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DB Cooper

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******Skyjack71 says in part:


'NO one wants the TRUTH - they just want the crime to remain unsolved so they can continue to RUN their mouths and have their FESTIVALS...'

I think that may be true for some of the more casual Cooperland inhabitants. But I also think there are a great number of people who would like to see the case solved, especially if it meant no one was going to jail over it. (I.E. hijacker died of natural causes years ago, or something)

Problem: No one has stepped forward with enough evidence to positively, without-a-doubt, identify the hijacker. Not me, not you, and certainly not Marla Cooper. This situation will continue until something breaks in the case. It's the same for Jimmy Hoffa, the Black Dahlia case, Amelia Earhart, and other unsolved mysteries.

Here is your Unsolved Mystery! Sorry. I could not help myself!


We're small...but we're also a registered US trade publisher. This means we don't support copyright violations. I watched the first ten seconds of the video until I realized you simply pirated it (again) for a YouTube upload. No worries. I won't rat you out. ;)

But when you do that, it means people don't have to go HERE for example...and that's not really fair to the creator.

but you have no problem advertising on here while it is against the rules???????
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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************Skyjack71 says in part:


'NO one wants the TRUTH - they just want the crime to remain unsolved so they can continue to RUN their mouths and have their FESTIVALS...'

I think that may be true for some of the more casual Cooperland inhabitants. But I also think there are a great number of people who would like to see the case solved, especially if it meant no one was going to jail over it. (I.E. hijacker died of natural causes years ago, or something)

Problem: No one has stepped forward with enough evidence to positively, without-a-doubt, identify the hijacker. Not me, not you, and certainly not Marla Cooper. This situation will continue until something breaks in the case. It's the same for Jimmy Hoffa, the Black Dahlia case, Amelia Earhart, and other unsolved mysteries.

Here is your Unsolved Mystery! Sorry. I could not help myself!


We're small...but we're also a registered US trade publisher. This means we don't support copyright violations. I watched the first ten seconds of the video until I realized you simply pirated it (again) for a YouTube upload. No worries. I won't rat you out. ;)

But when you do that, it means people don't have to go HERE for example...and that's not really fair to the creator.

but you have no problem advertising on here while it is against the rules???????

What advertising? I don't put up links to anything we have for sale at AB. It's bad manners. And straight up copyright violations are against Federal law, Title 17. Rather than copying over a boring rendition of the penalties, here's Purdue University's quick eye-opener:


The legal penalties for copyright infringement are:
1.Infringer pays the actual dollar amount of damages and profits.
2.The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed.
3.Infringer pays for all attorneys fees and court costs.
4.The Court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts.
5.The Court can impound the illegal works.
6.The infringer can go to jail.

Better for VickiW to simply direct people to Amazon for the video. People pirate stuff all the time. I once had to deal with Barnes and Noble trying to steal issues of our former sci-fi mag Escape Velocity because they were putting it up for sale for the Nook without our permission and failing to send us any of the money on sales. I sqaushed that shit faster than you can say 'where are my Guccis?'

I was hit twice by UMG for having songs on my videos. I simply filed a counter. they have 10 days to file against my little video...guess what. the video was back up after 25 days. I suggest perhaps you need to stop watching You Tube all together. I would say more than half of the videos have Copyright issues. who cares what Vicki did with the video.

and NO I'm not going two pages over this either.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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So...what you're saying is that it's okay to infringe as long as the folks who actually own the rights don't protest within a certain amount of days?

Okay, fine. Let me leave you with this: Infringement and piracy are STEALING. It's as simple as that. I had to pay fifty bucks to use the song 'Here Comes the Sun' on our housecleaning website. It goes with the territory. If you don't recognize that there are copyright laws in place for a reason, and you choose to get around that by whatever means, this makes you a thief. The law says so. You can try to rationalize that any way you wish, but it's the truth nonetheless.

you have done your fare share of it as well. all those music vids you show on here, are they legal? bet there not. you are avoiding my question that was directed at you for advertising on here. not with Vicki's little video with 35 views on it. you seem to want to police the internet on just about everything...except what you do. go ahead a protect the money hungry fools that make billions in the music and television industry.

what I did was perfectly legal. I called the bluff and they lost. I did nothing illegal and was within my rights according to You Tube guidelines. if they change the rules. then I will follow those as well. (*laughs*)
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, Here are a couple of simple questions that you should be able to answer with a "yes" or "no".

