georger 247
QuoteThanks Jerry, for the explanation.
"Ive lost riffles supplies a car equipment ECT"
Note that implies that wherever you were, had a reasonable amount of human traffic. Unless you mean animals took them?
You said you went N miles in a line from where you camped. (still not sure what the max N was)
I'm assuming the other human traffic was typically from cars/trucks driven to some location, and then people walking in, at most a day.
I guess I don't understand why these sites are called remote, if there's all this human traffic?
Reply> In 1971 it was less populated, less traffic.
By say 1980 things had begun to change. More people. More traffic. Today its a zoo at times.
Just like in my State the wilderness is gone.
Literally gone. More damned roads per capita
than any other State and it hurts on every level.
The Washington Cooper bailed into is not the
Washington of today.
(edit) I can understand how a dead body might be eaten and not found etc. But there's always this statement that it would be impossible for Cooper to walk out. I've never heard something that "proves" that. One the one hand I don't care, because I don't think he jumped in the woods. But it's like part of the seems people want to say that for some reason.
Much better to start with assuming Cooper could do anything anyone here could do.
Reply> That might be a false assumption, a large
false assumption. Skydivers are generally fit people,
more fit than average, and we know nothing about
Cooper's fitness - we do know he was nuts!
The business about walking out assumes a night walk, primarily.
We all know he might have landed in a less hilly
wooded area. Thats changes the requirements.
We just dont know.
georger 247
If Snow is a fit young man withQuoteQuoteBut I'm still up for it. With only the conditions as stated in my first post.
Knowing what I do about your ice climbing exploits, I'd actually bet on you not against you Snow. Really.
climbing experience, good legs and sound ankles and knees, and younger than Cooper .... well then
its not a comparison to Dan Cooper is it? (whether
Snow succeeds or not). The validity of the experiment is at stake, it sounds to me ...
georger 247
QuoteSnow, George, Jerry, Sluggo, Anyone-
I think this was brought up before, but i cant remember or find it. Other than the flight crew, who definately without a doubt 100% saw Cooper? Not just a guy on the plane fitting Coopers description or sombody checking in looking like him?
Simons and his wife saw Cooper, and others.
All the passengers were interviewed.
Now the wierd thing about Simons and his wife is
they participated in a tv program (In Search Of?)
later and they had a long story about almost having
an 'encounter' with Cooper who Simons claimed glared at him s Simons was passing to go to the
Ckret said here he didnt believe it because the
Simons said nothing about any of this in their
Other passengers were interviewed however and
gave a description of Cooper. Nobody apparently
interacted with him however. There was a student
sitting close to Cooper who apparently watched him a little?
I would have to go to my notes - others may
remember more here...
QuoteSnow, George, Jerry, Sluggo, Anyone-
I think this was brought up before, but i cant remember or find it. Other than the flight crew, who definately without a doubt 100% saw Cooper? Not just a guy on the plane fitting Coopers description or sombody checking in looking like him?
A college student by the name of Mitchell who when I contacted him after 1997 - was working for Boeing. Mitchell does not really remember much. He did not move as was requested right away.
He said that there was something hanging out from Cooper's pants - could have just been socks but could have been long-underwear. He just really did pay much attention. He had little to say.
Even from the accountings of the hijacking - Mitchell has had little to say. He was a typical College student going home for the holiday.
georger 247
Silly boy!
Women do almost everything in their undergarments. And so do men (trying not to be sexist, Orange1).
However, they usually have their outer-garments on also.
Now... back in the late sixties... when I was at Stanford... I knew this girl from Berkley… she didn’t shave her underarms or wear panties…. She would do this thing with her… oh!.... uh!......... NEVERMIND!
The Devil made me do it!
Goodall reported chimps breaking off branches and
leaves and placing them on their back to shed the rain. Chimps even holding branches over other chimps like umbrellas. Chimps and other primates make nests and sleep in them of course. When you
think about it, clothes are nothing but a portable nest.
From a survival point of view in that area, its
knowing when to move and when not to. How to
move between hills, generally down creek beds
to stay out of trouble. Keeping dry and warm.
Holding up if necessary and not extended yourself.
Small steps. How to deal with animals. Knowing
the area before you go in and having a plan. Letting someone know you are going in is important. You
follow the rules and dont over-extend yourself
even on a hunt on a ncie day when everything
appears ok ???