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DB Cooper

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What gives man?

If there is anyone in the world that has a right to be angry at Jo... it's me! However, I'm not. She is gonna do what she is gonna do, and none of us can control that.

I'm fairly sure I know the whole story (Re: the team - and Jo's intervention), but you seem a bit more ruffled than the issue(s) would merit. Has something else occured (that I am un-aware of). [I know it's a preposition without an object, but that's how Southerners talk.]:)
You have been an still are valuable to this forum and to me personally. Don't let this personal battle between you and Jo keep you from participating. You an I both know there are other forums where we can post (after all that's how we met), but few have the "beans" this forum can offer.

This forum contains a lot of noise... but every once in a while the "WOW" signal appears. I'm patiently scanning the "grass" waiting for the "WOW". I wish you would too.

If you insist on never posting here again... I'll see you "over there."


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What gives man?

If there is anyone in the world that has a right to be angry at Jo... it's me! However, I'm not. She is gonna do what she is gonna do, and none of us can control that.

I'm fairly sure I know the whole story (Re: the team - and Jo's intervention), but you seem a bit more ruffled than the issue(s) would merit. Has something else occured (that I am un-aware of). [I know it's a preposition without an object, but that's how Southerners talk.]:)
You have been an still are valuable to this forum and to me personally. Don't let this personal battle between you and Jo keep you from participating. You an I both know there are other forums where we can post (after all that's how we met), but few have the "beans" this forum can offer.

This forum contains a lot of noise... but every once in a while the "WOW" signal appears. I'm patiently scanning the "grass" waiting for the "WOW". I wish you would too.

If you insist on never posting here again... I'll see you "over there."


over there, not here,
unless there's no better choice. Will explain on the
dark side of the moon.

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over there, not here,
unless there's no better choice

OK, there's is no better choice Georger. Now will you reconsider?

Please don't make those who stay here have to read another forum to get your Cooper thoughts.

Sluggo has a good point about Jo. If he can tolerate her participation after the unjustifed abuse she directed at him, you should also be able to.

All this begging is making me look bad, so stay and put an end to it OK?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I've been wondering why the FAA had to use USAF radar for the Cooper flight path. Been trying to dig up what ARSR facilities existed then.

Apparently these facilities were joint use FAA/USAF. I wonder if we've been all wrong about SAGE, and whether the flight path data came from joint use FAA/USAF ARSR?

It's interesting to know, because of accuracy questions, etc.

The ARSR-2 Air Route Surveillance Radar active then used L-band 1280 to 1350 Mhz. Full operation in 2/1/1970

I suppose some ARSR-1 might have still been in use too?

Now: was Duane involved, and why are we talking about the WOW signal again?

Interestingly, ARSR-4, the more modern stuff, uses 1215-1400Mhz.

The WOW signal was detected around 1420.4556 +/- 0.005 MHz , only 10khz wide. Did Duane somehow modify FAA radar to send a signal on August 15, 1977? If so, why? Was this evidence of his knowledge of FAA radar in 1971?


What's weird is a bunch of the ARSR-2 systems are still operational?

Here's a contract they're bidding out to overhaul the old tubes.


"The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a requirement for the overhaul/repair of an estimated annual quantity of 192 each Amplitron Tubes, NSN 5960-00-023-9482, Litton Systems Inc., now L-3 Communication's P/N L4953R, Raytheon Technical Services Co., P/N QK653 and Electronics Industries Assoc., P/N RK7577. Raytheon, who subsequently sold their tube division to Litton, originally manufactured the tubes. Northrop Grumman, Williamsport PA, acquired the Electron Devices Division of Litton Systems Inc. L-3 Communications, Electron Devices Division, officially changed their name from Litton Systems Inc., Electron Devices Division, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman in December 2002. The proposed contractor is L-3 Communications, Williamsport, PA. The proposed contract provides for major overhaul or modification services in support of Air Route Surveillance Radar Models 1 and 2 (ARSR 1/2) systems. The ARSR 1/2 are integral part of the Air Traffic control system. Raytheon originally built the ARSR 1 and 2 systems in 1957 specifically for the FAA. In 1994 Raytheon sold their tube division to Litton. This acquisition included the proprietary rights for repair of original tubes applicable to the ARSR 1 and 2 systems, as well as the test set for testing rebuild/overhaul of amplitron tubes. The test set is a one of a kind unit, which was built specifically for testing the rebuild/overhaul of amplitron tubes in order to maintain FAA's stringent safety and reliability standards. The amplitron electronic characteristics cannot be measured and aligned without the use of this test set. The repair processes are proprietary to Northrop Grumman however, the FAA has revised FAA Logistics Center Specification, FAA-D-1275, Tube, Electron, Amplitron, which coupled with a company's knowledge and experience should enable other vendors to be qualified to rebuild/overhaul these tubes. However, a vendor must have access to a test set, which will be required in order to accomplish system testing. The FAA does not have a test set to provide to a contractor as Government Furnished Property."

