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DB Cooper

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This won't be revealing any private information, but you mentioned you talked on the phone, and he would be turning in a statement to the Portland office.

Can we assume he lives somewhere near Portland? I'm assuming the phone number you used was in that vicinity.

Do you guys check out things like ID and residence when someone gives a statement? I'm just wondering about OR residence. or do we not know?

The whole China back and forth thing is odd, and the story is odd and the timing like you say, so I'm curious about the whole thing. Although I suppose there are a lot of half-baked stories out there. You mentioned random letters appearing to the FBI most every time you go on the news. This one seemed odd because of the long term email exchange relationship with Jo....even crossing continents. And this is a married man. He already has his Linda?

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Yay! Do we have lift-off? Ckret, would there be some record of who the agents were who interviewed him originally? (Just trying to square his statement about the register with you having said you couldn't find a record of it being taken).

Here's the issue i have with it. In the months after the hijacking there was no bigger criminal case in the Bureau. Every agent in the Northwest was helping run down leads, no stone was left unturned.

If a clerk had stated to agents that a man named John Collins checked into a motel the night before the crime and he looked like the hijacker, there would have been a massive effort to vett that out. Nothing in the files mention a John Collins until Jo steps into the picture in the late 90's.

I just find that odd, not saying that it did not happen and i am just missing it somehow, just doubtful; but that's my job. I will look a bit further to confirm my suspicions

Yes, it is odd. I suppose the FBI gets lots of fake leads too..?

Unless... the "FBI agents" were fakes who were sent to get the register and cover Cooper's tracks. (conspiracy theme music plays in background) Of course if this was the case one would have expected them to do it almost immediately, not wait a few days by which the time the real FBI could have been there already. So, no that doesn't work.

btw do I have it right that the night clerk's story is that the agents came round there, unsolicited, as it were? Is there anything in the records that shows how extensively this part of the FBI search would have been done i.e. door-to-door of accommodation establishments, over what time and area? (Looking for another angle to corroborate or otherwise his story.) Also is there any way the FBI can check whether he did actually work as a clerk where he said he did? (Would it be worth your while to do this?)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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By the way I received an email today from an old friend who told me there was a MOVIE about Cooper being released this week - WAS he just pulling my leg to get me to respond?

(edit) just noticed this film is a little older than I realized. May or may not be what you refer to.

Yes a really bad indie film was made by some young guys. Called "The Skyjacker". I think it's been shown at least one festival so far. Reviews are really bad. It was more of an artsy attempt. That failed. Think of it as kids playing with video equipment so they can get girls to show up on the set.

here's the trailer


an interview (4/27) with the guys who made the film:

I read a review that said the "acting" consisted of a lot of smoking. It's supposed to be really slow and drags.

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Tell the night clerk he can stay in the USA and teach me.
My posts are no good.
My English is suffering.
Ckret thinks I'm an ass.
I need to be able to win friends and influence people thru English wizardy.
Tell the night clerk, he's my only hope.

I don't think you're an ass, I just think, as we all need to at times, you need to step away from the computer for ten minutes before sending some of you're posts. It's not the content, the content is awsome. It's not whether you agree or disagree, I'd rather you disagree, it's the tone.

Come on Snowmman, thats as much of an olive branch as I have ever seen from the FBI. Peace?

And Georger, please watch the venom with Jo. Quade lurks and I REALLY don't want you or Snow banned. This place would really suck if either of you were banned.

We need more Sluggo, now.

we are all night clerks to someone.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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fair enough, 377

Since Orange1 has nailed me down, don't forget what happened with Leeroy Jenkins!


Hey, would one of you nominate me for the Nobel Peace prize? Hell, If the kilowatt hypocrite Al Gore can win one... surely the man who gets Ckret and Snowmman to coexist in peace (even temporarily) deserves one too.

Remember that song Night Shift? I always liked it, being a big Jackie Wilson fan (Jackie is commemorated in the song along with Marvin Gaye).


