. Both you and Georger must share responsibility for driving posters away. Don't you think viewers want to hear from everyone? The Cooper case is not solved, and things presented DO need to be challenged. It's the only way you'll ever get to the truth.
....Driving off people makes more space available, of course.... _________________________________________________
You, Blevins, take up almost 25% of the time here (so much of your stuff is irrelevant, outlandish, and ridiculous in premise and conclusion), and you have the audacity to say Georger and I are the problem.
Not only that, you and somebody else are hogging more than 50% of the forum time here (quantity, not quality). Now that's what's really driving people away. If you two were experts, credible, and confident in your statements and conclusions, then I wouldn't mind the millions of paragraphs that you both produce. But that ain't what's happenin'.
I always find it amazing you do a wholesale reply to everybody -- Georger, Robert99, Me, and others.... making sure to reply to each one in a single post. No one else does that, or has to do that, Venom Magnet.
You're making a total ass of yourself. First time in your life you've had this much attention -- is that it?
Robert replies: In case you haven't noticed lately, one of the reasons the percentages of 'who posts' are higher is because less people are participating.
And you are wrong about my contributions to this thread, although like everyone else around here, I have occasionally gone off topic.
What have I contributed? Well...I'm the first one around here who got an outside (non-media) interview with Marla Cooper, for example. It was published both here at DZ and at Newsvine.
Made a reasonably nice video on last year's Ariel celebration. One which YOU participated in heavily.
I researched out more than thirty articles from media sources and quoted from many of them to demonstrate the FBI's flaws in handling the investigation on the chute found in Amboy.
I spent six months correcting small errors and contacting people (for final verification of their testimony) to create the report we sent the Seattle FBI on Kenny Christiansen. This included the scanning and blowing up of more than sixteen separate images and documents, most of which have been seen here. Then I released a public version of the report on our website, on Dropzone, as well as Facebook and Twitter. Amazingly, almost nobody asked specific questions about points it made. They simply dismissed it, mostly with poor manners. But that was only on this thread. I get emails with questions on it all the time.
I did heavy research on one Bernard Wayne Geestman, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he has repeatedly lied about his friendship with Kenny Christiansen, as well as involvement in Christiansen's post-hijacking-date finances.
I continue to make the book available free for the Amazon Kindle from time to time, mostly in a hope that someone, somewhere will know something and come forward. Not to somehow 'prove' KC was Cooper, but to find out the full truth about him one way or another. familiarize them with the case on the chance they will know something important that might help solve the case. To date, I have allowed more than 6,000 free copies to go out. If I were being paid for those copies, it would total more than $12,000. I also declined the $2,500 from History Channel and another $1,000 from Comcast Sports via Adrenaline Hunter. This proves without a doubt that my interest in the case is NOT about greed, or money, but the truth.
One thing I have NOT done: Claimed that I was absolutely sure KC was the hijacker. I just presented the available evidence, which was basically ignored on this thread even though I provided contact information on most of the witnesses.
I did a three-part article (illustrated) on Cooperland in general. And even though some people here resented a few of the implications presented in that article, I saw it as the truth. Those are just some of the contributions that you offhandedly call 'irrelevant, outlandish, and ridiculous in premise and conclusion...'.
Google Analytics tells me that many people view this thread as a result of clicking on a link at our website, or from articles I've done where this thread is linked into the article. Most probably don't want to discuss the case, but just see what's being said. When they see insults and fighting, they probably go elsewhere. In reality, I draw a lot of people to this thread, at least to read it.
Meanwhile...(back at the ranch)...every time I posted up anything, no matter how Cooper-related, both you (to a smaller extent) and Georger (really BIG extent) busied yourselves with insult-laden responses while mostly ignoring the issues. Before you try to dodge that one, go back and examine Georger's last fifty replies to anything I have posted that is Cooper-related. It is not I who has driven people away (possible exception of Marla Cooper) but you and Georger. In fact, it was only a week or so before when Georger went so far over the top that he spoke of taking a self-imposed vacation.
Few people here believe in working together toward a common goal, i.e the truth regarding Cooper. These folks have personal issues against other posters that really have nothing to do with the Cooper case. Some think they are smarter than everyone else, or that everyone else except themselves is dumb. I never assume this about people. In fact, even when Georger has been at his worst, when he makes a good point I say so. Not only that, but occasionally I post that he's made excellent contributions to the case, even when he insults me. I also try not to respond with insults, although I have occasionally failed on this one. But I do try.
No one here is better than anyone else.
