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DB Cooper

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I myself know why Tina stays out of this - the twisting and turning of the facts and statements. There is no peace - everyone wants to make their own statement and give their opinion of the person or persons making any claims. It would destroy her life - been there done that!

Bullsh*t, Jo. Are you really comparing yourself to Tina? Your "facts" and "statements" insofar as they can be said to be such, have no provable link to the DB Cooper case whatsoever. Tina was there, she was a witness. Her statements and others are available. You show me where the media has taken any direct witness statements and "twisted" and "turned" them etc.

you see this is the basic difference between a real fact with a demonstrable connection to the case, and a flight of fancy. She wouldn't have to make any "claims" at all; all she would have to do is simply state what she remembers (and admit what she doesn't). Most people would accept that. The only people I could think of that wouldn't, in fact, are people like you with agendas to prove that a particular person was Cooper.

Tina by her actions appears to have made it clear she wants to be left in peace. I do hope that will be respected by others who claim to have respect & understanding for witnesses.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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"I myself know why Tina stays out of this - the twisting and turning of the facts and statements. There is no peace - everyone wants to make their own statement and give their opinion of the person or persons making any claims. It would destroy her life - been there done that!"

:)This is talking about if she were to come forward today

:(Why Tina stays out of this - I am talking about today not 1971.

This is exactly what I am talking about - see what you guys did with an innocent statement. Took it completely out of context. This is exactly why she should not come forward and WHY she doesn't.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I myself know why Tina stays out of this - the twisting and turning of the facts and statements. There is no peace - everyone wants to make their own statement and give their opinion of the person or persons making any claims. It would destroy her life - been there done that!

Bullsh*t, Jo. Are you really comparing yourself to Tina? Your "facts" and "statements" insofar as they can be said to be such, have no provable link to the DB Cooper case whatsoever. Tina was there, she was a witness. Her statements and others are available. You show me where the media has taken any direct witness statements and "twisted" and "turned" them etc.

you see this is the basic difference between a real fact with a demonstrable connection to the case, and a flight of fancy. She wouldn't have to make any "claims" at all; all she would have to do is simply state what she remembers (and admit what she doesn't). Most people would accept that. The only people I could think of that wouldn't, in fact, are people like you with agendas to prove that a particular person was Cooper.

Tina by her actions appears to have made it clear she wants to be left in peace. I do hope that will be respected by others who claim to have respect & understanding for witnesses.

Brilliant. Simply brilliant. And compassionate too!

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"I myself know why Tina stays out of this - the twisting and turning of the facts and statements. There is no peace - everyone wants to make their own statement and give their opinion of the person or persons making any claims. It would destroy her life - been there done that!"

:)This is talking about if she were to come forward today

:(Why Tina stays out of this - I am talking about today not 1971.

This is exactly what I am talking about - see what you guys did with an innocent statement. Took it completely out of context. This is exactly why she should not come forward and WHY she doesn't.

How do you know what is in Tina's or anyone's
mind today, or then!? You have no involvement.

The problem is your trying to climb into or speak
for the mind of Tina (or anyone!) when it is they
involved, and not you. It can only be a guess on
your part.

Most of us have enough problems just speaking
for ourselves, let alone others. And especially as it
relates to matters of evidence in this case.

Keep in mind nobody here that I know has read
any of the transcripts or heard any of the recordings
of testimony anyone gave in this case, and I doubt
any of us ever will -

This may also be a pretty good example of the
kind of thing Jerry and others had to contend with
when you arrived in 2001, in my estimation.

But your task is in proving Duane was Cooper.
Tina and others lived it!

You did not live the event. At best you lived some
piece of the aftermath, if that much is even true
and it is only you who say it is true. That is a light-
year away from what the actual participants went
through. And to my mind, you show none of the symptoms of having been the spouse of someone
who did the actual hijacking. (Did Duane live his life
as if he expected the FBI to show up at his door any
moment? You dont show the symptoms of having
lived longterm with someone like that, and there
are other symptoms and contradictions I wont even mention). So what is it you are in this for, compared
to the survivors of flight #305 and what they did with
their lives before and after the event?

You will never be in the shoes of those who were
aboard flight #305.

Most people take that as a natural fact and just go
on living.

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This may also be a pretty good example of the
kind of thing Jerry and others had to contend with
when you arrived in 2001, in my estimation.

Let me use your expression B'shit.
I have told you that I never met Jerry, I was in WA in 2001 with the crew. I met Himmelsbach and one of the Fazio brothers - that is it .

I cannot possilbly know what Tina and the others went thru and do NOT compare my journey to theirs.

I will say this again as nice as I can.

The way you and some others take my words and twist them so as to not resemble in anyway what I was trying to say - is why I do not think anyone would want to come forward regarding a suspect or with new evidence.

This is an example of how they can expect to be treated.

[:/]This whole conversation came about from (My voicing an opinion) about statements made by Bruce regarding Tina that others and I did not feel were appropriate and then suddenly it is about me again.
Go figure!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This may also be a pretty good example of the
kind of thing Jerry and others had to contend with
when you arrived in 2001, in my estimation.