Can someone adapt the lyrics to celebrate the night clerk?

we are all night clerks to someone
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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$200k to me has always seemed a paultry sum
given the risk and consequnces. $200k even in '71 wasn't that much in relative terms.

Grudge or not, poor or not, what this brings up is
scales-of-consciousness. We know he got giddy
at the sight of the money and starts giving it away.
Duhhhhhh! Earth to Cooper?

We may be dealing with a brain-damaged individual here .... which Tina described as sad?

Perhaps the 200k was a sum that he thought, for whatever reason, could be raised quickly.

Perhaps he thought that would be some sort of seed money for bigger and better jobs to come...who knows?


I do not know who Cooper was. I can only take the
actions attributed to him, as best people describe them, and try to reconcile his behaviors into a coherent model which fits the supposed facts.

There comes a point (for me) where lacking facts
I have to make certain assumptions in order to
go forward. I try to test the assumptions I am making as new facts emerge.

Ckret's experience shows through in this process,
compared to most of the rest of us.


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It was a very small circulation. Unless you were a collector, you would have had to been able to read French to want the comic

There's always random background stuff I've looked at that didn't seem worth a mention. I'll throw this out since we're talking about Weinberg/Dan Cooper again.

When exploring the background of the Dan Cooper comic, you can't help running into Tintin (created by Herge). The Tintin character is a young Belgian reporter.

Weinberg joined the editorial team for Tintin in 1950.
Weinberg started "Dan Cooper" in 1957.

"Tintin in Tibet" was written while Herge was having a hard time. Divorce. Nervous "breakdown"
The english version of "Tintin in Tibet" arrived in 1960.
Not sure when english versions of Dan Cooper first arrived.

from some websites:


Tintin was once called "The Newspaper of Tintin"
subtitled: the newspaper of the young people from 7 to 77 year

first published in 1946 (Belgian). 1948 (French).

The Tintin character is interesting:

from http://www.speedylook.com/Tintin.html

"Its age is rather difficult to determine. It is not a Adulte, as leaves it think its small size and its weak aspect, but is not a Adolescent either, and even less a Enfant (he only lives in his own apartment with his dog Milou, is journalist although one never sees it with work, seems to provide only for his needs and is extremely physically). In an interview with the radio, Hergé just answered that " it is jeune" . This ambiguity is probably intended to help the reader, child or adult, to be identified with him. "

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Yay! Do we have lift-off? Ckret, would there be some record of who the agents were who interviewed him originally? (Just trying to square his statement about the register with you having said you couldn't find a record of it being taken).

Here's the issue i have with it. In the months after the hijacking there was no bigger criminal case in the Bureau. Every agent in the Northwest was helping run down leads, no stone was left unturned.

If a clerk had stated to agents that a man named John Collins checked into a motel the night before the crime and he looked like the hijacker, there would have been a massive effort to vett that out. Nothing in the files mention a John Collins until Jo steps into the picture in the late 90's.

I just find that odd, not saying that it did not happen and i am just missing it somehow, just doubtful; but that's my job. I will look a bit further to confirm my suspicions

Reply> And the central question in my mind given
the factual FBI background cited, is precisely WHO
planted the idea of Cooper/Collins, in the mind of a dying man in a hospital room in Florida, JO or DUANE ?

Ive watched Jo operating for years ever since this
Revelation surfaced. I have watched and read her bullying, pushing her way around, intimidating,
using evry device in the book - and these are not the practices one would normally attribute to a
rational person with a righteous purpose, even if the FBI had screwed up - AS SHE CLAIMS.

By all accounts including Jo's account, Duane spent his life HIDING the fact he was Cooper, then has this last-minute fit of conscience or whatever. Jo then
turns around and publishes the very thing her husband wished to conceal? Why? How does this
serve Duane? Who does this serve? Nowhere in Jo's
citations of her story does Duane EVER tell her:
"Go tell the world". Duane can whisper in Jo's ear
or according to Jo, cry out for others in the hospital
room to hear, but he can't call in a Notary Public or
even a security guard in the hospital and tell them?
Any impartial witness so he can "clear his conscience".

