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Robert99 says in part:


'The FBI got the information from the Seattle Air Traffic Control people about the airliner's flight path between Seattle, Portland, and points south immediately after the hijacking. Less than a week after the hijacking, the FBI had complete access to all relevant records and the flight path was precisely known.

Jo, I did NOT attack YOU which is what you are implying. I simply pointed out that the post you quoted was wrong when it claimed that the flight path was not known.

The actual and correct flight path has been known since the evening of the hijacking....' (my italics)

No big deal, but if you even HINT again that the flight path was not really known...or that the money at Tina Bar ended up there because that's where Cooper landed...I'm going to remind you of your post there. ;) Remember, even though no one at the Seattle FBI is willing to answer where that search map they have on the website originated, it still remains that they keep it posted there under DB Cooper. And that map shows a path miles EAST of Tina Bar, in fact, at least six miles east and on the other side of the Interstate 5 freeway.

Blevins, Something seems to be getting lost in the translation.

The actual flight path is the one that the Seattle ATC controllers directed the airliner along. If you have read their radio transcripts, you know that ever single thing that would help in determining that flight path has been redacted from those transcripts. Consequently, the flight path CANNOT be determined from those transcripts or anything else that is publicly available at this time. And that includes maps of unknown pedigree that are released by the FBI.

And for the record, there are numerous reasons to believe that the flight did bypass Portland on the west side.

All of this has been discussed at length on this thread but some people, such as Blevins and Jo Weber, need another flight path to support their Cooper candidates.

And neither of them has been able to come up with a single fact to indicate their candidates were involved with the hijacking in any capacity.


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You evaded the most important question in the Cooper case.

The flight path! I will tell you this if the flight path was indeed the same as you guys are claiming to work with that puts the plane - West of the Interstate and West of Vancouver and Portland - they have BEEN ALTERED.

All of the ground reports and the area seached by the authorities was definitly not along the interstate and not in Vanvouver and NOT West of Portland. Those reports put that plane over the Battleground area and the most Westward sighting...in 1971.

The co-pilots description of what he saw puts the plane North of Vancouver....with his being able to see the haze of Vancouver from his window (on the right side of the plane) THAT is where the co-pilots seat is.

One has to remember this was his first time flying that route...

Did YOU know that? Probably NOT!
How many of you knew the night of the skyjacking was the CO-pilots first experience on that route.

I keep thinking I spoke to the ACTUAL pilot and he verified this - but, maybe it was the engineer. IT was very early on in my search.

I can't call it research since it was personal...Just a widow searching for answers. I do remember the individual telling me he did NOT usually do these things - but made an exception for me at the request of his wife. I hope I still have the notes on this....it may be only sqibbles,I cannot decipher, but it was before 2001. At that time I had met my last husband and was trying to go forwaard with my life, but Cooper kept getting in the way!

Jo, I am amazed that you would accuse me, of all people, of evading questions about the flight path.

There are NO believable ground eyewitness reports about the flight path. How did they manage to see the airliner since it was ABOVE an overcast plus two or three layers of other clouds?

The co-pilot could easily see to the left side of the airliner which you could perhaps understand better if you took a look at his position with respect to the nose of the aircraft. So the co-pilot did not have to be east of Portland to see that city assuming that he could even do so through the overcast and other clouds.


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Jo says in part:


'OTHERS from the other thread that is so private you have to be a PI to get into it does NOTHING but slander others who participate here.

I have NOT wanted to post to that thread - but, I should be allowed to read any postings made referencing me or Duane Weber.

Before I could at least READ what was being said and now not even allowed to do that...'

No worries, Jo. Few people see those posts except the other participants. Their numbers are pathetic. Of course, Shutter will probably see this and come running over to claim he doesn't care about that. Well...neither do I. My old man told me once: Everyone gets what they deserve in the end.

Some members are made up of folks who have already been banned from Dropzone. The paranoia runs rampant over there LOL. They don't let me see posts either. Problem is, either other staff members at Adventure Books send me screenshots of the latest insults, or Greg and I drop by on Sundays using HIS computer and have a laugh. It's nothing more than the same few people going back and forth, and viewed little by the public. Not a real surprise.