Let me use your expression B'shit.
I have told you that I never met Jerry, I was in WA in 2001 with the crew. I met Himmelsbach and one of the Fazio brothers - that is it .

I cannot possilbly know what Tina and the others went thru and do NOT compare my journey to theirs.

I will say this again as nice as I can.

The way you and some others take my words and twist them so as to not resemble in anyway what I was trying to say - is why I do not think anyone would want to come forward regarding a suspect or with new evidence.

This is an example of how they can expect to be treated.

[:/]This whole conversation came about from (My voicing an opinion) about statements made by Bruce regarding Tina that others and I did not feel were appropriate and then suddenly it is about me again.
Go figure!

You are just misunderstood, but always get the
first and last word.

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I have made a choice not to even read the posts - when I need to say some thing I will go to the last post and reply with TO ALL.

:DNo one will ever find Cooper's bones, or his black nylon rain coat, or any of the buttons or his shoes.

:)minus some hardware and cloth cut-a-way.

B|They will never find his MONEY CLIP or his wallet, or shoes - because he walked away with them on.

When Cooper paid for his ticket he pulled the money out of a clip?

If he paid for a drink - he paid for it from the wallet in his chest pocket because he would have to stand up to get to the money clip.

:) but the inside chest pocket of his jacket.. Cooper chose to keep some bills handy in a clip which he kept in his front pants pocket.

Since some of you are exceptionally friendly with the FBI - I suggest you ask them why these facts have never been made public.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Something bugs me . . .

If DB Cooper was an ultra slick CIA operative or even just a mediocre, didn't really work with Special Ops guy, but was a kicker on cargo plane . . . wouldn't he know enough to NOT carry a wallet or any ID at all while doing this? If he's carrying money in a money clip, but no ID then a wallet is superfluous.

Are you sure he had a wallet at all?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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If DB Cooper was an ultra slick CIA operative or even just a mediocre, didn't really work with Special Ops guy, but was a kicker on cargo plane . . . wouldn't he know enough to NOT carry a wallet or any ID at all while doing this? If he's carrying money in a money clip, but no ID then a wallet is superfluous.

Are you sure he had a wallet at all?

I am saying Cooper was a low end errand boy if he was involved in any type of covert or CIA operations. He did what he was told to do - no questions asked.
Be it the cause or the money - only he would be able to answer that.

During those yrs I documented Weber's many unusual leaves of absence from his wife...leaving her with plenty of money and returning with much more. The strangest of all of these "leaves" was one when he was supposedly in prison and he takes her to Washington DC with him. Originally I thought this was alcohol consumption on the part of the teller, but I have now heard the same story from a very reliable source.

As for the Skyjacking it is my own personal opinion Cooper was acting on his own, but what do I know?

The wallet? No one knows that but Cooper and the FBI....neither are talking - obviously since Cooper is dead:D:D:D But the stewardess would know how he paid for the drinks unless they were on the house due to the circumstances.:o
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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But the stewardess would know how he paid for the drinks unless they were on the house due to the circumstances.

I guess it depends on what point in the trip he would have asked for them. Once he made his intentions known, I think it's pretty safe to say he got whatever he wanted without paying for it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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But the stewardess would know how he paid for the drinks unless they were on the house due to the circumstances.

I guess it depends on what point in the trip he would have asked for them. Once he made his intentions known, I think it's pretty safe to say he got whatever he wanted without paying for it.

Jo is clearly convinced she knows who Cooper was and therefore feels she is able to state unequivocally all sorts of things. As per her post above.

(yet she can't understand why people challenge her "facts".)

As this thread continues to head towards a situation where it will be nothing but Jo posting her rantings and the odd other conspiracy theorist popping in, it is no wonder that posters with any insight and value to add to the real Cooper debate have been gradually dropping out. When it dies a quiet death, which it looks like it will soon, Quade at least will have one less hassle in his life!!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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During those yrs I documented Weber's many unusual leaves of absence from his wife...leaving her with plenty of money and returning with much more.

What's unusual about that? Everyone knows he was a criminal. What is unusual about a thief coming back with stolen money?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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But the stewardess would know how he paid for the drinks unless they were on the house due to the circumstances.

I guess it depends on what point in the trip he would have asked for them. Once he made his intentions known, I think it's pretty safe to say he got whatever he wanted without paying for it.

Jo is clearly convinced she knows who Cooper was and therefore feels she is able to state unequivocally all sorts of things. As per her post above.

(yet she can't understand why people challenge her "facts".)

As this thread continues to head towards a situation where it will be nothing but Jo posting her rantings and the odd other conspiracy theorist popping in, it is no wonder that posters with any insight and value to add to the real Cooper debate have been gradually dropping out. When it dies a quiet death, which it looks like it will soon, Quade at least will have one less hassle in his life!!