1. Did you see the Flushing Channel when you were in the Portland/Vancouver area in 1979?

2. Did you see the Flushing Channel when you were in the Portland/Vancouver area in 2010?

A one word answer to each question will be sufficient.


What is a Flushing Channel.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"this makes you a thief."

Final note.....don't ever call me a thief unless you have all the facts!
you know nothing about the videos in question, you know nothing about how much of each song I used. you apparently know nothing about "fair use" and obviously just allow these multi million dollar companies scream infringement whether they are right or wrong according to there LAW. >:(

now I'm done with you!!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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In 1979 - my view was from the Parking lot.

In 2001 - my view was from the beach and from the parking lot.

In 2010 - is not relevent as I was seeking the approach and then the road away from the site to the Red Lion with the crew (2001) and with Duane 1979. I found it and it was NOT how the Crew approached it in 2001 and but how Duane and I approached it in 1979.

Frankly I didn't want to go all the way to the property - as I feared contaminating my memories. I did the right thing for me by going just short of the property. I knew that after my times of going to see our homestead in KY that things changed and it became difficult to remember it the way it used to be as a child and a graduate going off to college.

Plus I was pushing the clock to return the vehicle rental. I found what I needed to and barely made it to the airport in time - in fact I was just a little late and feared incurring more expenses.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, you have said on here more than 3 or 4 times that you were not at Tena Bar in 79. if you would have been there the odds are pretty high of seeing Vancouver Lake. even higher if you were coming from the Red Lion Inn.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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When I pull up the DZ thread I get this statement and have a hard timer making a post. Take several minutes.

What does this mean and how do I make it go away.




Regardless of if I hit yes or no it does the same thing. Forever and Forever.

What do I do about this - I cannot afford for the computer man to come out and charge me $100. plus.

I do NOT know how to remedy this.
NO I cannot afford anything but what I have - which is dial-up. I would still have to pay aol. for my access to the filing cabinet. Even dial-up is too fast for me sometimes. My computer is old Windows XP Media Systems - things on here I have NEVER even attempted to use.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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In 1979 - my view was from the Parking lot.

In 2001 - my view was from the beach and from the parking lot.

In 2010 - is not relevent as I was seeking the approach and then the road away from the site to the Red Lion with the crew (2001) and with Duane 1979. I found it and it was NOT how the Crew approached it in 2001 and but how Duane and I approached it in 1979.

Frankly I didn't want to go all the way to the property - as I feared contaminating my memories. I did the right thing for me by going just short of the property. I knew that after my times of going to see our homestead in KY that things changed and it became difficult to remember it the way it used to be as a child and a graduate going off to college.

Plus I was pushing the clock to return the vehicle rental. I found what I needed to and barely made it to the airport in time - in fact I was just a little late and feared incurring more expenses.


Jo, First, let me ask what parking lot you are talking about?

Second, you and Duane MAY have crossed the Flushing Channel in 1979 to and/or from the Tina Bar area to Vancouver.

Third, you DEFINITELY crossed the Flushing Channel in 2001 if you went from Tina Bar to the Portland airport.

The Flushing Channel was not there in 1971, so it would also have been new to Duane in 1979 and some roads to Tina Bar had also been changed.

I'm surprised that Duane didn't tell you about the Flushing Channel or the road changes.


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Blevins wrote

We're small...but we're also a registered US trade publisher. This means we don't support copyright violations. I watched the first ten seconds of the video until I realized you simply pirated it (again) for a YouTube upload. No worries. I won't rat you out.

