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DB Cooper

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Yay! finally I get georger to try to attack me instead of Jo.
Although it's pretty weak, just trying to put words in my mouth. Hey, like Jo does! :)

I've been getting a lot of pressure to talk about Cannikin, and the probability that Cooper was protesting it.

On November 6, 1971 Cannikin was detonated as the thirteenth test of the Operation Grommet (1971-1972) underground nuclear test series.

Announced yield was "less than five" megatons – the largest underground nuclear test in US history.

The test was at Amchitka, the outermost of the Aleutian Islands off Alaska. Location : 51.46961 179.10335

In July 1971, a group called the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility filed suit against the AEC, asking the court to stop the test.

The suit was unsuccessful, with the Supreme Court denying the injunction by 4 votes to 3, and Richard Nixon personally authorized the $200 million test, in spite of objections from Japan, Peru, and Sweden.

The Greenpeace tried to sail from Vancouver, BC to Amchitka to protest. The Greenpeace—the original name of which was The Phyllis Cormack, an 80-foot fishing vessel named after skipper John Cormack’s wife—had been chartered by the Don’t Make a Wave Committee.

The Don't Make a Wave committee was formed in Oct. 1969 in Vancouver, BC. (not Vancouver, WA).

It was during meetings in 1970, that the name "Greenpeace" was formed, The Greenpeace organization was formed from this group, in 1972.


(edit) video of Cannikin detonation
nice shots.

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Yay! finally I get georger to try to attack me instead of Jo.
Although it's pretty weak, just trying to put words in my mouth. Hey, like Jo does! :)

Reply: You enabled Jo bigtime.

Dont take your quarrel with Ckret out on me you

Now we are told by a very reliable witness that
everyone has known all along that Duane was with his own family on 11-24-71 And you dont even acknowledge it. Probably dont believe it just to
have something to click keys about...

What exactly is your function here?

Its be nice to Snowmman month! Here we go again!

I snipped the rest of your bullshit.

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377 , i doubt that there would be much nylon left after all these years, but possible. i would be looking for any metal parachute hardeware, pack stiffeners(the nb6 has TONS of metal stiffeners in it in its stock form) locking cones etc. also when cossey packed it, did he pack it with a kicker plate for the pilotchute? if he did then that is one artifact that could be found if he did get the rig open(it would have been freed upon pulling the ripcord and would have come down independent of where cooper landed. also the nb6 /nb8 ripcord is somewhat different from a b4/b12.while they are both trapezoid shaped handles, the nb6/nb8 ripcord has an extra piece of tubing that sort of runs diagonally across the handle.

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Dont take your quarrel with Ckret out on me you

Call his information BS if you want, but let's keep the personal name calling out of this ok?

Simmer down.

I agree. He can call my post labelled 11/6/71 BS, but that would be a waste of time. If there is anything in that post that is not factually correct, I'll eat crow. As far as I can tell, it's all true. I provided source url's that should be sufficient to verify, but further Googling on any of it reveals plenty.

If what georger meant, was that we should discuss this claim of where Duane was on 11/24/71 and who knew, then sure. But I'm not sure anyone is claiming Duane was involved, other than Jo, so maybe that wouldn't be interesting?

But sure, let's discuss. I'm interested.

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377 , i doubt that there would be much nylon left after all these years, but possible. i would be looking for any metal parachute hardeware, pack stiffeners(the nb6 has TONS of metal stiffeners in it in its stock form) locking cones etc. also when cossey packed it, did he pack it with a kicker plate for the pilotchute? if he did then that is one artifact that could be found if he did get the rig open(it would have been freed upon pulling the ripcord and would have come down independent of where cooper landed. also the nb6 /nb8 ripcord is somewhat different from a b4/b12.while they are both trapezoid shaped handles, the nb6/nb8 ripcord has an extra piece of tubing that sort of runs diagonally across the handle.

metal detector, possibly IR from a helicopter on
a cool day if tree cover permits, and there are
dogs trained to snif out metal parts ... Thomas
may have already tried some of this ..

