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DB Cooper

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I have worked hard all of my life and we did not have the internet...so I did not pay much attenction to anything other than the front page if I even saw that. I read books and I worked - that was it. I still had to cook and keep house and laundry. I was a working partner and a housewife.

I knew very little about Cooper and what I did know didn't hang with me at time as I had no reason to catelogue the memory.

Newspapers and TVs - back in thos day when everyone else was watching TV - I was making appoints on the phone or out on appointment....I hardly ever watched TV. SORRY to disalusion you...

defensive about the TV but clearly no newspapers either ("if" the front page"). presumably not just around the hijacking but the years before and after. what a time to have no interest in news... vietnam war, men landing on the moon, kids being shot by the national guard on university campuses, kruschev banging his shoe in the UN, gold standards being abandoned, presidents being impeached, and so on - as well as the odd hijacking - and Jo apparently oblivious. no matter.

(my mother worked a fulltime job and also kept house, laundry etc and read books...and yet still managed to read the newspaper every day. but that's an aside.)


- Believe me that I have witnesses ready to stand by my side when the proper time comes and that will not be in this forum.
.............. That Book will be present when the time is right and not in this forum. It will be presented where it will count

The above is a much edited version of Jo's long post (which i must admit i haven't read most of). I just have a question Jo: given the quotes above - and that despite you repeatedly telling us about your 13 years spent searching and that doesn't seem to be enough -- why are you wasting your time with this forum instead of getting all your ducks in a row for "when the time is right" which will be "not in this forum"? What are you waiting for, 2011 and the 40th anniversary?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Nobody from Jo's past was here to speak to her statements
directly. Jo has always said: "Remember Duane's famous words - Hide it in plain site."


:)Georger. YOU would rather rant and ridicule like Jerry did on the phone - Believe me that I have witnesses ready to stand by my side when the proper time comes and that will not be in this forum.


Hide it in plain site. I found one last thing - got to thinking about where I found that old book and the picture inside of it. There was one more item - in plain site all of this time. Another book. In this book where connections to WA, ID, OR, B.C. and CA. The other item he had place on my shelf in 1990...I had used this book, but never paid any attention to something very specific about the book. I was in the middle of a phone conversation - when the thought occured to me. I was amazed at what had been in front of me all of these yrs." (Weber: Feb 1 2009)

:(That Book will be present when the time is right and not in this forum. It will be presented where it will count........:)========================


If you recall Jo spent weeks here over a photo from Salt Lake City and a Mormon connection she said was important to the case of Duane and DB Cooper.

:)you know it don't you Georger.
You are nice and calm until that photo comes out and then you go get all nasty and agitated - WHY?

As for the McCoy Book:

[:/]Sorry Georger I never read the McCoy Book - so I only know what has been said here and by a man who contacted me in reference to some fo those things...the McCoy book is mostly fiction and you know it - so why bother to mention it. B|McCoy's wife sued the writer and won - she did not identify the tie or a clasp? I am the one who reveal that in this forum.

B|Ah So you did do your research - suprise suprise;

Mrs McCoy was granted an injunction to prohibit the sale of movie rights to the book, conditional upon the movie including references to four specific allegations that she contested in the book. And
Mrs. McCoy accepted a settlement for her grief
in 1994. Cooper never left a Bigham Young medalion with MCCoy's initials on it, on the plane


Jo seems to be using the McCoy book as her standard reference on the Cooper matter and trying to link Duane using what the McCoy book says.

:PHow can I use a book as a standard that I have never read?

:PHow ridiculous of you Georger - I never read the book - it has never been touched by me . How do you get that I ever did that . Why is it when I bring out the SLA city avatar you get ballistic and crazy. Why does it shake you up.?


Remember that there was not only the books but a re-assurgence of articles on Cooper in the early 80's. He also had taken a job that required consistent contact with individuals on a daily and weekly basis."


You see that avatar and you go ballistice every time.


