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DB Cooper

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17 hours ago, Slylock said:

I learned recently there was an army air corps officer named Dan Cooper on Howland Island awaiting Amelia Earhart’s arrival.  I remember there being a lot of speculation about the Dan cooper comic book character as inspiration of the name being an important clue.  But I don’t remember ever hearing this Amelia Earhart connection being a possible clue.

Dan(iel) Cooper is actually a rare name..

It is extremely unlikely it was his real name..


he either made it up completely

combined it, added the two names together from experience

he took the full name from his prior experience


In the ADD archive WW2 enlistment there are only 7 Dan Cooper's and 33 Daniel Cooper's.. 40 total

That is not very many... 16.4 million served in WW2,, not sure how complete the AAD database is..  but 40 seems really low.

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