What's even funnier is they bill themselves as the 'biggest forum on DB Cooper'. But they don't want some of the folks who are involved in the case even SEEING what is posted there. Mainly because some of the participants have either been caught in lies, or post up hateful crap on some of the people at Dropzone. After Georger got banned from Dropzone, he referred to me as an SOB over there. Not my fault he got banned, but his. Joins Meyer Louie, Galen Cook, and others who were banned here mostly for personal attacks.

I told Greg to stop sending me the screenshots. We just look on weekends. I do keep an eye on the site, just to stay informed on who is two-faced when they post HERE. Unless Shutter is ready to start banning entire IP ranges, there's no way he can stop it. B|

***'How do you like me NOW?'

Blevins, How many times have YOU been BANNED from this very thread? I can think of two right off. Also, how many times did you announce that you were leaving this thread of your own free will? About five, but you were always back in a day or two.

If you don't care about what goes on over on the "other" site, why are you so paranoid about it. You keep bringing the subject up ever chance you get.

As I remember it, Georger announced one day that he was leaving this site permanently and he kept his word. That was not a ban.


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I received a letter from the United States Senate stating there has been an inquiry & it would require my written consent. This regarded my medical records and other personal information.

I asked where the inquiry came from and the young lady did not know how to answer the question.
Well when the Senate sends a letter asking for records on a person, they have to identify themselves and the purpose of the request.

I informed her of this and then she refers me to another division.

Jo, Have you been taking some new medications?

For your information, the US Senate does not have anything to do with your medical records and personal information.

Your claims above are simply not realistic.


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How about it, Robert? Go on the record for a change instead of picking on Jo Weber. Do you believe the flight path map freely available for download at the FBI's website is an accurate rendition of the actual flight path? Yes or no? If your answer is NO...then you should explain why you are right and that map is wrong. And if your answer is NO, then explain why the FBI would continue to make that map available on their website.

Blevins, As I have repeatedly said on this thread since 2009, a year before you washed up here, that FBI map is not realistic. Anyone can easily determine that is so by checking the times and alleged distances covered during those times.

For instance when flying with a constant ground speed, you do NOT cover three miles in one minute and then cover six miles in the very next minute. Even RobertMBlevins should be able to understand that.

Your implication that I have not been "on the record" about the flight path is nonsense. This matter has been discussed with you at length any number of times here and you always end up stating that you, in effect, accept the FBI map "on faith".

Why don't you ask the Seattle FBI office why they released that map? As I understand it, you are on a first name basis with everyone in that office.


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You're pretty good at picking on Jo Weber, but as far as I can see not much good at anything else around here regarding the Cooper case.

***Robert99 says in part:


'Jo, I am amazed that you would accuse me, of all people, of evading questions about the flight path.

There are NO believable ground eyewitness reports about the flight path. How did they manage to see the airliner since it was ABOVE an overcast plus two or three layers of other clouds?

The co-pilot could easily see to the left side of the airliner which you could perhaps understand better if you took a look at his position with respect to the nose of the aircraft. So the co-pilot did not have to be east of Portland to see that city assuming that he could even do so through the overcast and other clouds...'

You have hinted previously that Cooper landed near Tina Bar and that's how the money ended up there. No use denying that. I can point you to your posts on that. This goes directly against the map the FBI still makes available on their website showing the flight path...to this very day. And as a pilot, you should know that the flight probably knew its position as it flew merrily along at 9,600 feet between Seattle and Portland. The overcast matters not. They were being tracked all along that route from the moment they left Seattle. You just said so in a recent post.

How about it, Robert? Go on the record for a change instead of picking on Jo Weber. Do you believe the flight path map freely available for download at the FBI's website is an accurate rendition of the actual flight path? Yes or no? If your answer is NO...then you should explain why you are right and that map is wrong. And if your answer is NO, then explain why the FBI would continue to make that map available on their website.

Maybe you know something from those transcripts that they don't know. But if you do, you haven't presented a single thing to support that.

Now you are saying as well that there are no 'believable ground witness reports'. Does this mean you think the Janet Fable is a load of horse manure? If so, you should discuss this with your buddy Galen Cook at the alternate site, because he believes it intensely. He said so in that article I linked. B|

What's the matter? Can't handle the question? Think you'll piss off Cook at the alternate site? LOL.

Blevins, I see that you have now started replying to your own posts. That is a first for this thread as far as I know.

I have no idea what Galen Cook thinks about the flight path or Janet or anything else. If you want to know, why don't you ask him? I am not his press agent.

The rest of your baloney has already been answered. You would already know this if you actually read the posts on this thread.