And, "MsCooper wrote on Jun 14, 2006: "The picture with the mustach and white hair was taken in Virginia Beach around 1987 -- this was how he appeared after NORJAX was put on the racks in 1986 --- Why did he suddenly grow facial hair in 1986- 87."

Jo also claims to have exclusive evidence in the Cooper case, as follows: "I am not certain but I believe I am the only one who has stated that Cooper had an Altimeter Watch - simply because Duane told me he used to have one . This was told to me in the yrs prior to my finding the ticket and stub. This was told to me in Virginia Beach, Virginia...Strange I remember where we were at the time - and what we were doing also. This does not indicate that Cooper had such a watch, but Duane did. "

:PYes he did tell me that - but we were NOT discussing Cooper. We were at a display sale in one of the hotels.

Jo says it is strange she remembers where they were at the time, in Virginia Beach. But, of course this is where McCoy was killed, where the Cooper matter was being discussed at large, and where the Webers first got interested in DB Cooper. So Jo would remember where something so important in her life began, something she is still working on today

>:(It was not important to me - I was working but not on Cooper. THese are just things he pointed out - the house McCoy got killed in but I didn't know McCoy was a highjacker at that time. He just drove by the place and pointed it out - he never gave me any details and I didn't ask. McCoy was killed there before we ever moved to Virginia - so there WAS NOTHING to read in the papers.

The only thing I am working on from our time in Virgina is some pics he showed me of some men and 3 of these men where smokjumper in the 40's.and 50's. You take everything and twist it. Duane and I were not working on anything to gether - and I was not interested in Cooper - I did not even know the things he showed me briefly were ever related to Cooper. I did not know what Norjak was about. He never let me read the book.

" With all that has happened in the last 24 hrs. - I have not one iota of doubt that Duane was Cooper....a couple of these things cannot be discussed in a forum but investigated by the FBI. Hopefully Carr will react on the information I gave him....if he doesn't SHAME on HIM. The answer to the crime has been staring the FBI in the face for 36 yrs...but who would have thought something that appeared so mundane could actually be a red flag - and the pivotal point for Cooper's decision to hijack the plane in addition to his health and personal problems at that time. I now think I can rest - I have done all I can do and I have all the proof I need. I found that needle in the haystack thanks to this forum. LOVE to all - Ms. Cooper Rest in Peace Mouse - You made your statement with what you thought would be your last few moments on earth, but you survived and you got it right and you know THAT BOY MADE GOOD! (This post was edited by skyjack71 on Jan 17, 2008, 8:29 PM)"""""

Believe me that is a good statement - because to this day CARR NEVER investigated what I gave me - not at all. But I have people on it myself. It is slow going because I am not in California doing it and the other person might not understand what they are lookiing for. Not one things I gave CArr has been investigated.... but with what is going on I suggest he get busy.

And if Duane was NOT Cooper then everything above
and everything you have done and said over 13+
years and in this forum is what?

You are running into yourself coming and going.

I am just researching this thing, Ms. Weber. You
are the one with with large claims and a personal

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I made a long post below and If you will be so kind as to note that Georger only does these things when I use the Salt Lake Photo. That photo drives him balistic.

Reply> You have said this umpteen times. It is pure
utter nonsense. That photo doesn't affect me in any
manner any more than taking a sip of coffee does.

I guess since you have brought this up a billion times
the question WE ALL HAVE FOR YOU IS: what are you
driving at? What is your major malfunction?

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Snowmman clearly engages in 'petty' psychological warfare here testing how far he/she can manipulate people, but for what end, if any?

Hey, the economy is in shambles and there is no more profitable business than a cult. Snowmman knows a good thing when he sees it, just like L Ron Hubbard, Sun Myung Moon, Werner Erhard, etc. Plus, the cult leaders get the pick of the litter for "personal assistants."

When he emerges alive from the killer Washougal, after a near crucifixion and a crown of blackberry thorns, he will be hailed as a messiah. The Vatican will denounce him as a false prophet but it wont slow him down one bit. The Snowbball is on a roll.


SnowBBall is right. He wont any more
jump into the Washougal than he will stop posting
on internet forums.

