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Has anyone considered it could be a message from the other side written by DB trying to give you all some clues.

A gypsy might be able to connect you with DB .:ph34r:

Just kidding you all need some humor once in a while.:D
One Jump Wonder

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Blevins wrote If he

(Cook) has paperwork for me, he can send the server to my house. I'm in the book.

Why so many lawsuit threats in the Cooper Votex? It's not like we are running into each other with cars. It's just e-talk. Nothing more. No dents, no ambulances. No money. Just talk. Sheesh.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins wrote If he


(Cook) has paperwork for me, he can send the server to my house. I'm in the book.

Why so many lawsuit threats in the Cooper Votex? It's not like we are running into each other with cars. It's just e-talk. Nothing more. No dents, no ambulances. No money. Just talk. Sheesh.


Dat Old Man River, he jus keeps rollin
He don't say nothin', he must know somethin'
Dat Old Man River,
he just keeps rollin', along

What we need here is an hysterical outburst of - Patty Cake and
sit ups! Something to get blood moving through the brain again!


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Mr. Cook wants me to post this on DZ since he doesn't have that option. I'm simply the messenger here.....

Message from Galen Cook to the followers of Dave Shutter's DB Cooper site, AND to the followers at the DropZone:

It has been brought to my attention by several researchers, investigators, authors, and persons of a general interest in the DB Cooper case, that the current schism between myself and Mr. Blevins is non-productive and hurts the advancement of the case. I am willing to make this agreement with Mr. Blevins to end this rather nasty episode. The agreement involves bilateral promises in exchange for each other's words per terms of the agreement. Signature by both parties, preceded with a backslash, is required. This agreement is witnessed by the viewers from both sites and is effective immediately upon signature by both parties, and runs for a period of five (5) years.


Parties: Robert M. Blevins; Galen G. Cook.

terms: Robert M. Blevins (RMB) promises to not use Galen G. Cook's (GGC) name, or reference to it, in any context, form, or manner, in any medium including the internet, magazines, radio, television, newspaper, etc., for a minimum period of five years. RMB further promises to not use William Gossett's name, including any and all relatives of the Gossett family, in any medium as aforementioned, for a minimum period of five years from date of signature.

Galen G. Cook promises to not use Robert Blevin's name or reference to it, in any context, form, or manner, in any medium including the internet, magazines, radio, television, newspaper, etc., for a minimum period of five years. GGC further promises to not use Kenneth Christianson's name, including any and all relatives of the Christianson family, in any medium as aforementioned, for a minimum period of five years from date of signature.
Additonally, GGC promises not to represent any parties involved in, or contemplating, legal proceedings against RMB. Further, GGC promises not to confront RMB personally, or through agents, during the Auburn Days Festival in 2014, or any time henceforth.

This AGREEMENT is final and integrated for purposes of ending beratement, disparagement, and feuding between the parties in public forums. It is the intent of BOTH parties to fully honor the terms stated above, without consideration of remedies for breach.

DATED: August 1, 2014

Signed: (RMB)
(GGC) /Galen G. Cook.
Modify message
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mr. Cook wants me to post this on DZ since he doesn't have that option. I'm simply the messenger here.....

Message from Galen Cook to the followers of Dave Shutter's DB Cooper site, AND to the followers at the DropZone:

It has been brought to my attention by several researchers, investigators, authors, and persons of a general interest in the DB Cooper case, that the current schism between myself and Mr. Blevins is non-productive and hurts the advancement of the case. I am willing to make this agreement with Mr. Blevins to end this rather nasty episode. The agreement involves bilateral promises in exchange for each other's words per terms of the agreement. Signature by both parties, preceded with a backslash, is required. This agreement is witnessed by the viewers from both sites and is effective immediately upon signature by both parties, and runs for a period of five (5) years.


Parties: Robert M. Blevins; Galen G. Cook.

terms: Robert M. Blevins (RMB) promises to not use Galen G. Cook's (GGC) name, or reference to it, in any context, form, or manner, in any medium including the internet, magazines, radio, television, newspaper, etc., for a minimum period of five years. RMB further promises to not use William Gossett's name, including any and all relatives of the Gossett family, in any medium as aforementioned, for a minimum period of five years from date of signature.