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Even though I talked to Jerry for about an hour and a half, there were a lot of things I didn’t get to discuss. We did talk about where he thought Cooper “went in.”

If I understood him, he believes it was somewhere Northeast of "Dougan Falls” along Stebbins Creek.

Dougan Falls is at:

Waypoint Name Dougan Falls
Lat, Lon (wgs84) 45.67260, -122.15310
N 45°40'21" W 122°9'11"

Lat, Lon (nad27) 45.6728, -122.1519
N 45°40'22" W 122°9'7"

UTM (wgs84) 10 565963E 5058021N

Elevation 640ft / 195m
Feature Type falls
State Washington
County Skamania
USGS Map Title Bobs Mountain

If I have the wrong place, I’m sure he or Shelly will correct me (now that Shelly is posting here).

Due to the file-size limits the attached map may or may not be helpful. This location is considerable east of the “accepted” flight path.


This whole area is rugged, 1000-3500 elevations.
The area NE of the falls along stebbins creek consists
of very thin feeders flowing toward stebbins creek
which then begins to widen toward the falls. I see
a lot of catch basins where things could hang up or
perhaps even be buried in sediments. Metal chute
parts? Jerry has probably already thought this out.
Its quite a distance and quite a drop before you
get to the Columbia.

What immediately comes to mind is Scott's last
remark to Himmeslbach that he was more EAST
of the fp than originally thought. That with a north
east drift? might place him in this area except
this does not fit wth Rataczack's "could see the suburbs of Portland".

I want to make one remark. We have had several people here suddenly saying " was in the suburbs
of Portland". That is not what Rat said. He said
"could see" the suburbs, not "was in".

But Jerry must have a basis for thinking this area
is important ...

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Dont take your quarrel with Ckret out on me you

Call his information BS if you want, but let's keep the personal name calling out of this ok?

Simmer down.

Looks to me like Jo Weber could have used this
months ago?

I know you're serious.

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But, you didn’t want me or anyone else to talk to her or even know anything about her. So, I shredded the document and put it behind me.

See what I mean your memory is not that good:


Not one time have I mentioned her in this forum - and you SET me UP for a battle I don't need right now with my health. I had my first good wk in a long time and now I have to go take medication - a horrible seratonin attack.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Shelly Thomas, the wife of Jerry Thomas. We have spoken in the past and I tried to help you many time. You could not keep your information straight or describe half of what you claim you did.

It is not I who could not keep my information straight - I tried without success to describe the places.


The things you claim are false and I do not believe you still claim they are true. The bar you went to and discovered that Duane played there with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, burned down three months before you came to the area.

The Bar was the Dollar's Corner Tavern and it was there in 1971 and it was there in 1979 and it was there in 2001 when I was there with a TV program. We went and talked to several of the individuals in the bar - Old timers.
If you would like their names I will provide them privately. I don't keep my information straight - What Bar did you think I was talking about? It had NOT burned down - I was there.


Your husband was with his family for Thanksgiving dinner that year. This has been verified by the FBI

If the FBI had this information why haven't I been told this. It may interest you to know that he was not with his "wife" and she was with her family in Lawrence, Ks per multiple conversation with her. Nov. of 1971 the 'wife" children where in Ks and Duane was NOT with them. If you are referring to his family he had only contact with his sister and he was not in CA. with her. What family are you referring to and what family would the FBI be referring to - if they ca? What family are you referring to?

I will be calling the FBI today to verify this information.


Jerry tried to help you but your story kept changing and in the end you were wrong.

How could I change anything - I couldn't get anyone to understand where the places where - I even tried to draw a picture. I tried to find Jerry before I went out there, but I had lost contact with him. I wanted him to see what I found that last day. He kept going other places and didn't think the locations I tried to tell him about where important. He consistently told me that Washougal could not be on my left unless I was going South - but I found it and I found what I thought was a river - it was a long lake. It was all there.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Are you saying it was Jo who came up with a
story about Duane being with Brad Pitt & Tom
Cruise at a bar? What year would that have been?