He would rather be stripped naked in the public
square and castrated first!

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I made a long post below and If you will be so kind as to note that Georger only does these things when I use the Salt Lake Photo. That photo drives him balistic.


Another tease. Who do you think is in the photo? Why do you think it elicits a strong response from G? Stop dealing in innuendo and just tell us what you contend.

The photo just looks like a guy in a band or choir uniform to me. Without further info, I fail to see any Cooper connection. Remember when you were postulating that the coat chevrons had military/govt/intelligence significance? That seemed very illogical to me.

Anything and everything you post about ________ being Cooper riles up G. Hard for me to tell that the SLC photo is an especially unique trigger point. That "ballistic" claim is also a bit illogical don't you think? IF the photo were especially significant, an FBI/CIA guy as smart as G would never rise to the bait. Correct?

As always, I welcome your posts. Free speech 24/7/365 here. Wild theories welcomed. Maybe there never was a hijack after all.


There is something about that photo that definitely stirs JO up. If its like everything else she has posted

How is anyone to ever know and does it matter to
anyone but Jo? We will never know!

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I came here today to find out something I just heard only to end up defending myself all morning.

I got a call from WA. that there are people down on the river doing some kind of tests. Float Tests and other things and it is all in relation to Cooper. It was about this time of the yr that the money showed up at Tena's bar.

The woman who contacted me is in Seattle so I don't know what is really going on. But Georger did all those posts and made me spend 3 yrs defending myself. Don't attack me and I am in there like I did the other night to make a quick post and then back out.

It was all announced earlier. You missed it being so
busy with your story. Have fun Jo. We are!

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The thing Lord Cooper teaches us, is to adapt, to never give up, that we don't have to prove all paths lead to success, just find that one, even if we have to invent it.

So in that vein, March Madness month has been redefined.

EVERY post has to mention Duane. (or Weber)

Duane. (my avatar, should not be considered meeting the requirements of March Madness. First it's a picture. Second, it isn't insane enough)

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"When he emerges alive from the killer Washougal, after a near crucifixion and a crown of blackberry thorns, he will be hailed as a messiah. The Vatican will denounce him as a false prophet but it wont slow him down one bit. The Snowbball is on a roll."

Too funny, 377. I can't take it.

I am gagging on my coffee. I have the image in my mind. The crown of blackberry thorns is the spice that will make it go totally viral.

Youtube video. 3 million hits. I dream of it.

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"SnowBBall is right. He wont any more
jump into the Washougal than he will stop posting
on internet forums."

Hi georger.
Are you saying you're getting the money together?

The original post didn't mention jumping. I said you could put me anywhere you want.

I agree that might make it difficult to keep it "unknown area" to me.

The problem with jumping is that it's likely I'd get injured on the landing.

I'm up for any proposal for getting me to the area without knowing where it is, though.

If a jump was involved, me being a total novice, there would have to be more money. maybe $10k if it was during the day, and the weather was good. (and 377 got me skilled up)

(edit) Here's the thing about why guys like Jerry are bigger losers than me. They never clarify what their theory is. Because once you clarify, you can analyze. A lot.
For instance. If Cooper was injured on landing, and that's why he didn't get out, that means he deployed, and somehow magically landed in the Washougal. (smaller target than Columbia!). And the deployed chute wasn't found (it didn't get caught in trees? Cooper hid it, though injured?)

And that the theory is more probable than any other theory.

Please continue analyzing me Georger. I'm not fixed yet.

Note a no-pull into the Washougal makes it even harder. The plane has to be further off course, because you can't make up a canopy drift to account for a couple miles.

(edit) So, can you tell me more about your castration fantasies, georger? How do you feel about them?

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I wonder how allied bomber crews fared bailing out over Europe in WW 2? Most had never jumped before. Many British bomber crews bailed out at night in the winter over all sorts of terrain. Injuries? No pulls? Is there any good data on this?