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I therefore today contacted someone who has been wanting to do something regarding my battle and said DO IT! These individuals know I chose to only seek the truths and not to take alternate public avenues.

Well the approach is NOT going to be the EXPECTED - like a movie or a book....and I am NOT the only one involved.

I do NOT interview well at all...as I am a VERY private person other than the COOPER story...so I do not know how this will be handled - but, it will be done!

We ALL agree , IT is TIME

Yawn. Another big event coming tease from Jo. Not one of these has ever amounted to anything. Don't hold your breath.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I therefore today contacted someone who has been wanting to do something regarding my battle and said DO IT! These individuals know I chose to only seek the truths and not to take alternate public avenues.

Well the approach is NOT going to be the EXPECTED - like a movie or a book....and I am NOT the only one involved.

I do NOT interview well at all...as I am a VERY private person other than the COOPER story...so I do not know how this will be handled - but, it will be done!

We ALL agree , IT is TIME

Yawn. Another big event coming tease from Jo. Not one of these has ever amounted to anything. Don't hold your breath.


Well, I sent time and money and stress to clear up the other situation, but this one make no sense at all.

They ask some very very personal questions - weird.

I am going to call the other number tomorrow the young lady provide to see if they can explain this letter. This letter was triggered by some one for some reason and it does NOT sound good.

Asked me too many personal questions and then the last one gives them my consent to provide the information - but who is requiring this information?

NO GAME going on here 377, just curiosity.

This came out of the Senate Office.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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What would you think if you got such a letter?

The young lady who answered the phone in the senate office did not know why I receive this letter. She did provide another number for me to contact - but, the questionaire and consent from is formidable.

I am supposed to call the Governors office tomorrow.

Maybe it is a screen to run the election booths - but why doesn't it state that?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The books I've read on Newton shied away from that subject, but I'll check it out!
I looked up the date Nov 2 and that happens to be the date of the assassination of the president of South Viet Nam Ngo Dinh Diem. It was over shadowed by JFK's later that month.
So to repeat; Nov 24, 1971 + 2900 = Nov 2, 1979 or the anniversary. Of course Nov 24, 1971- 5800= Jan 7th 1956 which was the middle of the French pull out from Indochina. I suppose a French paratrooper who hated commies could be Cooper!

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Who said this?


'People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.'

If she really means that, she could be one of the smartest people on Earth. :)
In any case, it's a good tenet to live by. Better than most I've heard.

Well, it is something to remember!
I am printing it out and putting it on my refrigerator!

I think that sums up some of the individuals in this thread. As for B.S. or Galen They represent the epitomy of scorn in my mind and my heart.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Update on Tina in Japan

The reporter who conducted the interview with Tina for the Eugene Weekly has clammed-up. He is no longer responsive to my emails or phone calls.

Perhaps I just wasn't nice enough...

...or maybe his tootsies are warm enough already.

Further, I am uncertain how to proceed with Ms. Mucklow, herself.

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"...In our book, Cook should do one of two things. Either admit he was lying and offer up a sincere apology (with a promise not to repeat)...

In my book, Sir Robert, you and Mr. P should be more concerned about what Tina says about Japan, not what Galen says about you and Skippy.

You had a couple of weeks to craft a commentary replete with detail, or 'fess up. Wassup?

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Are you ever nice?

Did it ever occur to you that your reputation precedes you?

The people you interview want nothing to do with you. Seems as though I have no problem communicating with key individuals regarding Duane or Cooper or should I just say Cooper.

You will never learn - and that is your downfall.

When you are deceptive and invasive you do not get the interviews or the responses you want.

You cut YOURSELF off - no one did that but you and yourself.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Well, what goes around comes around.
I guess Bruce is bored at that other place - but, he will never figure out that certain parties like himself will never get the inside news.

You are being very closed mouth about things, but I hope you are finding the results needed.

I have share things with "others" outside of this thread and Bruce cannot figure out what is going on.
His own sources have shut down and the word is out.

I want to tell people what is going on, but I can't. I know the information I provided is being worked on. The connections have been in place for a long time - but it took keys to open them up.

Let all of the "others" try to figure this out - they can't and they do not have the connections they have in the past claimed.

I have been put down by so called Cooper researchers, but I was going to all of the wrong sources....

Do not reply - I am sending you a PM.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"...People may not like what I have to say but two things are guaranteed. I will always give you the truth the best I know it to be, and I will always give it to you straight on my opinions..."

