50 50

DB Cooper

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Jo was a realty agent in real life when married to Duane, a person sent to prison for burglary and fraud and forgery who did time in 6 prisons between 1945-1968. Was married six or seven times. These are actual facts. Twenty three years of Duane's life factually spent in prison.

What does my being a real estate agent have to do with S---. NOTE I did not become a real estate agent until after his death. Duane did NOT spend 23 yrs in prison unless you know something I don't know.


Jo's late life computer skills are probably related to
the skills she developed early as a secretary then later as a realty agent, while married to Duane.

Until I became a real estate agent I had no need for computer skills other than data input and output for accts. receivables.


Who speaks for the Duane-Cooper association:
Frank Bender - criminal forensic reconstructionist
who worked for the FBI (20 years?) - confirms physical traits, or did he?.

What you have just stated is liable - I have not to my memory
revealed that information accept to the FBI.
If I don't find that in print - bet a Nickle you are in trouble.


Ann Faass who worked with Duane Weber, confirms
Duane's handwriting in a book - one word of which
Jo has posted - the printed noncursive word "Toutle".

Ann is not a handwriting expert and there was a complete sentence on another page. She thinks it looks like his handwriting and so do I and others who have seen this.


they interview Jo, one of Duane's six or seven former wives, and Duane's brother.

I have NO knowledge of the FBI
interviewing Duane's brother.


The whole case floats on innocence and "I did not realise". Duane himself a known forger and thief and manipulator and conspirator who spent 23 years of his life in prison but in Jo's remake is somehow tolerably 'innocent and likeable' ?

People change and I don't have to like what he was to have loved the man I was married to. Everyone liked Duane and that is exactly how they described him - Likeable.


The whole thing begins with Jo-the-innocent-victim-
wife-#7 feining lack of knowledge and surprise .... that her beloved poor husband was a professional criminal with deep pathology?

Do NOT judge until you are judged...Guess you got my Nickle joke?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The ticket stub looked nothing like your picture. It looked like the old parking tickets or theatre tickets from the 70's. It said SEA TAC in bold letters on the upper part of the ticket - the rest I think was just numbers under that - don't remember if one side was different than the other.

If you think I am so much BULLS---. WHY the H--- do you continue to even ask me anything at all?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It was 1994 we were going thur that box and the first time I saw the airline ticket. It was a Northwest Airline ticket.

Funny: Jo you kinda also failed the test here like you did for the Norjack publication year.

It should be obvious what's wrong with what you said above, and the claim that it's a 1971 ticket.

Research, research, research. Then commence the fraud!

Look back at the Cooper ticket, which we know is from 1971. It's not a Northwest Airline ticket.

Let you slide on that one. How about the other questions I asked?

Let me explain something I lived in the South - when my brain sees Northwest that is it - and I think Airlines - just like Delta Airlines. Even today I do not think or use any other version of Northwest. Take that for what it is worth...to remember things you keep it simple - it is not necessary to remember the details nor did I have a need to do so.

How many of you would even have remembered what I have been able to remember about something you never thought you would have a reason to remember.

Why haven't you guys spent your time picking apart Galen Cook? He used information I have provided and repeated over the yrs and he even changes things he has said - regarding many things.

Go analyze that weasel. Tear his story apart - he is someone trying to make money off of others - I haven't tried to do that - you think I am in here posting my brains out for money - guess again - it is about trying to find whatever it takes to prove what Duane told me.

The FBI and others want the legend not the truth...like I said if you guys have any guts at all I dare you ATTACK Galen Cook the way you attack me. Analyze his story the way you do mine...and keep your facts straight. The big diffference between Cook and myself is education and motive.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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thanks georger.
I'll stop the drubbing. It only started again, cause SafecrackingPLF showed up and said something about us facing the obvious facts, and I was gobsmacked when I realized he was implying Duane, and then he talked about the night clerk.

I agree, nothing more to be gained by replowing this ground, although I did realize some things I hadn't before. I'm not sure all the detail was called out precisely here at DZ.com before, but we can let it lie.

There'll be the obligatory conspiracy/galen cook/cryptic messages to follow but I'll try to be good.

It absolutely blows me away that the FBI had to spend any time on Jo. Either it means they investigated anyone with a remote chance, or their ability to ascertain credibility quickly is pretty poor. (i.e. not much better than the news reporters, who just like a story)

REPLY> Im not suggesting shunning Jo - God knows
that will never happen here. There will always be an
audience for her, somewhere.

