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Robert, simple questions are asked of you or a correction is given and you reply with long comments diverting from the subject and bring more drama into the thread. 

None of this would occur if you stayed on topic with the case. getting to the bottom of an accusation is hardly a threat. I'm not taking shots at anything. I'm showing problems in the things you claim. no different than someone bringing up a suspect and you showing all the negative. I'm attacking the data while you attack the person. this is a public thread. whether you like it or not you are open to discussion or challenge in regards to anything said. 

Robert, you have attacked me publicly on my political beliefs, said nasty things about a friend that died shortly before your comment. you posted his mugshot from years ago. lots of things that make you far from "the victim" I don't think we should discuss mugshots or felony convictions, do YOU, Robert? none of this belongs here. 

Again, try sticking to the case. 

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18 minutes ago, EJU said:

DB Cooper Bite - Special Edition. I discuss some interesting observations regarding a real Cooper twenty dollar bill.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DBCooperChannel



Ok, complete garbage.. grasshoppers? seriously. You are using an exaggeration and fabrication to dismiss evidence you don't like...  A LIE. This is an example of why you have zero cred in the Cooper case, IMO.


The bill you have is very uniform, not all bills are as uniform. Other bills have very different characteristics.

First, you can't really compare 1980 bills to the earlier series. Try it with the same series to be accurate. 

You claim the outside 75% was eaten by organisms. Nonsense. The outside deteriorated due to the wet dry cycling and abrasives.

Some bills have matching bore holes going through the packet, not from the edges. Those holes are consistent with termites, your mockery and red herring BS is ignorant or intellectually corrupt.

What it does point out is that the notion that the rubber bands were "intact" is ridiculous. It is more likely there were brittle rubber band frags stuck to the top/bottom bills, Tosaw claimed only the two full packets had rubber bands the one missing some bills didn't. ??

The evidence suggests there were several factors causing deterioration.. wet/dry cycles, abrasion,   bacteria and possibly insects..


The real problem with your naive "educated analysis" is that you conclude the money had to be buried by human intervention. There is no evidence from that bill or any bill that supports this.

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Robert, before accusing someone of threats. could you please direct me to where I threatened you? you don't have the ability to follow things, do you? the reason I said the proof would not be in the usual place was because you would simply state that you can't reply on those sites. as usual you fill in anything you wish to make it appear bad. channel doesn't always mean channel on the internet. can also mean a different avenue. I guess you will accuse me next about streets and avenues...

You are referring to threats in this comment.


No worries. the post says it all...

We will pickup the Bruce saga once he returns and feels like getting back in the track. I don't believe everything he says. you forget, a lot, of what you say in the past. it's the totality that counts. I don't think it belongs here just as the other comments. a proper channel will be provided in the future. not where you think either..


Edited by mrshutter45

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29323 posts and 25 topics. are you seriously implying about 20,000 are about you, lol. or even 10,000. not even close. even Bruce's site don't have that many. perhaps a thousand involving you. most of the time you were there on his site. you are not a hot topic by any means. sure some trash talk has taken place. same happens here. I only have 7189 posts to my name. 90% are about you, i think not. try 2% if that. this is similar to the claim of your name being mentioned on my forum 5,000 times with less than 20,000 comments. impossible to narrow down other than counting. good luck with that. even your stunt with the country club received about a page of comments. that's about 14-18. 

Anyone can look for themselves. NOTHING has been removed..


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I have done more analysis on the tie.

Based on several variables I've identified it was manufactured early 1964 to very late 1964..

It was likely sold early/mid 1964 - early 1965. It was NOT 1963.


Oddly, the FBI docs had claimed the tie was only 1-2 years old based on talking to a Pennys manager. The FBI docs aren't facts, they are investigative "notes".

But, the tie had 6-7 years to collect those particles and there may have been several environments that contributed..

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5 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said:

Someone in Cooperland emailed me today with a question. I have to edit my reply because I decided to keep their identity a secret. No worries. The important stuff is included.

Let's get real. I don't mind watching the Eric Ulis videos. I just don't like it that he dumps them at Dropzone and never answers comments or questions about them. Shows a lack of respect. Over sixty videos posted to date. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel like a ten-dollar trick on Pacific Highway in Seattle. 

