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Today, we've got a handful of folks (like 2) trying to force a square peg into a round hole -- and they're taking up way too much air time (like 53%) trying to do it. It's ridiculous, some of the quality people have left because of it.


I did my exploring with everyone else and followed all of the theories. Now we have "others" since I am susposed to be nice who needle everything I say and drive it into the ground...asking me for proof and forgetting or simply not caring why I came here in the first place. If these individual leave me alone I don't have to continue to harp on a specific subject. With Trolls and Geeks it is all about the number of posts - not the quality!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Weber was the one who kept them on track with the actual details in the books and the media - some of the guys could really screw up the facts pretty badly! I am the one who kept a lot of them on track with facts from the books and didn't let the false stories some of them recited to become part of the Cooper story!


There would have been NO Cooper thread if It was not for Jo Weber. All of the other threads on the subject all failed in a short period of time as did the one before this on. I have tried to keep out the smart off the all remarks such as have been thrown at me by Meyer and Shutter.

I was the only reason SafeCrack was here. I was here before Sluggo, I came for help and I listened and I told my side, but then the trolls came aboard and I had to make unnecessary posts. Carr - gave a lot of MIS-information and some very incorrect information. He created things like the Comic connection from what another poster commented about - and EVEN made it part of the FBI web site.

Not able to keep up with all of the misnomers now - too many gray hairs and missing gray matter.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There would have been NO Cooper thread if It was not for Jo Weber. All of the other threads on the subject all failed in a short period of time as did the one before this on. I have tried to keep out the smart off the all remarks such as have been thrown at me by Meyer and Shutter.

I was the only reason SafeCrack was here. I was here before Sluggo, I came for help and I listened and I told my side, but then the trolls came aboard and I had to make unnecessary posts. Carr - gave a lot of MIS-information and some very incorrect information. He created things like the Comic connection from what another poster commented about - and EVEN made it part of the FBI web site.

Not able to keep up with all of the misnomers now - too many gray hairs and missing gray matter.

[ree-ply & 4 ply}}

Total nonsense and fabrication.

Three Cooper forums existed prior to you here at
Dropzone and YOU were not on any of them. You
made the rounds of others forums and posting
inquiries there from time to time prior to this thread.
(Your posts are still there).

Of the three Cooper threads open elsewhere
without you before this thread existed, two of
those are still alive - technically. One of those could
be reactivated tomorrow with one email! A second and
a third wait, unused. SafecrackingPLF wasn't on any
of those! Snowmman and Sluggo etal were.

What gave THIS Dropzone thread life was SA Ckret
coming here. Others came here due to that, not
because of YOU!

So much for your fabricated self-serving account of
Cooper thread history.

A number of people have been researching Cooper for
years long before you even had surfaced with Duane!
Sluggo being one of those. SafeCrackingPLF wasn't
even born yet! Had there been an internet back then
there undoubtedly would have been threads back
then, years before you even existed ...

There were channels of communication between
entities during the pre-internet years but none of that
was public.

In relative terms Jo, you are a recent arrival!

Play it again, Sham Wow.

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Jo, yes you started this thread, and yes you started the name calling of "troll" just 12 pages into it.
If you are trying to be some sort of role model, I suggest you tone down on the name calling, and
try and explain things.

this seems to be a pattern with you, if you want to be credible, it's not going to happen acting out
in the manor you have chosen. nobody is perfect, and nobody gets everything right, this includes
you as well. you have chosen not to reveal things, so expect to be under the magnifying glass.
that's the way it is, and it has always been that way......
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Three Cooper forums existed prior to you here at
Dropzone and YOU were not on any of them. You made the rounds of others forums and posting inquiries there from time to time prior to this thread.
(Your posts are still there).

Of the three Cooper threads open elsewhere without you before this thread existed, two of
those are still alive - technically. One of those could be reactivated tomorrow with one email! A second and a third wait, unused. !
Sluggo being one of those. SafeCrackingPLF wasn't
even born yet! Had there been an internet back then
there undoubtedly would have been threads back
then, years before you even existed ...

You are going back to a time prior to my having a computer in 2000. I did not come to the DZ until 2004 if I remember correctly. One thread (not a Cooper thread) helped me open the one before this and it was crashed early on by a lot of weird postings. Then Quade opened this one with a severe warning to everyone with the 1st post!

