snowmman 3 #4776 October 22, 2008 Interesting I hadn't noticed this before...just two months before Cooper (exactly) There were a couple of crazy woman hijacks..I posted the mother/girlfriend/daughter succession before. It's weird how they called out "white woman" in this article. (she wanted to get two Black Panthers out of jail.) Like I said, all the elements of the Cooper hijack had been in prior hijacks. Dynamite. Ransom. Parachute. Chicago Tribune 9/25/71 "Federal sky marshals arrested a white woman armed with dynamite today only minutes before an American Airlines Boeing 727 was scheduled to leave the Detroit airport on a flight to New York." It was a 727, probably just by coincidence, not choice. Real dynamite, cordite fuses, and a pistol. Full article from Daily Sitka Sentinel 9/24/71 attached Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4777 October 22, 2008 Got the money and chutes, but decided not to go. Interesting that Marvin's age was 49. Maybe that's a prime "Cooper-itis" age. Claimed he had bomb in a suitcase. Waving gun that turned out to be empty. 57 passengers. Wednesday night. Got $200k ransom and parachutes. Freed 50 passengers. Ordered plane to leave for unknown destination with seven crew members. Then handed over the empty .38 revolver to a stewardess. Boeing 727. Flight 633, over north Texas on the Oklahoma City to Dallas leg of a cross country flight from NY to LA. Forced it back to Oklahoma City. Demanded $550k and parachutes. Forced pilot to take off again, circle city for 3 hours. Ransom package only contained $200k. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #4778 October 22, 2008 When is The Galen Cook book coming out? Maybe he wants to release it just before the Christmas shopping rush. I wonder if he can see Russia from his cabin in AK? And what about Ckret's tease about new info about to be released? And the money analysis by a dream team of scientists? Hungry for Cooper news. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4779 October 23, 2008 The letter that was mailed to the Reno paper immediately after the hijack, was kind of bogus, so can be ignored. (the one with Oakdale, CA return address) But I just ran into the letter(s) that were sent out in December '71. I don't think the text of the letter has been posted so here it is. The week of Dec 15, 1971, the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the Seattle Times each received a copy of a letter signed "D.B. Cooper". (edit) Just found that the LA Times note, at least, was typewritten. Also apparently the letters were from Seattle. The NYT letter said: "Sirs, I knew from the start that I wouldn't be caught. I didn't rob Northwest Orient because I thought it would be romantic, heroic or any of the other euphemisms that seem to attach to situations of high risks. I'm no modern day Robin Hood. Unfortunately I do have only 14 months to live. My life has been one of hate, turmoil, hunger and more hate; this seemed to be the fastest and most profitable way to gain a few fast grains of peace of mind. I don't blame people for hating me for what I've done nor do I blame anybody for wanting me to be caught and punished, though this can never happen. Here are some (not all) of the things working against the authorities: I'm not a boasting man I left no fingerprints I wore a toupee I wore putty make-up They could add or subtract from the composite a hundred times and not come up with an accurate description; and we both know it. I've come and gone on several airline flights already and am not holed up in some obscure backwoods town. Neither am I a psycopathic [sic] killer. As a matter of fact I've never even received a speeding ticket. Thank you for your attention." FBI got the letter(s) to study. Other letters: Portland Oregonian got one Dec 1, mailed in Portland. signed D.B. Cooper. Made of pasted up letters cut out of magazine (like another) "Am alive and doing well in Hometown P. O. The system that beat the system. D.B. Cooper" Another one received by the province paper in Vancouver B.C. was hand printed in ink and mimicked the hospitality reference from the Reno letter. "I enjoyed the Grey Cup game. Am leaving Vancouver. Thanks for the hospitality. D.B. Cooper" It's interesting that the NYT letter is substantially longer than the other obviously bogus ones. And remember the NYT letter was just 3 weeks or so after the hijack. (edit) I had previously noted there was a time (forgot the date..can search my posts) where the FBI apparently did temporarily think they might be searching for a bald person. (edit) Another note, 12/8/71. Note on index card with words clipped from newspapers. Mailed from Henderson. Addressed in block letters in pencil. "I'm your hero, the great D.B. Cooper, the cool hijacker turned paratrooper, who bailed out with the cash, shed no blood, caused no crash, but sure left old John Law in a stupor. Viva Las Vegas ... D.B. Cooper" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4780 October 23, 2008 QuoteThe letter that was mailed to the Reno paper immediately after the hijack, was kind of bogus, so can be ignored. (the one with Oakdale, CA return address) But I just ran into the letter(s) that were sent out in December '71. I don't think the text of the letter has been posted so here it is. The week of Dec 15, 1971, the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the Seattle Times each received a copy of a letter signed "D.B. Cooper". The NYT letter said: "Sirs, I knew from the start that I wouldn't be caught. I didn't rob Northwest Orient because I thought it would be romantic, heroic or any of the other euphemisms that seem to attach to situations of high risks. I'm no modern day Robin Hood. Unfortunately I do have only 14 months to live. My life has been one of hate, turmoil, hunger and more hate; this seemed to be the fastest and most profitable way to gain a few fast grains of peace of mind. I don't blame people for hating me for what I've done nor do I blame anybody for wanting me to be caught and punished, though this can never happen. Here are some (not all) of the things working against the authorities: I'm not a boasting man I left no fingerprints I wore a toupee I wore putty make-up They could add or subtract from the composite a hundred times and not come up with an accurate description; and we both know it. I've come and gone on several airline flights already and am not holed up in some obscure backwoods town. Neither am I a psycopathic killer. As a matter of fact I've never even received a speeding ticket. Thank you for your attention." FBI got the letter(s) to study. Other letters: Portland Oregonian got one Dec 1, mailed in Portland. signed D.B. Cooper. Made of pasted up letters cut out of magazine (like another) "Am alive and doing well in Hometown P. O. The system that beat the system. D.B. Cooper" Another one received by the province paper in Vancouver B.C. was hand printed in ink and mimicked the hospitality reference from the Reno letter. "I enjoyed the Grey Cup game. Am leaving Vancouver. Thanks for the hospitality. D.B. Cooper" It's interesting that the NYT letter is substantially longer than the other obviously bogus ones. And remember the NYT letter was just 3 weeks or so after the hijack. (edit) I had previously noted there was a time (forgot the date..can search my posts) where the FBI apparently did temporarily think they might be searching for a bald person. (edit) Another note, 12/8/71. Note on index card with words clipped from newspapers. Mailed from Henderson. Addressed in block letters in pencil. "I'm your hero, the great D.B. Cooper, the cool hijacker turned paratrooper, who bailed out with the cash, shed no blood, caused no crash, but sure left old John Law in a stupor. Viva Las Vegas ... D.B. Cooper" None of these letters provide a vital link, especially those that wish to 'make a point'. People who want to make points provide a transparent link LE would understand clearly. eg., the guy who says he left no prints. Thats funny. Now, if someone had sent in the rear door placard from the plane . . . imagine the reaction then. Oh! and if Duane had the bank bag as Jo says, then I guess we can rule out finding any fibres from the bank bag with the money. Right? Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4781 October 23, 2008 Okay, I'm assuming we're all at least Level 3 Certified Cooper folk. But I can see that no one is going to pass the Level 4 Certification test. The phrase "I'm not a boasting man" in the letter above, is from Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson. One should also note I posted a picture of a pirate burying treasure on a beach long ago in this thread. I attached the news article that had the text of the letter I quoted. gentlemen of fortune are pirates. The cook, speaking, is Long John Silver, also known as Barbecue. page 68 of the 1919 edition of Treasure Island "Gentlemen of fortune", returned the cook, "usually trusts little among themselves, and right they are, you may lay to it. But I have a way with me, I have. When a mate brings a slip on his cable -- one as knows me, I mean -- it won't be in the same world with old John. There was some that was feared of Pew, and some that was feared of Flint; but Flint his own self was feared of me. Feared he was, and proud. They was the roughest crew afloat, was Flint's; the devil himself would have been feared to go to sea with them. Well, now, I tell you, I'm not a boasting man, and you seen yourself how easy I keep company; but when I was quartermaster, lambs wasn't the word for Flint's old buccaneers. Ah you may be sure of yourself in old John's ship" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #4782 October 23, 2008 Pretty cool about the RLS link Snow, you make connections where others see nothing. There is "something" about that NYT letter... doesnt sound hoaxey. Face putty, I'm not sure I have heard that term outside of movie makeup talk. Where would one get face putty? How much can it alter appearance? Would it have been obvious to Tina? The chances the NYT letter was really from Cooper are tiny, but its fun to imagine what if... 