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Most of the big single transmitter air surveillance radars still use tubes in the final power amplifier stage. They are rugged and can take a beating that would fry their solid state equivalents.

On some of the military gear I worked with they used spin tuned magnetrons in the radar transceiver.
This used a rotating motor shaft to continuously vary the frequency of the radar signals to prevent jammers fomr knocking it out with a simple single frequency transmitter.

You turn up the most obscure stuff Snow. Soon you will have the nanes of the SAGE controllers on duty on that cold and stormy November night in 71. It must have been pretty exciting. A hijack, a possible fighter intercept and a national news story unfolding right on their normally dull as hell SAGE scopes.

Bet those SAGE scope integrated ashtrays got a workout that night.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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In 1994 Raytheon sold their tube division to Litton. This acquisition included the proprietary rights for repair of original tubes applicable to the ARSR 1 and 2 systems, as well as the test set for testing rebuild/overhaul of amplitron tubes. The test set is a one of a kind unit, which was built specifically for testing the rebuild/overhaul of amplitron tubes in order to maintain FAA's stringent safety and reliability standards.

Sole source Litton contract here we come $$$$$$$. Hey Cheney is gone. The Halliburton days are over. Seize the test set as a government asset, you know the govt paid for it sometime in the past. Offer its use to the winning bidder as loaned GFE and open up the process.

Hey Snow, lets bid and rebuild these tubes ourselves on the weekends. Sluggo could get any Thorium we might need for filament coatings. We will need Georger's chem expertise too. You up for it?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Most of the big single transmitter air surveillance radars still use tubes in the final power amplifier stage. They are rugged and can take a beating that would fry their solid state equivalents.

Yeah, it was interesting that the tubes are identified by name in that bid. But no one else can bid, cause there's only one test set, and the company owns the test set, and it can't be recreated? Sounds fishy. Classic bid that's really a no-bid.

What's really funny is I first found that bid on a site that translated it to Arabic. (looks like they're just generically translating all bids) Can you imagine a Middle Eastern firm bidding on maintaining the ARSR-1/2?

I was actually thinking of you 377, on the bid. I figured if anyone else might have a test set in the closet, it would be you...but then I saw that there was only one in existence. Have to steal the plans and build one.

"Bet those SAGE scope integrated ashtrays got a workout that night."


okay let's look at the next version: ARSR-3 http://www.forecastinternational.com/Archive/es/es0059.doc

It had a "solid-state" modulator but still used tubes, like you say.

see they say "Surveillance radar used jointly by the FAA for en route air traffic control and by the USAF for air defense"

36 made, for 3 customers. $1.6Million each. Delivered '78 to '80.
5000 kW peak. 3500 avg.
310 to 365 pulses per second.
can deal with two square meter target to 100,000 ft.

The ARSR-4 exteneded the range and is the current "modern" version.

from http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12438&page=9

No. Radars: 101
Deployment: Nationwide
Band: L
range: 370 km (ARSR-1,2,3); 460 km (ARSR-4)
antenna size: 9 m × 7 m
4 MW (ARSR-1,2); 5 MW (ARSR-3); 60 kW* (ARSR-4)

That link also lists all of the 510 radars that comprise the infrastructure today:

156 WSR-88D (national grid)
45 TDWR (at 45 largest airports)
233 ASR ( (233 commercial airports)
101 ARSR

So I'm not sure what was at the Seattle ARSR
here's current info and a google eyeball of the site:
The only ARTCC would have been in Seattle? Haven't found yet what gear it has, either now or in 1971. But I would think it was operational in 1971. Did this center provide the radar for the flight path?? I would think it had the distance capability???? and if it was joint USAF, that might explain the notion that it came from USAF???

Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZSE), 3101 Auburn Way South, Auburn, Washington 98092

here's the facility:

Currently: the airspace worked by the Seattle Center includes the states of Washington, Oregon, northern California, and parts of Idaho and Montana.

