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DB Cooper

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And then you're left with a million monkeys and a million typewriters with monkey crap all over them.

And that is different from this forum how...? :|:o

should probably add.......:
(no intention to offend any of my esteemed fellow forum members :))

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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A lot of C 9s were four color, orange being one of them. Is it possible Cossey was wrong about the color?

I was told that I had an orange PD reserve by the guy who sold me my used rig. It was gray/silver when I cut away and deployed it. It had the right serial number, but even the original owner was mistaken about its color. Quite a few jumpers never see their reserves. They just drop off a packed rig and pick up a packed rig.


377 is right. I've never seen my reserve. I presume it's white, but it may be bright pink, like one of my ex-teammate's. I trust my rigger. (It's a small community here, he has to be trustworthy!)

Hey -- I just realised. Cossey's first name was Earl. My rigger also has a 4-letter 1st name starting with E. It even has an r in it too. Is there a link?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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A lot of C 9s were four color, orange being one of them. Is it possible Cossey was wrong about the color?

I was told that I had an orange PD reserve by the guy who sold me my used rig. It was gray/silver when I cut away and deployed it. It had the right serial number, but even the original owner was mistaken about its color. Quite a few jumpers never see their reserves. They just drop off a packed rig and pick up a packed rig.


377 is right. I've never seen my reserve. I presume it's white, but it may be bright pink, like one of my ex-teammate's. I trust my rigger. (It's a small community here, he has to be trustworthy!)

Hey -- I just realised. Cossey's first name was Earl. My rigger also has a 4-letter 1st name starting with E. It even has an r in it too. Is there a link?

PINK RESERVE? OMG, good thing Agent Orange is female. I know some guys who would consider cutting away from a pink reserve and dieing rather than landing it. Symbolic chroma-homophobia is alive and well on most DZs.

Check the classifieds. Pink anything is heavily discounted in used gear. Limited market.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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What is the terrain like where Cooper jumped, taking in to account Sluggo's awesome course and track corrections? Are there good sized rocks in that landscape where Cooper could have moved one and stashed his rig under it? Is there really thick underbrush which could conceal a rig with a deployed canopy? If Cooper had jumped before he'd know how to field pack the canopy and daisy chain the lines to get it back (mostly) into the container for visual concealment. That OD surplus gear really blends in with brush. He apparently didn't jump with a shovel so burying a rig would be hard and time consuming. Just pondering things. We know for sure a rig left the plane. Where did it end up?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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well, unless he lost the money, he had 20+ lbs of cash to carry. He probably didn't carry it on foot. Too risky?
So whatever happened with the cash, the canopy went there too? (30+ lbs?)

I always thought Cooper might have stashed and returned with a car for the loot plus canopy (if recovered)

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Good point Snow. I keep forgetting about the bulk and weight of the money. You wouldn't want to be walking around that night carrying bulky evidence which could convict you... yet another argument for Cooper possibly being a smoke jumper. They have to pack all their gear out with them and they dont carry all of it (e.g. parachute rig) with them when they are fighting fast moving fires. They know how to get back to a spot without GPS and retrieve stuff.

And Jo, I have yet to see evidence that Calif State Prison inmates were ever recruited as smoke jumpers. Firefighters yes, smoke jumpers no. Have you found any proof?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Found something on the plot summary for this week's "Prison Break" tv show. Not sure if it means anything, but when there's zero facts, every little bit potentially helps.

It's a quite stunning event in the storyline. This show has been going on since 2005:

Fox site is:
this week's full synopsis:

"Charles Westmoreland hears terrible news from the warden. His daughter has terminal cancer and only a few weeks to live. Unfortunately, the warden can't allow furloughs for prisoners to visit sick relatives, they may only leave the prison for funerals. With this news, Charles has a change of heart - he wants to be in on the escape now. Michael's not sure that he can let him in - what would he "bring to the table?" Charles says he can bring cash - and lots of it. As it turns out, he IS the legendary thief D.B. Cooper as Michael suspected. Michael finds this admission to be a little too convenient since Charles proved to him earlier that he wasn't that guy. For proof, Charles gives him one of the marked $100 bills.