Too much serious stuff in the Cooper case. WAY too much conflict. Time for a bit of comedy. 

I actually look forward to seeing the final product. I am always willing to laugh at myself and welcome good-natured ribbing. What I will not respond to are trolls.

Also, I clearly state at the end of each video that people can comment through the DB Cooper Channel Facebook page. Moreover, several others have commented via the DB Cooper Channel YouTube page as well.


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30 minutes ago, EJU said:

I actually look forward to seeing the final product. I am always willing to laugh at myself and welcome good-natured ribbing. What I will not respond to are trolls.

Also, I clearly state at the end of each video that people can comment through the DB Cooper Channel Facebook page. Moreover, several others have commented via the DB Cooper Channel YouTube page as well.


You don't respond to facts which contradict your fantasy narrative..

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2 hours ago, EJU said:

I recently placed all of the content on the YouTube DB Cooper Channel on hidden mode. This was necessitated given the DB Cooper project I'm working on and referenced during the July 5th Daily DB Cooper Bite.

Eric's Cooper Con and vids were done to promote himself and sell his mostly stolen and extremely speculative Sheridan narrative to a production company..  He isn't interested in facts or truth, he is goal seeking. He used the Cooper community to steal work, gain cred and patch together a bogus narrative to sell. 


Anybody thinking of getting involved should do their homework on Eric and the Cooper case before wasting time and money..

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3 hours ago, RobertMBlevins said:

I have interviewed Hayden extensively. He had a lawyer send a letter to the FBI asking his chute be returned, which was only a rental to NWA anyway. I believe HAYDEN. The FBI report on the chutes, done shortly after the hijacking by Agent John Detlor, is clear on the matter:



I was surprised that I didn't hear of THIS HIJACKING that happened before the Cooper caper. This Italian kid went AWOL from the Marines and ended up in Rome. He almost got away with it. He was out of jail in 18 months anyway. Italy LOVED him. 

The best article about him shows what old Rafael is doing today. Sergio Leone should have come through on his promise to make a movie about Rafael. He even has a YouTube channel, which is more than we can say for some...uh, never mind. That will be addressed next month. B|

The FBI report is NOT clear. If you read it very carefully it says that Hayden furnished two back chutes to NorthWest Airlines but it skillfully stops short of claiming both those chutes went to the hijacker. It says both of the chest pack chutes were furnished to the hijacker.

That is completely consistent with Hayden getting back a chute he sent to NorthWest that wasn't forwarded to the plane. The packing card/SN did not match.


Where does it confirm both of Hayden's chutes went to the hijacker??

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On 7/25/2019 at 5:31 PM, FLYJACK said:

Seattle Center was tracking the 727 and directing the F106's to trail at 5 miles..

No way they got the flight path wrong..




The description of the Seattle Center ARTCC actions are corroborated by FBI files, transcripts, Himmelsbach and also Gray's book..

Seattle Center controlled the flight from Seattle to the California/Oregon border.

The Seattle team was...

The chase planes were co-ordinated by Seattle Center. They were in contact with the chase pilots.

Seattle Center must have known the 305 flight path to do this. The dashes in the transcript may be the deleted ARTCC comms with chase planes.

Putting together all the pieces, there is no way there was an alternate western flight path. The western flight path theory is DEAD and should be relegated to the Vortex dust bin. 

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Another Eric Ulis unverified claim looks to be imploding...

EU (Eric Ulis) wrote.. (and has stated many times)

"Also, it's worth mentioning again, Linn Emrich is the guy who fingered Sheridan as Cooper to the FBI. Sheridan is the guy that Linn is referring to in the 1971 Issaquah Press article that has recently been posted on this site. Linn hadn't seen Sheridan for 6 1/2 years at this point."

Lynn, a member at Shutter's site... has documents which indicate... Linn Emrich named a Willard Whitney as a suspect.... Emrich never mentioned Sheridan Peterson in that article. 