Everyone has a right to post as long as they obey forum rules.
I don't make the rules.
I don't own the website.
I try to bring up KC only when I feel it is necessary, or someone asks a question.
I am not afraid to state my opinion on a theory. Like BK, for example. Frankly, I think he needs help and I don't believe a single word of his story. Not one word.
No one person is to blame for the existence of any problems, or any drop in traffic to the thread. That responsibility must be shared by anyone who has put personalities and emotional issues before the study of the case. There is no single 'scapegoat' here. It was a community effort all the way.
I rest my case..............
Yes. When I read this contrivance of his above I
thought: "somebody has a screw lose! is there any
doubt we have been dealing with a 2nd Jo Weber?'
The deadly duo - Blevins & Weber. The Cooper Curse
in full bloom.
Geoff Gray was right!
Earth as we knew it has been destroyed.

Quote. You were once quite certain that Duane had annotated a library book about DB Cooper. The real DBC would not have done that, but a wannabe or con artist sure might have.
Realize Max's book was the first time I learned the name used by Cooper was DAN Cooper. The notations in the book margin were in pencil and printed. Yes, I thougt it was Duane's and the girl that WORKED for him also was sure it was his. When I analyzed this with the thread - it was evident that Duane made his a's differently - I have looked thru EVERY - thing I have that Duane ever wrote and with the help of the thread - both ANNE and I were wrong!
That has been admitted in the thread and it was the first time anyone ever helped me study the handwriting. The book was the ONLY book in the library about Cooper and how I ended up with that one.
If Duane "WANTED" to decieve me he would NOT have told me he was DAN Cooper. He would have said D.B.Cooper and he would have put a new article or some other item in the safe deposit box or in the van or in the house.
Bragging rights do not count if the subject has no knowledge of what you are bragging about!
Maybe Duane was setting up a con to have someone invest to share in the "buried Cooper loot". A con job about Norjack fits Duane's profile far more than does his planning and successfully executing this innovative crime.
Mark What U said above does NOT fit the man I was married to at ALL! Duane was spontaneous with his action - never planned out. Go back and read the stories about Duane and his thefts...He always did stupid things that got him caught, but I can assure you there were many more incidents in which HE did NOT get caught.
Cooper was never caught and Duane just got lucky. When I read the silly things he did that always got him caught - WELL, that also explains the money ending up on Tena's bar. I will assure you there was more than one placement of money in WA.
That one just happens to be the only one that ever showed up.
Whatever he did across from the PDX - well that just ended up in the bottom of the Columbia. He sure as hell spend some time down there on the river out of my site for some damn reason and he had a shovel and he popped the trunk so I never saw what he took to the river.
Believe me if I am living U are going to eat that crow - let's make it buzzard! No beer or wine or anything to wash it down.
Buzzards live off of ROAD KILL!
QuoteJo wrote:
Well, U guys have gone every which way but right - so why not give this one a try?
Is this one of your "assignments" Jo? If I don't follow up and do some digging and research it as you think it ought to be researched, will you start yelling? Here's another possibility: why don't you research it -- check the train schedules around Portland and Vancouver on 11/24/71, then get back to us.
Sorry if my poor choice of words alienates anyone. I asked two individuals to try to find maps of the area I described - NOT just one.
Seems like a few of U are pretty touchy lately
With my capabilities I was unable to even open up the maps of the rails that Blevins posted. Sorry - I did come to this thread yrs ago for the purpose of asking for help. Snowmman was really good and so is 377.
SO anyone who can find maps of the areas I posted several pages back and any information about the logging tower just East of Heisson. Please do - I am fighting time elements recently.
NOT one of you wanted to explore the rails subject and that is the SAME reaction I got the other times I meantioned it.
Georger -

If I remember correctly you had a theory Cooper if he survived went to an easterly route and then south. I think I know why Georger thought that, but it will be for him to make the topic part of the thread. I was under the impression the terrain in that area would have been very difficult in Nov. of 1971.
I came across a little bit of information that indicated that also, but I had NOTHING to go on. What I did have was Duane's stories about the train and I felt that was the route he took was right back at them then connected to a train Eastward bound. Years ago we played with this, but did NOT dig very deeply with maps or pictures of the terrain nor an explanation how he would have gotten out of the area or have planted transportation.
None of us were with Cooper and all I have are stories Weber told me about the guys and the area.
This has gone on so long that I do have some false memories as of recent or I think they are false. After 17 yrs - the line between what I know and what I have been exposed to is a very fine.
