georger 247 #4426 September 13, 2008 It's possible, 305, as flown on 11/24/71 never showed up on a schedule they printed, although that seems unlikely. So we're guessing a new schedule, maybe active 9/1/71 or 10/1/71 or 11/1/71 or the week of thanksgiving should have 305 as reported flown. The stop in Missoula is in news accounts. I guess we don't know for sure 305 really stopped in Missoula. 305 definitely went from Portland to Seattle though on 11/24/71. and that's not in the 8/1/71 sked. (Missoula isn't in the 8/1/71 sked either). Spokane is in the 8/1/71 sked, so as reported in news accounts, 305 probably stopped in Spokane before Portland. I've mentioned "why not start in Spokane?" before. REPLY> Again, it would be good to know when and where sked changes were made, posted, and printed. My guess is it all came from Minneapolis HQ after communicating with each regional office. Some person or persons were in charge of schedule making. I believe Ckret has spoken to this before - hardware stores and many people/places in the Portland area were visited trying to link Cooper to a purchase (bomb parts) or a place/event. That turned up nothing. No cars, no taxis, no parking etc connecting Cooper. If it turned out the 11/24 flight was a late addition with no prior advertisement except as you walked up to the counter on 11/24 and asked about flights, that could help define Cooper's actions and level of planning. George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4427 September 13, 2008 QuoteThe FOIA reveals little conversation between Cooper and Tina, yet we all know that more had to have been said in the time they had together. SO MUCH has been removed from that file that it is useless. If it was Tina that spoke to me on the phone that day a few yrs ago - more had to have been said. I don't remember the exact words, but she indicated he was a very sad person - I would think it not possible to form such an opinion regarding a persons state of mind unless there was more conversation than the public has been told REPLY> Let me add some perspective. We are spectators, as is Mr. Cook, in this whole matter. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #4428 September 14, 2008 Galen Cook is hardly a spectator - I believe one of his interests is representing Unions and writing a book. ATTENTION CKRET: As for the CIA and its covert actions - the Kennedy files will NOT be released until sometime in the 2030 at which time most will not even know who Kennedy was, nor will anyone care by then. This way anyone who might have been involved will be deceased. No - I do not believe the FBI is involved but I do believe they have been "directed" in the past and records altered by the CIA. The composite that was used (the Bing Crosby look-a-like) was the only one used for yrs - the other composites were buried... by whom we can only imagine...but, there had to be a reason. There was "speculation" that the hijack involved MLK in the very beginning (wonder who suggested this) and other covert actions...but that was the days of covert so I supposed that kind of speculation was to be expected. Was there really some truth to the rumor? The FAA and Unions and CIA had critical situations going on during all of this time --- I will say no more on that subject and let you do your own investigations. Take the Marana, Tx operations - there are those who have died and their obituaries specifically state they were trained there for covert actions in Cuba among other places. This was during the very time that I question Duane's past - the John Collins days and his being in places he could not be in if he was in prison...1962 and then the following yrs.... The above also explains his extreme knowledge of planes. I have told the FBI and the forum before that he could look at a plane and tell you things about it that ordinary people could not - he caught himself - when I asked how he knew all those things -- he just read up one it...and this is the same time he mentioned working with planes...(cleaning and catering deliveries). He had to explain away his knowledge of these planes. If the FBI wanted me off their back - they could pull the SS for John Collins and find out who wrote his checks. Some from companies that have been reported to be part of the covert actions - these companies hired some agents who were ex-cons. Insurance agents supposedly cannot get a license to sell if they are a felon. This of course wouldn't mean anything to anyone who did not work in the insurance industry in the 60's. CKRET - would you have wanted Duane selling you an insurance policy? The insurance agent is given your name and this agent is calling you on behalf of your employer.....the FBI, CIA etc. One of these companies was mentioned in an article that stated it was a front for coverts...who supposedly sold insurance to FBI, CIA and other government agencies. Felons selling insurance to the FBI, CIA and other government agencies - there is SOMETHING wrong with this. Does anyone remember my search for the source of one of Duane's employments his ex-wife told me about? That company is mentioned in the articles about Marana, TX and in the JMwave entities. Duane is in and out of the Tuson, Casa Grande and Phonix area