Jo has been so prolific and forceful about stating
"her" case it makes me wonder if it didnt surpass
Duane, long ago. Somewhere in Jo's blitzkriege the
reality of Duane got lost - the actual criminal. And
therein lies the only true link, to Ralph Himmelsbach
who intentionally or unintentionally gave this matter
status (without which Jo might never have been what she has become).

Ralph Himmelsbach stated the link he thought he saw, as quoted from the US News & World report:

". Retired FBI agent Himmelsbach believes the skyjacker must certainly have had a criminal record, military training, and familiarity with the Northwest. U.S. News has confirmed that Duane Weber served in the Army in the early 1940s. He also did time in at least six prisons from 1945 to 1968 for burglary and forgery. One prison was McNeil Island in Steilacoom, Wash.–20 miles from the Seattle-Tacoma airport. "

It was Duane's long carreer criminal record which
peaked Himmelsbach's interest.

By any accounting, Duane's is a serious criminal record with ample evidence of adult personality disorder formation.

He marries Jo, his six or seventh wife. It starts with
Duaner wrapping a $100 bill around a champagne bottle and presenting it Jo in the lounge of an
airport. (The lounge lizzards meet?)

Without Himmelsbach's certification, as it were, we
probably would not be discussing this today because
it would not have received traction in the media. I
mean the plot is superficial, the actors poor, and no
ending in site. It's not a commercially viable sitcom!

But somehow, somewhere, the whole thing became respectable. Himmelsbach again was at the core of this judging Jo to be credible, innocent, and only after the truth.

What was Himmelsbach thinking!?

Now, Im going to give Jo the benefit of the doubt
and join Snow in posting no more on this very tedious topic of Mom-Jo and Husband-Duane.

Maybe Nancy Grace will take it up next!


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Jo was a realty agent in real life when married to Duane, a person sent to prison for burglary and fraud and forgery who did time in 6 prisons between 1945-1968. Was married six or seven times. These are actual facts. Twenty three years of Duane's life factually spent in prison.

What does my being a real estate agent have to do with S---. NOTE I did not become a real estate agent until after his death. Duane did NOT spend 23 yrs in prison unless you know something I don't know.


Jo's late life computer skills are probably related to
the skills she developed early as a secretary then later as a realty agent, while married to Duane.

Until I became a real estate agent I had no need for computer skills other than data input and output for accts. receivables.


Who speaks for the Duane-Cooper association:
Frank Bender - criminal forensic reconstructionist
who worked for the FBI (20 years?) - confirms physical traits, or did he?.

What you have just stated is liable - I have not to my memory
revealed that information accept to the FBI.
If I don't find that in print - bet a Nickle you are in trouble.


Ann Faass who worked with Duane Weber, confirms
Duane's handwriting in a book - one word of which
Jo has posted - the printed noncursive word "Toutle".

Ann is not a handwriting expert and there was a complete sentence on another page. She thinks it looks like his handwriting and so do I and others who have seen this.


they interview Jo, one of Duane's six or seven former wives, and Duane's brother.

I have NO knowledge of the FBI
interviewing Duane's brother.


The whole case floats on innocence and "I did not realise". Duane himself a known forger and thief and manipulator and conspirator who spent 23 years of his life in prison but in Jo's remake is somehow tolerably 'innocent and likeable' ?

People change and I don't have to like what he was to have loved the man I was married to. Everyone liked Duane and that is exactly how they described him - Likeable.


The whole thing begins with Jo-the-innocent-victim-
wife-#7 feining lack of knowledge and surprise .... that her beloved poor husband was a professional criminal with deep pathology?

Do NOT judge until you are judged...Guess you got my Nickle joke?

REPLY: Then read it for yourself. You certified the
accuracy of this US News & World report last week.


Good luck Jo.


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The ticket stub looked nothing like your picture. It looked like the old parking tickets or theatre tickets from the 70's. It said SEA TAC in bold letters on the upper part of the ticket - the rest I think was just numbers under that - don't remember if one side was different than the other.

If you think I am so much BULLS---. WHY the H--- do you continue to even ask me anything at all?

Reply: OK, will keep looking. The collector has
many old parking tickets from airports. Thanks
for the info.


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Georger states:

Then read it for yourself. You certified the accuracy of this US News & World report last week.