You are getting the hang of it Robert. Skydivers view most federal regulations as optional, at least at DZs. At WFFC we had an unlicensed FM station with enough power so that I could hear the manifest announcements miles away in town. In between announcements we played great music with no BMI or ASCAP licenses. Nobody lost sleep over the FCC and copyright issues.

You also got it right about not ratting anyone out. Had Cooper been a member of our club in 71 we would have kept our mouths shut and then insist that he buy all the beer forever.

All Cooper had to do is pull one silver handle and he'd have landed alive. The one thing that points to him cratering is the money. Crooks don't throw money away. The money drives me nuts. I just can't figure it out.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I'm celebrating the 4th in KY right where Jo grew up. They actually let you buy and use fireworks here. In KY the legal fireworks can only maim. You have to drive to TN to get the hard stuff that can kill.

I see the right to bear fireworks as a serious civil rights issue.
They'll get my M80s when they pry them from my cold dead hands.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo, you have said on here more than 3 or 4 times that you were not at Tena Bar in 79. if you would have been there the odds are pretty high of seeing Vancouver Lake. even higher if you were coming from the Red Lion Inn.

FOR GODS SAKE WHY DO YOU PEOPLE KEEP THIS UP. I have repeatedly told that I was at Tena's Bar from my early contacts with Mr H and others.

When a young man came to the thread regarding the bag and the river - I rode along regarding his theory. This is the time you guys are referring to - I can go back to the letter I wrote Mr. H. and the things I told Margie in the emails before she did an article in 2001 that I have told about Tena's bar for yrs and from the beginning. I didn't know what it was called...I just knew what it looked like and described it in detail over and over and over for yrs and yrs.

The only time I doubted this was when the Crew in 2001 approached it differently and I had them take me to other properties - but in the car I asked Mr. H about a specific building I saw as the crew took us to the Red Lion - it was then that there WAS NO DOUBT I was at Tena's bar in 1979. Do not anyone of you get that my memory is visual. I wasn't looking at maps in 1979 - it was ALL visual.

What is in my memory banks!
What was said is triggered by my visual memory. I have things in my head from when I was a young girl - I never told anyone and never will. The mind is a strange thing - and some of us recall differently than others.

Why would anyone keep repeating I have to prove I was in WA in 1979. It was a meeting with Family Life out of Seattle WA.
Our expenses where paid by the company. It was to show us the new computer they had - it was massive. Max McMillian was the guy in charge and he lived on the island and was still taking the ferry over since the flood.

Phil Harris was there and Duane knew his father - I was told both are deceased. I do not know where his wife is or if she is still alive. I do NOT remember the names of the other there. My daughter knows Duane and I went to Seattle.

What kind of proof do you expect me to produce. Duane bought me a ring at a concession just out side of the elevator door at the top of the needle after dinner.

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT OF ME! I was in SEATTLE with my husband Duane L. WEber in Sept. of 1979.
We went to Tahoe afterward and on our last night there I got to see Englebert on stage. I had never been to things like that - HOW the hell could I forget. I even remember the sign in the hall at I noted to Duane and he asked me if I want to go.



People like you and JT take my words and twist them. I have explained I played with the theories and you do KNOW I did NOT HAVE A MAP OF THE AREA UNTIL 2001 - did you know that?

I had NO map - just an old state map and it did not show any details. IN FACT the only map I had for a long long time was a Osha Map that showed 1/2 of the USA. The map Duane and I used to go to WA...the only map in the car besides the Atlas. Yet, this man knew the state and everything about it.

I think I have very good recall. Yes, I can become confused dealing with some to the characters in this thread. Go to the old old thread on Unsolved Mysteries - I do not remember if the route and what I saw was discuss there...or if any of them really cared. They had their own suspect. In fact I was cautioned NOT to discuss the route since what I knew was elementary and only what I saw and no maps.