Landing a military bailout type round is not hard to do on good soft level ground, but they come down fast and if you add rocks, darkness and hills to the equation injuries become a lot more likely.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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There aren't many color photos of WWII gear (thinking about 377's comment)

There are guys who collect WWII gear, and a nice page of color photos (modern) of guys wearing the old gear (some is repro, but these guys are real into it, accuracy is important)

Funny, one guy has a briefcase in a photo.

actually worth looking at for all you real jumpers

Was the idea that you grab the chute and clip it on and then jump? It looks like they didn't wear the chutes all the time, just the rig?

scrolling down, there's a picture of a waist gunner. scary looking job.

(edit) I read one or two stories of emergency WWII jumps where the guy talked about having to punch out his canopy from the container. I thought one mentioned there was a board or something in them. dunno.

(edit) Note in some (not all) of these color photos, the container has the D-rings and the rig has the hooks. (opposite of what we normally discuss). You can see that up close in some of the pics.

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377 - I was not referring to you as making attacks - I had been up all night trying to dispell all of the crap Georger had posted. You are always courteous and kind and handle everything in an intelligent way. Sorry that you or anyone else got that impression.

Georger - I will re-interate today that I did NOT move to Virginia until 1983. Therefore there were NO news items about McCoy while I was living there.

Georger - it does seem like the SLC photo does something to you - perhaps it is trigger you are not aware of. Any mention of the book that had the photo in it does the same thing.

Georger I try to ignore your posts and I do just fine until you throw your flagrant "lies" or deliberater "Georger" interperation out there for no reason what-so-ever. Please note you are nice and polite until I mention the Book, the picture of the little girl or flash that SLC avatar.

Georger and all: I do not mind being questioned or what I say being analyzed. The problem I have is a certain poster puts me on the defensive by taking my words and uses information that does not apply.

He makes his post his own about what I have said - without asking me what I meant or verifing a time period -Such as assuming I lived in Va during the McCoy yrs.

A simple post asking if I lived in VA during the R.McCoy incident could have save me some vauable time last night. I therefore stayed up all night trying to defend myself and I had medication in me.

All I came to the forum for last night was to find out what is going on at the Columbia. Of course Georger smarted off and said I missed it - I have checked the past posts for the last few days and found nothing in reference to the happening I have heard about in the last 2 days. We have NOTHING in our local news and Cooper usually does NOT make the National News.

Would someone be kind enough to PM me about what is going on.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I jumped from the Collings Foundation B24 WW2 bomber back when it had the very non PC "Dragon and Its Tail" artwork on its starboard fuselage. At $350 it was my most expensive jump by far, but it was worth it. We stood on the longitudinals in the bomb bay and left right out the bottom ... just like bombs.

It was peacetime. We were flying during a beautiful sunset over Quincy Illinois rather than a freezing winter day over Berlin. Instead of bone breaking rounds we had the latest cushy sport gear, but it was still haunting imagining being mauled by flack and fighters over Germany and bailing out over hostile territory.

Check out the artwork, genuine WW 2 B24 artwork copy:


BTW, the B 24 co-pilot was a pretty bonde Swedish model, REALLY! She later married the pilot who was one of the Collings family members. Some guys have all the luck.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 - I was not referring to you as making attacks - I had been up all night trying to dispell all of the crap Georger had posted. You are always courteous and kind and handle everything in an intelligent way. Sorry that you or anyone else got that impression.

OK Jo, thanks for clearing that up :)
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 - I was not referring to you as making attacks - I had been up all night trying to dispell all of the crap Georger had posted. You are always courteous and kind and handle everything in an intelligent way. Sorry that you or anyone else got that impression.

OK Jo, thanks for clearing that up :)
Yea, its all my fault!

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377 - I was not referring to you as making attacks - I had been up all night trying to dispell all of the crap Georger had posted. You are always courteous and kind and handle everything in an intelligent way. Sorry that you or anyone else got that impression.

OK Jo, thanks for clearing that up :)

And the next time we do ANYTHING in this case
we will get your and Jo's permission first, Ralph
Himmelsbach included!

Tell us where we file out application!