While Charles is a great addition to the team, now there's a new problem: time. The whole plan has to be completed in 18 minutes in between the guards rounds. The escape crew has seven guys: Michael, Lincoln, Sucre, John Abruzzi, T-Bag, C-Note and now Charles. With five minutes to get through the pipes and 2 minutes for each man to escape (5+14=19) they have one guy too many. Somebody has to go."

We need someone to use the names "T-Bag" or "C-Note" here? Maybe the 3 that conned Jo?

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What is the terrain like where Cooper jumped, taking in to account Sluggo's awesome course and track corrections? Are there good sized rocks in that landscape where Cooper could have moved one and stashed his rig under it? Is there really thick underbrush which could conceal a rig with a deployed canopy? If Cooper had jumped before he'd know how to field pack the canopy and daisy chain the lines to get it back (mostly) into the container for visual concealment. That OD surplus gear really blends in with brush. He apparently didn't jump with a shovel so burying a rig would be hard and time consuming. Just pondering things. We know for sure a rig left the plane. Where did it end up?


Sorry to say anything right now. But Cooper did land within walking distance of a tower - he buried something behind the shed they stored equipment in. This is the tower East of the tracks. The tower was no longer there in 1979. The logging trail you could still see evidence of because the trees were much smaller. He had to bury the chute so he couldn't be tracked if someone found it...and not where he landed - he carried if for some ways because he needed it for shelter also.

Moneys are on fire and I come to the site and find you guys talking about moneys. I had just sent an email to a friend using the expression Moneys on fire...my ears must have been burning.

There are 3 books being written out there - one about Gossett and one about Christiansen (not by Gray) and the other one is a big question. Movie rights are very questionable - that is first done with an Option Contract and then it is marketed to the producers by an agent. Some companies do their own option rights - but the story can sit on the shelf for yrs with extentions.

There is no need for you guys to harass me the way you do - I have not lied to you or made up any stories. Others have done that but I have not. I have been consistent for 13 yrs. How many of you could do that.

No need to feel sorry for me and no I am not some pathetic individual seeking atttention. I am a determined individual and I am not mentally ill.

I don't make fun of you guys and there is no reason for you to make fun of me. I do not call your theories - LIES. I do not make FUN of you. I do not DISTORT what you say - and I discuss things here and I learn things here.

What I am putting to you is not ridiculous nor is any part of it a lie. If I had wanted money or a book I could have done what others have done - but I have refused to do so.

NOT one of you could have taken what I have these past few yrs with out blowing your top and getting ban from DZ. I have tried to be nice and to just turn the other cheek, but it has been difficult recently.

I can understand why things like this with very young individuals has led them to suicide after their personal life was smear all over the net. I am stronger than that and I know that I am fighting a war here. Truth and Justice - Some of you are veterans who have seen active battle - I should think you would be a little more considerate.

I am going to pull back, but NOT out of the battle. Think about some of the things I have told you and start using all that collective knowledge to help me not to destroy me. Do what the FBI did not do - find Ed Huran or his relatives. Find what the FBI refused to about a man named Roach. Research the things I have told you about and stop listening to those who can only benefit by discrediting me.

If the readers cannot see what is happening here then no one ever will. How does one get rid of the competition? Attack them and discredit them. All I have done is defend myself and the truth...I don't have any money on the line with the truth or what I have been telling you.

Talk about Bush and JMWave and talk about why the truth is hidden... because these individuals still rule in the dark closets of our USA. :oThey may lurk here in this thread. Even today truths are hidden from the citizens of America. Those involved are still protected by others.

Ask yourelf why!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Talk about Bush and JMWave and talk about why the truth is hidden... because these individuals still rule in the dark closets of our USA. They may lurk here in this thread

If there are any "impressionable young people" out there, and I doubt it, I find solace in knowing that they can recognize truth, regardless of how loud someone rants.

The longevity, or volume of a rant, means nothing as to its quality.

Truth always has a quality that speaks for itself and needs no mouthpiece. That's what drives the ranters berserk.

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PINK RESERVE? OMG, good thing Agent Orange is female. I know some guys who would consider cutting away from a pink reserve and dieing rather than landing it. Symbolic chroma-homophobia is alive and well on most DZs.

Check the classifieds. Pink anything is heavily discounted in used gear. Limited market.


