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Georger what about all the other individuals who have claimed someone was Cooper - Coffelt wsn't Cooper but he sure knew who was - want to bet on
Your post on Oswald did it for me. Im gone for you.
You have no respect for anyone in this forum - this is
just a self gratifying game with you to fill your
boredom. Any further PMs from you will be flushed on sight.
Why the heck did the post on Oswald upset anyone? Why would that piece of information upset anyone?
At first you said the picture of George Wallace and then you deleted it REAL fast. I am sorry if my research is upsetting you, but I am not here to play a game - I am, doing the same thing that the "team" did - I am searching for the truth. I do not understand how you can sit in judgement of what I am doing, because I have a different agenda than yours.
There are NOW 4 photos in that post. I lost my dial-up connection while doing the post.
georger 247
Because only a complete lunatic would post such crap.
Oswald! Wallace! (I didnt say anything about Wallace,
you did). It is clear as day what you think of us here. We are just playthings to take or throw out at will...
and I seriously doubt you think any of us including
377 and Sluggo and Snowmman even has good
sense (is rational).
We are just pawns for your superior intellect.
So have fun Jo. You are on your own as far as Im
377 22
Orange1 0
QuoteOh by the way JO has been busy and so has everyone else -! Note the attached Photo. There is MORE to come. This is following the Dogs Tail? The hunter has been running the dogs.
So far not a single photo you have ever posted has been demonstrated to have anything remotely to do with the DB Cooper case, even those where you can actually make out faces in them.
I'll open attachments if they seem to have some bearing, any bearing on the case. Your photos clearly don't qualify.
btw I agree with Georger, the Oswald post was ludicrous.
Orange1 0
QuoteOswald was linked to another attempted assassination prior to killing Kennedy. It was never proven - just his wife having photos of the drive and residence of this person.
...while people are looking for similarities, spot any here...??!!
377 22
I have an Oswald bio that rationally explores all sorts of conspiracy theories. The hit Jo refers to is not even mentioned.
QuoteGood one Orange. I missed that one and it was low hanging fruit.
I have an Oswald bio that rationally explores all sorts of conspiracy theories. The hit Jo refers to is not even mentioned.
You didn't go far enough - try this
"Oswald began to put Walker under surveillance, taking pictures of Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9-10. He planned the assassination for April 10, ten days after he was fired from the photogaraphy firm where he worked.. He told his wife later that he chose a Wednesday evening because the neighborhood would be relatively crowded because of services in church adjacent to Walkers' home, he would not stand out and could mingle with the the crowds if necessary to make his escape. he left a note in Russian for his wife."
"Marina with instructions should he be caught. " The article is very long and I do not know if it is reliable.
This goes on to say Oswald's involvement in the attempt on Walker's life was suspected within hours of his arrest on November 22, 1963 following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. But the police had no evidence of Oswald's involvement in the Walker attempt until early December 1963, when the note and some of the photos were found by authorities. The bullewt was too badly damanged to run conculsive ballisticist test, but neurtron activation tests later determined that it was 'extremely likely' the bullet was a Mannlicher-Carcanon bullet manufactured by the Western Cartridge Company, the same ammunition used in the Kennedy assassination."
My fingers are tired of typing - as I said I do not know who wrote this but it is out there. Since Duane had NO relation to Oswald I am sure you will consider this total BS, but there is a reason for laying this ground work. Duane all so did not have a relationship with Walker.
All of this is connected by a very tiny tidbit of information we are following, but have NO idea where it is taking us. We are trying to unravel the past of Weber which the FBI has refused or is unwilling to do and has gone to great extents to evade.
I know you think I talk in riddles but it is NOT on purpose. I have to throw out what I have and see if anyone else can roll with it or if it triggers a memory for anyone who was associated with Walker's past and /or may have known any associate and/or friend he may have had during those yrs.
So far not a single photo you have ever posted has been demonstrated to have anything remotely to do with the DB Cooper case, even those where you can actually make out faces in them.
The photo with the group in it - one of those individuals should cause the OLD timers to take notice. It is NOT Duane. I saw that face before in one of the sites. The place was CA and the younger man with the glasses was on the ground trying to secure the chute of a jumper who had landed.