:)NEVER" CERTIFIED" any article written by any writer as being 100% accurate.

:PEach writer does their own take and there is lots of information to be absorbed in a short period of time. Just as in Himmelsbachs' book there were minor infractions he was aware of, but it was not enough to quibble about.

When someone puts themselves into a position of giving an interview, they expose themselves to being misquoted or the writer doing what he thinks will make an article marketable. I did not know this in the beginning.

Pasternac did a very good job in assembling the information considering there was things I would NOT allow him to use and things we together did not feel should be divulged at that time.

I am not going to take the time to go back over the articles he did and pick them apart. If you have a specific question regarding something he said then quote it here and I will try to clarify what he said or be more specific. We covered a lot of ground in just a short time doing that article.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo has been so prolific and forceful about stating "her" case it makes me wonder if it didnt surpass Duane, long ago. (edited)the reality of Duane got lost - the actual criminal.

I have never forgot why I do this and you shouldn't either...you do the crime you do the time.

There is NO Fantasy or Fraud involved. There are the theories I put together trying to explain and to reach into Duane's mind...and foremost to find the truth. Each of you do this in your own minds and in this forum and others searching for the truth. Why am I different?


Ralph Himmelsbach intentionally or unintentionally gave this matter
status (without which Jo might never have been what she has become).

I would not have and did NOT stop with Himmelsbach. Himmelsbach has stated opinions on other suspects also - Duane was not an exception.


Georger you talk about the way Duane and I met in a lounge of the Airport Hilton and call us lizards:

" (The lounge lizzards meet?) "

What does that make you? I won't say it because that would constitute an attack and I try to refrain from that type of behaviour, but you have made that very difficult lately.


Without Himmelsbach's certification, as it were, we
probably would not be discussing this today

You are very wrong with that statement - remember the people who contacted me - before I went public - individuals I found doing my reseach into Duane's past?

Himmelsbach's faith in me has helped, but had he not have presented the information to the FBI I sent him because the active FBI was ignoring me - I would have gone public with it in 1997 and not have waited until 2000.

I first sent the information to the FBI in 1996. I did not want to go public, but the FBI was draqgging its behind and not giving me any answers.

Oh, forgive me - that is not true: They were feeding me lines as late as 1997 - like "Duane Weber was never in McNeil and I am sitting there with a copy of it in my hand".

Did they think I would really swallow what they told me - that I would sit on my hands and not do anything.

The active FBI are the ones who lite the fire under me and what drove me to go public....with lies that showed they had done NOTHING in regards to investigating Duane other than a simple background check.


Now, Im going to give Jo the benefit of the doubt and join Snow in posting no more on this very tedious topic of Mom-Jo and Husband-Duane.

Wouldn't that be great - then I wouldn't have to put up with the insults - such expression as Posting Whore or a Lounge Lizard, plus you would be bored out of your mind. Think about what Snow would do - he would have too much free time on his hands - he could end up picking bananas in the jungle...just to keep from going bananas.

Now I am the one dishing out insults - how does it feel?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Right now as you read this a NEW investigation is being done regarding Duane L. Weber. I did not instigate that investigation and it is not being done by the FBI...

The FBI has sat on information I provided to them a couple of months ago. I did not feel they were going to do anything so I set out to find the information myself and you might say I GOT LUCKY.

In 1971 a friend of mine said to me "How do you fall into a pile of Shit and come out smelling like a Rose". By the way his name was George - absolutely no relation to Georger I can assure you.

It is now a few hour later and I came back to let you guys know somethings and then I deleted them.

I will say the last 24 hrs has been eventful and gets stranger as the evening goes on. My emails are not available and that is a result of what happened this afternoon. I am able to go to another account I have and send and recieve emails, but the one I always used is not available to read, send or search my filing cabinet. Wonder if it has anything to do with what happened today?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If you have a specific question regarding something he said then quote it here and I will try to clarify what he said or be more specific. We covered a lot of ground in just a short time doing that article.

REPLY> Ok. Thanks for the opportunity. Doug writes:

"In 1971, Duane Weber's emotional and physical health were failing. He was on the verge of separating from his fifth wife and had been diagnosed with kidney disease; he was not
expected to live past 50. " (He was 47)

Duane had polycystic kideney disease, PKD ?

Please explain how a 47 year old man already involved in a family breakup and diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) at some location
in the USA, has the energy to travel much less to hijack an aeroplane? That is some tall order!

