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DB Cooper

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???????????you drive to the location. I see plenty of spots to park. it's an open road, correct. park nearby. jump out walk a couple hundred feet into the woods. take some photo's and leave? 


It's your scheduled search. not Eric's? you are trying to find evidence. it's different. even though, the placard weighs an ounce and the chute and briefcase would be miles away if they were even tossed at the same time, or the placard came off from lying on the stairs. nothing would be found around the placard if that's it's original location....

Edited by mrshutter45

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common sense? the chute weighs how many times more than the placard. so how could it end up in the same location. if it tumbled as R99 believes. it floated miles from where the chute or briefcase would land. I doubt he threw them out together. just 5 seconds would be a large distance between the objects. 


Edited by mrshutter45

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I think the dart might have better odds. the only thing the placard shows is it's under the airway 305 was on. and it was found against the wind. the location itself is in question since 7 years passed before it was found. nothing proving it's been there that long. the path isn't exact on the map so that makes things even more difficult. what if it drifted miles over the 7 years, nobody knows. 


Yes, lots of variables. 

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WTF is going on here? The thought of me "registering" with anybody is about the most narcissistic thing I've ever read.

Robert this has nothing to do with you. I am simply interested in seeing first-hand what the site looks like on the ground. Therefore, I shall visit the site, take some picture and roll.

How could you possibly interpret my comments as somehow desiring to go on a canceled camp out? What the hell is this crap about you approving my request to join the trek to the placard site?

This is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with anyone but me.

The truth is my only agenda. I could care less whether it's you (Robert), 377, or Jesus Christ himself (well maybe I'd care about that) who was organizing some trip.

The narcissism is stunning. I'm really trying hard to get along with everyone. That said, it becomes very difficult when I read the commentary about me, from you, that I've read. I mind my own business. Leave people alone. Respect people's opinions. Let people know what I'm thinking (daily), and why.

It's obvious you don't know me at all. I harbor no ill will toward anybody. That said, I'm not going to long put up with characterizations that I consider false. Frankly, as a 53 year-old guy, I've got enough "real" baggage to own up to in my life then to have to deal with made-up $#!+ as well.

Here's the deal: STOP. Think before your write. I'm down with everyone here, even Derrick and his misguided tactics--he just wants to be heard. Let's extend a little grace from time to time. It's actually very liberating.


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4 minutes ago, RobertMBlevins said:


Eric, this isn't our first public campout. We have people register for some very sensible reasons. First, in order to know how many supplies we should bring. We generally do a free BBQ, bottled water, emergency medical and food supplies, and other things. Second, in this particular case, there is a locked gate five miles from the campsite and only Adventure Books of Seattle staff will have a key. 

Third, it's to make sure no one gets lost. When people are approved by AB Staff to attend these events, we send them a printable PDF containing maps and directions, the place everyone is supposed to meet, as well as our personal cell numbers, the CB channel we run, and other contact information. We also let you know what gear and optional stuff we bring along, and make suggestions on what you might want to bring on your own. 

In reality, 'registration' means you say you want to attend, tell us who you are, provide an email address so we can reach you with these things. You have to remember sometimes people come to these events from holy hell and gone. On the Eclipse Trip, we had a guy who drove all the way up from San Jose. Without the PDF package, he never would have found us. 

Also...we are limited to 14 maximum people. Not our rule. Landowners' rule. 

There is a WordPress up about it now. You can see it HERE. 

What exactly does any of this have to do with me?

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Actually, you posted that it was cancelled due to the lack of interest in Cooper fans and no one wanting to go. it was unanimous that they wanted to go to Oregon? 


I seen that post dated just last nite and I said it would be a benefit to the case to get pics from the ground. you replied saying maybe later this year. then Eric posted he was going to do it and it became my fault you wasted time on this today? I mentioned early into this that it really had nothing to do with you. and it had nothing to do with me either. Eric responded to my post. 


It's DONE....

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Dropzone.com is a skydiving website. I'm a skydiver. I'm going to tell a story about skydivers. This happened some years ago.

For background, skydivers, like many adventure sports enthusiasts, like to video stuff. These days, those lightweight tiny Go-Pros are everywhere. But before they came about, back when those handheld camcorders were the thing, if a skydiver wanted to video stuff they had to set up a helmet with a camcorder mounted on the top. There's also a piece of skydiving gear that is known as a Dytter. It's a little thing about the size of a matchbook that you'd also mount on your helmet, and what it does is, you set it for a certain altitude and on the way down it beeps in your ear. You wouldn't want to rely on it for your life, but it's a handy little back-up reminder. Any skydiver would instantly recognize one, pretty much nobody else would.

Anyways, where I was living, there was a ski hill not far away. Small place, not too popular, but it had some good steep runs and I could be there in an hour. So one day, like many, I went there by myself to get some runs in. After one particular run, I pull up to the chairlift line and there were these four guys ahead of me, and one of them had a helmet cam on. Didn't recognize any of them, but I says, 'Gee, that's cool, got a camera there to film your friends skiing...' They kinda half-heartedly turned around, 'Yeah, sure..' turned back amongst themselves. 'But', I continue, 'just where on the hill does that Dytter go off?' They all quickly turned around, looked at me with much more interest. 'What? You know what a Dytter is? You jump?'...

Turns out they were jumpers from a different dropzone I hadn't been to, but we ended up skiing together for the day. I visited them at their dz, we all became friends. A couple years later, one of them went in. I was on his ash dive, and I cried...


Camaraderie over a shared interest. It's fuckin' cool. You guys should try it.


Anyway, I'm going to bed. Goin' jumpin' tomorrow...