I have not been able to remember the site it was posted on and I ignored it because due to the age it could not be Duane. It is not Duane but I think it is the man in this photo (the younger one with glasses).
I remember things I see, but not always where to find them. Quade must have some kind of search program with the photos that have been posted in sites I have looked at (I don't usually post) - I just go looking and I have not been able to find where I saw the picture of the man. This photo was probably dated 50's or 60's.
quade 4
QuoteThe thread did hold some intrest for me to begin with but I think it's run its course and I'd be happy to see it killed off. I'm not usually in favour of censoring forums but this doesn't need censored - It needs put out of it's misery.
I'd say you're not alone in that opinion, but we still think it's better to contain it than close this and have a bunch of others pop up.
There is ONE issue that the thread now has in that it's technically due to be closed simply for going over the limits.
Bandwidth and Performance Saving
Threads that have more than 1,000 posts or 10,000 views may be locked to maintain optimal system performance and preserve bandwidth. When this is done it will be indicated as such and you're welcome to start a similar discussion again. Posts made with the explicit goal of soliciting multiple short responses (“Post Whoring”) may be locked or removed to preserve bandwidth.
Nobody has asked that it be closed for that reason yet, but it's a future possibility. Another one would be provided should this occur.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
georger 247
Is there a IGNORE button or filter we can set
to eliminate from seeing one person's posts?
Jo Weber's specifically.
377 22
Quoteit's better to contain it than close this and have a bunch of others pop up.
A local high school has successfully contained tagging by designating a graffiti wall where it is permitted and encouraged. It has been amazingly effective.
Never thought of myself as a tagger but here I am, writing on Quade's designated wall and leaving the rest of the website relatively free of DBC gang graffiti.
377 22
QuoteYou didn't go far enough - try this
"Oswald began to put Walker under surveillance, taking pictures of Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9-10.
Right you are Jo. My mistake.
Orange1 0
QuoteQuoteYou didn't go far enough - try this
"Oswald began to put Walker under surveillance, taking pictures of Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9-10.
Right you are Jo. My mistake.
I have to laugh at how this bit has mutated. From a throwaway comment claimed to mean nothing, to "not proven" ., to "evidence" (although it seems to be typical Jo evidence i.e. not actually shown to be proving anything at all) to a whole long explanation and then another "i need to find" some connection... sigh. I've even lost the track as to whether Jo is trying to link this to Duane, or to Cooper. But either train of thought is irrelevant - however it certainly does act as yet another signpost that Jo has lost the plot completely. One upside of this is that she will be able to publish the definitive encyclopedia of american conspiracy theories at the end of this.
Now, does anyone have any other insight into the DB Cooper case?
377 22
Some guesses:
Smoke jumper, loadmaster or aircrew
SE Asia experience in 60s
No prior serious crimes
Lived outside of the US prior to NORJACK
No connection to Duane Weber
Really jumped, no MK Ultra NO-JACK
Never interviewed by FBI
Orange1 0
QuoteOh... Cooper... I had almost forgotten about that guy.
Some guesses:
Smoke jumper, loadmaster or aircrew
SE Asia experience in 60s
No prior serious crimes
Lived outside of the US prior to NORJACK
No connection to Duane Weber
Really jumped, no MK Ultra NO-JACK
Never interviewed by FBI
i'd go along with that, not sure about the "never interviewed by the FBI" bit. did we ever get any feedback as to whether the FBI interviewed anyone outside the US? i still like the thesis that he and the dollars went back to SE Asia after the crime.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteQuoteYou didn't go far enough - try this
"Oswald began to put Walker under surveillance, taking pictures of Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9-10.
Right you are Jo. My mistake.
I have to laugh at how this bit has mutated. From a throwaway comment claimed to mean nothing, to "not proven" ., to "evidence" (although it seems to be typical Jo evidence i.e. not actually shown to be proving anything at all) to a whole long explanation and then another "i need to find" some connection... sigh. I've even lost the track as to whether Jo is trying to link this to Duane, or to Cooper. But either train of thought is irrelevant - however it certainly does act as yet another signpost that Jo has lost the plot completely. One upside of this is that she will be able to publish the definitive encyclopedia of american conspiracy theories at the end of this.