Galen G. Cook promises to not use Robert Blevin's name or reference to it, in any context, form, or manner, in any medium including the internet, magazines, radio, television, newspaper, etc., for a minimum period of five years. GGC further promises to not use Kenneth Christianson's name, including any and all relatives of the Christianson family, in any medium as aforementioned, for a minimum period of five years from date of signature.
Additonally, GGC promises not to represent any parties involved in, or contemplating, legal proceedings against RMB. Further, GGC promises not to confront RMB personally, or through agents, during the Auburn Days Festival in 2014, or any time henceforth.

This AGREEMENT is final and integrated for purposes of ending beratement, disparagement, and feuding between the parties in public forums. It is the intent of BOTH parties to fully honor the terms stated above, without consideration of remedies for breach.

DATED: August 1, 2014

Signed: (RMB)
(GGC) /Galen G. Cook.
Modify message

Wow, Shut, you beat me to it by 4 minutes!

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Countdown to A-Burn days:

August 1, 2014:

So, Bobby, you gonna sign this cease and desist thingy?

To Everyone Else: I'm excited - imagine Bobby keeping his mouth shut for five years! Wow, now that's cause for celebration.

That beer is gonna taste mighty fine come August 9. Maybe Galen has achieved what no one else has been able to accomplish.

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Greetings Everyone -

I am proud to announce my latest effort to escape impoverishment by declaring the Ultimate in Online Gambling-

"Can Bobby keep his mouth shut for Five Years?" Lottery.

Put your money where your mouths have been.

Welcome to the Silence of the Blev Contest:

Money talks, nobody walks, and everything else is just hot air.

Opening odds:

1. Will Bobby sign the agreement? - 2:1 odds he won't
2. If he does, how long will he uphold the agreement?

One day: 1:1
Two days: 2:1
I year: 100:1
2 years: 2,000:1
5 Years 50,000:1

Place your bets at PayPal, acct:


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RH II is missing.

Does anyone know where RH II is?

His phone is not connecting and West Parachute Sales, Inc. is not listed in the phone book. Plus, I can't find a listing for Ralph Hartley in Eagle Creek, Oregon.

Has he gone to Blue Skies?

Alive and Well. If you got off of the medications - perhaps you would be able to comprehend the information provided to you.

GUYS - Please NOT one of you are to help him....let BS learn to help himself and maybe he needs to lay off of the MEDs the Drs are pumping him full of..

;)Everyone here knows that information is up to date and correct, but evidently someone is so STONED he can't see well enough to read.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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A statement by Galen Cook

"It has been brought to my attention by several researchers, investigators, authors, and persons of a general interest in the DB Cooper case, that the current schism between myself and Mr. Blevins is non-productive and hurts the advancement of the case. I am willing to make this agreement with Mr. Blevins to end this rather nasty episode. The agreement involves bilateral promises in exchange for each other's words per terms of the agreement. Signature by both parties, preceded with a backslash, is required. This agreement is witnessed by the viewers from both sites and is effective immediately upon signature by both parties, and runs for a period of five (5) years.


Parties: Robert M. Blevins; Galen G. Cook.

terms: Robert M. Blevins (RMB) promises to not use Galen G. Cook's (GGC) name, or reference to it, in any context, form, or manner, in any medium including the internet, magazines, radio, television, newspaper, etc., for a minimum period of five years. RMB further promises to not use William Gossett's name, including any and all relatives of the Gossett family, in any medium as aforementioned, for a minimum period of five years from date of signature.

Galen G. Cook promises to not use Robert Blevin's name or reference to it, in any context, form, or manner, in any medium including the internet, magazines, radio, television, newspaper, etc., for a minimum period of five years. GGC further promises to not use Kenneth Christianson's name, including any and all relatives of the Christianson family, in any medium as aforementioned, for a minimum period of five years from date of signature.
Additonally, GGC promises not to represent any parties involved in, or contemplating, legal proceedings against RMB. Further, GGC promises not to confront RMB personally, or through agents, during the Auburn Days Festival in 2014, or any time henceforth.

This AGREEMENT is final and integrated for purposes of ending beratement, disparagement, and feuding between the parties in public forums. It is the intent of BOTH parties to fully honor the terms stated above, without consideration of remedies for breach.