It may have been JO who whispered in Duane's ear:
"You are DB Cooper and I know it!". And Duane was
responding to that!

It has given Jo a very full life for the alst 10+ years. Duane is longsince dead.

And the FBI and the World are left scratching their

Jo is no St. Paul with a message, any way this turns out!


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This won't be revealing any private information, but you mentioned you talked on the phone, and he would be turning in a statement to the Portland office.

Can we assume he lives somewhere near Portland? I'm assuming the phone number you used was in that vicinity.

Do you guys check out things like ID and residence when someone gives a statement? I'm just wondering about OR residence. or do we not know?

The whole China back and forth thing is odd, and the story is odd and the timing like you say, so I'm curious about the whole thing. Although I suppose there are a lot of half-baked stories out there. You mentioned random letters appearing to the FBI most every time you go on the news. This one seemed odd because of the long term email exchange relationship with Jo....even crossing continents. And this is a married man. He already has his Linda?

Reply> All on the anniversay of the Cooper incident, of course. How convenient!

Galen Cook's book just out. The Dream Team
about to surface. Ckret's own plans involved.
News media poised to do something.

Do not let anyone ever accuse Jo and her accomplices of not knowing HOW TO COMPETE!


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Tell the night clerk he can stay in the USA and teach me.
My posts are no good.
My English is suffering.
Ckret thinks I'm an ass.
I need to be able to win friends and influence people thru English wizardy.
Tell the night clerk, he's my only hope.

I don't think you're an ass, I just think, as we all need to at times, you need to step away from the computer for ten minutes before sending some of you're posts. It's not the content, the content is awsome. It's not whether you agree or disagree, I'd rather you disagree, it's the tone.

Come on Snowmman, thats as much of an olive branch as I have ever seen from the FBI. Peace?

And Georger, please watch the venom with Jo. Quade lurks and I REALLY don't want you or Snow banned. This place would really suck if either of you were banned.

We need more Sluggo, now.

we are all night clerks to someone.

Reply> Jo? Jo who? Oh! John C Collins-Jo.

Got it.

Venom? You have the wrong snake.


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Do not let anyone ever accuse Jo and her accomplices of not knowing HOW TO COMPETE!

Like beating a dead horse and having it win the Kentucky Derby?

BTW, Galen's book won't come out until Spring, according to the author himself.

If it isn't on Oprah or Letterman or Leno, it isn't significant. I don't think Jo is on their guest lists just yet.

Been thinking more about the jump. Assume Cooper was not a jumper. He'd probably leave the step with his hand or even both hands on the ripcord handle and pull as soon as he jumped, before slowing down to terminal velocity, which is the wrong thing to do, especially with an unsleeved C 9 canopy. The C 9 is tough as hell (made for jet ejections, but those systems used seat drogues and other decelerators or delay timers) and wont fail, but you will get a truly horrendous body busting opening shock. Skydivers have had their aortas detach from slammer openings. You land dead. Have we looked into whether that might have happened to Cooper?

If he went into the river dead, the chute could easily snag on something firmly affixed to the bottom that would prevent the harnessed body from being washed downstream. Nylon takes a long time to fail in the absence of UV. Silt could bury the snagged body and gear. After a while, the money container might disintegrate or open and allow some bills to get washed away...

What about the fatal opening shock possibility?

not directly on point but interesting: http://www.butlerparachutes.com/pia99.htm

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Do not let anyone ever accuse Jo and her accomplices of not knowing HOW TO COMPETE!

Like beating a dead horse and having it win the Kentucky Derby?

BTW, Galen's book won't come out until Spring, according to the author himself.

If it isn't on Oprah or Letterman or Leno, it isn't significant. I don't think Jo is on their guest lists just yet.

Been thinking more about the jump. Assume Cooper was not a jumper. He'd probably leave the step with his hand or even both hands on the ripcord handle and pull as soon as he jumped, before slowing down to terminal velocity, which is the wrong thing to do, especially with an unsleeved C 9 canopy. The C 9 is tough as hell (made for jet ejections, but those systems used seat drogues and other decelerators or delay timers) and wont fail, but you will get a truly horrendous body busting opening shock. Skydivers have had their aortas detach from slammer openings. You land dead. Have we looked into whether that might have happened to Cooper?