I have never said anything like that and if Dollars Corner Tavern has burn down it burned down after 2001.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It's not a joke about the bar, she told us that story herself. Unforutanatlly the bar had burned down three months before her trip to Washington

THAT is not true and you know it -
Dollars Corner was there in 2001 when I was there - maybe I was there in 2000 but it had NOT burned down - and I have NEVER mentioned anything as absurb as Brad Pitt or anyone else.
I talked to some of the men in the bar and asked them a lot of questions and we tried to find one of the men they told us about who might have been there in the late sixties and early 70's.

We also went across the road and talked to a man in a store there.


She sent a letter to us at our place in Washington telling us a tale about Duane and LaCamas Lake. There is no need for more details at this time on that one. If you want to know more I can look for the letter. It might take a little while because we moved again last year and have things still at our other place. Well I will respond to any new post later in the week. Thank you for your post. Shelly

I don't remember sending a letter unless it is where I tried to draw the site and if I mentioned LaCames it had to have been after the trip. Dollars Corner was STILL there when I was in WA.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"Dont take your quarrel with Ckret out on me you

says page cannot be displayed - ???

Must be something only you and Jo know about.

Yes, just me and Jo.


A virtual fistfight.
Opponent provides a link to something you don't understand. That's just a set of numbers.
You click on it. It appears nothing happened.
But did nothing happen? How would you know?

You got to ask yourself, is your machine in as good a state as it was before you clicked on the number?

If you think "yes", why would you think that?

In the real world, we don't harass each other because of the threat of a fist fight.

See, we don't really need Quade to maintain civility.

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Shelly Thomas, the wife of Jerry Thomas. We have spoken in the past and I tried to help you many time. You could not keep your information straight or describe half of what you claim you did. The things you claim are false and I do not believe you still claim they are true. The bar you went to and discovered that Duane played there with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, burned down three months before you came to the area..

:)Put your money where your mouth is - May 2, 2001 I arrived in Portland and I was there for 5 days. The Tavern in Dollars Corner was there. The filming was done by "In Search of" IKAOS Entertainment - Perri Cole was the segment producer and they are located in Santa Monica, Ca. The crew and a man named Scott where with me and it was in the afternoon.

You also know that I never mentioned Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise - I have been to 2 movies since 1971...I do NOT rent DVD's or VCR's. I do not have a DVD player. Did not own a VCR until 1996. Do not rent movies. If it is isn't on TV iI don't see it.

Explanation enough - it is 7:24 AM and I have not been to bed. I could not rest until I found the paper work and got this straightened out. I am tired and I have cried a lot tonight - about 6 hours now. I have taken a pill and hope I can sleep for a few hours, but I probably won't until I get in touch with the FBI to "verify" the REST of the "Story".

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feeling but for fantasies to prevail is why the Cooper Case has never been solved. The locals would prefer it live on forever and perhaps it will.

PS Georger: They used ground detecting radar in the backyard and dug Symba up that same month. I have sold the house and no longer live in the area.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"Your husband was with his family for Thanksgiving dinner that year. This has been verified by the FBI. "

Jo has some explaining to do .......................

She might even be liable for civil damages....

Wasn't that McCoy's alibi?
If this is so why didn't Larry just say so?
I do wish Larry was still around (posting) here.

Still, it's interesting to see some clear demons have been stirred up here. From Jo's reaction I understand why she tried to undermine Jerry's credibility before he got anywhere near here. It's not the first time she has tried this tactic of course (don't like the argument? attack the person - another good example is Galen Cook). I'm sure the rest of us will prefer to make up our own minds about who, indeed, is more credible.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Galen Cook is a good guy - we both have our own subject, but we have a good relatiionship.

I am not attacking anyone - just do not like out and out lies. If you will read my post - and do the research - the Tavern was still there in May 5, 2001...anyone who knows me knows I do not even know what Pitt or this other guy look like and that conversation NEVER took place...Why would I talk about something I have no relation too?