DATED: August 1, 2014

Signed: (RMB)
(GGC) /Galen G. Cook."

That proposal is the BIGGEST piece of crap ever written by Cook.

Just goes to prove my POINT! Galen is not MUCH of an attorney.

If GALEN wants to put a Clamp on Blevins or anyone else - that is totally juvenile on his part...

Cook has NOTHING to sue for...ZERO! If Cook is NOT already aware - I have EMAILS he sent to me & some of the exchanges intermingle with Blevins story, but Blevins doesn't know what he has.
Blevins is so HELL BENT on proving KC was COOPER that he allowed himself to be led right past the "real story".

BLevins would be stupid to let Cook BLACK MAIL HIM....Cook tried to do the same thing with me back when he thought HE could MAKE me go away or to SHUT up.

Cooks own child like manuevers dictates I have someone publish all of the emails I exchanged with Cook. COOK had and has no subject but, has a reason for keeping Cooper quiet...he is being paid by OTHERS to do so....

Cook is paid to seek and destroy anyone who even gets close to the truths. Thru the emails I exchanged with Cook he accidently ran into the truths - he is being paid to misdirect all who get too close to the Cooper trail. Maybe he was already in their employee when he contacted me in 2003, but I doubt that at all.

The emails I sent to GALEN led him to what he now knows...Gossett was just a side trip before he stepped right into the mother load. HOW long did IT take you to FIGURE it out Galen?

Cooks involvement was very incidental when he established communications with me in 2003.

Blevins has already been provided the LINK. IF he knows how to use it - he does NOT need you or anything you have to offer. You are the villain who has been paided off by OTHERS for yrs to misdirect anyone who came close to ... exposing the truths.

An early announcement will not cause the OTHERS to be extremely handicapped....and the only reason for the 5 yrs - is to make sure JO will not be around...JO IS HERE NOW - she wont be here in 5 yrs.

In 5 yrs you can santicize the truths but you can never erase what really happened. Then you will present your slanted version of the truths for your clients who in all probabilities will also be deceased in 2020.

The STATUES run out on the 48th yr......and why you shot for 5 yrs.
Then the individuals cannot be prosecuted if they should still be alive. You by then would also have the freedom to make who every you wished to be Cooper.

Jo does not know the details, but enough to be dangerous. AS of late it has become obvious just HOW dangerously close Jo is...If I was well enough to travel to a specific location (I do have a PASS PORT) I would be in their faces.

Perhaps I need to start throwing names out - yea, Galen you didn't know I had names! I am very capable of seeing through and all the way past you.

Tell Mr M and his sister HELLO! What is happening is WHY you need to shut Blevins up...he is sitting so CLOSE to the truth - and all it takes is one person breaking and the house made of dice will tumble down. NO KC was NOT Cooper!

The rest none of you need even try to decipher - but Galen knows exactly what I am talking about.


Blevins you get to work on that stuff I sent you. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink...just give me the word you are moving forward and I will give you the ammunition you need.

I was not being specific because I figured you were just a big OLE bluff and actually did NOT have the contacts you claim....

If those contact are real - do what I told you to do! If you do not remember then pm me here but preferrably on my regular email...much easier for me.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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54604 and 54605 are missing? What happened to them?

Must have been a qlich!

The numbers are there - an so are the posts unless the moderator remove some thing way before those.

I could not find any missing posts.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Will I sign such a paper? Answer: No.

I have nothing further to say on this.

The gauntlet is dropped

What will Bobby do next? All eyes are on the Blev....

Absolutely nothing. If Cook wants to discuss anything, I'm not hard to find. adventurebooksofseattle AT G Frickin Mail G Frickin Dot Com. (email spelled like that to defeat the Evil Spammers)

Bobby, did you take 54604 and 54605?

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I've got the scent of RH II's trail.

He's not at W Parachute Sales, Inc, which is a woman-owned business, by the way, for all you gun-totin', red-blooded, testosterone-laden men out there...

...but Ralph Hatley is booking skydives via Skydive Eagle Creek. He is about 77 years old. RH II apparently uses his cell phone to do the booking, but he ain't answering today. His old line at West Parachute is not accepting calls. No email, apparently, either.