What if I had pretended to be like MARLA - totally clueless...and made claims like she did. I didn't even do that in the beginning. I just didn't know the roads and I tried to describe were we were and when we turned and what I remembered. I was called a liar and told I was on the South side of the river and not on the West side of the river. The man kept telling me there was NO PLACE like I described - that went across the river to Hwy 14. I had no detailed map and did not find the place Duane and I crossed from OR to WA until I was in WA in 2010. A PLACE JT said did NOT exist and that we went to Portland on the trip to WA and were never in the Washougal area. I describe all of this in detail to him and he said I was never there....yet I went out in 2010 and it was all there just like I had been saying since 1996 when I called the FBI.

When I type I might make mistakes with dates and other things - as I might not feel well or had any sleep. Some nights I was up with my terminally ill husband all night and then on this computer - some days I go no sleep. I married him in 2002 and he died in 2007. We did not know he had cancer until 6 months after we got married.

I only had a computer since January of 2000...yet I remarried in 2002 and managed to post on this thread and others - I do not know anyone who could have fought this battle the way I have fought it with all of th obstacles put in my way by wannabes and naysayers. I have fought this BATTLE for 17 yrs NOW.
It is not over until I am DEAD and it won't be over then.

WHY the government wants Cooper to be dead? Yea, there is only one answer - ask the men who tried to unveil the secrets in the past. DIRTY government!. Why the hell do you think CARR used avatar of Ckret...he was no secret.

1971 Daniel Ellsberg and now Snowden and the young man before him - The truths are never known, but silenced! 4th of July!
We celebrate freedom and our rights - there is nothing to celebrate anymore. The 4th of July has NO meaning anymore when the truths have been silenced.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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***"this makes you a thief."

Final note.....don't ever call me a thief unless you have all the facts!
you know nothing about the videos in question, you know nothing about how much of each song I used. you apparently know nothing about "fair use" and obviously just allow these multi million dollar companies scream infringement whether they are right or wrong according to there LAW. >:(

now I'm done with you!!

I know the Fair Use rules inside and out, Shutter. Are you kidding or what? You already said they squashed your stolen song and then you managed to slam it back up because no one bitched. It's still theivery. You're just trying to rationalize it. LOL read Title 17 sometime. Copyright rules have been in place for a while now. Because of the internet, there are many violations. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make you honest if you violate them.

Linking to YouTube videos is not a copyright violation by the way. Unless you incorporate them into your own work somehow without permission.

Speaking of copyrights, let me tell you about the people who are REALLY nervous: The Estate of H.G. Wells. His copyrights run out in 2016. They did a 76-year renewal at his death in 1940. In 2016, everything he's ever done will become public domain. Shutter, please don't try to lecture me on these things. I'm a student of them. It's necessary.

I did not mean to start an off topic dialogue (or should I say fireworks), but then again I should have expected it. Nobody can say anything here without being slapped up against the side of the head by the internet police.

This is why everything we do on the outside of the forum is not broadcast in the forum. ;)
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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***"this makes you a thief."

Final note.....don't ever call me a thief unless you have all the facts!
you know nothing about the videos in question, you know nothing about how much of each song I used. you apparently know nothing about "fair use" and obviously just allow these multi million dollar companies scream infringement whether they are right or wrong according to there LAW. >:(

now I'm done with you!!

I know the Fair Use rules inside and out, Shutter. Are you kidding or what? You already said they squashed your stolen song and then you managed to slam it back up because no one bitched. It's still theivery. You're just trying to rationalize it. LOL read Title 17 sometime. Copyright rules have been in place for a while now. Because of the internet, there are many violations. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make you honest if you violate them.

Linking to YouTube videos is not a copyright violation by the way. Unless you incorporate them into your own work somehow without permission.

Speaking of copyrights, let me tell you about the people who are REALLY nervous: The Estate of H.G. Wells. His copyrights run out in 2016. They did a 76-year renewal at his death in 1940. In 2016, everything he's ever done will become public domain. Shutter, please don't try to lecture me on these things. I'm a student of them. It's necessary.