The FBI thing -I will know if it takes an attorney - FOIA says I can have that information.
Should this be true and it is one specific person - the FBI cooked their own goose.......and it wasn't for Thankgiving or Christmas.

I did not try to undermined Jerry's credibility - just the ability of anyone to understand what I was describing on the phone hundreds of miles away. Other than that I said NOTHING Sluggo had not said.

Jerry is good man and he tried to help...but I couldn't communicate to him in a manner he could understand - the area I tried over and over to describe.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"Your husband was with his family for Thanksgiving dinner that year. This has been verified by the FBI. "

Jo has some explaining to do .......................

She might even be liable for civil damages....

Wasn't that McCoy's alibi?
If this is so why didn't Larry just say so?
I do wish Larry was still around (posting) here.

Still, it's interesting to see some clear demons have been stirred up here. From Jo's reaction I understand why she tried to undermine Jerry's credibility before he got anywhere near here. It's not the first time she has tried this tactic of course (don't like the argument? attack the person - another good example is Galen Cook). I'm sure the rest of us will prefer to make up our own minds about who, indeed, is more credible.

Yes. Why didn't Ckret just say: Duaner was at home
Thanksgiving 11-24-71? He finally did say in essence: 'we know everything there is to know about Duane' ... and Jo blew her cork for the umpteenth time.

Im wondering at this point if the whole damned thing
shouldn't be sent to the Justice Dept. for a review and
let them sort this out.

I may be wrong, but I 'think' the issue of Duane being
with his family 11-24-71 has come up here before.
I dont know who or in what context. But the issue is
not new or unique to this forum, or unique to Duane.
The issue has come up for every candidate.

I notice Jo's first defense again is "my health".
She's been using that canard for years - as she
goes on the attack!

But, this is not a he-said she-said situation. The FBI
knows. If Duane was NOT with his family 11-24-71
then let JO WEBER PROVE IT! It's her case.

The matter with Duane being with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise! That really is bizarre. I can get to Brad Pitt
rather easily, as others could also.

Jo has a lot of explaining to do ....

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I agree re Jo and her health issues. I don't deny she has serious issues, but they do seem to get very opportunistically raised here.

As for Brad Pitt... hey, Brangelina had their baby next door remember :)

and re:


If Duane was NOT with his family 11-24-71
then let JO WEBER PROVE IT! It's her case.

DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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PS Georger: They used ground detecting radar in the backyard and dug Symba up that same month. I have sold the house and no longer live in the area.

I dont have the faintest idea what you're talking

I do know this. I feel a huge sense of relief. You
are finally OFF MY BACK and now have to deal with
others, and my sense is: this is only the beginning.

Shelly (and Jerry) describe you as always being
confused and even aggressive with your information. That rings a bell! It fits with the way you have conducted your business here and in other forums.

My grandmother lived in the State of Washington.
Likewise one of my aunts & uncles and their whole
family. I still have a ton of cousins there. You, on
the other hand are a complete outsider and that seems rather obvious to me.

You went up to Portland on a trip with a story, and suddenly you are an expert on the whole area clear back to the Washougal ... compared to people who have lived in Washington their whole lives.

And you spend far more time talking than you do

I dont give a rat's ass if you are a CELEBRITY, or
think you are!

To me you are just plain - Dinky Dao!


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I agree re Jo and her health issues. I don't deny she has serious issues, but they do seem to get very opportunistically raised here.

As for Brad Pitt... hey, Brangelina had their baby next door remember :)

and re:


If Duane was NOT with his family 11-24-71
then let JO WEBER PROVE IT! It's her case.

DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner!

Laughing. I may have a cigar. I finally won
something. Im on a roll! .......;)

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If Duane was NOT with his family 11-24-71
then let JO WEBER PROVE IT! It's her case.

Reply> Trying to reconstruct this -

Jo went to Portland in 2001, five day trip, for a filming
of her story. The filming was done in Portland?
Jo had made several prior trips to Washington,
one with Duane? In her 2001 filming trip she wanted
to find places she and Duane had visited earlier, or places she thought relevant to Duane's claim of being Cooper. Jo contacted the Thomas' in order to get help
finding the right places, but Jerry Thomas could
make no sense of the places Jo was talking about?