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BULL CRAP....I just had a nice conversation with him after his phone number and address and business was put in the thread by 377.

My contact number was the one I had on file - I did NOT compare it to the one 377 gave out. He was at the DZ when I spoke to him and we talked about the discussion he and I had about 12 months ago...

He sounded fine and in great spirits.

As usual Bruce you either messed up or he has your phone number tagged.

What do you think?
He evidently was WARNED about you.
Your reputation for having brutal interviews - has preceded you.


PS to all:
If any postings were deleted they receded the numbers in question and the only individuals who have that capablity is Adminstration and the FBI.
OR some one higher than the above.

IT is called Protect and do NO harm!

Feeding your taste for the weird - perhaps one of us discussed a NO NO subject & the POWERS that be made sure they went POOF!

Why don't your read back and find the 2 missing posting made a few days ago....you might learn something.

The numbers just stayed in sequence and created NO obvious trail other than for the poster who made the 2 postings.

Well, it could happen, but it didn't!

Don't expect others to do your research - and NO one wants to be interview by a man whose reputation precedes him!

You live in some altered universe and not in the real world. The one decent interview you supposedly made - was never verified for factual information, but it sounded on the surface like a really good interview.

Wonder if the interviewee agrees with your article - did you have him proof it for accuracy? Did you give him that courtesy?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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De Gal Dupay

On Feb 4th 2010 Galen Cook contacts me about a man I had already been communicating with for yrs...RH and that does not stand for Ralph Himmelsbach - but RH is an old dz owner who tried to tell me were to look and who actually tried to help a man who knew who Cooper was....A man who contacted Margie Boole after she did the article on me...

At that time in 2001 a man contacted Margie and needed to talk to me. Margie and I decided it was a long shot...I would not find out until 2 yrs ago that the man who tried to contact me had died in 2004 and had enlisted this other jump/owner (who Galen claimed to have interviewed in 2008).

Well if Mr RH wanted to tell Galen something why did he not tell Galen about the man who enlisted his help to come forward with information.

I will tell you why - he did NOT trust Galen Cook.

Any of you guy remember the name of the attorney and HIMMELSBACK was in on this? I posted about this a long time ago.

The State of WA told him he would have to get the immunity from the FEDS in DC. The man died in 2004 taking with him his secret -which he tried to tell - but like myself NO ONE HEARD him.

I didn't know he was the guy trying to contact me from Margie's article and he didn't know I was trying to find him...he had that name I was looking for.

The DZ owner Duane knew or claimed to have known. He had two sites in WA at one time - one of them was the field off of the highway at a point when Duane told me about a car being parked there. The guys used to jump there and over on the other side you couldn't see the airstrip because of the trees or fence.

He owned yet another one further north that is now a Golf Course.

Duane mentioned that site also.
So how does a guy who had never resided in WA. know where these places are and the people who own and run them?

DON'T Tell me the INVESTIGATORS where that STUPID! BUT I told this over and over and over - but NO one heard me. I told anyone who would listen and NO one looked or cared.

Well, SNEAKY SNAKE Cook won't get off on this one...THEY are recorded in this thread and in the emails and records I have kept.

Mr. H (a jumper and I had been talking way before Galen ever went to see him).

I posted about this on the thread. BUT Cook claims in this email of 2/10 that he had interviewed him at that time..... a few yrs too late Galen!

In the email Galen is explaining this to me like a child and I had already been talking to the man...way before Galen ever got there.

Mr. H did indeed know the Cooper story because his good friend enlisted his help after I refused to talk to the man in 2001...they didn't know how to contact me. Margie and I both called it wrong on that one.

The man then enlisted the help of the DZ owner to help him and you guys know the story about the attorney and his being declined - even Mr. Himmelsbach was active in that part.
All of that transpired before 2004 because the man died in 2004. Now his friend has tried to be heard but the story is second hand now.

THE FED refused the man immunity!

The man knew who Cooper was and he saw his picture in the paper as a suspect....but the FEDS would NOT hear him and would not give him the immunity requested...He just KNEW who Cooper was - he didn't commit the crime himself...he just helped an old friend out. He wasn't Cooper...but in 2001 he was looking at his old friends picture on the front page of a local newpaper.