In the archives are lots of old Cooper posts that never got to first base - I haven't looked to see if they are still there or not.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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it's a slow process, with all the added software it's just not a plug n play kind of deal.
the weather system is very complex, I'm still learning how to use it and get the correct
data to respond. when i'm not doing that I am practicing the flight path. it's not easy to
follow what someone else did. every turn, altitude change etc. plus the fact of me being
the pilot, co-pilot and engineer at the same time is tricky itself ;)

but a lot of forward motion is moving along, but still will take time for completion. I will
be putting another video together explaining more details soon.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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There were a couple of short lived threads on other forums (not the DZ) and I didn't have a clue what I was doing - I was just looking for information.

Blevins say he spoke to the FBI.
Well, I spoke to the FBI 3 times since the 1st of the yr. The case is CLOSED and they are doing no more investigating into the matter.

1. January - Confront with Spokane record
2. March - Case is ClOSED Agent of record.
3. April (today) Case is CLOSED.

NO more investigating into the case.

Another party calls FBI today and then emails me - was told CASE CLOSED! The party was asked if they were connected to JO & the DZ group.

I had NOTHING to do with this party contacting the FBI. My call had nothing to do with the other party.

ODD set of co-incidences I guess!

I had found some old records regarding something I had been working on. but what I had found would NOT put Weber on the plane! I had spent most of the day on the phone and the computer with WA. State. Old forestry records and rail records.
Something I found GOT my attention - but the FBI cut me short - I could put Duane in WA, but I had to put him on the plane.

In researching old records and old maps - I found something regarding Saw Mills and the tracks connected and something Duane had mentioned on the trip. I wanted to know if this would help - but it didn't put him on the Plane.

What it did do was put him in WA, but it was only my word and my memory. Since it was not in 1971 - obviously it has no meaning.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Dams, train bridges and barracks and Rails. The things Duane told me - for some reason I am sleeping a lot and I am dreaming a lot the last few days.

Rails take them up, put them down! Raise that bridge and that is my cot. Rail construction - a temporary rail - take them up and move them - steel was in short supply. A sawmill near Beacon Rock and Duane mentioned the guys and Beacon Rock and jumping off of rocks.

I thought he was talking about being a kid and little rocks. Not sure what all of this means. The road - the moment I heard the name the memories flashed.

Do not know how it is spelled.
Keuffler Rd (how it sounds). Duane mentioned the road off of Hwy 14. HE was going on about the guys. A camp and a sawmill.

He had pointed out a saw mill later on that day on the South side of Lake LaCames. I was told it was a FEEDING Station - I didn't understand what Duane was talking about. He said there was a Sluthe that went all the way to the water.

Duane worked those sawmills and helped build a dam. He told me the names of these hills and mts. They all had at one time some old temporary rails connecting them....can't find these rails on any maps because they were temporary depending on where the work was.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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What was the date of that email.
The agent I spoke with was Curtis Eng. WHY 2 different stories from the FBI. Wish I had mine in the form of an EMAIL. That way if the FBI is playing us, we would have them dead to rights on deception.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am always reticent to post up email I receive, but in this case I think it's okay. No big secrets here.


'Hello Robert:

The D.B. Cooper investigation remains open and has not been solved. Accordingly, the FBI does not have definitive proof that Kenneth Peter Christiansen was NOT the skyjacker D.B. Cooper. Your understanding that “the Bureau’s official position is that he was not the guy” is incorrect; no one has been officially ruled out unless and until the case is solved. There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects, but no one has been officially ruled out.

Regards, Fred
SA Frederick C. Gutt
FBI, Seattle'

Ignore the stuff about Kenny. That wasn't the point of this post. I more refer to the first line of the message. (My italics)

and the DATE of that OLD email (you are repeating
again and again and again and again and again and
again and again . . . . . ) ?

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Three Cooper forums existed prior to you here at
Dropzone and YOU were not on any of them. You made the rounds of others forums and posting inquiries there from time to time prior to this thread.
(Your posts are still there).

Of the three Cooper threads open elsewhere without you before this thread existed, two of
those are still alive - technically. One of those could be reactivated tomorrow with one email! A second and a third wait, unused. !
Sluggo being one of those. SafeCrackingPLF wasn't
even born yet! Had there been an internet back then
there undoubtedly would have been threads back
then, years before you even existed ...

