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georger 247
QuoteQuoteLook where Tina Bar sits.
The map or site is only as good as the person putting it there - it is not a real dictionary or encyclopedia.
The arrow is to high for "Tena's" bar on that map. You have it at the upper end of Vancouver Lake when it is down toward the lower end of that lake. I don't have a map of it handy, but you will find that the arrow on that map is too High and too far North.
The area was part of the Fazio farm and the only river that flows North into the Columbia is the Washougal - that would allow the money to be deposited at the Fazio farm.Although the Fazio property "Tena's Bar" is only a few feet above sea level - rarely - maybe once or twice a yr. does the river rise to the level where the money was found,
The farmers used the beach in their farming -which included moving cattle and they claimed that hundreds of people came there for recreational activities. It was the opinion of these long time owners and farmers that IF the money had been there for very long even under a layer of sand that someone would have found it.
My father was a farmer - and he knew his land - these 4 brothers knew their land - I will take the word of these long time farmers of that land before that of any hydrologist.
The local fishermen also where of the opinion that the money had come down the river from somewhere upstream. They also felt and were in agreement that the money may have been deposited on the beach with the melting snow about 2 wks before (this caused the river to rise) and left the money there covered by a layer of silt.
Fishermen and Farmers - good indicators and they knew their land and their waters. Also it has never been explained how the three packets were able to stay together after they separated from the sack if indeed the money bag itself did land in the Columbia.The DZ (per todays' technology) makes the money landing in the Columbia highly improbable. Writers and seekers of Cooper and his money have for 36 yrs moved the DZ to fit their whims or theories. Now it is time to look at FACTS.
The DZ and the money in the Columbia and the conditions under which it was found do not fit together like a puzzle piece. That is because they occurred 6 yrs apart.
Not one of the theories can explain how three packets arrive together - except what I have been trying to tell the FBI and others since May 24 1996 - for over 12 yrs.
Quotethis whole area is under water during floods so very likely the money was not "put up on Tina Bar", but was left there as water levels dropped in the whole area as a flood subsided. There is no eddy at Tina Bar. It is open river channel right off of Tina Bar .....
I believe the statements I made explain that the only chances of such a deposit being made...these statements where not made by me but by fishermen and farmers in 1980..
Jo, do you happen to know what kind of cattle the Fazio's raised? Was it a dairy operation?
snowmman 3
I do know that the Norjak book he acquired after we opened the new office.
Remember how he got around my reading it - he said one of the quys at the office wanted to read it. But I had asked him specifically if I could read it when he was through with it. He could NOT let me read that book - he was afraid...I would put it all together - the things he had said in the past and our trip to WA.
I do not believe he read Gunther's book until 1990. This I only know this from the handwriting in the book.
It was around this same time (1990) that lots of CRAZY things happened. The bag, the ticket, the stub, the unusual trip, the safe deposit box, money matters, the false ID, the friend (yrs later)telling me about his disappearing act and the money he saw him with in 1990.
There is also the matter of some unusual "trinkets" appearing in the desk drawer and a couple of break-ins at the shop, the strange woman at the shop and the private detective he was leary of.
It is good to highlight the difference between Duane with the Norjak book and the annotated Gunther book. Your comments about this have been a little obscure before. The two book thing helps to confirm a fascination with the Cooper case. (edit) It would be odd though if he annotated both books. Why would he annotate the 2nd book, if he already had the 1st book (Norjak?) Also, he owned the Norjak book, while the 2nd was a library book? Odd.
In any case, you again leave out details that would help explain the oddities above. There was money in the shop, $100 bills, I believe you said, of unknown origin. Aren't all the oddities more easily explained, and the $100 bills, by Duane being involved in some other crime?
Also: why would Duane keep the money bag, but not the money? It doesn't make sense. If there was a money bag, it may have been connected to the other crime Duane was obviously still involved in. Which you suspected, but continue to pretend you didn't suspect at the time.