Presumably the filming went forward without
identifying or mentioning any of the places relevant
to Jo's story that Duane was DB Cooper?

Included in these places is a power line and logging
road Jo says Duane walked out of after landing.
Precisely where these are I do not know. However,
Tom Kaye also asked me (if I knew where these
were?) after Tom read Jo's story. I do not know if
Tom has been able to identify this power line and
logging road, the shed, all contained in Jo's story.

Presumably Jerry Thomas could make no sense of
the places Jo was asking about. So, by the end of
the filming five days later, Jo is sitting outside her
Hotel waiting for a ride, and a truck driver (Angel
Udell) walks up and asks if she can help. Angel
Udell takes Jo in her truck and they are able to find
each one of the places or landmarks Jo had been
looking for ... which Jo thinks fills out the details of
how Duane walked out of the woods after landing,

The above I have pieced together using Jo's posts
below: starting with her replies to Shelly Thomas,
and then ending with Jo's first post on this matter.

"""It is not I who could not keep my information straight - I tried without success to describe the places.

How could I change anything - I couldn't get anyone to understand where the places where - I even tried to draw a picture. I tried to find Jerry before I went out there, but I had lost contact with him. I wanted him to see what I found that last day. He kept going other places and didn't think the locations I tried to tell him about where important. He consistently told me that Washougal could not be on my left unless I was going South - but I found it and I found what I thought was a river - it was a long lake. It was all there.

I don't remember sending a letter unless it is where I tried to draw the site and if I mentioned LaCames it had to have been after the trip. Dollars Corner was STILL there when I was in WA.

I did not try to undermined Jerry's credibility - just the ability of anyone to understand what I was describing on the phone hundreds of miles away. Other than that I said NOTHING Sluggo had not said.

Jerry is good man and he tried to help...but I couldn't communicate to him in a manner he could understand - the area I tried over and over to describe. """

and Jo's first post on this matter:

""" Interesting statistics. The woman was a truck driver in the area for 20 or 30 yrs. Not going to the notes to be exact - but that was 2001 and if she had been driving for 20 yrs that is 1981. She approached me telling me I seemed troubled. I was waiting on my ride and sitting on a bench in front of the Hotel. She asked if I had a problem (I didn't think I looked like I was troubled). I told her she couldn't help me because I was looking for places I had been told didn't exist. This is when she told me she had been a truck driver in the area for 20 yrs and pleaded with me to describe them. During the 5 prior days no one took me to anything that vaguely matched what I saw in 1979. She did not hesitate to tell me the locations of the places I described and her directions where specific. The locations were dead on - I will never forget that day as long as I live. I am not particularly religious, but earlier I had thrown a flower into the Columbia and spoke out loud to God and to Duane - "I have been here for 5 days and I don't know anymore than I did the 1 st day. It's all up to you guys now." Over an hour later - my "prayer" is answered. The trip to WA was not futile. Why was she at the front door of the Hotel if she was making a delivery of some sort? This hotel was on the Portland side of the river...the address she gave me was also Portland - and when I contacted the business at that address - they never heard of her. I expect she gave me a fake name and the address of one of her deliveries, but WHY. Hence - Why I call her my Angel Udell. ''''

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PS Georger: They used ground detecting radar in the backyard and dug Symba up that same month. I have sold the house and no longer live in the area.

I dont have the faintest idea what you're talking

I'm assuming "Symba" is a reference to The Symba Bill. Supposedly there was a $20 bill that Jo got rid of that was found in a a bank called Symba? Or something like that?

I think the $20 was radioactive, which is why it was disposed of.

That's all I know.

Jo said on 8/15/07:
I do believe he kept one of the bills and that I inadvertantly disposed of it - WHY!? - because I didn't know who Dan Cooper was and it was just an old $20 bill in a bank called "Symba".

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