Was Duane on dialysis? When did he finally go on
dialysis or was there a transplant, or a misdiagnosis?

Now. PDK often presents as a genetic condition
from a more general genetic abnormality resulting
in poly(many) cystic growths in many of the major organs (kidney, liver, stomach-mucosa, brain . . .).

There are specific chemical associations thought
to induce the condition, as some may know.

Was Duane's form Autosomal Dominant or Recessive?

In either case there are definate genetic markers.
The FBI has partial dna profiles for Cooper. I wonder
if they looked for Duane's PK markers in the Cooper
profiles they have, given that they dismissed Duane
from their repertoir of suspects in 1998?

Lastly, PKD and psychogenesis have a strong correlation, as hormonal levels cycle and blood chemistry changes (as in any kidney condition). Symptomologies range from minor mood swings
and irritability all the way to psychotic disorders
including dissassociative states, where a person
may lose conginitive stasis, not know who they
are and even project they are (or wish they were)someone else. This is even more likely in patients
who present with a previous background of psychic
issues & personality dissorder.

Today, most physicians will explain the full panoply of symptoms patients and their families can expect.
In the past that was less common than it is today
due to the more wholistic approaches taught in medical schools today.

Onset symptoms may include anti social behaviors
before victims and their families become aware of the condition's existence.

I leave these notes for your consideration -

Perhaps we could bring a professional here to
answer specific questions as it may apply in
Duane's and your case.


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"In 1971, Duane Weber's emotional and physical health were failing. He was on the verge of separating from his fifth wife and had been diagnosed with kidney disease; he was not
expected to live past 50. " (He was 47)

Duane had polycystic kidney disease, PKD ? In 1970 or 1971 the life expectance was 5 yrs with proper diet maybe 10. You did not mention PKD advances in stages. This is what Duane did - the disease progressed in stages and it held its own for 12 yrs before forcing him on dialysis. Diet and life style changes are very necessary to do this - we did not use salt or salt substitues and other foods did not come into play in our lives. He was drinking in the beginning but he gave that up eventually.

His mother died after 2 yrs on the rudimentary machines of the 50's - that is the image he had in his mind at the time of his diagnosis in 1970 or 71 (I was not with him at that time I do not know when he was hospitalized the first time when the diagnosis was made.)


Please explain how a 47 year old man already involved in a family breakup and diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) at some location in the USA, has the energy to travel much less to hijack an aeroplane? That is some tall order!

It was I believe 1970 or 71 that he was diagnosed - he had been having blood pressure problems and they found the PKD - his mother died on a kidney machine from the same disease. As with other diseases you can live a very normal life for a period of time after diagnosis...not much was know in the early 70's about the stages - that is why it hit him so hard. There were changes in treatment and a better understanding of the disease as the yrs advanced.


Was Duane on dialysis? When did he finally go on
dialysis or was there a transplant, or a misdiagnosis?

Duane did not go on dialysis until 1990. He turned down a chance for a transplant in Birmingham during his 1st yr on dialysis - he told them he had lived a full life and did not want to take a kidney that might save a younger person.
As I have said the man would give you the shirt off his back - it is hard to believe he was a 17 yr felon and that he did all the things that I have learned he did do. After age 65 you were not eligible for a transplant in 1990.


PDK often presents as a genetic condition

Duane's condition was of the hereditary type.


Autosomal Dominant or Recessive?

I don't know.


In either case there are definate genetic markers.
The FBI has partial dna profiles for Cooper. I wonder if they looked for Duane's PK markers in the Cooper
profiles they have

If the tie belonged to Cooper - but there is another story about the tie.
Of course none of us know what they looked for - I would rather they compare with known DNA - like the cigarrette butts.


Lastly, PKD and psychogenesis have a strong correlation, as hormonal levels cycle and blood chemistry changes (as in any kidney condition). Edited as the criterior you list is not applicable

In the 5 yrs of dialysis and considering all of the patients we met with and associated with it - I did not see the symptoms you describe. First you are a money expert and now you are a PKD specialist.

Sorry that doesn't work for someone who was married to a man for 17 yrs who underwent shunts, damage to the nerves due to misplacement of the shunt, placement of a proper shunt and 5 yrs on the kidney machine...I do believe you have over stepped your boundary lines here.