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4783 October 23, 2008 377, I agree the NYT letter is weird. And mailed to multiple papers. Some of it could be lies. But you're right that everything else would seem to make it bogus. in any case, I'll repost what I posted back when I was investigating "when" the FBI apparently was looking for a bald guy. I don't know what triggered that temporary description. from news articles somewhat weirdly connected, I tracked down the source of The Bald Man Theory...evidently on 4/29/72 newspapers reported the FBI had a theory Cooper was bald with a wig? Maybe this was a result of McCoy hijack, which was 4/7/72..captured 4/9/72 I mention this as part of the mythology about just what the "excellent description" really was or wasn't. Apr 29, 1972 - The FBI has concluded that "DB Cooper," the ransom hijacker of an airliner last November, is bald headed, according to the Bremerton Sun. From CLUE TO DB COOPER---'BALD,' PAPER SAYS - Los Angeles Times Apr 29, 1972 - .. search for Cooper, who escaped last Thanksgiving eve from a low flying Northwest Airlines 727 along with two parachutes and 'according to the Bremerton Sun. The newspaper said it learned from a reliable source the FBI is looking for a bald headed "DB but it ... From San Mateo Times (Newspaper) - April 29, 1972, Apr 29, 1972 - FBI agents have been showing residents here a photograph taken in front of a local wig shop and indications are that the suspect could be bald and be wearing a black wig. These are the most recent conclusions of the' FBI in its search for Cooper, who escaped last Thanksgiving eve from a low ... From San Mateo Times (Newspaper) - April 29, 1972, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #4784 October 23, 2008 You know it sure seems logical that Cooper would have disguised himself. Wigs go a LONG way to throwing people off the track of IDing a suspect. Add some "face putty" and we could all be looking for the wrong face. Maybe we should reexamine likely suspects who were ruled out because they didn't look like Bing Crosby. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4785 October 23, 2008 QuoteYou know it sure seems logical that Cooper would have disguised himself. Reply> Why? Some people live life directly, and to hell with the rest. They manage to survive, for a time, in a cold faceless universe which is all about Entropy. Disguises are a vanity. (You are a fisherman. You should know all about that.) We sit here discussing Cooper. I think Cooper could discuss us just as easily. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Erroll 80 #4786 October 23, 2008 make assume fancifull connections where others see nothing don't bother. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4787 October 23, 2008 make assume fancifull connections where others see nothing don't bother. Exactly! which reminds me. When I was younger, whether by chance or design, it seemed I ran into old guys a lot, and I would always keep my trap shut and listen to them for pearls of wisdom. I think the circumstances were more that I was the young cheap manual labor, and they were past their prime. Have you ever tried to lay block while an old mason with a bad back gripes at you the whole day? In any case, this old guy invited me to dinner after work with him and his wife, in their cabin. I think she actually did make an apple pie. We sat around in the living room, him in his comfy chair, spinning stories about life. As I recall, it all came down to this. He was talking about how he used to coach a pistol target shooting team. And they used to travel for meets. They were pretty successful. He leans forward, conspiratorily. It's obvious he's going to try to pass on the wisdom of the ages. "I used to get them up every hour the night before, to piss. That's what did it." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #4788 October 23, 2008 Excuse me Snowmman the Oakdale, Ca. letter is the real one . The letter you just posted was NEVER in the original informations supplied to the FBI that I am aware of. It sound bogus. Where did you find this.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SafecrackingPLF 0 #4789 October 23, 2008 I would have to get caught up on the suspect, but when I first broke this on dropzone, the story on him was too incomplete for me to believe he had anything to do with the crime; mostly because I'd put him last of all the suspects discussed on this thread. But, I haven't heard any of the new information that has been released by Galen Crook Cook. There has to be more to the story, or else he's wasting all of our time. Now, as to the "peculiar" behavior of the man at the hotel, it was a matter of his late wake-up call request and his matching the description. I don't know enough to say if the witness claimed that he "matched" the early composite sketch. The weight you give that witness is up to you. I was only pointing out that there is someone that has gone on record; and no, I don't have a copy of his signed statement, but have read some of what he had said before. He made some posts on another thread on another website. If his story is believed, then its akin to putting him not only in a parachute, but on the plane itself. Like you, I would like to see more statements from this person to make a determination if he's "full of it" or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4790 October 23, 2008 QuoteExcuse me Snowmman the Oakdale, Ca. letter is the real one . The letter you just posted was NEVER in the original informations supplied to the FBI that I am aware of. It sound bogus. Where did you find this. What do you mean by bogus? Do you mean that the report of the letters were bogus, or that they had nothing to do with Cooper? I'm not sure what you're saying (asking?). It was in news articles. Are you asking for the news articles, or ??? How would you know anything about what the FBI has? None of us really do. If anything, stuff like the letters should point out how little we really know about the investigation, and how little Ckret has provided. (or any other agent involved over the years). georger's comment about what a real letter might look like, was more useful than just saying "bogus". Are you asking for the news articles? It's funny how you expect stuff to happen thru insults. (edit) oh ps. 377/georger. Not that it means anything but I found a report that said the LA Times version of the letter was typewritten. Apparently they were sent from Seattle? This is just from news articles. Doesn't really mean anything. But I suspect it triggered some investigation at the FBI. Ckret probably has the real letter. Be cool to see a copy of it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4791 October 23, 2008 Quote The weight you give that witness is up to you. I was only pointing out that there is someone that has gone on record; and no, I don't have a copy of his signed statement, but have read some of what he had said before. He made some posts on another thread on another website. You're talking about the posts on suite101? If so I've read them and concluded they were bogus. They're still available on the web. You could gather them up and present them in their best light for review here. (edit) I misremembered. The post in question was on I posted more stuff on this below, including the actual post. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4792 October 23, 2008 QuoteI would have to get caught up on the suspect, but when I first broke this on dropzone, the story on him was too incomplete for me to believe he had anything to do with the crime; mostly because I'd put him last of all the suspects discussed on this thread. But, I haven't heard any of the new information that has been released by Galen Crook Cook. There has to be more to the story, or else he's wasting all of our time. Now, as to the "peculiar" behavior of the man at the hotel, it was a matter of his late wake-up call request and his matching the description. I don't know enough to say if the witness claimed that he "matched" the early composite sketch. The weight you give that witness is up to you. I was only pointing out that there is someone that has gone on record; and no, I don't have a copy of his signed statement, but have read some of what he had said before. He made some posts on another thread on another website. REPLY> What other thread - what other website? What did he say? What is the ph of the soil at Tina Bar? Any layer you want to comment about. Tosaw! Tosaw! Georger! Georger! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4793 October 23, 2008 hey georger: you saw that soils report page I had posted that tested Vancouver Lake right (they were wondering if when they dredged it, they could use the spoils on farmland).. that had some ph stuff from back then. I know it's just "nearby". I attached it again. It's from 1972. It's a page from a longer report about dredging proposal there. here's another report that mentions an area of the Columbia closer to the ocean. (1978). It's kind of far away. attached jpg that shows it (top left, the box with the white the wide part of the bay) Title : Habitat Development Field Investigations Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site Columbia River, Oregon. Appendix E. Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and Soil Resources on Dredged Material. Descriptive Note : Final rept., Corporate Author : WASHINGTON STATE UNIV PULLMAN Personal Author(s) : Heilman,Paul E. ; Greer,David M. ; Brauen,Stanton E. ; Baker,Aaron S. Report Date : AUG 1978 Pagination or Media Count : 396 Abstract : This report describes the study area, methods, and resutls of habitat development experiments conducted at Miller Sands, a dredged material disposal site near the mouth of the Columbia River. The study consisted of investigations and experimental plantings on the older upland portion of the island and on the more recently constructed spit and marsh area. Soil analyses showed relatively uniform soil conditions with sand texture on both experimental sites. However, at the low elevation on the spit, silt and clay contents were higher than elsewhere. The soil was also very low in organic matter and nitrogen but had relatively high base status and pH, with the upland being about pH 6 and the marsh soils about pH 7. The phosphorus level was also relatively high, being above soil phosphorus levels found in adjacent natural soils. Although marsh soils were somewhat less oxidized at lower elevations, the soil was relatively well aerated and contained no sulfides or nitrides. There was some nitrate present on the upland, but prior to fertilization nitrate levels were very low in the marsh. Good plant growth was obtained with most species planted on the upland considering the late date of establishment in the fall of 1976. Hairy vetch showed particularly good early growth, but many plants died before maturity due to spring black stem disease. Fertilization was necessary for the establishment of most species even though competition from invading grasses greatly increased with application of fertilizer. Barley, red clover, white clover, and bentgrass produced flowers after the first year of growth, but seed production was poor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4794 October 23, 2008 Quotehey georger: you saw that soils report page I had posted that tested Vancouver Lake right (they were wondering if when they dredged it, they could use the spoils on farmland).. that had some ph stuff from back then. I know it's just "nearby". I attached it again. It's from 1972. It's a page from a longer report about dredging proposal there. here's another report that mentions an area of the Columbia closer to the ocean. (1978). It's kind of far away. attached jpg that shows it (top left, the box with the white the wide part of the bay) Title : Habitat Development Field Investigations Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site Columbia River, Oregon. Appendix E. Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and Soil Resources on Dredged Material. Descriptive Note : Final rept., Corporate Author : WASHINGTON STATE UNIV PULLMAN Personal Author(s) : Heilman,Paul E. ; Greer,David M. ; Brauen,Stanton E. ; Baker,Aaron S. Report Date : AUG 1978 Pagination or Media Count : 396 Abstract : This report describes the study area, methods, and resutls of habitat development experiments conducted at Miller Sands, a dredged material disposal site near the mouth of the Columbia River. The study consisted of investigations and experimental plantings on the older upland portion of the island and on the more recently constructed spit and marsh area. Soil analyses showed relatively uniform soil conditions with sand texture on both experimental sites. However, at the low elevation on the spit, silt and clay contents were higher than elsewhere. The soil was also very low in organic matter and nitrogen but had relatively high base status and pH, with the upland being about pH 6 and the marsh soils about pH 7. The phosphorus level was also relatively high, being above soil phosphorus levels found in adjacent natural soils. Although marsh soils were somewhat less oxidized at lower elevations, the soil was relatively well aerated and contained no sulfides or nitrides. There was some nitrate present on the upland, but prior to fertilization nitrate levels were very low in the marsh. Good plant growth was obtained with most species planted on the upland considering the late date of establishment in the fall of 1976. Hairy vetch showed particularly good early growth, but many plants died before maturity due to spring black stem disease. Fertilization was necessary for the establishment of most species even though competition from invading grasses greatly increased with application of fertilizer. Barley, red clover, white clover, and bentgrass produced flowers after the first year of growth, but seed production was poor. Hey thanks Snow. Here's another resource: but it does not seem to be functioning today. You click up a district and get relevant technical geology plus Ph etc.. I just thought maybe Safe had done some actual sampling at T_Bar. What we are seeking is baselines in the area around T-Bar. T-Bar specifically was skewed (71-80) due to the cattle. Have no idea what it is today. Its just one of those tedious things to be done as 377 keeps insisting on "results results". Thanks, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4795 October 23, 2008 I misremembered when I replied to Safe on the "other thread" with the night clerk The other two places Jo has frequented are suite101 and The "night clerk" showed up on the sitcomsonline threads, not the suite101 thread like I suggested I will post another message with the night clerk's postings. the two threads were and Jo was MsCooper These were 2005-2006 era here's one post Jo made about the night clerk: Jo posted on 07-16-2006, 03:35 PM: (this link should help you find it (scroll down a little and look for highlighted red "night clerk" "There was a witness who came forward after seeing Duane's pictures in the papers and magazines. He also called the FBI. This man was a night Clerk at a hotel just out of the airport gates. He told me about his call to the FBI when the composite and description hit the news. They came out and when he went to retrive the registration card they told him not to touch it and they put it in a plastic bag for fingerprints. Now in those days the registration consisted of you signing your name on a card with everyone else and your tag number --- address and such. He didn't know what name was the one that was used. I have repeatedly asked the FBI about this registration and Agent Hope said that it would have been checked out at that time and then destroyed. Evidence Destroyed???? I have told them that I would know Duane's handwriting regardless of what name he signed and that I had samples of his handwriting from 1943 till before his death as it changes with the times and ages and circumstances. The FBI HAS NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED THIS. I have made phone calls and sent emails regarding this subject over and over. The night clerks ex-wife verified his story. They both are nice people. He remarried and they all stayed friends. The night clerk told me that the hotel had a covered walk-way to a restuarant with a piano bar. This is the kind of place that Duane always sought out. If there was a piano bar in the area that is were he would be. I wanted to find out if anyone sang in that bar that night and for them to tell me what song or songs he may have sang. He did not need a microphone and his voice was better than Tom Jones or Englebert Humperdink (my opinion). That was the kind of sound his voice had. He would use a woman as a target and sing to her and touch her hand. The lady would have remembered this. Some piano bars do not allow anyone to sing along. I have tried to find piano bar players in the area that might have worked there, but I only found one and he didn't work that place. This night clerk freaked when he saw the picture of Duane in the papers or the magazine and went to a lot of trouble trying to find me thru Margie Boule a writer for a local newpaper (the name of the paper escapes me at this point)." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SafecrackingPLF 0 #4796 October 23, 2008 I did not take any soil samples, just photos and took a look around. There's A LOT of drift wood there, all the way up the steep grade too. I even found some disposable plates that had washed up. The wash up idea, in my mind, was bolstered just through visiting the site. I highly discount any proposal having to do with the money landing there from the air or being planted there in person. There is still a cow herd nearby, located just north of where I visted & it's very reasonable to suggest possible nitrate run-off. It's also well established that the cows were visiting that area in 79-80. The Fazio family still owns all of the land in question. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4797 October 23, 2008 Below is an exact cut and paste of "First Time Poster" niteclerk, as part of the "D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins" thread. (edit) Note the bullshit about looking at the composite the next night (Thanksgiving) like I said. (edit) Note this bullshit showed up chronologically after the post Jo made above about a "night clerk" (7/16..this was 8/23) this link should find it for you It was merged in by the Moderator "crystaldawn" she said: "Just for the record I merged nite clerk's thread in here because we don't need two current threads going about the exact same topic." 08-23-2006, 04:44 PM author: niteclerk topic: D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins "I can verify that Mr. Weber/aka dbcooper was at the Rodeway Inn on the evening of Nov 24th 1971 and registered under the name of john collins. I identified him to the FBI on the following day after he had hijacked the aircraft and jumped into history. I was the front desk clerk on duty that thanksgiving evening. My recollection of that particular individual was enhanced greatly while being questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement officials. I was shown photos of many individuals and asked to pick out the one who I believed to be the one who I checked in the prior evening. I was then shown several composites with and without disquise or dark glasses. I had no problem matching the correct person to the right photo. The investigating officer asked for the registration card for the evening of the 24th and took the card with him. I only heard from them once more a few days later to verify what I had stated, never to hear from them again. I have been in touch with Jo Weber since 1997 to this day and I am still 100% convinced that Duayne Weber and DBCOOPER are one and the same." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4798 October 23, 2008 On 7-16-2006 10:31 PM at the sitcomsonline thread, MsCooper beseeched night clerk to arrive and post. (see bottom) Note first time poster niteclerk magically appeared after this. (about a month later). There was some legpulling (fake claims) by some others on that thread. So there was precedent for yanking Jo's chain? (e.g. "caretaker Al" I believe?) If you read my 3 posts on this matter, you'll see why I concluded that the "niteclerk" posting was bogus. Jo's first post on a "night clerk" phoning in information about stuff that happened, is debatable, though. (edit) FUNNY: I just reread Jo's post about the phoned-in info. she said: "He didn't know what name was the one that was used."...i.e. the bullshit about John Collins didn't come from him? it came from the fake poster niteclerk????? Jo straighten all this out for's too funny what you're calling "evidence" (actually you never really describe your evidence..amazing that Safe believed it?) MsCooper said: "When I am speaking of this crime - I always think Seattle so I apologize for any confusion. The night clerk worked at the Rodeway or Airway just outside of the Portland Airport gates. I have been trying to reach him but his number has changed and he has moved. I do have a contact I hope will reach him . It has been sometime since I spoke to him but I am hoping she will know how to reach him and let him know about this site and that I would like to talk to him again.... P.S. Chuck - I still have the same telephone number. If you post here give me a clue so I will know it is you." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4799 October 24, 2008 QuoteI did not take any soil samples, just photos and took a look around. There's A LOT of drift wood there, all the way up the steep grade too. I even found some disposable plates that had washed up. The wash up idea, in my mind, was bolstered just through visiting the site. I highly discount any proposal having to do with the money landing there from the air or being planted there in person. There is still a cow herd nearby, located just north of where I visted & it's very reasonable to suggest possible nitrate run-off. It's also well established that the cows were visiting that area in 79-80. The Fazio family still owns all of the land in question. Thanks Safe, appreciate this. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4800 October 24, 2008 QuoteNumerous confessions by Gossett. Just as strong as anything Duane said. We've not named everyone before here, so here goes. All the confessor parties seem to be credible folks, who believed it. Galen Cook is a minor part of the story. Can be ignored. (I don't believe the Gossett thing. Just saying it's equal probability to Duane. Higher than it being me though.) (the wife video is somewhere, I have to find it again) (edit) found a comment post with cousin claiming "confession" to sister as well as the previously reported sons: denying the truth of the fake story at the url above: comment #66 Gossett cousin on 06.06.08 at 9:28 pm This guy was not the real DB Cooper. My first cousin, Pratt William Gossett pulled off the heist. He confessed this to his sons on his death bed. He also told his sister who didn’t believe him because he had always lead such a “colorful” life. At one point in his life he changed his name to Wolfgang Gossett." attorney confessors from That is, perhaps until sometime around 1977, when William "Wolfgang" Gossett marched into Richards' office. Richards was head of the state public defender's office for Weber, Davis and Morgan counties, and Gossett was his investigator. Richards recalled Gossett seemed eager to talk. "He came into my office and said, 'There's something I've got to tell you,' " Richards told the Standard-Examiner. "He said, 'You know, I'm D.B. Cooper.' " Richards' advice to Gossett was quick and to the point: "If it's a joke, don't spread it around. If it's true, don't tell anybody." The attorney has a gut feeling that Gossett, who was 73 when he died from a stroke in Lincoln City, Ore., in 2003, was indeed Cooper. "I thought it probably was true. I always knew him to be truthful." Over the years, Gossett shared his dark secret with several others, including a son, Greg Gossett, who lives in Ogden, and Jim Bjornsen, a close friend and attorney in Newport, Ore. Greg Gossett and Bjornsen were initially skeptical of William Gossett's claim. However, new information uncovered by Galen Cook, a Spokane, Wash., attorney who has been doggedly investigating the Cooper case for more than two decades, has changed their minds. "A lot that he had dug up dovetailed with what Wolfgang told me," Bjornsen said in a phone interview. "I believe William Gossett hijacked that airplane." Cook, who is working on a book chronicling his investigation that may be released by the end of the year, said William Gossett is the most credible Cooper suspect ever. Not only does William Gossett look almost exactly like the FBI composite sketch of Cooper, he also had extensive military training enabling him to safely jump from a jet in poor weather, Cook told the Standard-Examiner in a phone interview. "He had the opportunity, talent and motive to carry out the crime," he said. Turns out I know about this ... what caught my attention was: niteclerk Aug 23, 2006 Location: St Charles Mo. Posts: 1 D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins ------------------------------------------------------------ I can verify that Mr. Weber/aka dbcooper was at the Rodeway Inn on the evening of Nov 24th 1971 and registered under the name of john collins. I identified him to the FBI on the following day after he had hijacked the aircraft and jumped into history. I was the front desk clerk on duty that thanksgiving evening. My recollection of that particular individual was enhanced greatly while being questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement officials. I was shown photos of many individuals and asked to pick out the one who I believed to be the one who I checked in the prior evening. I was then shown several composites with and without disquise or dark glasses. I had no problem matching the correct person to the right photo. The investigating officer asked for the registration card for the evening of the 24th and took the card with him. I only heard from them once more a few days later to verify what I had stated, never to hear from them again. I have been in touch with Jo Weber since 1997 to this day and I am still 100% convinced that Duayne Weber and DBCOOPER are one and the same." That's pretty specific. George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 Next Page 192 of 2579 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing
Erroll 80 #4786 October 23, 2008 make assume fancifull connections where others see nothing don't bother. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4787 October 23, 2008 make assume fancifull connections where others see nothing don't bother. Exactly! which reminds me. When I was younger, whether by chance or design, it seemed I ran into old guys a lot, and I would always keep my trap shut and listen to them for pearls of wisdom. I think the circumstances were more that I was the young cheap manual labor, and they were past their prime. Have you ever tried to lay block while an old mason with a bad back gripes at you the whole day? In any case, this old guy invited me to dinner after work with him and his wife, in their cabin. I think she actually did make an apple pie. We sat around in the living room, him in his comfy chair, spinning stories about life. As I recall, it all came down to this. He was talking about how he used to coach a pistol target shooting team. And they used to travel for meets. They were pretty successful. He leans forward, conspiratorily. It's obvious he's going to try to pass on the wisdom of the ages. "I used to get them up every hour the night before, to piss. That's what did it." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #4788 October 23, 2008 Excuse me Snowmman the Oakdale, Ca. letter is the real one . The letter you just posted was NEVER in the original informations supplied to the FBI that I am aware of. It sound bogus. Where did you find this.