Discounted is (I think) the reason he bought it. He had a cutaway on one of our training jumps at Nationals last year... and we ALL suffered (such as getting "pink" inserted into our team name on the PA announcements, etc :D)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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well, unless he lost the money, he had 20+ lbs of cash to carry. He probably didn't carry it on foot. Too risky?
So whatever happened with the cash, the canopy went there too? (30+ lbs?)

I always thought Cooper might have stashed and returned with a car for the loot plus canopy (if recovered)

And presumably returned within a reasonable time frame?...
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Found something on the plot summary for this week's "Prison Break" tv show.

"this week's"? That was in the first series. And Scofield has already figured out Westmoreland was Cooper before he gets sent to Fox River - getting his hands on the Cooper loot is his plan. They eventually find it has had a housing development built over it but Scofield being Scofield, they still get it :ph34r:
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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The longevity, or volume of a rant, means nothing as to its quality.

Hear hear!

And a reminder:

The psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:
- certainty (held with absolute conviction)
- incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
- impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)

These criteria still continue in modern psychiatric diagnosis.

Delusional disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis denoting a psychotic mental illness that involves holding one or more non-bizarre delusions in the absence of any other significant psychopathology (signs or symptoms of mental illness). In particular, a person with delusional disorder has never met any other criteria for schizophrenia and does not have any marked hallucinations. A person with delusional disorder can be quite functional and does not tend to show any odd or bizarre behavior aside from these delusions.

Indicators of a delusion: (Munro, 1999)

The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force.
That idea appears to exert an undue influence on his or her life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.
Despite his/her profound conviction, there is often a quality of secretiveness or suspicion when the patient is questioned about it.
The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief.

There is a quality of centrality: no matter how unlikely it is that these strange things are happening to him, the patient accepts them relatively unquestioningly.
An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility.
The belief is, at the least, unlikely.
The patient is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of his psyche.

Features: (Munro, 1999)

It is a primary disorder.
It is a stable disorder characterized by the presence of delusions to which the patient clings with extraordinary tenacity.
The illness is chronic and frequently lifelong.
The delusions are logically constructed and internally consistent.
The delusions do not interfere with general logical reasoning (although within the delusional system the logic is perverted) and there is usually no general disturbance of behavior. If disturbed behavior does occur, it is directly related to the delusional beliefs.
The individual experiences a heightened sense of self-reference. Events which, to others, are nonsignificant are of enormous significance to him or her, and the atmosphere surrounding the delusions is highly charged.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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What is the terrain like where Cooper jumped, taking in to account Sluggo's awesome course and track corrections? Are there good sized rocks in that landscape where Cooper could have moved one and stashed his rig under it? Is there really thick underbrush which could conceal a rig with a deployed canopy? If Cooper had jumped before he'd know how to field pack the canopy and daisy chain the lines to get it back (mostly) into the container for visual concealment. That OD surplus gear really blends in with brush. He apparently didn't jump with a shovel so burying a rig would be hard and time consuming. Just pondering things. We know for sure a rig left the plane. Where did it end up?


Sorry to say anything right now. But Cooper did land within walking distance of a tower - he buried something behind the shed they stored equipment in. This is the tower East of the tracks. The tower was no longer there in 1979. The logging trail you could still see evidence of because the trees were much smaller. He had to bury the chute so he couldn't be tracked if someone found it...and not where he landed - he carried if for some ways because he needed it for shelter also.

Moneys are on fire and I come to the site and find you guys talking about moneys. I had just sent an email to a friend using the expression Moneys on fire...my ears must have been burning.

There are 3 books being written out there - one about Gossett and one about Christiansen (not by Gray) and the other one is a big question. Movie rights are very questionable - that is first done with an Option Contract and then it is marketed to the producers by an agent. Some companies do their own option rights - but the story can sit on the shelf for yrs with extentions.

There is no need for you guys to harass me the way you do - I have not lied to you or made up any stories. Others have done that but I have not. I have been consistent for 13 yrs. How many of you could do that.

No need to feel sorry for me and no I am not some pathetic individual seeking atttention. I am a determined individual and I am not mentally ill.