What I will say is that if you were connected to a machine for 4 hrs 3 days a week - you would have fatigue and mood swings - the same goes for cancer treatment or any other life threatening disease.
The symptoms you are describing are only in the advance stages and on individuals who are not getting treatment.


Onset symptoms may include anti social behaviors
before victims and their families become aware of the condition's existence.

He was an ordinary man when I knew him - he had problems in prior yrs as the record speaks for its self. The man I knew did not present as you have stated. Nor did anyone else out of the scores of other PKD's we met.

:ph34r:This is enough of the PKD - Duane was physically able to do that jump in 1971. Emotionally in 1971 he felt the world had come to an end - all he could invision was what his mother went thru -- he didn't want to die like that. B|If he had a grudge it would be that he inherited his mothers genes.
:|If he had a wish - it was not to die the way his mother did.

The motive and the state of mind!

You walked right into that one Georger.

Georger are you not the one who said I would be begging the forum for certain things..... that Duane Weber would never have been considered as a suspect had it not been for Himmelsbach. Let me assure you the FBI did nothing to prove or disprove Duane was Cooper.....even when I told them where to look.

:)by listening. I will always respect and admire him for standing by me - not one time did he offer any information not made public, but he listened when no one else would.

:SIt is 5 AM and I haven't slept, but I did this same thing the day before...if the Cooper thing is not the death of me then lack of sleep will be. Maybe soon we will know who Cooper was - or maybe we are caught in a time warp - 13 yrs - seems like 37 to me.

P.S. What does Herington, Ks mean to anyone in this forum?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Did anyone report the hijacker having a particular

:)No one in the dialysis unit and in the other activities had an odor...that information is like the myths that go on and on.

Before this is over you will have the Drs. saying the type of kidney disease Duane had would created a body odor. I do not know where you get your information, but I suggest you spend a day at a diaylsis unit (they can use volunteers) before you blast yourself into outer space.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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His mother died after 2 yrs on the rudimentary machines of the 50's - that is the image he had in his mind at the time of his diagnosis in 1970 or 71 (I was not with him at that time I do not know when he was hospitalized the first time when the diagnosis was made.)
Duane's condition was of the hereditary type.
Emotionally in 1971 he felt the world had come to an end - all he could invision was what his mother went thru -- he didn't want to die like that. B|If he had a grudge it would be that he inherited his mothers genes.
:|If he had a wish - it was not to die the way his mother did.

The motive and the state of mind!

You walked right into that one Georger.

Reply> Jo, you have a mean streak and it gets you
into trouble - . But your comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will change.

I am not the money man. I am a person who assembled a panel of experts (6-10) who are examining the whole Cooper case, with special
emphasis on physical evidence which includes
the money. I have a place on that panel, but we work as a panel.

Good luck.


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Open Question:

The only recovered money from the Cooper heist was what Ingram found on the shoreline of the Columbia River in 1980. If Cooper lived through the jump and spent some of the money, would any of those $20 bills have made their way back to the U.S. Treasury Department when old bills are recalled by the government? Would any of those old, recalled bills be identifiable by serial numbers years later? Snowman, Georger, 377, Orange, others, ............?

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Open Question:

The only recovered money from the Cooper heist was what Ingram found on the shoreline of the Columbia River in 1980. If Cooper lived through the jump and spent some of the money, would any of those $20 bills have made their way back to the U.S. Treasury Department when old bills are recalled by the government? Would any of those old, recalled bills be identifiable by serial numbers years later? Snowman, Georger, 377, Orange, others, ............?

This has been covered in length, many times on this forum.

A simple search with key words will net what you're looking for.

For example: type the words "$20" and "treasury" in the search box below and it nets this: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=search_results&search_forum=forum_21&search_type=AND&search_string=%2420+treasury


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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His mother died after 2 yrs on the rudimentary machines of the 50's - that is the image he had in his mind at the time of his diagnosis in 1970 or 71

Duane's condition was of the hereditary type.

Emotionally in 1971 he felt the world had come to an end - all he could invision was what his mother went thru -- he didn't want to die like that. B|If he had a grudge it would be that he inherited his mothers genes.
:|If he had a wish - it was not to die the way his mother did.

The motive and the state of mind!

You walked right into that one Georger.


Georger this is you reply to my post: "Jo, you have a mean streak and it gets you into trouble . But your comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will change."
Why can't you see motive in his illness and connection to his mother - obviously you have NO idea what living on a kidney machine in the 50's was like or you would know what was going thur Duane's mind. "Hell if I am going to die - I will go out in a blaze - if I live then I got enough money to live on before this disease puts me on welfare."