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #4789 October 23, 2008 I would have to get caught up on the suspect, but when I first broke this on dropzone, the story on him was too incomplete for me to believe he had anything to do with the crime; mostly because I'd put him last of all the suspects discussed on this thread. But, I haven't heard any of the new information that has been released by Galen Crook Cook. There has to be more to the story, or else he's wasting all of our time. Now, as to the "peculiar" behavior of the man at the hotel, it was a matter of his late wake-up call request and his matching the description. I don't know enough to say if the witness claimed that he "matched" the early composite sketch. The weight you give that witness is up to you. I was only pointing out that there is someone that has gone on record; and no, I don't have a copy of his signed statement, but have read some of what he had said before. He made some posts on another thread on another website. If his story is believed, then its akin to putting him not only in a parachute, but on the plane itself. Like you, I would like to see more statements from this person to make a determination if he's "full of it" or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4790 October 23, 2008 QuoteExcuse me Snowmman the Oakdale, Ca. letter is the real one . The letter you just posted was NEVER in the original informations supplied to the FBI that I am aware of. It sound bogus. Where did you find this. What do you mean by bogus? Do you mean that the report of the letters were bogus, or that they had nothing to do with Cooper? I'm not sure what you're saying (asking?). It was in news articles. Are you asking for the news articles, or ??? How would you know anything about what the FBI has? None of us really do. If anything, stuff like the letters should point out how little we really know about the investigation, and how little Ckret has provided. (or any other agent involved over the years). georger's comment about what a real letter might look like, was more useful than just saying "bogus". Are you asking for the news articles? It's funny how you expect stuff to happen thru insults. (edit) oh ps. 377/georger. Not that it means anything but I found a report that said the LA Times version of the letter was typewritten. Apparently they were sent from Seattle? This is just from news articles. Doesn't really mean anything. But I suspect it triggered some investigation at the FBI. Ckret probably has the real letter. Be cool to see a copy of it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4791 October 23, 2008 Quote The weight you give that witness is up to you. I was only pointing out that there is someone that has gone on record; and no, I don't have a copy of his signed statement, but have read some of what he had said before. He made some posts on another thread on another website. You're talking about the posts on suite101? If so I've read them and concluded they were bogus. They're still available on the web. You could gather them up and present them in their best light for review here. (edit) I misremembered. The post in question was on I posted more stuff on this below, including the actual post. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4792 October 23, 2008 QuoteI would have to get caught up on the suspect, but when I first broke this on dropzone, the story on him was too incomplete for me to believe he had anything to do with the crime; mostly because I'd put him last of all the suspects discussed on this thread. But, I haven't heard any of the new information that has been released by Galen Crook Cook. There has to be more to the story, or else he's wasting all of our time. Now, as to the "peculiar" behavior of the man at the hotel, it was a matter of his late wake-up call request and his matching the description. I don't know enough to say if the witness claimed that he "matched" the early composite sketch. The weight you give that witness is up to you. I was only pointing out that there is someone that has gone on record; and no, I don't have a copy of his signed statement, but have read some of what he had said before. He made some posts on another thread on another website. REPLY> What other thread - what other website? What did he say? What is the ph of the soil at Tina Bar? Any layer you want to comment about. Tosaw! Tosaw! Georger! Georger! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4793 October 23, 2008 hey georger: you saw that soils report page I had posted that tested Vancouver Lake right (they were wondering if when they dredged it, they could use the spoils on farmland).. that had some ph stuff from back then. I know it's just "nearby". I attached it again. It's from 1972. It's a page from a longer report about dredging proposal there. here's another report that mentions an area of the Columbia closer to the ocean. (1978). It's kind of far away. attached jpg that shows it (top left, the box with the white the wide part of the bay) Title : Habitat Development Field Investigations Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site Columbia River, Oregon. Appendix E. Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and Soil Resources on Dredged Material. Descriptive Note : Final rept., Corporate Author : WASHINGTON STATE UNIV PULLMAN Personal Author(s) : Heilman,Paul E. ; Greer,David M. ; Brauen,Stanton E. ; Baker,Aaron S. Report Date : AUG 1978 Pagination or Media Count : 396 Abstract : This report describes the study area, methods, and resutls of habitat development experiments conducted at Miller Sands, a dredged material disposal site near the mouth of the Columbia River. The study consisted of investigations and experimental plantings on the older upland portion of the island and on the more recently constructed spit and marsh area. Soil analyses showed relatively uniform soil conditions with sand texture on both experimental sites. However, at the low elevation on the spit, silt and clay contents were higher than elsewhere. The soil was also very low in organic matter and nitrogen but had relatively high base status and pH, with the upland being about pH 6 and the marsh soils about pH 7. The phosphorus level was also relatively high, being above soil phosphorus levels found in adjacent natural soils. Although marsh soils were somewhat less oxidized at lower elevations, the soil was relatively well aerated and contained no sulfides or nitrides. There was some nitrate present on the upland, but prior to fertilization nitrate levels were very low in the marsh. Good plant growth was obtained with most species planted on the upland considering the late date of establishment in the fall of 1976. Hairy vetch showed particularly good early growth, but many plants died before maturity due to spring black stem disease. Fertilization was necessary for the establishment of most species even though competition from invading grasses greatly increased with application of fertilizer. Barley, red clover, white clover, and bentgrass produced flowers after the first year of growth, but seed production was poor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4794 October 23, 2008 Quotehey georger: you saw that soils report page I had posted that tested Vancouver Lake right (they were wondering if when they dredged it, they could use the spoils on farmland).. that had some ph stuff from back then. I know it's just "nearby". I attached it again. It's from 1972. It's a page from a longer report about dredging proposal there. here's another report that mentions an area of the Columbia closer to the ocean. (1978). It's kind of far away. attached jpg that shows it (top left, the box with the white the wide part of the bay) Title : Habitat Development Field Investigations Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site Columbia River, Oregon. Appendix E. Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and Soil Resources on Dredged Material. Descriptive Note : Final rept., Corporate Author : WASHINGTON STATE UNIV PULLMAN Personal Author(s) : Heilman,Paul E. ; Greer,David M. ; Brauen,Stanton E. ; Baker,Aaron S. Report Date : AUG 1978 Pagination or Media Count : 396 Abstract : This report describes the study area, methods, and resutls of habitat development experiments conducted at Miller Sands, a dredged material disposal site near the mouth of the Columbia River. The study consisted of investigations and experimental plantings on the older upland portion of the island and on the more recently constructed spit and marsh area. Soil analyses showed relatively uniform soil conditions with sand texture on both experimental sites. However, at the low elevation on the spit, silt and clay contents were higher than elsewhere. The soil was also very low in organic matter and nitrogen but had relatively high base status and pH, with the upland being about pH 6 and the marsh soils about pH 7. The phosphorus level was also relatively high, being above soil phosphorus levels found in adjacent natural soils. Although marsh soils were somewhat less oxidized at lower elevations, the soil was relatively well aerated and contained no sulfides or nitrides. There was some nitrate present on the upland, but prior to fertilization nitrate levels were very low in the marsh. Good plant growth was obtained with most species planted on the upland considering the late date of establishment in the fall of 1976. Hairy vetch showed particularly good early growth, but many plants died before maturity due to spring black stem disease. Fertilization was necessary for the establishment of most species even though competition from invading grasses greatly increased with application of fertilizer. Barley, red clover, white clover, and bentgrass produced flowers after the first year of growth, but seed production was poor. Hey thanks Snow. Here's another resource: but it does not seem to be functioning today. You click up a district and get relevant technical geology plus Ph etc.. I just thought maybe Safe had done some actual sampling at T_Bar. What we are seeking is baselines in the area around T-Bar. T-Bar specifically was skewed (71-80) due to the cattle. Have no idea what it is today. Its just one of those tedious things to be done as 377 keeps insisting on "results results". Thanks, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4795 October 23, 2008 I misremembered when I replied to Safe on the "other thread" with the night clerk The other two places Jo has frequented are suite101 and The "night clerk" showed up on the sitcomsonline threads, not the suite101 thread like I suggested I will post another message with the night clerk's postings. the two threads were and Jo was MsCooper These were 2005-2006 era here's one post Jo made about the night clerk: Jo posted on 07-16-2006, 03:35 PM: (this link should help you find it (scroll down a little and look for highlighted red "night clerk" "There was a witness who came forward after seeing Duane's pictures in