If he went into the river dead, the chute could easily snag on something firmly affixed to the bottom that would prevent the harnessed body from being washed downstream. Nylon takes a long time to fail in the absence of UV. Silt could bury the snagged body and gear. After a while, the money container might disintegrate or open and allow some bills to get washed away...

What about the fatal opening shock possibility?

not directly on point but interesting: http://www.butlerparachutes.com/pia99.htm


Good points. Some of this mentioned before. It is almost exactly what one of the Boeing
people thought and did calculations on minus the aorta separation, but close. He focused on eyeballs, shoulder joints, intestines, and ............... but the younger guys and possibly Cossey seem to have a softer bias, if he got the chute open.

A submerged chute snag is a real possibility we
have very much in mind along with variations on
that theme.


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I am going for non jumper, and if he was a non jumper he'd be unlikely to risk freefall, too scary and unknown. He'd want a hop and pop which is exactly the WRONG thing to do from a jet or any aircraft at high exit speeds, especially with an unsleeved canopy with nothing to slow down deployment. KAPOW!

A C 9 is an absolute BRICK of a canopy and would not shred if it was in good shape. Someone will have to work out the forces, but if skydivers have accidental deployments in head down jumps that result in detached aortas (even with sliders on their canopies), I bet an unsleeved C 9 opening right off the stairs could have been fatal to Cooper.

I do think if Cooper waited until he slowed down to terminal and managed to pull, he could live even if a novice. I just think it is unlikely that a novice would risk freefall if he could avoid it. He might not even think about opening shock being a big risk. On the other hand, Cooper did ask for certain airspeeds and flap configurations which assured operation well below normal 727 cruise speeds, which does indicate a concern, but the concern may have been focused on whether the stairs could stay deployed rather than opening shock issues.

All pure speculation, but in the absence of facts it is the only game in town.

I am really jealous of the Hollywood thing. I bet they get to meet Paris Hilton and all that.

My Russian girlfriend who will be flying in next week looks EXACTLY like Paris. If you looked at the picture she emailed me you couldnt tell them apart. She even is posing with the exact same movie stars and wearing the same dress as Paris. I didn't know those stars travelled to Vladivostok. She sure was lucky to get her picture taken with them while they were in town.

I sent Linda packing with a prepaid cab ride to Snowmman's digs. I told his wife that Linda was an exchange student and not to be overly concerned if they exchanged anything. Snow, if she proves to much for you, send her on to Georger, OK?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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This one is good, by the way the party is tonight if anyone can make it Aerial

That party is NOT until the last Saturday in this month...I think that is the 29th. I just made a phone call to confirm it. Agent Larry Carr makes mistakes and the FBI makes mistake.

I am also not a fake - I assure you there were better things I could have done in my last yrs.

I am not the kind of person who would intentiionally put myself into some kind of situation. I have only one driving need - to know the truth. I don't care what he did - I just know what he told me.
Make fun of me and do your best to make me look like a fool - NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY WHAT I DO KNOW.

I have already told you that when he told me what he did - that he got upset because I couldn't understand what he was talking about - I didn't know who DAN COOPER was. This can be proven because of the individuals I spoke to after Duane died and one yr a 2 months later on May 24, 1996 when I found out who Dan Cooper was.

If the nurses had not thought he was upset and started to give him medications he may very well have asked for an attorney or witness. He did talk to a ARMY Chaplain who was with a family member in the hospital - he refused to talk with the Hospital Chaplain who told me he did not remember much about Duane or what they talked about. It was several yrs later that I found that chaplain.

I have NO reason to perpetrate a fraud regarding Duane. If it had been your spouse who made this confession and because of other things he had said over a 17yr period of time and then further investigation into his past revealed even more questions - Would you have decided to NOT ever tell anyone? Or would you not have wanted Answers?