Japan, Bobby?

Oh well, if you're going to be evasive and deceitful about Tina and Kenny, at least you're talking about me in the meantime.

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The reason I kick around these dates is to come up with a motive. Cooper did a lot of planning but what was his grudge?
Nov 24th 63 was when Oswald was killed - was that the motive? JFK could have prevented the assassination of Ngo, was Cooper upset about that? Was he happy Oswald shot JFK? I happen to think he planted the $5800 for a reason if he didn't then this is pointless.

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Jo wrote

I want to tell people what is going on, but I can't. I know the information I provided is being worked on. The connections have been in place for a long time - but it took keys to open them up.

Jo cant help herself. Nothing is straightforwardly disclosed. Everything is presented as a tease with hints of future blockbuster revelations that predictably never occur.

Jo, you CAN tell people what is going on if you want to, but you obviously find the tease preferable.

You even teased the FBI, holding back certain objects such as Duane's watch. The later you complain bitterly about them holding back info from you.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The reason I kick around these dates is to come up with a motive. Cooper did a lot of planning but what was his grudge?
Nov 24th 63 was when Oswald was killed - was that the motive? JFK could have prevented the assassination of Ngo, was Cooper upset about that? Was he happy Oswald shot JFK? I happen to think he planted the $5800 for a reason if he didn't then this is pointless.

In the case of Cooper, I think it all comes down to the simple fact that he wanted some money.

There is nothing in reality to support the claim that the money found at Tina Bar was planted.

All indications are that the money arrived at Tina Bar by natural means and it may have been going INTO the Columbia River for the first time when it hung up at the location where it was later found.

Tests on the Tina Bar money by Tom Kaye did not find any evidence of Columbia River contamination. But Tom does not consider this to be conclusive pending further testing.

But the above does not preclude the money from being exposed to other water sources, such as rain fall, prior to its arrival at Tina Bar.

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55500 posts…

have you guys come up with anything useful yet?

Nothing conclusive. Before the forum turned into an attack fest we surfaced some interesting possible suspects.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The reason I kick around these dates is to come up with a motive. Cooper did a lot of planning but what was his grudge?
Nov 24th 63 was when Oswald was killed - was that the motive? JFK could have prevented the assassination of Ngo, was Cooper upset about that? Was he happy Oswald shot JFK? I happen to think he planted the $5800 for a reason if he didn't then this is pointless.

Never gave the dates much thought.

We tried to link it to some of the crashes at one time.

Duane was born 6/24/28
He claimed to have known Oswald & that he knew Oswald was innocent.

I did connect Duane with the man with the false hair and eyebrows in N.Orleans - Duane and 2 of his step children and his wife of the time stayed with Ferrie a couple of wks in 1969 (think I have the yr right).

Duane even showed me where the man lived. Ferrie was DEFINITELY connected to Oswald - there are pictures of the 2 of them together.

Therefore when Duane told me he knew Oswald - I thought it was just talk until the EX-WIFE VERIFIED IT and so did the step-daughter who was 14 at the time. Both of the kids with them at the time & VERIFIED the relationship with Ferrie. The Step-daughter's description was eerie - but at the time I didn't know who Ferrie was and then she re-affirmed this later shortly before she died - a supposed overdose...in 2002 if I remember correctly....

Do not hold me to dates as I no longer look them up as they have been clearly stated in the thread at other times.

The other child was only 6 or 7 at that time - told me about the mice, but he was just a child and he had some really bad memories.
Memories that haunted him for yrs.

When he contacted me - he thought I was the woman who Duane left his mother for. When I told him I was NOT that woman - he started to talk and it was a 2 hour conversation....The things he told me about his childhood - left me with a HEAVY heart. I felt so badly for this young man whose life was damaged by the actions of his mother and Duane.

I just could NOT imaging children living the way they had to live. He referred to his mother as a Jeykell & Hyde personality. He loved her because she was his mother, but he also blamed her for the life they lived. He did not say anything bad about Duane - I was surprised.

Everytime I think about the scars left on others it brings tears to my eyes....He was the one who told me about the TIE STORY....it was family Thanksgiving story.

Supposedly when Duane was released from Jefferson in 1968, Duane and his wife worked in Jefferson until they satisfied the conditions of his release.