during those yrs...along with MN among the many others on the list. His connections with New Orleans are established...after he was running from the FBI as Duane L. Weber and before that as John Collins. Even when he was arrested and sent to MS - his wifes address is listed as New Orleans and her name is different. Didn't Ray deliver a package to a woman in New Orleans? Don't answer that because I know his testimony states that he did. Again I will mention the name Knutsen (how ever it was spelled). The FBI could easily trace all the employment for Duane L. Weber and John C. Collins from 1962 until 1969 - I can't because I am not the widow of John C. Collins and he was unable to include those benefits in his SS. I could go on and on like the energizer bunny but what is the use of it when no one listens or would rather wear blinders.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Orange1 0 #4429 September 14, 2008 QuoteI could go on and on like the energizer bunny but what is the use of it when no one listens or would rather wear blinders. I'm only answering because I am directly addressed in the subject line. Jo, you know full well that people have different perceptions of things (one man's meat is another's poison, one man's problem is another's challenge, etc etc). In this case I think what you call "blinders" would be called, by many others, something more like rational thinking, or critical thinking. When you manage to produce one, just ONE, piece of actual evidence, you will find many more people are prepared to listen (including, I have no doubt, Larry Carr). We keep on asking you and you keep on responding with increasingly bizarre statements, and demands that the FBI follow up every wild goose chase angle you manage to find (that is, when you are not lambasting them with claims of cover-ups, incompetence and so on when they don't jump to your every whim). Until we get some evidence, if all you have to offer continues to be wild accusations and outlandish conspiracy theories, you really shouldn't be surprised that most people discount what you say. This is not "blinders". This is being rational.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4430 September 14, 2008 On 3-31-08 SafecrackingPLF said (post #727): "I will be interested to read the Hancock statement to see if Cooper was harnessing up BEFORE speaking to Rataczak..." We know Hancock said she saw Cooper chuting up even before 305 had left SEA, but what was the exchange between Hancock and Rataczack? What did they talk about prior to Hancock leaving the plane? Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites leroydb 0 #4431 September 14, 2008 QuoteQuoteI personally "think" the FBI and everyone else know that the skydiving community knows.. its the best kept secret.... I wish I knew.... the money would be worth a alot more now... Is this Leroy Jenkins? in any case, that's a good theory, but why would the skydiving community know? That doesn't make sense. Can you make it make sense? ok I'll Bite... someone might not know for sure (or they might) but they might have some hint or knowledge that could lead to the "secret" shh I better be quite or i'll loose my clearance....Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #4432 September 15, 2008 Quote When you manage to produce one, just ONE, piece of actual evidence, you will find many more people are prepared to listen (including, I have no doubt, Larry Carr). We keep on asking you and you keep on responding with increasingly bizarre statements, and demands that the FBI follow up every wild goose chase angle you manage to find (that is, when you are not lambasting them with claims of cover-ups, incompetence and so on when they don't jump to your every whim). What you don't understand is that these are things I told the FBI 12 and 10 yrs ago - I have acquired new things as time went on that support the basic story. Because I know that the FBI will never repeat the things I have told them - I am repeating these things in the forum, so they won't be lost forever and kept under a veil of secrecy. I am sure the FBI doesn't look at it (as a veil of secrecy) - but, since they have NEVER addressed the things I told them, Himmelsbach or anyone else - it means that they think my claim is so outlandish that they HAVE not nvestigated these things.. It is easier for them to allow the world to think of me as crazy or whatever other word others might use when referring to my claims, than to even remotely consider that I could not possibly make these things up regarding Duane's past and things said over a 17 yr marriage. If the FBI had SOLID proof Duane was not Cooper - I would think it decent of the FBI to share this with me. But, they have not done so. All they have presented stating he is NOT Cooper is less substancial than what I have said stated that indicates he WAS Cooper. If you could see my notes and records of conversations - you would know that I have not made "increasingly bizzare statements" - that I am only repeating what I told the FBI, Himmelsbach and others over the past 12 yrs. Yes, I learn things ever so often that explains a why and a possiblity for his doing or saying this or that. These new things only cement what I have said before. When