Lynn wrote..
"Well, this is a new one on me. Have been in touch with someone close to Linn Emrich. Apparently Linn kept a journal of his observations on the Cooper case, and while I'm having some trouble reading the pages sent to me online, I'm going to try to sharpen them so I can read them. He names a suspect called Willard Whitney at one point, which is a new one on me." 

Some good stuff from Lynn and from Shutter recently...  Georger not so much..

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Robert, I research the DB Cooper hijacking. I'm not a promoter of any kind nor do I intend to become one. I don't have to do anything but research. this idea of promoting the case in order to solve it has been tried a hundred times over. I'm not saying anything is wrong with it but obsessing over who promotes more is ridiculous. anything new always gives a spike in interest and ends up fading away. 

I haven't "recently" added a second page to my suspect page. if you are referring to the link to Bruce's page detailing all the known suspects. that's been there for years. my report on Kenny is no different than you reporting or making articles on Peterson or any other suspect. those would be intended to support that suspect you write about or discredit them? you can make articles and nobody else can? should Eric be here constantly saying your articles on Peterson are solely to discredit?

I research the case. I look into suspects, evidence, read the 302's trying to make sense of the case. I'm not in this to promote the case. If someone views my forum and truly becomes interested they will join the forum. If they don't like the way it's set up. they don't belong there in the first place. members on my forum like it the way it is. YOU are the only one complaining about it. researching the case here is a problem since you always bring all of the drama connected to the community vs actually discussing the case that will only span about one or two posts. then it goes right back to complaints. if this new thread has 50 pages. then about 40 of them are not related to researching the case. this is why people don't comment here. it's more like the National Enquirer for DB Cooper. that's how I see this. just an opinion. 

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"I watched him land and that back door of that airplane was dragging on the runway and shooting sparks like—you know when you put a knife on the grinder?!It looked like the sparks was going 50 feet in the air! It’s dark, and we probably…. got up there about somewhere around 6 o’clock—it was VFR, it was great—a clear night and we could see other airplanes … and there were a couple F-106s out of McChord, they came down and were available for a while, then they went back. And we asked Maj Gene Winchester ‘What are our instructions?’ They said ‘Well, we don’t know if he’s still on the airplane, or if he went out the back door when it stopped, he might be here, we ‘re going to make a cordon, a perimeter off, and do a ground search… And you go over there and get out of the way and fill up ’cause we think he might be going to Mexico; you might be following him to Mexico And I thought ‘That sounds interesting!’ So we sit over there for, I don’t know, several hours. And then they called us and said ‘you could go home’. We got back here about 7:00 a.m., Jack and I.”1 Winchester had no direct radio contact with the airline crew, only with FAA Controllers. In the darkness and following in-trail at a safe distance, they never saw Cooper leave the airliner. “"


There it is, even more corroboration, the chase planes were in contact with the Controllers..


Alternate flight path has left the building....


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My suspect page is what it is.. I really don't care what you think about it. slanted approach? they are facts not assumptions. that's a tool you use to discredit. 

Best for Cooperland? there isn't really an answer for that either. it's an age old unsolved hijacking. nothing more. some people are more interested than others. it's pretty simple. unless you take some sort of a national or global poll you can't tell people what the "public" thinks. producers are like anyone else with an opinion. each one is different and has different goals. most look for facts vs drama. that's a reality show producers job. they would love you. it's hard to have slanted views while dealing with facts. slanted? sounds more like the FBI would be slanted over the years when it comes to Kenny? multiple 302's surrounding background checks not just in the Seattle area. someone with a slanted view might tell people they never checked? how about a 302 with a stewardess saying Cooper was "considerably taller than 5' 7"  or Cooper himself saying he didn't have a grudge against NWO and the plane happened to be in the right place at the right time? does Kenny look remotely latin? Kenny was never trained on the stair functions? hijacking the very airline he currently worked for and decades after? have you made any effort to reproduce the bomb of quarters to help validate. it would be very easy? picking it up might present a problem. perhaps I should make a video? it's about $320 worth of quarters. that's a lot of money in 1971. it's around 2 grand. how do I make it. like the Sheriff claims or the actual witnesses? this is a good opportunity to test a theory, no? 


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