You are going back to a time prior to my having a computer in 2000. I did not come to the DZ until 2004 if I remember correctly. One thread (not a Cooper thread) helped me open the one before this and it was crashed early on by a lot of weird postings. Then Quade opened this one with a severe warning to everyone with the 1st post!

In the archives are lots of old Cooper posts that never got to first base - I haven't looked to see if they are still there or not.

Your sequence is about right. Pasternak's article on
Duane didn't come out until the 7/24/00 issue of

In any event Jo, it's all history now.

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Rather than quoting, let me say this about any rumors that the DB Cooper case has been closed by the FBI:

The FBI does not usually say 'I give up' and close a case. Jimmy Hoffa, for example, is still open. There are others. They just don't allocate further resources, instead depending on new leads to solve those cases. But they don't just write them off, contrary to what Marla Cooper claimed. And if they did, they would probably make an official announcement about it in the media. And you would know. Such an announcement in the Northwest would definitely make the evening news.

I will email every agent there until someone give me an answer in print.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Can ya'll stop bickering? Its hard enough to follow this thread without it. I cant believe a bunch of adults are acting this way towards each other.




Lately, I have been spending lots of time reading the earliest DZ posts, way back to 2007. I read some of yours. I like your sense of humor, you crack me up.

From what I've been reading, the bickering that goes on here almost seems like a picnic compared to some of the bickering back then. Even some of your posts could have used a bit more sugar and a little less vinegar. Back then, Quade was more involved, he posted more often, but a lot of the attacks seemed to be directed at him. He always took the road, though. Maybe more of us should do that here.

I think the "biker bar" atmosphere has always been here, and it will probably always be here. People will come and people will go. Some of the early posters are still here -- you, 377, Jo -- among others. But so many of the good ones aren't here anymore -- ones who have real expertise, real skills, and real knowledge. Today, we have people who have their pet suspect, then they spend all their time pegging that suspect to fit the facts of the case. The early posters didn't do that so much. They went with the facts and evidence, as is.

Today, we've got a handful of folks (like 2) trying to force a square peg into a round hole -- and they're taking up way too much air time (like 53%) trying to do it. It's ridiculous, some of the quality people have left because of it.


Point taken.

I will however disagree regarding the biker bar analogy.

As one who rides a Milwaukee vibrater & occationally stops in such establishments I can tell you without reservation, the tone & manner of discourse is hands above what goes on here at times.

The lack of internet anonymity & distance tends to take a lot of the bravado a keyboard seems to lend.

In that same light, the sport of skydiving is a relatively small and tight knit community, there's a pretty good chance you'll eventually run into someone you may want to call names...so most of other threads on here, are a lot more civil than this one.

To me anyway...it's seems we've come upon what we here in Texas call a dry hole.

Everyone has for the most part 'made their case' and in lieu of additional information there really isn't anything to talk about...so the grumpys come out.

One poster is approaching things with fresh ideas, doing some thorough investigating and using state of the art equipment to possibly open new areas of investigation...that's a plus.

Jo is hopefully about to open her books so to speak, that could be interesting...if it happens.

You and a few others are a wealth of knowledge as far as separating the bubble gum from the chicken shit...others are nothing more than an aggravating distraction with their personal attacks and near psychotic obsessions.

Distill all the bullshit out of these threads and you have a goldmine of facts, theories and intellectual discussion.

Unfortunately it's become a bad knock-off of the Jerry Springer show.

Though it's disgusting at times...it IS hard to resist watching a train wreck!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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As far as Georger's 'again and again' post back there...prove that the FBI has closed the Cooper case. Tell me you have more than just Marla's say-so on that. :S


Why are you addressing me with this? All I and Jo
asked for was the "date" of Gutt's letter - you refuse
to give. Ive never said the FBI had closed the case!
So why are you dragging me into this - again!

So here's a few more facts you ignore!

Jan 26, 2011, 6:10 PM
Re: [Farflung] ‘COOPER’ – The Movie [In reply to] Quote | Reply
I'm finding it difficult to take this thread seriously anymore.
And some folks have WAY too much time on their hands.
'Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.'
Elvis Presley

Jan 26, 2011, 5:03 PM
Re: [377] Who ARE the FBI guys? [In reply to] Quote | Reply
Hello 377:

Now we have Blevins producting communications from Fred Gutt.

So, your letter from Gutt you are still waving around
dates clear back to early 2011 or to the winter of
2010! Today is Apirl 20th 2013 !!

Why are you posting an old letter now as proof of
some current condition (Georger) never said a
damned thing about?

What is your obsessive point if you have any?

Arent you just wasting a lot of Airtwardo's time?

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Georger says in part:


'What is your obsessive point if you have any?

Arent you just wasting a lot of Airtwardo's time?'

Not really. My point was for you to PROVE the Seattle FBI has dropped the Cooper case. I have emails from them that say they haven't. There has been no announcement from them about doing this, contrary to Marla Cooper's statement that SA Curtis Eng told her the bureau was dropping the case.

That's my point.

Cant you READ!

I already replied - take it or leave it. This has nothing
to do with me.

You damned pest.

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[ As it stands, all of the personal crud being posted has pretty much destroyed the thread anyway. ...Thought I'd never say this, but this thread has become a total bore.


Wrong Blevins. Two people who have hogged over 50% of the show here have destroyed this forum. If the thread is a total bore, then you are 25% responsible for that, since you have put up 25% of the posts here. Take some resposibility and be accountable for the part you (and Jo) have played in making this forum less than it could be.


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Warning: Off topic post.

Don't bitch too much please. I spent a long time this evening working on this picture. It's a blow up from David Green's now-famous photograph of 'Suspect #2' in the Boston bombings.


You just can't help yourself, Mr. 25%, can you?


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To me anyway...it's seems we've come upon what we here in Texas call a dry hole.

Everyone has for the most part 'made their case' and in lieu of additional information there really isn't anything to talk about...so the grumpys come out.

One poster is approaching things with fresh ideas, doing some thorough investigating and using state of the art equipment to possibly open new areas of investigation...that's a plus.

Jo is hopefully about to open her books so to speak, that could be interesting...if it happens.

You and a few others are a wealth of knowledge as far as separating the bubble gum from the chicken shit...others are nothing more than an aggravating distraction with their personal attacks and near psychotic obsessions.

Distill all the bullshit out of these threads and you have a goldmine of facts, theories and intellectual discussion.

Unfortunately it's become a bad knock-off of the Jerry Springer show.

Though it's disgusting at times...it IS hard to resist watching a train wreck!



You crack me up... bubble gum and chicken shit....

I agree, things are at a stalemate, it would be good for something to break the case wide open. And in spite of it all, there's some really good information here. I am enjoying going back to the very old posts for that very reason.


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MeyerLouie says in part:


'Today, we've got a handful of folks (like 2) trying to force a square peg into a round hole -- and they're taking up way too much air time (like 53%) trying to do it. It's ridiculous, some of the quality people have left because of it...'

Really? You think it's because of me that people have left? I get emails from people who don't post here but view this thread and ask why you and Georger post the stuff you do, which to them seems like overkill. Most of the people who send these messages I don't even know.

Don't compare me to Jo Weber.

It is the petty attacks that people grow tired of, Meyer. And you and Georger have been a major factor in that. THAT is what discourages people from posting here, or drives them away...not my report, not my checking out of Marla or the Amboy chute, or any of the other things I have covered here.

And how exactly would YOU know I'm trying to 'fit a round peg into a square hole' regarding Christiansen? You already admitted you never even read the evidentiary report on him. And had no intention of doing so.

Don't sell yourself short, Blevins -- you have almost as much credibility as Marla Cooper. Don't need to read your KC report -- I've already heard it a thousand times....I do think people have left the forum because of you, Mr. 25%. In fact, you and Jo have started the "Over 50% Club," so I have to put you two together. Not only that, you both constantly trash-talk the FBI, and all we get is KC and DW -- the square peg of real evidence has to fit into the round hole of favorite suspect (that wasn't meant to be any kind of sexual connotation -- the pun was not intended).


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[ As it stands, all of the personal crud being posted has pretty much destroyed the thread anyway. ...Thought I'd never say this, but this thread has become a total bore.


Wrong Blevins. Two people who have hogged over 50% of the show here have destroyed this forum. If the thread is a total bore, then you are 25% responsible for that, since you have put up 25% of the posts here. Take some resposibility and be accountable for the part you (and Jo) have played in making this forum less than it could be.