I am terribly off base others have been quick to make that known and I accept that I sometimes go out on a limb, but somethings have NEVER changed. Orange - Thank you - that was the nicest reply you have ever made to me in this forum and I truely appreciate it. The evidence is in the facts and in those SS records - not something I have access to. All I have is what he said and what he did and what I saw. There are time that I am quilty of pulling on information that doesn't really apply, but that is all part of the discovery process. I was never one to think about whats and whys - I hated history, especially American History or Modern History. The yrs from 1960 until 1995 I was busy raising a family, making a living and taking care of a husband and a home...Current events in those yrs came and went - I had NO reason to know or understand them (other than the headlines). I never dreamt I would have to go back in time and read and learn about events that I accepted as just that in those days - events. I want to thank everyone in this forum for the vast accumulated knowledge that is contained within it members - and their tolerance of me. I will not back away from the fact that between 1944 and 1950 - Duane's access to WA, OR, CA and ID were the origins of his knowledge. I will not back away from the yrs 1962 - 1971 and the things that can only be explained by his being involved in some "group" that allowed him to utilize this knowledge.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites happythoughts 0 #4433 September 15, 2008 In 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #4434 September 15, 2008 ladies and gentlemen: Elvis has left the airplane. Actually lots of Elvises have skydived. One sadly died from landing injuries a while back. Galen and all other AK based news is completely overshadowed by the media fascination with Palin. Maybe he will delay his Cooper book announcement until after the November election. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4435 September 15, 2008 QuoteIn 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... I'm not sure how this applies, because Elvis was actually extraterrestrial, not part of some small-town Cooper conspiracy. Everyone knows that Elvis didn't die, but was recalled to his birth planet by the Wow! signal that was received on the planet Earth on August 15, 1977. Elvis's death was then faked the next day on August 16, 1977. I would also note that Roswell has already been mentioned in this thread, so this data is applicable. from!_signal "The Wow! signal was a strong, narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of the Ohio State University. The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential non-terrestrial and non-solar system origin. It lasted for 72 seconds, the full duration Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again. It has been the focus of attention in the mainstream media when talking about SETI results. Amazed at how closely the signal matched the expected signature of an interstellar signal in the antenna used, Ehman circled the signal on the computer printout and wrote the comment "Wow!" on its side. This comment became the name of the signal." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #4436 September 15, 2008 Those damned aliens are screwing with us. That WOW sig was a PERFECT tease. Way way better than those absurd crop circles. I never had heard of WOW until Snowmman enlightened me. So where are we on the found money analysis by the sci/tech dream team? Will it have detectable traces of cocaine on it? Doesn't most currency? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4437 September 15, 2008 QuoteIn 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... REPLY> Cooper never requested Reno. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4438 September 15, 2008 "The Wow! signal was a strong, narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of the Ohio State University. The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential non-terrestrial and non-solar system origin. It lasted for 72 seconds, the full duration Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again. It has been the focus of attention in the mainstream media when talking about SETI results. Amazed at how closely the signal matched the expected signature of an interstellar signal in the antenna used, Ehman circled the signal on the computer printout and wrote the comment "Wow!" on its side. This comment became the name of the signal." ::::: There was a previous wow signal. Look up Jocelyn Bell or Susan J. Bell and the discovery of pulsars. Prior to this no one had seen a powerful cosmic source with precise regularity ... for several days people seriously thought it might be artificial and it definately was not Earth-based. Nothing on Earth at the time had the capability of generating such a signal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #4428 September 14, 2008 Galen Cook is hardly a spectator - I believe one of his interests is representing Unions and writing a book. ATTENTION CKRET: As for the CIA and its covert actions - the Kennedy files will NOT be released until sometime in the 2030 at which time most will not even know who