Duane was working in the huge glass hotel where Bobby Kennedy stayed about 2 wks after Duane's release from Jefferson. Supposedly as the story was told to me Duane took that tie out of Kennedy's room....I no longer remember the name of the hotel.

His wife was also working in the area but do NOT know what she was doing....I thought it odd Duane would be working in a hotel with his criminal record. More than likely it was the wife - but I never got a clear story on this.

In a picture taken in 1970 Duane is wearing the tie and the tie tac - others have claimed it was a flaw on the old polaroid - but it is not.
If you enlarge it enough you see the glint of the gold just at the edge of the pearl as the clasp is under the lapel of the suit.

This was a picture sent to me by the ex-wife and she was in the pic with her but for confidentiality purposed I cut her out.

I have long forgotten the dates of Duane's trial and encarcerations and releases...but, I do have the files...JUST never tried to connect the dates with the crime date.

Duane claimed to have been at the Fountane Blue in Ft. Lauderdale before the Bay of Pig.
I do KNOW Duane had contact with the owners/managers as he spent some private time with them around 1983 and the men looked my way from across the room as I could tell that Duane had pointed me out.

When Duane finally returned to the bar after they spent some time in the back - he told me that would be a large BOAT coming from the South and of course it was a LARGE YACHT. The woman got off and she and Duane were OLD friends. She had an escort or boyfriend or husband with her. She and Duane talked about Vegas and the people they knew.

The last name was MEIRER. Since I was just a dumb bunny, before we left I enquire as to an address for my Christmas Card list and she provided an address in Chicago.
As I went to write the name down I mentioned the Meyer's my family knew and she let me know it was spelled Meier and not with a Y.

Duane enquired during the conversation if her husband or brother was going to have to do any time. She said he probably would.

This man was being held in Salt Lake City when Duane I were there in 1979 before going to WA. Attached is a picture of man Duane set me up to make a pic of that time. ALL efforts to find out who the man was has come up a blank....but Duane did NOT want the guy to see him. Afterwards he asked me where the negatives where - and of course they were in the fire safe as that is where I kept the negatives at that time.

Yrs. later after 1988 he again asked about the negatives...as I was redoing the album...

In 1990 there seemingly was money available and I now think the shop was a front - his confession after I understood who Dan Cooper was - made all of these little thing over the yrs seemingly to answer a lot of the questions about Duane's life.

BUT, bear in mind he was keeping a secret - I did NOT know anything about his prison records...he told me in 1988 about Jefferson because he had to do so.

He had tried to obtain a drivers license under that name - a task he actually completed in the next county over....the ID was in his old ALIAS John C. Collins....but I knew NOTHING about this until the old wallet hidden in the VAN was returned to me by the man who bought it - 2 months after Duane died.

He did have to tell me about John Collins and Jefferson at that time, but NO mention of the other prisons...just told me he got into some trouble with a couple of other men and indicated his wife was also involved....I never knew any of the DETAILS as the FBI concealed this file from me until Feb of 2013 when Shutter found it.

The FBI agent who came here and spent some time - supposedly was giving me the information...I spent a lot of money on long distance call and arranged for the file to be picked up - but my guy was turned away...I still have the communications with the prison and then later with other authorities the agent acknowledged some of this in the thread.

At that time - there WAS NO pic attached to the file and I have the emails where the woman who handled records thought very very unusual...well that was 2004/2005 and it is 2013 before I ever see the prison photo from the Jefferson file - found by our Mrsshutter on this thread.

Oh, well not need in boring you guys with this old stuff - no one cares, but me. I makes no sense to anyone but me!

All of that is someplace in this thread...I can't remember all of it much longer - I am having to let go of things in order to keep up with other more important things.

Just thought some of you needed to be reminded of the past!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

Duane even showed me where the man lived. Ferrie was DEFINITELY connected to Oswald - there are pictures of the 2 of them together.

Where are those pictures Jo? Are you talking about childhood CAP photos?


David William Ferrie (March 28, 1918 – February 22, 1967) was an American pilot who was alleged by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison to have been involved in a conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.[1] Garrison also alleged that Ferrie knew Lee Harvey Oswald. Ferrie denied any involvement in a conspiracy and claimed never to have met Oswald.[2] Decades later, photos emerged establishing that Ferrie had been in the same Civil Air Patrol unit as Oswald in the 1950s, but critics have argued this does not prove that either Ferrie or Oswald was involved in an assassination plot.[3]

From Wikipedia.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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