....I am the only reason a movie was NOT done in 2004 - I chose to continue my search until I felt confident about what I did know and to learn more....
I have never followed an outline forf anything in my life. It is my down-fall and my life is spontaneous....but orderly within my mind. At 73 yrs of age that is NOT going to change!
If someone here wants to start an out line - then with the information I have provide it could be done, but NOT by me.
Therein lies your problem, Jo. You've stated very clearly the vicious cycle you are in. Maybe it's time to start an outline and try to get your thoughts and research in some kind of order. You want someone to do the oultine for you (I'll believe that one when I see it), you want the forum to solve your problems and follow-up on your research, but I don't think it's going to happen, Jo. That's your job, no one else's.
QuoteThank You Robert Blevins for how well you handle that and hopefully helped some of these young squirt understand what I was trying to say. I agree with everything U said in the post which I am repeating below.
Thank YOU very very much!QuoteOn the subject of prison time TODAY vs prison time BACK THEN:
It's difficult to generalize on this subject because court hearings, judges, and 'The System' have undergone changes and attitudes over the decades.
For example, they used to hang people for stealing a horse.
A better example might be tax evasion, which these days can result in prison, but for smaller offenses often results in fines and liens. They used to put people away for years on that one.
Going up in front of a judge (decades ago) without a decent lawyer often meant the perpetrator was going to prison in a quick-fast New York hurry. These days, they plea-bargain out so many cases that even a public defender can usually cut you a deal. The system is not what it used to be.
Back in the 40's and 50's judges took a dim view of anyone with a bad military record and any type of criminal history. These days, a car thief might appear in court four or five times for the same offense before he gets anything beyond county jail time. At one time cocaine was actually legal. Today, if you get caught manufacturing crack or meth, they might give you twenty or thirty years. It's hard to generalize America's court and prison system, but I think Jo is correct in saying that back in the 40's and 50's it wasn't that hard to end up in prison for what today might be considered a minor offense. Overcrowding was not as big a problem as now, and one of the reasons the system has grown as large as it has today is because it requires a certain number of provided bodies (inmates) to justify both its existence and increases in funding.
I'm going to go along with Jo when she says forgery could have easily resulted in Duane going away for more than a month or two.
So, let me see if I've got this straight. The two people who post up over 50% of the posts here are now pattin' each other on the back and even repeating the other's posts -- as if they don't already take up enough air time here already. It's isn't enough to just hog the show, now one sees fit to repeat, verbatim, the other's post -- for no other reason that to do just that -- repeat it. Amazing!
QuoteThank You Robert Blevins for how well you handle that and hopefully helped some of these young squirt understand what I was trying to say.
So far, Jo, you have had interesting names for guys who haven't been around here as long as you have. You've manged to call us "rookies," "newbies," "young squirts", and other names. How about "green horn"? That's a good one for anyone who ever done any fishing on a boat out of Dutch Harbor, Alaska (that's what they called me when I did that). I have found your labels to be a bit condescending. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that being around here for years doesn't automatically mean one has made a lot of progress or one knows everything there is to know about the case or one has the unwritten right to take up 28% of the air time here. Maybe I'm wrong -- maybe there's a pecking order here based on seniority.
If so, what, oh Wise Elder, must I do to become "Cooper Royalty"? I thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
Blevins said:
"...but you'd only whine about going off-topic regarding Cooper, and call it political.
Okay Blevins, I'm going off topic. You have quoted Elvis. My question: Are you quoting the young, energetic, vivacious Elvis, or are you quoting the old, fat, drug-addicted Elvis?
mrshutter45 21
she has been asked to do this way back in the thread by many.
she doesn't feel showing documentation (actual documents) is a factor either.
but you can bet she will ask for it if she see's something out of the norm!
"What was the DATE the two guys escaped from the prison farm?
What was the name of the other guy. Remember I have NEVER seen that article - just what some wrote here - I neve saw the actual articles."
#1 needs an actual police rap sheet showing all of his arrests.
#2 a proper time line explaining his prison ventures.
#3 needs to show actual prison records like she did with the canon prison photo.
I understand some records are not in detail, but how am I to believe that a Duane Weber shown born 4 years earlier is in fact her Duane, or that John C Collins from different "native" state at 201 lbs is actually her Duane Weber.
as she states herself....... I have NEVER seen that article - just what some wrote here - I never saw the actual articles.
End of "story"
interesting reads here...... pages 13,14....same old Jo with attacks an BK in the witness protection program.....what a crock.....;post=2540834;page=13;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;
Robert99 50
QuoteI don't see where my signature for posts has to do with anything regarding the Cooper case.