Orange, do not give up on the board. We just need some fresh information to dig into! Hopefully there will be some forthcoming soon.

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But the stewardess would know how he paid for the drinks unless they were on the house due to the circumstances.

I guess it depends on what point in the trip he would have asked for them. Once he made his intentions known, I think it's pretty safe to say he got whatever he wanted without paying for it.

Jo is clearly convinced she knows who Cooper was and therefore feels she is able to state unequivocally all sorts of things. As per her post above.

(yet she can't understand why people challenge her "facts".)

As this thread continues to head towards a situation where it will be nothing but Jo posting her rantings and the odd other conspiracy theorist popping in, it is no wonder that posters with any insight and value to add to the real Cooper debate have been gradually dropping out. When it dies a quiet death, which it looks like it will soon, Quade at least will have one less hassle in his life!!

Jo, if you have ANY cards left to play now may be the time. I see no logical reason why you would hold anything back at this point. I mean, either you have some solid inpormation to verify your claims or you do not. You do not want to waste another 13 years bantering about your claims on a forum.

Now is the time to start up a blog, or write a book, or whatever. Just take those reams of information you have and start writing.

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During those yrs I documented Weber's many unusual leaves of absence from his wife...leaving her with plenty of money and returning with much more.

What's unusual about that? Everyone knows he was a criminal. What is unusual about a thief coming back with stolen money?

I seriously doubt Duane was competent at anything
or had any important connections. A dreamer. Ckret said as much. Jo is an ad-man competing with real
fact that the FBI has.

That Jo was able to dominate this forum at all says
more about this forum and the people in it, than
anything else. That, and the voluminous lack of
specific facts even available to the public to discuss,
much less in the hands of anyone who has even been

That is a strong statement on my part but absolutely true and self evident, from the thousands of posts
since this forum started.

It is not an excuse, just a fact. It is not Jo's fault
since she doesnt have any facts that matter either.
We all may know this including Jo, but nobody is
willing to say so ...

If it has been deception as Snow contended then
it is only self-deception, with some being bigger
deceivers here than others. But you Orange1 have
been a constant light throughout. :)
[edit]: There is evidence we could havre discussed
but did not - people including the Great Snowmman
and Sluggo Supreme and Jo the Illusionist missed it.
I dont know why they missed it. They just did. I guess
this forum is Forensic Kinderschool or people had other agendae? Oh well... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Jo must continue. She is the backbone of this
Kinderfarm, with its reams of tinfoil to unwind, and
its many animals to visit and ride on. Yahoo and
YeeHaw. Its off to Niny-Nany-Noo-Noo land we go.
I can hardly wait for the encore.

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[edit]: There is evidence we could havre discussed
but did not - people including the Great Snowmman
and Sluggo Supreme and Jo the Illusionist missed it.
I dont know why they missed it. They just did. I guess
this forum is Forensic Kinderschool or people had other agendae? Oh well... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Jo must continue. She is the backbone of this

Georger, throw a bone out there. I am willing to discuss any new topics. I have a lot of thoughts on the case, but I am always fearful of rehashing things your group has already discussed.

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[edit]: There is evidence we could havre discussed
but did not - people including the Great Snowmman
and Sluggo Supreme and Jo the Illusionist missed it.
I dont know why they missed it. They just did. I guess
this forum is Forensic Kinderschool or people had other agendae? Oh well... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Jo must continue. She is the backbone of this

Georger, throw a bone out there. I am willing to discuss any new topics. I have a lot of thoughts on the case, but I am always fearful of rehashing things your group has already discussed.

It must come from an unimpeachable source
Jo has no access to, doesnt know exists, and
cannot subvert.

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The intelligence community has an old saying:
“Those that are talking, don’t know… and those who know, aren’t talking.”

That's actually from the Tao Te Ching, book number 56.

More or less 600 BC.

extracted from the Wilhelm edition, forward by
Karl Jung. http://www.iging.com/
Originally assembled as a book of wisdom from
verbal traditions and symbols on tortoise shells
going back several thousand years. Some of the
symbols may have been numbers. Only later
made into a system for divination linked to
numbering because people thought there was
something special in numbers themselves.

A number of cultures spawned similar systems
including the Norweagians.

One of the people in the Terebess you cite is I
believe an astrophysicist who helps edit a
publication on variable stars for the IAU, at their
Budapest office.

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[edit]: There is evidence we could havre discussed
but did not - people including the Great Snowmman
and Sluggo Supreme and Jo the Illusionist missed it.
I dont know why they missed it. They just did. I guess
this forum is Forensic Kinderschool or people had other agendae? Oh well... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Jo must continue. She is the backbone of this

Georger, throw a bone out there. I am willing to discuss any new topics. I have a lot of thoughts on the case, but I am always fearful of rehashing things your group has already discussed.

Sorry - I have had other things going on so could
not concentrate to address this specifically - - -

State whatever ideas, questions, etc you have.
People here will address them. That is all there
is to this - no need to worry about anything,
so far as I am concerned - - -


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