What little was know about the disease made it more frightening than a cancer diagnosis because there was NO cure - but technology brought in new machines, transplants and other ways to manage the disease - he got to live to see those days.


I am not the money man. I am a person who assembled a panel of experts (6-10) who are examining the whole Cooper case, with special emphasis on physical evidence which includes the money. I have a place on that panel, but we work as a panel


B|If you are truely doing this: WHY do you knock me every chance you get - it only proves the conspiracy theory with how negative you are regarding Duane and this influences anyone else on the panel.

If the group is being paid by the government and if they are being paid by a private party - it means they are biased to the employer. It is a NO WIN thing to finding COOPER.

:ph34r:If you have connections to the FBI - so be it. There are FBI agents who have their own agenda in this case - IF some of the information I have recieve is correct

The FBI never verified if a person contacting me was legitimate or not but he incriminated several people in the incident including an FBI agent. No, he did not accuse Himmelsbach - it was another name and if you truely got your facts together then you know the name of that agent.

His story went so far as to say the co-pilot trained Cooper,

I have not been able to digest 95% of what this man told me. I did test him to see how much was real and how much was fantasy. He would tell me a story and then I would send him FALSE information on which he would build a fantasy story. To protect myself from his fantasy - I would copy each E-mail to a party who knew what was truth and what was false - thru this process I had to eliminate most of what he had told me, but a couple of small pieces of information held on - this man knew Duane and his wife, but just how is yet to be determined. This man knew something else and the only way to shut him up was to declare him certifiably mentally distrubed just like you are TRYING to do with me.
You do this publically in a forum and you know that when the public hears something long enough - they start to believe it.

NOT one thing I stated warrants your statement when you replied to the comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971. They definitely establish a motive.

IF you really spoke with Tina and showed her a picture line of all the suspects along with other pictures submitted by family memembersof these indiividual that had never been publicized - You might be surprised - images can trigger aconversation long buried in our memory...but the you know that. After all that was your specialty wasn't it?


George States:
Motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will

For Heaven Sakes - Why are you even on the panel - any fifth grader can see the connection between Duane and Cooper. You did miss anything that even attemps to link Duane no mater how trivial - Therefore it appears this panel was establish to prove Cooper died or it has been establish for the benefit of a book.

TI am mean as hell today - a friend of mine has died.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Got a flat tire today.
Lining up hookers, blow, tequila slammers, lawyers, guns and money to get another NW flight timetable. Hopefully goes down okay.

I've stopped looking backwards at Jo's history of posts because it doesn't matter.

But since I've got some beers in me, I have a question:
I seem to remember Jo making a big deal of Duane's income in 1971..him buying stuff.

yet at the same time, there's a claim that all the money was lost: $173,000 in a bucket that can't be found, plus the bundles that were dug up by packs of wild dogs and young children raised by wolves.

Why is there a "where did the money come from" story for Duane, if all the money was "lost"..

now where's the bottle opener...

And why the heck can't we talk about the Symba Bill. Who's running that conspiracy? I'll stay in charge of controlling the public, but we need some damn accountability in the rest of the cabal!

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Open Question:

The only recovered money from the Cooper heist was what Ingram found on the shoreline of the Columbia River in 1980. If Cooper lived through the jump and spent some of the money, would any of those $20 bills have made their way back to the U.S. Treasury Department when old bills are recalled by the government? Would any of those old, recalled bills be identifiable by serial numbers years later? Snowman, Georger, 377, Orange, others, ............?

Hi Buzzard. Short answer is no and not likely.
Tha stats dont favour it happening. Many have
discussed this here - you can do a search and call
up the various posts.

The Cooper threads here at DZ now comprise a
large compendium of issues related to Cooper ..
it would make good winter night reading.

Good luck -

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His mother died after 2 yrs on the rudimentary machines of the 50's - that is the image he had in his mind at the time of his diagnosis in 1970 or 71

Duane's condition was of the hereditary type.

Emotionally in 1971 he felt the world had come to an end - all he could invision was what his mother went thru -- he didn't want to die like that. B|If he had a grudge it would be that he inherited his mothers genes.
:|If he had a wish - it was not to die the way his mother did.

The motive and the state of mind!

You walked right into that one Georger.