Then why do you include it?
Quote"QuoteBlevins said:
"...but you'd only whine about going off-topic regarding Cooper, and call it political.
Okay Blevins, I'm going off topic. You have quoted Elvis. My question: Are you quoting the young, energetic, vivacious Elvis, or are you quoting the old, fat, drug-addicted Elvis?
I don't see where my signature for posts has to do with anything regarding the Cooper case.
Actually it does Blevins -- look at your quote, look at how you conduct yourself on this forum, then look for the underlying meaning that I was intending. I wasn't trying to bait you. There'll be a quiz later.
georger 247
And you are quoting Geoff Gray again...falsely. This is the REAL problem, isn't it? You can't stand it that I quoted your comments to him for verification, and then he denied saying them. I still have his email on this. Ever since I caught you dead to rights on that, you haven't been the same. Well, too bad. Don't make up stuff and then cram it into other peoples' mouths and you won't get called out on it.
You said the same thing about Mike Simmons!
Nothing has changed as far as Gray's comments to
me about you are concerned except now we have
spoken about you "twice" due to your ongoing
manifesto here at DZ.
Gray told me he hadn't sent you any email at all
except for "5-word" (quick as possible) replies on one
or two occasions. Gray says he has no working
relationship "of any kind" with you - period. And Gray
says specifically: "Blevins is just making trouble".
The problem is yours in any event, Mr Blevins, and
never had anything to do with me. You are the
one who has swept all kinds of people into your
various Manifestos and claims and accusations not
just here but in all kinds of places and venues!
Sluggo was correct. you are a legend in your own

Get help.
(we all know in advance you won't!) So play it again,
Sham Wow. You are a troll .... with nothing.
377 22
My dad was homeless during the Great Depression and rode freight trains. He was saved by enrolling in FDR's CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps. FDR was only slightly less revered than God in my Dad's eyes. He told me that to board a freight train succesfully it had to be going no faster than you could run. He said guys were killed trying to grab onto freight cars that were moving faster than they were and got flung under.
You had to match the speed, grab on and hoist yourself aboard, a very dangerousl operation. Also you had to find an open car, or a flat car or something you could lie down or sit on. It did no good to get aboard a ladder at the end of a closed car where you might have to hang on for many hours. You needed to get inside a car. He said you cold climb on top of closed boxcars and walk on top, but there were no handrails up there and irt was too easy to fall off on a movinmg train on a rough roadbed.
Most freight trains do not follow strict schedules like passenger trains do. It's hit and miss.
What are the chances that Cooper would find a train at the right place, the right time, going the right speed and with an open car that he could board?
Pretty slim I'd say.
As for handcars or pump cars as you call them, read this:
Handcars began their decline in 1910 when the motorized speeder car saw widespread use. The problem with handcars was that by the time the crew pumped to the location they were physically worn out. The motorized cars moved faster and required fewer men to operate.
In 1911 Union Pacific retired the handcar from branch line service in Western Nebraska. Branch line track sections typically covered 10 miles, nearly twice that of mainline sections. Immediate labor savings became apparent. Between 1910 and 1915 the pace of handcar retirement could be compared to the pace of steam locomotive retirements in the late 1940's, early 1950's.
One interesting development was various companies offered conversion kits to convert handcars into motorized vehicles. The pump handle was removed and replaced with an engine and the various parts needed to proprel the car.
By 1920 most handcars had been replaced by motorized cars. Sheffield and Kalamazoo continued to advertise the cars in their catalog into World War II, but few were probably sold. Some handcars were left around yards and there are stories from railroaders into the 1970's of handcars relegated to corners of engine maintenance facility shops, only to be taken out for an occasional quick back and forth fun run in the yard.
The chances of a handcar being in use on an active rail line in 1971 was tiny.
Your attacks on people and reason began two weeks after you landed here at Dropzone and that was now years ago. Your first attack was upon Sluggo ... and you are still at it as per your b.s. above.
You've cleared the thread. What more do you want?
A Gold Medal from 377 and Quade?
*Im just glad SA Larry Carr wasn't here to go through
your Inquisition! You would have had him out of here
in three days!
You own Dropzone and you're welcome to it. Good luck
Robert M "King Kong" Blevins.
ps: Hey Blevins! Pull your head out of your ass and
turn on the TV ? Breaking news in Boston in case
you 5th Wave Revolutionaries don;t know! Fodder for more RMB articles here and at Newsvine.
Wage Earner Sheeple depend on you!
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