Kennedy was, nor will anyone care by then. This way anyone who might have been involved will be deceased. No - I do not believe the FBI is involved but I do believe they have been "directed" in the past and records altered by the CIA. The composite that was used (the Bing Crosby look-a-like) was the only one used for yrs - the other composites were buried... by whom we can only imagine...but, there had to be a reason. There was "speculation" that the hijack involved MLK in the very beginning (wonder who suggested this) and other covert actions...but that was the days of covert so I supposed that kind of speculation was to be expected. Was there really some truth to the rumor? The FAA and Unions and CIA had critical situations going on during all of this time --- I will say no more on that subject and let you do your own investigations. Take the Marana, Tx operations - there are those who have died and their obituaries specifically state they were trained there for covert actions in Cuba among other places. This was during the very time that I question Duane's past - the John Collins days and his being in places he could not be in if he was in prison...1962 and then the following yrs.... The above also explains his extreme knowledge of planes. I have told the FBI and the forum before that he could look at a plane and tell you things about it that ordinary people could not - he caught himself - when I asked how he knew all those things -- he just read up one it...and this is the same time he mentioned working with planes...(cleaning and catering deliveries). He had to explain away his knowledge of these planes. If the FBI wanted me off their back - they could pull the SS for John Collins and find out who wrote his checks. Some from companies that have been reported to be part of the covert actions - these companies hired some agents who were ex-cons. Insurance agents supposedly cannot get a license to sell if they are a felon. This of course wouldn't mean anything to anyone who did not work in the insurance industry in the 60's. CKRET - would you have wanted Duane selling you an insurance policy? The insurance agent is given your name and this agent is calling you on behalf of your employer.....the FBI, CIA etc. One of these companies was mentioned in an article that stated it was a front for coverts...who supposedly sold insurance to FBI, CIA and other government agencies. Felons selling insurance to the FBI, CIA and other government agencies - there is SOMETHING wrong with this. Does anyone remember my search for the source of one of Duane's employments his ex-wife told me about? That company is mentioned in the articles about Marana, TX and in the JMwave entities. Duane is in and out of the Tuson, Casa Grande and Phonix area during those yrs...along with MN among the many others on the list. His connections with New Orleans are established...after he was running from the FBI as Duane L. Weber and before that as John Collins. Even when he was arrested and sent to MS - his wifes address is listed as New Orleans and her name is different. Didn't Ray deliver a package to a woman in New Orleans? Don't answer that because I know his testimony states that he did. Again I will mention the name Knutsen (how ever it was spelled). The FBI could easily trace all the employment for Duane L. Weber and John C. Collins from 1962 until 1969 - I can't because I am not the widow of John C. Collins and he was unable to include those benefits in his SS. I could go on and on like the energizer bunny but what is the use of it when no one listens or would rather wear blinders.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #4429 September 14, 2008 QuoteI could go on and on like the energizer bunny but what is the use of it when no one listens or would rather wear blinders. I'm only answering because I am directly addressed in the subject line. Jo, you know full well that people have different perceptions of things (one man's meat is another's poison, one man's problem is another's challenge, etc etc). In this case I think what you call "blinders" would be called, by many others, something more like rational thinking, or critical thinking. When you manage to produce one, just ONE, piece of actual evidence, you will find many more people are prepared to listen (including, I have no doubt, Larry Carr). We keep on asking you and you keep on responding with increasingly bizarre statements, and demands that the FBI follow up every wild goose chase angle you manage to find (that is, when you are not lambasting them with claims of cover-ups, incompetence and so on when they don't jump to your every whim). Until we get some evidence, if all you have to offer continues to be wild accusations and outlandish conspiracy theories, you really shouldn't be surprised that most people discount what you say. This is not "blinders". This is being rational.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4430 September 14, 2008 On 3-31-08 SafecrackingPLF said (post #727): "I will be interested to read the Hancock statement to see if Cooper was harnessing up BEFORE speaking to Rataczak..." We know Hancock said she saw Cooper chuting up even before 305 had left SEA, but what was the exchange between Hancock and Rataczack? What did they talk about prior to Hancock leaving the plane? Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #4431 September 14, 2008 QuoteQuoteI personally "think" the FBI and everyone else know that the skydiving community knows.. its the best kept secret.... I wish I knew.... the money would be worth a alot more now... Is this Leroy Jenkins? in any case, that's a good theory, but why would the skydiving community know? That doesn't make sense. Can you make it make sense? ok I'll Bite... someone might not know for sure (or they might) but they might have some hint or knowledge that could lead to the "secret" shh I better be quite or i'll loose my clearance....Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #4432 September 15, 2008 Quote When you manage to produce one, just ONE, piece of actual evidence, you will find many more people are prepared to listen (including, I have no doubt, Larry Carr). We keep on asking you and you keep on responding with increasingly bizarre statements, and demands that the FBI follow up every wild goose chase angle you manage to find (that is, when you are not lambasting them with claims of cover-ups, incompetence and so on when they don't jump to your every whim). What you don't understand is that these are things I told the FBI 12 and 10 yrs ago - I have acquired new things as time went on that support the basic story. Because I know that the FBI will never repeat the things I have told them - I am repeating these things in the forum, so they won't be lost forever and kept under a veil of secrecy. I am sure the FBI doesn't look at it (as a veil of secrecy) - but, since they have NEVER addressed the things I told them, Himmelsbach or anyone else - it means that they think my claim is so outlandish that they HAVE not nvestigated these things.. It is easier for them to allow the world to think of me as crazy or whatever other word others might use when referring to my claims, than to even remotely consider that I could not possibly make these things up regarding Duane's past and things said over a 17 yr marriage. If the FBI had SOLID proof Duane was not Cooper - I would think it decent of the FBI to share this with me. But, they have not done so. All they have presented stating he is NOT Cooper is less substancial than what I have said stated that indicates he WAS Cooper. If you could see my notes and records of conversations - you would know that I have not made "increasingly bizzare statements" - that I am only repeating what I told the FBI, Himmelsbach and others over the past 12 yrs. Yes, I learn things ever so often that explains a why and a possiblity for his doing or saying this or that. These new things only cement what I have said before. When I am terribly off base others have been quick to make that known and I accept that I sometimes go out on a limb, but somethings have NEVER changed. Orange - Thank you - that was the nicest reply you have ever made to me in this forum and I truely appreciate it. The evidence is in the facts and in those SS records - not something I have access to. All I have is what he said and what he did and what I saw. There are time that I am quilty of pulling on information that doesn't really apply, but that is all part of the discovery process. I was never one to think about whats and whys - I hated history, especially American History or Modern History. The yrs from 1960 until 1995 I was busy raising a family, making a living and taking care of a husband and a home...Current events in those yrs came and went - I had NO reason to know or understand them (other than the headlines). I never dreamt I would have to go back in time and read and learn about events that I accepted as just that in those days - events. I want to thank everyone in this forum for the vast accumulated knowledge that is contained within it members - and their tolerance of me. I will not back away from the fact that between 1944 and 1950 - Duane's access to WA, OR, CA and ID were the origins of his knowledge. I will not back away from the yrs 1962 - 1971 and the things that can only be explained by his being involved in some "group" that allowed him to utilize this knowledge.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #4433 September 15, 2008 In 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #4434 September 15, 2008 ladies and gentlemen: Elvis has left the airplane. Actually lots of Elvises have skydived. One sadly died from landing injuries a while back. Galen and all other AK based news is completely overshadowed by the media fascination with Palin. Maybe he will delay his Cooper book announcement until after the November election. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4435 September 15, 2008 QuoteIn 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... I'm not sure how this applies, because Elvis was actually extraterrestrial, not part of some small-town Cooper conspiracy. Everyone knows that Elvis didn't die, but was recalled to his birth planet by the Wow! signal that was received on the planet Earth on August 15, 1977. Elvis's death was then faked the next day on August 16, 1977. I would also note that Roswell has already been mentioned in this thread, so this data is applicable. from!