Georger this is you reply to my post: "Jo, you have a mean streak and it gets you into trouble . But your comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will change."
Why can't you see motive in his illness and connection to his mother - obviously you have NO idea what living on a kidney machine in the 50's was like or you would know what was going thur Duane's mind. "Hell if I am going to die - I will go out in a blaze - if I live then I got enough money to live on before this disease puts me on welfare."

What little was know about the disease made it more frightening than a cancer diagnosis because there was NO cure - but technology brought in new machines, transplants and other ways to manage the disease - he got to live to see those days.


I am not the money man. I am a person who assembled a panel of experts (6-10) who are examining the whole Cooper case, with special emphasis on physical evidence which includes the money. I have a place on that panel, but we work as a panel


B|If you are truely doing this: WHY do you knock me every chance you get - it only proves the conspiracy theory with how negative you are regarding Duane and this influences anyone else on the panel.

If the group is being paid by the government and if they are being paid by a private party - it means they are biased to the employer. It is a NO WIN thing to finding COOPER.

:ph34r:If you have connections to the FBI - so be it. There are FBI agents who have their own agenda in this case - IF some of the information I have recieve is correct

The FBI never verified if a person contacting me was legitimate or not but he incriminated several people in the incident including an FBI agent. No, he did not accuse Himmelsbach - it was another name and if you truely got your facts together then you know the name of that agent.

His story went so far as to say the co-pilot trained Cooper,

I have not been able to digest 95% of what this man told me. I did test him to see how much was real and how much was fantasy. He would tell me a story and then I would send him FALSE information on which he would build a fantasy story. To protect myself from his fantasy - I would copy each E-mail to a party who knew what was truth and what was false - thru this process I had to eliminate most of what he had told me, but a couple of small pieces of information held on - this man knew Duane and his wife, but just how is yet to be determined. This man knew something else and the only way to shut him up was to declare him certifiably mentally distrubed just like you are TRYING to do with me.
You do this publically in a forum and you know that when the public hears something long enough - they start to believe it.

NOT one thing I stated warrants your statement when you replied to the comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971. They definitely establish a motive.

IF you really spoke with Tina and showed her a picture line of all the suspects along with other pictures submitted by family memembersof these indiividual that had never been publicized - You might be surprised - images can trigger aconversation long buried in our memory...but the you know that. After all that was your specialty wasn't it?


George States:
Motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will

For Heaven Sakes - Why are you even on the panel - any fifth grader can see the connection between Duane and Cooper. You did miss anything that even attemps to link Duane no mater how trivial - Therefore it appears this panel was establish to prove Cooper died or it has been establish for the benefit of a book.

TI am mean as hell today - a friend of mine has died.


Reply> It is pointless to debate this further.

Out of the thousands of posts Jo has made over
the years, only now does the pivital issue of Duane's
serious medical condition surface, a condition
involving facts and circumstances which bare directly on Duane's candidacy for being DB Cooper.

Perhaps this was never about Duane being Cooper,
at all, but something else?

Im only sorry it took me so long to run across this
piece of information. Let it be a lesson. The medical
conditions of Cooper candidates must be taken seriously, high up the chain in considering people.


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Got a flat tire today.
Lining up hookers, blow, tequila slammers, lawyers, guns and money to get another NW flight timetable. Hopefully goes down okay.

I've stopped looking backwards at Jo's history of posts because it doesn't matter.

But since I've got some beers in me, I have a question:
I seem to remember Jo making a big deal of Duane's income in 1971..him buying stuff.

yet at the same time, there's a claim that all the money was lost: $173,000 in a bucket that can't be found, plus the bundles that were dug up by packs of wild dogs and young children raised by wolves.

Why is there a "where did the money come from" story for Duane, if all the money was "lost"..

now where's the bottle opener...

And why the heck can't we talk about the Symba Bill. Who's running that conspiracy? I'll stay in charge of controlling the public, but we need some damn accountability in the rest of the cabal!

Reply> I can go with that!

Just a hint that there is no such thing as just
finger prints, ala Jo. What there is is transference.
Forget the grooves and lands and hills and vallies, and prominences and praetoria too, and all
the rest of that structural BS ... what you have is chemistry and even dna on a surface. Whatever the
guy was doing, its in the print too.

So class, let's say this all together -

NANO- meter. Nano. One more time, NAH-No.

Back to your regular program.