Speaking of high tech: At ZSE (the id for the Auburn site) they use pens that don't work on the shiny flight strip printer paper

I believe that's the only reason WOW signals are not reported from ZSE: they gave them pens that can't write on the paper. Part of the coverup?

I'm waiting for the incident that gets root caused to this pen issue.

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Locations of U.S. operational weather and air traffic control radars.

Looks like ARSR-1/2 in Seattle.
Is that an ASR-9 and NEXRAD in Portland?

The vintage of ARSR-1/2 in Seattle might mean it was there by 1971? (it's really the Auburn ZSE site)

from http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/faawxsystems/mpar.html

Here's a map that shows circles (effective range?) for all of the current WSR-88D radar installations (notice Seattle and Portland facilities overlap their coverage of the 305 flight path).

WSR-88D stuff probably didn't exist? back then though? haven't looked.

these are weather radar (Weather Surveillance Radar 88 Doppler)

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Take a few days off and reconsider. I know Jo irritates the hell out of you but if you leave she has won the battle with you on this forum.

We need good scientific minds and balance here. You added a lot of value and your departure in anger is a mistake.

Nobody will fault you for a reconsidered departure. Jo has figured out how to pull your chain, but you don't have to let it work.


377 as always the voice of reason!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Has something else occured (that I am un-aware of). [I know it's a preposition without an object, but that's how Southerners talk.]:)

"Has something else occurred (of which I am unaware)?" is the correct English. I believe that would be correct even in Ameriglish :D

Sigh... I hope this is not the extent of my value-add to this forum anymore. Back at work now so much less time to do research for the forum!

btw I presume 377's post back to georger about PAs being offlimits but vicious relentless attacks on logic, factspinning etc being OK ...was aimed at me. Didn't realise I was being "vicious". Relentless, yes. You guys are pretty sheltered, perhaps. Come sit in on a presentation being given by financial markets analyst (equities, fixed interest, economics, strategy, whatever) to a big client. You'll find out soon all about attacks on logic, factspinning etc... and what "vicious" can really be for those daring to put forward arguments without logical, consistent frameworks to back them up. I guess for those of you that are in academia... the to and fro of journal articles & their critiques is not quite as vicious (albeit perhaps better argued, and hopefully as relentless in logic).
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Orange1 said:

Sigh... I hope this is not the extent of my value-add to this forum anymore. Back at work now so much less time to do research for the forum!

Hey, the "back at work" comment reminds me of something. We just congratulated georger on being a new grandpa, but didn't we miss out on a proper congratulations to orange1?

If so, orange1 showed remarkable restraint...let's see looking back in this thread, yes there's just one single post, here:

orange1 said: "(sorry I am a bit slow - must also claim non compis mentis a bit here - severe lack of sleep due to newborn babySmile)"

So: I'm assuming we missed out on the appropriate congratulations at the time. If so, Congratulations! (but maybe not so much about having to go back to work now!)

(edit) And: I'm not belittling the logic argument, your first sentence was just one that caught my memory. I agree with you on brutal exchanges. People get upset when they see them in text I think. I think text reminds people of books, and they think it means something more than the spoken word. In a forum, it doesn't!

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Has something else occured (that I am un-aware of). [I know it's a preposition without an object, but that's how Southerners talk.]:)

"Has something else occurred (of which I am unaware)?" is the correct English. I believe that would be correct even in Ameriglish :D

Sigh... I hope this is not the extent of my value-add to this forum anymore. Back at work now so much less time to do research for the forum!

btw I presume 377's post back to georger about PAs being offlimits but vicious relentless attacks on logic, factspinning etc being OK ...was aimed at me. Didn't realise I was being "vicious". Relentless, yes. You guys are pretty sheltered, perhaps. Come sit in on a presentation being given by financial markets analyst (equities, fixed interest, economics, strategy, whatever) to a big client. You'll find out soon all about attacks on logic, factspinning etc... and what "vicious" can really be for those daring to put forward arguments without logical, consistent frameworks to back them up. I guess for those of you that are in academia... the to and fro of journal articles & their critiques is not quite as vicious (albeit perhaps better argued, and hopefully as relentless in logic).


You were not the target of my comments, honest. My point was that it is OK to viciously attack illogical conclusions, those are fair game here. Personal insults are not OK. I have relentlessly attacked Jo's unsupported and illogical conclusions publicly and privately but remain civil. You have always been civil to Jo even when launching an aggressive assault on her logic. In seeking truth and filtering noise and other tangential distractions, it is OK to cut deep. It must be done. The knife should slice the noise, not the person. That's all I meant. If my post was directed at anyone, it was our departed colleague Georger.

Carry on Orange. I value your input a lot and am glad you have returned.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Speaking of the WOW signal, I attended a lecture last month by Dr. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute. He spoke about the WOW signal and about the autocorrelator receiver systems installed at their Hat Creek site that can look simultaneously at a million channels. Very cool stuff, but now that they have the hot setup, not one other WOW signal has been received. The aliens are just playing with us, teasing and taunting us with RF tidbits.

It is possible that the person who lead the Cooper radar investigation is still around.Can we identify the person? I think it is entirely possible that nobody on the team was even aware that a jumpers exiting body could be tracked. They may have been focused exclusively on the airplane's flight path.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Speaking of the WOW signal, I attended a lecture last month by Dr. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute. He spoke about the WOW signal and about the autocorrelator receiver systems installed at their Hat Creek site that can look simultaneously at a million channels. Very cool stuff, but now that they have the hot setup, not one other WOW signal has been received. The aliens are just playing with us, teasing and taunting us with RF tidbits.

It is possible that the person who lead the Cooper radar investigation is still around.Can we identify the person? I think it is entirely possible that nobody on the team was even aware that a jumpers exiting body could be tracked. They may have been focused exclusively on the airplane's flight path.


I was just searching back thru Ckret posts, because I forgot how we got on SAGE

Ckret said on the original DZ prediction

"The attached was created in January 1972 using USAF radar data from McCord, jump time of 8:11 PM based on crew analysis and tests conducted, Wind info from 10,000 MSL to ground, human body trajectories provided by Boeing, time correlation from USAF radar and NWA communication tapes with flight 305 and plane speed and altitude from the flight recorder. "

So I guess that blows my theory. The USAF radar data was from McChord, not Auburn. (don't even know if Auburn was there in 1971)

I wonder why they couldn't track it with FAA radar? there wasn't any in 1971 to cover that distance? (now there is)

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Wasn't Geroger working with a facial recognition team a while back? Whatever became of that project?

It was canceled for obvious reasons. Nobody in
their right mind is going to spend one second on
such bullshit. Would you! ? More to the point: why
"is" anyone even here?

When you consider that WE are all amateurs, what
is it to have amateurs fighting with amateurs over
DB Cooper!? Then you throw in Jo Weber the cultist
with a personal agenda to prove fighting for her
"rights" with amateurs, and you toss in Snow's
proliferations ....

What is to be gained - and what lost!

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Snowman Stated in referrence to an artical about Gossett:

"There's a picture of Galen Cook there too."

Assistance Needed


snipped and attached from the first url I posted.

Tip of the Day:
If you print this pic out and need to stalk Galen, don't throw it in the bushes near his office. If found, the police will be able to trace it back to this thread.

(edit) I just noticed Galen is sitting in front of his folder of pics. Everyone has to have their collection of "stuff" I guess. It's like baseball cards! I was using Picasa to look at all the pics I have on my computer, and was thinking of making a youtube vid with Picasa that flashes thru each pic for just 1/2 sec each. it would still be pretty long. Music selection would be key.

(edit) Look right here for your pic Jo

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What gives man?

If there is anyone in the world that has a right to be angry at Jo... it's me! However, I'm not. She is gonna do what she is gonna do, and none of us can control that.

I'm fairly sure I know the whole story (Re: the team - and Jo's intervention), but you seem a bit more ruffled than the issue(s) would merit. Has something else occured (that I am un-aware of). [I know it's a preposition without an object, but that's how Southerners talk.]:)
You have been an still are valuable to this forum and to me personally. Don't let this personal battle between you and Jo keep you from participating. You an I both know there are other forums where we can post (after all that's how we met), but few have the "beans" this forum can offer.

This forum contains a lot of noise... but every once in a while the "WOW" signal appears. I'm patiently scanning the "grass" waiting for the "WOW". I wish you would too.

If you insist on never posting here again... I'll see you "over there."


I knew you were angry and I still don't know why. All I did was ask you to make some corrections in details regarding a post you made - I did NOT call attention to those posts on the forum, but sent you a PM asking you to make the corrections. As far as I know you never did.

I do not understand why that would make you mad at me. I get corrected all of the time when I make a mistake. NO one is infallible.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger States:


Toms group fell apart after Jo Weber infiltrated it through Tom. Tom was warned. He did not listen. Weber wasted no time contacting Tom after he surfaced. Tom was warned she would. He then came here to play further with Jo Weber and his/my group split. Tom is on his own now, whatever he's doing but his judgement took a nosedive with me and others.

:|NOTHING I said to Tom was not said on this forum and in other public places. If Tom pulled out I had NOTHING to do with that.

Georger wrote:


Jo has a nasty habit of sticking her nose in everywhere. She claimed in private PM's Ckret had been fired! .

:|I have not said Ckret was fired.
I merely complained about FACT and FICTION - this again was done publically in this forum and else where. If you are an FBI agent - do not inject your private opinions into the facts of the case - as that influences many impressionable individuals - hence - the opinion is then quoted as Fact.

Georger states:


You guys sit here for entertainment. Some of the rest
of us are out there on the firing line with assholes like
raising hell and rumoring, making allegations,
and I can assure you its no fun.

:oI have said before Georger has a vested interest in Cooper - FBI, CIA, WRITER - so who is Georger and what is his involvement. What would provoke the above statement?

Georger states:


The thing you guys dont seem to understand or care
about is Jo Weber has one and only one purpose,and that is to have Duane Weber officially declared DB Cooper, and she doesnt much care how its done.


Georger states:


Weber was not DB Cooper and there are a millions reasons-of-fact why that is the case. In the
meantime all Jo Weber can do is hope to keep her case alive and that involves disrupting other people if that's what it takes.

:|What am I disrupting and where does that anger come from? Do I not have the right to try and prove Duane was Cooper?????? Who am I disrupting? Are you or someone upset because Iand others along with the evidence I found are closing in on the truth?

Georger states:


So, it isn't that I have some obsession with Jo
Weber, it's simply an issue of getting any peace at all to think, while Jo Weber is at hand and active processing her obsessions daily for years. 13+ years!

:oGo back and look at what Georger :|got upset about - my having had contacts with Jerry Thomas! By the way I am not actively processing obsessions - I am actively processing facts and evidence like anyone else - to prove who Cooper was.

:)note the point that Georger became so irate. It was the point I mentioned the "book" or books I found in Plain site and what was in one of them. He has been on a rampage ever since and saying or doing anything that he could to provoke me with every post I made since that time. :ph34r:;)WHY?

Georger wrote:

Unless I miss my bet Jerry Thomas will not come
here because of Jo Weber. Mr. Thomas had already had a belly full of Jo Weber years ago, from what I am told by "reliable" sources. So you can thank Jo
Weber for that. And your entertainment here very
likely will never include Jerry Thomas.

I thought we were trying to solve the case not entertain. As for Jerry, I have never said anything bad about the man - he didn't even have a phone - used a friends cell or land line. How could someone get a "belly" full of someone he rarely talked to unless he chose to do so?


I never got to talk to Jerry Thomas after I was in Wa in 2001 (That was 8 yrs ago in May) This is when I made my trip to the state of Washington and found the locations Duane took me to - with information provided by a woman I refer to as the "ANGEL UDELL". The name and address she gave me did not exist, I would like to discuss (privately) those location with Jerry Thomas.

:)told me exactly where to find them? The woman gave me a name and address that did not exist. WHY?

If anyone finds my posting offensive in subject or incorrect in the facts - I do not find that offensive and try to be polite in my replies. If you guys would rather me not post - or to not post as often then please let me know in a PM.

This is a long post and I apologize, but felt I needed to defend myself from the prior post made by Georger. Thank all of you for you many kindesses.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo said:
"Has no one ever found it ODD, a female truck driver, who came out of no where was able to zero in on the two sites with only a brief description and told me exactly where to find them? The woman gave me a name and address that did not exist. WHY?"

from http://www.careersingear.com/trucking-news/Truck_Driving_Jobs/Women_In_Trucking

"According to research conducted by Global Insight for the American Trucking Association in 2005, the percentage of women in the “truck transportation industry in 2000” was 4.6 percent, based on US census figures. This same report shows that the percentage of women in the truck driver workforce has hovered around five percent since 1994, peaking in 1997 with just over five percent. They are also projecting that only 4.1 percent of the driver workforce will be female in 2014.

If you were to use the US Government data for statistical information regarding women in transportation, the numbers vary between segments of the industry. The 2006 US Table of Employed Civilians from the January 2007 US Bureau of Labor Statistics by industry show that 5.2 percent of “drivers, sales workers and truck drivers” are female. (This is in comparison to 6.1 percent of women employed by “refuse and recyclable material collectors!”)

The Canadian Trucking Human Resources Council has estimated that the percentage of women in trucking in Canada is only three percent, much lower than its neighbors to the south."

Not sure if there is a local skewing to US avg. in WA.

I've heard this problem of women giving men a name and address that doesn't exist is common. I don't know why women do it?

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Georger States:


Toms group fell apart after Jo Weber infiltrated it through Tom. Tom was warned. He did not listen. Weber wasted no time contacting Tom after he surfaced. Tom was warned she would. He then came here to play further with Jo Weber and his/my group split. Tom is on his own now, whatever he's doing but his judgement took a nosedive with me and others.

:|NOTHING I said to Tom was not said on this forum and in other public places. If Tom pulled out I had NOTHING to do with that.

Georger wrote:


Jo has a nasty habit of sticking her nose in everywhere. She claimed in private PM's Ckret had been fired! .

:|I have not said Ckret was fired.
I merely complained about FACT and FICTION - this again was done publically in this forum and else where. If you are an FBI agent - do not inject your private opinions into the facts of the case - as that influences many impressionable individuals - hence - the opinion is then quoted as Fact.

Georger states:


You guys sit here for entertainment. Some of the rest
of us are out there on the firing line with assholes like
raising hell and rumoring, making allegations,
and I can assure you its no fun.

:oI have said before Georger has a vested interest in Cooper - FBI, CIA, WRITER - so who is Georger and what is his involvement. What would provoke the above statement?

Georger states:


The thing you guys dont seem to understand or care
about is Jo Weber has one and only one purpose,and that is to have Duane Weber officially declared DB Cooper, and she doesnt much care how its done.


Georger states:


Weber was not DB Cooper and there are a millions reasons-of-fact why that is the case. In the
meantime all Jo Weber can do is hope to keep her case alive and that involves disrupting other people if that's what it takes.

:|What am I disrupting and where does that anger come from? Do I not have the right to try and prove Duane was Cooper?????? Who am I disrupting? Are you or someone upset because Iand others along with the evidence I found are closing in on the truth?

Georger states:


So, it isn't that I have some obsession with Jo
Weber, it's simply an issue of getting any peace at all to think, while Jo Weber is at hand and active processing her obsessions daily for years. 13+ years!

:oGo back and look at what Georger :|got upset about - my having had contacts with Jerry Thomas! By the way I am not actively processing obsessions - I am actively processing facts and evidence like anyone else - to prove who Cooper was.

:)note the point that Georger became so irate. It was the point I mentioned the "book" or books I found in Plain site and what was in one of them. He has been on a rampage ever since and saying or doing anything that he could to provoke me with every post I made since that time. :ph34r:;)WHY?

Georger wrote:

Unless I miss my bet Jerry Thomas will not come
here because of Jo Weber. Mr. Thomas had already had a belly full of Jo Weber years ago, from what I am told by "reliable" sources. So you can thank Jo
Weber for that. And your entertainment here very
likely will never include Jerry Thomas.

I thought we were trying to solve the case not entertain. As for Jerry, I have never said anything bad about the man - he didn't even have a phone - used a friends cell or land line. How could someone get a "belly" full of someone he rarely talked to unless he chose to do so?


I never got to talk to Jerry Thomas after I was in Wa in 2001 (That was 8 yrs ago in May) This is when I made my trip to the state of Washington and found the locations Duane took me to - with information provided by a woman I refer to as the "ANGEL UDELL". The name and address she gave me did not exist, I would like to discuss (privately) those location with Jerry Thomas.

:)told me exactly where to find them? The woman gave me a name and address that did not exist. WHY?

If anyone finds my posting offensive in subject or incorrect in the facts - I do not find that offensive and try to be polite in my replies. If you guys would rather me not post - or to not post as often then please let me know in a PM.

This is a long post and I apologize, but felt I needed to defend myself from the prior post made by Georger. Thank all of you for you many kindesses.

Without a doubt, you Jo Weber, are one of the most GULLIBLE people I have ever run across. That along with the forensics is what makes your story about Duane Weber totally implausible. Because you will believe any damned thing, and what you think you know you cant believe, and the rest requires constant retracing until you have no firm memory of anything. It’s what makes you so useless and dangerous. Very likely Duane was just like you.

Have a nice rest on the scrapheap of Coopertown.

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