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Hahneman was on a WW2 C-47 (DC-3 variant) aircrew...  troop transport.. paratroopers

Cooper asked for a “knapsack”,, WW2 paratrooper gear included a “knapsack”


The C-47 had a 15 degree flap setting..

1/4= 0 degrees

1/2 = 15 degrees (Cooper demand)

3/4= 30 degrees

Full= 45 degrees


The C-47 had an interphone.. Hahneman manned the interphone.


"Cooper used the term "interphone" vs intercom or phone as Tina said she thought a passenger would say."

Interphoneis a  term used a lot in WW2 acft and through the early 1970s. It refers to the amplified audio system that allows crew to talk to such other over head and handsets and also allows the distribution of comm radio audio to multiple crew members.  Later aircraft, such as the F 14,  seemed to use the term Intercomor ICS. The 727 had an interphone system often powered by Gables Engineering Interphone Amplifier. P/N G-708-1 or C3670-4. NSN: 5831-00-306-4654.

It is curious that Cooper used the term Interphone. To me it indicates at least some familiarity with aircraft systems. 





Edited by FLYJACK

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Actually, you and Derek fail to post under the rules the admin. has given. and failing to "ignore" things as well that don't belong here.

"You're welcome to discuss the case here, but posts that are not related to the case and merely address other users are not what this thread is for, and we will start handing out more warnings to posts that violate this approach."


Edited by mrshutter45

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You made a long post discussing other members. even though you didn't use names. it still doesn't belong here per the admins post recently. I simply pointed this out just as you did to Derek several times about spamming and multiple posts. 

what happens on other forums are no concern to this forum. unless it has to do with the case. that's the rules Meso set. not me. it's a DB Cooper forum. if you have an issue with that board. I suggest you take it up with them vs posting the problem here. it's pretty simple. :)

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Robert, I'm sorry, but I don't watch any of your video's anymore. haven't for a long time. I have no interest in believing anything can be found around the placard. you can look but I'm sure nothing will be found. hunters are in the area constantly. if they found a tiny card. the odds would of been greater finding larger objects. 

R99 believes Cooper was a no pull on Caterpillar island. I disagree with that as well and feel looking there would be pointless since thousands have been on that island after 1971. 

If you are that thirsty for people to join. try the local avenues..newspaper, television. tell them what you are doing. they eat that stuff up..

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Not that anyone probably cares, but it would seem that the point of my earlier post has been missed by some. The point was: 'Cooper' is a decades-old case that most of the world has forgotten about save for a handful of writers, amateur sleuths, aging parachutists, and other curious folks. One would hope that you could all find common ground and get along, even among 'friendly' disagreement about suspects and circumstances.

A thought about the earlier disagreement: Mr. Shutter, if, after 48 years, you can't wait a few more weeks for your choice from a plethora of photographs, I don't know what to tell you. Actually, I do know, and it's this: If a trespassing Eric were to get mowed down by an errant Flatbed Ten logging truck, Weyerhaeuser could revoke Mr. Blevins' permit faster than an 80's NPS Ranger. Would that bother anyone else?

Also, Mr. Shutter, I'll make you a friendly wager. If Blevins comes across an odd penny loafer or an unexploded roll of quarters, then you have to publicly declare that Klansnic was Cooper. If not, then a free tandem skydive awaits whichever of you is willing to show up to Elsinore on the hottest Saturday in August. [Disclaimer:Temperaturemustbeatleast115degrees.Tandempassengermustweighlessthan250lbsandbeabletoclimb4feetofladder.PassengermustalsopromisenottopersonallysuemeifImanagetogetusbothkilled,andmustalsoagreethatifyouthrowuponmeIwillcutyouawaylikeabadparachute.]

Edited by dudeman17

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I appreciate your comments. however, you are incorrect about me being impatient about the photo's. Mr. Blevins posted that the event was cancelled. that's when I made a comment that the ground view would benefit the case. Robert then replied he might go later in the year. 

Eric chimed in saying he would go in two weeks and try and get the photo's he wanted as well. I didn't ask anyone to go in the first place. I only suggested pics would be a benefit. Eric already has a plan in place. it doesn't require petty trespassing. 

Some of us choose not to work with certain people due to strong negative behavior that reached out far beyond the internet. most I'm sure you are not aware of in which I would gladly show you offline if required. In my view. the damage can not be repaired. it is what it is. If not mistaken, I don't want to speak for Eric, but I believe he has a purpose for being in the area. that's why he decided to go. Roberts main goal appears to be searching the area. Eric's goal is pictures and might need them before that time. the bottom line was. nobody was going to the location when I first posted. now, it appears only one is allowed? 

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I stand fully behind my statement and will now return to a place where one doesn't have to constantly engage in drama. I'm researching the DB Cooper case. I do this as a hobby. I'm not looking for fortune or fame. I'm looking for answers to a decades old mystery. this creates a road block into that avenue. 

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12 hours ago, FLYJACK said:

Does anybody have info on WW2 C-47 crew bailout gear?


Found it was most certainly a B-8 parachute... thrown on by the crew for bailouts. Hahneman on the aircrew would have been familiar with the B-8.

Cooper used an NB-8, but something has always bothered me.. the chutes belonged to Hayden, packed by Cossey but he claimed he altered the location of the ripcord. Does it make sense that a rigger would modify a ripcord for somebody else's chute? wouldn't that be dangerous?



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14 minutes ago, FLYJACK said:

Does it make sense that a rigger would modify a ripcord for somebody else's chute? wouldn't that be dangerous?



Rigger-Examiner here.  It's not dangerous for the person who asked for the ripcord to be moved.  We do it all the time for people who have physical limitations, and we do it sometimes for people who just have different preferences.

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