"I was hit twice by UMG for having songs on my videos. I simply filed a counter"

where did I explain anything about what the terms and reasons were for the DMCA to hit me? I had two videos with about 5 minutes of time on them. in the video was 20 seconds of a song. the other video was about the same because I used the same song and method. I filed the counter and they didn't respond and You Tube put my videos back up. this was also a documentary which I could of used the "educational purpose" clause as well. actually I had a third one as well. a guy doing ghost videos reversed his voice on his video. I used his audio to show how he did it. he hit me with the DMCA as well. I countered with fair use because I used 3 seconds of his 3 minute video. got that one back as well.

again, you have no right to implicate me as a thief.

still dodging around the advertising question I see.

no linking videos are not a violation, but you are knowingly putting the links up. just like Vicki did. it just so happen to be her video this time. I'll be watching for your next music video making sure it's not pirated. contributing doesn't help either....

how honest are you being with yourself advertising on here? you even stated you are profiting off this site?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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***In 1979 - my view was from the Parking lot.

In 2001 - my view was from the beach and from the parking lot.

In 2010 - is not relevent as I was seeking the approach and then the road away from the site to the Red Lion with the crew (2001) and with Duane 1979. I found it and it was NOT how the Crew approached it in 2001 and but how Duane and I approached it in 1979.

Frankly I didn't want to go all the way to the property - as I feared contaminating my memories. I did the right thing for me by going just short of the property. I knew that after my times of going to see our homestead in KY that things changed and it became difficult to remember it the way it used to be as a child and a graduate going off to college.

Plus I was pushing the clock to return the vehicle rental. I found what I needed to and barely made it to the airport in time - in fact I was just a little late and feared incurring more expenses.


Jo, First, let me ask what parking lot you are talking about?

Second, you and Duane MAY have crossed the Flushing Channel in 1979 to and/or from the Tina Bar area to Vancouver.

Third, you DEFINITELY crossed the Flushing Channel in 2001 if you went from Tina Bar to the Portland airport.

The Flushing Channel was not there in 1971, so it would also have been new to Duane in 1979 and some roads to Tina Bar had also been changed.

I'm surprised that Duane didn't tell you about the Flushing Channel or the road changes.


I will repeat tell me what a Flushing Channel looks like! My memory is visual. Yes, I know about Vancouver lake, but I do NOT know what a FLUSHING CHANNEL IS OR LOOKS like - tell me what it looks like. That is what triggers my memory. Sure I could go look it up - but, I do NOT do that on purpose.

He mention something he did NOT know was finished, but he did NOT say the words Flushing Channels.
Now you have my mind trying to go back to before he stopped at the river. I know we went straight to the Red Lion after the stop at Tena's Bar. I remember when I was with the Crew - they confused me. I kept looking for something that went under the highway and it was only after I was out there and on my own driving a vehicle in 2010 I found that old underpass.

We had gone East out along the Evergreen Hwy and then down to the river just past where the Winterly Pk is. Then we went to the Green Tank. When I was out there all of that property was developing into condos. The woman whose husband had some of the property told me in 2010 the Green tank was still there and they were going to move it. The property was no longer accessible to the public.

When I left there is when I found the pass under the Highway. I had remembered the pass - and that we drove West to what I now know as Tena's bar. I really cannot remember what we passed to get there - but he did note things changing - do not remember anything specific. He drove past Tena's bar before circling back. I did NOT try to retrace that part because in 2001 I was told it had all changed. He somehow in all of this took me to an industrial area - shipping and loading and transport boats and rails. Because the Crew in 2001 drove me around - the 2 trips are co-mingled on this portion of the trip.

I just remembered the stop at the river and then at the Red Lion. The rest of it is as I said co-mingled with where the crew took me. If I had been on my own and behind the wheel of a car in 2001 before all the other changes I may have been able to repeat the area the way he drove it.

In 2010 - I did NOT have the time or the money and so much had changed between 1979 and 2001 and then 2010. Plus there was 70 plus old woman behind the wheel of a car and alone in 2010.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm celebrating the 4th in KY right where Jo grew up. They actually let you buy and use fireworks here. In KY the legal fireworks can only maim. You have to drive to TN to get the hard stuff that can kill.