Judge not my motives but your own. The detailed records I have of how I have gone about this - show that I had NO motive other than to know the truth. Sure there were offers - but I didn't take those offers - I was more interested in the truth.

If I had been as calculating as others are claiming - would I not have taken those past offers and why would I give up my life to fight this? If it was money or a book - I could have done that yrs ago - I turned them down because ALL I wanted was the truth and that if a story was done about Duane that it would be truthfully told - not a bunch of fiction.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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got the post time for wheels up at 7:33.
You've got the rig on and you're still trying to frig the money bag

If we had a budget, we'd have an animation going from now on till about 8:11 - 8:30, on this 37 year anniversary.

In any case, I thought this blog sums it up well:


"No matter how you might view Cooper, it's hard to deny that his exploits were about something more than just getting paid. The adventure was part of the allure. If it was just about lining his pockets with money that wasn't necessarily his, he'd probably have just gone to work on Wall Street."

-- Phil Guidry

(edit) Current weather conditions at PDX
43 deg F
Windchill 40F
74% humidity
Wind 5mph from ESE
Pressure: 30.09 in. (steady)
Visibility 10 miles
Clouds Few @ 16000 ft.
Scattered Clouds @ 25000 ft

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I am going for non jumper, and if he was a non jumper he'd be unlikely to risk freefall, too scary and unknown. He'd want a hop and pop which is exactly the WRONG thing to do from a jet or any aircraft at high exit speeds, especially with an unsleeved canopy with nothing to slow down deployment. KAPOW!

A C 9 is an absolute BRICK of a canopy and would not shred if it was in good shape. Someone will have to work out the forces, but if skydivers have accidental deployments in head down jumps that result in detached aortas (even with sliders on their canopies), I bet an unsleeved C 9 opening right off the stairs could have been fatal to Cooper.

I do think if Cooper waited until he slowed down to terminal and managed to pull, he could live even if a novice. I just think it is unlikely that a novice would risk freefall if he could avoid it. He might not even think about opening shock being a big risk. On the other hand, Cooper did ask for certain airspeeds and flap configurations which assured operation well below normal 727 cruise speeds, which does indicate a concern, but the concern may have been focused on whether the stairs could stay deployed rather than opening shock issues.

All pure speculation, but in the absence of facts it is the only game in town.

I am really jealous of the Hollywood thing. I bet they get to meet Paris Hilton and all that.

My Russian girlfriend who will be flying in next week looks EXACTLY like Paris. If you looked at the picture she emailed me you couldnt tell them apart. She even is posing with the exact same movie stars and wearing the same dress as Paris. I didn't know those stars travelled to Vladivostok. She sure was lucky to get her picture taken with them while they were in town.

I sent Linda packing with a prepaid cab ride to Snowmman's digs. I told his wife that Linda was an exchange student and not to be overly concerned if they exchanged anything. Snow, if she proves to much for you, send her on to Georger, OK?


I can have the jet ready.

Watched an episode on the Unibomber tonight.
That Lone Wolf profile. I think it applies in this case.

Given our mutual interest in language it came down
to the language in his manifesto, his brother's wife's
persistence, and finally just two phrases in the whole
text his brother recognised, that snagged him. Public exposure worked.

Also - finder of the placque Carroll Hicks, died in
1999 at Kelso, Wa. in case that hasnt been mentioned.


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This one is good, by the way the party is tonight if anyone can make it Aerial

That party is NOT until the last Saturday in this month...I think that is the 29th. I just made a phone call to confirm it. Agent Larry Carr makes mistakes and the FBI makes mistake.

I am also not a fake - I assure you there were better things I could have done in my last yrs.

I am not the kind of person who would intentiionally put myself into some kind of situation. I have only one driving need - to know the truth. I don't care what he did - I just know what he told me.
Make fun of me and do your best to make me look like a fool - NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY WHAT I DO KNOW.

I have already told you that when he told me what he did - that he got upset because I couldn't understand what he was talking about - I didn't know who DAN COOPER was. This can be proven because of the individuals I spoke to after Duane died and one yr a 2 months later on May 24, 1996 when I found out who Dan Cooper was.