Symba Bill? Tarzan says: "get down Symba". Woops
I mean Jo!


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Jo wrote:

There are FBI agents who have their own agenda in this case - IF some of the information I have recieve is correct


I think the FBI's agenda is to solve the case, PERIOD. What exactly is the "other" agenda you suspect is being run by some individual agents? Stop being tangential.

I think as tired as Ckret gets of hearing about Duane and being slammed by you, he'd name Duane as Cooper if he discovered unequivocal probative evidence.

Stuff happens in criminal investigations. Mistakes are made, evidence is mishandled or lost, etc. It doesn't prove that aliens crashed at Roswell or that the FBI is covering up evidence that proves Duane was Cooper.

Noise is fundamentally different from coherent signals. Noise can overwhelm signals. It can be loud. It can dominate a spectrum. You are making a fundamental mistake, however, when you draw conclusions from noise. It is like seeing faces in clouds.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Got a flat tire today.
Lining up hookers, blow, tequila slammers, lawyers, guns and money to get another NW flight timetable. Hopefully goes down okay.

I've stopped looking backwards at Jo's history of posts because it doesn't matter.

But since I've got some beers in me, I have a question:
I seem to remember Jo making a big deal of Duane's income in 1971..him buying stuff.

yet at the same time, there's a claim that all the money was lost: $173,000 in a bucket that can't be found, plus the bundles that were dug up by packs of wild dogs and young children raised by wolves.

Why is there a "where did the money come from" story for Duane, if all the money was "lost"..

now where's the bottle opener...

And why the heck can't we talk about the Symba Bill. Who's running that conspiracy? I'll stay in charge of controlling the public, but we need some damn accountability in the rest of the cabal!

Excellent post Snowmman! Could it be because ya pulled silver, figuratively speaking? What kind of brew were you drinking? Come to think of it there likely aren't pull tabs on the civilized beer you prefer.

You nailed it. The loot can't have been spent on cars etc if it was buried on the other side of the country in pails. Jo has some "splainin" to do.

"hookers, blow, tequila slammers, lawyers, guns and money"... Lose the lawyers and you'll have one hell of a party there Snow. They'll want two hookers each, they'll drink and snort all your stuff and a month later you'll get a bill for "client meeting".

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Reply> Jo, you have a mean streak and it gets you
into trouble - . But your comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will change.

I am not the money man. I am a person who assembled a panel of experts (6-10) who are examining the whole Cooper case, with special
emphasis on physical evidence which includes
the money. I have a place on that panel, but we work as a panel.

Good luck.


While we spar and speculate and create incoherent NOISE...
Meanwhile, back in the BAT CAVE, Georger and his dream team of scientists are running mass spectrometers, sequencers, PCR machines, and gas chromatographs doing real science to detect SIGNALS.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Reply> Jo, you have a mean streak and it gets you
into trouble - . But your comments about Duane's motive and state of mind in 1971 are appropriate. They establish a strong psychological connection between Duane and his mother. Can you not see with all of this, it is very unlikely Duane was Dan Cooper. ? But nobody expects you will change.

I am not the money man. I am a person who assembled a panel of experts (6-10) who are examining the whole Cooper case, with special
emphasis on physical evidence which includes
the money. I have a place on that panel, but we work as a panel.

Good luck.


While we spar and speculate and create incoherent NOISE...
Meanwhile, back in the BAT CAVE, Georger and his dream team of scientists are running mass spectrometers, sequencers, PCR machines, and gas chromatographs doing real science to detect SIGNALS.


Yepper. Frankenstein is on the move. Finally getting
some personal time and came up with:


Check it out. Key here is to lite up the old print
and excite its atoms which in turn resonate at their
elemental frequencies and, you have a nice
clean image of 'the crap the guy had on his hands
etc' and even the chemistry of the guy. Dont even have to have a print, just a smudge.

If the guy was eating chocolate fudge, or whatever,
the residue is going to be in the prints. Old dried up prints can be treated in a similar way and still lite
up even though years old.

Prints contain enzymes, proteins.... if a guy happened to have a certain disease well thats a dead give-away from the chemistry of the prints.
If he was on medication, the same thing...
Recall Cooper's brown paper bag. What was in it?
Maybe a modern MXRF test of the old prints would
shed some light.

Wanna see an example? - attached.

Next thing we're going to do is clone Cooper
and ask him a few questions, then send him to Jo
for parachute training. . .


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