Why the fuck do you and several others get so fucking BUTTHURT over the word count of others... you are NOT being paid by the word count.. nor are they... E fucking NUFF with the bullshit. Its childish. You too georger.. yall are better than that.. or so I thought..how many people need to tell you????

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Right on about the FBI case still open and riding on the good the job the FBI have done in the Boston Bombing case maybe they will feel like making another win by quickly solving the Cooper Case.

As I have said before, the case can be quickly solved by giving the four letters sent to the News Papers, just following NORJAC, to their new DNA Lab on Seattle to compare the DNA from under the stamps/envelope flaps with the DNA they already have from Sheridan Peterson.

A match will blow the case and Sheridan's "Perfect Alibi" wide open and prove he was not in Nepal at the time of NORJAC.

Caught with in a big lie to the FBI can then be used as leverage to get the whole story from Sheridan. The DNA is truly the "Smoking Gun" in the case.

Bob Sailshaw

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[ As it stands, all of the personal crud being posted has pretty much destroyed the thread anyway. ...Thought I'd never say this, but this thread has become a total bore.


Wrong Blevins. Two people who have hogged over 50% of the show here have destroyed this forum. If the thread is a total bore, then you are 25% responsible for that, since you have put up 25% of the posts here. Take some resposibility and be accountable for the part you (and Jo) have played in making this forum less than it could be.


And Blevins is responsible (actually starts) about 80%
of the trouble that has plagued this forum for almost
3 years - his post above (below) is a perfect example
of it! He comes on here like some drunk in attack
mode and won't take "NO" for answer and keeps
swinging away ... eg below.

WHY!? is anyone even having to deal with this?

Re: [georger] Dropping the Case? [In reply to] Quote | Reply
Georger says in part:

'Why are you addressing me with this? All I and Jo
asked for was the "date" of Gutt's letter - you refuse
to give. Ive never said the FBI had closed the case!
So why are you dragging me into this - again!...'

Sorry, I didn't realize you were working with Jo. If you're asking for the date of the email from Agent Gutt saying the Cooper case isn't closed, this must mean you believe it is closed, right? Why else would you ask?

Otherwise, why would you try to prove by the date of Gutt's mail that it is. Or maybe you aren't. Are you confused yet? LOL.

Stop waffling and get real. Do you think the Seattle FBI has closed the case? LOL you can't question that statement and then suddenly say you didn't ask about it.

You are caught between a rock and a hard place. You dislike me so much that you question me on points you already know to be true, because you don't like me quoting those facts. It's wacky, weird, and entertaining to a degree. But only I think that. Everyone else might be shaking their heads.

Never let your feelings for someone affect your judgment. Again: Since you ask for the date of the email, does this mean you believe Seattle has dropped the case? Geez...you weasel so much on stuff I'd fall over in shock if you ever went official on anything.

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[ As it stands, all of the personal crud being posted has pretty much destroyed the thread anyway. ...Thought I'd never say this, but this thread has become a total bore.


Wrong Blevins. Two people who have hogged over 50% of the show here have destroyed this forum. If the thread is a total bore, then you are 25% responsible for that, since you have put up 25% of the posts here. Take some resposibility and be accountable for the part you (and Jo) have played in making this forum less than it could be.


Why the fuck do you and several others get so fucking BUTTHURT over the word count of others... you are NOT being paid by the word count.. nor are they... E fucking NUFF with the bullshit. Its childish. You too georger.. yall are better than that.. or so I thought..how many people need to tell you????

You're God damned right it's childish!

Especially since it's Blevins and Weber doing all the
posting here -

The rest of us come here and immediately are put in
defense mode from Blevins or Weber!

Your and Air's complaints are completely baseless,
and you know it!

I would be happy to sit here and say nothing while
you and Airtwardo and Social Directors Blevins and
Weber carry the bulk of the discussion, for a change.
So begin! And let the rest of us off the hook for a

I have nothing more to offer Amazon. Im just a
sometime spectator here and have been that for

Im busy trying to help get our Boston office back
open after a horrendous week and what you self
important are doing here isn't even on my current
radar screen!

Good luck defending your home turf here today. I will be back int own late tonight and will click open this url to see what new chaos 'yawl are up to here. I may post to defend myself from Blevins' latest charges and allegations whatever they are, or I may not post at all. But there will be a 99.9% chance nothing related to DB Cooper will have been posted here today ... on that all word-counters can count!

Too-da-loo. Have a good day.

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