Now, does anyone have any other insight into the DB Cooper case?
I went back re-read pages 0-35 going back into 2007. Most revealing to compare then vs now.
Ckret had just joined and Jo was already making his life impossible. 377 & Sluggo hadnt arrived yet, but you were there. Cabbage made a post then retired until Oct 2008.
What surprised me a little were the number of experienced divers who felt the money bag came lose, while DBC himself may have survived. Almost
nobody agree with Ckret that the jump was a death
sentence automatically. In addition almost everyone disagreed with Ckret and Jo about the type of training that would have been most advantageous
to Cooper doing his jump (Jo argued almost bitterly
about that and would not accept the experts advice).
This early period was very productive. In the space of half a dozen posts or so, Jo basically stated
very susincintly every point or link she has in her Duane case, including her debate with the FBI over dna, but it raises the possibility Jo does not even know or understand what dna mtdna testing is! But
she's an expert nevertheless.
You might enjoy going back and filing through
those early posts - I did.
georger 247
well you need to revisit the old postsQuoteOh... Cooper... I had almost forgotten about that guy.
Some guesses:
Smoke jumper, loadmaster or aircrew
SE Asia experience in 60s
No prior serious crimes
Lived outside of the US prior to NORJACK
No connection to Duane Weber
Really jumped, no MK Ultra NO-JACK
Never interviewed by FBI
by the experts here - and bring yourself back up to speed.
I am doing this blind so I hope you can read it.use the where and when and find that guu wotj tje g;asses
he is not Djane. H is helping the piilot on the ground. "Thiink nikk posted it.l.. Hell me out bearly avle to see screen like being drunck and the words are running al over thea[;ace = O gove i[ cam sxee screem ,aube tjos tje waau ot wo emdDS:L "I [
je; gthe young one with the glassess. who was helping someone else. Provimis it was there Goodnight to
jimmmmmmmmmms meeds down
377 22
I don't recall the photo you refer to that has someone gathering a chute. I do recall one of some smoke jumpers standing at camp, no chutes, with a guy who looks like one in your recent photo.
Where did your recent photo come from and what does it have to do with Cooper? Why don't you state all the facts you have? You tease constantly and it is counterproductive.
Hope the meds help. No doubt they are doing something to your brain, hopefully something pleasant and beneficial.
Amazon 7
I still think a bunch of people need to actually go jump just to get rid of a LOT of idiiotic posts about jumping this or jumping that.
Facts win out over conjecture.. and more people need some very basic facts to jump up and skap them up side their heads.
377 22
I am up for basic facts. What do you have to offer?
In the absence of facts, conjecture is all we have to work with.
Welcome to the forum Amazon.
Orange1 0
QuoteI went back re-read pages 0-35 going back into 2007. Most revealing to compare then vs now.
Ckret had just joined and Jo was already making his life impossible. 377 & Sluggo hadnt arrived yet, but you were there. Cabbage made a post then retired until Oct 2008.
What surprised me a little were the number of experienced divers who felt the money bag came lose, while DBC himself may have survived. Almost
nobody agree with Ckret that the jump was a death
sentence automatically. In addition almost everyone disagreed with Ckret and Jo about the type of training that would have been most advantageous
to Cooper doing his jump (Jo argued almost bitterly
about that and would not accept the experts advice).
Georger, I haven't gone look yet but please remind me - had the discussion about the potential hard pull entered yet?
I personally think a priori it is impossible to say what chances of survival were unless we know whether or not he had experience and whether or not it was a hard pull. Even before we get to a discussion about where he may have landed. So an interesting discussion, but fruitless, and miles away from either ckret's "he died" or jo's "we know he survived because he married me later". Just like without knowing exactly how Cooper attached the money bag, we have no idea if it came loose or not; but certainly chances are that an experienced jumper would have known more what to expect and prepare for.
Orange1 0
QuoteOur DZ is doing 18K for $28 and they get you up there in under 10 minutes!
Our DZ does 11K for about that price and gets you up there in 30 mins
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

Maybe Cooper just wanted to get to 10K quickly in the Cessna-dominated era

It was the Red Lion in Vancouver - I don't know if it is still there or what it is called now. It as at the foot of the bridge and I call it the Sentimental Journey.
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