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I have been communicating with Galen Cook and he remains confident about Gosset. Gosset did have Ft Lewis connections, provable military parachute training, money trouble, local knowledge etc. None of that proves he was Cooper but it makes him a person of interest.
I can't see why Gosset, a local, would do NORJACK without a disguise. Gosset's Cooper confessions also seem odd in that if they were true they heightened his risk and he got nothing tangible in return. Was it an ego thing? Telling a former judge that you are a wanted felon is risky as hell.
Gosset is a real person and interesting. He is somebody Bruce could learn from. Gosset definately had the skills, the mindset (maybe) - he's almost over qualified.
Enough with the personal slurs, Georger. I am not happy with your attitude.
georger 247
I have been communicating with Galen Cook and he remains confident about Gosset. Gosset did have Ft Lewis connections, provable military parachute training, money trouble, local knowledge etc. None of that proves he was Cooper but it makes him a person of interest.
I can't see why Gosset, a local, would do NORJACK without a disguise. Gosset's Cooper confessions also seem odd in that if they were true they heightened his risk and he got nothing tangible in return. Was it an ego thing? Telling a former judge that you are a wanted felon is risky as hell.
Gosset is a real person and interesting. He is somebody Bruce could learn from. Gosset definately had the skills, the mindset (maybe) - he's almost over qualified.
Enough with the personal slurs, Georger. I am not happy with your attitude.
OK. Im so sorry. You sound ominous!.
Sheesh better had get out of here.
As time passes and Jo has to stretch harder and harder to link Duane to NORJACK (note she is now pursuing fire fighting links more than parachuting links), it should occur to her that it is a dead end, yet she continues with no signs of doubt.

Himmelsbach and the FBI should be able to attest to that. My early communications do exactly that - in the form of a letters and phone calls to Himmelsbach - I didn't really talk to the actual FBI very much - because the new agents didn't know much about Cooper.
Perhaps the biggest mistake I made was NOT going public in 1996 rather than going to the FBI. There might have been a lot more answers received while the others were still alive. BUT, no - stupid naive JO trusted the FBI to do what they are supposed to do - INVESTIGATE. Yet, in March of 2000 - the FBI hadn't done a DARN thing. They didn't even know Duane's background - I had more information than they did and/or the agent of record in 2000 deliberately lied.

Trying to get anyone to address the truth or getting any help with the things I need to bring this to an end - is like beating a dead horse. Well, I am physically and mental worn out. I just hope and pray that the truth will be known someday. I have been trying to find out what happened to the old family journals - probably in a dump somewhere.
If I had gone public in 1996 instead of going to the FBI. The guys who knew Duane as John Collins where still alive - Tony and Tommy. His ex-wiife was still alive. His step-daughter was still alive (I have her on tape saying she KNEW Duane was Cooper). His brother and sister were still alive and alert.
I trusted the system and where did it get me - 13 yrs of humiliation and being called a liar over and over and over? I swear to all of you and before GOD if he even exists that I have NOT lied. Yes, a lot got lost in all of the theories and criminal records that I learned about - I just did what the FBI didn't do.
When I go back to what I informed the FBI of in that 1st yr or so - where more than likely the connection lies - I am again spoofed and made fun of.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

If any of you really want the truth then - find early information about the firefighters and pilots in CA in the late 30's. Force the FBI to open the file on Duane from 1942 to 1950. Show all the court records and the names of the individuals who assisted the family at that time and were instrumental in the family's move from Ohio to CA.
I started this post bawling and now I am just plain angry, but when I get off the computer, I am sure I will cry some more as many of you have made this all seem so futile.
Is there anyone of you and those that read this thread that actually think I gave UP my life and what I could have done with my life to chase LIES? Or to probagate lies? Or to be humiliated and made fun of?
NO - I am not dislusional and do any of you think I like to keep on and on being a whipping horse. If I was lieing I would have stepped down from all of this yrs ago. Probably the worst part of this was being called a liar for things I could prove did happen. Nothing any of you have said in this forum could hold a candle to the abuse I took from Jerry Thomas. that 40 minute conversation and a prior conversation yrs ago. None of you have any idea what is going on in my mind or my heart.
377 is at least with compassion some of the time, but Orange has been ruthless. Even Georger has shown some compassion at times. If I could prove Duane was Cooper - DO ANY OF YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE STAYED AND have taken what I have if I didn't have some faith that one of you or someone reading the thread might provide that one piece of information that would bring this to a end?
As most of you know I rarely have a drink, but tonight I have had 1/2 a bottle of wine so taking my meds is out of the question. I bought this bottle to celebrate a Good day - not to have to continue to defend myself.
I hope NONE of you ever have to be in my positiion - to have to defend your very being everyday of your life. Duane spent 17 yrs in prison and I have spent 13 yrs in a different kind of prison...the jury has been hung for 13 yrs ... and the crime is ONLY almost 38 yrs old.
Is had been almost 29 yrs since he and I made that trip to Wa. and I am able to remember it like it was last yr - not many of you young whipper snappers can remember what you did a yr ago much less 28 yrs ago.
So here's to Duane Weber - duh - I meant to say Dan Cooperr. Hell, they are one and the same - even after 1/2 a bottle.
377 22
I trusted the system and where did it get me - 13 yrs of humiliation and being called a liar over and over and over. I swear to all of you and before GOD if he even exists that I have NOT lied. Yes, a lot got lost in all of the theories and criminal records that I learned about - I just did what the FBI didn't do.
How can you say you trusted the system????? That is designed to engender sympathy and is demonstrably incorrect. You wouldn't even trust the FBI with a watch and withheld it even though it might have held relevant DNA evidence. You call that "trusting the system"? If so the we define trust very differently. I am becoming more like Orange in how I deal with you, giving you no slack.
In many ways your complaints about the FBI could be credibly made by the FBI about you. You have been playing cat and mouse with them just as much as they have with you.
I have never called you a liar and I think Duane did confess to being Dan Cooper. I think you are biased and obsessed, but absolutely sincere. I have noticed your efforts to be more cordial and it would sure be nice if everyone reciprocated.
How can you say you trusted the system????? That is designed to engender sympathy and is demonstrably incorrect. You wouldn't even trust the FBI with a watch and withheld it even though it might have held relevant DNA evidence. You call that "trusting the system"? If so the we define trust very differently.
I don't understand how anyone is expected to give up everything in their possession that belonged to their spouse - Every widow needs something physical to hold onto and remember their spouse by. Should I have also have given them his ashes?
I doubt that many widows have given the FBI all they had. There was enough there to fill a 24 by 14 by 18 box - wasn't that enough? Everything had been handle by others and cleaned and wiped off between 1995 to 2003 - they waited 8 damn yrs to ask for DNA and prints. Or did you remember that? I told them I was a neat freak - and that all of that stuff had been cleaned and the gloves tried on at a garage sale. I also told them I didn't think the hair I sent was Duane's, but belonged to a man who tried the suit on. It may even have been my own hair.
Had they been interested in DNA in 1996 and 1997 the DNA I provided might not have been so contaminated or damaged.
They did not take DNA when they came to my home in 1997...they didn't even interview me until several months after I contacted them. I have given that date before and I am not going to dig into the files to find it...seems like it was early 1997 and I first contacted them on May 24th 1996. So now who trusted the system and why should I - it takes 8 months to send someone to see you and 8 yrs to ask for DNA???????????? Give Me a Break!
They never told me if they got the same DNA off of several items or just one item.
If only one item - it might not have been Duane's. I doubt they even recorded my statement about the hair and the items being used and worn by others. This is a part of the records I think are pertinent If they didn't get mutiple DNA HITS on several items - then was it Duane's DNA they compared? The letters were sealed in prison - I expect the officials sealed the envelopes in those day...did that DNA match DNA taken from multiple items?
In many ways your complaints about the FBI could be credibly made by the FBI about you. You have been playing cat and mouse with them just as much as they have with you.
The FBI didn't even reply when I told them anything. I didn't think those books were important nor Mickey until I saw pictures of Tina. Sluggo is the one that made that connection in the had entered my mind. We still don't know if they are connected - or if the picture was connected? The FBI ain't talking! They have ignored everything I told them - what else am I supposed to do...I didn't get the information about the family friends until 2003 - and the FBI was told.
Come on 377 - cut me some slack here - I can't MAKE the FBI look at anything I have and I sure as hell couldn't get them to listen to anything I said. Sluggo is right - I do not present myself well - never have been able to do that. I couldn't even recite a poem in front of the class only to the teacher after class one on one.
377 22
When called to task for withholding evidence you now say the evidence (a pair of watches) couldn't possibly have contained samples of Duane's DNA. Uhhhh... OK, but that's not what was initially implied IMHO.
If you wish to defend yourself against my accusation of game playing and teasing (note I have not said lieing) then simply give Sluggo an unequivocal green light to present what he thinks may be relevant. Given his demonstrated integrity you can't credibly claim that you can't trust him to be discreet or respect third party privacy concerns. Just give him the green light right here and right now. Until then my accusation stands and no slack will be deserved or given.
The ball is in your court Jo.
nigel99 524
When called to task for withholding evidence you now say the evidence (a pair of watches) couldn't possibly have contained samples of Duane's DNA. Uhhhh... OK, but that's not what was initially implied IMHO.
If you wish to defend yourself against my accusation of game playing and teasing (note I have not said lieing) then simply give Sluggo an unequivocal green light to present what he thinks may be relevant. Given his demonstrated integrity you can't credibly claim that you can't trust him to be discreet or respect third party privacy concerns. Just give him the green light right here and right now. Until then my accusation stands and no slack will be deserved or given.
The ball is in your court Jo.
377 - I think you should be awarded this medal for taking the longest to crack

I’m going to say this one more time. And, I’m saying it with all the humanistic love and compassion I can muster.
If you keep doing what you are doing, you’ll keep getting what you are getting.
Don’t blame the members of this forum for your disappointment in the fact that no one believes you. You obviously don’t understand the role of the FBI. You obviously don’t understand the role of an internet forum. You obviously don’t understand the nature (and social behavior) of human beings and you obviously don’t know how to present a logical rather than emotional argument.
You post here voluntarily, you get responses (some serious, some not) to your post. Exactly what (else) do you expect?
You said you have hired (or will hire) a lawyer. Are you listening (or will you listen) to his/her advice?
You botched the telling of your story! You destroyed your relationship to the agency that you seem to think is omnipotent and could have best answered some of your questions. You have posted the same statements on this thread (ad nauseam) until everyone just ignores you.
You are the one to be held accountable for the results. I’m not accountable, georger isn’t accountable, 377 isn’t accountable. Neither Orange1, BruceSmith, JerryThomas, snowmman or any other posters are accountable. Jo Weber XXXX is the only one who is accountable.
Stop blaming others… tell your story… tell the WHOLE story… and then accept the results. If you don’t like what you hear… stop posting! Then... you will not suffer disappointment.
Ask yourself this:
If the FBI proved, without a doubt, that Leslie Q. Slackjaw was D.B. Cooper on June 15th, 2009, what would you do on June 16th? If you don’t like the answer… then change your ways!
Web Page
georger 247
When called to task for withholding evidence you now say the evidence (a pair of watches) couldn't possibly have contained samples of Duane's DNA. Uhhhh... OK, but that's not what was initially implied IMHO.
Who told Jo watches are a preferred source for dna?
Is this Jo's idea?
I am trying to stay out of this debacle but I do not
understand where this idea that watches are a source
for DNA came from? It would not be my first choice!
If we ever cared about Myths VS Facts in this forum,
we threw that principle out the window wholesale
(long ago) in Jo's case.
That is simply a fact. Has nothing to do with
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