I don't make fun of you guys and there is no reason for you to make fun of me. I do not call your theories - LIES. I do not make FUN of you. I do not DISTORT what you say - and I discuss things here and I learn things here.

What I am putting to you is not ridiculous nor is any part of it a lie. If I had wanted money or a book I could have done what others have done - but I have refused to do so.

Reply> So, one day ago you posted angry bemoaning just "being screwed" and suckered by people on a book and movie deals. Then you deleted that post.

So, were you lying then, or now, or both? Or just
mixed up? ("The Presidnet can't lie" - Nixon)

That said, dont let me discourage you. You are the
backbone of this Forum. Without you there would be no Forum. I actually appreciate you letting me in!
Have a good day -


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Found something on the plot summary for this week's "Prison Break" tv show.

"this week's"? That was in the first series. And Scofield has already figured out Westmoreland was Cooper before he gets sent to Fox River - getting his hands on the Cooper loot is his plan. They eventually find it has had a housing development built over it but Scofield being Scofield, they still get it :ph34r:

see! I knew I always need to run new evidence by the group!

Actually, I'm redfaced. I never watch the show. that just came up on my daily google news search for cooper. I'm creating myths related to tv shows! Sluggo needs more room on his web page: TV myths presented as TV facts! It all helps though!

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I was reading up on some firsthand smokejumper reminisces:


"There were other dangers too, of sorts...these were young virile men and at that time there were no women smokejumpers.

The first summer I jumped we went into a place called Cedar Station in the Kelly Creek District in the Clearwater National Forest...12 of us went over to Perce, Idaho. Now Perce is a town that you have to have seen to understand. In the 1950s, it was strictly out of the wild west; false-front buildings, no paved streets, no fire department...rough and tumble...house of ill repute.

One night a bar caught on fire so they formed a bucket brigade and as the water was going in, the beer was coming out.

So after the fire they had a big party. Next to the tavern was the local hotel and the local madam which they had to move out (for fear the hotel would catch fire). So the next weekend they (the smokejumpers) thought they would patronize her, but they didn't have much money and so they thought they would pool their finances.

Nine out of the 12 thought they would take part...the cost was $10 and they each put in about $1.12. They put ten slips of paper in the hat - one was blank. If she pulled your name, you got to partake of her services and had to describe vicariously to the others what happened. If she pulled the blank slip, she got her choice.

Well a guy's name was drawn and the deed done. The next year, when he got married, he begged the others not to tell his wife!"

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Someone mentioned this book, so I ordered it. Just got it. Thought it'd be fun to realize you can make a post and something physical happens.

Flipped open to a page:

"But you say:

That's fine when it comes to my child, spouse or close friends, but what does this have to do with skydiving? I don't love my teammates. I don't even like some of them. We fly together and have some fun but it's just not the same thing. Why should I bend over backwards for someone who's not doing much of anything for me? Why should I let someone take advantage of me like that?

My [DeRosalia's] answer is:

You'd better love your teammates. Even if you don't like them you'd better love them on some level, or at least treat them as if you do, because you've given them a very special place in your life. Not only do you spend a significant amount of time with them in a sport that demands interdependence and fellowship, but you've also entrusted them with the responsibility of helping you make one of your dreams come true. That's a big deal and requires a major investment on everyone's part. A gesture of love nurtures and sustains that investment and helps to guarantee it's success"

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Jo wrote back in the vodka-and-pill-soaked past:

"The name was Ed Hurand (not sure of the spelling) and I don't know what the Ed stood for. The Hurand may be spelled Horand, Horan or any other variation you can find. Perhaps someone out there has more capabilities than I have in finding people. I know he would be deceased and that he would have been born in the 1924 to 1930 range as he was near Duane's age"

Jo: Could this have been Ed Hermes?

(edit) Guess not:
Ed's obit is at smokejumpers.com. Died in '63
I guess that means it wasn't him, since you visited him later than that.

Hermes, Edwin T. (Missoula 1953)

"Ed died June 2, 1963 in the crash of a helicopter that he was flying from Twin Falls, Idaho, to New Mexico where he had a contract to spray crops. The wreckage was found in a remote area near South Powder Horn, Colorado, two months after the crash. "

(edit) Okay here's something curious.
I was getting the newspaper article announcing Ed Hermes helicopter crash. Curiously, the NW Orient crash near Sitka, Alaska, which I've mentioned before, was on the same page. next to it.
I've attached a snap about the Ed incident, but am going to get a little more. This was 6/4/63

(edit) Very good detail on the NW MATS (Military Air Transport) crash near Sitka is at
A partial passenger listing is part of the article.
Interestingly, there was a passenger from Kirkland, WA. Some from Seattle.

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An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility.

Should you really be discussing Speakers' Corner posters in this forum?


What is: "Speakers' Corner posters in this forum?"
and how (or why) does it affect us here?

I know nothing of this. Im not in the elite loop or
whatever this "Speakers' Corner posters in this forum?" is.

Please explain, but only if yours is not a bone-dried troll seeking to inflame or bu'fambu?


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I think Jo has created an inconsistency.

on Feb 2, 2007, 9:38 PM Jo posted the following and attached the Ed Hurand photo, which I've attached here.
In this post, the claim is Ed was met at a convention.

"Photos obtained from family members and prison files. Help Me Identify this Man: This is photo I made of a man at one of our conventions in Colorado. He was a diabetic at that time in 1978 and his health was poor.

This man knew Duane from WA, OR and MT. I do not know the dates of their acquaintance as he inadvertenly mentioned it in a coversation when I asked how he knew Duane. I do not remember much of the conversation as we were only alone a few minutes, but this man had something to do with the aviation field....mechanic, repairman - may have been a helicopter or plane pilot. I remember his eyes the most - the shade of blue.
Before Duane returned he asked me not to mention our conversation to Duane - since Duane had never mentioned having lived in those areas - that it may have been a part of his life he didn't want to share with me.

The name was Ed Hurand (not sure of the spelling) and I don't know what the Ed stood for. The Hurand may be spelled Horand, Horan or any other variation you can find. Perhaps someone out there has more capabilities than I have in finding people. I know he would be deceased and that he would have been born in the 1924 to 1930 range as he was near Duane's age."

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I think Jo has created an inconsistency.

on Feb 2, 2007, 9:38 PM Jo posted the following and attached the Ed Hurand photo, which I've attached here.
In this post, the claim is Ed was met at a convention.

"Photos obtained from family members and prison files. Help Me Identify this Man: This is photo I made of a man at one of our conventions in Colorado. He was a diabetic at that time in 1978 and his health was poor.

This man knew Duane from WA, OR and MT. I do not know the dates of their acquaintance as he inadvertenly mentioned it in a coversation when I asked how he knew Duane. I do not remember much of the conversation as we were only alone a few minutes, but this man had something to do with the aviation field....mechanic, repairman - may have been a helicopter or plane pilot. I remember his eyes the most - the shade of blue.
Before Duane returned he asked me not to mention our conversation to Duane - since Duane had never mentioned having lived in those areas - that it may have been a part of his life he didn't want to share with me.

The name was Ed Hurand (not sure of the spelling) and I don't know what the Ed stood for. The Hurand may be spelled Horand, Horan or any other variation you can find. Perhaps someone out there has more capabilities than I have in finding people. I know he would be deceased and that he would have been born in the 1924 to 1930 range as he was near Duane's age."

The Buttercup Bakery Ed Hurand?

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Sorry to say anything right now. But Cooper did land within walking distance of a tower - he buried something behind the shed they stored equipment in. This is the tower East of the tracks. The tower was no longer there in 1979. The logging trail you could still see evidence of because the trees were much smaller. He had to bury the chute so he couldn't be tracked if someone found it...and not where he landed - he carried if for some ways because he needed it for shelter also.


Lets examine the logging trail and shack -

The problem, as Snowmman notes, is Consistency.

The case in point above is the logging trail and shack where you say Duane buried the chute (and spent the night there? used it for shelter). Did the tower
have a red warning light at its top? And again, its location near what railroad tracks coming from and going to where ?

Or, was the logging trail an easement? I realise easements get logged after a swath cut to accommodate line towers being installed and erected?

How is all of this consistent with the FBI and Sluggo's
flight path?

I realise you are not good with technical matters, but
you have introduced this some time ago and I wish
you to fill out the rest of your story.

These are very important details. You need to clean this up for everyone.


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