_signal "The Wow! signal was a strong, narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of the Ohio State University. The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential non-terrestrial and non-solar system origin. It lasted for 72 seconds, the full duration Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again. It has been the focus of attention in the mainstream media when talking about SETI results. Amazed at how closely the signal matched the expected signature of an interstellar signal in the antenna used, Ehman circled the signal on the computer printout and wrote the comment "Wow!" on its side. This comment became the name of the signal." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #4436 September 15, 2008 Those damned aliens are screwing with us. That WOW sig was a PERFECT tease. Way way better than those absurd crop circles. I never had heard of WOW until Snowmman enlightened me. So where are we on the found money analysis by the sci/tech dream team? Will it have detectable traces of cocaine on it? Doesn't most currency? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4437 September 15, 2008 QuoteIn 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... REPLY> Cooper never requested Reno. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4438 September 15, 2008 "The Wow! signal was a strong, narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of the Ohio State University. The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential non-terrestrial and non-solar system origin. It lasted for 72 seconds, the full duration Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again. It has been the focus of attention in the mainstream media when talking about SETI results. Amazed at how closely the signal matched the expected signature of an interstellar signal in the antenna used, Ehman circled the signal on the computer printout and wrote the comment "Wow!" on its side. This comment became the name of the signal." ::::: There was a previous wow signal. Look up Jocelyn Bell or Susan J. Bell and the discovery of pulsars. Prior to this no one had seen a powerful cosmic source with precise regularity ... for several days people seriously thought it might be artificial and it definately was not Earth-based. Nothing on Earth at the time had the capability of generating such a signal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #4439 September 15, 2008 QuoteQuoteIn 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... REPLY> Cooper never requested Reno. FBI website Quote When the flight landed in Seattle, the hijacker exchanged the flight’s 36 passengers for the money and parachutes. Cooper kept several crewmembers, and the plane took off again, ordered to set a course for Mexico City. Somewhere between Seattle and Reno, a little after 8:00 p.m., the hijacker did the incredible: he jumped out of the back of the plane with a parachute and the ransom money. You can't cover up the "Elvis Factor". It's even on the FBI website. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4440 September 16, 2008 QuoteQuoteQuoteIn 1971, Elvis had made appearances in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. He frequented the Reno area. His last tour in 1971 started November 5th and ended abruptly on November 16, mere days before the hijacking. If a person needed to "lie low" in a requested destination like Reno for a few days... REPLY> Cooper never requested Reno. FBI website Quote When the flight landed in Seattle, the hijacker exchanged the flight’s 36 passengers for the money and parachutes. Cooper kept several crewmembers, and the plane took off again, ordered to set a course for Mexico City. Somewhere between Seattle and Reno, a little after 8:00 p.m., the hijacker did the incredible: he jumped out of the back of the plane with a parachute and the ransom money. You can't cover up the "Elvis Factor". It's even on the FBI website. pretty funny....the sentence basically says "we don't know where the plane was a little after 8:00 pm, but it was somewhere between Seattle and Reno". If you wanted to bound the possible jump by Seattle and Reno, those times are known wouldn't say 'a little after 8:00 pm". Note the Elvis Factor continued with Heady's hijack and jump in Reno in '72. Lapoint's hijack started in Las Vegas in '72. Some news articles mentioned the money was gathered from casinos [for Heady?], but I suspect the money was really provided by Elvis, since he was Nixon's main man on the scene. Nixon -> Elvis -> Cooper. It's pretty simple to figure out. The Nixon/Elvis meeting memorandum has a reference to "radio sets". This happened on 12/21/70. It's likely a coded message about radios Cooper would use, or DF equipment for the BTG vortac. (edit) "4 radio sets" are mentioned. Possibly a reference to 4 chutes. (edit) note the mirror imaging implicit in the date selection: 12/21 Hendrix and Joplin were referenced, but I believe that was to steer investigators away from Jimmy Page, the true co-conspirator I have id'ed before. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #4441 September 16, 2008 Quote Quote When the flight landed in Seattle, the hijacker exchanged the flight’s 36 passengers for the money and parachutes. Cooper kept several crewmembers, and the plane took off again, ordered to set a course for Mexico City. Somewhere between Seattle and Reno, a little after 8:00 p.m., the hijacker did the incredible: he jumped out of the back of the plane with a parachute and the ransom money. What you are reading is not the official FOIA. You are reading a brief come-on by a writer who before even had a date error at the time of the original posting.. I just went back to the site and the error was corrected. It is a tickler to pull the FOIA's and state the crime. I contacted the FBI site when it first came up about the error - but recieved no acknowledgement and have not been back until a moment ago. Don't believe everything you read even when the site says FBI. Note that article is archived, but I have an old one I printed and someday when I have time I will find it and scan it to show the error.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #4442 September 16, 2008 Quote Hendrix and Joplin were referenced, but I believe that was to steer investigators away from Jimmy Page, the true co-conspirator I have id'ed before. Jimmy Page? No, I don't believe it. After all he is still (officially) alive, if he really was a co-conspirator his death would have been faked, along with all the others. Unless you believe that because Page is British the FBI wouldn't've bothered to include him in the (sshhhhh) cover-up?Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #4443 September 16, 2008 QuoteQuote Hendrix and Joplin were referenced, but I believe that was to steer investigators away from Jimmy Page, the true co-conspirator I have id'ed before. Jimmy Page? No, I don't believe it. After all he is still (officially) alive, if he really was a co-conspirator his death would have been faked, along with all the others. Unless you believe that because Page is British the FBI wouldn't've bothered to include him in the (sshhhhh) cover-up? QuoteYour head is humming and it wont go In case you dont know, The pipers calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, And did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. If someone was standing on the aft stairs... that would be their final words to a flight attendant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4444 September 16, 2008 remember how I said, "everything is online".... found a collector's site that gives the first step in understanding this flight scheduling issue, and when 305 added the Seattle leg. has a list of all Northwest timetables printed. The info is collected from an assortment of collectors. They are motivated, so it can be considered reasonably definitive? Here's the schedules available, given the dates they were active. They give numbers for the schedule, but I think those are just collectors' reference numbers. Contrary to my guess, the schedules didn't always become active on the first. The missing schedules we need are: 10-01-71 10-31-71 I'll try emailing the collectors. Here are all the dates, starting from around the previous year's thanksgiving. Note that in 1970, there was a new schedule on 11/16. (edit) the closest in 1971 would be 10-31-71. So there wasn't a special "holiday" schedule? not printed at least? 10-25-70 11-16-70 12-01-70 12-17-70 01-18-71 02-01-71 03-01-71 04-01-71 04-25-71 06-01-71 08-01-71 10-01-71 10-31-71 12-15-71 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4445 September 16, 2008 QuoteQuoteQuote Hendrix and Joplin were referenced, but I believe that was to steer investigators away from Jimmy Page, the true co-conspirator I have id'ed before. Jimmy Page? No, I don't believe it. After all he is still (officially) alive, if he really was a co-conspirator his death would have been faked, along with all the others. Unless you believe that because Page is British the FBI wouldn't've bothered to include him in the (sshhhhh) cover-up? QuoteYour head is humming and it wont go In case you dont know, The pipers calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, And did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. If someone was standing on the aft stairs... that would be their final words to a flight attendant. Exactly, happythoughts! You see my point clearly. If there was a conspiracy, there would be clues. So when we find clues like this, it clearly validates the conspiracy. I don't want to spell it all out, but everyone knows that Squeeky Fromme tried to pass a note to Jimmy Page at a concert right? This is documented in wikipedia. The note was burned without being read. While Fromme was probably not involved in the Cooper event, she may have been experiencing clairvoyance about a CIA sniper in the crowd. I believe that rather than covering up Page, there were attempts to silence him thru assassination. from "Attempt to contact Jimmy Page In March 1975, Fromme confronted Danny Goldberg, the publicist for English rock band Led Zeppelin, which was performing concerts in the United States as part of its North American concert tour. She said she had to see Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, because she had foreseen something evil in his future and thought it might happen that night during the band's concert at the Long Beach Arena. She swore that the last time this had happened, she had seen someone shot to death before her very eyes. Goldberg persuaded her to write a long note to Page, after which she left. The note was burned, unread." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4446 September 16, 2008 I attached the front covers of the oct 1,1971 and oct 31,1971 timetables..they were at that site. So someone has a copy, somewhere. (edit) src: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4447 September 17, 2008 Quoteremember how I said, "everything is online".... found a collector's site that gives the first step in understanding this flight scheduling issue, and when 305 added the Seattle leg. has a list of all Northwest timetables printed. The info is collected from an assortment of collectors. They are motivated, so it can be considered reasonably definitive? Here's the schedules available, given the dates they were active. They give numbers for the schedule, but I think those are just collectors' reference numbers. Contrary to my guess, the schedules didn't always become active on the first. The missing schedules we need are: 10-01-71 10-31-71 I'll try emailing the collectors. Here are all the dates, starting from around the previous year's thanksgiving. Note that in 1970, there was a new schedule on 11/16. (edit) the closest in 1971 would be 10-31-71. So there wasn't a special "holiday" schedule? not printed at least? 10-25-70 11-16-70 12-01-70 12-17-70 01-18-71 02-01-71 03-01-71 04-01-71 04-25-71 06-01-71 08-01-71 10-01-71 10-31-71 12-15-71 :::: I emailed the website owner too - he may know how, when, and where the 11/24/71 sked was made, printed by who, etc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4448 September 17, 2008 I think Jo has blinders on when it comes to the Page conspiracy. As I've said before, I really hate being dragged thru all this again, kicking and screaming. But facts are facts. Like Jimi Hendrix. Everyone knows he was a jumper right? Seriously. From his bio at "..[Jimi]... voluntarily joining the army at 17. After 14 months as a paratrooper, learning a lot about falling and flying, he suffered an injury and was discharged. He decided to enter the music field." Note that the biographer specifically calls out "falling' and "flying". More detail from Trained at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Got his discharge after breaking his ankle. He was born in 1942, so that would be around 1960. That site also notes the service was compulsory, apparently part of a deal after a legal issue involving car theft? Note the jump training helps confirm everything I've been saying. I don't know if they held the car theft over his head again, since he didn't fullfill the 2 year service commitment, but maybe that was part of it. I'll leave it unsaid whether his death was accidental on 9/18/70. Note that it was right before the Elvis/Nixon meeting on 12/21/70, that initiated the Elvis Factor that happythoughts and orange1 have also id'ed. (remember Hendrix is referenced in the Elvis/Nixon meeting memorandum) I would note that the original b/w newscast announcing his death, used a disclaimer... "apparently from an overdose of drugs" .......see youtube here Elvis is mentioned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #4449 September 17, 2008 Quote Quote Quote Hendrix and Joplin were referenced, but I believe that was to steer investigators away from Jimmy Page, the true co-conspirator I have id'ed before. Jimmy Page? No, I don't believe it. After all he is still (officially) alive, if he really was a co-conspirator his death would have been faked, along with all the others. Unless you believe that because Page is British the FBI wouldn't've bothered to include him in the (sshhhhh) cover-up? Quote Your head is humming and it wont go In case you dont know, The pipers calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, And did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. If someone was standing on the aft stairs... that would be their final words to a flight attendant. OK, OK, you've convinced me.. the evidence is overwhelming. But there's another twist to this, right - if you've seen The Song Remains the Same, you'll know there was some money stolen in NY as well. IIRC it was a little less than (ta daaaaa) $200K... spot a pattern here?Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4450 September 17, 2008 Orange1 said: QuoteOK, OK, you've convinced me.. the evidence is overwhelming. But there's another twist to this, right - if you've seen The Song Remains the Same, you'll know there was some money stolen in NY as well. IIRC it was a little less than (ta daaaaa) $200K... spot a pattern here? Orange1: I was not aware of the theft from the safe deposit box at the Drake hotel. I did the requisite search thru the newspapers, and attached an article from the wire services that details it. 7/30/73 Lowell Sun. The money has apparently never been recovered. It was between $203,800 and $229,000. There was no indication that the box had been forced open. Two keys were needed to open, one that the desk clerk had, and one that the tour manager had. Jo has mentioned a desk clerk before. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites