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DB Cooper

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One of the biggest problems your Duane story has starts at the very beginning with his death bed confession to you without any witnesses or recordings. It is the first thing in your story and it's the thing that makes most people highly skeptical because it leaves so many things open for interpretation.

Had I have understood what he was telling me - I would have found someone else - for him to repeat the story to. They had told him that day he would be deceased in 5 days - had I known who Dan Cooper was - yes, I should have borrowed one from someone...but back then I didn't even think about it.


You meeting Tina privately does absolutely nothing as far as your credibility goes. It is ONLY if it is witnessed and documented by others that it becomes valuable.

At this point my credibility has NOTHNG to do with my wanting to meet with Tina. If my credibility was involved I would want the meeting recorded - I choose not to do that unless it is her choice to do so. My wanting to meet with Tina has only one reason - because I am the only one who really needs to know if Duane was Cooper or not. I am the one who needs to know if this is all a long series of co-incidences and if I have been in possession of the truth since 1990 - 5 yrs before Duane died.

I never dreamed that this would go on for 13 yrs - I thought the FBI would investigate and that would be the end of it. BUT, they lied to me about his background and that was not a good thing to do...that only caused me to dig further and find more and more and more...too much information.
Shocking things I never thought I would find (I do not tell the public
everything I have learned about Weber).

I need to know who I spent 17 yrs of my life with and then 13 more yrs trying to unravel his life...as a result of his confession.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Several people who have looked into this say the Cooper infatuation began at Virginia Beach, not
at Duane Weber's deathbed.

In addition, Jo's original claim cited a witness
to Duane's death-bed remarks. (and possibly
a signed statement).

The trip was in 1979 when we lived in CO., Virginia is where McCoy died. In Virgina - A book on Forestry surfaced that had a picture of Duane in it - and he knew these guys. The Norjax book was published, Other books were published during that time but to my knowledge Duane was unaware of them.

There was NO witness to the deathbed confession - that was the day after when he was rambliing about the bucket and had medication in him. If there is a signed statement I have no knowledge of it unless Doug Pasternak did it. I do not remember if the FBI interviewed this woman about the Bucket conversation or took a statement.

If the FBI has mistakenly stated that she heard the confession the day before then that would only prove that the FBI goofed up this investigation. She did not come until the next day - as I called his friends to let them know they should come say Goodbye.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo -

One of the biggest problems your Duane story has starts at the very beginning with his death bed confession to you without any witnesses or recordings. It is the first thing in your story and it's the thing that makes most people highly skeptical because it leaves so many things open for interpretation.

Had the meeting been documented and witnessed by others it would certainly be more credible as it removes at least half of the alternative theories and interpretations.

You meeting Tina privately does absolutely nothing as far as your credibility goes. It is ONLY if it is witnessed and documented by others that it becomes valuable.

Quade speaks perfect sense, as does 377 when he says the best interviewer would be someone impartial. I think 377 himself would be a good choice!

Very clearly Tina wants to hide away from the world. This is understandable in many respects (and goes to show how Cooper ended up doing long lasting damage to some of the people on the flight, not as "harmless" as some like to portray). Be that as it may: one of 2 things could happen:

1) Jo knows, herself has posted along those lines as have others, Tina does not want contact with the outside world. Tina could say anything and it would go through the "Jo filter" and come out as support of the Duane theory, with Jo knowing full well Tina would not contradict her because she would shut herself off from the world again. OR
2) Unlikely, but that Tina would go public. Unlikely only because she hasn't till now, I think. fwiw I do NOT believe that Tina by going public would be subject to what Jo claims to have gone through, for a very simple reason: Tina is a direct witness to something. Sure, years have gone by and memories can fade, but Tina as a witness can say "i remember this, i don't remember that" etc. It is not as if Tina will be trying to construct a house of cards or adding 2 + 2 and getting 22. In fact, should she ever consider going public, trying to scare her against that on these grounds would be very self-serving, imo.

And happy Easter, and belated happy Passover, to all on the forum who celebrate them.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo -

One of the biggest problems your Duane story has starts at the very beginning with his death bed confession to you without any witnesses or recordings. It is the first thing in your story and it's the thing that makes most people highly skeptical because it leaves so many things open for interpretation.

Had the meeting been documented and witnessed by others it would certainly be more credible as it removes at least half of the alternative theories and interpretations.

You meeting Tina privately does absolutely nothing as far as your credibility goes. It is ONLY if it is witnessed and documented by others that it becomes valuable.

As much as Jo would prefer that she personally conduct a DBC interview with Tina, it is better that such an interview be conducted by a NEUTRAL person, one who has no vested interest in the outcome.

Even if there are witnesses, an interview conducted by a party who has an interest in the outcome runs a high risk of influencing the witness, even unconsciously. Tina might see Jo's anguish/angst and wish to soothe it by answering in a certain way that might relieve Jo's stress.

Compassion is a wonderful human quality, but it is counterproductive in investigative interviews. The way I see it, one should do everything possible to eliminate or at least minimize emotional factors that can influence answers.


And what if Tina Mucklow does NOT want to meet
with Jo Weber, FOR ANY REASON?

What then?

Are YOU then willing to let this go?

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Orange, I think Tina should decid.e As for me - I don't care one way or the other - I just want answers and peace. If she did say from what I have to present to her - that Duane was Cooper - then again that will be her choice and if she chooses for it to remain behind closed doors - then so be it. If she identifies the "stuff" she may want to consult with an attorney as to her rights or have her own attorney or representative present at the meeting. I have no reservations about any of it...I just want peace.

Happy Easter
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Quade speaks perfect sense, as does 377 when he says the best interviewer would be someone impartial. I think 377 himself would be a good choice!

And I will state "for the record" I think 377 would be
the worst choice possible, next to no neutral parties
at all.

And why do I say this: Because 377 is NOT a neutral
party in any sense, or even competent, as I see it.
Im sorry but that is what I think.

Probably nobody from this forum could be a neutral party and I will include myself. As for myself, I would
not participate in this in any even!

I think once again we are all missing the maine issue here.

This matter WILL NOT be settled here at this forum
in any event, thank God! Of that I am 10000% sure.
This is, in fact, an empty discussion -

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And what if Tina Mucklow does NOT want to meet
with Jo Weber, FOR ANY REASON?

What then?

Are YOU then willing to let this go?

Only meeting with Tina will I let this go.

Very likely JO, you would not let it go then.
Quade was right in his first statement. It would
only make things worse, for everyone.

You probably know this in your heart, better than
anyone here can know it.

God's blessing on you.

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Orange, I think Tina should decid.e As for me - I don't care one way or the other - I just want answers and peace. If she did say from what I have to present to her - that Duane was Cooper - then again that will be her choice and if she chooses for it to remain behind closed doors - then so be it. If she identifies the "stuff" she may want to consult with an attorney as to her rights or have her own attorney or representative present at the meeting. I have no reservations about any of it...I just want peace.

Happy Easter

I thought Tina had already decided, it seems clear she wants to be left alone from all I can gather. I guess she just wants peace, too.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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And why do I say this: Because 377 is NOT a neutral
party in any sense, or even competent, as I see it.
Im sorry but that is what I think.

You are right Georger, I am not neutral. Besides, I doubt Tina wants to be interviewed by anyone so it is likely a moot point.

I have a couple of technical professional and sport licenses/degrees attesting to at least minimal levels of competence, but you know how lax those license tests and graduation requirements are.

My competence is far better judged here by you.

OK, the masquerade is over. I confess. I am incompetent.

Now can we be more friendly and collegial?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And what if Tina Mucklow does NOT want to meet
with Jo Weber, FOR ANY REASON?

What then?

Are YOU then willing to let this go?

Only meeting with Tina will I let this go.


I hope that's not true. In your lifetime we may learn who Cooper really was. If that happens and it rules out Duane, surely you will let it go won't you?

Give yourself more than one exit.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Smoke Jumper Beer.


There must have been a DBC beer somewhere. Anyone have an image of the label?

Off topic? No way. Beer is relevant to any topic involving skydiving, right Orange?

If given the choice between permanently giving up beer or their reserve, many jumpers would hang up the reserve.

Having twice been saved by my reserve and never saved by beer, I would keep my reserve, but I might be in the minority.

Where is Snowmman? Sluggo is also missed. Squawk ident, both of you.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And why do I say this: Because 377 is NOT a neutral
party in any sense, or even competent, as I see it.
Im sorry but that is what I think.

You are right Georger, I am not neutral. Besides, I doubt Tina wants to be interviewed by anyone so it is likely a moot point.

I have a couple of technical professional and sport licenses/degrees attesting to at least minimal levels of competence, but you know how lax those license tests and graduation requirements are.

My competence is far better judged here by you.

OK, the masquerade is over. I confess. I am incompetent.

Now can we be more friendly and collegial?


I didnt mean to say you are in incompetent person.
Obviously you are not. You have great acomplishments
and talents to your credit and its buzzy of me to even
talk about it, just that in this context its pretty
apparent (to me) what is going on and what would
happen if J and T had a meeting. I thought Quade
hit the nail on the head the first time, but Jo came
back debating, as I thought she might do, ......

Its a little strange we are even discussing this,
frankly, because its none of our business anyway.

I just want to make things clear between us.
You are not an incompetent "person" and I did not
mean or intend to say that. ...

[edit]: It is Sluggo who is the incompetent one!;)

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OK Georger. Peace.

I do wonder if Tina was abused by Cooper in some way beyond the bomb threat etc. It is a pretty dramatic life change from stewardess to cloistered nun. Cooper may not have done anything more than is public. Just the thought of being blown up may have been trumatic enough. If I were a crew member who saw Cooper I'd worry that I'd be killed to prevent identification.

The trauma, whatever it was, could also have affected her recollection. Time is also working against the accuracy of a memory of such a long past event. Many think Tina could ID DBC, or rule out a particular suspect, but that may not be a correct assumption.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I do wonder if Tina was abused by Cooper in some way beyond the bomb threat etc. It is a pretty dramatic life change from stewardess to cloistered nun. Cooper may not have done anything more than is public. Just the thought of being blown up may have been trumatic enough. If I were a crew member who saw Cooper I'd worry that I'd be killed to prevent identification.

The trauma, whatever it was, could also have affected her recollection. Time is also working against the accuracy of a memory of such a long past event. Many think Tina could ID DBC, or rule out a particular suspect, but that may not be a correct assumption.


I agree Three-Seven-Seven. I, too, am concerned about Tina Mucklow. Her retreat from the world into a cloisted monestery, and subsequent near-total disappearance, is another clue to the DBC story.

Was she abused? I suspect it strongly, One-third of all American women are raped or sexually abused at some point in their life. So, when I hear of beautiful young women clutching bibles at work, and then heading for the sanctuary, I immediately wonder if sexual abuse from childhood is at play.

That scenario is certainly the one put forward by Cathy O'Brien, who claims she was intentionally abused as a kid to prepare her for MK ULTRA and CIA work.

I doubt, though, that Danny C. abused Tina in any way aboard 305. He was a courteous gentleman, although, albeit, ready to blow everyone to smithereens.

Rather, I think the abuse occurred prior to the skyjacking, and played a role in subsequent events.

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I hope that's not true. In your lifetime we may learn who Cooper really was. If that happens and it rules out Duane, surely you will let it go won't you?

Give yourself more than one exit.


If we learn who Cooper was in my life time, yes I will let go, but I don't think that is going to happen...NOT in MY life time.

Maybe if I make public every thing - Maybe then it will happen, I would prefer it to be between Tina and I.

I believe there is something in those FBI files the FBI considers insignificant - or the the passengers forgot to miss in their shift to the forward cabin. Some would have thought it just something that the FBI took to see if it had prints - but Cooper took it with him. No way could he leave anything he might have touched and could not wipe down.

If he was wearing gloves - something he could not have handled with gloves.

I believe Tina was tramatized. but not harmed. There was NO sexual abuse - he may have given her a hug because of the connection during the episode. She might be the last person to ever see him alive. The things I have been told about Duane - would indicate a maybe, but the circumstances say "No Way".

As one of his co-workers stated - When Duane worked he was very focused - the never fudged a presentation, but when he was playing - well, lets just say he had no boundaries back then.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I do wonder if Tina was abused by Cooper in some way beyond the bomb threat etc. It is a pretty dramatic life change from stewardess to cloistered nun. Cooper may not have done anything more than is public. Just the thought of being blown up may have been trumatic enough. If I were a crew member who saw Cooper I'd worry that I'd be killed to prevent identification.

The trauma, whatever it was, could also have affected her recollection. Time is also working against the accuracy of a memory of such a long past event. Many think Tina could ID DBC, or rule out a particular suspect, but that may not be a correct assumption.


I agree Three-Seven-Seven. I, too, am concerned about Tina Mucklow. Her retreat from the world into a cloisted monestery, and subsequent near-total disappearance, is another clue to the DBC story.

Was she abused? I suspect it strongly, One-third of all American women are raped or sexually abused at some point in their life. So, when I hear of beautiful young women clutching bibles at work, and then heading for the sanctuary, I immediately wonder if sexual abuse from childhood is at play.

That scenario is certainly the one put forward by Cathy O'Brien, who claims she was intentionally abused as a kid to prepare her for MK ULTRA and CIA work.

I doubt, though, that Danny C. abused Tina in any way aboard 305. He was a courteous gentleman, although, albeit, ready to blow everyone to smithereens.

Rather, I think the abuse occurred prior to the skyjacking, and played a role in subsequent events.


When I tried to Google Cathy O'Brien and MK Ultra I was lead to the following website that makes us DBC lunatics look quite sane by comparison:,+who+claims+she+was+intentionally+abused+as+a+kid+to+prepare+her+for+MK+ULTRA+and+CIA+work.&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Every time I read about some govt conspiracy plot theory that involves something like sexually abusing kids to prepare them for CIA experiments that will take place when they reach adulthood, my credibility gets strained to the snapping point. Do you believe claims such as the ones made by O'Brien?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I believe Tina was tramatized. but not harmed. There was NO sexual abuse - he may have given her a hug because of the connection during the episode. She might be the last person to ever see him alive. The things I have been told about Duane - would indicate a maybe, but the circumstances say "No Way".

As one of his co-workers stated - When Duane worked he was very focused - the never fudged a presentation, but when he was playing - well, lets just say he had no boundaries back then.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I do wonder if Tina was abused by Cooper in some way beyond the bomb threat etc.

Ckret covered this when it came up here.
Ckret said "NO".

I think the best way to protect and show concern
for ALL involved in the 305 event is to leave them

If someone had something worthwhile that required
contacting any of these people then there are
established protocols for handling that - namely
the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Washington,

Its really that simple -

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Was she abused? I suspect it strongly,

Larry Carr said "No". Others who are involved in
this case say "No - absolutely not".

I think you are being badly mislead by something
or someone, but there is a lesson in this.

This was all previously discussed should you
care about that.

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If someone had something worthwhile that required
contacting any of these people then there are
established protocols for handling that - namely
the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Washington,

Its really that simple -

:oNO it is NOT. Agent Carr made it clear they would not be talking to the witnesses - it didn't make any difference what I produced. Therefore I have no option, but to find Tina or plaster the "stuff" all over the front of a newpaper or one of those 'Rag" magazines.

I have refrained from that kind of behavior although one of them yrs ago picked up the article from the Newpapers - I was not interviewed and refused interviews with them. They made a few unimportant changes of the story so I just let if be like leaves of three. That is not somethng I would subject Tina to so, making the statement I opened with is just my deperation showing.

Desperate people take steps they would not under normal circumstances...such as Cooper when he thought - he had no other options. Right now I am not out of options, but the FBI is NOT one of them.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If someone had something worthwhile that required
contacting any of these people then there are
established protocols for handling that - namely
the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Washington,

Its really that simple -

:oNO it is NOT. Agent Carr made it clear they would not be talking to the witnesses - it didn't make any difference what I produced. Therefore I have no option, but to find Tina or plaster the "stuff" all over the front of a newpaper or one of those 'Rag" magazines.

I have refrained from that kind of behavior although one of them yrs ago picked up the article from the Newpapers - I was not interviewed and refused interviews with them. They made a few unimportant changes of the story so I just let if be like leaves of three. That is not somethng I would subject Tina to so, making the statement I opened with is just my deperation showing.

Desperate people take steps they would not under normal circumstances...such as Cooper when he thought - he had no other options. Right now I am not out of options, but the FBI is NOT one of them.

well, there isnt anything any of us here could
do about it, in any event. So it is a little bit
tedious to keep being harranged about it.

Try bingo or checkers. Maybe that will relieve
some of your stress, and ours too?

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377 Yes renny was a good dog I only mentioned it because of his ability to uncover weird things and his ability to always know where we were.As for your question about why I think something can be found pertaining to this case will be with in 100ft of a stream the way the terain is in this area depicts that and water flow, snow melt ,gravity, are all involved most of the time the only way you can travel in this area is up or down a stream. In order for the money to make to where it was found had to be by water transport. Jerry

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Orange 1 It would not matter who you would apoint to be a impartial party between Jo and any conversation she has. Unless they sided with Jo she would always come up with an excuse as to why it was not done properly.She has done this time and time again and she will not stop. This I tell you from experience. To include discussions with others that are and have been involved with this case.And I exclude very few. If any. So in all fairness all I can say is research the past of all involved and then make your decission as what or who to Ignore. If this statement is considered to be derogatory in any way it should not. it only states! come to your own cnclusions and react as you see fit. Jerry

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