Quotethis whole area is under water during floods so very likely the money was not "put up on Tina Bar", but was left there as water levels dropped in the whole area as a flood subsided. There is no eddy at Tina Bar. It is open river channel right off of Tina Bar .....
SO you have to be saying the money was floating?????
QuoteIt is good to highlight the difference between Duane with the Norjak book and the annotated Gunther book. Your comments about this have been a little obscure before. The two book thing helps to confirm a fascination with the Cooper case. (edit) It would be odd though if he annotated both books. Why would he annotate the 2nd book, if he already had the 1st book (Norjak?) Also, he owned the Norjak book, while the 2nd was a library book? Odd.
Doesn't seem odd to me - he bought the first book and I don't know if he wrote anything in it or not - remember I didn't read it. The first time I read Norjak was after I got in contact with Himmelsbach in late 1996 and after he sent the book to me.
QuoteIn any case, you again leave out details that would help explain the oddities above. There was money in the shop, $100 bills, I believe you said, of unknown origin. Aren't all the oddities more easily explained, and the $100 bills, by Duane being involved in some other crime?
Considering his health at that time - his committing a crime netting 50K would be very difficult,
There is only the friends' word for the $100 bills - how much of that is truth I don't know. I feel the shop was a front - it didn't make that kind of money.
QuoteAlso: why would Duane keep the money bag, but not the money? It doesn't make sense. If there was a money bag, it may have been connected to the other crime Duane was obviously still involved in. Which you suspected, but continue to pretend you didn't suspect at the time.
I won't touch that one with a ten foot pole my dear. It has been suggested that maybe he pulled off a robbery, but none was ever reported unless he stole it from someone who could NOT report it.
Consider his health and stamina at that time unlikely he obtained that money by any other mean than retrival.
I have typed something and then deleted if about 10 times. There is no other way to say this - other than there is something I have NOT told because if I did NO ONE would believe me. It is something that I have questioned myself on many times and fear it could be a false I don't say it.
I will say this much - I know what I know and I know what I know from what I saw. If Duane was NOT Cooper then he sure as hell knew who was.
I came back to add this because in reviewing my last two sentences above I know why I do what I do and why I keep on with this...because I know Duane Weber was Dan Cooper or knew who was...and not because of what he told me, but because of what I saw.
If I had never known who Dan Cooper was I would never have known the significance of this.
Orange1 0
QuoteA ploygraph might settle this once and for all.
Nope - from what I understand, if a person believes they are telling the truth it will come across as such on a polygraph - even if they are totally delusional and spouting absolute rubbish - maybe 377 or AggieDave can comment, they probably have experience in this.
Orange1 0
QuoteIf I had paid for an expert handwriting analysis - I would have been my doing the FBI's investigation for them.
Er... OK. According to your first ever post here (in the 1st thread) you had already done everything for the FBI except put Duane in a parachute (which still hasn't been done, let's not forget). So you are now saying... what? That you actually did NOT do "everything" for the FBI? Or that what must be a tiny amount compared to the time and effort you've spent on this, for one thing which may actually for once verify something of what you say, is not worth the bother for you? Or some matter of "principle"? Or is it just so you can keep on blaming the FBI for your own lack of anything substantial? Or are you just scared your own paid expert will not tell you what you want to hear, and that will not so easily be explained away by conspiracy theories and claims of incompetence?
QuoteI gave copies to the FBI. It is their job to check things out NOT mine.
I still fail to see why it is the FBI's job to check out every fanciful claim made by anyone who feels like it. I mean, if they do it for you they will have to do it for every Tom, Dick and Harry claiming something or other... Or is this a special case deserving of attention that others don't? And let's not forget that the FBI HAS checked stuff of yours out ...and clearly what they found was not enough to make them bother checking other stuff out.
snowmman 3
The other page - this is the note that is written "How about SS payments by employer?" I think that notation was made in regards to his wanting to draw on the John Collins SS in addition to Weber.