If the nurses had not thought he was upset and started to give him medications he may very well have asked for an attorney or witness. He did talk to a ARMY Chaplain who was with a family member in the hospital - he refused to talk with the Hospital Chaplain who told me he did not remember much about Duane or what they talked about. It was several yrs later that I found that chaplain.

I have NO reason to perpetrate a fraud regarding Duane. If it had been your spouse who made this confession and because of other things he had said over a 17yr period of time and then further investigation into his past revealed even more questions - Would you have decided to NOT ever tell anyone? Or would you not have wanted Answers?

Judge not my motives but your own. The detailed records I have of how I have gone about this - show that I had NO motive other than to know the truth. Sure there were offers - but I didn't take those offers - I was more interested in the truth.

If I had been as calculating as others are claiming - would I not have taken those past offers and why would I give up my life to fight this? If it was money or a book - I could have done that yrs ago - I turned them down because ALL I wanted was the truth and that if a story was done about Duane that it would be truthfully told - not a bunch of fiction.

Reply> no one is making fun of you Jo. Have a good


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got the post time for wheels up at 7:33.
You've got the rig on and you're still trying to frig the money bag

If we had a budget, we'd have an animation going from now on till about 8:11 - 8:30, on this 37 year anniversary.

In any case, I thought this blog sums it up well:


"No matter how you might view Cooper, it's hard to deny that his exploits were about something more than just getting paid. The adventure was part of the allure. If it was just about lining his pockets with money that wasn't necessarily his, he'd probably have just gone to work on Wall Street."

-- Phil Guidry

(edit) Current weather conditions at PDX
43 deg F
Windchill 40F
74% humidity
Wind 5mph from ESE
Pressure: 30.09 in. (steady)
Visibility 10 miles
Clouds Few @ 16000 ft.
Scattered Clouds @ 25000 ft

Reply> we never discussed 'up a tree' :


Seattle Times staff reporter

A wanted felon from Marysville involved in a police chase Sunday was arrested early this morning after officers tracked him to 60 feet up a tree.

According to the Snohomish County sheriff's Office, the suspect was spotted at a McDonald's restaurant in Marysville around 6:30 p.m. Sunday. When officers arrived, he fled in a rental car and police followed.

The chase continued north through Marysville, south on Interstate 5, eastbound on the Hewitt Avenue Trestle, and north on State Route 9. It ended on the 9100 block of State Route 9 after the suspect ran over a spike strip, police said.

The suspect then ran into heavily wooded area, yelling to police "shoot me."

He was later found to be in a tree. Crisis negotiators from the sheriff's office were called in to "achieve a peaceful resolution," police said.

Finally, at 2:15 a.m., the suspect climbed down from the tree and was arrested. He was treated for
hypothermia at a hospital before being booked into the Snohomish County Jail.

He claims his name is DB Cooper."


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Watched an episode on the Unibomber tonight.
That Lone Wolf profile. I think it applies in this case.

nah. even Turchie and Puckett now have jumped on the latest bandwagon of saying "no, everyone is wrong now, we gotta do something different"

You can make a good living with that. Whatever people did last, say it's wrong. Dogbert knows that!


"whatever it is, I'm against it
And even when you’ve changed it or condensed it,
I’m against it."

(edit) their 2008 article reads like a 1971 revolutionary manifesto!

(edit) My "We Are All Night Clerks!" buttons will be available on ebay in the next 2 weeks. In the Che Guevera panties section.

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37 years to the day. Snowman says that Larry Carr is "full of shit." No, he's just full of himself. I heard today that Larry Carr is going to appear on the "History Channel" in a role as Ckret Agent for a tv docu-drama. So Larry must be saving all the good "shit" for himself. I thought Larry wanted us to help him solve the DB Cooper mystery. Hollywood Carr. Well, after over 500 posts (many on company time), I guess Larry is positioning for "something shit" of this forum. How come the audience here is getting smaller?

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