THE FBI didn't care then & I don't care now that they were made fools of.

IF the FEDS in DC refused this man immunity - the FEDS in DC already KNEW who Cooper was - otherwise why not have given the man the immunity he requested.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I shot my very first professional tandem video at Ralph's place many years ago in the mid 90's.

Then in 2001 I was racing cars in Lakeport Ca. when walking through the pits I see an attractive gal wearing an Eagle Creek Skydiving shirt. She was with a team racing in the modified class.

I asked her where she got the shirt and she said from her dad Ralph he ran a dropzone in Oregon. I introduced myself and told her I new her dad and had jumped there.

I'll bet she's the owner of record. I can't recall her name...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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"Is this a joke? Another public stunt? Why is this even posted here? I have email and I am easy to find there. Will I sign such a paper? Answer: No."

I couldn't tell you one way or the other. I don't know myself what's going on. when you walk around two feet tall with size 32 boots stomping on everything around you things like this happen.

This is a DB Cooper forum, but all of your dealings (off topic, gossip etc.) are made public on this forum constantly by you. then you ask why it's posted here? I've told you dozens of times to call, or email Cook
to resolve your problems. as I mentioned originally, I'm simply the messenger.

So, the message was sent, and hopefully you guys will resolve this issue off of these forums. the legal part? I don't know what it really is, but good luck to you if it's has any validation to it. I haven't seen any proof of it so far.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"Is this a joke? Another public stunt? Why is this even posted here? I have email and I am easy to find there. Will I sign such a paper? Answer: No."

I couldn't tell you one way or the other. I don't know myself what's going on. when you walk around two feet tall with size 32 boots stomping on everything around you things like this happen.

This is a DB Cooper forum, but all of your dealings (off topic, gossip etc.) are made public on this forum constantly by you. then you ask why it's posted here? I've told you dozens of times to call, or email Cook
to resolve your problems. as I mentioned originally, I'm simply the messenger.

So, the message was sent, and hopefully you guys will resolve this issue off of these forums. the legal part? I don't know what it really is, but good luck to you if it's has any validation to it. I haven't seen any proof of it so far.

It would appear the forces of Gog vs. Magog are at a draw -
however, as Aamazon the Grey can tell you, 'the final battle at
Auburn-Aver has yet to be decided! Like the people of Gaza,
those people at Auburn must be tired of the whole thing and
close to extinction! We need the UN to enter Auburn immediately
to save it from total Blevination and Cookification!

It would therefore profit Prince Blevins the Minor to discover
where Rosh, Meshech and Tubal are! Experts say Blev's forces
are too widely dispersed and you can't win a war if you don't
know where the battle is! Enemies could strike from any direction
at any place. General Cook, on the other hand, knows exactly
where Blev will strike - everywhere! And for Blev's information,
"Tubal" has nothing to do with Tubal Ligation, as he keeps
saying! Tubal is a place, not a frickin 'tube'!

The mistakes some people make in the name of Sagacity!


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No. Instead he ratchets up the BS even MORE by saying he will set the festival director straight. Obviously he's never met Connie, that's for sure. Even I wouldn't be dumb enough to say something like that to her. Or where she could see it.

Hmmmmm....Robert, what do you think it means to "set someone straight"?

Well, from the freedictionary.com

"set (someone) straight
To correct (someone) by providing full and accurate information."


A lot of what Galen wrote is written to get a rise out of you, but that comment clearly wasn't.

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Georger says in part:


It would appear the forces of Gog vs. Magog are at a draw - however, as Aamazon the Grey can tell you, 'the final battle at Auburn-Aver has yet to be decided! Like the people of Gaza, those people at Auburn must be tired of the whole thing and close to extinction! We need the UN to enter Auburn immediately to save it from total Blevination and Cookification!

Your post hardly deserves a response. And comparing a harmless literary event to the slaughter going on in and around Gaza is in really poor taste.

I did not start this problem.

So why respond! ??? Get over yourself kid, and take a high
colonic! Grow up.