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377 - I was not referring to you as making attacks - I had been up all night trying to dispell all of the crap Georger had posted. You are always courteous and kind and handle everything in an intelligent way. Sorry that you or anyone else got that impression.

OK Jo, thanks for clearing that up :)
Yea, its all my fault!

That's right Georger. Jo correctly assigns all blame to you and I am proud that you are taking it like a man. ;) While you are in that mode, can I blame today's stock market crash on you too?

I keep thinking about the shoe issue. We just dont have good solid info on what Cooper wore. The FAs have different descriptions so who knows what he wore? Slipons would be ripped off in the jump, I am pretty sure of that. A shoeless landing would be hard enough but a shoeless egress on a freezing wet night??? I bet Jerry would have something to say about that.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I've read a lot of the old-timers talking about the Golden Age of jumping...the 70's I guess. And it got me wondering about how people weren't so focused on jobs and money (if you were young) cause there wasn't any.

Are we returning to that kind of thing? where people just do crazy shit and not talk about whether it makes sense any more because what the fuck are you going to do anyhow?

Is the guy who can afford to bring the case of beer going to be everyone's friend? Jumping off cliffs cause no one can afford planes? Is Crazy Billy going to be sewing up military surplus gear, selling out of the back of his van in the parking lot? Hell if I know, maybe that's the scene already.

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It is my understanding Tina said Ankle Shoe. That interpert differently to different individuals.

Somehow this became loafers.
I personally do not think she meant Loafers and I had never heard of ankle shoes. There is the low Ankle boot that was very popular in 1971. It came higher than a regular shoe and had a zipper on the inside of the ankle.

Snowmman posted a picture of an ankle shoe but it looked nothing like the ones I am referring to. High arches (I am talking about the front of the foot being raised)presented a problem wearing those kind of shoes). I am being careful to clarify what I say as I do not know if high arches included the front part of the foot also being high.

Duane was wearing the zippered boots and "shoes" when I met him and he continued to do so for yrs and yrs. He had other shoes - but these kind were his preference.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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A chain of ifs:

If Cooper had shoes that would rip off, they'd rip off even if he no-pulled.

If he jumped and landed in the Columbia, his shoes would have fallen somewhere. Maybe floated if they landed in the Columbia. Maybe somewhere around Portland/Vancouver.

(edit) vintage 1970s ankle boots from the web (zip up) many variations. (attached)

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these almost look like jumper boots to me (from back then)

caption from the auction ad:

"Great looking vintage 1960s or early 1970s dark gray ankle boots. Size 7-1/2D, 2" stacked heel, 11" heel to toe, 3.75" wide. Square toe box with accent black stitching. Quality leather which is nicely broken in. Designer or bootmaker is illegible."

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A chain of ifs:

If Cooper had shoes that would rip off, they'd rip off even if he no-pulled.

If he jumped and landed in the Columbia, his shoes would have fallen somewhere. Maybe floated if they landed in the Columbia. Maybe somewhere around Portland/Vancouver.

Snowmman you are right - a Chain of if's. Ifs and more ifs. You also make the point that most of us have a difficult time dealing with.

Why nothing was ever found - and I do mean nothing. If he landed in the Columbia and sank to the bottom or becoming entangled in debris ... something had to have come loose .... he could not have landed completely intact and if he did- Cooper survived.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There is another one that doesn't come up that high - came higher than a lace-up but not as high as the boots you posted. Was considered a dress shoe - he had one pair in dark brown alligator or snake skin.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Looking at those ankle boots, I wonder if Cooper was wearing big heels like that? Maybe that's why he appeared to be 5'11" - 6' ???

maybe he was a shorter guy with big heels on his ankle boots. I think maybe a lot of the ankle boots had big heels?

The ones with the heels would not have been very smart if he intended to jump out of an airplane. I also think the witnesses would have noted if he had on the ones with the higher heel, but then since we have NO clear cut description of the shoes - who knows what they saw or didn't see? All we have is the description Ankle Shoes and only Tina knows what she was referring to in that description.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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