I see the right to bear fireworks as a serious civil rights issue.
They'll get my M80s when they pry them from my cold dead hands.


My mother's family has a very large 4th of July in Bradfordsville every yr.
This may well be the last one, but I could not go since I was in the ER on the 25th of June. I had test schedule this wk and rehab. My sister flew out on Weds. Since she is well known in the area - you might run into her. She usually stays at the hotel where the old Drive-in used to be. It over looks the farm across the road I was raised on.

I have not been there since they built the hotel - and I am not sure I could handle being that close to were I lived from the time I was 4 until I was 18.
The Stone home is closer to town and were I was born, but at the age of 4 my grandfather died and my father took over the BIG farm at the cross roads.

We owned all of that property going toward Raywick and toward Bardstown.
We could not plow up a field without turning up arrowhead after arrowhead.
At the forks people use to park and look at the White Faced Angus my father introduced to the area.

Last time I was there - the house was NO longer there and when I saw what had been done to the old homestead my heart felt heavy.

Where that hotel is located I got my first kiss ever at the drive-in. I was 16.
Tell Gloria and Sylvia hello if they are in the area for the holiday - they may even be deceased. One was older and the other one younger than myself.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

We owned all of that property going toward Raywick and toward Bardstown.
We could not plow up a field without turning up arrowhead after arrowhead.
At the forks people use to park and look at the White Faced Angus my father introduced to the area.

You sure are right about arrowheads Jo. I found many.

They used to have a nice DZ here with (E town outskirts) a DH Beaver jumpship. It's gone now. I really liked that plane.

Beautiful country here. Forested knobs (hills), limestone springs, pretty creeks with clean water. Crops need no irrigation. Rain takes care of that. Drainage not supply is the issue.

Jo, you really work against yourself by holding back selected facts. It allows cherry picking and presenting only what supports your theory.
Full disclosure seems impossible for you. There's always the tease, the bait, the unfulfilled multiple promises of blockbuster info soon to be revealed.

Been raining steady for 3 days and nights which is a disaster for the current grain harvest. Guess that's what you buy crop insurance for.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo you say:

I say:

'All you have to do is look at the prison photo (attached) of Duane and compare to the FBI sketch, and you can easily conclude that he was not DB or Dan Cooper ever. He was just pulling your leg at a bad time and has given you cause to thinks he was good for something (first time in his life he did not get caught)."

Bob Sailshaw

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Jo you say:

I say:

'All you have to do is look at the prison photo (attached) of Duane and compare to the FBI sketch, and you can easily conclude that he was not DB or Dan Cooper ever. He was just pulling your leg at a bad time and has given you cause to thinks he was good for something (first time in his life he did not get caught)."

Bob Sailshaw


Or, there is another explanation more mundane/ordinary.

The story of the scorpion comes to mind.

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Jo you say:

I say:

'All you have to do is look at the prison photo (attached) of Duane and compare to the FBI sketch, and you can easily conclude that he was not DB or Dan Cooper ever. He was just pulling your leg at a bad time and has given you cause to thinks he was good for something (first time in his life he did not get caught)."

Bob Sailshaw


Or, there is another explanation more mundane/ordinary.

The story of the scorpion comes to mind.

Could you please relate this story of the scorpion for those of us who have apparently led rather sheltered lives?

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I knoiw you have to have heard the scorpion story... Robert.

Think of the old saw....."It's in his nature"


Your Troll Rescue & CPR always werks!

Sexist to a fault, but a good First Responder.

Got anything new on DB Cooper? Was he a Gray ?

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***I knoiw you have to have heard the scorpion story... Robert.

Think of the old saw....."It's in his nature"


Your Troll Rescue & CPR always werks!

Sexist to a fault, but a good First Responder.

Got anything new on DB Cooper? Was he a Gray ?

Do you spend your life in a permanent state of butt hurt... or is that just your nature.:ph34r::ph34r:

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