the papers and magazines. He also called the FBI. This man was a night Clerk at a hotel just out of the airport gates. He told me about his call to the FBI when the composite and description hit the news. They came out and when he went to retrive the registration card they told him not to touch it and they put it in a plastic bag for fingerprints. Now in those days the registration consisted of you signing your name on a card with everyone else and your tag number --- address and such. He didn't know what name was the one that was used. I have repeatedly asked the FBI about this registration and Agent Hope said that it would have been checked out at that time and then destroyed. Evidence Destroyed???? I have told them that I would know Duane's handwriting regardless of what name he signed and that I had samples of his handwriting from 1943 till before his death as it changes with the times and ages and circumstances. The FBI HAS NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED THIS. I have made phone calls and sent emails regarding this subject over and over. The night clerks ex-wife verified his story. They both are nice people. He remarried and they all stayed friends. The night clerk told me that the hotel had a covered walk-way to a restuarant with a piano bar. This is the kind of place that Duane always sought out. If there was a piano bar in the area that is were he would be. I wanted to find out if anyone sang in that bar that night and for them to tell me what song or songs he may have sang. He did not need a microphone and his voice was better than Tom Jones or Englebert Humperdink (my opinion). That was the kind of sound his voice had. He would use a woman as a target and sing to her and touch her hand. The lady would have remembered this. Some piano bars do not allow anyone to sing along. I have tried to find piano bar players in the area that might have worked there, but I only found one and he didn't work that place. This night clerk freaked when he saw the picture of Duane in the papers or the magazine and went to a lot of trouble trying to find me thru Margie Boule a writer for a local newpaper (the name of the paper escapes me at this point)." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SafecrackingPLF 0 #4796 October 23, 2008 I did not take any soil samples, just photos and took a look around. There's A LOT of drift wood there, all the way up the steep grade too. I even found some disposable plates that had washed up. The wash up idea, in my mind, was bolstered just through visiting the site. I highly discount any proposal having to do with the money landing there from the air or being planted there in person. There is still a cow herd nearby, located just north of where I visted & it's very reasonable to suggest possible nitrate run-off. It's also well established that the cows were visiting that area in 79-80. The Fazio family still owns all of the land in question. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4797 October 23, 2008 Below is an exact cut and paste of "First Time Poster" niteclerk, as part of the "D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins" thread. (edit) Note the bullshit about looking at the composite the next night (Thanksgiving) like I said. (edit) Note this bullshit showed up chronologically after the post Jo made above about a "night clerk" (7/16..this was 8/23) this link should find it for you It was merged in by the Moderator "crystaldawn" she said: "Just for the record I merged nite clerk's thread in here because we don't need two current threads going about the exact same topic." 08-23-2006, 04:44 PM author: niteclerk topic: D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins "I can verify that Mr. Weber/aka dbcooper was at the Rodeway Inn on the evening of Nov 24th 1971 and registered under the name of john collins. I identified him to the FBI on the following day after he had hijacked the aircraft and jumped into history. I was the front desk clerk on duty that thanksgiving evening. My recollection of that particular individual was enhanced greatly while being questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement officials. I was shown photos of many individuals and asked to pick out the one who I believed to be the one who I checked in the prior evening. I was then shown several composites with and without disquise or dark glasses. I had no problem matching the correct person to the right photo. The investigating officer asked for the registration card for the evening of the 24th and took the card with him. I only heard from them once more a few days later to verify what I had stated, never to hear from them again. I have been in touch with Jo Weber since 1997 to this day and I am still 100% convinced that Duayne Weber and DBCOOPER are one and the same." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #4798 October 23, 2008 On 7-16-2006 10:31 PM at the sitcomsonline thread, MsCooper beseeched night clerk to arrive and post. (see bottom) Note first time poster niteclerk magically appeared after this. (about a month later). There was some legpulling (fake claims) by some others on that thread. So there was precedent for yanking Jo's chain? (e.g. "caretaker Al" I believe?) If you read my 3 posts on this matter, you'll see why I concluded that the "niteclerk" posting was bogus. Jo's first post on a "night clerk" phoning in information about stuff that happened, is debatable, though. (edit) FUNNY: I just reread Jo's post about the phoned-in info. she said: "He didn't know what name was the one that was used."...i.e. the bullshit about John Collins didn't come from him? it came from the fake poster niteclerk????? Jo straighten all this out for's too funny what you're calling "evidence" (actually you never really describe your evidence..amazing that Safe believed it?) MsCooper said: "When I am speaking of this crime - I always think Seattle so I apologize for any confusion. The night clerk worked at the Rodeway or Airway just outside of the Portland Airport gates. I have been trying to reach him but his number has changed and he has moved. I do have a contact I hope will reach him . It has been sometime since I spoke to him but I am hoping she will know how to reach him and let him know about this site and that I would like to talk to him again.... P.S. Chuck - I still have the same telephone number. If you post here give me a clue so I will know it is you." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4799 October 24, 2008 QuoteI did not take any soil samples, just photos and took a look around. There's A LOT of drift wood there, all the way up the steep grade too. I even found some disposable plates that had washed up. The wash up idea, in my mind, was bolstered just through visiting the site. I highly discount any proposal having to do with the money landing there from the air or being planted there in person. There is still a cow herd nearby, located just north of where I visted & it's very reasonable to suggest possible nitrate run-off. It's also well established that the cows were visiting that area in 79-80. The Fazio family still owns all of the land in question. Thanks Safe, appreciate this. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #4800 October 24, 2008 QuoteNumerous confessions by Gossett. Just as strong as anything Duane said. We've not named everyone before here, so here goes. All the confessor parties seem to be credible folks, who believed it. Galen Cook is a minor part of the story. Can be ignored. (I don't believe the Gossett thing. Just saying it's equal probability to Duane. Higher than it being me though.) (the wife video is somewhere, I have to find it again) (edit) found a comment post with cousin claiming "confession" to sister as well as the previously reported sons: denying the truth of the fake story at the url above: comment #66 Gossett cousin on 06.06.08 at 9:28 pm This guy was not the real DB Cooper. My first cousin, Pratt William Gossett pulled off the heist. He confessed this to his sons on his death bed. He also told his sister who didn’t believe him because he had always lead such a “colorful” life. At one point in his life he changed his name to Wolfgang Gossett." attorney confessors from That is, perhaps until sometime around 1977, when William "Wolfgang" Gossett marched into Richards' office. Richards was head of the state public defender's office for Weber, Davis and Morgan counties, and Gossett was his investigator. Richards recalled Gossett seemed eager to talk. "He came into my office and said, 'There's something I've got to tell you,' " Richards told the Standard-Examiner. "He said, 'You know, I'm D.B. Cooper.' " Richards' advice to Gossett was quick and to the point: "If it's a joke, don't spread it around. If it's true, don't tell anybody." The attorney has a gut feeling that Gossett, who was 73 when he died from a stroke in Lincoln City, Ore., in 2003, was indeed Cooper. "I thought it probably was true. I always knew him to be truthful." Over the years, Gossett shared his dark secret with several others, including a son, Greg Gossett, who lives in Ogden, and Jim Bjornsen, a close friend and attorney in Newport, Ore. Greg Gossett and Bjornsen were initially skeptical of William Gossett's claim. However, new information uncovered by Galen Cook, a Spokane, Wash., attorney who has been doggedly investigating the Cooper case for more than two decades, has changed their minds. "A lot that he had dug up dovetailed with what Wolfgang told me," Bjornsen said in a phone interview. "I believe William Gossett hijacked that airplane." Cook, who is working on a book chronicling his investigation that may be released by the end of the year, said William Gossett is the most credible Cooper suspect ever. Not only does William Gossett look almost exactly like the FBI composite sketch of Cooper, he also had