You very much "started this" by:

(a) bashing Cook for four years while Cook said and did
practically nothing but comment, occasionally, all privately!
(b) associating and promoting Auburn Goode Ole Days as a
platform for your socalled Cooper research and damned book,
which is nothing but pulp fiction.
(c) associating and promoting Auburn Goode Ole Days as tied to
your business Adventure Books of Seattle whatever that 2-bit
operation is!
(d) your persecution of one Bernard Geestman tied again to your
platform at Auburn Good Ole Days ...
(and e through z) !!!!!

You very clearly started ALL OF THIS - none if it even existed
prior to you!

Cook has made a mistake by taking you on in a form and manner
in the wrong place and time, actually set by you once again with
your promos for Good Ole Days etc... but you have maximized
that to the hilt by crying FIRE! where there is nothing hatveer to
warrant that.


You are always setting up straw men as bait and then when you
finally get a response - YOU CRY FOUL! - when it is you who set
up the situation in the first place!

These errors very likely will be corrected with an apology from Mr
Cook to City Officials at Auburn and once that is done the City of
Auburn can turn its attentions back to YOU, where it belongs in
the first damned place! You know what they say: "once bitten
twice shy"; well you have bitten Auburn in the ass at least three
or four times with your astounding bullshit! 377 didn;t term you
the Venom Magnet for no reason.

Hopfully the City of Auburn will wake up to the problem it has
and tell you 'we no longer need your services, en-citing crackpot'.

You idiotic protests fall on deaf ears here, my good man!


ps: You came into this forum in 2010 bashing Galen Cook right
from the start, for some reason... you couldn't wait to get it out
and attached anti Cook comments to all kinds of posts having
nothing whatever to do with Cook or his work! When you
knew Cook wasn't even here to defend himself, so you even
added the further insult reminding people that Cook had been
banned from Dropzone in a dispute with Quade.

Cheap shots are your identity, Blevins.

It is my conviction that people at Auburn Washington operate on
a higher level than you do. I can easily put that to the test.

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Robert, first of all the question was not ask to you. just because it's about you doesn't mean we need to drag it over here. second, you have claimed many times that you were no longer worried about that site, but it appears you are there everyday.

stop worrying about what goes on other than here. this site has one thread specifically for the discussion of DB Cooper. it always seems to be a discussion about the online life of Robert Blevins. you have been banned from posting on that site, and banned from viewing it. you constantly go around things just to bring more drama to the table here. do you really think people want to read this all the time?

when you go out for dinner and hear your name do you rush that table wanting to know why they said Robert? do you have trouble falling asleep wondering what will be said next..seriously dude, get a grip.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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First, the post was made by Cook on site increase. the amounts are due to spammers, and not real traffic.I'm not looking for major traffic. I'm looking for a place to discuss DB Cooper. I don't care what you think it should be, or not be when it comes to numbers, or traffic. every time I corrected something in the past on Wiki, the samething would happen. days later it's gone.

Typically a person who is banned decides they are not wanted and moves on. you remind me of spam. once you zap one address, they pop right back on under another address. the good thing about spam is the fact of them not constantly whining about viewing the site, or telling me (frequently) they can view it when ever they wish. I would hate to have to use the "members only" option, and shut the outside out completely. I'm sure that would register about a 9.0 on the whine-o-graph.

Nobody is scared of you, or what you might see on the site Robert. so don't go rushing into that claim.

As for my personal issues with the law. no thanks, I'll stick with people who know what they are talking about. this was brought up to show people how easy it is to accuse someone of something they had nothing to do with. especially with flimsy evidence. my outlook in the justice system is now in the negative numbers if you go by a scale of 1-10 rating. it's all about money. the more you have, the less of a problem it is. every cop, or person I have showed this to can't understand how it has gone this far. my truck can't even reach some of the damage to the other vehicle, and yet they think I put a 5 year old paper tag on my commercial truck, and drove it around? this guy claimed in the report he had two small children in the car when the accident occurred. nobody seen them, and he stated several times nobody was hurt. now he claim all 3 of them were injured in the fast 10 mph collision. so, once again forgive me if I feel a little pain that Bernie is probably going through. it's just a bunch of talk on his side, he doesn't have the law on his butt. I doubt he ever will.

It's really simple to take a few things and match them up and cause all kinds of trouble for the innocent. people will look you right in the eyes and lie to you.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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