Hi Jo.
Whenever you don't post something, it's because it weakens your case. Obviously the annotation above sounds more like something a random Cooper fan/investigator would write in a book.
Yeah, you can make up some crazy thought that Duane might have had, nothing wrong with doing that.
But it's obvious why you don't focus on that second page. It's because it makes it more likely that Duane didn't annotate the Gunther book.
And you don't clearly spell out the two book issue all the time, because that weakens the story too.
You can flame away all you want on what I say here.
But we all know Larry King was Cooper. You just don't want to admit you didn't know King was involved in Mongoose.
QuoteJo said
The other page - this is the note that is written "How about SS payments by employer?" I think that notation was made in regards to his wanting to draw on the John Collins SS in addition to Weber.
Hi Jo.
Whenever you don't post something, it's because it weakens your case. Obviously the annotation above sounds more like something a random Cooper fan/investigator would write in a book.
Yeah, you can make up some crazy thought that Duane might have had, nothing wrong with doing that.
But it's obvious why you don't focus on that second page. It's because it makes it more likely that Duane didn't annotate the Gunther book.

I have told you before if you wish to discuss things on the phone I will do so as it easier for me to verbalize then it is to write.

It has been suggest that the license is false - because it has an address on it that actually belonged to a John Collins.

Since we know new information is available on the money that should be the focus.
1. We know he took money out to offer to Tina - where did he put that money - in his pockets, the belly pack or the package he prepared.
2. It has been said that he put money in the belly pack and one of the packs was missing. NO mention has been made of his putting that money back with the bundle.
3. The Bundle was strapped to him - but was there money in his pockets or a belly pack. This Bundle did he ride it down the way the man did in that picture with the barrel?
4. Is is possible for him to even have secured a bundle with what he had on him - there has been no mention of Duck Tape, but could that have been in the paper bag or did Cooper even think that far ahead.
5. There is an obscure notation that was reportably stated to by Tina, but I don't know which book or article this was in. She noted a green bag sticking out of the panels of his brief case - I believe this is something said to Bryant Brown and then publicized in the 2 part article he wrote for the Vegan.
So how many possiblities do we have for him to place the money on his body? Never put all your eggs in one basket.
Sort of like putting ones money in several different banks at this time - if one fails you still have money to pay the bills.
I've attached his mug shot from 1971. It's reasonable to conclude that he did the hijack to try to pay off his debts, but failed when he lost the money on the jump.
Some court testimony from Dade County, The State of Florida vs. Larry King; Case No. 71-10512
is at:
In 1960, King broke into television by hosting a local debate program called “Miami Undercover” on WPST (now WPLG). Unfortunately for King, he had to face bankruptcy because of his lavish lifestyle. He continued his career by hosting a weekend show on WTVJ in 1964 and embarking on a new profession as a columnist for the “Miami Herald” in 1965.
1968 marked King's involvement with Wall Street financier Louis Wolfson, from whom the radio personality got money to fund New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison, who was investigating the assassination of President Kennedy.
Three years later, (1971) King was arrested of alleged taking money from Wolfson, who admitted that not all the money lent to King made it to Garrison.
King, who previously had dealt with serious financial problems, could not repay the amount and eventually pled no contest to passing bad checks. In addition to ending his broadcast career for three years, the scandal also forced King to file for bankruptcy a second time in 1978.
(edit) as a side note to the Led Zep IV album evidence (old man with sticks painting = cooper with dynamite), I've attached more confirming evidence. Playboy magazine, Dec. 1971 was on the newstands the last week of Nov. 1971. Uncharacteristically, there was no playmate on the cover. Instead (cover attached) a rabbit with a white dove in the eye. The white dove flying is Cooper; The tie on the rabbit is Cooper's tie; The two rabbit ears is the two hundred thousand dollar ransom. The uncharacteristic nature of the cover links to the uncharacteristic Led Zep IV album cover.
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