extensive military training enabling him to safely jump from a jet in poor weather, Cook told the Standard-Examiner in a phone interview. "He had the opportunity, talent and motive to carry out the crime," he said. Turns out I know about this ... what caught my attention was: niteclerk Aug 23, 2006 Location: St Charles Mo. Posts: 1 D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins ------------------------------------------------------------ I can verify that Mr. Weber/aka dbcooper was at the Rodeway Inn on the evening of Nov 24th 1971 and registered under the name of john collins. I identified him to the FBI on the following day after he had hijacked the aircraft and jumped into history. I was the front desk clerk on duty that thanksgiving evening. My recollection of that particular individual was enhanced greatly while being questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement officials. I was shown photos of many individuals and asked to pick out the one who I believed to be the one who I checked in the prior evening. I was then shown several composites with and without disquise or dark glasses. I had no problem matching the correct person to the right photo. The investigating officer asked for the registration card for the evening of the 24th and took the card with him. I only heard from them once more a few days later to verify what I had stated, never to hear from them again. I have been in touch with Jo Weber since 1997 to this day and I am still 100% convinced that Duayne Weber and DBCOOPER are one and the same." That's pretty specific. George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 Next Page 192 of 2579 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50
snowmman 3 #4793 October 23, 2008 hey georger: you saw that soils report page I had posted that tested Vancouver Lake right (they were wondering if when they dredged it, they could use the spoils on farmland).. that had some ph stuff from back then. I know it's just "nearby". I attached it again. It's from 1972. It's a page from a longer report about dredging proposal there. here's another report that mentions an area of the Columbia closer to the ocean. (1978). It's kind of far away. attached jpg that shows it (top left, the box with the white the wide part of the bay) Title : Habitat Development Field Investigations Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site Columbia River, Oregon. Appendix E. Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and Soil Resources on Dredged Material. Descriptive Note : Final rept., Corporate Author : WASHINGTON STATE UNIV PULLMAN Personal Author(s) : Heilman,Paul E. ; Greer,David M. ; Brauen,Stanton E. ; Baker,Aaron S. Report Date : AUG 1978 Pagination or Media Count : 396 Abstract : This report describes the study area, methods, and resutls of habitat development experiments conducted at Miller Sands, a dredged material disposal site near the mouth of the Columbia River. The study consisted of investigations and experimental plantings on the older upland portion of the island and on the more recently constructed spit and marsh area. Soil analyses showed relatively uniform soil conditions with sand texture on both experimental sites. However, at the low elevation on the spit, silt and clay contents were higher than elsewhere. The soil was also very low in organic matter and nitrogen but had relatively high base status and pH, with the upland being about pH 6 and the marsh soils about pH 7. The phosphorus level was also relatively high, being above soil phosphorus levels found in adjacent natural soils. Although marsh soils were somewhat less oxidized at lower elevations, the soil was relatively well aerated and contained no sulfides or nitrides. There was some nitrate present on the upland, but prior to fertilization nitrate levels were very low in the marsh. Good plant growth was obtained with most species planted on the upland considering the late date of establishment in the fall of 1976. Hairy vetch showed particularly good early growth, but many plants died before maturity due to spring black stem disease. Fertilization was necessary for the establishment of most species even though competition from invading grasses greatly increased with application of fertilizer. Barley, red clover, white clover, and bentgrass produced flowers after the first year of growth, but seed production was poor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4794 October 23, 2008 Quotehey georger: you saw that soils report page I had posted that tested Vancouver Lake right (they were wondering if when they dredged it, they could use the spoils on farmland).. that had some ph stuff from back then. I know it's just "nearby". I attached it again. It's from 1972. It's a page from a longer report about dredging proposal there. here's another report that mentions an area of the Columbia closer to the ocean. (1978). It's kind of far away. attached jpg that shows it (top left, the box with the white the wide part of the bay) Title : Habitat Development Field Investigations Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site Columbia River, Oregon. Appendix E. Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and Soil Resources on Dredged Material. Descriptive Note : Final rept., Corporate Author : WASHINGTON STATE UNIV PULLMAN Personal Author(s) : Heilman,Paul E. ; Greer,David M. ; Brauen,Stanton E. ; Baker,Aaron S. Report Date : AUG 1978 Pagination or Media Count : 396 Abstract : This report describes the study area, methods, and resutls of habitat development experiments conducted at Miller Sands, a dredged material disposal site near the mouth of the Columbia River. The study consisted of investigations and experimental plantings on the older upland portion of the island and on the more recently constructed spit and marsh area. Soil analyses showed relatively uniform soil conditions with sand texture on both experimental sites. However, at the low elevation on the spit, silt and clay contents were higher than elsewhere. The soil was also very low in organic matter and nitrogen but had relatively high base status and pH, with the upland being about pH 6 and the marsh soils about pH 7. The phosphorus level was also relatively high, being above soil phosphorus levels found in adjacent natural soils. Although marsh soils were somewhat less oxidized at lower elevations, the soil was relatively well aerated and contained no sulfides or nitrides. There was some nitrate present on the upland, but prior to fertilization nitrate levels were very low in the marsh. Good plant growth was obtained with most species planted on the upland considering the late date of establishment in the fall of 1976. Hairy vetch showed particularly good early growth, but many plants died before maturity due to spring black stem disease. Fertilization was necessary for the establishment of most species even though competition from invading grasses greatly increased with application of fertilizer. Barley, red clover, white clover, and bentgrass produced flowers after the first year of growth, but seed production was poor. Hey thanks Snow. Here's another resource: but it does not seem to be functioning today. You click up a district and get relevant technical geology plus Ph etc.. I just thought maybe Safe had done some actual sampling at T_Bar. What we are seeking is baselines in the area around T-Bar. T-Bar specifically was skewed (71-80) due to the cattle. Have no idea what it is today. Its just one of those tedious things to be done as 377 keeps insisting on "results results". Thanks, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4795 October 23, 2008 I misremembered when I replied to Safe on the "other thread" with the night clerk The other two places Jo has frequented are suite101 and The "night clerk" showed up on the sitcomsonline threads, not the suite101 thread like I suggested I will post another message with the night clerk's postings. the two threads were and Jo was MsCooper These were 2005-2006 era here's one post Jo made about the night clerk: Jo posted on 07-16-2006, 03:35 PM: (this link should help you find it (scroll down a little and look for highlighted red "night clerk" "There was a witness who came forward after seeing Duane's pictures in the papers and magazines. He also called the FBI. This man was a night Clerk at a hotel just out of the airport gates. He told me about his call to the FBI when the composite and description hit the news. They came out and when he went to retrive the registration card they told him not to touch it and they put it in a plastic bag for fingerprints. Now in those days the registration consisted of you signing your name on a card with everyone else and your tag number --- address and such. He didn't know what name was the one that was used. I have repeatedly asked the FBI about this registration and Agent Hope said that it would have been checked out at that time and then destroyed. Evidence Destroyed???? I have told them that I would know Duane's handwriting regardless of what name he signed and that I had samples of his handwriting from 1943 till before his death as it changes with the times and ages and circumstances. The FBI HAS NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED THIS. I have made phone calls and sent emails regarding this subject over and over. The night clerks ex-wife verified his story. They both are nice people. He remarried and they all stayed friends. The night clerk told me that the hotel had a covered walk-way to a restuarant with a piano bar. This is the kind of place that Duane always sought out. If there was a piano bar in the area that is were he would be. I wanted to find out if anyone sang in that bar that night and for them to tell me what song or songs he may have sang. He did not need a microphone and his voice was better than Tom Jones or Englebert Humperdink (my opinion). That was the kind of sound his voice had. He would use a woman as a target and sing to her and touch her hand. The lady would have remembered this. Some piano bars do not allow anyone to sing along. I have tried to find piano bar players in the area that might have worked there, but I only found one and he didn't work that place. This night clerk freaked when he saw the picture of Duane in the papers or the magazine and went to a lot of trouble trying to find me thru Margie Boule a writer for a local newpaper (the name of the paper escapes me at this point)." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #4796 October 23, 2008 I did not take any soil samples, just photos and took a look around. There's A LOT of drift wood there, all the way up the steep grade too. I even found some disposable plates that had washed up. The wash up idea, in my mind, was bolstered just through visiting the site. I highly discount any proposal having to do with the money landing there from the air or being planted there in person. There is still a cow herd nearby, located just north of where I visted & it's very reasonable to suggest possible nitrate run-off. It's also well established that the cows were visiting that area in 79-80. The Fazio family still owns all of the land in question. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4797 October 23, 2008 Below is an exact cut and paste of "First Time Poster" niteclerk, as part of the "D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins" thread. (edit) Note the bullshit about looking at the composite the next night (Thanksgiving) like I said. (edit) Note this bullshit showed up chronologically after the post Jo made above about a "night clerk" (7/16..this was 8/23) this link should find it for you It was merged in by the Moderator "crystaldawn" she said: "Just for the record I merged nite clerk's thread in here because we don't need two current threads going about the exact same topic." 08-23-2006, 04:44 PM author: niteclerk topic: D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins "I can verify that Mr. Weber/aka dbcooper was at the Rodeway Inn on the evening of Nov 24th 1971 and registered under the name of john collins. I identified him to the FBI on the following day after he had hijacked the aircraft and jumped into history. I was the front desk clerk on duty that thanksgiving evening. My recollection of that particular individual was enhanced greatly while being questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement officials. I was shown photos of many individuals and asked to pick out the one who I believed to be the one who I checked in the prior evening. I was then shown several composites with and without disquise or dark glasses. I had no problem matching the correct person to the right photo. The investigating officer asked for the registration card for the evening of the 24th and took the card with him. I only heard from them once more a few days later to verify what I had stated, never to hear from them again. I have been in touch with Jo Weber since 1997 to this day and I am still 100% convinced that Duayne Weber and DBCOOPER are one and the same." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #4798 October 23, 2008 On 7-16-2006 10:31 PM at the sitcomsonline thread, MsCooper beseeched night clerk to arrive and post. (see bottom) Note first time poster niteclerk magically appeared after this. (about a month later). There was some legpulling (fake claims) by some others on that thread. So there was precedent for yanking Jo's chain? (e.g. "caretaker Al" I believe?) If you read my 3 posts on this matter, you'll see why I concluded that the "niteclerk" posting was bogus. Jo's first post on a "night clerk" phoning in information about stuff that happened, is debatable, though. (edit) FUNNY: I just reread Jo's post about the phoned-in info. she said: "He didn't know what name was the one that was used."...i.e. the bullshit about John Collins didn't come from him? it came from the fake poster niteclerk????? Jo straighten all this out for's too funny what you're calling "evidence" (actually you never really describe your evidence..amazing that Safe believed it?) MsCooper said: "When I am speaking of this crime - I always think Seattle so I apologize for any confusion. The night clerk worked at the Rodeway or Airway just outside of the Portland Airport gates. I have been trying to reach him but his number has changed and he has moved. I do have a contact I hope will reach him . It has been sometime since I spoke to him but I am hoping she will know how to reach him and let him know about this site and that I would like to talk to him again.... P.S. Chuck - I still have the same telephone number. If you post here give me a clue so I will know it is you." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4799 October 24, 2008 QuoteI did not take any soil samples, just photos and took a look around. There's A LOT of drift wood there, all the way up the steep grade too. I even found some disposable plates that had washed up. The wash up idea, in my mind, was bolstered just through visiting the site. I highly discount any proposal having to do with the money landing there from the air or being planted there in person. There is still a cow herd nearby, located just north of where I visted & it's very reasonable to suggest possible nitrate run-off. It's also well established that the cows were visiting that area in 79-80. The Fazio family still owns all of the land in question. Thanks Safe, appreciate this. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #4800 October 24, 2008 QuoteNumerous confessions by Gossett. Just as strong as anything Duane said. We've not named everyone before here, so here goes. All the confessor parties seem to be credible folks, who believed it. Galen Cook is a minor part of the story. Can be ignored. (I don't believe the Gossett thing. Just saying it's equal probability to Duane. Higher than it being me though.) (the wife video is somewhere, I have to find it again) (edit) found a comment post with cousin claiming "confession" to sister as well as the previously reported sons: denying the truth of the fake story at the url above: comment #66 Gossett cousin on 06.06.08 at 9:28 pm This guy was not the real DB Cooper. My first cousin, Pratt William Gossett pulled off the heist. He confessed this to his sons on his death bed. He also told his sister who didn’t believe him because he had always lead such a “colorful” life. At one point in his life he changed his name to Wolfgang Gossett." attorney confessors from That is, perhaps until sometime around 1977, when William "Wolfgang" Gossett marched into Richards' office. Richards was head of the state public defender's office for Weber, Davis and Morgan counties, and Gossett was his investigator. Richards recalled Gossett seemed eager to talk. "He came into my office and said, 'There's something I've got to tell you,' " Richards told the Standard-Examiner. "He said, 'You know, I'm D.B. Cooper.' " Richards' advice to Gossett was quick and to the point: "If it's a joke, don't spread it around. If it's true, don't tell anybody." The attorney has a gut feeling that Gossett, who was 73 when he died from a stroke in Lincoln City, Ore., in 2003, was indeed Cooper. "I thought it probably was true. I always knew him to be truthful." Over the years, Gossett shared his dark secret with several others, including a son, Greg Gossett, who lives in Ogden, and Jim Bjornsen, a close friend and attorney in Newport, Ore. Greg Gossett and Bjornsen were initially skeptical of William Gossett's claim. However, new information uncovered by Galen Cook, a Spokane, Wash., attorney who has been doggedly investigating the Cooper case for more than two decades, has changed their minds. "A lot that he had dug up dovetailed with what Wolfgang told me," Bjornsen said in a phone interview. "I believe William Gossett hijacked that airplane." Cook, who is working on a book chronicling his investigation that may be released by the end of the year, said William Gossett is the most credible Cooper suspect ever. Not only does William Gossett look almost exactly like the FBI composite sketch of Cooper, he also had extensive military training enabling him to safely jump from a jet in poor weather, Cook told the Standard-Examiner in a phone interview. "He had the opportunity, talent and motive to carry out the crime," he said. Turns out I know about this ... what caught my attention was: niteclerk Aug 23, 2006 Location: St Charles Mo. Posts: 1 D B Cooper /Duayne Weber/john collins ------------------------------------------------------------ I can verify that Mr. Weber/aka dbcooper was at the Rodeway Inn on the evening of Nov 24th 1971 and registered under the name of john collins. I identified him to the FBI on the following day after he had hijacked the aircraft and jumped into history. I was the front desk clerk on duty that thanksgiving evening. My recollection of that particular individual was enhanced greatly while being questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement officials. I was shown photos of many individuals and asked to pick out the one who I believed to be the one who I checked in the prior evening. I was then shown several composites with and without disquise or dark glasses. I had no problem matching the correct person to the right photo. The investigating officer asked for the registration card for the evening of the 24th and took the card with him. I only heard from them once more a few days later to verify what I had stated, never to hear from them again. I have been in touch with Jo Weber since 1997 to this day and I am still 100% convinced that Duayne Weber and DBCOOPER are one and the same." That's pretty specific. George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites