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DB Cooper

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You said that before. Senile?

You dont get the point, or dont care (so why are you here?)

Few people could have pursued the Duane myth for
13+ years without being gullible in the first place.
Again, nobody has any other account than the account
Jo Weber has given the world. Duane never said a damned thing to anyone else; even Jo says that.
The whole story is Jo's story, not Duane's story.
Duane could have been making the whole thing up!
Jo would definitely have believed it or bought into it.
Duane was sharp and knew Jo was gullible. Jo is
just pissed and trying to make something out of the big nothing Duane left her (or screwed her with)!
These personal relationships get messy. Jo and
Duane were not Donny and Marie Osmond!

Dont let the door slam you in the head on the way

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You said that before. Senile?
Dont let the door slam you in the head on the way out.

Ain't goin nowhere, nor have I ever claimed to be.

EDIT: Seems you may have a new obsession...

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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So the only thing to do: go fullbore with what you got, till you're dead!

Got that right Snow, which is why we skydive and you rock/ice climb. Full bore or fully bored, it's really quite an easy choice.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You said that before. Senile?
Dont let the door slam you in the head on the way out.

Ain't goin nowhere, nor have I ever claimed to be.

EDIT: Seems you may have a new obsession...

Youve done all you need to do to get the forum shut down. Mission accomplished.

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Interesting statistics. The woman was a truck driver in the area for 20 or 30 yrs. Not going to the notes to be exact - but that was 2001 and if she had been driving for 20 yrs that is 1981.

She approached me telling me I seemed troubled. I was waiting on my ride and sitting on a bench in front of the Hotel.

She asked if I had a problem (I didn't think I looked like I was troubled). I told her she couldn't help me because I was looking for places I had been told didn't exist. This is when she told me she had been a truck driver in the area for 20 yrs and pleaded with me to describe them.

During the 5 prior days no one took me to anything that vaguely matched what I saw in 1979. She did not hesitate to tell me the locations of the places I described and her directions where specific.

The locations were dead on - I will never forget that day as long as I live. I am not particularly religious, but earlier I had thrown a flower into the Columbia and spoke out loud to God and to Duane - "I have been here for 5 days and I don't know anymore than I did the 1 st day. It's all up to you guys now."

Over an hour later - my "prayer" is answered. The trip to WA was not futile.

Why was she at the front door of the Hotel if she was making a delivery of some sort? This hotel was on the Portland side of the river...the address she gave me was also Portland - and when I contacted the business at that address - they never heard of her. I expect she gave me a fake name and the address of one of her deliveries, but WHY.

Hence - Why I call her my Angel Udell.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger says that Jo is "gullible". I'm not sure that is quite the word I would have used, but Jo's responses to some posts here - posts which are clearly not meant to be taken seriously but which she does - does point to a lack of judgement in accepting certain arguments/versions of the truth.

Jo, I'm not going back now to check exactly when they were, but I know there were a number of times I saw you cast aspersions on Sluggo.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Interesting statistics. The woman was a truck driver in the area for 20 or 30 yrs. Not going to the notes to be exact - but that was 2001 and if she had been driving for 20 yrs that is 1981.

She approached me telling me I seemed troubled. I was waiting on my ride and sitting on a bench in front of the Hotel.

She asked if I had a problem (I didn't think I looked like I was troubled). I told her she couldn't help me because I was looking for places I had been told didn't exist. This is when she told me she had been a truck driver in the area for 20 yrs and pleaded with me to describe them.

During the 5 prior days no one took me to anything that vaguely matched what I saw in 1979. She did not hesitate to tell me the locations of the places I described and her directions where specific.

The locations were dead on - I will never forget that day as long as I live. I am not particularly religious, but earlier I had thrown a flower into the Columbia and spoke out loud to God and to Duane - "I have been here for 5 days and I don't know anymore than I did the 1 st day. It's all up to you guys now."

Over an hour later - my "prayer" is answered. The trip to WA was not futile.

Why was she at the front door of the Hotel if she was making a delivery of some sort? This hotel was on the Portland side of the river...the address she gave me was also Portland - and when I contacted the business at that address - they never heard of her. I expect she gave me a fake name and the address of one of her deliveries, but WHY.

Hence - Why I call her my Angel Udell.

Angel Udell & Judge Jo-dy:
And to think a simple brain scan could have avoided
the whole thing.

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To All Forum Posters,

I apologize for this post, but I wanted to respond to Jo publically, now that I am no longer the “Official Jo Weber Apologist.”


I knew you were angry and I still don't know why. All I did was ask you to make some corrections in details regarding a post you made - I did NOT call attention to those posts on the forum, but sent you a PM asking you to make the corrections. As far as I know you never did.

I do not understand why that would make you mad at me. I get corrected all of the time when I make a mistake. NO one is infallible.


You can’t be serious! Do you really think that’s why I’m angry with you?

Let me help you out here:

When I visited you in August of 2008 you were kind enough to allow me to take away copies of some of Duane’s records. I have protected those records without exception. There have been many instances where I felt that allowing others on this forum access to those records would soften their criticisms of you and better present “your case” than you are able to do by posting here. I have also been asked to provide them (on the QT) to others, which I always refuse. When I got back home, I realized that you had accidentally copied a record with “Little Miss Lucy Locket’s” (you know who I mean) information on it. You had pulled it from the stack, but somehow copied it with the other material. When I realized what you had done, I immediately shredded it. If you didn’t want me to have it, I didn’t want to have it.

Do you have any idea what I would give to talk to that woman? She could add a whole new dimension to the John Collins/Duane Weber story. I would actually pay her to talk to me. But, you didn’t want me or anyone else to talk to her or even know anything about her. So, I shredded the document and put it behind me. I didn’t behave that way because of some moral imperative, but rather, to protect our relationship. I still believe you have a story that is interesting and intriguing. Whether it relates (directly) to D. B. Cooper or not will be revealed someday, just not now.

Then in December, you called me several times, leaving very long rants on my answering machine accusing me of contacting “Little Miss Lucy Locket.” You also posted similar things on this forum:


I am not going to debate your extreme ugly and loud post.
I was getting ready to sign off.

Duane was not involved in any search of Cooper – this is a seed planted by Sluggo and I know it is not true (one reason I do not allow Sluggo to post some things regarding Duane and I). He is intitled to his speculation, but it has NO basis.

Duane was employed in Ga. and he was married at that time - I have spoke with his employers over the yrs. If Sluggo has anything to back this up - and he doesn't except for a statement from a woman who wants me out of her hair...he doesn't know what he is dealing with.

As for my ability to recall I will go up against all of you - I keep the details sorted out better than the rest of you do. Sluggo is no longer the Myth breaker, because of the errors he has made regarding things I told him and that are in writing in this forum.
He is now a MYTH maker

[emphasis mine]

So, now you’ve made your bed and you must lay in it.

You have no idea how many times I have defended you (and still do), in post and PMs. As well as my defense of you in this forum, even at the expense of my own credibility. This has been noticed by others and they find it puzzling that you would say such things about me. For example:

Nigel99 posted on Dec. 23, 2008

You even attack Sluggo who is probably the only other person left on the forum with any sympathy/time for your story.

I thank the forum for the opportunity to air this dirty laundry.


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I just got off the phone talking to Jerry Thomas.

Jerry is somewhat of a “recluse” who spends a great deal of his time in the forest and away from other people. I encouraged him to join and begin posting here on DZ.com. He declined. He did agree to communicate “one on one” with individuals that I screened (to keep the kooks out) and gave me permission to selectively distribute his contact information (which I declined, for reasons that should be obvious).

We finally came up with a solution to this impasse (as follows):
I am going to be providing Jerry with a page on my website where he will post essays (messages) for all to read. The page will have a disclaimer that the information posted there is from Jerry (not N467US.com) and he is solely responsible for its content.

He has spent many years searching the areas where D.B Cooper may have landed. He is very close to many principal players in the case (Law Enforcement and others). You might wonder why I would go to this extreme for Jerry. It’s because Jerry and I share (at least) one common characteristic… we want to be a part of the solution to NORJAK. Or as Jerry put it; “I want to solve this case before Himmelsbach does.” I added; “I do too… and before Geoffrey Gray, and before Galen Cook, before Chris Ingalls.”

So, look for the “Hunting DB with Jerry” (working title) page, coming soon to N467US.com.

I will continue to encourage Jerry to post here, maybe after a while he will reconsider.

By the way, Jerry is willing to act as a guide for anyone with sufficient interest to join him on his searches. If you are serious enough to show up and do some “ground pounding,” then he will take the time to help you. He has a trip planned for next week. He even takes New Yorkers out into the Dark Divide ;), right Geoff?

More on this subject as it develops.


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You sure have behaved cordially and honestly with Jo from all I have seen. Jo is traveling through a hostile territory and she attacks a protector. Go figure.

Good news on Jerry. Kinda like having a Mars rover.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Shelly Thomas, the wife of Jerry Thomas. We have spoken in the past and I tried to help you many time. You could not keep your information straight or describe half of what you claim you did. The things you claim are false and I do not believe you still claim they are true. The bar you went to and discovered that Duane played there with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, burned down three months before you came to the area.The areas you wanted searched were and came up negative. You husband was with his family for Thanksgiving dinner that year. This has been verified by the FBI. Many of the places you seem to believe are connected to this case are not. Please Jo, start to live your own life and not this dream. Duane was not D.B. Cooper. I still remember how you tried to convince me all those years ago. It wasn't true then and it isn't true now. Jerry tried to help you but your story kept changing and in the end you were wrong.

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Hi Shelly,
Welcome to the forum.

I've never heard this story of Duane and Pitt/Cruise. Was that a joke? (sometimes its hard to tell on this thread! :) )
I know Jo has said Duane maybe sang in some bar. Is that what you're referring to?

When Sluggo started talking about Jerry, I wondered whether Jerry might just be another kook, but to be fair, I've not heard anything from or about Jerry that would seem reliable. So I can't know.

It's all been second hand info about Jerry. So if you can fill in some background on what Jerry's been up to over the years, that would be great.

All we have is what's been written up in newspapers and magazines and stuff Jo and Sluggo have said.

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We have moved a few times in the last 11 years. Jerry is retired but still goes to the woods when he is able. He still does the videos and newspapers when asked. We have kept up to date on the case. And have checked out all the new things that have been found. Nothing new really, but there were a few possiblities. Unfortunatly there really isn't much to find out at this time, but he does have a few new project going on soon. I wish there was more but this case is a slow mover. He is heading back to the woods next month and hopefully thing go great. There will be some new litature out soon hopefully. A writer has asked to talk to him. Larry and Ralph still call on occation and it's nice to hear from them. It's not a joke about the bar, she told us that story herself. Unforutanatlly the bar had burned down three months before her trip to Washington. Also she has talked to us several time because we have always had a cell. So this tale of not hearing from Jerry after her trip is false . She sent a letter to us at our place in Washington telling us a tale about Duane and LaCamas Lake. There is no need for more details at this time on that one. If you want to know more I can look for the letter. It might take a little while because we moved again last year and have things still at our other place. Well I will respond to any new post later in the week. Thank you for your post. Shelly

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Welcome to you and to Jerry and thanks for posting. Having a forum participant who is familiar with the area and can actually move around in it off the beaten path (my Mars rover analogy) is invaluable. We on this forum are pretty far removed from the geography and have to rely on Google Earth, aerial photos etc. You can make some really incorrect assumptions and conclusions when that's all you have to look at.

I sure know what you mean about this case being a "slow mover." If Cooper didn't survive the jump, then somewhere there is gear to be found. Even if he did survive he might have stashed the rig on his way out of the landing area.

Looking forward to your further participation and posts.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It's not a joke about the bar, she told us that story herself.

Hi Shelly. Sluggo will tell you who I am. I hope
we can talk more - where Sluggo arranges.

It's a pleasure to meet you and Jerry.

Are you saying it was Jo who came up with a
story about Duane being with Brad Pitt & Tom
Cruise at a bar? What year would that have been?

Pitt is 46 and was born in 63. Cruise is 47 born in

Brad Pitt has a housing project going in New Orleans.
I know people who are workers in the project and
other people who are contributors, because we had
massive floods here last year ... and a lot of people
working in Brad's organisation came here to help.
I can contact Brad Pitt and ask him about this story
if you want me to. It would take some time but I
can do it. ???

I think I already know what the answers will be
but I want to ask before assuming anything.

Lets just leave it at that but I am very pleased
to meet you and Jerry. I'm all ears -


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Even though I talked to Jerry for about an hour and a half, there were a lot of things I didn’t get to discuss. We did talk about where he thought Cooper “went in.”

If I understood him, he believes it was somewhere Northeast of "Dougan Falls” along Stebbins Creek.

Dougan Falls is at:

Waypoint Name Dougan Falls
Lat, Lon (wgs84) 45.67260, -122.15310
N 45°40'21" W 122°9'11"

Lat, Lon (nad27) 45.6728, -122.1519
N 45°40'22" W 122°9'7"

UTM (wgs84) 10 565963E 5058021N

Elevation 640ft / 195m
Feature Type falls
State Washington
County Skamania
USGS Map Title Bobs Mountain

If I have the wrong place, I’m sure he or Shelly will correct me (now that Shelly is posting here).

Due to the file-size limits the attached map may or may not be helpful. This location is considerable east of the “accepted” flight path.


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NE of Dougan Falls, if you try to get to the flight path as short as possible (go W), then it's about 20 miles.

You know we can throw the flight path away, but don't the transcripts still create time&place boundaries that the flight has to meet around Portland?

I don't see how 305 could be 20 miles east of the flight path (PDX) and make the times in the transcript?

Theories on this? Sluggo could articulate rough time periods that the plane has to be in certain rough areas.

Maybe it could be stretched to make it work. an extra 20 miles at 200mph takes 6 minutes. If the plan was looping out that way, it might not be extra mileage considering a straightish line from Seatac.

But they were reasonably close to PDX when they got some comms right? If they were 20 miles E, why did they get the PDX comms (and how come the ATC didn't say "Where the F* are you?")

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NE of Dougan Falls, if you try to get to the flight path as short as possible (go W), then it's about 20 miles.

You know we can throw the flight path away, but don't the transcripts still create time&place boundaries that the flight has to meet around Portland?

I don't see how 305 could be 20 miles east of the flight path (PDX) and make the times in the transcript?

Theories on this? Sluggo could articulate rough time periods that the plane has to be in certain rough areas.

Maybe it could be stretched to make it work. an extra 20 miles at 200mph takes 6 minutes. If the plan was looping out that way, it might not be extra mileage considering a straightish line from Seatac.

But they were reasonable close to PDX when they got some comms right? If they were 20 miles E, why did they get the PDX comms (and how come the ATC didn't say "Where the F* are you?")

Maybe this is a time to be patient and hold your water?

We've been through this before. We know the options. This isnt rocket science. Wait for the
party to speak and maybe not call the right
kooks "kooks" for a change? Just a thought -

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